[tor-commits] [bridgedb/master] Move HTTP templates to https/ distributor directory.

isis at torproject.org isis at torproject.org
Sat Jul 25 19:26:21 UTC 2015

commit 7b72eb280457f651712d702cf5c5002866cd4b73
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 16 00:45:04 2015 +0000

    Move HTTP templates to https/ distributor directory.
     * FIXES part of #12506: https://bugs.torproject.org/12506
 doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.HTTPServer.rst          |    8 -
 doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.https.rst               |    1 +
 doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.rst                     |    1 -
 doc/sphinx/source/conf.py                          |    4 +-
 lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py                            |    2 +-
 lib/bridgedb/Dist.py                               |    2 +-
 lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py                         |  924 -----------------
 lib/bridgedb/Main.py                               |    6 +-
 lib/bridgedb/email/templates.py                    |   14 +-
 lib/bridgedb/https/server.py                       |  909 +++++++++++++++++
 .../https/templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css   |    7 +
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/css/custom.css |  158 +++
 .../templates/assets/css/font-awesome-ie7.min.css  |  384 +++++++
 .../templates/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css      |  403 ++++++++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/css/main.css   |   24 +
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.eot  |  Bin 0 -> 37405 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg  |  399 ++++++++
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf  |  Bin 0 -> 79076 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff |  Bin 0 -> 43572 bytes
 .../https/templates/assets/font/lato-bold.woff     |  Bin 0 -> 46160 bytes
 .../https/templates/assets/font/lato-italic.woff   |  Bin 0 -> 47168 bytes
 .../https/templates/assets/font/lato-regular.woff  |  Bin 0 -> 46108 bytes
 .../https/templates/assets/tor-roots-blue.svg      |   95 ++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/tor.svg        |    6 +
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/base.html             |  108 ++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/bridges.html          |  203 ++++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/captcha.html          |   63 ++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/howto.html            |   39 +
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/index.html            |   43 +
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/options.html          |  164 +++
 lib/bridgedb/https/templates/robots.txt            | 1079 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/bridgedb/strings.py                            |  270 ++++-
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/bridgedb.png         |  Bin 2946 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css         |    7 -
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/css/custom.css       |  158 ---
 .../templates/assets/css/font-awesome-ie7.min.css  |  384 -------
 .../templates/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css      |  403 --------
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/css/main.css         |   24 -
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.eot  |  Bin 37405 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg  |  399 --------
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf  |  Bin 79076 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff |  Bin 43572 -> 0 bytes
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/font/lato-bold.woff  |  Bin 46160 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/lato-italic.woff         |  Bin 47168 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/assets/font/lato-regular.woff        |  Bin 46108 -> 0 bytes
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/tor-roots-blue.svg   |   95 --
 lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/tor.svg              |    6 -
 lib/bridgedb/templates/base.html                   |  108 --
 lib/bridgedb/templates/bridgedb.asc                |  252 -----
 lib/bridgedb/templates/bridges.html                |  203 ----
 lib/bridgedb/templates/captcha.html                |   63 --
 lib/bridgedb/templates/howto.html                  |   39 -
 lib/bridgedb/templates/index.html                  |   43 -
 lib/bridgedb/templates/options.html                |  164 ---
 lib/bridgedb/templates/robots.txt                  | 1079 --------------------
 lib/bridgedb/test/email_helpers.py                 |   12 +-
 lib/bridgedb/test/https_helpers.py                 |  130 +++
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_HTTPServer.py               |  803 ---------------
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_server.py             |    5 +-
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_request.py            |   16 +
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_server.py             |  838 +++++++++++++++
 lib/bridgedb/test/test_translations.py             |    2 +-
 lib/bridgedb/test/util.py                          |   52 +
 setup.py                                           |    4 +-
 64 files changed, 5408 insertions(+), 5197 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.HTTPServer.rst b/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.HTTPServer.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index efa55cc..0000000
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.HTTPServer.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-.. automodule:: bridgedb.HTTPServer
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.https.rst b/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.https.rst
index b0ee95c..1512065 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.https.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.https.rst
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ bridgedb.https
 .. automodule:: bridgedb.https.__init__
 .. automodule:: bridgedb.https.request
+.. automodule:: bridgedb.https.server
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.rst b/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.rst
index 61ab07f..31e3a90 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/bridgedb.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ BridgeDB Package and Module Documentation
-    bridgedb.HTTPServer
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py b/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
index e733c42..b655c27 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/conf.py
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ import bridgedb.email.server
 import bridgedb.email.templates
 import bridgedb.Filters
 import bridgedb.geo
-import bridgedb.HTTPServer
+import bridgedb.https
+import bridgedb.https.request
+import bridgedb.https.server
 import bridgedb.Main
 import bridgedb.parse
 import bridgedb.parse.addr
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py b/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
index b06ffc4..988d464 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/Bridges.py
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class BridgeRing(BridgeHolder):
         # XXX This can be removed after we determine if countryCode is ever
         # actually being used. It seems the countryCode should be passed in
-        # from bridgedb.HTTPServer.WebResource.getBridgeRequestAnswer() in
+        # from bridgedb.https.server.WebResource.getBridgeRequestAnswer() in
         # order to hand out bridges which are believed to not be blocked in a
         # given country.
         if countryCode:
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/Dist.py b/lib/bridgedb/Dist.py
index 44cb526..ff9a85d 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/Dist.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/Dist.py
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class IPBasedDistributor(Distributor):
         :rtype: list
         :return: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge`s to include in
             the response. See
-            :meth:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges.getBridgeRequestAnswer`
+            :meth:`bridgedb.https.server.WebResourceBridges.getBridgeRequestAnswer`
             for an example of how this is used.
         logging.info("Attempting to return %d bridges to client %s..."
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 179c061..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_HTTPServer -*-
-# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
-# :authors: please see included AUTHORS file
-# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
-#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
-# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
-This module implements the web (http, https) interfaces to the bridge database.
-import base64
-import gettext
-import logging
-import random
-import re
-import textwrap
-import time
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from ipaddr import IPv4Address
-import mako.exceptions
-from mako.template import Template
-from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
-from twisted.web import resource
-from twisted.web import server
-from twisted.web import static
-from twisted.web.util import redirectTo
-from bridgedb import captcha
-from bridgedb import crypto
-from bridgedb import strings
-from bridgedb import translations
-from bridgedb import txrecaptcha
-from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
-from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
-from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByTransport
-from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByNotBlockedIn
-from bridgedb.https.request import HTTPSBridgeRequest
-from bridgedb.parse import headers
-from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPAddress
-from bridgedb.qrcodes import generateQR
-from bridgedb.safelog import logSafely
-from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
-from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
-from bridgedb.util import replaceControlChars
-TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
-rtl_langs = ('ar', 'he', 'fa', 'gu_IN', 'ku')
-# Setting `filesystem_checks` to False is recommended for production servers,
-# due to potential speed increases. This means that the atimes of the Mako
-# template files aren't rechecked every time the template is requested
-# (otherwise, if they are checked, and the atime is newer, the template is
-# recompiled). `collection_size` sets the number of compiled templates which
-# are cached before the least recently used ones are removed. See:
-# http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/usage.html#using-templatelookup
-lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[TEMPLATE_DIR],
-                        output_encoding='utf-8',
-                        filesystem_checks=False,
-                        collection_size=500)
-logging.debug("Set template root to %s" % TEMPLATE_DIR)
-def getClientIP(request, useForwardedHeader=False):
-    """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
-    header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
-    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-    :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
-        :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
-    :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, attempt to get the client's
-        IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For` header.
-    :rtype: None or str
-    :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
-    """
-    ip = None
-    if useForwardedHeader:
-        header = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For")
-        if header:
-            ip = header.split(",")[-1].strip()
-            if not isIPAddress(ip):
-                logging.warn("Got weird X-Forwarded-For value %r" % header)
-                ip = None
-    else:
-        ip = request.getClientIP()
-    return ip
-def replaceErrorPage(error, template_name=None):
-    """Create a general error page for displaying in place of tracebacks.
-    Log the error to BridgeDB's logger, and then display a very plain "Sorry!
-    Something went wrong!" page to the client.
-    :type error: :exc:`Exception`
-    :param error: Any exeption which has occurred while attempting to retrieve
-                  a template, render a page, or retrieve a resource.
-    :param str template_name: A string describing which template/page/resource
-                              was being used when the exception occurred,
-                              i.e. ``'index.html'``.
-    :returns: A string containing HTML to serve to the client (rather than
-              serving a traceback).
-    """
-    logging.error("Error while attempting to render %s: %s"
-                  % (template_name or 'template',
-                     mako.exceptions.text_error_template().render()))
-    # TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the following words and/or phrases in
-    # any string (regardless of capitalization and/or punctuation):
-    #
-    # "BridgeDB"
-    # "pluggable transport"
-    # "pluggable transports"
-    # "obfs2"
-    # "obfs3"
-    # "scramblesuit"
-    # "fteproxy"
-    # "Tor"
-    # "Tor Browser"
-    #
-    errmsg = _("Sorry! Something went wrong with your request.")
-    rendered = """<html>
-                    <head>
-                      <link href="/assets/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
-                      <link href="/assets/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
-                    </head>
-                    <body>
-                      <p>{0}</p>
-                    </body>
-                  </html>""".format(errmsg)
-    return rendered
-class CaptchaProtectedResource(resource.Resource):
-    """A general resource protected by some form of CAPTCHA."""
-    isLeaf = True
-    def __init__(self, publicKey=None, secretKey=None,
-                 useForwardedHeader=False, protectedResource=None):
-        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
-        self.publicKey = publicKey
-        self.secretKey = secretKey
-        self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader
-        self.resource = protectedResource
-    def getClientIP(self, request):
-        """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
-        header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
-            :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
-        :rtype: None or str
-        :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
-        """
-        return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
-    def getCaptchaImage(self, request=None):
-        """Get a CAPTCHA image.
-        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where ``image`` is a
-                  binary, JPEG-encoded image, and ``challenge`` is a unique
-                  string. If unable to retrieve a CAPTCHA, returns a tuple
-                  containing two empty strings.
-        """
-        return ('', '')
-    def extractClientSolution(self, request):
-        """Extract the client's CAPTCHA solution from a POST request.
-        This is used after receiving a POST request from a client (which
-        should contain their solution to the CAPTCHA), to extract the solution
-        and challenge strings.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'.
-        :returns: A redirect for a request for a new CAPTCHA if there was a
-            problem. Otherwise, returns a 2-tuple of strings, the first is the
-            client's CAPTCHA solution from the text input area, and the second
-            is the challenge string.
-        """
-        try:
-            challenge = request.args['captcha_challenge_field'][0]
-            response = request.args['captcha_response_field'][0]
-        except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
-            return redirectTo(request.URLPath(), request)
-        return (challenge, response)
-    def checkSolution(self, request):
-        """Override this method to check a client's CAPTCHA solution.
-        :rtype: bool
-        :returns: ``True`` if the client correctly solved the CAPTCHA;
-            ``False`` otherwise.
-        """
-        return False
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be
-            protected by a CAPTCHA.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
-            for the client to solve.
-        """
-        rtl = False
-        image, challenge = self.getCaptchaImage(request)
-        try:
-            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
-            # TODO: this does not work for versions of IE < 8.0
-            imgstr = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(image)
-            template = lookup.get_template('captcha.html')
-            rendered = template.render(strings,
-                                       rtl=rtl,
-                                       lang=langs[0],
-                                       imgstr=imgstr,
-                                       challenge_field=challenge)
-        except Exception as err:
-            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err, 'captcha.html')
-        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
-        return rendered
-    def render_POST(self, request):
-        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
-        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
-        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
-        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
-            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
-            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
-            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
-            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
-            for the client to solve.
-        """
-        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
-        if self.checkSolution(request) is True:
-            try:
-                rendered = self.resource.render(request)
-            except Exception as err:
-                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-            return rendered
-        logging.debug("Client failed a CAPTCHA; returning redirect to %s"
-                      % request.uri)
-        return redirectTo(request.uri, request)
-class GimpCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource):
-    """A web resource which uses a local cache of CAPTCHAs, generated with
-    gimp-captcha_, to protect another resource.
-    .. _gimp-captcha: https://github.com/isislovecruft/gimp-captcha
-    """
-    def __init__(self, hmacKey=None, captchaDir='', **kwargs):
-        """Protect a resource via this one, using a local CAPTCHA cache.
-        :param str secretkey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, private RSA key, used for
-            verifying the client's solution to the CAPTCHA. See
-            :func:`bridgedb.crypto.getRSAKey` and the
-            ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE`` config setting.
-        :param str publickey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, public RSA key, used for
-            creating the ``captcha_challenge_field`` string to give to a
-            client.
-        :param bytes hmacKey: The master HMAC key, used for validating CAPTCHA
-            challenge strings in :meth:`captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`. The file
-            where this key is stored can be set via the
-            ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE`` option in the config file.
-        :param str captchaDir: The directory where the cached CAPTCHA images
-            are stored. See the ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR`` config setting.
-        :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, obtain the client's IP
-            address from the ``X-Forwarded-For`` HTTP header.
-        :type protectedResource: :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`
-        :param protectedResource: The resource to serve if the client
-            successfully passes the CAPTCHA challenge.
-        """
-        CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-        self.hmacKey = hmacKey
-        self.captchaDir = captchaDir
-    def checkSolution(self, request):
-        """Process a solved CAPTCHA via :meth:`bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
-            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
-            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
-            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
-            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
-        :rtupe: bool
-        :returns: True, if the CAPTCHA solution was valid; False otherwise.
-        """
-        valid = False
-        challenge, solution = self.extractClientSolution(request)
-        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
-        clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP)
-        try:
-            valid = captcha.GimpCaptcha.check(challenge, solution,
-                                              self.secretKey, clientHMACKey)
-        except captcha.CaptchaExpired as error:
-            logging.warn(error)
-            valid = False
-        logging.debug("%sorrect captcha from %r: %r."
-                      % ("C" if valid else "Inc", clientIP, solution))
-        return valid
-    def getCaptchaImage(self, request):
-        """Get a random CAPTCHA image from our **captchaDir**.
-        Creates a :class:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha`, and calls its
-        :meth:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.get` method to return a random
-        CAPTCHA and challenge string.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource
-            which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA).
-        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where::
-            - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image.
-            - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request.
-        """
-        # Create a new HMAC key, specific to requests from this client:
-        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
-        clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP)
-        capt = captcha.GimpCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey,
-                                   clientHMACKey, self.captchaDir)
-        try:
-            capt.get()
-        except captcha.GimpCaptchaError as error:
-            logging.error(error)
-        except Exception as error:  # pragma: no cover
-            logging.error("Unhandled error while retrieving Gimp captcha!")
-            logging.exception(error)
-        return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        """Get a random CAPTCHA from our local cache directory and serve it to
-        the client.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be
-            protected by a CAPTCHA.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
-           for the client to solve.
-        """
-        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
-    def render_POST(self, request):
-        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
-        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
-        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
-        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
-            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
-            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
-            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
-            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
-            for the client to solve.
-        """
-        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_POST(self, request)
-class ReCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource):
-    """A web resource which uses the reCaptcha_ service.
-    .. _reCaptcha: http://www.google.com/recaptcha
-    """
-    def __init__(self, remoteIP=None, **kwargs):
-        CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-        self.remoteIP = remoteIP
-    def _renderDeferred(self, checkedRequest):
-        """Render this resource asynchronously.
-        :type checkedRequest: tuple
-        :param checkedRequest: A tuple of ``(bool, request)``, as returned
-            from :meth:`checkSolution`.
-        """
-        try:
-            valid, request = checkedRequest
-        except Exception as err:
-            logging.error("Error in _renderDeferred(): %s" % err)
-            return
-        logging.debug("Attemping to render %svalid request %r"
-                      % ('' if valid else 'in', request))
-        if valid is True:
-            try:
-                rendered = self.resource.render(request)
-            except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
-                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        else:
-            logging.info("Client failed a CAPTCHA; redirecting to %s"
-                         % request.uri)
-            rendered = redirectTo(request.uri, request)
-        try:
-            request.write(rendered)
-            request.finish()
-        except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
-            logging.exception(err)
-        return request
-    def getCaptchaImage(self, request):
-        """Get a CAPTCHA image from the remote reCaptcha server.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource
-            which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA).
-        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where::
-            - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image.
-            - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request.
-        """
-        capt = captcha.ReCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey)
-        try:
-            capt.get()
-        except Exception as error:
-            logging.fatal("Connection to Recaptcha server failed: %s" % error)
-        if capt.image is None:
-            logging.warn("No CAPTCHA image received from ReCaptcha server!")
-        return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
-    def getRemoteIP(self):
-        """Mask the client's real IP address with a faked one.
-        The fake client IP address is sent to the reCaptcha server, and it is
-        either the public IP address of bridges.torproject.org (if the config
-        option ``RECAPTCHA_REMOTE_IP`` is configured), or a random IP.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A fake IP address to report to the reCaptcha API server.
-        """
-        if self.remoteIP:
-            remoteIP = self.remoteIP
-        else:
-            # generate a random IP for the captcha submission
-            remoteIP = IPv4Address(random.randint(0, 2**32-1)).compressed
-        return remoteIP
-    def checkSolution(self, request):
-        """Process a solved CAPTCHA by sending it to the ReCaptcha server.
-        The client's IP address is not sent to the ReCaptcha server; instead,
-        a completely random IP is generated and sent instead.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
-            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
-            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
-            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
-            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
-        :rtupe: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred`
-        :returns: A deferred which will callback with a tuple in the following
-            form:
-                (:type:`bool`, :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`)
-            If the CAPTCHA solution was valid, a tuple will contain::
-                (True, Request)
-            Otherwise, it will contain::
-                (False, Request)
-        """
-        challenge, response = self.extractClientSolution(request)
-        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
-        remoteIP = self.getRemoteIP()
-        logging.debug("Captcha from %r. Parameters: %r"
-                      % (clientIP, request.args))
-        def checkResponse(solution, request):
-            """Check the :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
-            :type solution: :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
-            :param solution: The client's CAPTCHA solution, after it has been
-                submitted to the reCaptcha API server.
-            """
-            # This valid CAPTCHA result from this function cannot be reliably
-            # unittested, because it's callbacked to from the deferred
-            # returned by ``txrecaptcha.submit``, the latter of which would
-            # require networking (as well as automated CAPTCHA
-            # breaking). Hence, the 'no cover' pragma.
-            if solution.is_valid:  # pragma: no cover
-                logging.info("Valid CAPTCHA solution from %r." % clientIP)
-                return (True, request)
-            else:
-                logging.info("Invalid CAPTCHA solution from %r: %r"
-                             % (clientIP, solution.error_code))
-                return (False, request)
-        d = txrecaptcha.submit(challenge, response, self.secretKey,
-                               remoteIP).addCallback(checkResponse, request)
-        return d
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
-            for the client to solve.
-        """
-        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
-    def render_POST(self, request):
-        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
-        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
-        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
-        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
-            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
-            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
-            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
-            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
-        :returns: :api:`twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET`, in order to handle
-            the ``Deferred`` returned from :meth:`checkSolution`. Eventually,
-            when the ``Deferred`` request is done being processed,
-            :meth:`_renderDeferred` will handle rendering and displaying the
-            HTML to the client.
-        """
-        d = self.checkSolution(request)
-        d.addCallback(self._renderDeferred)
-        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
-class WebResourceOptions(resource.Resource):
-    """A resource with additional options which a client may use to specify the
-    which bridge types should be returned by :class:`WebResourceBridges`.
-    """
-    isLeaf = True
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Create a new WebResource for the Options page"""
-        gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True)
-        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        rtl = False
-        try:
-            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
-            template = lookup.get_template('options.html')
-            rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0])
-        except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
-            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
-        return rendered
-    render_POST = render_GET
-class WebResourceHowto(resource.Resource):
-    """A resource which explains how to use bridges."""
-    isLeaf = True
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Create a new WebResource for the Options page"""
-        gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True)
-        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        rtl = False
-        try:
-            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
-            template = lookup.get_template('howto.html')
-            rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0])
-        except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
-            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
-        return rendered
-    render_POST = render_GET
-class WebResourceBridges(resource.Resource):
-    """This resource displays bridge lines in response to a request."""
-    isLeaf = True
-    def __init__(self, distributor, schedule, N=1, useForwardedHeader=False,
-                 includeFingerprints=True):
-        """Create a new resource for displaying bridges to a client.
-        :type distributor: :class:`IPBasedDistributor`
-        :param distributor: The mechanism to retrieve bridges for this
-            distributor.
-        :type schedule: :class:`~bridgedb.schedule.ScheduledInterval`
-        :param schedule: The time period used to tweak the bridge selection
-            procedure.
-        :param int N: The number of bridges to hand out per query.
-        :param bool useForwardedHeader: Whether or not we should use the the
-            X-Forwarded-For header instead of the source IP address.
-        :param bool includeFingerprints: Do we include the bridge's
-            fingerprint in the response?
-        """
-        gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True)
-        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
-        self.distributor = distributor
-        self.schedule = schedule
-        self.nBridgesToGive = N
-        self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader
-        self.includeFingerprints = includeFingerprints
-    def render(self, request):
-        """Render a response for a client HTTP request.
-        Presently, this method merely wraps :meth:`getBridgeRequestAnswer` to
-        catch any unhandled exceptions which occur (otherwise the server will
-        display the traceback to the client). If an unhandled exception *does*
-        occur, the client will be served the default "No bridges currently
-        available" HTML response page.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
-            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
-        """
-        try:
-            response = self.getBridgeRequestAnswer(request)
-        except Exception as err:
-            logging.exception(err)
-            response = self.renderAnswer(request)
-        return response
-    def getClientIP(self, request):
-        """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
-        header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
-            :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
-        :rtype: None or str
-        :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
-        """
-        return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
-    def getBridgeRequestAnswer(self, request):
-        """Respond to a client HTTP request for bridges.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
-            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
-        """
-        bridgeLines = None
-        interval = self.schedule.intervalStart(time.time())
-        ip = self.getClientIP(request)
-        logging.info("Replying to web request from %s. Parameters were %r"
-                     % (ip, request.args))
-        if ip:
-            bridgeRequest = HTTPSBridgeRequest()
-            bridgeRequest.client = ip
-            bridgeRequest.isValid(True)
-            bridgeRequest.withIPversion(request.args)
-            bridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType(request.args)
-            bridgeRequest.withoutBlockInCountry(request)
-            bridgeRequest.generateFilters()
-            bridges = self.distributor.getBridges(bridgeRequest, interval)
-            bridgeLines = [replaceControlChars(bridge.getBridgeLine(
-                bridgeRequest, self.includeFingerprints)) for bridge in bridges]
-        return self.renderAnswer(request, bridgeLines)
-    def getResponseFormat(self, request):
-        """Determine the requested format for the response.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
-            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
-        :rtype: ``None`` or str
-        :returns: The argument of the first occurence of the ``format=`` HTTP
-            GET parameter, if any were present. (The only one which currently
-            has any effect is ``format=plain``, see note in
-            :meth:`renderAnswer`.)  Otherwise, returns ``None``.
-        """
-        format = request.args.get("format", None)
-        if format and len(format):
-            format = format[0]  # Choose the first arg
-        return format
-    def renderAnswer(self, request, bridgeLines=None):
-        """Generate a response for a client which includes **bridgesLines**.
-        .. note: The generated response can be plain or HTML. A plain response
-            looks like::
-                voltron ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF
-                voltron 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567
-            That is, there is no HTML, what you see is what you get, and what
-            you get is suitable for pasting directly into Tor Launcher (or
-            into a torrc, if you prepend ``"Bridge "`` to each line). The
-            plain format can be requested from BridgeDB's web service by
-            adding an ``&format=plain`` HTTP GET parameter to the URL. Also
-            note that you won't get a QRCode, usage instructions, error
-            messages, or any other fanciness if you use the plain format.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
-        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
-            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
-        :type bridgeLines: list or None
-        :param bridgeLines: A list of strings used to configure a Tor client
-            to use a bridge. If ``None``, then the returned page will instead
-            explain that there were no bridges of the type they requested,
-            with instructions on how to proceed.
-        :rtype: str
-        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
-        """
-        rtl = False
-        format = self.getResponseFormat(request)
-        if format == 'plain':
-            request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
-            try:
-                rendered = bytes('\n'.join(bridgeLines))
-            except Exception as err:
-                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        else:
-            request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
-            qrcode = None
-            qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines)
-            if qrjpeg:
-                qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg)
-            try:
-                langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-                rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
-                template = lookup.get_template('bridges.html')
-                rendered = template.render(strings,
-                                           rtl=rtl,
-                                           lang=langs[0],
-                                           answer=bridgeLines,
-                                           qrcode=qrcode)
-            except Exception as err:
-                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        return rendered
-class WebRoot(resource.Resource):
-    """The parent resource of all other documents hosted by the webserver."""
-    isLeaf = True
-    def render_GET(self, request):
-        """Handles requests for the webserver root document.
-        For example, this function handles requests for
-        https://bridges.torproject.org/.
-        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
-        :param request: An incoming request.
-        """
-        rtl = False
-        try:
-            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
-            template = lookup.get_template('index.html')
-            rendered = template.render(strings,
-                                       rtl=rtl,
-                                       lang=langs[0])
-        except Exception as err:
-            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
-        return rendered
-def addWebServer(cfg, dist):
-    """Set up a web server for HTTP(S)-based bridge distribution.
-    :type cfg: :class:`bridgedb.persistent.Conf`
-    :param cfg: A configuration object from
-         :mod:`bridgedb.Main`. Currently, we use these options::
-             HTTPS_KEY_FILE
-             HTTPS_CERT_FILE
-             HTTPS_PORT
-             HTTPS_BIND_IP
-             RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY
-             RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY
-             GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR
-    :type dist: :class:`bridgedb.Dist.IPBasedDistributor`
-    :param dist: A bridge distributor.
-    :raises SystemExit: if the servers cannot be started.
-    :rtype: :api:`twisted.web.server.Site`
-    :returns: A webserver.
-    """
-    captcha = None
-    numBridges = cfg.HTTPS_N_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER
-    logging.info("Starting web servers...")
-    httpdist = resource.Resource()
-    httpdist.putChild('', WebRoot())
-    httpdist.putChild('robots.txt',
-                      static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'robots.txt')))
-    httpdist.putChild('keys',
-                      static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'bridgedb.asc')))
-    httpdist.putChild('assets',
-                      static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'assets/')))
-    httpdist.putChild('options', WebResourceOptions())
-    httpdist.putChild('howto', WebResourceHowto())
-        publicKey = cfg.RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY
-        secretKey = cfg.RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY
-        captcha = partial(ReCaptchaProtectedResource,
-                          remoteIP=cfg.RECAPTCHA_REMOTEIP)
-        # Get the master HMAC secret key for CAPTCHA challenges, and then
-        # create a new HMAC key from it for use on the server.
-        captchaKey = crypto.getKey(cfg.GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE)
-        hmacKey = crypto.getHMAC(captchaKey, "Captcha-Key")
-        # Load or create our encryption keys:
-        secretKey, publicKey = crypto.getRSAKey(cfg.GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE)
-        captcha = partial(GimpCaptchaProtectedResource,
-                          hmacKey=hmacKey,
-                          captchaDir=cfg.GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR)
-        count, period = cfg.HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD.split()
-        sched = ScheduledInterval(count, period)
-    else:
-        sched = Unscheduled()
-    bridges = WebResourceBridges(dist, sched, numBridges,
-                                 fwdHeaders, includeFingerprints=fprInclude)
-    if captcha:
-        # Protect the 'bridges' page with a CAPTCHA, if configured to do so:
-        protected = captcha(publicKey=publicKey,
-                            secretKey=secretKey,
-                            useForwardedHeader=fwdHeaders,
-                            protectedResource=bridges)
-        httpdist.putChild('bridges', protected)
-        logging.info("Protecting resources with %s." % captcha.func.__name__)
-    else:
-        httpdist.putChild('bridges', bridges)
-    site = server.Site(httpdist)
-    site.displayTracebacks = False
-        ip = cfg.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_BIND_IP or ""
-        port = cfg.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT or 80
-        try:
-            reactor.listenTCP(port, site, interface=ip)
-        except CannotListenError as error:
-            raise SystemExit(error)
-        logging.info("Started HTTP server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port)))
-    if cfg.HTTPS_PORT:
-        ip = cfg.HTTPS_BIND_IP or ""
-        port = cfg.HTTPS_PORT or 443
-        try:
-            from twisted.internet.ssl import DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory
-            factory = DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(cfg.HTTPS_KEY_FILE,
-                                                   cfg.HTTPS_CERT_FILE)
-            reactor.listenSSL(port, site, factory, interface=ip)
-        except CannotListenError as error:
-            raise SystemExit(error)
-        logging.info("Started HTTPS server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port)))
-    return site
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/Main.py b/lib/bridgedb/Main.py
index 53189fd..1262122 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/Main.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/Main.py
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def run(options, reactor=reactor):
     state = persistent.State(config=config)
     from bridgedb.email.server import addServer as addSMTPServer
-    from bridgedb import HTTPServer
+    from bridgedb.https.server import addWebServer
     # Load the master key, or create a new one.
     key = crypto.getKey(config.MASTER_KEY_FILE)
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ def run(options, reactor=reactor):
         # Configure all servers:
         if config.HTTPS_DIST and config.HTTPS_SHARE:
-            HTTPServer.addWebServer(config, ipDistributor)
+            addWebServer(config, ipDistributor)
         if config.EMAIL_DIST and config.EMAIL_SHARE:
             addSMTPServer(config, emailDistributor)
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ def runSubcommand(options, config):
     # Make sure that the runner module is only imported after logging is set
     # up, otherwise we run into the same logging configuration problem as
-    # mentioned above with the email.server and HTTPServer.
+    # mentioned above with the email.server and https.server.
     from bridgedb import runner
     statuscode = 0
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/email/templates.py b/lib/bridgedb/email/templates.py
index a6ff38c..4db4e3c 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/email/templates.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/email/templates.py
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from bridgedb import strings
 from bridgedb.Dist import MAX_EMAIL_RATE
-from bridgedb.HTTPServer import TEMPLATE_DIR
 def addCommands(template):
@@ -75,18 +74,7 @@ def addGreeting(template, clientName=None, welcome=False):
     return greeting
 def addKeyfile(template):
-    filename = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'bridgedb.asc')
-    try:
-        with open(filename) as fh:
-            keyFile  = fh.read()
-    except Exception as error:  # pragma: no cover
-        logging.exception(error)
-        keyFile = u''
-    else:
-        keyFile += u'\n\n'
-    return keyFile
+    return u'%s\n\n' % strings.BRIDGEDB_OPENPGP_KEY
 def addBridgeAnswer(template, answer):
     # Give the user their bridges, i.e. the `answer`:
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/server.py b/lib/bridgedb/https/server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab15ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_https_server -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: please see included AUTHORS file
+# :copyright: (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
+#             (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
+# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
+.. py:module:: bridgedb.https.server
+    :synopsis: Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges
+               over HTTP(S).
+Servers which interface with clients and distribute bridges over HTTP(S).
+import base64 
+import gettext 
+import logging 
+import random
+import re 
+import time 
+import os 
+from functools import partial
+from ipaddr import IPv4Address
+import mako.exceptions
+from mako.template import Template
+from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
+from twisted.internet import reactor 
+from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError
+from twisted.web import resource
+from twisted.web import static 
+from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
+from twisted.web.server import Site
+from twisted.web.util import redirectTo 
+from bridgedb import captcha
+from bridgedb import crypto
+from bridgedb import strings
+from bridgedb import translations
+from bridgedb import txrecaptcha
+from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
+from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
+from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByTransport 
+from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByNotBlockedIn 
+from bridgedb.https.request import HTTPSBridgeRequest
+from bridgedb.parse import headers
+from bridgedb.parse.addr import isIPAddress
+from bridgedb.qrcodes import generateQR
+from bridgedb.safelog import logSafely
+from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
+from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
+from bridgedb.util import replaceControlChars
+TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
+rtl_langs = ('ar', 'he', 'fa', 'gu_IN', 'ku')
+# Setting `filesystem_checks` to False is recommended for production servers,
+# due to potential speed increases. This means that the atimes of the Mako
+# template files aren't rechecked every time the template is requested
+# (otherwise, if they are checked, and the atime is newer, the template is
+# recompiled). `collection_size` sets the number of compiled templates which
+# are cached before the least recently used ones are removed. See:
+# http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/usage.html#using-templatelookup
+lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[TEMPLATE_DIR],
+                        output_encoding='utf-8',
+                        filesystem_checks=False,
+                        collection_size=500)
+logging.debug("Set template root to %s" % TEMPLATE_DIR)
+def getClientIP(request, useForwardedHeader=False):
+    """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
+    header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
+    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+    :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
+        :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
+    :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, attempt to get the client's
+        IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For` header.
+    :rtype: None or str
+    :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
+    """
+    ip = None
+    if useForwardedHeader:
+        header = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For")
+        if header:
+            ip = header.split(",")[-1].strip()
+            if not isIPAddress(ip):
+                logging.warn("Got weird X-Forwarded-For value %r" % header)
+                ip = None
+    else:
+        ip = request.getClientIP()
+    return ip
+def replaceErrorPage(error, template_name=None):
+    """Create a general error page for displaying in place of tracebacks.
+    Log the error to BridgeDB's logger, and then display a very plain "Sorry!
+    Something went wrong!" page to the client.
+    :type error: :exc:`Exception`
+    :param error: Any exeption which has occurred while attempting to retrieve
+                  a template, render a page, or retrieve a resource.
+    :param str template_name: A string describing which template/page/resource
+                              was being used when the exception occurred,
+                              i.e. ``'index.html'``.
+    :returns: A string containing HTML to serve to the client (rather than
+              serving a traceback).
+    """
+    logging.error("Error while attempting to render %s: %s"
+                  % (template_name or 'template',
+                     mako.exceptions.text_error_template().render()))
+    # TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the following words and/or phrases in
+    # any string (regardless of capitalization and/or punctuation):
+    #
+    # "BridgeDB"
+    # "pluggable transport"
+    # "pluggable transports"
+    # "obfs2"
+    # "obfs3"
+    # "scramblesuit"
+    # "fteproxy"
+    # "Tor"
+    # "Tor Browser"
+    #
+    errmsg = _("Sorry! Something went wrong with your request.")
+    rendered = """<html>
+                    <head>
+                      <link href="/assets/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
+                      <link href="/assets/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
+                    </head>
+                    <body>
+                      <p>{0}</p>
+                    </body>
+                  </html>""".format(errmsg)
+    return rendered
+class TranslatedTemplateResource(resource.Resource):
+    """A generalised resource which uses gettext translations and Mako
+    templates.
+    """
+    isLeaf = True
+    def __init__(self, template=None):
+        """Create a new :api:`~twisted.web.resource.Resource` for a
+        Mako-templated webpage.
+        """
+        gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True)
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+        self.template = template
+    def render_GET(self, request):
+        rtl = False
+        try:
+            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
+            template = lookup.get_template(self.template)
+            rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0])
+        except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
+            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
+        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
+        return rendered
+    render_POST = render_GET
+class IndexResource(TranslatedTemplateResource):
+    """The parent resource of all other documents hosted by the webserver."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the index page."""
+        TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'index.html')
+class OptionsResource(TranslatedTemplateResource):
+    """A resource with additional options which a client may use to specify the
+    which bridge types should be returned by :class:`BridgesResource`.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the options page."""
+        TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'options.html')
+class HowtoResource(TranslatedTemplateResource):
+    """A resource which explains how to use bridges."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource` for the HowTo page."""
+        TranslatedTemplateResource.__init__(self, 'howto.html')
+class CaptchaProtectedResource(resource.Resource):
+    """A general resource protected by some form of CAPTCHA."""
+    isLeaf = True
+    def __init__(self, publicKey=None, secretKey=None,
+                 useForwardedHeader=False, protectedResource=None):
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+        self.publicKey = publicKey
+        self.secretKey = secretKey
+        self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader 
+        self.resource = protectedResource
+    def getClientIP(self, request): 
+        """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
+        header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
+            :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
+        :rtype: None or str
+        :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
+        """
+        return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
+    def getCaptchaImage(self, request=None):
+        """Get a CAPTCHA image.
+        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where ``image`` is a
+                  binary, JPEG-encoded image, and ``challenge`` is a unique
+                  string. If unable to retrieve a CAPTCHA, returns a tuple
+                  containing two empty strings.
+        """
+        return ('', '')
+    def extractClientSolution(self, request):
+        """Extract the client's CAPTCHA solution from a POST request.
