[tor-commits] [translation/exoneratorproperties] Update translations for exoneratorproperties

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Mon Oct 23 16:21:07 UTC 2017

commit b1bed2c55dadc8a08c827f191f71ea2fd910ae8f
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 16:21:04 2017 +0000

    Update translations for exoneratorproperties
 nn/exonerator.properties | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nn/exonerator.properties b/nn/exonerator.properties
index 0c4d66fcd..8cf7400bd 100644
--- a/nn/exonerator.properties
+++ b/nn/exonerator.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-form.explanation=Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay:
+form.explanation=Skriv inn ei IP-addresse og dato for å finne ut om adressa var brukt som eit Tor-relae-relé:
@@ -10,43 +10,43 @@ summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Tenarproblem
 summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Databasen ser ut til å veree tom. Prøv igjen seinare. Om problemet fortset, gjer vel og %s!
 summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=informer oss
 summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Ingen dataparameter gjevne
-summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Beklagar, du må òg skrive inn eit dato-paramenter.
 summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Ikkje noko IP-adresseparameter gjeve
 summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Beklagar, du må gje opp eit IP-addresseparameter.
 summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Dataparameter ute av rerkkjevidde
-summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Beklagar, databasen inneheld ingen data frå %s. Vel ein dato mellom %s og %s.
 summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Ugyldig IP-addresseparameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Beklagar, %s er ikkje ei gyldig IP-adresse. Forventa IP-adresseformat er %s eller %s.
 summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Ugyldig dataparameter
-summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Beklagar, %s er ikkje ein gyldig dato. Forventa dataformat er %s.
-summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Databasen inneheld ingen data for den førespurde datoen. Prøv på nytt seinare. Om dette problemet fortset, ver snill og %s!
 summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=informer oss
-summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Negativt resultat
 summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
-summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+summary.positive.title=Positivt resultat
 summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
-summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+summary.negative.title=Negativt resultat
 summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
-technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+technicaldetails.heading=Tekniske detaljar
 technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
-technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Tidsstempel (UTC)
-technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
-technicaldetails.colheader.exit=Exit relay
-permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+permanentlink.heading=Permanent lenke
 footer.abouttor.heading=Om Tor
 footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor is an international software project to anonymize Internet traffic by %s.  Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, this traffic usually originates from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator.  The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network and therefore cannot provide any information about its origin.  Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
 footer.abouttor.body.link1=encrypting packets and sending them through a series of hops before they reach their destination
 footer.abouttor.body.link2=les meir om Tor
-footer.abouttor.body.link3=contact The Tor Project, Inc.
+footer.abouttor.body.link3=kontakt The Tor Project, Inc.
 footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Om ExoneraTor
 footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network.  It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date.  ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
-footer.language.text=This page is also available in the following languages:
+footer.language.text=Denne sida er òg tilgjengeleg på følgjande språk:

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