[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] better ProxyPair jasmine specs, ensure travis using more recent npm

serene at torproject.org serene at torproject.org
Sun Feb 7 01:29:25 UTC 2016

commit 889b3fee98d77163dc8ee8d5ff805129eb9dc341
Author: Serene Han <keroserene+git at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 5 09:20:01 2016 -0800

    better ProxyPair jasmine specs, ensure travis using more recent npm
 .gitignore                       |   2 +-
 .travis.yml                      |  20 ++--
 proxy/Cakefile                   |  17 +--
 proxy/spec.coffee                | 180 ----------------------------
 proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee |  95 +++++++++++++++
 proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee      | 248 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proxy/websocket.coffee           |   2 -
 7 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b1db25c..f9356ae 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ snowflake.log
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 4a7aedd..7f4e265 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
 language: go
-    - 1.5
+  - 1.5
+  - rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION
-    npm install -g coffee-script coffeelint jasmine
+  npm install -g coffee-script coffeelint jasmine
-    - make check
-    - go test -v -race ./broker
-    - cd proxy
-    - cake lint
-    - cake test
+  - make check
+  - go test -v -race ./broker
+  - cd proxy
+  - cake lint
+  - cake test
diff --git a/proxy/Cakefile b/proxy/Cakefile
index c569110..a41b55b 100644
--- a/proxy/Cakefile
+++ b/proxy/Cakefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 fs = require 'fs'
-{spawn, exec} = require 'child_process'
+{exec, spawn, execSync} = require 'child_process'
 # All coffeescript files required.
 FILES = [
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ FILES = [
-  'spec.coffee'
+  'spec/util.spec.coffee'
+  'spec/proxypair.spec.coffee'
 OUTFILE = 'build/snowflake.coffee'
@@ -20,19 +21,21 @@ STATIC = 'static'
 concatCoffeeFiles = -> exec 'cat ' + FILES.join(' ') + ' | cat > ' + OUTFILE
-copyStaticFiles = -> exec 'cp ' + STATIC + '/* build/'
+copyStaticFiles = -> exec '' + STATIC + '/* build/'
 compileCoffee = ->
   exec 'coffee -o build -b -c build/snowflake.coffee', (err, stdout, stderr) ->
     throw err if err
 task 'test', 'snowflake unit tests', ->
+  exec 'mkdir -p build'
   exec 'jasmine init >&-'
+  # Simply concat all the files because we're not using node exports.
   jasmineFiles = FILES.concat FILES_SPEC
-  outFile = 'spec/snowflake.bundle.coffee'
+  outFile = 'build/bundle.spec.coffee'
   exec 'cat ' + jasmineFiles.join(' ') +  ' | cat > ' + outFile
-  exec 'coffee -o spec -cb ' + outFile
-  spawn 'jasmine', ['spec/snowflake.bundle.js'], {
+  execSync 'coffee -cb ' + outFile
+  spawn 'jasmine', ['build/bundle.spec.js'], {
     stdio: 'inherit'
@@ -51,5 +54,3 @@ task 'lint', 'ensure idiomatic coffeescript', ->
 task 'clean', 'remove all built files', ->
   exec 'rm -r build'
-  exec 'rm -r spec'
-  exec 'rm -r test/snowflake.bundle.coffee'
diff --git a/proxy/spec.coffee b/proxy/spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d8ae61..0000000
--- a/proxy/spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-jasmine tests for Snowflake
-# Stubs to fake browser functionality.