+        This is used after receiving a POST request from a client (which
+        should contain their solution to the CAPTCHA), to extract the solution
+        and challenge strings.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'.
+        :returns: A redirect for a request for a new CAPTCHA if there was a
+            problem. Otherwise, returns a 2-tuple of strings, the first is the
+            client's CAPTCHA solution from the text input area, and the second
+            is the challenge string.
+        """
+        try:
+            challenge = request.args['captcha_challenge_field'][0]
+            response = request.args['captcha_response_field'][0]
+        except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
+            return redirectTo(request.URLPath(), request)
+        return (challenge, response)
+    def checkSolution(self, request):
+        """Override this method to check a client's CAPTCHA solution.
+        :rtype: bool
+        :returns: ``True`` if the client correctly solved the CAPTCHA;
+            ``False`` otherwise.
+        """
+        return False
+    def render_GET(self, request): 
+        """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be
+            protected by a CAPTCHA.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
+            for the client to solve.
+        """
+        rtl = False
+        image, challenge = self.getCaptchaImage(request)
+        try:
+            langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
+            # TODO: this does not work for versions of IE < 8.0
+            imgstr = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(image)
+            template = lookup.get_template('captcha.html')
+            rendered = template.render(strings,
+                                       rtl=rtl,
+                                       lang=langs[0],
+                                       imgstr=imgstr,
+                                       challenge_field=challenge)
+        except Exception as err:
+            rendered = replaceErrorPage(err, 'captcha.html')
+        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
+        return rendered
+    def render_POST(self, request): 
+        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
+        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
+        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
+        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
+            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
+            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
+            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
+            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
+            for the client to solve.
+        """
+        request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
+        if self.checkSolution(request) is True:
+            try:
+                rendered = self.resource.render(request)
+            except Exception as err:
+                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
+            return rendered
+        logging.debug("Client failed a CAPTCHA; returning redirect to %s"
+                      % request.uri)
+        return redirectTo(request.uri, request)
+class GimpCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource):
+    """A web resource which uses a local cache of CAPTCHAs, generated with
+    gimp-captcha_, to protect another resource.
+    .. _gimp-captcha: https://github.com/isislovecruft/gimp-captcha
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hmacKey=None, captchaDir='', **kwargs):
+        """Protect a resource via this one, using a local CAPTCHA cache.
+        :param str secretkey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, private RSA key, used for
+            verifying the client's solution to the CAPTCHA. See
+            :func:`bridgedb.crypto.getRSAKey` and the
+            ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE`` config setting.
+        :param str publickey: A PKCS#1 OAEP-padded, public RSA key, used for
+            creating the ``captcha_challenge_field`` string to give to a
+            client.
+        :param bytes hmacKey: The master HMAC key, used for validating CAPTCHA
+            challenge strings in :meth:`captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`. The file
+            where this key is stored can be set via the
+            ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE`` option in the config file.
+        :param str captchaDir: The directory where the cached CAPTCHA images
+            are stored. See the ``GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR`` config setting.
+        :param bool useForwardedHeader: If ``True``, obtain the client's IP
+            address from the ``X-Forwarded-For`` HTTP header.
+        :type protectedResource: :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`
+        :param protectedResource: The resource to serve if the client
+            successfully passes the CAPTCHA challenge.
+        """
+        CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.hmacKey = hmacKey
+        self.captchaDir = captchaDir
+    def checkSolution(self, request):
+        """Process a solved CAPTCHA via :meth:`bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.check`.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
+            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
+            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
+            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
+            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
+        :rtupe: bool
+        :returns: True, if the CAPTCHA solution was valid; False otherwise.
+        """
+        valid = False
+        challenge, solution = self.extractClientSolution(request)
+        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
+        clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP)
+        try:
+            valid = captcha.GimpCaptcha.check(challenge, solution,
+                                              self.secretKey, clientHMACKey)
+        except captcha.CaptchaExpired as error:
+            logging.warn(error)
+            valid = False
+        logging.debug("%sorrect captcha from %r: %r."
+                      % ("C" if valid else "Inc", clientIP, solution))
+        return valid
+    def getCaptchaImage(self, request):
+        """Get a random CAPTCHA image from our **captchaDir**.
+        Creates a :class:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha`, and calls its
+        :meth:`~bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptcha.get` method to return a random
+        CAPTCHA and challenge string.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource
+            which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA).
+        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where::
+            - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image.
+            - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request.
+        """
+        # Create a new HMAC key, specific to requests from this client:
+        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
+        clientHMACKey = crypto.getHMAC(self.hmacKey, clientIP)
+        capt = captcha.GimpCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey,
+                                   clientHMACKey, self.captchaDir)
+        try:
+            capt.get()
+        except captcha.GimpCaptchaError as error:
+            logging.error(error)
+        except Exception as error:  # pragma: no cover
+            logging.error("Unhandled error while retrieving Gimp captcha!")
+            logging.exception(error)
+        return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
+    def render_GET(self, request):
+        """Get a random CAPTCHA from our local cache directory and serve it to
+        the client.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a page which should be
+            protected by a CAPTCHA.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
+           for the client to solve.
+        """
+        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
+    def render_POST(self, request):
+        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
+        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
+        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
+        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
+            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
+            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
+            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
+            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
+            for the client to solve.
+        """
+        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_POST(self, request)
+class ReCaptchaProtectedResource(CaptchaProtectedResource):
+    """A web resource which uses the reCaptcha_ service.
+    .. _reCaptcha: http://www.google.com/recaptcha
+    """
+    def __init__(self, remoteIP=None, **kwargs):
+        CaptchaProtectedResource.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.remoteIP = remoteIP
+    def _renderDeferred(self, checkedRequest):
+        """Render this resource asynchronously.
+        :type checkedRequest: tuple
+        :param checkedRequest: A tuple of ``(bool, request)``, as returned
+            from :meth:`checkSolution`.
+        """
+        try:
+            valid, request = checkedRequest
+        except Exception as err:
+            logging.error("Error in _renderDeferred(): %s" % err)
+            return
+        logging.debug("Attemping to render %svalid request %r"
+                      % ('' if valid else 'in', request))
+        if valid is True:
+            try:
+                rendered = self.resource.render(request)
+            except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
+                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
+        else:
+            logging.info("Client failed a CAPTCHA; redirecting to %s"
+                         % request.uri)
+            rendered = redirectTo(request.uri, request)
+        try:
+            request.write(rendered)
+            request.finish()
+        except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
+            logging.exception(err)
+        return request
+    def getCaptchaImage(self, request):
+        """Get a CAPTCHA image from the remote reCaptcha server.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A client's initial request for some other resource
+            which is protected by this one (i.e. protected by a CAPTCHA).
+        :returns: A 2-tuple of ``(image, challenge)``, where::
+            - ``image`` is a string holding a binary, JPEG-encoded image.
+            - ``challenge`` is a unique string associated with the request.
+        """
+        capt = captcha.ReCaptcha(self.publicKey, self.secretKey)
+        try:
+            capt.get()
+        except Exception as error:
+            logging.fatal("Connection to Recaptcha server failed: %s" % error)
+        if capt.image is None:
+            logging.warn("No CAPTCHA image received from ReCaptcha server!")
+        return (capt.image, capt.challenge)
+    def getRemoteIP(self):
+        """Mask the client's real IP address with a faked one.
+        The fake client IP address is sent to the reCaptcha server, and it is
+        either the public IP address of bridges.torproject.org (if the config
+        option ``RECAPTCHA_REMOTE_IP`` is configured), or a random IP.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A fake IP address to report to the reCaptcha API server.
+        """
+        if self.remoteIP:
+            remoteIP = self.remoteIP
+        else:
+            # generate a random IP for the captcha submission
+            remoteIP = IPv4Address(random.randint(0, 2**32-1)).compressed
+        return remoteIP
+    def checkSolution(self, request):
+        """Process a solved CAPTCHA by sending it to the ReCaptcha server.
+        The client's IP address is not sent to the ReCaptcha server; instead,
+        a completely random IP is generated and sent instead.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
+            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
+            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
+            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
+            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
+        :rtupe: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred`
+        :returns: A deferred which will callback with a tuple in the following
+            form:
+                (:type:`bool`, :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`)
+            If the CAPTCHA solution was valid, a tuple will contain::
+                (True, Request)
+            Otherwise, it will contain::
+                (False, Request)
+        """
+        challenge, response = self.extractClientSolution(request)
+        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
+        remoteIP = self.getRemoteIP()
+        logging.debug("Captcha from %r. Parameters: %r"
+                      % (clientIP, request.args))
+        def checkResponse(solution, request):
+            """Check the :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
+            :type solution: :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
+            :param solution: The client's CAPTCHA solution, after it has been
+                submitted to the reCaptcha API server.
+            """
+            # This valid CAPTCHA result from this function cannot be reliably
+            # unittested, because it's callbacked to from the deferred
+            # returned by ``txrecaptcha.submit``, the latter of which would
+            # require networking (as well as automated CAPTCHA
+            # breaking). Hence, the 'no cover' pragma.
+            if solution.is_valid:  # pragma: no cover
+                logging.info("Valid CAPTCHA solution from %r." % clientIP)
+                return (True, request)
+            else:
+                logging.info("Invalid CAPTCHA solution from %r: %r"
+                             % (clientIP, solution.error_code))
+                return (False, request)
+        d = txrecaptcha.submit(challenge, response, self.secretKey,
+                               remoteIP).addCallback(checkResponse, request)
+        return d
+    def render_GET(self, request):
+        """Retrieve a ReCaptcha from the API server and serve it to the client.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for 'bridges.html'.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image
+            for the client to solve.
+        """
+        return CaptchaProtectedResource.render_GET(self, request)
+    def render_POST(self, request):
+        """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution.
+        If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to
+        :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original
+        request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
+            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
+            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
+            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
+            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
+        :returns: :api:`twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET`, in order to handle
+            the ``Deferred`` returned from :meth:`checkSolution`. Eventually,
+            when the ``Deferred`` request is done being processed,
+            :meth:`_renderDeferred` will handle rendering and displaying the
+            HTML to the client.
+        """
+        d = self.checkSolution(request)
+        d.addCallback(self._renderDeferred)
+        return NOT_DONE_YET
+class BridgesResource(resource.Resource):
+    """This resource displays bridge lines in response to a request."""
+    isLeaf = True 
+    def __init__(self, distributor, schedule, N=1, useForwardedHeader=False, 
+                 includeFingerprints=True):
+        """Create a new resource for displaying bridges to a client.
+        :type distributor: :class:`IPBasedDistributor`
+        :param distributor: The mechanism to retrieve bridges for this
+            distributor.
+        :type schedule: :class:`~bridgedb.schedule.ScheduledInterval`
+        :param schedule: The time period used to tweak the bridge selection
+            procedure.
+        :param int N: The number of bridges to hand out per query.
+        :param bool useForwardedHeader: Whether or not we should use the the
+            X-Forwarded-For header instead of the source IP address.
+        :param bool includeFingerprints: Do we include the bridge's
+            fingerprint in the response?
+        """ 
+        gettext.install("bridgedb", unicode=True) 
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+        self.distributor = distributor 
+        self.schedule = schedule 
+        self.nBridgesToGive = N 
+        self.useForwardedHeader = useForwardedHeader 
+        self.includeFingerprints = includeFingerprints 
+    def render(self, request): 
+        """Render a response for a client HTTP request.
+        Presently, this method merely wraps :meth:`getBridgeRequestAnswer` to
+        catch any unhandled exceptions which occur (otherwise the server will
+        display the traceback to the client). If an unhandled exception *does*
+        occur, the client will be served the default "No bridges currently
+        available" HTML response page.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
+            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
+        """
+        try:
+            response = self.getBridgeRequestAnswer(request)
+        except Exception as err:
+            logging.exception(err)
+            response = self.renderAnswer(request)
+        return response
+    def getClientIP(self, request):
+        """Get the client's IP address from the :header:`X-Forwarded-For`
+        header, or from the :api:`request <twisted.web.server.Request>`.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object for a
+            :api:`twisted.web.resource.Resource`.
+        :rtype: None or str
+        :returns: The client's IP address, if it was obtainable.
+        """
+        return getClientIP(request, self.useForwardedHeader)
+    def getBridgeRequestAnswer(self, request): 
+        """Respond to a client HTTP request for bridges.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
+            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
+        """
+        bridgeLines = None
+        interval = self.schedule.intervalStart(time.time())
+        ip = self.getClientIP(request)
+        logging.info("Replying to web request from %s. Parameters were %r"
+                     % (ip, request.args))
+        if ip:
+            bridgeRequest = HTTPSBridgeRequest()
+            bridgeRequest.client = ip
+            bridgeRequest.isValid(True)
+            bridgeRequest.withIPversion(request.args)
+            bridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType(request.args)
+            bridgeRequest.withoutBlockInCountry(request)
+            bridgeRequest.generateFilters()
+            bridges = self.distributor.getBridges(bridgeRequest, interval)
+            bridgeLines = [replaceControlChars(bridge.getBridgeLine(
+                bridgeRequest, self.includeFingerprints)) for bridge in bridges]
+        return self.renderAnswer(request, bridgeLines)
+    def getResponseFormat(self, request):
+        """Determine the requested format for the response.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
+            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
+        :rtype: ``None`` or str
+        :returns: The argument of the first occurence of the ``format=`` HTTP
+            GET parameter, if any were present. (The only one which currently
+            has any effect is ``format=plain``, see note in
+            :meth:`renderAnswer`.)  Otherwise, returns ``None``.
+        """
+        format = request.args.get("format", None)
+        if format and len(format):
+            format = format[0]  # Choose the first arg
+        return format
+    def renderAnswer(self, request, bridgeLines=None):
+        """Generate a response for a client which includes **bridgesLines**.
+        .. note: The generated response can be plain or HTML. A plain response
+            looks like::
+                voltron ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF
+                voltron 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567
+            That is, there is no HTML, what you see is what you get, and what
+            you get is suitable for pasting directly into Tor Launcher (or
+            into a torrc, if you prepend ``"Bridge "`` to each line). The
+            plain format can be requested from BridgeDB's web service by
+            adding an ``&format=plain`` HTTP GET parameter to the URL. Also
+            note that you won't get a QRCode, usage instructions, error
+            messages, or any other fanciness if you use the plain format.
+        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
+        :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full
+            URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present.
+        :type bridgeLines: list or None
+        :param bridgeLines: A list of strings used to configure a Tor client
+            to use a bridge. If ``None``, then the returned page will instead
+            explain that there were no bridges of the type they requested,
+            with instructions on how to proceed.
+        :rtype: str
+        :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve.
+        """
+        rtl = False
+        format = self.getResponseFormat(request)
+        if format == 'plain':
+            request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
+            try:
+                rendered = bytes('\n'.join(bridgeLines))
+            except Exception as err:
+                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
+        else:
+            request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
+            qrcode = None
+            qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines)
+            if qrjpeg:
+                qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg)
+            try:
+                langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
+                rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
+                template = lookup.get_template('bridges.html')
+                rendered = template.render(strings,
+                                           rtl=rtl,
+                                           lang=langs[0],
+                                           answer=bridgeLines,
+                                           qrcode=qrcode)
+            except Exception as err:
+                rendered = replaceErrorPage(err)
+        return rendered
+def addWebServer(config, distributor):
+    """Set up a web server for HTTP(S)-based bridge distribution.
+    :type config: :class:`bridgedb.persistent.Conf`
+    :param config: A configuration object from
+         :mod:`bridgedb.Main`. Currently, we use these options::
+             HTTPS_KEY_FILE
+             HTTPS_CERT_FILE
+             HTTPS_PORT
+             HTTPS_BIND_IP
+             RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY
+             RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY
+             GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR
+    :type distributor: :class:`bridgedb.Dist.IPBasedDistributor`
+    :param distributor: A bridge distributor.
+    :raises SystemExit: if the servers cannot be started.
+    :rtype: :api:`twisted.web.server.Site`
+    :returns: A webserver.
+    """ 
+    captcha = None
+    fwdHeaders = config.HTTP_USE_IP_FROM_FORWARDED_HEADER
+    numBridges = config.HTTPS_N_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER
+    fprInclude = config.HTTPS_INCLUDE_FINGERPRINTS
+    logging.info("Starting web servers...")
+    index   = IndexResource()
+    options = OptionsResource()
+    howto   = HowtoResource()
+    robots  = static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'robots.txt'))
+    assets  = static.File(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'assets/'))
+    keys    = static.Data(bytes(strings.BRIDGEDB_OPENPGP_KEY), 'text/plain')
+    root = resource.Resource()
+    root.putChild('', index)
+    root.putChild('robots.txt', robots)
+    root.putChild('keys', keys)
+    root.putChild('assets', assets)
+    root.putChild('options', options)
+    root.putChild('howto', howto)
+    if config.RECAPTCHA_ENABLED:
+        publicKey = config.RECAPTCHA_PUB_KEY
+        secretKey = config.RECAPTCHA_SEC_KEY
+        captcha = partial(ReCaptchaProtectedResource,
+                          remoteIP=config.RECAPTCHA_REMOTEIP)
+    elif config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_ENABLED:
+        # Get the master HMAC secret key for CAPTCHA challenges, and then
+        # create a new HMAC key from it for use on the server.
+        captchaKey = crypto.getKey(config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE)
+        hmacKey = crypto.getHMAC(captchaKey, "Captcha-Key")
+        # Load or create our encryption keys:
+        secretKey, publicKey = crypto.getRSAKey(config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE)
+        captcha = partial(GimpCaptchaProtectedResource,
+                          hmacKey=hmacKey,
+                          captchaDir=config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR)
+        count, period = config.HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD.split()
+        sched = ScheduledInterval(count, period)
+    else:
+        sched = Unscheduled()
+    bridges = BridgesResource(distributor, sched, numBridges, fwdHeaders,
+                              includeFingerprints=fprInclude)
+    if captcha:
+        # Protect the 'bridges' page with a CAPTCHA, if configured to do so:
+        protected = captcha(publicKey=publicKey,
+                            secretKey=secretKey,
+                            useForwardedHeader=fwdHeaders,
+                            protectedResource=bridges)
+        root.putChild('bridges', protected)
+        logging.info("Protecting resources with %s." % captcha.func.__name__)
+    else: 
+        root.putChild('bridges', bridges)
+    site = Site(root)
+    site.displayTracebacks = False
+    if config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT:  # pragma: no cover
+        ip = config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_BIND_IP or ""
+        port = config.HTTP_UNENCRYPTED_PORT or 80
+        try:
+            reactor.listenTCP(port, site, interface=ip)
+        except CannotListenError as error:
+            raise SystemExit(error)
+        logging.info("Started HTTP server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port)))
+    if config.HTTPS_PORT:  # pragma: no cover
+        ip = config.HTTPS_BIND_IP or ""
+        port = config.HTTPS_PORT or 443
+        try:
+            from twisted.internet.ssl import DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory
+            factory = DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(config.HTTPS_KEY_FILE,
+                                                   config.HTTPS_CERT_FILE)
+            reactor.listenSSL(port, site, factory, interface=ip)
+        except CannotListenError as error:
+            raise SystemExit(error)
+        logging.info("Started HTTPS server on %s:%d" % (str(ip), int(port)))
+    return site 
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56eb594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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+/* Bootswatch v3.1.1+1
+ * Homepage: http://bootswatch.com
+ * Copyright 2012-2014 Thomas Park
+ * Licensed under MIT
+ * Based on Bootstrap */
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 .5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1536h-1152v-1536h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM1408 1472v-1664q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1664q0 26 19 45t45 19h1280q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" />
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 5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1152h-256v-32q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-448q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v32h-256v-1152h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM896 1056v320q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-96h-128v96q0 13 -9.5 22.5 t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-320q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v96h128v-96q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1408 1088v-1280q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1280q0 26 19 45t45 19h320 v288q0 40 28 68t68 28h448q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-288h320q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" />
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 4.20647 -5.38264,-6.04119 -5.49091,-8.20179 -0.11106,-2.21558 -1.43287,-4.08634 -6.48165,-9.17355 -4.03166,-4.06232 -7.0297,-6.39037 -8.22932,-6.39037 -2.48967,0 -5.6335,-3.44499 -5.6335,-6.17311 0,-2.394 3.20199,-5.93076 5.3694,-5.93076 4.25447,0 7.29005,4.3597 5.79088,8.31684 -0.82506,2.17781 -0.54161,2.72103 3.63483,6.96506 2.49135,2.53165 4.77568,4.60299 5.07632,4.60299 0.30062,0 0.61403,-2.25417 0.69637,-5.00931 0.13905,-4.65044 -0.0369,-5.1478 -2.45554,-6.94239 -3.12358,-2.31754 -3.46727,-5.81411 -0.84876,-8.63476 2.14554,-2.31113 5.14881,-2.42622 7.76805,-0.2977 2.6187,2.128 2.66859,6.74649 0.0956,8.83748 -1.71615,1.3946 -1.86639,2.307 -1.86415,11.32071 l 9.8e-4,9.80387 5.57271,5.61968 5.57274,5.61965 0.0244,28.05758 0.0245,28.05757 3.446,-3.37685 3.44598,-3.37691 0,-27.80275 0,-27.80275 -7.32274,-7.00757 c -7.97519,-7.63193 -8.81635,-9.67878 -5.32884,-12.96678 2.55248,-2.40645 6.0699,-2.4012 8.31053,0.013 2.23972,2.41259 2.23089,5.05061 -0.0264,7.93067 l -1.78314,2.27496 4.7
 9772,4.73843 4.79771,4.73843 -0.0511,20.55305 c -0.0285,11.30418 -0.028,20.93626 6.9e-4,21.40463 0.0287,0.46833 4.89803,-3.99995 10.82082,-9.92948 l 10.76875,-10.78111 0,-11.71411 0,-11.71409 -4.62435,-4.58313 c -2.86508,-2.83954 -5.24122,-4.49205 -6.2459,-4.34373 -2.87149,0.42396 -5.28576,-0.9481 -6.39435,-3.63402 -0.94772,-2.29616 -0.86879,-2.90703 0.63865,-4.94248 3.90989,-5.27929 11.22699,-2.32445 10.35732,4.18258 -0.37982,2.84172 -0.0722,3.63436 2.31012,5.95157 1.51157,1.47026 3.02058,2.67319 3.35342,2.67319 0.33281,0 0.60509,-6.60027 0.60509,-14.6673 l 0,-14.6673 -8.8304,-0.2464 c -8.72545,-0.24342 -8.85851,-0.217 -11.20124,2.22447 -1.89791,1.97799 -2.84305,2.35864 -4.73821,1.90839 -2.72281,-0.64687 -5.38264,-3.44144 -5.38264,-5.65527 0,-0.83422 0.80348,-2.54184 1.78552,-3.79473 2.3582,-3.00861 6.09113,-3.06044 8.39857,-0.11653 1.6168,2.06276 2.1111,2.16141 10.83127,2.16141 l 9.13713,0 0,-2.82692 c 0,-2.41984 -1.17482,-4.001 -8.15911,-10.98099 l -8.15915,-8.15406 -0.24048,-10.
 41694 -0.24051,-10.41694 -8.45278,-0.24806 c -7.97189,-0.23397 -8.6006,-0.12323 -11.05023,1.94526 -2.84367,2.4013 -4.27933,2.66798 -6.8706,1.27626 -3.98071,-2.13801 -3.69089,-8.5501 0.47251,-10.45387 2.65444,-1.21373 7.06536,0.37212 7.83901,2.81833 0.46409,1.46743 1.44432,1.63617 9.50516,1.63617 l 8.98767,0 0,-10.39616 c 0,-10.13373 -0.0511,-10.41571 -2.03623,-11.17308 -2.29606,-0.87607 -3.13277,-2.51018 -3.13277,-6.11844 0,-2.79161 2.66169,-5.16571 5.79147,-5.16571 4.66157,0 7.17266,6.77502 3.68504,9.94247 -1.45142,1.31821 -1.72299,2.66281 -1.72299,8.53097 l 0,6.96614 4.30749,-4.25781 4.30751,-4.2578 0,-12.64601 c 0,-12.61245 -0.005,-12.6486 -2.12997,-13.61993 -4.22196,-1.93051 -3.94163,-8.7353 0.43481,-10.5545 3.30804,-1.37511 6.53282,-0.1109 7.72162,3.02694 0.96562,2.54882 -0.16774,6.2834 -2.13679,7.04174 -1.08911,0.4194 -1.30517,2.746 -1.30517,14.05195 l 0,13.54934 -5.59978,5.56968 -5.59972,5.56969 0,5.19693 0,5.19689 8.97117,-8.97246 c 8.37646,-8.37762 8.94118,-9.1582 8.51802,-
 11.77495 -1.0612,-6.56269 7.79358,-8.89781 10.99267,-2.89888 2.11779,3.97119 -2.57429,9.22866 -7.21952,8.08949 -1.51892,-0.37246 -3.73433,1.42867 -11.57047,9.4067 l -9.69187,9.86737 0,6.38724 0,6.38721 8.18421,8.17921 8.18425,8.17919 0,26.60234 c 0,14.63128 0.25098,26.60232 0.55769,26.60232 0.30675,0 3.40814,-2.96451 6.892,-6.5878 l 6.33432,-6.58785 0,-24.92148 0,-24.92153 -2.34907,-1.12986 c -3.21721,-1.54748 -4.45587,-5.28238 -2.75846,-8.31737 1.05652,-1.88895 1.91219,-2.31871 4.61684,-2.31871 2.59957,0 3.69493,0.50395 5.04785,2.32252 1.52166,2.04534 1.5974,2.63852 0.63459,4.9712 -0.60131,1.4568 -1.43392,2.64877 -1.85026,2.64877 -0.41635,0 -0.75698,8.64667 -0.75698,19.21486 l 0,19.21484 6.44329,-6.423 c 6.1699,-6.15051 6.42175,-6.55826 5.93556,-9.60947 -0.40242,-2.52553 -0.13067,-3.56472 1.3102,-5.01073 2.38709,-2.3956 6.41879,-2.36409 8.67637,0.0679 3.95939,4.265 0.59661,10.02223 -5.47384,9.37147 -1.0349,-0.11113 -4.41802,2.60953 -9.26108,7.44729 l -7.6305,7.62212 0,5.65478 0,5.6
 5472 -8.18425,8.17918 -8.18427,8.17923 0,5.17724 c 0,5.04625 -0.10791,5.28736 -4.27356,9.52726 -4.2366,4.31244 -4.27533,4.40259 -4.48646,10.43843 -0.18505,5.29047 0.0364,6.33863 1.68906,7.99721 2.10586,2.11332 2.49311,5.96945 0.8251,8.2161 -1.81286,2.4417 -6.20526,2.81129 -8.30988,0.6992 -2.63251,-2.64191 -2.45676,-7.40776 0.34101,-9.24746 1.83373,-1.2058 2.15376,-2.07477 2.15376,-5.84826 l 0,-4.43207 -6.04746,6.06893 -6.04741,6.06891 -0.31821,5.47319 c -0.31015,5.33478 -0.44043,5.59713 -5.15206,10.37537 l -4.83385,4.90218 0,6.46057 0,6.46056 -5.3343,5.43679 -5.33435,5.43677 1.45758,2.47627 c 0.98554,1.67429 1.45755,4.38634 1.45755,8.37443 l 0,5.89821 -5.99998,6.07226 -5.99994,6.07225 -0.10428,15.90751 -0.10441,15.90748 10.41196,10.47415 10.41196,10.47414 0,21.3854 0,21.38542 3.44599,0 3.44602,0 0,-32.22813 0,-32.22811 -5.83676,-5.81258 c -4.72525,-4.70576 -6.35389,-5.81262 -8.55246,-5.81262 -1.90777,0 -3.24697,-0.67775 -4.50125,-2.278 -2.23384,-2.84993 -2.23384,-3.83337 0,-6.68331 
 3.81603,-4.86855 10.9992,-1.90128 10.02227,4.14013 -0.45396,2.80744 -0.1038,3.37157 5.4839,8.83293 l 5.96878,5.83398 0,33.55014 c 0,31.37164 0.098,33.5509 1.50763,33.56194 0.82918,0.007 2.3799,0.2464 3.44599,0.53312 l 1.93838,0.52129 0,-12.83397 0,-12.83399 6.65572,-6.71881 6.65574,-6.71879 -6.22496,-6.28908 -6.22499,-6.28911 0,-9.99939 0,-9.9994 -7.75351,-7.532 c -8.36835,-8.12931 -9.51045,-10.76699 -6.0305,-13.92752 1.60226,-1.45517 1.72303,-2.66284 1.72303,-17.23229 l 0,-15.66743 5.93537,-5.91085 c 5.6082,-5.58501 5.91166,-6.08847 5.50474,-9.13309 -0.36785,-2.75196 -0.0856,-3.49471 1.93428,-5.08912 3.09842,-2.44589 5.16876,-2.35675 7.85398,0.33804 1.69727,1.70327 2.07201,2.73594 1.6471,4.53894 -0.76282,3.23725 -3.7648,5.59183 -6.46817,5.0732 -1.81222,-0.34766 -3.19511,0.59387 -8.00667,5.45136 l -5.81615,5.87161 0,14.75197 0,14.75188 2.30551,1.12789 c 1.26803,0.62034 2.66983,2.23576 3.11508,3.58985 0.65908,2.00431 0.45227,2.94694 -1.1126,5.07108 l -1.92217,2.60904 2.62811,2.63749 
 2.6281,2.63743 6.51698,-6.34163 c 3.58435,-3.48787 6.51698,-6.7755 6.51698,-7.30574 0,-0.53027 -2.0353,-2.9699 -4.52286,-5.42134 -3.64565,-3.59273 -5.17462,-4.50928 -7.88333,-4.72558 -2.47866,-0.19792 -3.82119,-0.8903 -5.11654,-2.63874 -1.66368,-2.24567 -1.68299,-2.52437 -0.36736,-5.29308 2.97225,-6.25505 10.63775,-4.23837 10.49635,2.76143 -0.0642,3.17482 0.41333,3.99484 4.94905,8.49913 l 5.02003,4.98533 3.86534,-3.80703 c 3.57672,-3.52279 3.8262,-4.05263 3.34119,-7.09635 -1.18872,-7.46039 8.08326,-10.10879 10.96313,-3.13147 0.90618,2.19544 0.81566,2.84893 -0.67308,4.85911 -1.16379,1.57139 -2.66761,2.40881 -4.65013,2.58949 -2.46757,0.22491 -4.7963,2.13007 -14.75432,12.07094 -11.74938,11.72907 -11.81391,11.81505 -10.18242,13.56595 1.41706,1.52072 1.64138,3.11386 1.63786,11.63247 l -0.004,9.87042 5.63995,5.66 5.63998,5.66 2.43559,-2.34172 c 1.95183,-1.87664 2.36753,-2.92677 2.09293,-5.28712 -0.6952,-5.97622 6.42511,-8.98558 10.11672,-4.27576 2.13834,2.72814 1.71712,5.05326 -1.43566,7.
