[tor-commits] [ooni-probe/master] Import croniter library from: https://github.com/taichino/croniter/commit/194d6f2e1593a2fbbc9b2abf0dcda91242e90ad5

art at torproject.org art at torproject.org
Mon Sep 19 12:14:24 UTC 2016

commit 8ea58487e6683214464ed0056dc0cf0f4517abe3
Author: Arturo Filastò <arturo at filasto.net>
Date:   Tue Jul 26 16:53:55 2016 +0200

    Import croniter library from: https://github.com/taichino/croniter/commit/194d6f2e1593a2fbbc9b2abf0dcda91242e90ad5
 ooni/contrib/__init__.py |   0
 ooni/contrib/croniter.py | 419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 419 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ooni/contrib/__init__.py b/ooni/contrib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/ooni/contrib/croniter.py b/ooni/contrib/croniter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327326f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ooni/contrib/croniter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import re
+from time import time
+import datetime
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+from dateutil.tz import tzutc
+search_re = re.compile(r'^([^-]+)-([^-/]+)(/(.*))?$')
+only_int_re = re.compile(r'^\d+$')
+any_int_re = re.compile(r'^\d+')
+star_or_int_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+|\*)$')
+__all__ = ('croniter',)
+class croniter(object):
+    MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12
+    RANGES = (
+        (0, 59),
+        (0, 23),
+        (1, 31),
+        (1, 12),
+        (0, 6),
+        (0, 59)
+    )
+    DAYS = (
+        31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
+    )
+    ALPHACONV = (
+        {},
+        {},
+        {"l": "l"},
+        {'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, 'apr': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6,
+         'jul': 7, 'aug': 8, 'sep': 9, 'oct': 10, 'nov': 11, 'dec': 12},
+        {'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5, 'sat': 6},
+        {}
+    )
+    LOWMAP = (
+        {},
+        {},
+        {0: 1},
+        {0: 1},
+        {7: 0},
+        {},
+    )
+    bad_length = 'Exactly 5 or 6 columns has to be specified for iterator' \
+                 'expression.'
+    def __init__(self, expr_format, start_time=None, ret_type=float):
+        self._ret_type = ret_type
+        if start_time is None:
+            start_time = time()
+        self.tzinfo = None
+        if isinstance(start_time, datetime.datetime):
+            self.tzinfo = start_time.tzinfo
+            start_time = self._datetime_to_timestamp(start_time)
+        self.cur = start_time
+        self.exprs = expr_format.split()
+        if len(self.exprs) != 5 and len(self.exprs) != 6:
+            raise ValueError(self.bad_length)
+        expanded = []
+        for i, expr in enumerate(self.exprs):
+            e_list = expr.split(',')
+            res = []
+            while len(e_list) > 0:
+                e = e_list.pop()
+                t = re.sub(r'^\*(/.+)$', r'%d-%d\1' % (
+                    self.RANGES[i][0],
+                    self.RANGES[i][1]),
+                    str(e))
+                m = search_re.search(t)
+                if m:
+                    (low, high, step) = m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(4) or 1
+                    if not any_int_re.search(low):
+                        low = "{0}".format(self.ALPHACONV[i][low.lower()])
+                    if not any_int_re.search(high):
+                        high = "{0}".format(self.ALPHACONV[i][high.lower()])
+                    if (
+                        not low or not high or int(low) > int(high)
+                        or not only_int_re.search(str(step))
+                    ):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "[{0}] is not acceptable".format(expr_format))
+                    low, high, step = map(int, [low, high, step])
+                    e_list += range(low, high + 1, step)
+                    # other solution
+                    #try:
+                    #    for j in xrange(int(low), int(high) + 1):
+                    #        if j % int(step) == 0:
+                    #            e_list.append(j)
+                    #except NameError:
+                    #    for j in range(int(low), int(high) + 1):
+                    #        if j % int(step) == 0:
+                    #            e_list.append(j)
+                else:
+                    if not star_or_int_re.search(t):
+                        t = self.ALPHACONV[i][t.lower()]
+                    try:
+                        t = int(t)
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                    if t in self.LOWMAP[i]:
+                        t = self.LOWMAP[i][t]
+                    if (
+                        t not in ["*", "l"]
+                        and (int(t) < self.RANGES[i][0] or
+                             int(t) > self.RANGES[i][1])
+                    ):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "[{0}] is not acceptable, out of range".format(
+                                expr_format))
+                    res.append(t)
+            res.sort()
+            expanded.append(['*'] if (len(res) == 1
+                                      and res[0] == '*')
+                            else res)
+        self.expanded = expanded
+    def get_next(self, ret_type=None):
+        return self._get_next(ret_type or self._ret_type, is_prev=False)
+    def get_prev(self, ret_type=None):
+        return self._get_next(ret_type or self._ret_type, is_prev=True)
+    def get_current(self, ret_type=None):
+        ret_type = ret_type or self._ret_type
+        if ret_type == datetime.datetime:
+            return self._timestamp_to_datetime(self.cur)
+        return self.cur
+    def _datetime_to_timestamp(self, d):
+        """
+        Converts a `datetime` object `d` into a UNIX timestamp.