-class WebSocket
-  OPEN: 1
-  CLOSED: 0
-ui = {}
-describe 'BuildUrl', ->
-  it 'should parse just protocol and host', ->
-    expect(buildUrl('http', 'example.com')).toBe 'http://example.com'
-  it 'should handle different ports', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80
-      .toBe 'http://example.com'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 81
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:81'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 443
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:443'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 444
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:444'
-  it 'should handle paths', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80,'/test?k=%#v'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test%3Fk%3D%25%23v'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test'
-  it 'should handle params', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['k', '%#v']]
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?k=%25%23v'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?a=b&c=d'
-  it 'should handle ips', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', ''
-      .toBe ''
-    expect buildUrl 'http', '1:2::3:4'
-      .toBe 'http://[1:2::3:4]'
-  it 'should handle bogus', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog][us'
-      .toBe 'http://bog%5D%5Bus'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog:u]s'
-      .toBe 'http://bog%3Au%5Ds'
-describe 'Parse', ->
-  describe 'cookie', ->
-    it 'parses correctly', ->
-      expect Parse.cookie ''
-        .toEqual {}
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b'
-        .toEqual { a: 'b' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b=c'
-        .toEqual { a: 'b=c' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b; c=d'
-        .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b ; c=d'
-        .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a= b'
-        .toEqual { a: 'b' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a='
-        .toEqual { a: '' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'key'
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.cookie 'key=%26%20'
-        .toEqual { key: '& ' }
-      expect Parse.cookie 'a=\'\''
-        .toEqual { a: '\'\'' }
-  describe 'address', ->
-    it 'parses IPv4', ->
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toEqual { host: '', port: 4444 }
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address ''
-        .toBeNull()
-    it 'parses IPv6', ->
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:4444'
-        .toEqual { host: '1:2::a:f', port: 4444 }
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]'
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:0x1111'
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:-4444'
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:65536'
-        .toBeNull()
-      expect Parse.address '[1:2::ffff:]:4444'
-        .toEqual { host: '1:2::ffff:', port: 4444 }
-describe 'query string', ->
-  it 'should parse correctly', ->
-    expect Query.parse ''
-      .toEqual {}
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b=c'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b=c' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b&c=d'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
-    expect Query.parse 'client=&relay='
-      .toEqual { client: '', relay: '' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b%26c=d'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b&c=d' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a%3db=d'
-      .toEqual { 'a=b': 'd' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c%20d'
-      .toEqual { 'a': 'b c d' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c%2bd'
-      .toEqual { 'a': 'b c+d' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a+b=c'
-      .toEqual { 'a b': 'c' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c+d'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b c d' }
-  it 'uses the first appearance of duplicate key', ->
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b&c=d&a=e'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a'
-      .toEqual { a: '' }
-    expect Query.parse '=b'
-      .toEqual { '': 'b' }
-    expect Query.parse '&a=b'
-      .toEqual { '': '', a: 'b' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b&'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b', '':'' }
-    expect Query.parse 'a=b&&c=d'
-      .toEqual { a: 'b', '':'', c: 'd' }
-describe 'Params', ->
-  describe 'bool', ->
-    getBool = (query) ->
-      Params.getBool (Query.parse query), 'param', false
-    it 'parses correctly', ->
-      expect(getBool 'param=true').toEqual true
-      expect(getBool 'param').toEqual true
-      expect(getBool 'param=').toEqual true
-      expect(getBool 'param=1').toEqual true
-      expect(getBool 'param=0').toEqual false
-      expect(getBool 'param=false').toEqual false
-      expect(getBool 'param=unexpected').toBeNull()
-      expect(getBool 'pram=true').toEqual false
-  describe 'address', ->
-    DEFAULT = { host: '', port: 2222 }
-    getAddress = (query) ->
-      Params.getAddress query, 'addr', DEFAULT
-    it 'parses correctly', ->
-      expect(getAddress {}).toEqual DEFAULT
-      expect getAddress { addr: '' }
-        .toEqual { host: '', port: 4444 }
-      expect getAddress { x: '' }
-        .toEqual DEFAULT
-      expect getAddress { addr: '---' }
-        .toBeNull()
-describe 'ProxyPair', ->
-  fakeRelay = Parse.address ''
-  rateLimit = new DummyRateLimit()
-  destination = []
-  fakeClient = send: (d) -> destination.push d
-  pp = new ProxyPair(fakeClient, fakeRelay, rateLimit)
-  it 'handles relay correctly', ->
-    pp.connectRelay()
-    expect(pp.relay.onopen).not.toBeNull()
-    expect(pp.relay.onclose).not.toBeNull()
-    expect(pp.relay.onerror).not.toBeNull()
-    expect(pp.relay.onmessage).not.toBeNull()
-  # TODO: Test for flush
-  # pp.c2rSchedule.push { data: 'omg' }
-  # pp.flush()
-  # if destination == ['omg'] then pass 'flush'
-  # else fail 'flush', ['omg'], destination
diff --git a/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261d38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/spec/proxypair.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+jasmine tests for Snowflake
+# Stubs to fake browser functionality.