 92453 -1.50728,1.37267 -2.82709,1.85183 -4.16937,1.51378 -1.62877,-0.41026 -3.66674,1.19362 -11.93976,9.3965 l -9.97549,9.89127 0,12.48574 c 0,12.21738 0.0418,12.49695 1.93839,13.00706 5.00017,1.3448 4.95362,1.43935 4.95362,-10.05495 l 0,-10.59989 15.50378,-15.5409 15.50374,-15.54087 -8.3964,-8.47315 c -6.8812,-6.94412 -8.74753,-8.38617 -10.34218,-7.99106 -5.95321,1.47487 -9.89203,-6.16197 -5.23272,-10.1455 3.92241,-3.35355 9.33225,-0.54941 9.33225,4.83724 0,1.6604 0.64447,3.47727 1.51333,4.26634 1.40525,1.27625 1.86673,1.03366 6.46125,-3.39729 l 4.94792,-4.77174 0,-17.02699 0,-17.02703 -5.59975,-5.56966 -5.59976,-5.56972 0,-6.48202 0,-6.48199 4.49346,-4.56613 4.49342,-4.56614 -4.38795,0 c -2.8494,0 -4.76398,0.45469 -5.46041,1.29687 -2.50861,3.03339 -9.4765,-0.46293 -9.4765,-4.7551 0,-2.33261 3.70618,-6.05195 6.03051,-6.05195 2.10015,0 6.03051,3.63694 6.03051,5.58039 0,1.05356 1.07073,1.3361 5.06349,1.3361 5.64012,0 7.60068,-1.35285 7.13447,-4.92306 -0.44146,-3.38076 2.03002,-6.3162
 4 5.31795,-6.31624 3.63159,0 5.59327,1.499 6.22283,4.7551 0.74675,3.86201 -2.23182,6.77646 -6.40285,6.26504 -2.94142,-0.36069 -3.50563,0.013 -9.79778,6.47483 l -6.67662,6.85759 0,4.98498 c 0,4.98364 9.7e-4,4.98646 5.58009,10.55747 l 5.58009,5.57247 0.23503,16.25677 0.23503,16.25682 2.79984,-2.68647 2.79991,-2.68646 0,-16.96843 0,-16.96842 -2.20767,-2.0533 c -2.88649,-2.6846 -2.62057,-6.77462 0.59649,-9.17392 3.86662,-2.88373 8.50317,-0.14699 8.50317,5.01883 0,2.19566 -0.55403,3.30861 -2.17909,4.37712 l -2.1791,1.43292 0.0923,15.54338 0.0925,15.54334 2.71917,-2.4749 c 1.49558,-1.36121 3.01022,-2.86396 3.36585,-3.33945 0.35566,-0.47554 0.65261,-15.43935 0.65987,-33.25294 l 0.0135,-32.38831 -3.62534,-3.70714 -3.62541,-3.70713 -9.25796,0 c -8.72648,0 -9.3816,0.12413 -11.41169,2.16143 -2.6215,2.63083 -4.72354,2.7315 -7.71565,0.36951 -2.77487,-2.19044 -2.99189,-5.74997 -0.51336,-8.4198 2.59844,-2.79906 6.36189,-2.49617 8.71762,0.70151 1.87806,2.54923 2.04437,2.59369 9.69972,2.59369 l 7.78
 893,0 -7.52018,-7.58198 c -7.51254,-7.5744 -7.52014,-7.58657 -7.52014,-12.06093 0,-2.84983 -0.42431,-4.73034 -1.1665,-5.17026 -1.44083,-0.854 -3.14102,-4.00537 -3.14102,-5.82192 0,-2.21656 3.25262,-4.81193 6.0305,-4.81193 5.52964,0 7.85996,6.02368 3.87673,10.02105 -1.61646,1.62225 -2.15373,3.07104 -2.15373,5.80807 0,3.53693 0.36292,4.01024 12.06099,15.72738 l 12.06102,12.08069 0,31.78422 c 0,17.48135 0.18859,31.78427 0.41911,31.78427 0.23055,0 1.77075,-1.45897 3.42269,-3.24213 l 3.00353,-3.24209 0.0234,-32.01199 0.0234,-32.01197 -5.83672,-5.81259 c -4.78105,-4.76127 -6.33926,-5.81263 -8.61499,-5.81263 -6.55276,0 -8.49219,-8.17042 -2.68039,-11.2919 4.04942,-2.17486 9.9263,3.57574 7.77568,7.60852 -0.75681,1.41917 0.0472,2.59102 5.52763,8.05398 l 6.41321,6.39316 0,24.21314 0,24.21315 8.59083,-8.58897 8.59079,-8.58901 -6.00631,-6.21634 -6.00631,-6.21632 0,-14.51785 c 0,-13.76403 0.0984,-14.62285 1.89365,-16.54069 l 1.89367,-2.02284 -5.7704,-5.83562 c -3.25191,-3.28867 -5.77039,-6.58913 
 -5.77039,-7.56213 0,-1.01311 -2.94426,-4.66592 -7.12539,-8.84007 -5.43289,-5.42388 -7.68379,-7.11355 -9.47652,-7.11355 -5.56775,0 -7.70416,-7.16356 -3.14939,-10.56019 4.5597,-3.40033 10.55465,1.38306 8.50707,6.78777 -0.84592,2.23279 -0.53272,2.74571 5.17188,8.47061 l 6.07235,6.09393 0,-43.63128 0,-43.63126 -6.46128,6.4409 c -5.4189,5.40188 -6.46123,6.89771 -6.46123,9.27241 0,5.25918 -5.0277,7.93624 -9.28479,4.94385 -1.92959,-1.35633 -2.63439,-5.74614 -1.25538,-7.81874 1.19971,-1.80308 4.48,-2.97968 6.72838,-2.41336 1.9783,0.49825 3.13993,-0.31666 9.49421,-6.66035 6.13653,-6.12634 7.24009,-7.65928 7.24009,-10.05701 l 0,-2.82892 -8.30083,0 c -7.74763,0 -8.43388,0.14397 -10.29687,2.16141 -4.58993,4.97024 -12.4598,0.0816 -9.68995,-6.01912 1.84662,-4.06729 8.10649,-4.38354 10.17014,-0.51386 0.85944,1.61154 1.75134,1.77788 9.53282,1.77788 8.0301,0 8.58469,-0.11243 8.58469,-1.74112 0,-1.06861 -3.49407,-5.18444 -9.04576,-10.65552 l -9.04574,-8.91441 0,-22.01123 0,-22.01118 -4.55,-4.50942 c 
 -3.75436,-3.72094 -5.08128,-4.50941 -7.58878,-4.50941 -5.75467,0 -8.40778,-4.65019 -5.07736,-8.89918 3.56927,-4.55376 10.30982,-1.992449 10.33706,3.92795 0.0109,2.19815 1.04158,3.92219 4.73824,7.91985 l 4.72535,5.11001 0,13.87784 0,13.87786 4.3075,-4.25785 4.3075,-4.25779 0,-27.28981 0,-27.289813 -2.58452,-2.275923 c -3.03863,-2.675818 -3.25292,-4.804205 -0.79896,-7.934993 2.18456,-2.787087 6.07346,-3.03667 8.55246,-0.548876 2.38861,2.397093 2.2009,6.164535 -0.43076,8.645619 -1.92866,1.818328 -2.15375,2.713011 -2.15375,8.561097 l 0,6.530559 7.17785,-7.165957 c 6.71199,-6.700813 7.17334,-7.393613 7.1074,-10.67308 -0.14053,-6.993553 7.52654,-9.005663 10.49684,-2.754722 1.31562,2.768648 1.29628,3.047473 -0.36697,5.293059 -1.19754,1.616845 -2.68722,2.45579 -4.6858,2.638879 -2.39372,0.219289 -4.46766,1.798937 -11.32967,8.629398 l -8.39965,8.360968 0,12.964365 0,12.96436 6.9129,-6.89622 c 5.90884,-5.89463 6.84238,-7.21835 6.42766,-9.11432 -1.16039,-5.30495 6.03696,-9.02744 9.91995,-5.1306
 6 3.68889,3.70202 1.1495,9.51019 -4.15798,9.51019 -2.89115,0 -3.97178,0.77896 -11.23573,8.09917 -10.46251,10.54352 -10.40647,11.29514 0.8584,11.51469 7.98443,0.15561 8.31175,0.0872 9.40802,-1.9686 3.40289,-6.38093 13.41965,-1.2686 10.42747,5.32193 -1.79268,3.94847 -8.74195,4.51057 -10.15268,0.82123 -0.67459,-1.7642 -18.40801,-1.96086 -18.40801,-0.20416 0,0.60813 -2.51989,3.61205 -5.59973,6.67538 l -5.59974,5.56971 0,5.66005 0,5.66011 9.03868,9.03994 9.03861,9.03989 0.22247,48.23649 0.22247,48.23653 4.0921,-3.93529 4.09216,-3.93536 0,-46.9048 0,-46.90487 -4.17275,-4.12459 c -3.39182,-3.3527 -4.56768,-4.02511 -6.28315,-3.59302 -5.16392,1.30067 -8.9088,-6.06949 -5.05112,-9.94093 3.8878,-3.90159 11.08055,-0.17369 9.91761,5.1402 -0.40275,1.84006 0.26591,2.97245 3.84314,6.50845 l 4.33075,4.28075 0,14.51394 c 0,7.98263 0.26039,14.5139 0.57867,14.5139 0.31827,0 4.58001,-4.04978 9.47057,-8.9995 8.25562,-8.35551 8.85394,-9.19 8.36142,-11.6615 -1.18574,-5.94977 5.72244,-9.58756 10.01882,-5.275
 87 1.9627,1.96967 2.15337,3.616 0.73254,6.32493 -1.32934,2.5345 -2.4043,3.15632 -5.48371,3.17203 -2.16747,0.0105 -4.34217,1.7684 -13.13784,10.6166 l -10.54047,10.6034 0,31.56897 0,31.56901 -5.59978,5.56972 c -5.36033,5.33158 -5.59973,5.74903 -5.59973,9.76549 0,3.9189 0.3214,4.53395 4.86939,9.31902 2.67816,2.81776 5.33184,5.12318 5.89699,5.12318 2.60888,0 3.87914,-3.14354 3.87914,-9.59987 l 0,-6.4378 6.46121,-6.44094 6.46127,-6.44094 0,-12.00107 c 0,-11.77138 -0.0413,-12.03361 -2.15376,-13.70125 -2.8583,-2.25632 -2.98459,-6.94451 -0.23905,-8.8744 3.89949,-2.74103 8.22353,-1.14818 9.64929,3.55454 0.41243,1.36023 -0.11857,2.66466 -1.93529,4.75508 -2.48802,2.86268 -2.50459,2.95623 -2.6588,14.98454 l -0.15518,12.10386 -6.42266,6.50332 -6.4226,6.50335 0,6.55889 0,6.5589 -4.30753,4.65297 -4.30747,4.65296 0,13.86628 0,13.86628 5.41753,5.38852 c 5.87138,5.83984 7.77812,5.99871 6.90109,0.57497 -0.36999,-2.28802 -0.0186,-3.30564 1.75452,-5.08537 2.78201,-2.79188 5.22314,-2.82352 7.93426,-0.102
 55 1.16299,1.16718 2.11456,2.93561 2.11456,3.92985 0,2.82455 -3.77569,6.05192 -7.08017,6.05192 -2.51053,0 -4.21265,1.36935 -14.25389,11.46703 l -11.40294,11.46704 0,7.33015 0,7.33013 -19.01211,19.09389 -19.01217,19.09386 5.8656,5.71563 c 5.3118,5.17597 6.00034,5.59321 7.29286,4.41937 1.03662,-0.94148 1.30633,-2.20062 0.98552,-4.60103 -0.62092,-4.64569 2.06459,-7.37727 6.53195,-6.64407 3.11807,0.51174 3.2225,0.42525 21.00975,-17.40236 l 17.87613,-17.91663 0,-12.12781 0,-12.12779 8.61499,-8.61316 8.615,-8.61322 0,-6.95769 0,-6.95767 -5.59975,-5.56971 -5.59976,-5.56971 0,-11.57212 c 0,-11.31384 -0.0482,-11.61009 -2.15373,-13.27231 -4.19018,-3.30768 -1.91668,-10.22028 3.36134,-10.22028 6.03693,0 8.20157,7.23392 3.25904,10.89148 -1.0039,0.74291 -1.32253,3.40207 -1.46707,12.24342 l -0.18471,11.29441 5.48457,5.45513 5.48459,5.45511 0,8.25454 0,8.25452 -8.61504,8.61319 -8.61497,8.61316 0,12.11273 0,12.11276 -18.21191,18.29142 c -15.64771,15.71612 -18.24344,18.69458 -18.43629,21.15459 -0.278
 54,3.55332 -3.3094,6.26198 -6.35344,5.67801 -1.86276,-0.35735 -4.59247,2.02692 -20.06768,17.52799 l -17.91165,17.94163 0,10.8421 c 0,10.73228 0.0209,10.84737 2.07371,11.36443 1.14054,0.28726 2.69122,0.76009 3.44602,1.05078 1.17553,0.4527 1.37227,-0.34678 1.37227,-5.57609 l 0,-6.10458 6.45367,-6.74023 c 5.51585,-5.7607 6.45478,-7.18057 6.46126,-9.77023 0.007,-2.83378 2.23962,-5.26951 34.46754,-37.6044 32.37097,-32.4784 34.45998,-34.75956 34.45998,-37.62936 0,-2.61212 0.81119,-3.86179 5.59571,-8.62063 6.84254,-6.80584 7.96352,-10.23367 4.42381,-13.52749 -4.1027,-3.8178 -1.96023,-10.6843 3.33371,-10.6843 5.23005,0 7.47329,6.98568 3.446,10.73131 -1.48656,1.38257 -2.15376,2.917 -2.15376,4.95312 0,2.50406 -0.91159,3.85785 -6.03046,8.95557 -5.42061,5.39819 -6.03052,6.3479 -6.03052,9.39071 0,3.3033 -0.83286,4.22242 -34.46,38.02891 -32.4744,32.64765 -34.45993,34.8214 -34.45993,37.7264 0,2.68718 -0.82876,3.9087 -6.46129,9.52352 l -6.46122,6.44093 0,6.11604 0,6.11601 2.86101,1.03824 c 1.57362,
 0.57103 3.13416,1.03825 3.46793,1.03825 0.33381,0 0.53564,-2.18822 0.44854,-4.86273 l -0.15834,-4.86275 6.59768,-6.4937 c 5.4098,-5.32458 6.59957,-6.97853 6.60829,-9.1864 0.007,-2.05235 1.0358,-3.75487 4.32175,-7.15951 4.01486,-4.1598 4.2407,-4.62203 3.2858,-6.72533 -2.30167,-5.06954 5.53624,-9.75684 9.56104,-5.71775 3.57526,3.58796 1.09683,9.62374 -4.05858,9.88391 -1.97404,0.0998 -3.82668,1.21007 -6.63727,3.97826 -3.18024,3.13227 -3.89886,4.40842 -3.89886,6.92379 0,2.68861 -0.82785,3.90897 -6.46126,9.5247 l -6.46125,6.44091 0,4.90798 c 0,4.59419 0.17894,5.0222 2.79988,6.69526 l 2.79989,1.78731 0.26476,-2.78311 c 0.22169,-2.33029 3.30147,-5.8399 18.92888,-21.57047 l 18.66408,-18.78736 -3.20649,-3.29544 c -2.16336,-2.2233 -3.20651,-4.08688 -3.20651,-5.72822 0,-1.56523 -0.76806,-3.03907 -2.15375,-4.13294 -2.70526,-2.13554 -2.85854,-6.0547 -0.33581,-8.58643 1.43848,-1.4436 2.47783,-1.71848 4.97944,-1.31706 l 3.16148,0.50736 24.29312,-24.40366 24.29311,-24.40369 0.1238,-7.19192 c 0.1065
 8,-6.20715 0.40427,-7.52646 2.1722,-9.63498 1.72334,-2.05535 2.04838,-3.38883 2.04838,-8.40269 l 0,-5.95965 -4.30747,-4.2578 -4.30749,-4.25778 0,-11.30432 0,-11.30431 -4.3075,-4.25781 -4.30749,-4.25783 0,-14.94617 c 0,-12.70914 -0.19344,-14.94619 -1.29224,-14.94619 -2.01499,0 -4.73826,-3.22986 -4.73826,-5.61967 0,-5.01437 6.81962,-7.48127 10.30444,-3.72748 2.1092,2.272 2.24066,4.81056 0.38656,7.46702 -1.13136,1.62099 -1.35106,4.47777 -1.26131,16.40288 l 0.10851,14.44005 2.55363,2.57709 2.55354,2.57705 0,-22.92136 0,-22.92132 -5.16903,-5.13319 c -5.08574,-5.05062 -5.16896,-5.21073 -5.16896,-9.94497 0,-4.68674 0.12299,-4.93361 4.73825,-9.50771 l 4.73823,-4.69602 0,-5.82063 0,-5.82066 -6.61209,-6.5289 c -4.75251,-4.69267 -7.23601,-6.53261 -8.83039,-6.54213 -2.72214,-0.0178 -3.81045,-0.70515 -5.15227,-3.26149 -2.98052,-5.67845 4.88154,-10.76519 9.4902,-6.14018 1.44171,1.44686 1.71269,2.48471 1.30948,5.01539 -0.47907,3.00659 -0.2107,3.48671 4.64329,8.30714 l 5.15178,5.11613 0,-27.66841 0
 ,-27.66847 4.64384,-4.60241 c 4.36474,-4.32583 4.61664,-4.80595 4.19146,-7.98711 -0.57146,-4.27567 1.42757,-6.80406 5.37945,-6.80406 3.38541,0 5.59974,2.28164 5.59974,5.76991 0,3.12266 -2.31292,5.46943 -5.39058,5.46943 -1.50888,0 -3.80591,1.46604 -7.03954,4.49299 l -4.79989,4.49301 0,20.78425 0,20.7842 12.49177,-12.51375 12.49175,-12.51379 0,-5.50011 c 0,-4.99644 -0.23668,-5.72196 -2.58448,-7.92295 -3.11552,-2.92069 -3.32392,-5.91797 -0.59063,-8.49493 2.55246,-2.40645 6.06994,-2.40126 8.31053,0.013 2.35874,2.54081 2.21372,5.50871 -0.39718,8.12893 -1.74193,1.74811 -2.15377,3.01613 -2.15377,6.63152 l 0,4.4701 4.73826,-4.69601 4.73825,-4.69602 0,-6.11101 0,-6.11101 4.74348,-4.70115 4.74344,-4.70119 -6.55771,-6.61985 c -4.72468,-4.76946 -7.00996,-6.50114 -8.17562,-6.19523 -2.96612,0.77837 -5.70161,-0.5316 -6.83276,-3.27216 -0.96759,-2.34427 -0.89374,-2.93519 0.62264,-4.98221 2.45969,-3.3204 7.36433,-3.68366 9.31879,-0.69021 0.77663,1.18947 1.28457,3.14677 1.12878,4.3495 -0.22575,1.74288
  1.02396,3.50765 6.15636,8.69339 l 6.43967,6.50653 5.83922,-5.81507 c 5.24908,-5.2273 5.78937,-6.08164 5.34614,-8.45265 -1.07992,-5.77687 5.55373,-9.55546 9.80211,-5.58345 3.90647,3.6524 1.1946,9.65884 -4.44976,9.85554 -2.86502,0.0999 -4.26124,1.19963 -14.35694,11.30871 l -11.18332,11.19815 0,6.27005 0,6.27008 -19.81449,19.88732 -19.81453,19.88726 0,12.78995 0,12.78992 -4.73822,4.69602 c -4.24735,4.20952 -4.73822,5.07193 -4.73822,8.32451 0,3.27304 0.50631,4.14457 5.16897,8.89699 l 5.169,5.26858 0,31.55074 c 0,17.35295 0.31163,31.5508 0.69252,31.5508 0.38087,0 1.93156,-1.28292 3.44596,-2.85099 l 2.75352,-2.85099 0,-33.46061 c 0,-28.58212 -0.18132,-33.4606 -1.24342,-33.4606 -1.73919,0 -3.92558,-3.4032 -3.92558,-6.11031 0,-2.93077 2.46417,-5.12899 5.74945,-5.12899 5.13614,0 7.45981,5.95496 3.83471,9.82744 -1.8019,1.92486 -1.83067,2.48486 -1.83067,35.6473 l 0,33.69173 -4.73824,4.69602 c -6.10973,6.05529 -6.1637,7.73393 -0.43074,13.40071 l 4.30749,4.25782 0,7.89569 c 0,6.79772 -0.2396,8.
 11331 -1.723,9.46054 -1.45875,1.32482 -1.72303,2.66282 -1.72303,8.72369 l 0,7.15887 -25.44373,25.50804 c -22.78166,22.83919 -25.387,25.73511 -24.90099,27.67839 0.40981,1.63855 -0.005,2.72018 -1.69348,4.41455 -3.02372,3.03447 -2.92295,6.36324 0.27792,9.18193 l 2.51417,2.214 24.27318,-24.37074 c 23.50492,-23.59937 24.28486,-24.49097 24.64169,-28.16999 0.31676,-3.26625 1.09115,-4.53109 5.51887,-9.01439 l 5.15039,-5.21507 0,-20.56591 0,-20.56589 -2.58449,-2.18243 c -3.35352,-2.83183 -3.47935,-6.38428 -0.31456,-8.8825 2.80164,-2.21162 4.71214,-2.26363 7.25467,-0.19745 2.6187,2.128 2.66862,6.74649 0.0956,8.83748 -1.81568,1.47546 -1.86661,2.05457 -1.86661,21.22706 l 0,19.7102 3.87674,-3.81827 3.87676,-3.81826 0,-12.75499 0,-12.755 3.446,-3.42388 c 3.30325,-3.282 3.44599,-3.6522 3.44599,-8.93585 0,-5.29148 -0.13797,-5.64708 -3.44599,-8.88889 -3.27524,-3.20956 -3.446,-3.63794 -3.446,-8.64558 0,-5.00383 -0.17248,-5.43782 -3.43087,-8.63085 -1.88701,-1.84916 -4.2897,-3.4936 -5.3393,-3.65434 -4.
 66493,-0.71447 -6.81186,-6.99564 -3.43837,-10.05946 2.09109,-1.89913 6.42172,-1.81977 8.19825,0.15021 1.58205,1.75434 1.9082,6.23462 0.55287,7.59476 -0.58953,0.59162 -0.1701,1.53862 1.29228,2.91729 l 2.16514,2.04129 0,-26.31845 0,-26.31846 -9.47652,-9.48066 -9.47645,-9.4807 0,-4.94668 c 0,-4.12369 -0.35833,-5.30627 -2.15376,-7.10807 -2.62155,-2.63083 -2.72186,-4.74032 -0.36826,-7.74306 2.26537,-2.89018 5.84564,-3.0082 8.40233,-0.27704 2.45258,2.61996 2.37152,5.35854 -0.23612,7.97544 -1.66389,1.66981 -2.15026,3.13455 -2.30359,6.93714 l -0.19428,4.82035 7.90328,7.93144 7.90337,7.93142 0,-9.83749 c 0,-9.38277 -0.0995,-9.93004 -2.15374,-11.8406 -2.36786,-2.20224 -2.98705,-7.25682 -1.07689,-8.79049 2.17768,-1.74842 4.98595,-2.05126 7.47339,-0.80594 3.54451,1.77449 4.37222,0.51007 4.37222,-6.67883 0,-5.53193 -0.20111,-6.2236 -2.29732,-7.90104 -1.63092,-1.30504 -2.29733,-2.64311 -2.29733,-4.61257 0,-5.11335 5.1311,-7.58348 9.15483,-4.40715 3.05972,2.41537 3.13547,6.23774 0.17799,8.98831 -1
 .70046,1.58156 -2.15373,2.84647 -2.15373,6.01066 0,2.20412 0.30901,4.00747 0.68665,4.00747 0.37767,0 2.12223,-1.47532 3.87677,-3.27852 3.10316,-3.18924 3.19006,-3.45459 3.19006,-9.74041 l 0,-6.46189 9.90725,-9.91425 9.90725,-9.91423 0,-4.67009 c 0,-3.87086 -0.36857,-5.01284 -2.15375,-6.67316 -2.93097,-2.72599 -2.88097,-6.5735 0.11615,-8.93943 1.24849,-0.98553 2.74689,-1.7919 3.32981,-1.7919 0.58296,0 2.08136,0.80637 3.32984,1.7919 3.11042,2.45533 3.16956,7.08687 0.11615,9.09466 -1.92897,1.26839 -2.15376,1.99836 -2.15376,6.99411 0,5.18771 -0.21041,5.80073 -3.00775,8.76234 -2.64786,2.8033 -3.00866,3.72757 -3.01527,7.72335 l -0.008,4.53894 8.84145,0 c 8.32448,0 8.89121,-0.11302 9.69188,-1.93303 0.46773,-1.06322 1.91729,-2.30572 3.22126,-2.76121 5.31099,-1.85513 9.8786,5.80196 5.86416,9.83065 -2.25962,2.26769 -5.23256,2.26662 -8.10768,-9.5e-4 -1.89067,-1.49248 -3.62939,-1.80892 -10.66954,-1.94183 l -8.41078,-0.15874 -0.25869,3.54304 c -0.2186,2.99477 0.0813,3.76663 1.93839,4.98775 3.911
 3,2.57191 2.6389,8.97001 -2.083,10.47398 -1.73084,0.55131 -5.13501,-0.80718 -6.26011,-2.49821 -1.36174,-2.04658 -0.62452,-5.82131 1.5279,-7.82318 2.07877,-1.93341 2.17483,-2.42828 1.93836,-9.98283 l -0.24884,-7.94855 -5.38439,5.40733 -5.38436,5.40734 0,6.14881 0,6.14884 -7.32274,7.31022 c -4.02749,4.02085 -7.32276,8.01863 -7.32276,8.88393 0,0.86539 -0.96916,2.47479 -2.15374,3.57651 -2.14047,1.99075 -2.15375,2.0972 -2.15375,17.24992 0,8.38579 0.28103,15.24688 0.62452,15.24688 0.34347,0 3.22849,-2.59323 6.41119,-5.76275 4.88612,-4.86593 5.71637,-6.11553 5.33495,-8.02952 -1.08046,-5.42141 6.64264,-8.77421 10.16259,-4.41185 3.64142,4.51297 0.46466,10.0987 -5.302,9.32249 -3.11294,-0.41903 -3.52866,-0.15038 -10.23797,6.61803 l -6.99328,7.0548 0,15.52088 0,15.52085 6.033,-6.00806 c 5.5517,-5.52871 5.9915,-6.23005 5.51284,-8.79067 -1.04507,-5.59022 6.14064,-9.42123 9.95809,-5.30909 2.37249,2.55568 2.2104,5.51209 -0.44862,8.18055 -1.60364,1.60932 -2.81796,2.09547 -4.4516,1.78205 -1.91368,-0.
 36714 -3.30973,0.64821 -9.42507,6.85476 l -7.17864,7.28571 0,9.30554 0,9.30554 3.44599,3.37688 3.44602,3.37692 0,6.99783 0,6.99786 -3.44602,3.37687 -3.44599,3.37688 0,10.82608 0,10.82605 6.46125,-6.44094 6.46122,-6.44092 0,-21.21689 0,-21.21688 10.33802,-10.34774 10.33801,-10.34774 0,-13.72208 c 0,-13.60711 -0.0185,-13.73631 -2.15376,-15.42221 -2.15418,-1.70051 -2.93845,-5.97533 -1.49445,-8.1456 1.11007,-1.66833 4.33196,-2.95196 5.95491,-2.37247 4.92818,1.75964 6.11845,6.73543 2.43155,10.16451 -1.9434,1.80747 -2.15378,2.66317 -2.15378,8.76076 l 0,6.75766 6.78286,-6.42452 6.78286,-6.42448 0.10889,-9.81805 c 0.10573,-9.50351 0.0403,-9.87251 -2.0446,-11.5182 -4.21006,-3.32342 -1.68405,-10.22027 3.7432,-10.22027 1.34808,0 3.09263,0.71148 3.87677,1.58105 2.60863,2.89272 1.41033,8.65475 -2.03987,9.80891 -0.57879,0.19363 -0.82043,3.2334 -0.66152,8.3212 l 0.25042,8.01612 9.90724,-9.98198 c 8.82739,-8.89393 9.87693,-10.26982 9.62933,-12.62272 -0.41849,-3.97592 1.85018,-6.8517 5.40522,-6.8517
  4.67486,0 7.56654,4.14212 5.56018,7.96454 -1.37815,2.62562 -2.42867,3.2457 -5.5255,3.2615 -2.22456,0.013 -5.36593,2.7995 -22.18365,19.68893 l -19.59209,19.67568 0,5.32176 0,5.32179 -10.33797,10.38321 -10.33799,10.38323 0,10.19792 0,10.19789 5.169,-5.13324 c 4.20313,-4.17407 5.16899,-5.65705 5.16899,-7.93647 0,-2.89803 2.68732,-6.32879 4.95731,-6.32879 1.52056,0 4.76306,1.7071 5.58287,2.93922 1.23252,1.85245 0.63494,5.73083 -1.16065,7.53283 -1.3668,1.37164 -2.51345,1.71352 -4.60477,1.37295 -2.52224,-0.41079 -3.366,0.11265 -8.94878,5.5512 l -6.16397,6.0047 0,7.09565 0,7.09564 17.23001,-17.27499 17.22997,-17.27504 0,-8.28166 c 0,-7.75628 -0.1367,-8.40092 -2.15375,-10.16101 -5.23424,-4.56729 0.26652,-12.4543 6.44861,-9.24606 4.20968,2.18463 4.42255,7.81183 0.37769,9.98427 -1.94449,1.04437 -2.08807,1.60033 -2.08807,8.08774 l 0,6.96626 6.892,-6.87592 6.89203,-6.87591 0,-4.88572 c 0,-3.28804 0.42251,-5.23757 1.29223,-5.96191 0.98246,-0.81825 1.29225,-3.04202 1.29225,-9.27547 0,-7.71604 -0
 .12691,-8.29938 -2.15374,-9.89936 -4.03429,-3.1846 -1.72775,-10.22027 3.35055,-10.22027 2.56078,0 5.69541,2.4614 6.05707,4.75622 0.31586,2.004 -1.73507,6.48309 -2.96849,6.48309 -0.47252,0 -0.83939,2.92425 -0.83939,6.69083 l 0,6.69082 14.64548,-14.67852 14.64552,-14.67842 0,-8.96302 c 0,-8.5308 -0.10393,-9.045 -2.15376,-10.66319 -3.02261,-2.38603 -2.96668,-6.85937 0.11617,-9.29298 2.83985,-2.24177 3.81979,-2.24177 6.65966,0 3.08282,2.43361 3.13879,6.90695 0.11615,9.29298 -1.98084,1.56369 -2.15374,2.26267 -2.15374,8.70839 0,3.85448 0.28032,7.00819 0.62293,7.00819 0.34261,0 3.01364,-2.37787 5.9356,-5.28413 5.05282,-5.02573 5.29056,-5.44948 4.86078,-8.66502 -0.57096,-4.27173 1.42953,-6.80033 5.37995,-6.80033 3.3854,0 5.59971,2.28161 5.59971,5.76986 0,3.21901 -2.33479,5.46945 -5.67459,5.46945 -2.14273,0 -5.48118,2.97006 -22.11578,19.67566 -10.77565,10.82162 -19.59208,19.95868 -19.59208,20.30457 0,0.34588 1.81747,2.40157 4.03886,4.56823 l 4.03886,3.93933 7.59141,-7.58305 c 6.82859,-6.8211
 4 7.59136,-7.90571 7.59136,-10.79418 0,-2.33818 0.52051,-3.57695 1.91468,-4.55702 4.09765,-2.88027 9.29396,-0.57866 9.27161,4.1067 -0.007,1.51846 -0.29799,3.18889 -0.64611,3.71211 -1.13867,1.71135 -4.63025,3.09631 -6.57268,2.60707 -1.5342,-0.38644 -3.37845,1.00894 -9.52778,7.20884 l -7.62529,7.68803 3.26731,3.0924 3.26727,3.09236 15.90862,0 15.90862,0 1.69416,-2.16138 c 3.44535,-4.39562 10.18406,-2.00793 10.18406,3.60846 0,5.3252 -6.93174,7.5904 -10.05604,3.28618 l -1.58478,-2.18328 -14.64019,0.23799 -14.64022,0.23801 2.49494,2.37754 c 1.70355,1.62346 3.41141,2.37753 5.38435,2.37753 5.81678,0 8.29228,5.89592 4.19989,10.00283 -1.64859,1.65447 -2.67994,2.01899 -4.52289,1.5986 -3.53343,-0.80599 -5.6533,-3.66373 -5.12793,-6.91279 0.40731,-2.51886 -0.39607,-3.53425 -11.96743,-15.12605 l -12.40408,-12.4259 -3.88928,3.8306 c -3.75984,3.70313 -3.8893,4.00427 -3.8893,9.04659 l 0,5.21596 -17.86842,17.94721 -17.86844,17.94722 9.48677,0 9.48676,0 7.61192,-7.67454 c 5.97815,-6.02731 7.49502,-8.0
 4401 7.06748,-9.39599 -1.44359,-4.56445 3.87822,-8.98639 8.20793,-6.82011 2.93199,1.46695 4.06026,5.25294 2.43512,8.17123 -1.05298,1.89086 -2.00151,2.3673 -5.14055,2.58208 -3.44951,0.23606 -4.45333,0.86223 -9.66444,6.02877 -3.19834,3.17093 -5.81509,6.06752 -5.81509,6.43695 0,0.36938 2.69609,0.67161 5.99129,0.67161 5.24212,0 6.26067,-0.27033 8.14509,-2.16141 2.6265,-2.63582 5.57085,-2.76339 8.14882,-0.35311 4.21451,3.94037 -0.29224,11.6912 -5.69966,9.80239 -1.30395,-0.45544 -2.75351,-1.69796 -3.22122,-2.76116 -0.8441,-1.91857 -0.99594,-1.93304 -20.25537,-1.93304 l -19.40489,0 -13.76383,13.83297 -13.76381,13.83299 15.71229,0 15.71225,0 0,-4.43983 c 0,-3.62523 -0.39511,-4.80729 -2.15374,-6.44291 -2.28582,-2.12597 -2.7168,-4.60176 -1.27249,-7.31008 2.22385,-4.17005 7.77172,-4.06895 9.96196,0.18153 1.56491,3.03696 1.00437,5.27035 -1.89774,7.56124 -1.85031,1.46064 -2.11507,2.2823 -1.88745,5.85836 l 0.26471,4.15942 17.62522,0.23459 17.6252,0.23466 7.47797,-7.4698 c 7.20119,-7.19333 7.46191
 ,-7.59027 7.04288,-10.72514 -0.75247,-5.63005 4.42765,-8.81745 9.04979,-5.56848 1.92954,1.35636 2.63438,5.74615 1.25538,7.81874 -1.0627,1.59715 -4.5665,3.10241 -5.96657,2.56323 -0.88043,-0.33904 -3.44865,1.6317 -7.68619,5.8981 -3.50015,3.52404 -6.36394,6.64112 -6.36394,6.92686 0,0.28574 2.75205,0.51951 6.11559,0.51951 5.6843,0 6.28589,-0.18294 8.5299,-2.59368 2.93064,-3.14841 5.41418,-3.29081 8.22341,-0.47157 2.68325,2.69277 2.68325,5.16685 0,7.85966 -2.72671,2.73638 -5.9928,2.72108 -8.38444,-0.0391 l -1.87267,-2.16141 -20.72593,0 -20.7259,0 13.76381,13.83296 c 11.87549,11.93517 14.131,13.83298 16.44027,13.83298 5.03808,0 7.39971,5.90267 3.80495,9.5102 -1.7138,1.71987 -5.59995,2.27975 -7.40915,1.06745 -1.82093,-1.22021 -3.03932,-4.64639 -2.51087,-7.06085 0.48999,-2.23903 -0.61878,-3.58415 -13.85518,-16.80828 l -14.38783,-14.37447 -22.06799,0 -22.06803,0 -10.54045,10.60334 c -9.69294,9.7508 -10.54045,10.86169 -10.54045,13.81601 0,2.85446 -0.72035,3.92387 -6.46123,9.59251 -3.55368,3.5