+        """
+        if d.tzinfo is not None:
+            d = d.replace(tzinfo=None) - d.utcoffset()
+        return self._timedelta_to_seconds(d - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))
+    def _timestamp_to_datetime(self, timestamp):
+        """
+        Converts a UNIX timestamp `timestamp` into a `datetime` object.
+        """
+        result = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
+        if self.tzinfo:
+            result = result.replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(self.tzinfo)
+        return result
+    @classmethod
+    def _timedelta_to_seconds(cls, td):
+        """
+        Converts a 'datetime.timedelta' object `td` into seconds contained in
+        the duration.
+        Note: We cannot use `timedelta.total_seconds()` because this is not
+        supported by Python 2.6.
+        """
+        return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) \
+            / 10**6
+    # iterator protocol, to enable direct use of croniter
+    # objects in a loop, like "for dt in croniter('5 0 * * *'): ..."
+    # or for combining multiple croniters into single
+    # dates feed using 'itertools' module
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    __next__ = next = get_next
+    def all_next(self, ret_type=None):
+        '''Generator of all consecutive dates. Can be used instead of
+        implicit call to __iter__, whenever non-default
+        'ret_type' has to be specified.
+        '''
+        while True:
+            yield self._get_next(ret_type or self._ret_type, is_prev=False)
+    def all_prev(self, ret_type=None):
+        '''Generator of all previous dates.'''
+        while True:
+            yield self._get_next(ret_type or self._ret_type, is_prev=True)
+    iter = all_next  # alias, you can call .iter() instead of .all_next()
+    def _get_next(self, ret_type=None, is_prev=False):
+        expanded = self.expanded[:]
+        ret_type = ret_type or self._ret_type
+        if ret_type not in (float, datetime.datetime):
+            raise TypeError("Invalid ret_type, only 'float' or 'datetime' "
+                            "is acceptable.")
+        if expanded[2][0] != '*' and expanded[4][0] != '*':
+            bak = expanded[4]
+            expanded[4] = ['*']
+            t1 = self._calc(self.cur, expanded, is_prev)
+            expanded[4] = bak
+            expanded[2] = ['*']
+            t2 = self._calc(self.cur, expanded, is_prev)
+            if not is_prev:
+                result = t1 if t1 < t2 else t2
+            else:
+                result = t1 if t1 > t2 else t2
+        else:
+            result = self._calc(self.cur, expanded, is_prev)
+        self.cur = result
+        if ret_type == datetime.datetime:
+            result = self._timestamp_to_datetime(result)
+        return result
+    def _calc(self, now, expanded, is_prev):
+        if is_prev:
+            nearest_diff_method = self._get_prev_nearest_diff
+            sign = -1
+        else:
+            nearest_diff_method = self._get_next_nearest_diff
+            sign = 1
+        offset = len(expanded) == 6 and 1 or 60
+        dst = now = self._timestamp_to_datetime(now + sign * offset)
+        day, month, year = dst.day, dst.month, dst.year
+        current_year = now.year
+        DAYS = self.DAYS
+        def proc_month(d):
+            if expanded[3][0] != '*':
+                diff_month = nearest_diff_method(
+                    d.month, expanded[3], self.MONTHS_IN_YEAR)
+                days = DAYS[month - 1]
+                if month == 2 and self.is_leap(year) is True:
+                    days += 1
+                reset_day = 1
+                if diff_month is not None and diff_month != 0:
+                    if is_prev:
+                        d += relativedelta(months=diff_month)
+                        reset_day = DAYS[d.month - 1]
+                        d += relativedelta(
+                            day=reset_day, hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
+                    else:
+                        d += relativedelta(months=diff_month, day=reset_day,
+                                           hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
+                    return True, d
+            return False, d
+        def proc_day_of_month(d):
+            if expanded[2][0] != '*':
+                days = DAYS[month - 1]
+                if month == 2 and self.is_leap(year) is True:
+                    days += 1
+                if 'l' in expanded[2] and days==d.day:
+                    return False, d
+                if is_prev:
+                    days_in_prev_month = DAYS[
+                        (month - 2) % self.MONTHS_IN_YEAR]
+                    diff_day = nearest_diff_method(
+                        d.day, expanded[2], days_in_prev_month)
+                else:
+                    diff_day = nearest_diff_method(d.day, expanded[2], days)