+class PeerConnection
+class WebSocket
+  OPEN: 1
+  CLOSED: 0
+ui =
+  log: ->
+  setActive: ->
+log = ->
+describe 'ProxyPair', ->
+  fakeRelay = Parse.address ''
+  rateLimit = new DummyRateLimit()
+  destination = []
+  fakeClient = send: (d) -> destination.push d
+  # Fake snowflake to interact with
+  snowflake = {
+    broker:
+      sendAnswer: ->
+  }
+  pp = new ProxyPair(fakeClient, fakeRelay, rateLimit)
+  it 'begins webrtc connection', ->
+    pp.begin()
+    expect(pp.pc).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'accepts WebRTC offer from some client', ->
+    it 'rejects invalid offers', ->
+      expect(pp.receiveWebRTCOffer {}).toBe false
+      expect pp.receiveWebRTCOffer {
+        type: 'answer'
+      }.toBeFalse()
+    it 'accepts valid offers', ->
+      goodOffer = {
+        type: 'offer'
+        sdp: 'foo'
+      }
+      expect(pp.receiveWebRTCOffer goodOffer).toBe true
+  it 'responds with a WebRTC answer correctly', ->
+    spyOn snowflake.broker, 'sendAnswer'
+    pp.pc.onicecandidate {
+      candidate: null
+    }
+    expect(snowflake.broker.sendAnswer).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'handles a new data channel correctly', ->
+    expect(pp.client).toBeNull()
+    pp.pc.ondatachannel {
+      channel: {}
+    }
+    expect(pp.client).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onopen).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onclose).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onerror).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onmessage).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'connects to the relay once datachannel opens', ->
+    spyOn pp, 'connectRelay'
+    pp.client.onopen()
+    expect(pp.connectRelay).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'connects to a relay', ->
+    pp.connectRelay()
+    expect(pp.relay.onopen).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onclose).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onerror).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onmessage).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'flushes data between client and relay', ->
+    it 'proxies data from client to relay', ->
+      spyOn pp.relay, 'send'
+      pp.c2rSchedule.push { data: 'foo' }
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+      expect(pp.relay.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'foo'
+    it 'proxies data from relay to client', ->
+      spyOn pp.client, 'send'
+      pp.r2cSchedule.push { data: 'bar' }
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'bar'
+      expect(pp.relay.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+    it 'sends nothing with nothing to flush', ->
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+      expect(pp.relay.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+# TODO: rate limit tests
diff --git a/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4281e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+jasmine tests for Snowflake
+# Stubs to fake browser functionality.
+class PeerConnection
+class WebSocket
+  OPEN: 1
+  CLOSED: 0
+ui =
+  log: ->
+  setActive: ->
+log = ->
+describe 'BuildUrl', ->
+  it 'should parse just protocol and host', ->
+    expect(buildUrl('http', 'example.com')).toBe 'http://example.com'
+  it 'should handle different ports', ->
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80
+      .toBe 'http://example.com'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 81
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:81'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 443
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:443'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 444
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:444'
+  it 'should handle paths', ->
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80,'/test?k=%#v'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test%3Fk%3D%25%23v'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test'
+  it 'should handle params', ->
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['k', '%#v']]
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?k=%25%23v'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?a=b&c=d'
+  it 'should handle ips', ->
+    expect buildUrl 'http', ''
+      .toBe ''
+    expect buildUrl 'http', '1:2::3:4'
+      .toBe 'http://[1:2::3:4]'
+  it 'should handle bogus', ->
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog][us'
+      .toBe 'http://bog%5D%5Bus'
+    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog:u]s'
+      .toBe 'http://bog%3Au%5Ds'
+describe 'Parse', ->
+  describe 'cookie', ->
+    it 'parses correctly', ->
+      expect Parse.cookie ''
+        .toEqual {}
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b'
+        .toEqual { a: 'b' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b=c'
+        .toEqual { a: 'b=c' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b; c=d'
+        .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a=b ; c=d'
+        .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a= b'
+        .toEqual { a: 'b' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a='
+        .toEqual { a: '' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'key'
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.cookie 'key=%26%20'
+        .toEqual { key: '& ' }
+      expect Parse.cookie 'a=\'\''
+        .toEqual { a: '\'\'' }
+  describe 'address', ->
+    it 'parses IPv4', ->
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toEqual { host: '', port: 4444 }
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address ''
+        .toBeNull()
+    it 'parses IPv6', ->
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:4444'
+        .toEqual { host: '1:2::a:f', port: 4444 }
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]'