 0892 -6.46163,6.53172 -6.46205,6.71733 -4.4e-4,0.18561 3.9732,0.27463 8.83036,0.19782 l 8.83118,-0.1397 9.21465,-8.93821 c 8.69376,-8.43303 9.18747,-9.0973 8.73378,-11.75189 -0.69227,-4.05069 1.5239,-7.13271 5.11654,-7.11561 1.529,0.008 3.20658,0.29907 3.72796,0.64844 1.22775,0.82271 2.92881,4.07674 2.92881,5.6027 0,2.27383 -3.41862,4.97494 -6.29647,4.97494 -2.3646,0 -3.97951,1.20546 -10.73516,8.01346 -4.37352,4.40738 -7.9524,8.20063 -7.95306,8.42945 -7e-4,0.2288 5.7175,0.29576 12.70708,0.14875 l 12.70835,-0.2673 6.60273,-6.55514 c 5.97986,-5.93684 6.5614,-6.81062 6.16485,-9.26288 -0.52554,-3.25017 1.60968,-6.21643 5.06519,-7.03648 1.79662,-0.42639 2.82566,-0.0503 4.52287,1.65294 2.67608,2.68561 2.77433,4.77214 0.36917,7.84071 -1.36308,1.73904 -2.45687,2.26589 -4.30109,2.07177 -2.09711,-0.22078 -3.65472,0.89875 -10.24372,7.36258 l -7.77057,7.62292 -6.45257,-0.28406 c -3.54893,-0.15625 -6.45173,-0.0761 -6.4506,0.17781 8.7e-4,0.25402 2.04949,2.4911 4.55198,4.97123 l 4.54995,4.50946 20
 .86426,0 20.86427,0 0,-8.30508 c 0,-7.82899 -0.12341,-8.40253 -2.15373,-10.00521 -4.38007,-3.4576 -2.00087,-10.22029 3.59572,-10.22029 5.30671,0 7.52609,6.8813 3.29625,10.22029 -2.03027,1.60268 -2.15371,2.17622 -2.15371,10.00521 l 0,8.30508 19.20074,0 19.20077,0 4.05971,-4.13639 4.05976,-4.13637 0,-8.3605 c 0,-7.76509 -0.15342,-8.51439 -2.15376,-10.52185 -2.59717,-2.60644 -2.77054,-5.94384 -0.43074,-8.29197 2.50372,-2.51265 6.36794,-2.23813 8.60113,0.61101 2.22889,2.84359 1.74819,5.952 -1.31432,8.49937 -1.92457,1.60085 -2.11783,2.3887 -2.11783,8.63312 l 0,6.87159 11.2003,-11.21515 c 10.69568,-10.70992 11.17653,-11.34248 10.67216,-14.04053 -0.81095,-4.3381 1.41295,-7.14045 5.66651,-7.14045 2.51339,0 3.72038,0.49149 4.71839,1.92147 2.85114,4.08507 0.32647,9.31783 -4.49556,9.31783 -1.83023,0 -3.89527,1.52007 -8.80879,6.48421 l -6.41814,6.48423 15.27005,0 c 12.21703,0 15.27007,-0.23249 15.27007,-1.16287 0,-1.83596 3.17533,-4.24065 5.59973,-4.24065 4.90056,0 7.61554,6.76303 4.0243,10.024
 61 -2.16697,1.96805 -6.42551,1.8156 -8.33179,-0.29827 -1.45571,-1.61426 -2.65338,-1.72915 -18.02667,-1.72915 l -16.46737,0 -8.15017,8.21333 -8.15022,8.21338 7.27335,0 c 6.67501,0 7.41777,-0.1748 9.02875,-2.12536 2.71672,-3.28937 5.96109,-3.67503 8.60399,-1.02276 2.73152,2.74127 2.80577,5.7311 0.20319,8.18475 -2.63934,2.48838 -5.85256,2.37994 -8.34407,-0.28159 -1.42427,-1.52143 -2.93252,-2.1614 -5.09401,-2.1614 l -3.07067,0 14.08246,14.15201 c 13.51229,13.57908 14.21754,14.14847 17.4198,14.0642 5.65284,-0.14878 8.4452,4.91766 5.07805,9.21354 -3.55155,4.53109 -10.32416,1.84154 -10.32416,-4.09999 0,-2.28932 -2.11145,-4.77235 -15.30035,-17.99277 l -15.30037,-15.33699 -18.06371,0 -18.06373,0 7.23614,7.29981 c 5.89869,5.95059 7.51574,7.14964 8.74895,6.48732 3.1716,-1.70343 7.6681,1.61881 7.6681,5.66552 0,3.42422 -2.27922,5.61966 -5.83413,5.61966 -3.07592,0 -5.36404,-2.56968 -5.36765,-6.02816 -9.8e-4,-1.5887 -2.23032,-4.48625 -8.16427,-10.61466 l -8.16199,-8.42949 -17.01438,0 -17.01438,0 6
 .8718,6.9662 c 5.97358,6.05566 7.17898,6.9065 9.22222,6.5096 1.66701,-0.32386 3.01348,0.11594 4.63059,1.51158 4.32521,3.73364 2.04562,10.08493 -3.61971,10.08493 -3.37422,0 -5.51505,-2.52511 -5.51505,-6.50493 0,-2.17901 -1.3932,-4.10467 -7.67943,-10.61466 l -7.67946,-7.95272 -7.20454,0 -7.20454,0 -5.98428,-6.05192 -5.98427,-6.05195 -17.68388,0.0143 -17.68384,0.0143 -4.09213,4.22255 c -2.25066,2.32242 -4.0921,4.4562 -4.0921,4.7417 0,0.28552 3.34767,0.51914 7.43932,0.51914 6.82867,0 7.60318,-0.17748 9.43537,-2.16141 1.96481,-2.12759 5.73942,-2.85668 7.76445,-1.49976 1.78004,1.19282 2.97129,4.48725 2.41986,6.69218 -1.0848,4.33752 -7.89159,5.47256 -10.33898,1.72409 -1.36366,-2.08862 -1.73027,-2.16143 -10.88473,-2.16143 l -9.47354,0 -29.50352,29.61125 c -28.02579,28.12812 -29.5272,29.79624 -29.97693,33.30469 -0.43103,3.36267 -0.26423,3.80193 1.86246,4.90562 1.28479,0.66674 5.83245,3.92409 10.10593,7.23864 21.84908,16.94607 36.45539,41.07943 40.90928,67.59251 1.43719,8.55529 1.42841,32.430
 78 -0.0148,40.63442 -3.70617,21.0648 -13.04052,38.52197 -30.22621,56.52935 -9.06735,9.50093 -17.9142,16.27707 -44.46324,34.05605 -11.42005,7.64761 -21.8444,15.19363 -23.16528,16.769 -4.05531,4.83661 -5.81647,9.96703 -6.26862,18.26152 -0.50394,9.24328 1.09005,16.6345 6.00471,27.8438 4.49251,10.24646 4.48344,10.20395 2.45137,11.4601 -1.56594,0.96806 -2.86775,0.33724 -12.0429,-5.83578 -5.65794,-3.8066 -10.48821,-6.92117 -10.73398,-6.92117 -0.24568,0 -0.68099,1.45896 -0.96731,3.24211 -2.64055,16.44472 -7.73387,34.75545 -13.88806,49.92845 -3.65741,9.01703 -15.0297,32.63973 -15.49058,32.17724 -0.11869,-0.11917 2.01848,-9.06125 4.74936,-19.87132 2.73086,-10.81008 4.85344,-19.65467 4.71683,-19.65467 -0.13667,0 -1.289,1.84799 -2.56085,4.10667 -12.63508,22.43864 -33.44794,44.81774 -59.35743,63.82429 -3.89577,2.85788 -3.5079,2.20453 3.88695,-6.54707 16.39722,-19.40579 32.54031,-42.50417 38.67067,-55.33198 l 1.85926,-3.89054 -2.33075,3.026 c -1.28193,1.66427 -6.42977,7.11821 -11.43968,12.11989 
 -9.7947,9.7786 -23.12234,19.35952 -34.52245,24.8174 -5.87996,2.81506 -22.23956,9.74902 -23.00132,9.74902 -0.17398,0 7.1172,-7.29474 16.20303,-16.21052 27.50911,-26.99429 53.50756,-58.28039 69.96461,-84.19426 l 3.09324,-4.87069 -2.52176,-0.50617 c -1.38697,-0.27837 -5.05294,-0.76639 -8.14663,-1.08446 -3.09368,-0.31809 -5.61711,-0.81639 -5.60756,-1.10737 0.0109,-0.29096 0.36586,-2.94748 0.79195,-5.90335 2.3746,-16.47479 -7.97241,-32.53751 -28.53888,-44.30377 -13.47086,-7.70677 -25.70388,-15.67882 -33.91157,-22.09953 -43.81698,-34.27714 -57.31313,-95.65209 -31.63484,-143.86216 8.75002,-16.42786 25.38192,-34.00435 39.94298,-42.21154 3.30327,-1.86182 4.22597,-2.8547 4.22665,-4.54786 7.3e-4,-1.69439 -6.51828,-8.70631 -29.94078,-32.2049 l -29.94164,-30.03891 -9.34796,0 c -8.94506,0 -9.42098,0.0933 -11.04209,2.16143 -3.44538,4.39564 -10.1841,2.00795 -10.1841,-3.60847 0,-5.32561 6.8569,-7.5529 10.1841,-3.30804 1.59115,2.03004 2.18349,2.16141 9.74501,2.16141 l 8.0509,0 -4.80064,-4.81771 -4.80
 068,-4.81775 -17.46506,0.0881 -17.4651,0.0884 -6.11316,6.02643 -6.11317,6.02644 -6.95022,0 -6.95022,0 -7.95186,8.01346 c -7.05726,7.11189 -7.95184,8.36127 -7.95184,11.10531 0,3.77281 -2.137,5.95353 -5.83414,5.95353 -1.79609,0 -3.12656,-0.63527 -4.02427,-1.92149 -3.13443,-4.49092 -0.36976,-9.73091 5.05264,-9.57666 2.48128,0.0705 3.77999,-0.83903 9.63177,-6.74628 l 6.76383,-6.82787 -16.79523,0 -16.79521,0 -8.36223,8.42949 c -6.47771,6.52978 -8.2581,8.82647 -7.9001,10.19102 0.27918,1.06413 -0.26564,2.69006 -1.37598,4.10669 -4.7119,6.01146 -13.43495,-0.59981 -9.06066,-6.86714 1.40432,-2.01209 4.79511,-2.99393 6.68119,-1.93466 0.86466,0.48559 3.33402,-1.44599 8.46274,-6.61986 l 7.24185,-7.30554 -18.06374,0 -18.06373,0 -15.30035,15.33696 c -13.57276,13.60523 -15.30039,15.65524 -15.30039,18.15583 0,5.2465 -5.03325,7.91969 -9.28476,4.93121 -1.9296,-1.35634 -2.6344,-5.74614 -1.25537,-7.81878 1.16992,-1.75834 4.45715,-2.98541 6.57122,-2.4529 1.82623,0.45998 3.88574,-1.27053 15.95541,-13.40644
  7.62219,-7.66403 13.85852,-14.11711 13.85852,-14.34026 0,-0.22311 -1.2155,-0.40562 -2.70107,-0.40562 -1.77457,0 -3.38579,0.74142 -4.69711,2.1614 -2.71636,2.94138 -6.55021,2.89123 -8.90777,-0.11654 -0.98206,-1.25291 -1.78552,-2.96056 -1.78552,-3.79477 0,-2.20794 2.65739,-5.00787 5.36267,-5.65024 1.88964,-0.44867 2.86866,-0.0342 5.01989,2.12456 2.53922,2.5482 3.01277,2.68193 9.49817,2.68193 3.75415,0 6.82574,-0.29991 6.82574,-0.66642 0,-0.36656 -3.39983,-4.06257 -7.55517,-8.21334 l -7.55514,-7.54693 -16.86408,0 c -15.76995,0 -16.96521,0.11207 -18.42335,1.72914 -2.17876,2.41603 -6.81831,2.3119 -8.56615,-0.19237 -4.68201,-6.70828 4.28251,-13.30826 9.13312,-6.72412 l 1.91085,2.59369 15.12957,-0.008 15.12962,-0.007 -6.46127,-6.45034 c -5.28219,-5.27328 -6.96092,-6.45519 -9.19958,-6.47689 -4.93405,-0.0481 -7.39038,-4.40414 -4.88417,-8.66186 1.27226,-2.16146 2.08344,-2.604 4.77316,-2.604 4.10994,0 6.32882,2.86527 5.52962,7.14044 -0.50435,2.69802 -0.0234,3.33059 10.67214,14.04048 l 11.20032
 ,11.2144 0,-7.55248 c 0,-4.15383 -0.35999,-7.5524 -0.79995,-7.5524 -3.55549,0 -4.78686,-7.6483 -1.59286,-9.89346 6.26147,-4.40124 12.71257,3.76668 7.13107,9.02889 -2.00767,1.89281 -2.15373,2.59429 -2.15373,10.34182 l 0,8.31125 4.12168,4.07417 4.12172,4.07416 19.1388,0 19.13876,0 0,-8.17403 c 0,-7.56624 -0.16022,-8.33475 -2.15375,-10.33544 -2.59719,-2.6064 -2.77053,-5.94381 -0.43075,-8.29193 1.7138,-1.7199 5.59993,-2.27979 7.40914,-1.06745 0.52139,0.34933 1.42609,1.54582 2.01051,2.65886 1.3214,2.51653 -0.14678,6.72818 -2.62031,7.51597 -1.45532,0.46359 -1.63035,1.44128 -1.63035,9.10668 l 0,8.58734 20.92081,0 20.92078,0 4.49344,-4.56611 c 2.47138,-2.5114 4.49344,-4.76116 4.49344,-4.9995 0,-0.23836 -2.7566,-0.27706 -6.12575,-0.0861 l -6.12573,0.34738 -7.61582,-7.60745 c -6.73911,-6.73175 -7.98122,-7.6144 -10.79012,-7.6679 -2.41565,-0.0461 -3.59722,-0.62696 -4.94363,-2.43086 -1.67763,-2.24768 -1.69736,-2.5218 -0.38056,-5.29307 2.97064,-6.25154 10.63751,-4.23873 10.4968,2.7558 -0.0656,3.2
 5499 0.40068,3.97775 6.46124,10.01775 l 6.53184,6.50969 12.70716,0.24209 c 6.98896,0.13308 12.70718,0.0401 12.70714,-0.20728 -5e-5,-0.24712 -3.59335,-4.04037 -7.98515,-8.42945 -6.60179,-6.59774 -8.44413,-7.98013 -10.63521,-7.98013 -3.28349,0 -5.50168,-2.32632 -5.50168,-5.76987 0,-3.24302 2.34037,-5.46947 5.74941,-5.46947 3.61168,0 5.74052,2.58181 5.29401,6.42031 -0.33403,2.87135 0.14805,3.53833 8.7316,12.07931 l 9.08521,9.04011 8.83119,0.27929 c 4.85715,0.15356 8.83084,0.0742 8.8304,-0.17622 -4.9e-4,-0.25051 -2.71459,-3.15794 -6.03137,-6.46101 -5.43215,-5.40974 -6.0305,-6.34335 -6.0305,-9.40989 0,-3.1937 -0.65027,-4.06445 -10.50923,-14.07234 l -10.50922,-10.66795 -22.45265,0 -22.45261,0 -14.40477,14.48139 c -14.05723,14.13197 -14.39315,14.55443 -13.92222,17.50739 0.37238,2.3347 0.0661,3.47035 -1.3416,4.97123 -4.6917,5.00293 -12.29367,-0.26178 -9.3428,-6.47031 0.87798,-1.84722 1.83334,-2.4503 4.19808,-2.65001 2.67736,-0.22614 4.78304,-1.98885 16.78305,-14.04915 l 13.72158,-13.79054 -
 20.56711,0 -20.56708,0 -1.99604,2.1614 c -5.04151,5.45919 -12.54826,-0.63952 -8.99304,-7.30619 1.78693,-3.35075 8.82304,-2.67815 9.97148,0.95318 0.43179,1.36536 1.43723,1.59788 6.90855,1.59788 3.52174,0 6.40321,-0.30221 6.40321,-0.6716 0,-0.36937 -2.7174,-3.37776 -6.0387,-6.68528 -4.60581,-4.5868 -6.659,-6.04501 -8.65323,-6.14564 -5.39928,-0.27254 -7.94257,-6.14604 -4.26106,-9.84062 4.59076,-4.60706 11.28177,0.15426 9.18688,6.53746 -0.47466,1.44621 0.85774,3.19916 7.06413,9.29404 l 7.64909,7.51164 17.7717,0 17.77164,0 0,-4.65564 c 0,-4.01201 -0.29774,-4.85144 -2.15375,-6.07184 -3.05335,-2.00777 -2.9942,-6.63932 0.11616,-9.09466 1.24846,-0.98556 2.74686,-1.79187 3.32982,-1.79187 0.58295,0 2.08134,0.80631 3.32982,1.79187 2.99716,2.36593 3.04714,6.21342 0.11615,8.93942 -1.75861,1.63565 -2.15374,2.81769 -2.15374,6.44293 l 0,4.43979 15.507,0 c 8.52882,0 15.50697,-0.29646 15.50697,-0.65886 0,-0.36236 -5.91658,-6.58719 -13.14798,-13.833 l -13.14798,-13.1741 -19.34125,0 -19.34127,0 -1.75535
 ,2.12537 c -2.71674,3.28934 -5.96113,3.67499 -8.60403,1.02268 -2.73153,-2.74124 -2.80575,-5.73103 -0.20317,-8.1847 2.63934,-2.48835 5.85258,-2.37994 8.34404,0.28157 1.81186,1.93547 2.70351,2.16141 8.5296,2.16141 l 6.50627,0 -6.67721,-6.74048 c -6.06297,-6.12039 -6.94114,-6.7095 -9.54648,-6.40424 -5.17459,0.60621 -8.15397,-5.7621 -4.66789,-9.97747 0.49374,-0.59703 2.39201,-1.08553 4.21838,-1.08553 2.59203,0 3.63053,0.47459 4.73287,2.16302 0.78495,1.20222 1.22984,3.12055 1.0016,4.31873 -0.33886,1.77918 0.88526,3.51578 7.00743,9.94087 l 7.41808,7.7851 9.89936,0 9.89937,0 -17.86843,-17.94719 -17.8684,-17.94721 0,-4.78005 c 0,-4.59357 -0.16847,-4.94657 -4.31825,-9.04845 l -4.31816,-4.26839 -12.33567,12.35741 c -11.91653,11.93753 -12.33326,12.47633 -12.26565,15.85764 0.0555,2.77732 -0.37915,3.84113 -2.10467,5.15112 -2.94534,2.23601 -7.11252,0.87147 -8.63998,-2.82923 -1.56421,-3.7897 1.03779,-7.13722 5.82781,-7.49761 2.4916,-0.1874 4.13521,-0.9715 5.8902,-2.80982 l 2.4342,-2.54982 -14.8980
 5,0 c -14.86513,0 -14.9018,0.005 -16.59219,2.16141 -3.31161,4.22504 -10.18409,1.69002 -10.18409,-3.75654 0,-3.64734 3.04404,-5.83473 7.54382,-5.42093 0.59541,0.0547 1.92531,1.07218 2.95524,2.26096 1.86984,2.15817 1.89624,2.16138 17.62507,2.16138 l 15.75242,0 3.04522,-2.68322 c 1.67488,-1.47577 3.04522,-3.09514 3.04522,-3.59858 0,-0.50343 -3.18748,-4.16054 -7.08328,-8.12694 -6.60057,-6.72012 -7.27245,-7.17597 -9.85947,-6.68893 -2.23897,0.4215 -3.20223,0.0951 -4.9777,-1.68664 -2.65559,-2.66503 -2.81651,-5.62224 -0.44496,-8.17686 2.3294,-2.50923 5.5753,-2.39383 8.253,0.29338 1.66095,1.66682 2.05581,2.74401 1.66377,4.53895 -0.45481,2.08228 0.38051,3.24676 7.25041,10.10734 l 7.76449,7.75391 3.88586,-3.82725 c 2.13724,-2.10499 3.88585,-4.23574 3.88585,-4.735 0,-0.49926 -8.82267,-9.75551 -19.60597,-20.56946 -16.02983,-16.07552 -20.03713,-19.66209 -21.96846,-19.66209 -2.94842,0 -5.80827,-2.76698 -5.80827,-5.61965 0,-2.88441 2.87019,-5.61966 5.89698,-5.61966 3.9004,0 6.7685,4.34388 5.34644,8
 .09738 -0.67265,1.77543 -0.0986,2.69756 4.57019,7.34128 2.93673,2.92097 5.61982,5.31081 5.96244,5.31081 0.34262,0 0.61626,-3.20967 0.60804,-7.13264 -0.0148,-6.46172 -0.21601,-7.3241 -2.15375,-9.16863 -2.90593,-2.76619 -2.82643,-6.37362 0.19301,-8.75712 3.71631,-2.93366 8.14636,-1.20586 9.32967,3.63874 0.46609,1.9083 0.0679,2.86528 -2.09707,5.03774 -2.63573,2.64507 -2.67246,2.8018 -2.67246,11.40402 l 0,8.72202 14.43013,14.5539 c 7.93654,8.00461 14.72087,14.5542 15.07622,14.5546 0.35537,3.9e-4 0.64613,-2.65247 0.64613,-5.89529 0,-5.21156 -0.25001,-6.11419 -2.15373,-7.7753 -5.78473,-5.04765 0.85359,-13.60306 7.13102,-9.19052 2.74189,1.92727 2.6178,6.69769 -0.23904,9.19052 -2.00903,1.75302 -2.15375,2.42016 -2.15375,9.92938 0,7.11378 0.20043,8.17572 1.72302,9.12998 1.41377,0.88603 1.723,2.01618 1.723,6.29701 l 0,5.21719 6.46123,6.44092 6.46127,6.44096 0,-7.01849 c 0,-5.31506 -0.30146,-7.13459 -1.24206,-7.49685 -0.68316,-0.26305 -1.89228,-1.4741 -2.68691,-2.69127 -3.75129,-5.74555 4.84495
 ,-11.63225 9.31331,-6.37777 2.12137,2.49462 1.87381,5.61529 -0.6461,8.14414 -1.98568,1.99272 -2.15375,2.78307 -2.15375,10.12741 l 0,7.96601 17.02251,17.06699 c 9.36235,9.38682 17.24765,17.06695 17.52285,17.06695 0.27522,0 0.46551,-3.10209 0.42287,-6.89356 l -0.0772,-6.89355 -5.9898,-6.05705 c -5.62976,-5.69297 -6.17349,-6.02811 -9.04573,-5.57605 -6.13811,0.96622 -9.47528,-6.16511 -4.66281,-9.96406 2.79892,-2.20944 4.71205,-2.26371 7.24488,-0.20545 1.32989,1.0807 1.98713,2.59599 2.06176,4.75361 0.0901,2.6039 0.94209,4.01316 4.79045,7.92377 2.57452,2.61609 4.92054,4.75659 5.21343,4.75659 0.29284,0 0.60832,-4.37684 0.70096,-9.72632 l 0.16824,-9.72633 -10.79412,-10.79404 -10.79417,-10.79408 0,-5.23853 0,-5.23856 -19.39116,-19.41443 c -16.26132,-16.28082 -19.84193,-19.46023 -22.18364,-19.69818 -3.75168,-0.38121 -5.80763,-2.42317 -5.80763,-5.76819 0,-3.39743 2.27352,-5.61966 5.74939,-5.61966 3.56716,0 5.66217,2.52569 5.32763,6.42285 -0.25078,2.92075 0.30851,3.67982 9.60594,13.0368 5.42968
 ,5.46452 10.07234,9.93558 10.31695,9.93573 0.24464,1.4e-4 0.30786,-3.5742 0.14054,-7.94297 -0.27439,-7.16321 -0.50701,-8.10324 -2.36913,-9.57318 -4.12657,-3.25751 -1.52432,-10.15009 3.83212,-10.15009 4.99235,0 7.25116,6.0203 3.68722,9.82741 -1.64674,1.75912 -1.8307,2.95122 -1.8307,11.864 l 0,9.90835 6.46125,6.44096 6.46122,6.44091 0,-6.7957 c 0,-6.13823 -0.20834,-6.98949 -2.15373,-8.79884 -2.54809,-2.36988 -2.76418,-5.46038 -0.57184,-8.17741 3.15142,-3.9057 10.47911,-1.34618 10.47911,3.66032 0,0.93492 -1.16303,2.86701 -2.5845,4.29355 l -2.58452,2.59368 0,13.56331 0,13.56332 10.76877,10.7811 10.76872,10.78108 0,21.21788 0,21.21795 6.03051,6.00554 6.03051,6.00555 0,-10.82449 0,-10.82453 -3.44603,-3.37687 -3.446,-3.37687 0,-7.10598 0,-7.10593 3.446,-2.96011 3.44603,-2.96015 0,-9.84149 0,-9.84144 -7.03793,-7.09979 c -6.1787,-6.23306 -7.32862,-7.04145 -9.41939,-6.62181 -1.80566,0.36241 -2.91603,-0.0584 -4.59233,-1.74074 -2.77607,-2.78594 -2.80572,-5.23719 -0.0962,-7.95626 2.68917,-2.6987
 4 5.65718,-2.70202 8.17814,-0.0106 1.56707,1.674 1.86626,2.71132 1.43993,4.99194 -0.50147,2.68268 -0.12704,3.28832 5.49484,8.88693 l 6.03301,6.00809 0,-15.55923 0,-15.55921 -6.9127,-6.8962 c -6.38702,-6.37173 -7.18166,-6.89624 -10.4488,-6.89624 -2.82354,0 -3.88364,-0.46393 -5.2605,-2.30227 -2.21179,-2.95295 -1.46479,-6.33205 1.7431,-7.88509 4.54235,-2.19912 8.81787,0.4479 8.81787,5.45922 0,1.58175 1.63753,3.92846 5.59695,8.02096 3.0783,3.18182 5.79203,5.7851 6.0305,5.7851 0.23845,0 0.43358,-6.93513 0.43358,-15.41139 0,-15.321 -0.0135,-15.42335 -2.15375,-17.44196 -1.18459,-1.1168 -2.15374,-2.65216 -2.15374,-3.41188 0,-0.75979 -3.29525,-4.67116 -7.32276,-8.69198 l -7.32274,-7.31061 0,-6.47824 0,-6.4782 -4.92667,-4.99631 c -2.70966,-2.74798 -5.22955,-4.99632 -5.59975,-4.99632 -0.37019,0 -0.67309,3.68232 -0.67309,8.18294 0,7.36183 0.17708,8.278 1.76422,9.13048 2.7457,1.47466 3.63837,4.79775 2.09394,7.79494 -1.73757,3.37207 -5.03394,4.16739 -8.02528,1.93634 -3.27384,-2.44181 -3.52361,-6.
 49946 -0.56915,-9.24724 1.82209,-1.69471 2.2106,-2.7502 1.99229,-5.41241 l -0.27126,-3.30714 -8.29763,0.0728 c -7.13873,0.0627 -8.62886,0.33438 -10.66954,1.94527 -3.17489,2.5062 -5.93338,2.36823 -8.10757,-0.40559 -2.34479,-2.99152 -2.25426,-5.11127 0.3291,-7.70375 2.80924,-2.81927 5.29278,-2.67682 8.22338,0.47155 2.35822,2.53348 2.60632,2.59371 10.68365,2.59371 l 8.26936,-2e-5 0,-5.01778 c 0,-4.59959 -0.25131,-5.26219 -3.01524,-7.95065 -2.77951,-2.70358 -3.01526,-3.33437 -3.01526,-8.06769 0,-4.36652 -0.32221,-5.43445 -2.15377,-7.13785 -3.69241,-3.43419 -2.49676,-8.40393 2.44688,-10.17045 2.00926,-0.71794 6.33412,1.7879 6.91177,4.00476 0.59823,2.29566 -0.75458,5.53136 -2.86578,6.85448 -1.41431,0.88643 -1.75461,2.00791 -1.75461,5.78283 l 0,4.68314 9.90724,10.06646 9.90727,10.06644 0,6.04423 c 0,6.02141 0.0148,6.05853 3.87674,9.86242 l 3.87672,3.81827 0,-4.4635 c 0,-3.60836 -0.4126,-4.87762 -2.15373,-6.62493 -2.72094,-2.73064 -2.73318,-5.19533 -0.0393,-7.89893 2.6832,-2.6928 5.14853,-2
 .6928 7.83179,0 2.87307,2.88326 2.70909,5.86774 -0.46993,8.55221 -2.37658,2.00692 -2.58226,2.62152 -2.55707,7.64174 0.0168,3.27483 0.50485,6.09159 1.22064,7.03937 1.11357,1.4744 1.33585,1.4862 3.3274,0.17673 2.70064,-1.77583 6.24181,-0.98442 8.06076,1.80148 1.71762,2.63074 0.91925,5.9282 -1.88115,7.76965 -2.07579,1.36491 -2.1401,1.70888 -2.1401,11.44931 l 0,10.04209 8.18423,-8.1792 c 8.15229,-8.14723 8.18425,-8.19602 8.18425,-12.48662 0,-3.63035 -0.36106,-4.59631 -2.29731,-6.14573 -4.32534,-3.46114 -2.11451,-10.76278 3.25879,-10.76278 2.90289,0 5.93049,2.97223 5.93049,5.82198 0,1.12073 -0.96915,3.01031 -2.15373,4.1991 -1.83184,1.83837 -2.15373,2.95857 -2.15373,7.49522 l 0,5.33384 -9.4765,9.25239 -9.47649,9.25242 0,26.00888 c 0,14.30489 0.32758,26.00886 0.72798,26.00886 0.40038,0 1.40049,-0.74572 2.22242,-1.65716 1.1716,-1.29924 1.2935,-2.03404 0.56424,-3.40142 -2.37783,-4.45887 0.0275,-8.77439 4.89029,-8.77439 2.67306,0 6.24057,3.21254 6.24057,5.61965 0,1.97418 -3.55678,5.61965 -5.4
 8288,5.61965 -1.11391,0 -3.42502,1.54729 -5.53724,3.70711 -3.42545,3.50265 -3.62538,3.98608 -3.62538,8.76507 0,4.67424 -0.25389,5.33437 -3.34651,8.70141 -3.19122,3.47436 -3.33908,3.89037 -3.18526,8.96343 0.14753,4.86895 0.43137,5.59756 3.34652,8.59354 l 3.18525,3.27358 0,12.96811 0,12.96811 3.87672,3.81826 3.87677,3.81828 0,-19.63268 c 0,-18.47988 -0.10102,-19.73414 -1.72298,-21.36175 -3.49173,-3.50416 -1.03196,-10.37474 3.71428,-10.37474 2.87236,0 5.76222,3.05208 5.76222,6.08562 0,2.47182 -2.53833,6.01824 -4.30752,6.01824 -0.55066,0 -0.86149,7.57321 -0.86149,20.99059 l 0,20.99061 5.59973,5.56968 c 5.05013,5.02301 5.59978,5.91219 5.59978,9.05875 0,3.41575 0.50211,3.99271 23.91225,27.47483 13.15175,13.19214 24.35989,23.98579 24.90692,23.98579 1.40987,0 5.45821,-5.03527 5.44037,-6.76671 -0.0109,-0.79565 -0.97734,-2.36284 -2.15375,-3.48267 -1.39582,-1.3287 -2.13886,-2.98252 -2.13886,-4.76067 0,-2.41778 -2.81411,-5.54751 -24.98346,-27.78577 l -24.98347,-25.0611 0,-7.09371 c 0,-6.19704 -
 0.24966,-7.36399 -1.97498,-9.23226 -1.68679,-1.82652 -2.00735,-3.2059 -2.197,-9.45283 l -0.22209,-7.31422 4.34614,-4.20857 c 5.97694,-5.7878 5.91965,-7.9047 -0.38286,-14.151 l -4.73824,-4.69606 0,-33.82961 c 0,-32.73156 -0.056,-33.88036 -1.72298,-35.39442 -3.68762,-3.34908 -1.1729,-9.94247 3.79206,-9.94247 5.85042,0 7.90004,6.94997 3.09995,10.51147 l -2.58452,1.91759 0,32.5153 0,32.51528 3.446,3.37692 3.446,3.37691 0,-31.54292 0,-31.54291 5.16898,-5.13326 c 4.81594,-4.78258 5.16901,-5.4028 5.16901,-9.08035 0,-3.63881 -0.37012,-4.31393 -4.73824,-8.64311 l -4.73826,-4.69605 0,-13.00497 0,-13.00505 -19.7489,-19.80504 -19.74885,-19.80502 0.24362,-5.69249 0.24364,-5.6925 -11.66073,-11.83559 c -10.48709,-10.64436 -11.89982,-11.78761 -14.03611,-11.35883 -1.79861,0.36098 -2.9123,-0.062 -4.58629,-1.74194 -2.67724,-2.68677 -2.79144,-4.78165 -0.42529,-7.80038 3.70277,-4.72408 10.79466,-1.66255 10.0943,4.35766 -0.31798,2.73361 0.17912,3.55172 5.44999,8.96871 l 5.79987,5.96074 6.30755,-6.52814 c
  4.93151,-5.10398 6.24655,-6.99513 6.02795,-8.6689 -0.15374,-1.17745 0.34146,-3.09194 1.1005,-4.25444 1.89215,-2.89807 7.50762,-3.01194 9.47566,-0.19215 3.11137,4.45787 0.31645,9.31782 -5.3586,9.31782 -2.8826,0 -3.93288,0.68681 -9.20731,6.02085 l -5.95357,6.02084 1.6692,1.97635 c 0.91802,1.08698 3.12292,3.41972 4.89977,5.18382 3.14845,3.12589 3.2306,3.36861 3.2306,9.54267 l 0,6.33523 4.12174,4.07415 c 2.26694,2.24082 4.3531,4.07418 4.63589,4.07418 0.28279,0 0.42304,-1.96063 0.31166,-4.35699 -0.14439,-3.10851 -0.71301,-4.8343 -1.98408,-6.02268 -2.78518,-2.60401 -3.19583,-5.0711 -1.27576,-7.66389 2.02207,-2.73056 5.58634,-3.3422 8.461,-1.452 2.81564,1.85146 2.81687,5.88435 9.6e-4,8.70851 -1.77404,1.78031 -2.12573,3.04351 -2.29361,8.23793 l -0.19826,6.13518 11.54275,11.6077 c 6.34865,6.38419 11.83904,11.60766 12.201,11.60766 0.36192,0 0.65806,-9.05877 0.65806,-20.13062 l 0,-20.13055 -4.54995,-4.50948 c -3.49236,-3.46122 -5.16341,-4.50936 -7.18922,-4.50936 -5.03934,0 -7.34206,-5.92324 -
 3.71699,-9.56118 2.46045,-2.46921 6.57705,-1.95408 8.84401,1.10671 1.51548,2.04617 1.6018,2.66235 0.66248,4.73121 -1.03422,2.27787 -0.87624,2.57508 3.7271,7.01455 l 4.80708,4.63589 0,27.78198 0,27.78199 5.22094,-5.16028 c 4.52628,-4.47379 5.15771,-5.48606 4.74568,-7.60864 -0.4762,-2.45324 0.66192,-5.64187 2.43872,-6.8325 1.80923,-1.21232 5.69536,-0.65245 7.40916,1.06748 3.5007,3.51313 0.90751,9.51014 -4.11232,9.51014 -1.83552,0 -3.93219,1.55748 -9.04577,6.71951 l -6.65641,6.71948 0,5.33544 0,5.33545 4.73825,4.49715 4.73828,4.49718 0,5.30515 0,5.30516 -5.16903,5.13324 -5.16898,5.13325 0,22.72182 c 0,12.49699 0.32359,22.7218 0.71908,22.7218 0.39551,0 1.75238,-1.16377 3.01525,-2.5862 2.29554,-2.58548 2.29618,-2.59019 2.29618,-17.24023 0,-9.4043 -0.32768,-14.85721 -0.91465,-15.22125 -1.74682,-1.08344 -2.58388,-4.73577 -1.54106,-6.72403 1.34468,-2.5637 2.40401,-3.15675 5.66648,-3.17225 5.7502,-0.0275 7.4314,7.91856 2.19221,10.36149 l -2.78121,1.29685 -0.0184,14.73005 -0.0185,14.73006 -4.
 30748,4.25783 -4.3075,4.25777 0,11.30794 0,11.30792 -3.87674,3.8183 -3.87674,3.81824 0,7.03476 c 0,5.93677 0.26892,7.27901 1.72297,8.59963 1.46868,1.33377 1.72304,2.66279 1.72304,9.00146 l 0,7.4366 24.35993,24.43522 c 23.66912,23.74231 24.43844,24.41953 27.12721,23.8799 6.34601,-1.27374 9.83468,5.923 4.94108,10.19306 -1.23529,1.07789 -2.15376,2.81113 -2.15376,4.06447 0,1.35556 -1.21739,3.43634 -3.20648,5.48061 l -3.20649,3.29542 18.71348,18.79456 c 10.29234,10.33702 18.71338,19.47216 18.71338,20.30034 0,1.85173 1.05475,1.89698 4.35032,0.18674 2.20938,-1.1466 2.54169,-1.79917 2.54169,-4.9915 0,-3.44124 -0.43397,-4.10548 -6.89201,-10.5484 -6.04505,-6.03101 -6.89194,-7.25472 -6.89194,-9.9583 0,-2.51376 -0.71928,-3.79083 -3.89887,-6.92244 -2.81058,-2.76821 -4.66325,-3.8786 -6.63732,-3.97827 -3.15898,-0.15946 -5.83234,-2.92713 -5.83234,-6.03819 0,-4.90138 6.8241,-7.32116 10.43293,-3.69948 1.44311,1.44824 1.71287,2.48389 1.30828,5.02309 -0.46728,2.93231 -0.18812,3.51544 3.35106,7.00125 3.