+                if diff_day is not None and diff_day != 0:
+                    if is_prev:
+                        d += relativedelta(
+                            days=diff_day, hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
+                    else:
+                        d += relativedelta(
+                            days=diff_day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
+                    return True, d
+            return False, d
+        def proc_day_of_week(d):
+            if expanded[4][0] != '*':
+                diff_day_of_week = nearest_diff_method(
+                    d.isoweekday() % 7, expanded[4], 7)
+                if diff_day_of_week is not None and diff_day_of_week != 0:
+                    if is_prev:
+                        d += relativedelta(days=diff_day_of_week,
+                                           hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
+                    else:
+                        d += relativedelta(days=diff_day_of_week,
+                                           hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
+                    return True, d
+            return False, d
+        def proc_hour(d):
+            if expanded[1][0] != '*':
+                diff_hour = nearest_diff_method(d.hour, expanded[1], 24)
+                if diff_hour is not None and diff_hour != 0:
+                    if is_prev:
+                        d += relativedelta(
+                            hours=diff_hour, minute=59, second=59)
+                    else:
+                        d += relativedelta(hours=diff_hour, minute=0, second=0)
+                    return True, d
+            return False, d
+        def proc_minute(d):
+            if expanded[0][0] != '*':
+                diff_min = nearest_diff_method(d.minute, expanded[0], 60)
+                if diff_min is not None and diff_min != 0:
+                    if is_prev:
+                        d += relativedelta(minutes=diff_min, second=59)
+                    else:
+                        d += relativedelta(minutes=diff_min, second=0)
+                    return True, d
+            return False, d
+        def proc_second(d):
+            if len(expanded) == 6:
+                if expanded[5][0] != '*':
+                    diff_sec = nearest_diff_method(d.second, expanded[5], 60)
+                    if diff_sec is not None and diff_sec != 0:
+                        d += relativedelta(seconds=diff_sec)
+                        return True, d
+            else:
+                d += relativedelta(second=0)
+            return False, d
+        procs = [proc_month,
+                 proc_day_of_month,
+                 proc_day_of_week,
+                 proc_hour,
+                 proc_minute,
+                 proc_second]
+        while abs(year - current_year) <= 1:
+            next = False
+            for proc in procs:
+                (changed, dst) = proc(dst)
+                if changed:
+                    day, month, year = dst.day, dst.month, dst.year
+                    next = True
+                    break
+            if next:
+                continue
+            return self._datetime_to_timestamp(dst.replace(microsecond=0))
+        raise Exception("failed to find prev date")
+    def _get_next_nearest(self, x, to_check):
+        small = [item for item in to_check if item < x]
+        large = [item for item in to_check if item >= x]
+        large.extend(small)
+        return large[0]
+    def _get_prev_nearest(self, x, to_check):
+        small = [item for item in to_check if item <= x]
+        large = [item for item in to_check if item > x]
+        small.reverse()
+        large.reverse()
+        small.extend(large)
+        return small[0]
+    def _get_next_nearest_diff(self, x, to_check, range_val):
+        for i, d in enumerate(to_check):
+            if d == "l":
+                # if 'l' then it is the last day of month
+                # => its value of range_val
+                d = range_val
+            if d >= x:
+                return d - x
+        return to_check[0] - x + range_val
+    def _get_prev_nearest_diff(self, x, to_check, range_val):
+        candidates = to_check[:]
+        candidates.reverse()
+        for d in candidates:
+            if d != 'l' and d <= x:
+                return d - x
+        if 'l' in candidates:
+            return -x
+        candidate = candidates[0]
+        for c in candidates:
+            if c < range_val:
+                candidate = c
+                break
+        return (candidate - x - range_val)
+    def is_leap(self, year):
+        if year % 400 == 0 or (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    base = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 25)
+    itr = croniter('0 0 1 * *', base)
+    n1 = itr.get_next(datetime.datetime)
+    print(n1)

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