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:0x1111'
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:-4444'
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::a:f]:65536'
+        .toBeNull()
+      expect Parse.address '[1:2::ffff:]:4444'
+        .toEqual { host: '1:2::ffff:', port: 4444 }
+describe 'query string', ->
+  it 'should parse correctly', ->
+    expect Query.parse ''
+      .toEqual {}
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b=c'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b=c' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b&c=d'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
+    expect Query.parse 'client=&relay='
+      .toEqual { client: '', relay: '' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b%26c=d'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b&c=d' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a%3db=d'
+      .toEqual { 'a=b': 'd' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c%20d'
+      .toEqual { 'a': 'b c d' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c%2bd'
+      .toEqual { 'a': 'b c+d' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a+b=c'
+      .toEqual { 'a b': 'c' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b+c+d'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b c d' }
+  it 'uses the first appearance of duplicate key', ->
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b&c=d&a=e'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b', c: 'd' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a'
+      .toEqual { a: '' }
+    expect Query.parse '=b'
+      .toEqual { '': 'b' }
+    expect Query.parse '&a=b'
+      .toEqual { '': '', a: 'b' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b&'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b', '':'' }
+    expect Query.parse 'a=b&&c=d'
+      .toEqual { a: 'b', '':'', c: 'd' }
+describe 'Params', ->
+  describe 'bool', ->
+    getBool = (query) ->
+      Params.getBool (Query.parse query), 'param', false
+    it 'parses correctly', ->
+      expect(getBool 'param=true').toBe true
+      expect(getBool 'param').toBe true
+      expect(getBool 'param=').toBe true
+      expect(getBool 'param=1').toBe true
+      expect(getBool 'param=0').toBe false
+      expect(getBool 'param=false').toBe false
+      expect(getBool 'param=unexpected').toBeNull()
+      expect(getBool 'pram=true').toBe false
+  describe 'address', ->
+    DEFAULT = { host: '', port: 2222 }
+    getAddress = (query) ->
+      Params.getAddress query, 'addr', DEFAULT
+    it 'parses correctly', ->
+      expect(getAddress {}).toEqual DEFAULT
+      expect getAddress { addr: '' }
+        .toEqual { host: '', port: 4444 }
+      expect getAddress { x: '' }
+        .toEqual DEFAULT
+      expect getAddress { addr: '---' }
+        .toBeNull()
+describe 'ProxyPair', ->
+  fakeRelay = Parse.address ''
+  rateLimit = new DummyRateLimit()
+  destination = []
+  fakeClient = send: (d) -> destination.push d
+  # Fake snowflake to interact with
+  snowflake = {
+    broker:
+      sendAnswer: ->
+  }
+  pp = new ProxyPair(fakeClient, fakeRelay, rateLimit)
+  it 'begins webrtc connection', ->
+    pp.begin()
+    expect(pp.pc).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'accepts WebRTC offer from some client', ->
+    it 'rejects invalid offers', ->
+      expect(pp.receiveWebRTCOffer {}).toBe false
+      expect pp.receiveWebRTCOffer {
+        type: 'answer'
+      }.toBeFalse()
+    it 'accepts valid offers', ->
+      goodOffer = {
+        type: 'offer'
+        sdp: 'foo'
+      }
+      expect(pp.receiveWebRTCOffer goodOffer).toBe true
+  it 'responds with a WebRTC answer correctly', ->
+    spyOn snowflake.broker, 'sendAnswer'
+    pp.pc.onicecandidate {
+      candidate: null
+    }
+    expect(snowflake.broker.sendAnswer).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'handles a new data channel correctly', ->
+    expect(pp.client).toBeNull()
+    pp.pc.ondatachannel {
+      channel: {}
+    }
+    expect(pp.client).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onopen).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onclose).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onerror).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.client.onmessage).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'connects to the relay once datachannel opens', ->
+    spyOn pp, 'connectRelay'
+    pp.client.onopen()
+    expect(pp.connectRelay).toHaveBeenCalled()
+  it 'connects to a relay', ->
+    pp.connectRelay()
+    expect(pp.relay.onopen).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onclose).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onerror).not.toBeNull()
+    expect(pp.relay.onmessage).not.toBeNull()
+  it 'flushes data between client and relay', ->
+    it 'proxies data from client to relay', ->
+      spyOn pp.relay, 'send'
+      pp.c2rSchedule.push { data: 'foo' }
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+      expect(pp.relay.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'foo'
+    it 'proxies data from relay to client', ->
+      spyOn pp.client, 'send'
+      pp.r2cSchedule.push { data: 'bar' }
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'bar'
+      expect(pp.relay.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+    it 'sends nothing with nothing to flush', ->
+      pp.flush()
+      expect(pp.client.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+      expect(pp.relay.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+  # TODO: rate limit tests
diff --git a/proxy/websocket.coffee b/proxy/websocket.coffee
index 03fa0e8..e4a9550 100644
--- a/proxy/websocket.coffee
+++ b/proxy/websocket.coffee
@@ -56,5 +56,3 @@ makeWebsocket = (addr) ->
   ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
-# module.exports.buildUrl = buildUrl

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