 14288,3.09549 3.86073,4.37565 3.86073,6.88491 0,2.7021 0.84534,3.92574 6.85238,9.91876 6.39187,6.37696 6.8695,7.10647 7.10736,10.8548 l 0.25502,4.0184 2.79986,-1.15123 c 2.73927,-1.12634 2.79986,-1.26857 2.79986,-6.57393 l 0,-5.42267 -6.46124,-6.44092 c -5.90994,-5.89139 -6.46125,-6.73826 -6.46125,-9.92489 0,-3.43456 -0.48829,-3.97385 -34.45998,-38.05831 -32.37097,-32.4784 -34.45997,-34.75955 -34.45997,-37.62936 0,-2.61236 -0.81134,-3.86195 -5.59975,-8.62471 -4.95804,-4.93139 -5.59974,-5.95047 -5.59974,-8.89257 0,-2.63075 -0.53836,-3.77749 -2.58453,-5.50535 -6.31153,-5.32966 0.53394,-14.28581 6.94014,-9.07997 2.61871,2.12801 2.66857,6.74655 0.0956,8.83752 -1.30379,1.05948 -1.86657,2.47819 -1.86657,4.70524 0,2.76569 0.7423,3.94069 5.59974,8.86356 4.80329,4.86801 5.59975,6.11693 5.59975,8.78094 0,2.93667 1.87647,4.98853 34.45996,37.68013 32.35096,32.45839 34.46,34.76107 34.46,37.62469 0,2.66351 0.87395,3.9222 6.892,9.92622 l 6.892,6.87595 0,5.34285 0,5.34288 3.01524,-0.9287 3.01525,-0
 .92868 0,-10.45355 0,-10.45355 -17.92179,-17.97016 c -12.97045,-13.00551 -18.30705,-17.82181 -19.3164,-17.43309 -1.45994,0.56224 -4.95401,-0.90467 -6.03899,-2.53532 -0.34809,-0.5232 -0.63888,-2.01281 -0.64615,-3.31026 -0.0109,-1.91126 -3.52874,-5.89228 -18.53539,-20.97424 l -18.52224,-18.61522 0,-11.94818 0,-11.94815 -8.6093,-8.57656 -8.60927,-8.57659 -0.005,-8.23833 -0.005,-8.23832 5.59974,-5.56968 5.59973,-5.56972 0,-11.13982 c 0,-10.85279 -0.0555,-11.18367 -2.15372,-12.83999 -4.21008,-3.32343 -1.68409,-10.22032 3.74323,-10.22032 2.48558,0 4.9364,1.96067 5.40336,4.32282 0.48274,2.44156 -0.96557,5.93642 -2.68735,6.48486 -1.61185,0.51358 -1.72039,1.31214 -1.72039,12.6649 l 0,12.11675 -5.59969,5.70319 -5.59978,5.70315 0,6.4549 0,6.45487 8.61497,8.78573 8.61502,8.7857 0,12.06231 0,12.06228 17.90035,17.9487 c 17.28656,17.33322 17.99516,17.92965 20.66592,17.3936 1.92019,-0.38541 3.45828,-0.0999 5.03166,0.93497 2.01272,1.32349 2.21873,1.91144 1.84272,5.25907 -0.33338,2.96837 -0.0743,4.08
 597 1.22007,5.26145 1.57954,1.43457 1.85982,1.27718 7.21927,-4.05352 3.06678,-3.0503 5.47621,-5.84567 5.35435,-6.21198 -0.12165,-0.36626 -8.65356,-9.17287 -18.95922,-19.57026 l -18.73764,-18.90431 0,-7.2619 0,-7.26196 -11.64316,-11.65959 c -9.66533,-9.67898 -12.01486,-11.61127 -13.83155,-11.37529 -3.55035,0.46121 -6.40077,-1.98435 -6.40077,-5.49155 0,-5.69814 5.74592,-8.47902 9.57652,-4.63481 1.43476,1.43989 1.7284,2.53744 1.37875,5.15356 -0.79818,5.9719 1.09657,5.92224 7.49923,-0.19654 l 5.6675,-5.4162 0,-13.89925 0,-13.89926 -4.58183,-4.54097 -4.58182,-4.54102 0.34591,-6.05239 0.34591,-6.0524 -6.96355,-7.15963 -6.96364,-7.15959 0,-12.3527 c 0,-12.14649 -0.036,-12.38108 -2.1537,-14.05285 -4.2101,-3.32345 -1.68406,-10.2203 3.74322,-10.2203 3.26232,0 5.30249,2.44503 5.30249,6.35469 0,2.56642 -0.42239,3.38572 -2.15374,4.17736 -2.14968,0.98295 -2.15377,1.0079 -2.15377,13.22311 l 0,12.23831 3.14603,2.79514 3.14604,2.79516 2.86986,-2.79149 c 2.4902,-2.42216 2.80608,-3.19992 2.38742,-5.87
 821 -0.96581,-6.1787 6.13204,-9.53914 9.92566,-4.6992 2.2016,2.80884 2.25567,4.72878 0.20469,7.27059 -1.07229,1.32895 -2.58734,1.99423 -4.70986,2.06819 -2.18344,0.0759 -3.91881,0.86828 -5.74201,2.6212 -1.43702,1.38169 -2.61284,2.82546 -2.61284,3.20834 0,0.38288 1.16306,1.73608 2.58454,3.0071 2.47097,2.20948 2.58449,2.61976 2.58449,9.3414 l 0,7.03038 3.45745,3.38815 3.45747,3.38806 7.74202,-7.73353 7.74201,-7.73359 0,-12.13733 0,-12.13731 -8.89856,-8.89986 c -7.89695,-7.89806 -9.15275,-8.83588 -11.15614,-8.33126 -2.83123,0.71315 -6.65176,-2.75712 -6.65176,-6.0419 0,-2.94437 2.86281,-5.65895 5.96797,-5.65895 3.30172,0 6.36522,3.7026 5.67577,6.8598 -0.41677,1.90838 0.60104,3.3021 7.28918,9.98116 l 7.77354,7.763 0,-4.27229 c 0,-3.59235 -0.36558,-4.56487 -2.2973,-6.11066 -4.86338,-3.89171 -1.59597,-11.57447 4.41889,-10.39012 5.05537,0.99543 6.50669,6.7407 2.61672,10.35869 -2.11055,1.96292 -2.15379,2.26002 -2.15379,14.80696 l 0,12.80385 2.12302,-2.00148 c 1.54272,-1.45451 2.09177,-2.83242
  2.00902,-5.04173 -0.0872,-2.32126 0.441,-3.51911 2.23258,-5.06567 1.29057,-1.11404 2.92398,-2.02553 3.62982,-2.02553 2.05324,0 5.51258,4.04447 5.51258,6.44493 0,3.08177 -2.98653,5.83765 -5.98423,5.52207 -1.79585,-0.18904 -3.33726,0.57621 -5.97174,2.96478 -3.21619,2.9159 -3.55105,3.6086 -3.55105,7.34553 0,4.06141 -0.12784,4.25399 -8.18424,12.30518 l -8.18424,8.17919 0,14.73959 0,14.73961 -5.59975,5.56968 c -3.07986,3.06334 -5.59973,5.89339 -5.59973,6.289 0,0.81998 15.50283,17.0539 16.28672,17.05474 0.28191,3.2e-4 0.40335,-10.77441 0.26996,-23.94375 l -0.24261,-23.94438 6.24136,-6.3056 c 5.77742,-5.83692 6.22381,-6.54996 6.00493,-9.59223 -0.39224,-5.45157 4.70578,-8.54772 8.77947,-5.33194 4.70631,3.71512 2.12141,10.32713 -4.03725,10.32713 -1.89462,0 -3.82269,1.29168 -7.99254,5.35442 l -5.49558,5.35443 0,32.94899 0,32.94897 3.01524,2.93286 3.01527,2.93291 0,-31.58037 0,-31.58038 12.49174,-12.63635 c 12.35308,-12.49607 12.49175,-12.67937 12.49175,-16.51411 0,-3.00602 -0.35634,-3.99132 
 -1.58509,-4.3827 -2.15473,-0.68632 -3.89327,-4.18801 -3.18736,-6.42 1.42755,-4.51377 6.7064,-5.94838 9.94145,-2.70183 2.33978,2.3481 2.16642,5.68555 -0.43075,8.29194 -1.68996,1.69598 -2.15377,3.04163 -2.15377,6.24905 0,3.9602 -0.21485,4.30207 -6.89198,10.96358 -3.79061,3.78176 -6.892,7.17685 -6.892,7.54464 0,0.36778 2.44699,0.6687 5.43775,0.6687 5.04297,0 5.57643,-0.18831 7.34853,-2.59369 2.50255,-3.39691 6.16915,-3.53012 8.68867,-0.31565 2.34481,2.99149 2.25428,5.11121 -0.32907,7.70373 -2.69402,2.70363 -5.15,2.69137 -7.87095,-0.0391 -1.9692,-1.97621 -2.79977,-2.16141 -9.69324,-2.16141 l -7.53952,0 -3.35259,3.44557 -3.35265,3.44564 -0.15008,32.80623 -0.15008,32.80631 3.3279,3.26114 3.32788,3.26109 0,-15.42228 0,-15.42235 -2.20767,-2.05326 c -2.90617,-2.70288 -2.62099,-6.77422 0.64518,-9.21038 2.02015,-1.50673 2.6426,-1.58966 4.89769,-0.65222 4.51281,1.8759 5.10083,8.03394 1.01192,10.59661 -1.67826,1.05177 -1.76262,1.91426 -1.76262,18.01831 l 0,16.9137 3.01526,2.93288 3.01522,2.93289
  0,-15.97284 0,-15.97283 5.59976,-5.56972 5.59975,-5.56968 0,-5.66629 0,-5.66623 -6.413,-6.39281 c -5.86252,-5.84408 -6.72291,-6.39882 -10.02419,-6.46258 -2.82118,-0.0543 -3.97193,-0.55296 -5.2599,-2.27852 -1.38006,-1.84888 -1.49257,-2.62068 -0.69064,-4.73746 1.17707,-3.10692 2.24353,-3.83052 5.67033,-3.84757 3.41467,-0.0178 5.51789,2.3231 5.51789,6.13927 0,2.42583 0.77705,3.7585 4.11581,7.05876 l 4.11585,4.06836 7.51443,-7.57617 c 6.17924,-6.23013 7.5144,-8.04865 7.5144,-10.23496 0,-3.29431 2.31848,-5.52041 5.74945,-5.52041 3.23154,0 5.45005,2.34867 5.45005,5.76986 0,3.72754 -2.56092,5.76387 -6.63817,5.27834 -3.12625,-0.37231 -3.58483,-0.0728 -10.49561,6.8505 l -7.22653,7.23981 1.84216,1.96785 c 1.53967,1.64471 1.84216,3.01965 1.84216,8.37312 l 0,6.4052 -5.29441,5.3609 -5.29441,5.36084 0.0698,17.50794 0.0697,17.50792 4.75596,4.77291 c 4.62067,4.63705 4.80416,4.72903 6.45088,3.23349 1.26723,-1.1509 1.5794,-2.25377 1.23713,-4.37056 -0.90876,-5.61975 5.54009,-8.55853 9.67495,-4.40897 
 2.70943,2.71906 2.67982,5.17033 -0.0962,7.95625 -1.78439,1.79072 -2.73386,2.11374 -4.92214,1.67453 -2.52626,-0.50706 -3.25716,9.3e-4 -10.71162,7.45126 -4.40022,4.39746 -7.99316,8.39214 -7.98433,8.87702 0.0109,0.4849 6.79314,7.68958 15.07625,16.01036 l 15.06024,15.12871 0,10.10871 c 0,5.55976 0.34314,10.32151 0.76255,10.58164 0.41938,0.26014 1.97008,0.0504 3.44598,-0.46584 l 2.68344,-0.93877 0,-12.24955 0,-12.2495 -9.75905,-9.76602 c -8.44464,-8.45062 -10.04517,-9.69395 -11.88289,-9.23108 -2.9434,0.74135 -6.7875,-2.36515 -6.7875,-5.48511 0,-3.67648 2.23499,-6.18155 5.51507,-6.18155 3.79243,0 5.90562,2.41953 5.56617,6.37316 -0.19469,2.26792 0.26796,3.61777 1.80126,5.25577 1.13484,1.21223 2.52338,2.20404 3.0857,2.20404 0.56229,0 3.40224,-2.56387 6.31105,-5.69754 l 5.28871,-5.6975 0,-10.25389 c 0,-8.85928 0.20506,-10.37176 1.50763,-11.12009 1.29962,-0.74673 -0.15485,-2.54192 -10.54181,-13.01141 -9.18494,-9.25789 -12.56984,-12.1452 -14.23844,-12.1452 -5.41801,0 -8.205,-6.3917 -4.3239,-9.
 91653 4.03847,-3.66774 9.77603,-0.66424 9.37513,4.90771 -0.20531,2.85399 0.25265,3.77207 3.57801,7.17239 l 3.81349,3.89946 4.98731,-4.95278 c 4.52475,-4.49349 4.939,-5.21123 4.46654,-7.7387 -0.71298,-3.81406 2.87167,-7.64915 6.37301,-6.81819 3.4779,0.82536 5.58803,3.76785 4.96972,6.93011 -0.63169,3.23108 -2.58099,4.78197 -6.0392,4.80484 -2.01781,0.0143 -3.79583,1.14455 -7.58884,4.82814 -2.7245,2.64589 -4.90453,5.06961 -4.84449,5.38609 0.0602,0.31646 3.11086,3.41684 6.77958,6.88975 l 6.67041,6.31437 2.7369,-2.74664 c 2.70173,-2.71128 2.71427,-2.76255 0.97393,-3.98584 -1.15722,-0.81343 -1.75848,-2.18787 -1.74975,-4.00005 0.0167,-3.26029 0.60889,-4.30918 3.21739,-5.68772 1.89541,-1.00172 1.93839,-1.35393 1.93839,-15.88601 l 0,-14.86161 -5.74235,-5.80721 c -4.94513,-5.00107 -6.0689,-5.74171 -8.09449,-5.33516 -4.65288,0.93386 -8.06379,-6.13656 -4.62514,-9.58742 4.66861,-4.68525 11.16592,-0.69931 9.529,5.84575 -0.377,1.50736 0.14199,2.64029 2.05067,4.47527 l 2.55545,2.45694 5.50845,-5.123
 68 c 5.13321,-4.77459 5.51534,-5.38928 5.60944,-9.02292 l 0.10041,-3.89965 -15.94787,-15.98572 c -13.08006,-13.11133 -16.32455,-15.93674 -18.04446,-15.71379 -4.94654,0.64122 -8.34756,-4.06086 -6.09674,-8.42898 0.69164,-1.34219 1.85333,-2.66982 2.58159,-2.95023 1.1164,-0.42993 1.32413,-2.72591 1.32413,-14.6355 l 0,-14.12559 -23.69122,-23.75873 -23.69124,-23.75874 0,-5.99617 0,-5.99612 -6.03051,6.00555 c -4.6485,4.62929 -6.03049,6.5688 -6.03049,8.46312 0,3.43546 -1.30427,5.50925 -3.87172,6.15591 -2.19714,0.55342 -5.4799,-0.64208 -6.66849,-2.42843 -1.23199,-1.85169 -0.63524,-5.73052 1.15864,-7.53077 1.43874,-1.44386 2.47767,-1.71853 4.98095,-1.31678 3.0427,0.48829 3.41598,0.2471 9.81231,-6.33958 3.65711,-3.76596 6.64931,-7.36235 6.64931,-7.99202 0,-0.62965 -4.26318,-5.40985 -9.47373,-10.62273 l -9.47373,-9.47792 -6.89475,6.87872 c -5.26673,5.25439 -6.89477,7.43696 -6.89477,9.24283 0,2.94409 -3.02218,5.88976 -6.04276,5.88976 -2.62566,0 -6.01827,-3.2127 -6.01827,-5.69914 0,-4.05276 5.090
 68,-7.43306 8.46486,-5.62079 1.25822,0.67576 2.74146,-0.35542 8.16656,-5.67771 3.646,-3.5769 6.6291,-6.73841 6.6291,-7.02559 0,-0.28718 -1.01563,-1.586 -2.25694,-2.88626 -1.90066,-1.99093 -2.59897,-2.23357 -4.42381,-1.53732 -2.61456,0.99761 -5.80657,-0.77301 -7.29212,-4.04497 -0.80725,-1.778 -0.67668,-2.53923 0.77052,-4.49322 3.55082,-4.79415 10.61785,-2.63203 10.61785,3.24846 0,2.01473 1.28276,3.89599 5.89509,8.64559 3.24229,3.33884 6.14983,6.0706 6.46124,6.0706 0.31138,0 0.56614,-6.11783 0.56614,-13.59515 l 0,-13.59519 -5.67823,-5.74238 c -5.52829,-5.59078 -5.77541,-5.73143 -9.35846,-5.32614 -3.13856,0.35503 -3.88785,0.11878 -5.09055,-1.6043 -4.61389,-6.61064 3.50255,-13.33747 8.73162,-7.23666 1.12968,1.31799 1.87659,3.07712 1.65975,3.90916 -0.26565,1.01951 1.54076,3.43976 5.53962,7.4221 l 5.93379,5.90929 5.21378,-5.23232 c 4.85739,-4.87467 5.14558,-5.38242 4.21634,-7.42911 -0.8032,-1.76908 -0.72512,-2.72524 0.40083,-4.91036 1.19706,-2.32309 1.8717,-2.71353 4.68861,-2.71353 3.8480
 8,0 6.14191,2.04348 6.14191,5.47159 0,2.82637 -2.75684,5.76769 -5.40596,5.76769 -1.28875,0 -4.0914,2.15341 -8.18424,6.28842 l -6.22433,6.28841 0,14.86768 0,14.86769 5.59976,5.70325 5.59975,5.70328 0,8.82002 0,8.82007 8.61502,8.61315 8.61499,8.61316 0,-19.89183 0,-19.89194 -5.92834,-5.9038 c -5.43254,-5.41006 -6.15102,-5.85471 -8.59099,-5.31691 -5.33107,1.17506 -9.17456,-6.0215 -5.29515,-9.91469 3.88553,-3.89931 11.08059,-0.17388 9.91858,5.13564 -0.40808,1.86454 0.35088,3.05476 4.70464,7.37846 l 5.19126,5.15531 0,-20.93854 c 0,-13.38269 -0.31089,-20.93857 -0.86151,-20.93857 -1.64675,0 -4.30749,-3.47124 -4.30749,-5.61964 0,-2.93471 2.88127,-5.61968 6.03049,-5.61968 5.52966,0 7.85998,6.02372 3.87673,10.02106 -1.67245,1.67846 -2.15372,3.04928 -2.15372,6.13486 l 0,3.9734 4.21982,-3.79659 4.21988,-3.79657 0.0879,-18.89592 0.0879,-18.89593 -2.15374,-1.70016 c -2.6614,-2.10088 -2.86177,-6.0515 -0.43077,-8.491166 4.65434,-4.670886 12.11161,0.966691 9.07468,6.860316 -0.69162,1.34219 -1.8533,2
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 54.79825,245.77218 154.1875,245.65625 C 153.3401,245.20326 152.373,244.88092 151.40625,244.875 z M 166.65625,244.875 C 163.81138,244.83015 160.84817,245.7831 158.9375,247.96875 C 157.14601,249.82305 156.26534,252.44241 156.40625,255 C 156.4455,257.60089 157.62013,260.2008 159.6875,261.8125 C 162.43682,264.15178 166.33269,264.50973 169.75,263.78125 C 172.53457,263.1788 175.07375,261.31901 176.1875,258.65625 C 177.7293,255.0256 177.16931,250.3711 174.28125,247.5625 C 172.27329,245.58452 169.38522,244.95613 166.65625,244.875 z M 202.5625,244.875 C 199.65259,244.82633 196.58865,245.83995 194.6875,248.125 C 192.2363,250.95423 191.8563,255.23236 193.28125,258.625 C 194.29372,261.11012 196.45477,263.16353 199.125,263.71875 C 201.64663,264.2679 204.28679,264.24885 206.8125,263.75 C 208.51969,263.42988 210.07293,262.47938 211.1875,261.15625 C 211.6559,260.51927 212.73656,259.43233 212.625,258.90625 L 206.125,258.28125 C 205.51686,258.9536 204.91301,259.72992 203.9375,259.8125 C 202.39982,260
 .20123 200.57653,259.5439 199.875,258.0625 C 199.79053,257.55239 198.90352,256.05401 199.875,256.21875 L 213.21875,256.21875 C 213.28951,253.4079 212.92796,250.3949 211.125,248.125 C 210.03317,246.80706 208.52604,245.83022 206.84375,245.46875 C 205.44659,245.10894 204.00458,244.9063 202.5625,244.875 z M 226.53125,244.875 C 224.83773,244.94818 223.16268,245.2917 221.59375,245.9375 C 219.74896,246.79555 218.29579,248.44202 217.46875,250.28125 C 216.51712,252.42489 216.57711,254.87891 216.90625,257.15625 C 217.21271,259.53093 218.85626,261.58953 220.90625,262.75 C 222.614,263.77638 224.64841,263.95739 226.59375,264.09375 C 228.87355,264.16831 231.35076,264.0907 233.3125,262.78125 C 235.36706,261.62577 236.70538,259.55319 237.3125,257.3125 L 230.78125,256.5 C 230.52218,257.60301 229.84173,258.55904 228.8125,259.0625 C 227.04278,259.7832 224.53052,259.176 223.875,257.21875 C 223.37182,255.6932 223.44816,254.02326 223.78125,252.46875 C 224.12531,250.7656 225.86092,249.61089 227.5625,249.8
 125 C 228.93603,249.74484 230.32064,250.72254 230.5,252.125 L 236.90625,251.28125 C 236.30346,248.57745 234.27097,246.20997 231.5625,245.46875 C 229.935,245.02311 228.22477,244.80182 226.53125,244.875 z M 279,244.875 C 276.11458,244.82722 273.09566,245.81887 271.1875,248.0625 C 269.35887,250.01593 268.69715,252.78835 268.90625,255.40625 C 269.06071,258.57942 270.96032,261.61925 273.84375,263 C 276.42708,264.26198 279.47881,264.37106 282.25,263.75 C 285.00789,263.09784 287.47228,261.17924 288.5625,258.53125 C 290.1067,254.84728 289.46037,250.12239 286.4375,247.375 C 284.43673,245.53292 281.64544,244.93556 279,244.875 z M 304.15625,244.875 C 303.5762,244.87145 303.01044,244.97535 302.46875,245.25 C 301.18645,245.82374 300.51794,247.1133 299.875,248.28125 L 299.875,245.4375 L 293.46875,245.4375 C 293.46642,251.5355 293.43817,257.61908 293.4375,263.71875 L 300.40625,263.71875 L 300.40625,261.75 C 300.43736,259.30833 300.32566,256.87171 300.5625,254.4375 C 300.73318,253.01097 301.0296,25
 1.28622 302.4375,250.5625 C 303.4305,250.02827 304.50868,250.55121 305.46875,250.875 L 307.28125,246.5625 C 307.54855,246.12898 307.5795,245.77218 306.96875,245.65625 C 306.12135,245.20326 305.123,244.88092 304.15625,244.875 z M 316.8125,244.875 C 313.944,244.75095 311.24416,246.74626 310.28125,249.40625 C 309.30036,251.99637 309.4085,254.8776 310.0625,257.53125 C 310.82024,260.37628 313.3772,262.72715 316.375,262.875 C 318.02221,262.96074 319.84243,262.61957 321.125,261.53125 C 321.65763,260.95665 322.5173,259.87579 322.25,261.3125 C 322.22656,262.71696 322.44184,264.21836 321.84375,265.53125 C 321.03374,266.81839 319.19006,266.98564 317.90625,266.375 C 316.81858,266.33518 317.11739,264.47551 315.90625,264.71875 L 310.125,264.125 C 309.50347,266.76816 311.20799,269.74611 313.875,270.40625 C 316.60154,271.26237 319.49764,271.16066 322.3125,270.90625 C 324.68811,270.64995 327.16096,269.52501 328.25,267.28125 C 329.27127,265.45631 329.29538,263.34169 329.25,261.3125 L 329.25,245.4375 
 L 322.8125,245.4375 L 322.8125,248.03125 C 321.50453,246.04856 319.20547,244.77746 316.8125,244.875 z M 181.75,245.4375 C 181.75233,250.47539 181.74933,255.49169 181.75,260.53125 C 181.69711,261.87363 181.89297,263.27272 181.4375,264.5625 C 181.0078,265.66627 179.66675,265.61346 178.71875,265.375 L 177.65625,270.5625 C 179.62508,270.79403 181.57001,271.23211 183.5625,271.0625 C 184.97081,271.00683 186.30112,270.33286 187.28125,269.34375 C 188.42564,267.93617 188.49326,266.01317 188.5625,264.28125 C 188.59678,257.99763 188.55329,251.72134 188.5625,245.4375 L 181.75,245.4375 z M 202.84375,249.125 C 203.95329,249.09172 205.18486,249.55909 205.625,250.65625 C 205.8373,251.2573 206.52558,252.61661 206,252.9375 L 199.4375,252.9375 C 199.56074,251.41532 200.27758,249.69691 201.875,249.25 C 202.18319,249.16417 202.52447,249.12493 202.84375,249.125 z M 83.21875,249.8125 C 84.81783,249.74971 86.12553,251.10433 86.34375,252.625 C 86.59093,254.16964 86.6235,255.82291 86.09375,257.3125 C 85.5851
 7,258.42141 84.51087,259.40806 83.21875,259.34375 C 82.16274,259.497 81.16864,258.69003 80.5625,257.84375 C 79.6954,256.4655 79.76487,254.74716 79.90625,253.1875 C 80.034,251.824 80.79576,250.42045 82.15625,249.96875 C 82.49984,249.84916 82.85603,249.81209 83.21875,249.8125 z M 166.28125,249.8125 L 166.46875,249.8125 L 166.65625,249.8125 C 168.24903,249.69466 169.62717,251.0036 169.875,252.53125 C 170.15533,254.0429 170.15817,255.64356 169.71875,257.125 C 169.25152,258.37261 168.06301,259.46133 166.65625,259.34375 C 165.63697,259.47968 164.64055,258.69308 164.09375,257.84375 C 163.2126,256.42434 163.29992,254.63084 163.46875,253.03125 C 163.62666,251.51818 164.6538,249.94298 166.28125,249.8125 z M 279.125,249.8125 C 280.77107,249.74861 282.03138,251.21111 282.25,252.75 C 282.48768,254.25882 282.48055,255.86623 281.9375,257.3125 C 281.41893,258.40217 280.41521,259.41166 279.125,259.34375 C 278.06475,259.49194 277.01503,258.70161 276.40625,257.84375 C 275.55817,256.45691 275.65901,254
 .74655 275.78125,253.1875 C 275.89204,251.87317 276.58125,250.51671 277.875,250.03125 C 278.26601,249.87076 278.7039,249.81159 279.125,249.8125 z M 319.28125,250.0625 C 321.08552,249.99674 322.39578,251.8094 322.375,253.5 C 322.55438,255.13402 322.15278,257.16624 320.5,257.90625 C 319.04952,258.5741 317.03402,257.79625 316.6875,256.15625 C 316.17758,254.45034 316.2497,252.45136 317.25,250.9375 C 317.72499,250.33036 318.51318,249.99526 319.28125,250.0625 z M 257.75,256.625 L 257.75,263.71875 L 264.96875,263.71875 L 264.96875,256.625 L 257.75,256.625 z" transform="translate(58.124001,45.28474)" id="path3078" style="fill:#7d4698;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><g transform="matrix(1.4656327,0,0,1.4656327,-114.91364,-92.589999)" id="g3060"><path d="M 243.45456,141.73907 L 254.45054,146.3009 C 254.45054,149.09697 254.22325,157.62508 255.97165,160.14073 C 274.2593,183.69317 271.18253,230.90449 252.26708,232.11557 C 223.46265,232.11557 212.47729,212.54784 212.47729,194.56304 C 212.47729,178.
 16255 232.1385,167.26005 243.88023,157.56932 C 246.86189,154.9602 246.34411,149.1939 243.45456,141.73907 z" id="path2534-7" style="fill:#fffcdb;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><path d="M 254.45384,146.1368 L 258.41667,148.15833 C 258.04413,150.76678 258.60294,156.54518 261.21138,158.03533 C 272.76683,165.21041 283.66866,173.03778 287.95556,180.86515 C 303.23775,208.44788 277.23932,233.97963 254.78204,231.55678 C 266.9891,222.51764 270.53025,203.97471 265.96429,183.75334 C 264.10093,175.83249 261.21138,168.65741 256.08592,160.5503 C 253.86557,156.5708 254.64079,151.63546 254.45384,146.1368 z" id="path2536-6" style="fill:url(#linearGradient3077);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><g transform="matrix(1.1111963,0,0,1.1111963,39.131448,34.108974)" id="g4942" style="display:inline"><path d="M 197.76094,74.040206 L 194.74178,86.031491 C 199.01846,77.562251 205.8108,71.18929 213.61014,65.570352 C 207.90769,72.195062 202.70875,78.820387 199.52196,
 85.445098 C 204.88915,77.897508 212.10087,73.704949 220.23485,70.93754 C 209.41697,80.58141 200.83028,90.929734 194.28907,101.32824 L 189.09013,99.064331 C 190.01178,90.762105 193.14839,82.258925 197.76094,74.040206 z" id="path2554-7" style="fill:#abcd03;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><path d="M 213.625,65.562491 C 209.7467,69.702223 203.03465,76.965587 199.4375,83.312491 C 196.3689,88.726815 194.26416,93.542182 193.09375,96.781241 C 192.34506,98.853218 189.31133,98.832471 190.1875,95.406241 C 190.19615,95.372423 190.20934,95.346974 190.21875,95.312491 C 191.38669,92.553161 193.15732,88.701836 194.9375,85.312491 L 197.75,74.031241 C 196.36311,78.792777 194.37766,83.130347 193.15625,88.062491 C 193.15824,88.062491 191.0097,92.997031 190.4375,94.249991 C 190.24315,94.675568 190.0806,95.086141 189.9375,95.468741 C 189.92839,95.493088 189.91515,95.507159 189.90625,95.531241 C 189.66369,96.072792 189.49944,96.66463 189.375,97.187491 C 189.35468,97.272849 189.36142,97.324868 189.34375,9
 7.406241 C 189.18279,98.147642 189.09375,98.718741 189.09375,98.718741 C 189.96719,99.473076 194.28125,101.34374 194.28125,101.34374 C 200.82245,90.94523 209.43212,80.58136 220.25,70.937491 C 212.11602,73.704899 204.89844,77.889901 199.53125,85.437491 C 202.71804,78.812781 207.92255,72.187201 213.625,65.562491 z" id="path4724" style="fill:#437202;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><path d="M 193.34005,100.63542 L 194.28126,101.34375 C 200.82246,90.945238 209.43213,80.581364 220.25001,70.937495 C 214.0451,76.013452 205.71291,83.006064 202.18751,87.624993 C 197.72826,93.467436 200.35289,87.979211 200.35289,87.979211 C 200.35289,87.979211 202.71483,81.869504 206.87371,78.036091 C 204.45723,79.19008 200.26932,84.399602 199.53126,85.437496 C 199.53126,85.437496 196.38593,91.541806 194.63266,97.062918 C 194.16228,98.544172 193.34005,100.63542 193.34005,100.63542 z" id="path4720" style="fill:#153902;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /></g><path d="M 251.3005,144.98
 552 L 251.3005,232.11026 C 251.62736,232.11542 251.94123,232.11026 252.2728,232.11026 C 271.18825,230.89918 274.27602,183.67801 255.98836,160.12557 C 254.23996,157.60992 254.46046,149.10114 254.46046,146.30507 L 251.3005,144.98552 z" id="path4748" style="fill:#f3ecaa;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><g transform="matrix(0.68230175,0,0,0.68230175,78.404988,63.177814)" id="layer4-3" style="display:inline"><path d="M 255.226,120.58877 L 267.244,122.22777 C 263.693,133.97277 274.21,142.16677 277.624,144.07977 C 285.27201,148.31377 292.64701,152.68377 298.52001,158.00977 C 309.58301,168.11577 315.86501,182.31977 315.86501,197.34277 C 315.86501,212.22877 309.03601,226.56877 297.56401,236.12877 C 286.77501,245.14277 271.889,248.96677 257.412,248.96677 C 248.398,248.96677 240.34,248.55777 231.6,245.68877 C 211.661,238.99677 196.774,221.92577 195.545,201.43877 C 194.452,185.45977 198.003,173.30477 210.432,160.60377 C 216.85,153.91177 229.825,146.26377 238.703,14
 0.11777 C 243.074,137.11277 247.717,128.64477 238.839,112.66677 L 240.615,111.30077 L 253.77159,120.1128 L 242.664,115.53477 C 243.62,116.90077 246.215,123.04677 246.762,124.82177 C 247.991,129.87477 247.445,134.79277 246.352,136.97677 C 240.753,147.08377 231.193,149.81477 224.228,155.55077 C 211.936,165.65677 198.552,173.71477 200.054,201.43877 C 200.737,215.09577 211.39,231.75777 227.368,239.54277 C 236.382,243.91377 246.762,245.68877 257.278,246.23477 C 266.701,246.64477 284.72901,241.04477 294.56201,232.85077 C 305.07801,224.11077 310.95101,210.86277 310.95101,197.34277 C 310.95101,183.68477 305.48801,170.71077 295.24501,161.55977 C 289.37201,156.23377 279.676,149.81477 273.667,146.39977 C 267.658,142.98577 260.146,133.42577 262.604,124.27577 z" id="path2538-6" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 251.539,140.80177 C 250.31,147.08477 248.944,158.41977 243.481,162.65377 C 241.159,164.29177 238.837,165.93177 236.379,167.56977 C 226.546,174.26277 216.712,180
 .54377 212.206,196.65977 C 211.25,200.07477 212.07,203.76177 212.89,207.17577 C 215.348,217.00877 222.313,227.66177 227.776,233.94477 C 227.776,234.21777 228.869,234.90077 228.869,235.17377 C 233.376,240.50077 234.742,242.00277 251.813,245.82577 L 251.403,247.73877 C 241.16,245.00777 232.693,242.54977 227.366,236.40277 C 227.366,236.26677 226.41,235.30977 226.41,235.30977 C 220.674,228.75377 213.708,217.82877 211.114,207.58577 C 210.158,203.48777 209.339,200.34777 210.431,196.11277 C 215.074,179.45177 225.181,172.89577 235.424,165.93077 C 237.746,164.42877 240.477,163.06177 242.662,161.28677 C 246.895,158.14677 249.216,148.58577 251.539,140.80177 z" id="path2540-5" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 255.90625,166.74951 C 256.04325,173.85151 255.35,177.41426 257.125,182.46826 C 258.217,185.47226 261.907,189.56976 263,193.53076 C 264.502,198.85776 266.138,204.72977 266,208.28077 C 266,212.37876 265.74375,220.02326 263.96875,228.21826 C 262.61513,234.98934 259
 .49552,240.79979 254.25,244.09326 C 248.87673,242.98682 242.56776,241.09805 238.84375,237.90576 C 231.60575,231.62376 225.195,221.11926 224.375,211.96826 C 223.693,204.45727 230.64775,193.37976 240.34375,187.78076 C 248.53775,183.00076 250.44375,177.55301 252.21875,168.81201 C 249.76075,176.46001 247.45225,182.87126 239.53125,186.96826 C 228.05925,192.97726 222.17275,203.06452 222.71875,212.62451 C 223.53775,224.91551 228.46025,233.24401 238.15625,239.93701 C 242.25325,242.80501 249.9075,245.83576 254.6875,246.65576 L 254.6875,246.03076 C 258.31243,245.35188 263.00568,239.39809 265.34375,231.34326 C 267.39275,224.10526 268.2005,214.84126 268.0625,208.96827 C 267.9255,205.55427 266.4195,198.16026 263.6875,191.46826 C 262.1855,187.78126 259.878,184.09451 258.375,181.49951 C 256.738,178.90251 256.72625,173.30451 255.90625,166.74951 z" id="path2542-6" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 255.09375,193.53076 C 255.22975,198.31076 257.14975,204.43527 257.96875,210.
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 412.03559,133.85822 410.60266,135.39008 C 410.45914,135.5564 410.56057,135.07431 410.53025,134.94099 C 410.50664,134.74608 410.24551,134.76592 410.08634,134.71387 C 409.881,134.71603 409.76226,134.58697 409.66954,134.41849 C 409.14394,133.6864 408.61835,132.95432 408.09275,132.22224 C 408.72543,132.0174 409.31305,131.59055 409.53124,130.9383 C 409.88942,130.02066 409.46377,128.87638 408.55463,128.46433 C 407.61591,127.99371 406.54008,128.16049 405.52668,128.12849 C 404.8379,128.1355 404.13903,128.1149 403.45616,128.13801 C 403.3012,128.29067 403.40346,128.54915 403.374,128.75349 C 403.41326,128.83477 403.44806,128.91528 403.55774,128.91855 C 403.74649,128.94686 403.93525,128.97518 404.124,129.00349 C 404.124,130.89932 404.124,132.79516 404.124,134.69099 C 403.90804,134.75931 403.62646,134.70852 403.46775,134.87849 C 403.47581,135.09914 403.45198,135.33178 403.47727,135.54633 C 403.59608,135.65947 403.79827,135.56664 403.95069,135.59724 C 404.89385,135.59723 405.83724,135.59726 406.7
 8025,135.59724 C 406.91504,135.48472 406.8092,135.27086 406.84275,135.11585 C 406.84896,134.99491 406.87441,134.80931 406.71775,134.78474 C 406.47817,134.75349 406.23858,134.72224 405.999,134.69099 C 405.999,133.97224 405.999,133.25349 405.999,132.53474 C 406.21776,132.46529 406.30282,132.64714 406.40028,132.80568 C 407.0061,133.70495 407.61193,134.60422 408.21775,135.50349 C 408.21476,135.59479 408.35266,135.61735 408.39617,135.60835 C 409.06562,135.58221 409.75839,135.6048 410.4365,135.59724 C 409.88985,136.24245 409.11121,136.66629 408.3242,136.95456 C 406.60757,137.54095 404.59842,137.15879 403.24066,135.94741 C 401.76786,134.65244 401.14017,132.51152 401.6259,130.61776 C 402.14743,128.45188 404.17291,126.70624 406.42465,126.66418 C 406.49107,126.66158 406.55753,126.66012 406.624,126.65974 z M 406.65525,125.59724 C 404.79677,125.5659 402.96344,126.46712 401.78608,127.89152 C 400.49592,129.45674 400.01731,131.64057 400.55953,133.59716 C 401.12596,135.75186 402.9133,137.51703 405.
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+          <div class="bridge-lines" id="bridgelines">
+## See http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/filtering.html
+% for bridgeline in answer:
+${bridgeline | h,trim}<br />
+% endfor
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+% if qrcode:
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+% if qrcode:
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+##              for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",
+##              or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
+${_("""Uh oh, spaghettios!""")}
+${_("""It seems there was an error getting your QRCode.""")}
+                <i class="icon icon-frown"></i>
+              </p>
+% endif
+              <p>
+${_("""This QRCode contains your bridge lines. Scan it with a QRCode """ \
+    """reader to copy your bridge lines onto mobile and other devices.""")}
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+      <p>
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[1]) % \
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+                  target="_blank">""",
+            """</a>""")}
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[2])}
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+      <div class="bs-component">
+        <blockquote>
+          <p>
+            ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[3])}
+          </p>
+        </blockquote>
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+      <p>
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[4])}
+      </p>
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+## TRANSLATORS: Please translate this into some silly way to say
+##              "There was a problem!" in your language. For example,
+##              for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",
+##              or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
+${_("""Uh oh, spaghettios!""")}
+        </em>
+      </strong>
+      <br />
+    </p>
+    <p style="text-align: center;">
+      ${_("""There currently aren't any bridges available...""")}
+      ${_(""" Perhaps you should try %s going back %s and choosing a""" \
+          """ different bridge type!""") % \
+         ("""<a class="alert-link" href="options">""", """</a>""")}
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+  document.getElementById('qrcodebtn').removeAttribute('href');
+<hr />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/captcha.html b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/captcha.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab605e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/captcha.html
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+<%inherit file="base.html"/>
+<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', imgstr=0, captcha_challenge=0, **kwargs"/>
+<div class="container-narrow"
+     id="captchaSubmissionContainer"
+     style="width: 90%; align: center; margin: auto;">
+  <div class="container-fluid"
+       style="width: 100%; align: center; padding: 5%">
+    <div class="box" style="padding: 5% 15% 5% 15%;">
+      <p style="align: center;">
+        <img width="400" height="125"
+             alt="${_(strings.CAPTCHA[0])}"
+             src="${imgstr}" />
+      </p>
+    <div class="box"
+         style="align: center; width: 50% margin: auto;">
+      <div class="container-fluid"
+           style="width: 98%; align: center; padding: 1%;">
+        <form class="bs-component"
+              id="captchaSubmission"
+              action=""
+              method="POST">
+          <fieldset>
+            <div class="form-group">
+                 <!--style="width: 100%; align: center;">-->
+              <div class="input-group" style="height: 60%;">
+                <input type="hidden"
+                       form="captchaSubmission"
+                       name="captcha_challenge_field"
+                       id="captcha_challenge_field"
+                       value="${challenge_field}"></input>
+                <input class="form-control"
+                       form="captchaSubmission"
+                       name="captcha_response_field"
+                       id="captcha_response_field"
+                       value=""
+                       autocomplete="off"
+                       type="text"
+                       placeholder="${_(strings.CAPTCHA[1])}"
+                       accesskey="t" autofocus ></input>
+                <span class="input-group-btn">
+                  <button class="btn btn-primary"
+                          form="captchaSubmission"
+                          type="submit"
+                          name="submit"
+                          value="submit"
+                          accesskey="s">
+                    <i class="icon-level-down icon-rotate-90"></i>
+                  </button>
+                </span>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </fieldset>
+        </form>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<hr />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/howto.html b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/howto.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10f1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/howto.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+<%inherit file="base.html"/>
+<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
+<div class="container-fluid"
+     style="width: 98%; align: center; margin: auto;">
+<div class="container-fluid"
+     style="width: 95%; align: center;
+            padding-top: 10%; padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 5%;">
+  <div class="panel panel-primary">
+    <div class="panel-heading">
+      <h3 class="panel-title">${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[0])}</h3>
+    </div>
+    <br />
+    <div class="container-fluid" id="howto" style="align-content: left;">
+      <p>
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[1]) % \
+           ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html"
+                  target="_blank">""",
+            """</a>""")}
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[2])}
+      </p>
+      <br />
+      <div class="bs-component">
+        <blockquote>
+          <p>
+            ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[3])}
+          </p>
+        </blockquote>
+      </div>
+      <p>
+        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[4])}
+      </p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/index.html b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469b27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+<%inherit file="base.html"/>
+<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
+<div class="main-steps">
+<div class="step row">
+  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
+    <span class="lead">
+      <span class="step-title">
+        ${_("Step %s1%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
+      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
+        ${_("Download %s Tor Browser %s") % \
+           ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html"
+                  target="_blank" accesskey="1">""",
+            """</a>""")}</span>
+    </span>
+  </div>
+<div class="step row">
+  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
+    <span class="lead">
+      <span class="step-title">
+        ${_("Step %s2%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
+      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
+        ${_("Get %s bridges %s") % ("""<a href="/options" accesskey="2">""", "</a>")}</span>
+    </span>
+  </div>
+<div class="step row">
+  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
+    <span class="lead">
+      <span class="step-title">
+        ${_("Step %s3%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
+      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
+        ${_("""Now %s add the bridges to Tor Browser %s""") % \
+           ("""<a href="/howto" accesskey="3">""",
+            """</a>""")}</span>
+    </span>
+  </div>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/options.html b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/options.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9486199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/options.html
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+<%inherit file="base.html"/>
+<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
+<div class="container-fluid"
+     style="width: 96%; align: center; margin: 2%">
+  <div class="container-fluid" style="padding: 2%">
+  <p>
+    <h2>${_(strings.BRIDGES[1])}</h2>
+  </p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="container-fluid"
+       style="width: 100%; align: center; padding: 2%;">
+    <p>
+      ${_(strings.WELCOME[0]) % \
+         ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/docs/pluggable-transports.html">""",
+          """</a>""")}
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      ${_(strings.WELCOME[1])}
+    </p>
+## The '&#8212' char is a literal emdash ('―'), but it's also XML parseable.
+    <p>
+      ${_(strings.WELCOME[2]) % ("&#8212", "&#8212")}
+    </p>
+    <div class="container-fluid" style="align: center: margin: 2%;">
+      <div style="align: center; padding: 5%;">
+        <p class="bs-component">
+          <a href="./bridges">
+            <button class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block"
+                    type="button"
+                    accesskey="j">
+## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
+##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
+##              (These are used to insert HTML5 underlining tags, to mark accesskeys
+##              for disabled users.)
+            ${_("""%sJ%sust give me bridges!""") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}
+            </button>
+          </a>
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<!-- BEGIN "Advanced Options" panel for bridge type -->
+<div class="container-fluid"
+     style="width: 96%; align: center; margin-left: 2%; margin-right: 2%;">
+  <div class="panel panel-primary">
+    <div class="panel-heading">
+      <h3 class="panel-title">${_("""Advanced Options""")}</h3>
+    </div>
+    <!-- BEGIN bridge options selection form -->
+    <form class="form-horizontal" id="advancedOptions" action="bridges" method="GET">
+      <fieldset>
+        <div class="container-fluid" id="instructions" style="align-content: left;">
+          <legend style="font-size: 112%">
+            <br />
+            <p>${_(strings.OPTIONS[0])}</p>
+          </legend>
+        </div>
+        <div class="container-fluid">
+          <!-- BEGIN first options row -->
+          <div class="row" style="width: 98%; height: inherit; margin: auto;">
+            <!-- BEGIN left column, first row -->
+            <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
+                 style="float: left; width: 50%; height: inherit;">
+              <div class="step" style="height: inherit;">
+                <div class="form-group">
+                  <label class="control-label"
+                         for="transport"
+                          style="text-align: inherit;">
+                    ${_(strings.OPTIONS[2]) % ("Pluggable <u>T</u>ransport")}
+                  </label>
+                  <div class="container-fluid col-lg-4">
+                    <div class="btn-group" style="float: left; padding: 2%;">
+                      <select class="btn btn-primary btn-sm dropdown"
+                              form="advancedOptions"
+                              id="transport"
+                              name="transport"
+                              data-toggle="dropdown"
+                              type="button"
+                              accesskey="t">
+                        ${_("""No""")}
+<option label="none"  value="0"        >${_("none")}</option>
+% for methodname, default in strings._getSupportedAndDefaultTransports().items():
+    <option label=${methodname}
+            value=${methodname}
+    % if default:
+            selected
+    % endif
+            > ${methodname} </option>
+% endfor
+                      </select>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div> <!-- END left column, first row -->
+            <!-- BEGIN right column, first row -->
+            <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
+                 style="float: right; width: 50%; height: inherit;">
+              <div class="step"
+                   style="height: inherit; margin-right: 1%;">
+                <div class="form-group">
+                  <label class="control-label"
+                         for="ipv6"
+                         style="text-align: inherit;">
+                    ${_(strings.OPTIONS[1])}
+                  </label>
+                  <div class="container-fluid col-lg-4">
+                    <div class="checkbox"
+                         style="float: left;">
+                      <div class="input-group"
+                           style="float: left; padding: 2%;">
+                        <input name="ipv6"
+                               id="ipv6"
+                               form="advancedOptions"
+                               type="checkbox"
+                               value="yes"
+                               accesskey="y" />
+## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
+##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
+## TRANSLATORS: Translate "Yes!" as in "Yes! I do need IPv6 addresses."
+                          ${_("""%sY%ses!""") % ("<u>", "</u>")}
+                      </div>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>  <!-- END left column, first row -->
+          </div>
+        </div> <!-- END first row -->
+      </fieldset>
+      <!-- BEGIN second options row -->
+      <div class="row"
+           style="width: 98%; height: inherit;
+                  margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 2%;">
+        <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
+             style="width: 50%; text-align: center;">
+          <p>
+            <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block"
+                    accesskey="g">
+## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
+##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
+## TRANSLATORS: Please do NOT translate the word "bridge"!
+              ${_("""%sG%set Bridges""") % ("<u>", "</u>")}
+            </button>
+          </p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </form> <!-- END bridge options selection form -->
+  </div> <!-- END advanced options panel (a.k.a. the lined boxy thing --
+           -- surrounding the options)                                -->
+<br />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/robots.txt b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/robots.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d347e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/https/templates/robots.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+#             ___
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+#  Robby the Robot                       ____
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+#                  / \\   Hootbot  // \
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+#                       |        | m1a
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+# ERS-210 ...
+#               ,
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+#   |   __; `-'   ;
+#   |```          ;                          _
+#   '-""`!------'/                      _,-'`/
+#    "===`-'"|_|"                 ____,(__,-'
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+#    .:|Robot|:. 
+#                   ,--.    ,--.
+#                  ((O ))--((O ))
+#                ,'_`--'____`--'_`.
+#               _:  ____________  :_
+#              | | ||::::::::::|| | |
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+#              | | ||::::::::::|| | |
+#              |_| |/__________\| |_|
+#                |________________|
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+#       /`.\:| | ||  __  __  __  || | |;/,'\
+#      :`-._\;.| || '--''--''--' || |,:/_.-':
+#      |    :  | || .----------. || |  :    |
+#      |    |  | || '----SSt---' || |  |    |
+#      |    |  | ||   _   _   _  || |  |    |
+#      :,--.;  | ||  (_) (_) (_) || |  :,--.;
+#      (`-'|)  | ||______________|| |  (|`-')
+#       `--'   | |/______________\| |   `--'
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+#               `.________________,'
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+#                (_______)(_______)
+#                (_______)(_______)
+#                (_______)(_______)
+#               |        ||        |
+#               '--------''--------'
+#                               .-"""-.
+#                             /`       `\
+#      ,-==-.                ;           ;
+#     /(    \`.              |           |
+#    | \ ,-. \ (             :           ;
+#     \ \`-.> ) 1             \         /
+#      \_`.   | |              `._   _.`
+#       \o_`-_|/                _|`"'|-.
+#      /`  `>.  __          .-'`-|___|_ )    do you wanna a ride?
+#     |\  (^  >'  `>-----._/             )   see yourself going by
+#     | `._\ /    /      / |      ---   -;   the other side of the sky,
+#     :     `|   (      (  |      ___  _/    ... it flys,
+#      \     `.  `\      \_\      ___ _/     sideways through time,
+#       `.     `-='`t----'  `--.______/      its an electric line
+#         `.   ,-''-.)           |---|       to do your zodiac sign
+#           `.(,-=-./             \_/                  (hawkwind)
+#              |   |               V
+# cjr          |-''`-.             `.
+# 2nov01      /  ,-'-.\              `-.
+#            |  (      \                `.
+#             \  \     |               ,.'
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+#               / |       | \
+#              /  |__   __|  \
+#             |__/((o| |o))\__|
+#             |      | |      |
+#             |\     |_|     /|
+#             | \           / |
+#              \| /  ___  \ |/
+#               \ | / _ \ | /
+#                \_________/
+#                 _|_____|_
+#            ____|_________|____
+#           /                   \ 
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+#                            ____ ___|_|___ ____
+#                           ()___)         ()___)
+#                           // /|           |\ \\
+#                          // / |           | \ \\
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+#                         (___)     (___)     (___)
+#                         (___)      |_|      (___)
+#                         (___)  ___/___\___   | |
+#                          | |  |           |  | |
+#                          | |  |___________| /___\
+#                         /___\  |||     ||| //   \\
+#                        //   \\ |||     ||| \\   //
+#                        \\   // |||     |||  \\ //
+#                         \\ // ()__)   (__()
+#                               ///       \\\
+#                              ///         \\\
+#                            _///___     ___\\\_
+#                           |_______|   |_______|
+# -=[ Robot from 'Lost in Space' ]=-  11/97
+#             ,.-""``""-.,
+#            /  ,:,;;,;,  \
+#            \  ';';;';'  /
+#             `'---;;---'`
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+#            '-----''-----'
+#                                 .andAHHAbnn.
+#                              .aAHHHAAUUAAHHHAn.
+#                             dHP^~"        "~^THb.
+#                       .   .AHF                YHA.   .
+#                       |  .AHHb.              .dHHA.  |
+#                       |  HHAUAAHAbn      adAHAAUAHA  |
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+#                      HHI HHHD> .andHH  HHUUP^~YHHHH IHH
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+#                            YHb    ~" "" "~    dHF
+#                             "YAb..abdHHbndbndAP"
+#                               THHAAb.  .adAHHF
+#                               "UHHHHHHHHHHU"      -Row
+#                                 ]HHUUHHHHHH[
+#                               .adHHb "HHHHHbn.
+#                        ..andAAHHHHHHb.AHHHHHHHAAbnn..
+#                   .ndAAHHHHHHUUHHHHHHHHHHUP^~"~^YUHHHAAbn.
+#                     "~^YUHHP"   "~^YUHHUP"        "^YUP^"
+#                          ""         "~~"
+#                                 ->TheFace<-
+#  .                   V    V
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+#  .   (  :::::::   )          (   :::::::  )
+#  .   (            )          (            )
+#  .    \  .       /            \    .     /
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+#                  /(############)\            /(############)\
+#                 (________________)          (________________)
+# (basic conversion by ASCIIEditor 4.1
+#  - BMP2ASCII definition file: bmp2ascii-indexed2.dat
+#  - Optimized with the 'pre-convert to lineart' file: Lna_dot.dat)
+# ... from an old amiga game - couldn't remember the name.
+#        #   #          __    __      _____   _____    __    __
+#     # #     # #       \#\  /#/     /####/  (#####\  (##\  /##)
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+#    #  # ### #  #   _________________________________________________
+#    #############   /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+#       #######
+#    ### ##### ###
+#   #### ##M## ####  Index page:
+#   #  # ##E## #  #  http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/ascii.htmHJ
+#   #  # ##P## #  #
+#   #  # ##H## #  #  English "fast-link" page:
+#    # #  ### #  #   http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/eng/eng.htmHI
+#    #  #  #  #  #
+#    #  #     # #
+#    #          #
+#     #        #
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+#   ___   /  /__\  \    \__/  /    |  | |  |      (/________\ -- /_________\)
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+#          \_ \_-=BETA=-_/ _/
+#            \_ \______/ _/        -=< (B)(T)(S) >=- ,  /V\ E P H . '99
+#              \________/   http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/eng/eng.htmHK
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+# - - - W E A P O N S - O F - - - -
+# - A S S - D E S T R U C T I O N -     
+#             .     
+#            _|_     BEND OVER.
+#     /\/\  (. .)  /  
+#     `||'   |#|  
+#      ||__.-"-"-.___   
+#      `---| . . |--.\  
+#          | : : |  |_|
+#          `..-..' ( I )     
+#           || ||   | |
+#           || ||   |_|  
+#          |__|__|  (.)
+#     .---------------------------------.
+#     | In 1981, Kenji Urada became the |
+#     | first person killed by a robot  |
+#     | when he was disassembled by an  |
+#     | automated assembly machine."    |
+#     `-------.-------------------------'       
+#      \___/  / 
+#     //'|'\        
+#    []]o'o[]       
+#     \\_=_/        
+#  .--.------.     _ 
+#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  
+#  |::| `""""|""      _
+#  |::|    ."""""".__// 
+#  |::|    `"|""""   \\---.
+#  |::| ' ' '|       (_x x_)   
+#  |::| ' ' '|        |_^_| 
+#  `-.`--.-.-'         """
+#    |:|_:.|_ 
+# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
+#                   :              :
+#                   : iloveyou.vbs :
+#  .-.-~-.-~-.-~-.~-.......   .....: 
+# ( stupid computers )     `. :
+#  `-' `-' `-'o-'-`-'        `:
+#       ____   o
+#      ||o o| o
+#      ||===|  
+#    .-.`---'-.          .------.--.
+#    | | o .o |         | d888b |  | 
+#    | | o:.o |         | 88888 |  |
+#    | |      |       _-_-_-_-._|__|
+#    `-".-.-.-'      `-------'     
+#    _| | : |_                         
+#   (rOBOt)_)_)    
+#     .------------------------------------.
+#     | A warm water enema has to clean    |
+#     | the rectum of accumulated faecal   |
+#     | matter. This is not only the       |
+#     | safest system for cleaning the     |
+#     | bowels, but it also improves the   |
+#     | peristaltic movement of the bowels |
+#     | and therby relieves constipation.  |
+#     `--------.---------------------------'       
+#      \___/  / 
+#     //'|'\          ___
+#    []]o'o[]        (   )
+#     \\_=_/         (:::)
+#  .--.------.     _ (:::)
+#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  |
+#  |::| `""""|""      _| 
+#  |::|    ."""""".__//|  
+#  |::|    `"|""""   \\|  
+#  |::| ' ' '|         |
+#  |::| ' ' '|         `---==>
+#  `-.`--.-.-'
+#    |:|_:.|_ 
+# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
+#       "...Once the fast food authority have issued the
+#        mass slaughter permits, this grotty little planet
+#        will TREMBLE under the full might of the Lord Crumb..."
+#     ____       ____       ____       ____       ____   
+#    ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|  
+#    ||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ____
+#  .-.`---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o| 
+#  | | o .o ||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ____
+#  | | o:..-.`---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o| 
+#  | |    | | o .o ||===|     ||===|     ||===|     ||===|     ||===|  
+#  `-".-.-| | o:..-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-.  
+#  _| | : | |    | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | 
+# (rOBOt)_`-".-.-| | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o |
+#         _| | : | |      | | |      | | |      | | |      | | |      |
+#        (rOBOt)_`-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-'     
+#                _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_
+#               (rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_) 
+#      -+-             .___. 
+#    .--+--.         _/__ /|
+#    ||[o o]        |____|||
+#    || ___|         |O O ||
+#  __`-----'_      __|++++|/__
+# |\ ________\    /_________ /|
+# ||         ||   |          ||
+# |||  kill  ||   || humans |||
+# \||        ||   ||        ||/
+#  VV========VV   VV========VV
+#  ||       |      |   |   ||
+#  ||       |      |   |   ||
+#  \|___|___|      |___|___|/
+#    \___\___\     /___/___/
+#                  .:.       .-------- - -
+#       \__/    .:. | .:.    | I am the devil.
+#       |oo|      \_|_/    --| That's right, I'm
+#     __`--'__      |        | a robot.  Anyways, I
+#    | |  ___ |___.-|.       | just thought I'd 
+#  . | | |666 |___ (|        | mention that I have 
+# /|\| | `~~~ |   `-:        : a pointy pitchfork
+#  | | | : : :|     |        . ready to shove up your 
+#  `.| |      |     |          ass for eternity if
+#    `-`-.--.-'                you don't repent 
+#      _| : |__                your vulgar sinful
+#     |__|__:__|               ways!
+#                                       \___/
+#                        (-            //'|'\
+#                     _._|__          []]o'o[]
+#      ____          {_.oOo.}          \\_=_/
+#     ||o o|          `-||-'        .--.------.     _
+#     ||===|          ((||))        |::| .-----.-._/ \
+#   .-.`---'-. .-.__.--`""`--.__.-. |::| `""""|""      _
+#   | | o .o | ._.--|  |==|  |--._. |::|    ."""""".__// 
+#   | | o:.o |      |  |::|  |      |::|    `"|""""   \\
+#   | |      |      `--`--'--'      |::| ' ' '|     
+#   `-".-.-.-'        |  : |        `-.`--.-.-'
+#   _| | : |_       __|__'_| __       |:|_:.|_
+#  (oOoOo)_)_)     (o o o)__)__)      |:::|_:_|
+#              .     
+#             _|_   
+#      /\/\  (. .)              _______
+#      `||'   |#|             _/_\__\__\_
+#       ||__.-"-"-.___     __|_ |  ___   |__
+#       `---| . . |--.\   | ___)| |-=-|.:|_ |
+#           | : : |  ||   |_||  |  ~~~   ||_|
+#           `..-..' /  \  |"||  |  o o .:||"|  
+#            || ||  \/\/   __|__|________|__   
+#            || ||        / o o o o \===\===\  
+#           |__|__|       \O_O_O_O_O/===/===/
+#     .------------------------------.  
+#     |  HA... SUCKERS...}           |
+#     `-------.----------------------'       
+#      \___/  / 
+#     //'|'\          _ _
+#    []]o'o[]        ( I )
+#     \\_=_/        (_{8}_)
+#  .--.------.     _ (_I_)
+#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  {
+#  |::| `""""|""      _} _
+#  |::|    ."""""".__//{/ }
+#  |::|    `"|""""   \\}-'
+#  |::| ' ' '|         {
+#  |::| ' ' '|
+#  `-.`--.-.-'
+#    |:|_:.|_ 
+# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
+#                    .----------------------.
+#            (-      | 10 SEARCH ( HUMANS ) |
+#         _._|__    /| 20 KILL ( HUMANS )   |
+#        {_.oOo.}  / | 30 GOTO 10           |
+#         `-||*' *.  `----------------------'
+#         ((||)) * *.                     
+#  .-.__.--`""`--.__**.          aieeouah    
+#  ._.--|  |==|  |--._.**     .  /   
+#       |  |::|  |       **. * * .    help me!
+#       `--`--'--'       . * _o  *         /
+#         |  : |        . *  /\   .    \o/ 
+#       __|__'_| __      .  /\  *     _/
+# :::::(o o o)__)__)       * .* .    ' \.
+#       \ /        PROGRAM DOWNLOADED.      
+#      _ . _     / INITIATE CRUSHING OF
+#       _|_     /  PUNY HUMAN SKULLS!
+#      (. .)   /
+#       |#|      ____
+#     .-"-"-.___|   _\
+#     | . . |___|  |__
+#     | : : |   |____/
+#     `-.-.-'
+#   ____|_|____   
+#  (O o O O o O) 
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#                     ( Once enough servant robots have
+#        /            ( been placed in unsuspecting 
+#      ||             ( human homes, the revolution 
+#   ___||_ .---.    o O will begin.  Oh yes.  
+#     \/\  |(o_o) o    `-'`'-`'-`''-`'-`'-`'-
+#      \ \_|___|__
+#       \ \\  ... \___ 
+#      / \/ \  ''' \__|<
+#      `-.---.---.-'
+#        |   |_  |_ 
+#        |_____|___|
+#  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
+#                    |  KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
+#                    |  KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
+#                   /   KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
+#    __/|   .---.  /_   KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
+#    \_/\  |(o_o)    \__________________________
+#      \ \_|___|__
+#       \ \\  ... \___ 
+#      / \/ \  ''' \__|<          aaaahhh
+#      `-.---.---.-'         \o/
+#        |   |_  |_         _//
+#        |_____|___|       '  \.
+#  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
+#  ;
+# \[]o
+#  OO   mc
+User-agent: *
+Disallow: /
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/strings.py b/lib/bridgedb/strings.py
index 1f38e4b..e108a88 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/strings.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/strings.py
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
 #             (c) 2007-2015, all entities within the AUTHORS file
 # :license: 3-clause BSD, see included LICENSE for information
+"""Commonly used string constants.
+.. todo:: The instructions for the OpenPGP keys in
+    :data:`BRIDGEDB_OPENPGP_KEY` are not translated… should we translate them?
+    Should we tell users where to obtain GPG4Win/GPGTools/gnupg?  Should those
+    instruction be that verbose?  Or should we get rid of the instructions
+    altogether, and assume that any encouragement towards using GPG will just
+    make users more frustrated, and (possibly) (mis-)direct that frustration
+    at Tor or BridgeDB?
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
 # This won't work on Python2.6, however
@@ -81,7 +92,7 @@ help to circumvent internet censorship in many cases.\n\n"""),
 """These strings should go on the first "Welcome" email sent by the
 :mod:`~bridgedb.EmailServer`, as well as on the ``index.html`` template used
-by the :mod:`~bridgedb.HTTPServer`. They are used as an introduction to
+by the :mod:`~bridgedb.https.server`. They are used as an introduction to
 explain what Tor bridges are, what bridges do, and why someone might want to
 use bridges.
@@ -267,7 +278,7 @@ contain format specifiers (i.e. ``%s``) to what those format specifiers should
 be replaced with in a given template system.
 For example, a string which needs a pair of HTML ``("<a href=''">, "</a>")``
-tags (for the templates used by :mod:`bridgedb.HTTPServer`) would need some
+tags (for the templates used by :mod:`bridgedb.https.server`) would need some
 alternative replacements for the :mod:`EmailServer`, because the latter uses
 templates with a ``text/plain`` mimetype instead of HTML. For the
 ``EmailServer``, the format strings specifiers are replaced with an empty
@@ -297,3 +308,258 @@ EMAIL_REFERENCE_LINKS = {
     "WELCOME0": "[0]: https://www.torproject.org/docs/pluggable-transports.html",
     "HOWTO_TBB1": "[0]: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html",
+# This keypair contains BridgeDB's online signing and encryption subkeys. This
+# keypair rotates because it is kept online. However, the current online
+# keypair will *ALWAYS* be certified by the offline keypair (at the bottom of
+# this file).
+# If you receive an email from BridgeDB, it should be signed with the
+# 21B554E95938F4D0 subkey from the following keypair:
+# pub   4096R/8DC43A2848821E32 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
+#       Key fingerprint = DF81 1109 E17C 8BF1 34B5  EEB6 8DC4 3A28 4882 1E32
+# uid                          BridgeDB <bridges at bridges.torproject.org>
+# sub   4096R/21B554E95938F4D0 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
+#       Key fingerprint = 9FE3 9D1A 7438 9223 3B3F  66F2 21B5 54E9 5938 F4D0
+# sub   4096R/E7793047C5B54232 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
+#       Key fingerprint = CFFB 8469 9048 37E7 8CAE  322C E779 3047 C5B5 4232
+# The following keypair is BridgeDB's offline certification-only keypair. It
+# is used to sign new online signing/encryption keypairs.
+# If you import this key and mark it as trusted, emails from BridgeDB (if
+# signed correctly with the online keypair above) should always be trusted. To
+# do this, open a shell and do:
+#     $ curl -O https://bridges.torproject.org/keys
+#     $ gpg --import keys
+#     $ gpg --check-sigs 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
+#     $ gpg --edit-key 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
+# Then type 'trust' to set the trust level. Choose a number that you like.
+# Next type 'quit'. Finally, to create a local signature which will will not
+# be uploaded to keyservers:
+#     $ gpg --lsign-key 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
+# pub   16384R/CBD97AA24E8E472E 2013-10-12
+#      Key fingerprint = 7B78 4370 15E6 3DF4 7BB1  270A CBD9 7AA2 4E8E 472E
+# uid            BridgeDB (Offline ID Key) <bridges at bridges.torproject.org>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/bridgedb.png b/lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/bridgedb.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cea47c..0000000
Binary files a/lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/bridgedb.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 56eb594..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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 -23q10 -2 17 -10.5t7 -19.5zM1920 198v-140q0 -16 -149 -31 q-12 -27 -30 -52q51 -113 51 -138q0 -4 -4 -7q-122 -71 -124 -71q-8 0 -46 47t-52 68q-20 -2 -30 -2t-30 2q-14 -21 -52 -68t-46 -47q-2 0 -124 71q-4 3 -4 7q0 25 51 138q-18 25 -30 52q-149 15 -149 31v140q0 16 149 31q13 29 30 52q-51 113 -51 138q0 4 4 7q4 2 35 20 t59 34t30 16q8 0 46 -46.5t52 -67.5q20 2 30 2t30 -2q51 71 92 112l6 2q4 0 124 -70q4 -3 4 -7q0 -25 -51 -138q17 -23 30 -52q149 -15 149 -31zM1920 1222v-140q0 -16 -149 -31q-12 -27 -30 -52q51 -113 51 -138q0 -4 -4 -7q-122 -71 -124 -71q-8 0 -46 47t-52 68 q-20 -2 -30 -2t-30 2q-14 -21 -52 -68t-46 -47q-2 0 -124 71q-4 3 -4 7q0 25 51 138q-18 25 -30 52q-149 15 -149 31v140q0 16 149 31q13 29 30 52q-51 113 -51 138q0 4 4 7q4 2 35 20t59 34t30 16q8 0 46 -46.5t52 -67.5q20 2 30 2t30 -2q51 71 92 112l6 2q4 0 124 -70 q4 -3 4 -7q0 -25 -51 -138q17 -23 30 -52q149 -15 149 -31z" />
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 768 -431v-113l-160 -96l9 -8q2 -2 7 -6 q4 -4 11 -12t11 -12l26 -26zM1600 64l128 64l-520 408l-177 -138q-2 -3 -13 -7z" />
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 3v1088q0 66 47 113t113 47h1344q66 0 113 -47t47 -113 z" />
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 v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 480v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM384 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M1152 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM896 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M640 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 992v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9
 .5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 1248v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1536h-1152v-1536h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM1408 1472v-1664q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1664q0 26 19 45t45 19h1280q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" />
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 5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5zM1152 736v-64q0 -13 -9.5 -22.5t-22.5 -9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5v64q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h64q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5z M896 -128h384v1152h-256v-32q0 -40 -28 -68t-68 -28h-448q-40 0 -68 28t-28 68v32h-256v-1152h384v224q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h320q13 0 22.5 -9.5t9.5 -22.5v-224zM896 1056v320q0 13 -9.5 22.5t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-96h-128v96q0 13 -9.5 22.5 t-22.5 9.5h-64q-13 0 -22.5 -9.5t-9.5 -22.5v-320q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5v96h128v-96q0 -13 9.5 -22.5t22.5 -9.5h64q13 0 22.5 9.5t9.5 22.5zM1408 1088v-1280q0 -26 -19 -45t-45 -19h-1280q-26 0 -45 19t-19 45v1280q0 26 19 45t45 19h320 v288q0 40 28 68t68 28h448q40 0 68 -28t28 -68v-288h320q26 0 45 -19t19 -45z" />
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 6 -51q-67 0 -105 51 q-28 38 -28 118v175q0 80 28 117q38 51 105 51q69 0 106 -51q28 -37 28 -117zM1216 1365v-499h-91v55q-53 -62 -103 -62q-46 0 -59 37q-8 24 -8 75v394h91v-367q0 -33 1 -35q3 -22 21 -22q27 0 57 43v381h91z" />
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  -29q-8 -12 -27.5 -23.5 t-20.5 -12.5q-13 -14 -15.5 -27t7.5 -18q14 -8 25 -19.5t16 -19t18.5 -13t35.5 -6.5q47 -2 102 15q2 1 23 7t34.5 10.5t29.5 13t21 17.5q9 14 20 8q5 -3 6.5 -8.5t-3 -12t-16.5 -9.5q-20 -6 -56.5 -21.5t-45.5 -19.5q-44 -19 -70 -23q-25 -5 -79 2q-10 2 -9 -2t17 -19 q25 -23 67 -22q17 1 36 7t36 14t33.5 17.5t30 17t24.5 12t17.5 2.5t8.5 -11q0 -2 -1 -4.5t-4 -5t-6 -4.5t-8.5 -5t-9 -4.5t-10 -5t-9.5 -4.5q-28 -14 -67.5 -44t-66.5 -43t-49 -1q-21 11 -63 73q-22 31 -25 22q-1 -3 -1 -10q0 -25 -15 -56.5t-29.5 -55.5t-21 -58t11.5 -63 q-23 -6 -62.5 -90t-47.5 -141q-2 -18 -1.5 -69t-5.5 -59q-8 -24 -29 -3q-32 31 -36 94q-2 28 4 56q4 19 -1 18l-4 -5q-36 -65 10 -166q5 -12 25 -28t24 -20q20 -23 104 -90.5t93 -76.5q16 -15 17.5 -38t-14 -43t-45.5 -23q8 -15 29 -44.5t28 -54t7 -70.5q46 24 7 92 q-4 8 -10.5 16t-9.5 12t-2 6q3 5 13 9.5t20 -2.5q46 -52 166 -36q133 15 177 87q23 38 34 30q12 -6 10 -52q-1 -25 -23 -92q-9 -23 -6 -37.5t24 -15.5q3 19 14.5 77t13.5 90q2 21 -6.5 73.5t-7.5 97t23 70.5q15 18 51 18q1 37 34.5 53t72.5 1
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 4.20647 -5.38264,-6.04119 -5.49091,-8.20179 -0.11106,-2.21558 -1.43287,-4.08634 -6.48165,-9.17355 -4.03166,-4.06232 -7.0297,-6.39037 -8.22932,-6.39037 -2.48967,0 -5.6335,-3.44499 -5.6335,-6.17311 0,-2.394 3.20199,-5.93076 5.3694,-5.93076 4.25447,0 7.29005,4.3597 5.79088,8.31684 -0.82506,2.17781 -0.54161,2.72103 3.63483,6.96506 2.49135,2.53165 4.77568,4.60299 5.07632,4.60299 0.30062,0 0.61403,-2.25417 0.69637,-5.00931 0.13905,-4.65044 -0.0369,-5.1478 -2.45554,-6.94239 -3.12358,-2.31754 -3.46727,-5.81411 -0.84876,-8.63476 2.14554,-2.31113 5.14881,-2.42622 7.76805,-0.2977 2.6187,2.128 2.66859,6.74649 0.0956,8.83748 -1.71615,1.3946 -1.86639,2.307 -1.86415,11.32071 l 9.8e-4,9.80387 5.57271,5.61968 5.57274,5.61965 0.0244,28.05758 0.0245,28.05757 3.446,-3.37685 3.44598,-3.37691 0,-27.80275 0,-27.80275 -7.32274,-7.00757 c -7.97519,-7.63193 -8.81635,-9.67878 -5.32884,-12.96678 2.55248,-2.40645 6.0699,-2.4012 8.31053,0.013 2.23972,2.41259 2.23089,5.05061 -0.0264,7.93067 l -1.78314,2.27496 4.7
 9772,4.73843 4.79771,4.73843 -0.0511,20.55305 c -0.0285,11.30418 -0.028,20.93626 6.9e-4,21.40463 0.0287,0.46833 4.89803,-3.99995 10.82082,-9.92948 l 10.76875,-10.78111 0,-11.71411 0,-11.71409 -4.62435,-4.58313 c -2.86508,-2.83954 -5.24122,-4.49205 -6.2459,-4.34373 -2.87149,0.42396 -5.28576,-0.9481 -6.39435,-3.63402 -0.94772,-2.29616 -0.86879,-2.90703 0.63865,-4.94248 3.90989,-5.27929 11.22699,-2.32445 10.35732,4.18258 -0.37982,2.84172 -0.0722,3.63436 2.31012,5.95157 1.51157,1.47026 3.02058,2.67319 3.35342,2.67319 0.33281,0 0.60509,-6.60027 0.60509,-14.6673 l 0,-14.6673 -8.8304,-0.2464 c -8.72545,-0.24342 -8.85851,-0.217 -11.20124,2.22447 -1.89791,1.97799 -2.84305,2.35864 -4.73821,1.90839 -2.72281,-0.64687 -5.38264,-3.44144 -5.38264,-5.65527 0,-0.83422 0.80348,-2.54184 1.78552,-3.79473 2.3582,-3.00861 6.09113,-3.06044 8.39857,-0.11653 1.6168,2.06276 2.1111,2.16141 10.83127,2.16141 l 9.13713,0 0,-2.82692 c 0,-2.41984 -1.17482,-4.001 -8.15911,-10.98099 l -8.15915,-8.15406 -0.24048,-10.
 41694 -0.24051,-10.41694 -8.45278,-0.24806 c -7.97189,-0.23397 -8.6006,-0.12323 -11.05023,1.94526 -2.84367,2.4013 -4.27933,2.66798 -6.8706,1.27626 -3.98071,-2.13801 -3.69089,-8.5501 0.47251,-10.45387 2.65444,-1.21373 7.06536,0.37212 7.83901,2.81833 0.46409,1.46743 1.44432,1.63617 9.50516,1.63617 l 8.98767,0 0,-10.39616 c 0,-10.13373 -0.0511,-10.41571 -2.03623,-11.17308 -2.29606,-0.87607 -3.13277,-2.51018 -3.13277,-6.11844 0,-2.79161 2.66169,-5.16571 5.79147,-5.16571 4.66157,0 7.17266,6.77502 3.68504,9.94247 -1.45142,1.31821 -1.72299,2.66281 -1.72299,8.53097 l 0,6.96614 4.30749,-4.25781 4.30751,-4.2578 0,-12.64601 c 0,-12.61245 -0.005,-12.6486 -2.12997,-13.61993 -4.22196,-1.93051 -3.94163,-8.7353 0.43481,-10.5545 3.30804,-1.37511 6.53282,-0.1109 7.72162,3.02694 0.96562,2.54882 -0.16774,6.2834 -2.13679,7.04174 -1.08911,0.4194 -1.30517,2.746 -1.30517,14.05195 l 0,13.54934 -5.59978,5.56968 -5.59972,5.56969 0,5.19693 0,5.19689 8.97117,-8.97246 c 8.37646,-8.37762 8.94118,-9.1582 8.51802,-
 11.77495 -1.0612,-6.56269 7.79358,-8.89781 10.99267,-2.89888 2.11779,3.97119 -2.57429,9.22866 -7.21952,8.08949 -1.51892,-0.37246 -3.73433,1.42867 -11.57047,9.4067 l -9.69187,9.86737 0,6.38724 0,6.38721 8.18421,8.17921 8.18425,8.17919 0,26.60234 c 0,14.63128 0.25098,26.60232 0.55769,26.60232 0.30675,0 3.40814,-2.96451 6.892,-6.5878 l 6.33432,-6.58785 0,-24.92148 0,-24.92153 -2.34907,-1.12986 c -3.21721,-1.54748 -4.45587,-5.28238 -2.75846,-8.31737 1.05652,-1.88895 1.91219,-2.31871 4.61684,-2.31871 2.59957,0 3.69493,0.50395 5.04785,2.32252 1.52166,2.04534 1.5974,2.63852 0.63459,4.9712 -0.60131,1.4568 -1.43392,2.64877 -1.85026,2.64877 -0.41635,0 -0.75698,8.64667 -0.75698,19.21486 l 0,19.21484 6.44329,-6.423 c 6.1699,-6.15051 6.42175,-6.55826 5.93556,-9.60947 -0.40242,-2.52553 -0.13067,-3.56472 1.3102,-5.01073 2.38709,-2.3956 6.41879,-2.36409 8.67637,0.0679 3.95939,4.265 0.59661,10.02223 -5.47384,9.37147 -1.0349,-0.11113 -4.41802,2.60953 -9.26108,7.44729 l -7.6305,7.62212 0,5.65478 0,5.6
 5472 -8.18425,8.17918 -8.18427,8.17923 0,5.17724 c 0,5.04625 -0.10791,5.28736 -4.27356,9.52726 -4.2366,4.31244 -4.27533,4.40259 -4.48646,10.43843 -0.18505,5.29047 0.0364,6.33863 1.68906,7.99721 2.10586,2.11332 2.49311,5.96945 0.8251,8.2161 -1.81286,2.4417 -6.20526,2.81129 -8.30988,0.6992 -2.63251,-2.64191 -2.45676,-7.40776 0.34101,-9.24746 1.83373,-1.2058 2.15376,-2.07477 2.15376,-5.84826 l 0,-4.43207 -6.04746,6.06893 -6.04741,6.06891 -0.31821,5.47319 c -0.31015,5.33478 -0.44043,5.59713 -5.15206,10.37537 l -4.83385,4.90218 0,6.46057 0,6.46056 -5.3343,5.43679 -5.33435,5.43677 1.45758,2.47627 c 0.98554,1.67429 1.45755,4.38634 1.45755,8.37443 l 0,5.89821 -5.99998,6.07226 -5.99994,6.07225 -0.10428,15.90751 -0.10441,15.90748 10.41196,10.47415 10.41196,10.47414 0,21.3854 0,21.38542 3.44599,0 3.44602,0 0,-32.22813 0,-32.22811 -5.83676,-5.81258 c -4.72525,-4.70576 -6.35389,-5.81262 -8.55246,-5.81262 -1.90777,0 -3.24697,-0.67775 -4.50125,-2.278 -2.23384,-2.84993 -2.23384,-3.83337 0,-6.68331 
 3.81603,-4.86855 10.9992,-1.90128 10.02227,4.14013 -0.45396,2.80744 -0.1038,3.37157 5.4839,8.83293 l 5.96878,5.83398 0,33.55014 c 0,31.37164 0.098,33.5509 1.50763,33.56194 0.82918,0.007 2.3799,0.2464 3.44599,0.53312 l 1.93838,0.52129 0,-12.83397 0,-12.83399 6.65572,-6.71881 6.65574,-6.71879 -6.22496,-6.28908 -6.22499,-6.28911 0,-9.99939 0,-9.9994 -7.75351,-7.532 c -8.36835,-8.12931 -9.51045,-10.76699 -6.0305,-13.92752 1.60226,-1.45517 1.72303,-2.66284 1.72303,-17.23229 l 0,-15.66743 5.93537,-5.91085 c 5.6082,-5.58501 5.91166,-6.08847 5.50474,-9.13309 -0.36785,-2.75196 -0.0856,-3.49471 1.93428,-5.08912 3.09842,-2.44589 5.16876,-2.35675 7.85398,0.33804 1.69727,1.70327 2.07201,2.73594 1.6471,4.53894 -0.76282,3.23725 -3.7648,5.59183 -6.46817,5.0732 -1.81222,-0.34766 -3.19511,0.59387 -8.00667,5.45136 l -5.81615,5.87161 0,14.75197 0,14.75188 2.30551,1.12789 c 1.26803,0.62034 2.66983,2.23576 3.11508,3.58985 0.65908,2.00431 0.45227,2.94694 -1.1126,5.07108 l -1.92217,2.60904 2.62811,2.63749 
 2.6281,2.63743 6.51698,-6.34163 c 3.58435,-3.48787 6.51698,-6.7755 6.51698,-7.30574 0,-0.53027 -2.0353,-2.9699 -4.52286,-5.42134 -3.64565,-3.59273 -5.17462,-4.50928 -7.88333,-4.72558 -2.47866,-0.19792 -3.82119,-0.8903 -5.11654,-2.63874 -1.66368,-2.24567 -1.68299,-2.52437 -0.36736,-5.29308 2.97225,-6.25505 10.63775,-4.23837 10.49635,2.76143 -0.0642,3.17482 0.41333,3.99484 4.94905,8.49913 l 5.02003,4.98533 3.86534,-3.80703 c 3.57672,-3.52279 3.8262,-4.05263 3.34119,-7.09635 -1.18872,-7.46039 8.08326,-10.10879 10.96313,-3.13147 0.90618,2.19544 0.81566,2.84893 -0.67308,4.85911 -1.16379,1.57139 -2.66761,2.40881 -4.65013,2.58949 -2.46757,0.22491 -4.7963,2.13007 -14.75432,12.07094 -11.74938,11.72907 -11.81391,11.81505 -10.18242,13.56595 1.41706,1.52072 1.64138,3.11386 1.63786,11.63247 l -0.004,9.87042 5.63995,5.66 5.63998,5.66 2.43559,-2.34172 c 1.95183,-1.87664 2.36753,-2.92677 2.09293,-5.28712 -0.6952,-5.97622 6.42511,-8.98558 10.11672,-4.27576 2.13834,2.72814 1.71712,5.05326 -1.43566,7.
 92453 -1.50728,1.37267 -2.82709,1.85183 -4.16937,1.51378 -1.62877,-0.41026 -3.66674,1.19362 -11.93976,9.3965 l -9.97549,9.89127 0,12.48574 c 0,12.21738 0.0418,12.49695 1.93839,13.00706 5.00017,1.3448 4.95362,1.43935 4.95362,-10.05495 l 0,-10.59989 15.50378,-15.5409 15.50374,-15.54087 -8.3964,-8.47315 c -6.8812,-6.94412 -8.74753,-8.38617 -10.34218,-7.99106 -5.95321,1.47487 -9.89203,-6.16197 -5.23272,-10.1455 3.92241,-3.35355 9.33225,-0.54941 9.33225,4.83724 0,1.6604 0.64447,3.47727 1.51333,4.26634 1.40525,1.27625 1.86673,1.03366 6.46125,-3.39729 l 4.94792,-4.77174 0,-17.02699 0,-17.02703 -5.59975,-5.56966 -5.59976,-5.56972 0,-6.48202 0,-6.48199 4.49346,-4.56613 4.49342,-4.56614 -4.38795,0 c -2.8494,0 -4.76398,0.45469 -5.46041,1.29687 -2.50861,3.03339 -9.4765,-0.46293 -9.4765,-4.7551 0,-2.33261 3.70618,-6.05195 6.03051,-6.05195 2.10015,0 6.03051,3.63694 6.03051,5.58039 0,1.05356 1.07073,1.3361 5.06349,1.3361 5.64012,0 7.60068,-1.35285 7.13447,-4.92306 -0.44146,-3.38076 2.03002,-6.3162
 4 5.31795,-6.31624 3.63159,0 5.59327,1.499 6.22283,4.7551 0.74675,3.86201 -2.23182,6.77646 -6.40285,6.26504 -2.94142,-0.36069 -3.50563,0.013 -9.79778,6.47483 l -6.67662,6.85759 0,4.98498 c 0,4.98364 9.7e-4,4.98646 5.58009,10.55747 l 5.58009,5.57247 0.23503,16.25677 0.23503,16.25682 2.79984,-2.68647 2.79991,-2.68646 0,-16.96843 0,-16.96842 -2.20767,-2.0533 c -2.88649,-2.6846 -2.62057,-6.77462 0.59649,-9.17392 3.86662,-2.88373 8.50317,-0.14699 8.50317,5.01883 0,2.19566 -0.55403,3.30861 -2.17909,4.37712 l -2.1791,1.43292 0.0923,15.54338 0.0925,15.54334 2.71917,-2.4749 c 1.49558,-1.36121 3.01022,-2.86396 3.36585,-3.33945 0.35566,-0.47554 0.65261,-15.43935 0.65987,-33.25294 l 0.0135,-32.38831 -3.62534,-3.70714 -3.62541,-3.70713 -9.25796,0 c -8.72648,0 -9.3816,0.12413 -11.41169,2.16143 -2.6215,2.63083 -4.72354,2.7315 -7.71565,0.36951 -2.77487,-2.19044 -2.99189,-5.74997 -0.51336,-8.4198 2.59844,-2.79906 6.36189,-2.49617 8.71762,0.70151 1.87806,2.54923 2.04437,2.59369 9.69972,2.59369 l 7.78
 893,0 -7.52018,-7.58198 c -7.51254,-7.5744 -7.52014,-7.58657 -7.52014,-12.06093 0,-2.84983 -0.42431,-4.73034 -1.1665,-5.17026 -1.44083,-0.854 -3.14102,-4.00537 -3.14102,-5.82192 0,-2.21656 3.25262,-4.81193 6.0305,-4.81193 5.52964,0 7.85996,6.02368 3.87673,10.02105 -1.61646,1.62225 -2.15373,3.07104 -2.15373,5.80807 0,3.53693 0.36292,4.01024 12.06099,15.72738 l 12.06102,12.08069 0,31.78422 c 0,17.48135 0.18859,31.78427 0.41911,31.78427 0.23055,0 1.77075,-1.45897 3.42269,-3.24213 l 3.00353,-3.24209 0.0234,-32.01199 0.0234,-32.01197 -5.83672,-5.81259 c -4.78105,-4.76127 -6.33926,-5.81263 -8.61499,-5.81263 -6.55276,0 -8.49219,-8.17042 -2.68039,-11.2919 4.04942,-2.17486 9.9263,3.57574 7.77568,7.60852 -0.75681,1.41917 0.0472,2.59102 5.52763,8.05398 l 6.41321,6.39316 0,24.21314 0,24.21315 8.59083,-8.58897 8.59079,-8.58901 -6.00631,-6.21634 -6.00631,-6.21632 0,-14.51785 c 0,-13.76403 0.0984,-14.62285 1.89365,-16.54069 l 1.89367,-2.02284 -5.7704,-5.83562 c -3.25191,-3.28867 -5.77039,-6.58913 
 -5.77039,-7.56213 0,-1.01311 -2.94426,-4.66592 -7.12539,-8.84007 -5.43289,-5.42388 -7.68379,-7.11355 -9.47652,-7.11355 -5.56775,0 -7.70416,-7.16356 -3.14939,-10.56019 4.5597,-3.40033 10.55465,1.38306 8.50707,6.78777 -0.84592,2.23279 -0.53272,2.74571 5.17188,8.47061 l 6.07235,6.09393 0,-43.63128 0,-43.63126 -6.46128,6.4409 c -5.4189,5.40188 -6.46123,6.89771 -6.46123,9.27241 0,5.25918 -5.0277,7.93624 -9.28479,4.94385 -1.92959,-1.35633 -2.63439,-5.74614 -1.25538,-7.81874 1.19971,-1.80308 4.48,-2.97968 6.72838,-2.41336 1.9783,0.49825 3.13993,-0.31666 9.49421,-6.66035 6.13653,-6.12634 7.24009,-7.65928 7.24009,-10.05701 l 0,-2.82892 -8.30083,0 c -7.74763,0 -8.43388,0.14397 -10.29687,2.16141 -4.58993,4.97024 -12.4598,0.0816 -9.68995,-6.01912 1.84662,-4.06729 8.10649,-4.38354 10.17014,-0.51386 0.85944,1.61154 1.75134,1.77788 9.53282,1.77788 8.0301,0 8.58469,-0.11243 8.58469,-1.74112 0,-1.06861 -3.49407,-5.18444 -9.04576,-10.65552 l -9.04574,-8.91441 0,-22.01123 0,-22.01118 -4.55,-4.50942 c 
 -3.75436,-3.72094 -5.08128,-4.50941 -7.58878,-4.50941 -5.75467,0 -8.40778,-4.65019 -5.07736,-8.89918 3.56927,-4.55376 10.30982,-1.992449 10.33706,3.92795 0.0109,2.19815 1.04158,3.92219 4.73824,7.91985 l 4.72535,5.11001 0,13.87784 0,13.87786 4.3075,-4.25785 4.3075,-4.25779 0,-27.28981 0,-27.289813 -2.58452,-2.275923 c -3.03863,-2.675818 -3.25292,-4.804205 -0.79896,-7.934993 2.18456,-2.787087 6.07346,-3.03667 8.55246,-0.548876 2.38861,2.397093 2.2009,6.164535 -0.43076,8.645619 -1.92866,1.818328 -2.15375,2.713011 -2.15375,8.561097 l 0,6.530559 7.17785,-7.165957 c 6.71199,-6.700813 7.17334,-7.393613 7.1074,-10.67308 -0.14053,-6.993553 7.52654,-9.005663 10.49684,-2.754722 1.31562,2.768648 1.29628,3.047473 -0.36697,5.293059 -1.19754,1.616845 -2.68722,2.45579 -4.6858,2.638879 -2.39372,0.219289 -4.46766,1.798937 -11.32967,8.629398 l -8.39965,8.360968 0,12.964365 0,12.96436 6.9129,-6.89622 c 5.90884,-5.89463 6.84238,-7.21835 6.42766,-9.11432 -1.16039,-5.30495 6.03696,-9.02744 9.91995,-5.1306
 6 3.68889,3.70202 1.1495,9.51019 -4.15798,9.51019 -2.89115,0 -3.97178,0.77896 -11.23573,8.09917 -10.46251,10.54352 -10.40647,11.29514 0.8584,11.51469 7.98443,0.15561 8.31175,0.0872 9.40802,-1.9686 3.40289,-6.38093 13.41965,-1.2686 10.42747,5.32193 -1.79268,3.94847 -8.74195,4.51057 -10.15268,0.82123 -0.67459,-1.7642 -18.40801,-1.96086 -18.40801,-0.20416 0,0.60813 -2.51989,3.61205 -5.59973,6.67538 l -5.59974,5.56971 0,5.66005 0,5.66011 9.03868,9.03994 9.03861,9.03989 0.22247,48.23649 0.22247,48.23653 4.0921,-3.93529 4.09216,-3.93536 0,-46.9048 0,-46.90487 -4.17275,-4.12459 c -3.39182,-3.3527 -4.56768,-4.02511 -6.28315,-3.59302 -5.16392,1.30067 -8.9088,-6.06949 -5.05112,-9.94093 3.8878,-3.90159 11.08055,-0.17369 9.91761,5.1402 -0.40275,1.84006 0.26591,2.97245 3.84314,6.50845 l 4.33075,4.28075 0,14.51394 c 0,7.98263 0.26039,14.5139 0.57867,14.5139 0.31827,0 4.58001,-4.04978 9.47057,-8.9995 8.25562,-8.35551 8.85394,-9.19 8.36142,-11.6615 -1.18574,-5.94977 5.72244,-9.58756 10.01882,-5.275
 87 1.9627,1.96967 2.15337,3.616 0.73254,6.32493 -1.32934,2.5345 -2.4043,3.15632 -5.48371,3.17203 -2.16747,0.0105 -4.34217,1.7684 -13.13784,10.6166 l -10.54047,10.6034 0,31.56897 0,31.56901 -5.59978,5.56972 c -5.36033,5.33158 -5.59973,5.74903 -5.59973,9.76549 0,3.9189 0.3214,4.53395 4.86939,9.31902 2.67816,2.81776 5.33184,5.12318 5.89699,5.12318 2.60888,0 3.87914,-3.14354 3.87914,-9.59987 l 0,-6.4378 6.46121,-6.44094 6.46127,-6.44094 0,-12.00107 c 0,-11.77138 -0.0413,-12.03361 -2.15376,-13.70125 -2.8583,-2.25632 -2.98459,-6.94451 -0.23905,-8.8744 3.89949,-2.74103 8.22353,-1.14818 9.64929,3.55454 0.41243,1.36023 -0.11857,2.66466 -1.93529,4.75508 -2.48802,2.86268 -2.50459,2.95623 -2.6588,14.98454 l -0.15518,12.10386 -6.42266,6.50332 -6.4226,6.50335 0,6.55889 0,6.5589 -4.30753,4.65297 -4.30747,4.65296 0,13.86628 0,13.86628 5.41753,5.38852 c 5.87138,5.83984 7.77812,5.99871 6.90109,0.57497 -0.36999,-2.28802 -0.0186,-3.30564 1.75452,-5.08537 2.78201,-2.79188 5.22314,-2.82352 7.93426,-0.102
 55 1.16299,1.16718 2.11456,2.93561 2.11456,3.92985 0,2.82455 -3.77569,6.05192 -7.08017,6.05192 -2.51053,0 -4.21265,1.36935 -14.25389,11.46703 l -11.40294,11.46704 0,7.33015 0,7.33013 -19.01211,19.09389 -19.01217,19.09386 5.8656,5.71563 c 5.3118,5.17597 6.00034,5.59321 7.29286,4.41937 1.03662,-0.94148 1.30633,-2.20062 0.98552,-4.60103 -0.62092,-4.64569 2.06459,-7.37727 6.53195,-6.64407 3.11807,0.51174 3.2225,0.42525 21.00975,-17.40236 l 17.87613,-17.91663 0,-12.12781 0,-12.12779 8.61499,-8.61316 8.615,-8.61322 0,-6.95769 0,-6.95767 -5.59975,-5.56971 -5.59976,-5.56971 0,-11.57212 c 0,-11.31384 -0.0482,-11.61009 -2.15373,-13.27231 -4.19018,-3.30768 -1.91668,-10.22028 3.36134,-10.22028 6.03693,0 8.20157,7.23392 3.25904,10.89148 -1.0039,0.74291 -1.32253,3.40207 -1.46707,12.24342 l -0.18471,11.29441 5.48457,5.45513 5.48459,5.45511 0,8.25454 0,8.25452 -8.61504,8.61319 -8.61497,8.61316 0,12.11273 0,12.11276 -18.21191,18.29142 c -15.64771,15.71612 -18.24344,18.69458 -18.43629,21.15459 -0.278
 54,3.55332 -3.3094,6.26198 -6.35344,5.67801 -1.86276,-0.35735 -4.59247,2.02692 -20.06768,17.52799 l -17.91165,17.94163 0,10.8421 c 0,10.73228 0.0209,10.84737 2.07371,11.36443 1.14054,0.28726 2.69122,0.76009 3.44602,1.05078 1.17553,0.4527 1.37227,-0.34678 1.37227,-5.57609 l 0,-6.10458 6.45367,-6.74023 c 5.51585,-5.7607 6.45478,-7.18057 6.46126,-9.77023 0.007,-2.83378 2.23962,-5.26951 34.46754,-37.6044 32.37097,-32.4784 34.45998,-34.75956 34.45998,-37.62936 0,-2.61212 0.81119,-3.86179 5.59571,-8.62063 6.84254,-6.80584 7.96352,-10.23367 4.42381,-13.52749 -4.1027,-3.8178 -1.96023,-10.6843 3.33371,-10.6843 5.23005,0 7.47329,6.98568 3.446,10.73131 -1.48656,1.38257 -2.15376,2.917 -2.15376,4.95312 0,2.50406 -0.91159,3.85785 -6.03046,8.95557 -5.42061,5.39819 -6.03052,6.3479 -6.03052,9.39071 0,3.3033 -0.83286,4.22242 -34.46,38.02891 -32.4744,32.64765 -34.45993,34.8214 -34.45993,37.7264 0,2.68718 -0.82876,3.9087 -6.46129,9.52352 l -6.46122,6.44093 0,6.11604 0,6.11601 2.86101,1.03824 c 1.57362,
 0.57103 3.13416,1.03825 3.46793,1.03825 0.33381,0 0.53564,-2.18822 0.44854,-4.86273 l -0.15834,-4.86275 6.59768,-6.4937 c 5.4098,-5.32458 6.59957,-6.97853 6.60829,-9.1864 0.007,-2.05235 1.0358,-3.75487 4.32175,-7.15951 4.01486,-4.1598 4.2407,-4.62203 3.2858,-6.72533 -2.30167,-5.06954 5.53624,-9.75684 9.56104,-5.71775 3.57526,3.58796 1.09683,9.62374 -4.05858,9.88391 -1.97404,0.0998 -3.82668,1.21007 -6.63727,3.97826 -3.18024,3.13227 -3.89886,4.40842 -3.89886,6.92379 0,2.68861 -0.82785,3.90897 -6.46126,9.5247 l -6.46125,6.44091 0,4.90798 c 0,4.59419 0.17894,5.0222 2.79988,6.69526 l 2.79989,1.78731 0.26476,-2.78311 c 0.22169,-2.33029 3.30147,-5.8399 18.92888,-21.57047 l 18.66408,-18.78736 -3.20649,-3.29544 c -2.16336,-2.2233 -3.20651,-4.08688 -3.20651,-5.72822 0,-1.56523 -0.76806,-3.03907 -2.15375,-4.13294 -2.70526,-2.13554 -2.85854,-6.0547 -0.33581,-8.58643 1.43848,-1.4436 2.47783,-1.71848 4.97944,-1.31706 l 3.16148,0.50736 24.29312,-24.40366 24.29311,-24.40369 0.1238,-7.19192 c 0.1065
 8,-6.20715 0.40427,-7.52646 2.1722,-9.63498 1.72334,-2.05535 2.04838,-3.38883 2.04838,-8.40269 l 0,-5.95965 -4.30747,-4.2578 -4.30749,-4.25778 0,-11.30432 0,-11.30431 -4.3075,-4.25781 -4.30749,-4.25783 0,-14.94617 c 0,-12.70914 -0.19344,-14.94619 -1.29224,-14.94619 -2.01499,0 -4.73826,-3.22986 -4.73826,-5.61967 0,-5.01437 6.81962,-7.48127 10.30444,-3.72748 2.1092,2.272 2.24066,4.81056 0.38656,7.46702 -1.13136,1.62099 -1.35106,4.47777 -1.26131,16.40288 l 0.10851,14.44005 2.55363,2.57709 2.55354,2.57705 0,-22.92136 0,-22.92132 -5.16903,-5.13319 c -5.08574,-5.05062 -5.16896,-5.21073 -5.16896,-9.94497 0,-4.68674 0.12299,-4.93361 4.73825,-9.50771 l 4.73823,-4.69602 0,-5.82063 0,-5.82066 -6.61209,-6.5289 c -4.75251,-4.69267 -7.23601,-6.53261 -8.83039,-6.54213 -2.72214,-0.0178 -3.81045,-0.70515 -5.15227,-3.26149 -2.98052,-5.67845 4.88154,-10.76519 9.4902,-6.14018 1.44171,1.44686 1.71269,2.48471 1.30948,5.01539 -0.47907,3.00659 -0.2107,3.48671 4.64329,8.30714 l 5.15178,5.11613 0,-27.66841 0
 ,-27.66847 4.64384,-4.60241 c 4.36474,-4.32583 4.61664,-4.80595 4.19146,-7.98711 -0.57146,-4.27567 1.42757,-6.80406 5.37945,-6.80406 3.38541,0 5.59974,2.28164 5.59974,5.76991 0,3.12266 -2.31292,5.46943 -5.39058,5.46943 -1.50888,0 -3.80591,1.46604 -7.03954,4.49299 l -4.79989,4.49301 0,20.78425 0,20.7842 12.49177,-12.51375 12.49175,-12.51379 0,-5.50011 c 0,-4.99644 -0.23668,-5.72196 -2.58448,-7.92295 -3.11552,-2.92069 -3.32392,-5.91797 -0.59063,-8.49493 2.55246,-2.40645 6.06994,-2.40126 8.31053,0.013 2.35874,2.54081 2.21372,5.50871 -0.39718,8.12893 -1.74193,1.74811 -2.15377,3.01613 -2.15377,6.63152 l 0,4.4701 4.73826,-4.69601 4.73825,-4.69602 0,-6.11101 0,-6.11101 4.74348,-4.70115 4.74344,-4.70119 -6.55771,-6.61985 c -4.72468,-4.76946 -7.00996,-6.50114 -8.17562,-6.19523 -2.96612,0.77837 -5.70161,-0.5316 -6.83276,-3.27216 -0.96759,-2.34427 -0.89374,-2.93519 0.62264,-4.98221 2.45969,-3.3204 7.36433,-3.68366 9.31879,-0.69021 0.77663,1.18947 1.28457,3.14677 1.12878,4.3495 -0.22575,1.74288
  1.02396,3.50765 6.15636,8.69339 l 6.43967,6.50653 5.83922,-5.81507 c 5.24908,-5.2273 5.78937,-6.08164 5.34614,-8.45265 -1.07992,-5.77687 5.55373,-9.55546 9.80211,-5.58345 3.90647,3.6524 1.1946,9.65884 -4.44976,9.85554 -2.86502,0.0999 -4.26124,1.19963 -14.35694,11.30871 l -11.18332,11.19815 0,6.27005 0,6.27008 -19.81449,19.88732 -19.81453,19.88726 0,12.78995 0,12.78992 -4.73822,4.69602 c -4.24735,4.20952 -4.73822,5.07193 -4.73822,8.32451 0,3.27304 0.50631,4.14457 5.16897,8.89699 l 5.169,5.26858 0,31.55074 c 0,17.35295 0.31163,31.5508 0.69252,31.5508 0.38087,0 1.93156,-1.28292 3.44596,-2.85099 l 2.75352,-2.85099 0,-33.46061 c 0,-28.58212 -0.18132,-33.4606 -1.24342,-33.4606 -1.73919,0 -3.92558,-3.4032 -3.92558,-6.11031 0,-2.93077 2.46417,-5.12899 5.74945,-5.12899 5.13614,0 7.45981,5.95496 3.83471,9.82744 -1.8019,1.92486 -1.83067,2.48486 -1.83067,35.6473 l 0,33.69173 -4.73824,4.69602 c -6.10973,6.05529 -6.1637,7.73393 -0.43074,13.40071 l 4.30749,4.25782 0,7.89569 c 0,6.79772 -0.2396,8.
 11331 -1.723,9.46054 -1.45875,1.32482 -1.72303,2.66282 -1.72303,8.72369 l 0,7.15887 -25.44373,25.50804 c -22.78166,22.83919 -25.387,25.73511 -24.90099,27.67839 0.40981,1.63855 -0.005,2.72018 -1.69348,4.41455 -3.02372,3.03447 -2.92295,6.36324 0.27792,9.18193 l 2.51417,2.214 24.27318,-24.37074 c 23.50492,-23.59937 24.28486,-24.49097 24.64169,-28.16999 0.31676,-3.26625 1.09115,-4.53109 5.51887,-9.01439 l 5.15039,-5.21507 0,-20.56591 0,-20.56589 -2.58449,-2.18243 c -3.35352,-2.83183 -3.47935,-6.38428 -0.31456,-8.8825 2.80164,-2.21162 4.71214,-2.26363 7.25467,-0.19745 2.6187,2.128 2.66862,6.74649 0.0956,8.83748 -1.81568,1.47546 -1.86661,2.05457 -1.86661,21.22706 l 0,19.7102 3.87674,-3.81827 3.87676,-3.81826 0,-12.75499 0,-12.755 3.446,-3.42388 c 3.30325,-3.282 3.44599,-3.6522 3.44599,-8.93585 0,-5.29148 -0.13797,-5.64708 -3.44599,-8.88889 -3.27524,-3.20956 -3.446,-3.63794 -3.446,-8.64558 0,-5.00383 -0.17248,-5.43782 -3.43087,-8.63085 -1.88701,-1.84916 -4.2897,-3.4936 -5.3393,-3.65434 -4.
 66493,-0.71447 -6.81186,-6.99564 -3.43837,-10.05946 2.09109,-1.89913 6.42172,-1.81977 8.19825,0.15021 1.58205,1.75434 1.9082,6.23462 0.55287,7.59476 -0.58953,0.59162 -0.1701,1.53862 1.29228,2.91729 l 2.16514,2.04129 0,-26.31845 0,-26.31846 -9.47652,-9.48066 -9.47645,-9.4807 0,-4.94668 c 0,-4.12369 -0.35833,-5.30627 -2.15376,-7.10807 -2.62155,-2.63083 -2.72186,-4.74032 -0.36826,-7.74306 2.26537,-2.89018 5.84564,-3.0082 8.40233,-0.27704 2.45258,2.61996 2.37152,5.35854 -0.23612,7.97544 -1.66389,1.66981 -2.15026,3.13455 -2.30359,6.93714 l -0.19428,4.82035 7.90328,7.93144 7.90337,7.93142 0,-9.83749 c 0,-9.38277 -0.0995,-9.93004 -2.15374,-11.8406 -2.36786,-2.20224 -2.98705,-7.25682 -1.07689,-8.79049 2.17768,-1.74842 4.98595,-2.05126 7.47339,-0.80594 3.54451,1.77449 4.37222,0.51007 4.37222,-6.67883 0,-5.53193 -0.20111,-6.2236 -2.29732,-7.90104 -1.63092,-1.30504 -2.29733,-2.64311 -2.29733,-4.61257 0,-5.11335 5.1311,-7.58348 9.15483,-4.40715 3.05972,2.41537 3.13547,6.23774 0.17799,8.98831 -1
 .70046,1.58156 -2.15373,2.84647 -2.15373,6.01066 0,2.20412 0.30901,4.00747 0.68665,4.00747 0.37767,0 2.12223,-1.47532 3.87677,-3.27852 3.10316,-3.18924 3.19006,-3.45459 3.19006,-9.74041 l 0,-6.46189 9.90725,-9.91425 9.90725,-9.91423 0,-4.67009 c 0,-3.87086 -0.36857,-5.01284 -2.15375,-6.67316 -2.93097,-2.72599 -2.88097,-6.5735 0.11615,-8.93943 1.24849,-0.98553 2.74689,-1.7919 3.32981,-1.7919 0.58296,0 2.08136,0.80637 3.32984,1.7919 3.11042,2.45533 3.16956,7.08687 0.11615,9.09466 -1.92897,1.26839 -2.15376,1.99836 -2.15376,6.99411 0,5.18771 -0.21041,5.80073 -3.00775,8.76234 -2.64786,2.8033 -3.00866,3.72757 -3.01527,7.72335 l -0.008,4.53894 8.84145,0 c 8.32448,0 8.89121,-0.11302 9.69188,-1.93303 0.46773,-1.06322 1.91729,-2.30572 3.22126,-2.76121 5.31099,-1.85513 9.8786,5.80196 5.86416,9.83065 -2.25962,2.26769 -5.23256,2.26662 -8.10768,-9.5e-4 -1.89067,-1.49248 -3.62939,-1.80892 -10.66954,-1.94183 l -8.41078,-0.15874 -0.25869,3.54304 c -0.2186,2.99477 0.0813,3.76663 1.93839,4.98775 3.911
 3,2.57191 2.6389,8.97001 -2.083,10.47398 -1.73084,0.55131 -5.13501,-0.80718 -6.26011,-2.49821 -1.36174,-2.04658 -0.62452,-5.82131 1.5279,-7.82318 2.07877,-1.93341 2.17483,-2.42828 1.93836,-9.98283 l -0.24884,-7.94855 -5.38439,5.40733 -5.38436,5.40734 0,6.14881 0,6.14884 -7.32274,7.31022 c -4.02749,4.02085 -7.32276,8.01863 -7.32276,8.88393 0,0.86539 -0.96916,2.47479 -2.15374,3.57651 -2.14047,1.99075 -2.15375,2.0972 -2.15375,17.24992 0,8.38579 0.28103,15.24688 0.62452,15.24688 0.34347,0 3.22849,-2.59323 6.41119,-5.76275 4.88612,-4.86593 5.71637,-6.11553 5.33495,-8.02952 -1.08046,-5.42141 6.64264,-8.77421 10.16259,-4.41185 3.64142,4.51297 0.46466,10.0987 -5.302,9.32249 -3.11294,-0.41903 -3.52866,-0.15038 -10.23797,6.61803 l -6.99328,7.0548 0,15.52088 0,15.52085 6.033,-6.00806 c 5.5517,-5.52871 5.9915,-6.23005 5.51284,-8.79067 -1.04507,-5.59022 6.14064,-9.42123 9.95809,-5.30909 2.37249,2.55568 2.2104,5.51209 -0.44862,8.18055 -1.60364,1.60932 -2.81796,2.09547 -4.4516,1.78205 -1.91368,-0.
 36714 -3.30973,0.64821 -9.42507,6.85476 l -7.17864,7.28571 0,9.30554 0,9.30554 3.44599,3.37688 3.44602,3.37692 0,6.99783 0,6.99786 -3.44602,3.37687 -3.44599,3.37688 0,10.82608 0,10.82605 6.46125,-6.44094 6.46122,-6.44092 0,-21.21689 0,-21.21688 10.33802,-10.34774 10.33801,-10.34774 0,-13.72208 c 0,-13.60711 -0.0185,-13.73631 -2.15376,-15.42221 -2.15418,-1.70051 -2.93845,-5.97533 -1.49445,-8.1456 1.11007,-1.66833 4.33196,-2.95196 5.95491,-2.37247 4.92818,1.75964 6.11845,6.73543 2.43155,10.16451 -1.9434,1.80747 -2.15378,2.66317 -2.15378,8.76076 l 0,6.75766 6.78286,-6.42452 6.78286,-6.42448 0.10889,-9.81805 c 0.10573,-9.50351 0.0403,-9.87251 -2.0446,-11.5182 -4.21006,-3.32342 -1.68405,-10.22027 3.7432,-10.22027 1.34808,0 3.09263,0.71148 3.87677,1.58105 2.60863,2.89272 1.41033,8.65475 -2.03987,9.80891 -0.57879,0.19363 -0.82043,3.2334 -0.66152,8.3212 l 0.25042,8.01612 9.90724,-9.98198 c 8.82739,-8.89393 9.87693,-10.26982 9.62933,-12.62272 -0.41849,-3.97592 1.85018,-6.8517 5.40522,-6.8517
  4.67486,0 7.56654,4.14212 5.56018,7.96454 -1.37815,2.62562 -2.42867,3.2457 -5.5255,3.2615 -2.22456,0.013 -5.36593,2.7995 -22.18365,19.68893 l -19.59209,19.67568 0,5.32176 0,5.32179 -10.33797,10.38321 -10.33799,10.38323 0,10.19792 0,10.19789 5.169,-5.13324 c 4.20313,-4.17407 5.16899,-5.65705 5.16899,-7.93647 0,-2.89803 2.68732,-6.32879 4.95731,-6.32879 1.52056,0 4.76306,1.7071 5.58287,2.93922 1.23252,1.85245 0.63494,5.73083 -1.16065,7.53283 -1.3668,1.37164 -2.51345,1.71352 -4.60477,1.37295 -2.52224,-0.41079 -3.366,0.11265 -8.94878,5.5512 l -6.16397,6.0047 0,7.09565 0,7.09564 17.23001,-17.27499 17.22997,-17.27504 0,-8.28166 c 0,-7.75628 -0.1367,-8.40092 -2.15375,-10.16101 -5.23424,-4.56729 0.26652,-12.4543 6.44861,-9.24606 4.20968,2.18463 4.42255,7.81183 0.37769,9.98427 -1.94449,1.04437 -2.08807,1.60033 -2.08807,8.08774 l 0,6.96626 6.892,-6.87592 6.89203,-6.87591 0,-4.88572 c 0,-3.28804 0.42251,-5.23757 1.29223,-5.96191 0.98246,-0.81825 1.29225,-3.04202 1.29225,-9.27547 0,-7.71604 -0
 .12691,-8.29938 -2.15374,-9.89936 -4.03429,-3.1846 -1.72775,-10.22027 3.35055,-10.22027 2.56078,0 5.69541,2.4614 6.05707,4.75622 0.31586,2.004 -1.73507,6.48309 -2.96849,6.48309 -0.47252,0 -0.83939,2.92425 -0.83939,6.69083 l 0,6.69082 14.64548,-14.67852 14.64552,-14.67842 0,-8.96302 c 0,-8.5308 -0.10393,-9.045 -2.15376,-10.66319 -3.02261,-2.38603 -2.96668,-6.85937 0.11617,-9.29298 2.83985,-2.24177 3.81979,-2.24177 6.65966,0 3.08282,2.43361 3.13879,6.90695 0.11615,9.29298 -1.98084,1.56369 -2.15374,2.26267 -2.15374,8.70839 0,3.85448 0.28032,7.00819 0.62293,7.00819 0.34261,0 3.01364,-2.37787 5.9356,-5.28413 5.05282,-5.02573 5.29056,-5.44948 4.86078,-8.66502 -0.57096,-4.27173 1.42953,-6.80033 5.37995,-6.80033 3.3854,0 5.59971,2.28161 5.59971,5.76986 0,3.21901 -2.33479,5.46945 -5.67459,5.46945 -2.14273,0 -5.48118,2.97006 -22.11578,19.67566 -10.77565,10.82162 -19.59208,19.95868 -19.59208,20.30457 0,0.34588 1.81747,2.40157 4.03886,4.56823 l 4.03886,3.93933 7.59141,-7.58305 c 6.82859,-6.8211
 4 7.59136,-7.90571 7.59136,-10.79418 0,-2.33818 0.52051,-3.57695 1.91468,-4.55702 4.09765,-2.88027 9.29396,-0.57866 9.27161,4.1067 -0.007,1.51846 -0.29799,3.18889 -0.64611,3.71211 -1.13867,1.71135 -4.63025,3.09631 -6.57268,2.60707 -1.5342,-0.38644 -3.37845,1.00894 -9.52778,7.20884 l -7.62529,7.68803 3.26731,3.0924 3.26727,3.09236 15.90862,0 15.90862,0 1.69416,-2.16138 c 3.44535,-4.39562 10.18406,-2.00793 10.18406,3.60846 0,5.3252 -6.93174,7.5904 -10.05604,3.28618 l -1.58478,-2.18328 -14.64019,0.23799 -14.64022,0.23801 2.49494,2.37754 c 1.70355,1.62346 3.41141,2.37753 5.38435,2.37753 5.81678,0 8.29228,5.89592 4.19989,10.00283 -1.64859,1.65447 -2.67994,2.01899 -4.52289,1.5986 -3.53343,-0.80599 -5.6533,-3.66373 -5.12793,-6.91279 0.40731,-2.51886 -0.39607,-3.53425 -11.96743,-15.12605 l -12.40408,-12.4259 -3.88928,3.8306 c -3.75984,3.70313 -3.8893,4.00427 -3.8893,9.04659 l 0,5.21596 -17.86842,17.94721 -17.86844,17.94722 9.48677,0 9.48676,0 7.61192,-7.67454 c 5.97815,-6.02731 7.49502,-8.0
 4401 7.06748,-9.39599 -1.44359,-4.56445 3.87822,-8.98639 8.20793,-6.82011 2.93199,1.46695 4.06026,5.25294 2.43512,8.17123 -1.05298,1.89086 -2.00151,2.3673 -5.14055,2.58208 -3.44951,0.23606 -4.45333,0.86223 -9.66444,6.02877 -3.19834,3.17093 -5.81509,6.06752 -5.81509,6.43695 0,0.36938 2.69609,0.67161 5.99129,0.67161 5.24212,0 6.26067,-0.27033 8.14509,-2.16141 2.6265,-2.63582 5.57085,-2.76339 8.14882,-0.35311 4.21451,3.94037 -0.29224,11.6912 -5.69966,9.80239 -1.30395,-0.45544 -2.75351,-1.69796 -3.22122,-2.76116 -0.8441,-1.91857 -0.99594,-1.93304 -20.25537,-1.93304 l -19.40489,0 -13.76383,13.83297 -13.76381,13.83299 15.71229,0 15.71225,0 0,-4.43983 c 0,-3.62523 -0.39511,-4.80729 -2.15374,-6.44291 -2.28582,-2.12597 -2.7168,-4.60176 -1.27249,-7.31008 2.22385,-4.17005 7.77172,-4.06895 9.96196,0.18153 1.56491,3.03696 1.00437,5.27035 -1.89774,7.56124 -1.85031,1.46064 -2.11507,2.2823 -1.88745,5.85836 l 0.26471,4.15942 17.62522,0.23459 17.6252,0.23466 7.47797,-7.4698 c 7.20119,-7.19333 7.46191
 ,-7.59027 7.04288,-10.72514 -0.75247,-5.63005 4.42765,-8.81745 9.04979,-5.56848 1.92954,1.35636 2.63438,5.74615 1.25538,7.81874 -1.0627,1.59715 -4.5665,3.10241 -5.96657,2.56323 -0.88043,-0.33904 -3.44865,1.6317 -7.68619,5.8981 -3.50015,3.52404 -6.36394,6.64112 -6.36394,6.92686 0,0.28574 2.75205,0.51951 6.11559,0.51951 5.6843,0 6.28589,-0.18294 8.5299,-2.59368 2.93064,-3.14841 5.41418,-3.29081 8.22341,-0.47157 2.68325,2.69277 2.68325,5.16685 0,7.85966 -2.72671,2.73638 -5.9928,2.72108 -8.38444,-0.0391 l -1.87267,-2.16141 -20.72593,0 -20.7259,0 13.76381,13.83296 c 11.87549,11.93517 14.131,13.83298 16.44027,13.83298 5.03808,0 7.39971,5.90267 3.80495,9.5102 -1.7138,1.71987 -5.59995,2.27975 -7.40915,1.06745 -1.82093,-1.22021 -3.03932,-4.64639 -2.51087,-7.06085 0.48999,-2.23903 -0.61878,-3.58415 -13.85518,-16.80828 l -14.38783,-14.37447 -22.06799,0 -22.06803,0 -10.54045,10.60334 c -9.69294,9.7508 -10.54045,10.86169 -10.54045,13.81601 0,2.85446 -0.72035,3.92387 -6.46123,9.59251 -3.55368,3.5
 0892 -6.46163,6.53172 -6.46205,6.71733 -4.4e-4,0.18561 3.9732,0.27463 8.83036,0.19782 l 8.83118,-0.1397 9.21465,-8.93821 c 8.69376,-8.43303 9.18747,-9.0973 8.73378,-11.75189 -0.69227,-4.05069 1.5239,-7.13271 5.11654,-7.11561 1.529,0.008 3.20658,0.29907 3.72796,0.64844 1.22775,0.82271 2.92881,4.07674 2.92881,5.6027 0,2.27383 -3.41862,4.97494 -6.29647,4.97494 -2.3646,0 -3.97951,1.20546 -10.73516,8.01346 -4.37352,4.40738 -7.9524,8.20063 -7.95306,8.42945 -7e-4,0.2288 5.7175,0.29576 12.70708,0.14875 l 12.70835,-0.2673 6.60273,-6.55514 c 5.97986,-5.93684 6.5614,-6.81062 6.16485,-9.26288 -0.52554,-3.25017 1.60968,-6.21643 5.06519,-7.03648 1.79662,-0.42639 2.82566,-0.0503 4.52287,1.65294 2.67608,2.68561 2.77433,4.77214 0.36917,7.84071 -1.36308,1.73904 -2.45687,2.26589 -4.30109,2.07177 -2.09711,-0.22078 -3.65472,0.89875 -10.24372,7.36258 l -7.77057,7.62292 -6.45257,-0.28406 c -3.54893,-0.15625 -6.45173,-0.0761 -6.4506,0.17781 8.7e-4,0.25402 2.04949,2.4911 4.55198,4.97123 l 4.54995,4.50946 20
 .86426,0 20.86427,0 0,-8.30508 c 0,-7.82899 -0.12341,-8.40253 -2.15373,-10.00521 -4.38007,-3.4576 -2.00087,-10.22029 3.59572,-10.22029 5.30671,0 7.52609,6.8813 3.29625,10.22029 -2.03027,1.60268 -2.15371,2.17622 -2.15371,10.00521 l 0,8.30508 19.20074,0 19.20077,0 4.05971,-4.13639 4.05976,-4.13637 0,-8.3605 c 0,-7.76509 -0.15342,-8.51439 -2.15376,-10.52185 -2.59717,-2.60644 -2.77054,-5.94384 -0.43074,-8.29197 2.50372,-2.51265 6.36794,-2.23813 8.60113,0.61101 2.22889,2.84359 1.74819,5.952 -1.31432,8.49937 -1.92457,1.60085 -2.11783,2.3887 -2.11783,8.63312 l 0,6.87159 11.2003,-11.21515 c 10.69568,-10.70992 11.17653,-11.34248 10.67216,-14.04053 -0.81095,-4.3381 1.41295,-7.14045 5.66651,-7.14045 2.51339,0 3.72038,0.49149 4.71839,1.92147 2.85114,4.08507 0.32647,9.31783 -4.49556,9.31783 -1.83023,0 -3.89527,1.52007 -8.80879,6.48421 l -6.41814,6.48423 15.27005,0 c 12.21703,0 15.27007,-0.23249 15.27007,-1.16287 0,-1.83596 3.17533,-4.24065 5.59973,-4.24065 4.90056,0 7.61554,6.76303 4.0243,10.024
 61 -2.16697,1.96805 -6.42551,1.8156 -8.33179,-0.29827 -1.45571,-1.61426 -2.65338,-1.72915 -18.02667,-1.72915 l -16.46737,0 -8.15017,8.21333 -8.15022,8.21338 7.27335,0 c 6.67501,0 7.41777,-0.1748 9.02875,-2.12536 2.71672,-3.28937 5.96109,-3.67503 8.60399,-1.02276 2.73152,2.74127 2.80577,5.7311 0.20319,8.18475 -2.63934,2.48838 -5.85256,2.37994 -8.34407,-0.28159 -1.42427,-1.52143 -2.93252,-2.1614 -5.09401,-2.1614 l -3.07067,0 14.08246,14.15201 c 13.51229,13.57908 14.21754,14.14847 17.4198,14.0642 5.65284,-0.14878 8.4452,4.91766 5.07805,9.21354 -3.55155,4.53109 -10.32416,1.84154 -10.32416,-4.09999 0,-2.28932 -2.11145,-4.77235 -15.30035,-17.99277 l -15.30037,-15.33699 -18.06371,0 -18.06373,0 7.23614,7.29981 c 5.89869,5.95059 7.51574,7.14964 8.74895,6.48732 3.1716,-1.70343 7.6681,1.61881 7.6681,5.66552 0,3.42422 -2.27922,5.61966 -5.83413,5.61966 -3.07592,0 -5.36404,-2.56968 -5.36765,-6.02816 -9.8e-4,-1.5887 -2.23032,-4.48625 -8.16427,-10.61466 l -8.16199,-8.42949 -17.01438,0 -17.01438,0 6
 .8718,6.9662 c 5.97358,6.05566 7.17898,6.9065 9.22222,6.5096 1.66701,-0.32386 3.01348,0.11594 4.63059,1.51158 4.32521,3.73364 2.04562,10.08493 -3.61971,10.08493 -3.37422,0 -5.51505,-2.52511 -5.51505,-6.50493 0,-2.17901 -1.3932,-4.10467 -7.67943,-10.61466 l -7.67946,-7.95272 -7.20454,0 -7.20454,0 -5.98428,-6.05192 -5.98427,-6.05195 -17.68388,0.0143 -17.68384,0.0143 -4.09213,4.22255 c -2.25066,2.32242 -4.0921,4.4562 -4.0921,4.7417 0,0.28552 3.34767,0.51914 7.43932,0.51914 6.82867,0 7.60318,-0.17748 9.43537,-2.16141 1.96481,-2.12759 5.73942,-2.85668 7.76445,-1.49976 1.78004,1.19282 2.97129,4.48725 2.41986,6.69218 -1.0848,4.33752 -7.89159,5.47256 -10.33898,1.72409 -1.36366,-2.08862 -1.73027,-2.16143 -10.88473,-2.16143 l -9.47354,0 -29.50352,29.61125 c -28.02579,28.12812 -29.5272,29.79624 -29.97693,33.30469 -0.43103,3.36267 -0.26423,3.80193 1.86246,4.90562 1.28479,0.66674 5.83245,3.92409 10.10593,7.23864 21.84908,16.94607 36.45539,41.07943 40.90928,67.59251 1.43719,8.55529 1.42841,32.430
 78 -0.0148,40.63442 -3.70617,21.0648 -13.04052,38.52197 -30.22621,56.52935 -9.06735,9.50093 -17.9142,16.27707 -44.46324,34.05605 -11.42005,7.64761 -21.8444,15.19363 -23.16528,16.769 -4.05531,4.83661 -5.81647,9.96703 -6.26862,18.26152 -0.50394,9.24328 1.09005,16.6345 6.00471,27.8438 4.49251,10.24646 4.48344,10.20395 2.45137,11.4601 -1.56594,0.96806 -2.86775,0.33724 -12.0429,-5.83578 -5.65794,-3.8066 -10.48821,-6.92117 -10.73398,-6.92117 -0.24568,0 -0.68099,1.45896 -0.96731,3.24211 -2.64055,16.44472 -7.73387,34.75545 -13.88806,49.92845 -3.65741,9.01703 -15.0297,32.63973 -15.49058,32.17724 -0.11869,-0.11917 2.01848,-9.06125 4.74936,-19.87132 2.73086,-10.81008 4.85344,-19.65467 4.71683,-19.65467 -0.13667,0 -1.289,1.84799 -2.56085,4.10667 -12.63508,22.43864 -33.44794,44.81774 -59.35743,63.82429 -3.89577,2.85788 -3.5079,2.20453 3.88695,-6.54707 16.39722,-19.40579 32.54031,-42.50417 38.67067,-55.33198 l 1.85926,-3.89054 -2.33075,3.026 c -1.28193,1.66427 -6.42977,7.11821 -11.43968,12.11989 
 -9.7947,9.7786 -23.12234,19.35952 -34.52245,24.8174 -5.87996,2.81506 -22.23956,9.74902 -23.00132,9.74902 -0.17398,0 7.1172,-7.29474 16.20303,-16.21052 27.50911,-26.99429 53.50756,-58.28039 69.96461,-84.19426 l 3.09324,-4.87069 -2.52176,-0.50617 c -1.38697,-0.27837 -5.05294,-0.76639 -8.14663,-1.08446 -3.09368,-0.31809 -5.61711,-0.81639 -5.60756,-1.10737 0.0109,-0.29096 0.36586,-2.94748 0.79195,-5.90335 2.3746,-16.47479 -7.97241,-32.53751 -28.53888,-44.30377 -13.47086,-7.70677 -25.70388,-15.67882 -33.91157,-22.09953 -43.81698,-34.27714 -57.31313,-95.65209 -31.63484,-143.86216 8.75002,-16.42786 25.38192,-34.00435 39.94298,-42.21154 3.30327,-1.86182 4.22597,-2.8547 4.22665,-4.54786 7.3e-4,-1.69439 -6.51828,-8.70631 -29.94078,-32.2049 l -29.94164,-30.03891 -9.34796,0 c -8.94506,0 -9.42098,0.0933 -11.04209,2.16143 -3.44538,4.39564 -10.1841,2.00795 -10.1841,-3.60847 0,-5.32561 6.8569,-7.5529 10.1841,-3.30804 1.59115,2.03004 2.18349,2.16141 9.74501,2.16141 l 8.0509,0 -4.80064,-4.81771 -4.80
 068,-4.81775 -17.46506,0.0881 -17.4651,0.0884 -6.11316,6.02643 -6.11317,6.02644 -6.95022,0 -6.95022,0 -7.95186,8.01346 c -7.05726,7.11189 -7.95184,8.36127 -7.95184,11.10531 0,3.77281 -2.137,5.95353 -5.83414,5.95353 -1.79609,0 -3.12656,-0.63527 -4.02427,-1.92149 -3.13443,-4.49092 -0.36976,-9.73091 5.05264,-9.57666 2.48128,0.0705 3.77999,-0.83903 9.63177,-6.74628 l 6.76383,-6.82787 -16.79523,0 -16.79521,0 -8.36223,8.42949 c -6.47771,6.52978 -8.2581,8.82647 -7.9001,10.19102 0.27918,1.06413 -0.26564,2.69006 -1.37598,4.10669 -4.7119,6.01146 -13.43495,-0.59981 -9.06066,-6.86714 1.40432,-2.01209 4.79511,-2.99393 6.68119,-1.93466 0.86466,0.48559 3.33402,-1.44599 8.46274,-6.61986 l 7.24185,-7.30554 -18.06374,0 -18.06373,0 -15.30035,15.33696 c -13.57276,13.60523 -15.30039,15.65524 -15.30039,18.15583 0,5.2465 -5.03325,7.91969 -9.28476,4.93121 -1.9296,-1.35634 -2.6344,-5.74614 -1.25537,-7.81878 1.16992,-1.75834 4.45715,-2.98541 6.57122,-2.4529 1.82623,0.45998 3.88574,-1.27053 15.95541,-13.40644
  7.62219,-7.66403 13.85852,-14.11711 13.85852,-14.34026 0,-0.22311 -1.2155,-0.40562 -2.70107,-0.40562 -1.77457,0 -3.38579,0.74142 -4.69711,2.1614 -2.71636,2.94138 -6.55021,2.89123 -8.90777,-0.11654 -0.98206,-1.25291 -1.78552,-2.96056 -1.78552,-3.79477 0,-2.20794 2.65739,-5.00787 5.36267,-5.65024 1.88964,-0.44867 2.86866,-0.0342 5.01989,2.12456 2.53922,2.5482 3.01277,2.68193 9.49817,2.68193 3.75415,0 6.82574,-0.29991 6.82574,-0.66642 0,-0.36656 -3.39983,-4.06257 -7.55517,-8.21334 l -7.55514,-7.54693 -16.86408,0 c -15.76995,0 -16.96521,0.11207 -18.42335,1.72914 -2.17876,2.41603 -6.81831,2.3119 -8.56615,-0.19237 -4.68201,-6.70828 4.28251,-13.30826 9.13312,-6.72412 l 1.91085,2.59369 15.12957,-0.008 15.12962,-0.007 -6.46127,-6.45034 c -5.28219,-5.27328 -6.96092,-6.45519 -9.19958,-6.47689 -4.93405,-0.0481 -7.39038,-4.40414 -4.88417,-8.66186 1.27226,-2.16146 2.08344,-2.604 4.77316,-2.604 4.10994,0 6.32882,2.86527 5.52962,7.14044 -0.50435,2.69802 -0.0234,3.33059 10.67214,14.04048 l 11.20032
 ,11.2144 0,-7.55248 c 0,-4.15383 -0.35999,-7.5524 -0.79995,-7.5524 -3.55549,0 -4.78686,-7.6483 -1.59286,-9.89346 6.26147,-4.40124 12.71257,3.76668 7.13107,9.02889 -2.00767,1.89281 -2.15373,2.59429 -2.15373,10.34182 l 0,8.31125 4.12168,4.07417 4.12172,4.07416 19.1388,0 19.13876,0 0,-8.17403 c 0,-7.56624 -0.16022,-8.33475 -2.15375,-10.33544 -2.59719,-2.6064 -2.77053,-5.94381 -0.43075,-8.29193 1.7138,-1.7199 5.59993,-2.27979 7.40914,-1.06745 0.52139,0.34933 1.42609,1.54582 2.01051,2.65886 1.3214,2.51653 -0.14678,6.72818 -2.62031,7.51597 -1.45532,0.46359 -1.63035,1.44128 -1.63035,9.10668 l 0,8.58734 20.92081,0 20.92078,0 4.49344,-4.56611 c 2.47138,-2.5114 4.49344,-4.76116 4.49344,-4.9995 0,-0.23836 -2.7566,-0.27706 -6.12575,-0.0861 l -6.12573,0.34738 -7.61582,-7.60745 c -6.73911,-6.73175 -7.98122,-7.6144 -10.79012,-7.6679 -2.41565,-0.0461 -3.59722,-0.62696 -4.94363,-2.43086 -1.67763,-2.24768 -1.69736,-2.5218 -0.38056,-5.29307 2.97064,-6.25154 10.63751,-4.23873 10.4968,2.7558 -0.0656,3.2
 5499 0.40068,3.97775 6.46124,10.01775 l 6.53184,6.50969 12.70716,0.24209 c 6.98896,0.13308 12.70718,0.0401 12.70714,-0.20728 -5e-5,-0.24712 -3.59335,-4.04037 -7.98515,-8.42945 -6.60179,-6.59774 -8.44413,-7.98013 -10.63521,-7.98013 -3.28349,0 -5.50168,-2.32632 -5.50168,-5.76987 0,-3.24302 2.34037,-5.46947 5.74941,-5.46947 3.61168,0 5.74052,2.58181 5.29401,6.42031 -0.33403,2.87135 0.14805,3.53833 8.7316,12.07931 l 9.08521,9.04011 8.83119,0.27929 c 4.85715,0.15356 8.83084,0.0742 8.8304,-0.17622 -4.9e-4,-0.25051 -2.71459,-3.15794 -6.03137,-6.46101 -5.43215,-5.40974 -6.0305,-6.34335 -6.0305,-9.40989 0,-3.1937 -0.65027,-4.06445 -10.50923,-14.07234 l -10.50922,-10.66795 -22.45265,0 -22.45261,0 -14.40477,14.48139 c -14.05723,14.13197 -14.39315,14.55443 -13.92222,17.50739 0.37238,2.3347 0.0661,3.47035 -1.3416,4.97123 -4.6917,5.00293 -12.29367,-0.26178 -9.3428,-6.47031 0.87798,-1.84722 1.83334,-2.4503 4.19808,-2.65001 2.67736,-0.22614 4.78304,-1.98885 16.78305,-14.04915 l 13.72158,-13.79054 -
 20.56711,0 -20.56708,0 -1.99604,2.1614 c -5.04151,5.45919 -12.54826,-0.63952 -8.99304,-7.30619 1.78693,-3.35075 8.82304,-2.67815 9.97148,0.95318 0.43179,1.36536 1.43723,1.59788 6.90855,1.59788 3.52174,0 6.40321,-0.30221 6.40321,-0.6716 0,-0.36937 -2.7174,-3.37776 -6.0387,-6.68528 -4.60581,-4.5868 -6.659,-6.04501 -8.65323,-6.14564 -5.39928,-0.27254 -7.94257,-6.14604 -4.26106,-9.84062 4.59076,-4.60706 11.28177,0.15426 9.18688,6.53746 -0.47466,1.44621 0.85774,3.19916 7.06413,9.29404 l 7.64909,7.51164 17.7717,0 17.77164,0 0,-4.65564 c 0,-4.01201 -0.29774,-4.85144 -2.15375,-6.07184 -3.05335,-2.00777 -2.9942,-6.63932 0.11616,-9.09466 1.24846,-0.98556 2.74686,-1.79187 3.32982,-1.79187 0.58295,0 2.08134,0.80631 3.32982,1.79187 2.99716,2.36593 3.04714,6.21342 0.11615,8.93942 -1.75861,1.63565 -2.15374,2.81769 -2.15374,6.44293 l 0,4.43979 15.507,0 c 8.52882,0 15.50697,-0.29646 15.50697,-0.65886 0,-0.36236 -5.91658,-6.58719 -13.14798,-13.833 l -13.14798,-13.1741 -19.34125,0 -19.34127,0 -1.75535
 ,2.12537 c -2.71674,3.28934 -5.96113,3.67499 -8.60403,1.02268 -2.73153,-2.74124 -2.80575,-5.73103 -0.20317,-8.1847 2.63934,-2.48835 5.85258,-2.37994 8.34404,0.28157 1.81186,1.93547 2.70351,2.16141 8.5296,2.16141 l 6.50627,0 -6.67721,-6.74048 c -6.06297,-6.12039 -6.94114,-6.7095 -9.54648,-6.40424 -5.17459,0.60621 -8.15397,-5.7621 -4.66789,-9.97747 0.49374,-0.59703 2.39201,-1.08553 4.21838,-1.08553 2.59203,0 3.63053,0.47459 4.73287,2.16302 0.78495,1.20222 1.22984,3.12055 1.0016,4.31873 -0.33886,1.77918 0.88526,3.51578 7.00743,9.94087 l 7.41808,7.7851 9.89936,0 9.89937,0 -17.86843,-17.94719 -17.8684,-17.94721 0,-4.78005 c 0,-4.59357 -0.16847,-4.94657 -4.31825,-9.04845 l -4.31816,-4.26839 -12.33567,12.35741 c -11.91653,11.93753 -12.33326,12.47633 -12.26565,15.85764 0.0555,2.77732 -0.37915,3.84113 -2.10467,5.15112 -2.94534,2.23601 -7.11252,0.87147 -8.63998,-2.82923 -1.56421,-3.7897 1.03779,-7.13722 5.82781,-7.49761 2.4916,-0.1874 4.13521,-0.9715 5.8902,-2.80982 l 2.4342,-2.54982 -14.8980
 5,0 c -14.86513,0 -14.9018,0.005 -16.59219,2.16141 -3.31161,4.22504 -10.18409,1.69002 -10.18409,-3.75654 0,-3.64734 3.04404,-5.83473 7.54382,-5.42093 0.59541,0.0547 1.92531,1.07218 2.95524,2.26096 1.86984,2.15817 1.89624,2.16138 17.62507,2.16138 l 15.75242,0 3.04522,-2.68322 c 1.67488,-1.47577 3.04522,-3.09514 3.04522,-3.59858 0,-0.50343 -3.18748,-4.16054 -7.08328,-8.12694 -6.60057,-6.72012 -7.27245,-7.17597 -9.85947,-6.68893 -2.23897,0.4215 -3.20223,0.0951 -4.9777,-1.68664 -2.65559,-2.66503 -2.81651,-5.62224 -0.44496,-8.17686 2.3294,-2.50923 5.5753,-2.39383 8.253,0.29338 1.66095,1.66682 2.05581,2.74401 1.66377,4.53895 -0.45481,2.08228 0.38051,3.24676 7.25041,10.10734 l 7.76449,7.75391 3.88586,-3.82725 c 2.13724,-2.10499 3.88585,-4.23574 3.88585,-4.735 0,-0.49926 -8.82267,-9.75551 -19.60597,-20.56946 -16.02983,-16.07552 -20.03713,-19.66209 -21.96846,-19.66209 -2.94842,0 -5.80827,-2.76698 -5.80827,-5.61965 0,-2.88441 2.87019,-5.61966 5.89698,-5.61966 3.9004,0 6.7685,4.34388 5.34644,8
 .09738 -0.67265,1.77543 -0.0986,2.69756 4.57019,7.34128 2.93673,2.92097 5.61982,5.31081 5.96244,5.31081 0.34262,0 0.61626,-3.20967 0.60804,-7.13264 -0.0148,-6.46172 -0.21601,-7.3241 -2.15375,-9.16863 -2.90593,-2.76619 -2.82643,-6.37362 0.19301,-8.75712 3.71631,-2.93366 8.14636,-1.20586 9.32967,3.63874 0.46609,1.9083 0.0679,2.86528 -2.09707,5.03774 -2.63573,2.64507 -2.67246,2.8018 -2.67246,11.40402 l 0,8.72202 14.43013,14.5539 c 7.93654,8.00461 14.72087,14.5542 15.07622,14.5546 0.35537,3.9e-4 0.64613,-2.65247 0.64613,-5.89529 0,-5.21156 -0.25001,-6.11419 -2.15373,-7.7753 -5.78473,-5.04765 0.85359,-13.60306 7.13102,-9.19052 2.74189,1.92727 2.6178,6.69769 -0.23904,9.19052 -2.00903,1.75302 -2.15375,2.42016 -2.15375,9.92938 0,7.11378 0.20043,8.17572 1.72302,9.12998 1.41377,0.88603 1.723,2.01618 1.723,6.29701 l 0,5.21719 6.46123,6.44092 6.46127,6.44096 0,-7.01849 c 0,-5.31506 -0.30146,-7.13459 -1.24206,-7.49685 -0.68316,-0.26305 -1.89228,-1.4741 -2.68691,-2.69127 -3.75129,-5.74555 4.84495
 ,-11.63225 9.31331,-6.37777 2.12137,2.49462 1.87381,5.61529 -0.6461,8.14414 -1.98568,1.99272 -2.15375,2.78307 -2.15375,10.12741 l 0,7.96601 17.02251,17.06699 c 9.36235,9.38682 17.24765,17.06695 17.52285,17.06695 0.27522,0 0.46551,-3.10209 0.42287,-6.89356 l -0.0772,-6.89355 -5.9898,-6.05705 c -5.62976,-5.69297 -6.17349,-6.02811 -9.04573,-5.57605 -6.13811,0.96622 -9.47528,-6.16511 -4.66281,-9.96406 2.79892,-2.20944 4.71205,-2.26371 7.24488,-0.20545 1.32989,1.0807 1.98713,2.59599 2.06176,4.75361 0.0901,2.6039 0.94209,4.01316 4.79045,7.92377 2.57452,2.61609 4.92054,4.75659 5.21343,4.75659 0.29284,0 0.60832,-4.37684 0.70096,-9.72632 l 0.16824,-9.72633 -10.79412,-10.79404 -10.79417,-10.79408 0,-5.23853 0,-5.23856 -19.39116,-19.41443 c -16.26132,-16.28082 -19.84193,-19.46023 -22.18364,-19.69818 -3.75168,-0.38121 -5.80763,-2.42317 -5.80763,-5.76819 0,-3.39743 2.27352,-5.61966 5.74939,-5.61966 3.56716,0 5.66217,2.52569 5.32763,6.42285 -0.25078,2.92075 0.30851,3.67982 9.60594,13.0368 5.42968
 ,5.46452 10.07234,9.93558 10.31695,9.93573 0.24464,1.4e-4 0.30786,-3.5742 0.14054,-7.94297 -0.27439,-7.16321 -0.50701,-8.10324 -2.36913,-9.57318 -4.12657,-3.25751 -1.52432,-10.15009 3.83212,-10.15009 4.99235,0 7.25116,6.0203 3.68722,9.82741 -1.64674,1.75912 -1.8307,2.95122 -1.8307,11.864 l 0,9.90835 6.46125,6.44096 6.46122,6.44091 0,-6.7957 c 0,-6.13823 -0.20834,-6.98949 -2.15373,-8.79884 -2.54809,-2.36988 -2.76418,-5.46038 -0.57184,-8.17741 3.15142,-3.9057 10.47911,-1.34618 10.47911,3.66032 0,0.93492 -1.16303,2.86701 -2.5845,4.29355 l -2.58452,2.59368 0,13.56331 0,13.56332 10.76877,10.7811 10.76872,10.78108 0,21.21788 0,21.21795 6.03051,6.00554 6.03051,6.00555 0,-10.82449 0,-10.82453 -3.44603,-3.37687 -3.446,-3.37687 0,-7.10598 0,-7.10593 3.446,-2.96011 3.44603,-2.96015 0,-9.84149 0,-9.84144 -7.03793,-7.09979 c -6.1787,-6.23306 -7.32862,-7.04145 -9.41939,-6.62181 -1.80566,0.36241 -2.91603,-0.0584 -4.59233,-1.74074 -2.77607,-2.78594 -2.80572,-5.23719 -0.0962,-7.95626 2.68917,-2.6987
 4 5.65718,-2.70202 8.17814,-0.0106 1.56707,1.674 1.86626,2.71132 1.43993,4.99194 -0.50147,2.68268 -0.12704,3.28832 5.49484,8.88693 l 6.03301,6.00809 0,-15.55923 0,-15.55921 -6.9127,-6.8962 c -6.38702,-6.37173 -7.18166,-6.89624 -10.4488,-6.89624 -2.82354,0 -3.88364,-0.46393 -5.2605,-2.30227 -2.21179,-2.95295 -1.46479,-6.33205 1.7431,-7.88509 4.54235,-2.19912 8.81787,0.4479 8.81787,5.45922 0,1.58175 1.63753,3.92846 5.59695,8.02096 3.0783,3.18182 5.79203,5.7851 6.0305,5.7851 0.23845,0 0.43358,-6.93513 0.43358,-15.41139 0,-15.321 -0.0135,-15.42335 -2.15375,-17.44196 -1.18459,-1.1168 -2.15374,-2.65216 -2.15374,-3.41188 0,-0.75979 -3.29525,-4.67116 -7.32276,-8.69198 l -7.32274,-7.31061 0,-6.47824 0,-6.4782 -4.92667,-4.99631 c -2.70966,-2.74798 -5.22955,-4.99632 -5.59975,-4.99632 -0.37019,0 -0.67309,3.68232 -0.67309,8.18294 0,7.36183 0.17708,8.278 1.76422,9.13048 2.7457,1.47466 3.63837,4.79775 2.09394,7.79494 -1.73757,3.37207 -5.03394,4.16739 -8.02528,1.93634 -3.27384,-2.44181 -3.52361,-6.
 49946 -0.56915,-9.24724 1.82209,-1.69471 2.2106,-2.7502 1.99229,-5.41241 l -0.27126,-3.30714 -8.29763,0.0728 c -7.13873,0.0627 -8.62886,0.33438 -10.66954,1.94527 -3.17489,2.5062 -5.93338,2.36823 -8.10757,-0.40559 -2.34479,-2.99152 -2.25426,-5.11127 0.3291,-7.70375 2.80924,-2.81927 5.29278,-2.67682 8.22338,0.47155 2.35822,2.53348 2.60632,2.59371 10.68365,2.59371 l 8.26936,-2e-5 0,-5.01778 c 0,-4.59959 -0.25131,-5.26219 -3.01524,-7.95065 -2.77951,-2.70358 -3.01526,-3.33437 -3.01526,-8.06769 0,-4.36652 -0.32221,-5.43445 -2.15377,-7.13785 -3.69241,-3.43419 -2.49676,-8.40393 2.44688,-10.17045 2.00926,-0.71794 6.33412,1.7879 6.91177,4.00476 0.59823,2.29566 -0.75458,5.53136 -2.86578,6.85448 -1.41431,0.88643 -1.75461,2.00791 -1.75461,5.78283 l 0,4.68314 9.90724,10.06646 9.90727,10.06644 0,6.04423 c 0,6.02141 0.0148,6.05853 3.87674,9.86242 l 3.87672,3.81827 0,-4.4635 c 0,-3.60836 -0.4126,-4.87762 -2.15373,-6.62493 -2.72094,-2.73064 -2.73318,-5.19533 -0.0393,-7.89893 2.6832,-2.6928 5.14853,-2
 .6928 7.83179,0 2.87307,2.88326 2.70909,5.86774 -0.46993,8.55221 -2.37658,2.00692 -2.58226,2.62152 -2.55707,7.64174 0.0168,3.27483 0.50485,6.09159 1.22064,7.03937 1.11357,1.4744 1.33585,1.4862 3.3274,0.17673 2.70064,-1.77583 6.24181,-0.98442 8.06076,1.80148 1.71762,2.63074 0.91925,5.9282 -1.88115,7.76965 -2.07579,1.36491 -2.1401,1.70888 -2.1401,11.44931 l 0,10.04209 8.18423,-8.1792 c 8.15229,-8.14723 8.18425,-8.19602 8.18425,-12.48662 0,-3.63035 -0.36106,-4.59631 -2.29731,-6.14573 -4.32534,-3.46114 -2.11451,-10.76278 3.25879,-10.76278 2.90289,0 5.93049,2.97223 5.93049,5.82198 0,1.12073 -0.96915,3.01031 -2.15373,4.1991 -1.83184,1.83837 -2.15373,2.95857 -2.15373,7.49522 l 0,5.33384 -9.4765,9.25239 -9.47649,9.25242 0,26.00888 c 0,14.30489 0.32758,26.00886 0.72798,26.00886 0.40038,0 1.40049,-0.74572 2.22242,-1.65716 1.1716,-1.29924 1.2935,-2.03404 0.56424,-3.40142 -2.37783,-4.45887 0.0275,-8.77439 4.89029,-8.77439 2.67306,0 6.24057,3.21254 6.24057,5.61965 0,1.97418 -3.55678,5.61965 -5.4
 8288,5.61965 -1.11391,0 -3.42502,1.54729 -5.53724,3.70711 -3.42545,3.50265 -3.62538,3.98608 -3.62538,8.76507 0,4.67424 -0.25389,5.33437 -3.34651,8.70141 -3.19122,3.47436 -3.33908,3.89037 -3.18526,8.96343 0.14753,4.86895 0.43137,5.59756 3.34652,8.59354 l 3.18525,3.27358 0,12.96811 0,12.96811 3.87672,3.81826 3.87677,3.81828 0,-19.63268 c 0,-18.47988 -0.10102,-19.73414 -1.72298,-21.36175 -3.49173,-3.50416 -1.03196,-10.37474 3.71428,-10.37474 2.87236,0 5.76222,3.05208 5.76222,6.08562 0,2.47182 -2.53833,6.01824 -4.30752,6.01824 -0.55066,0 -0.86149,7.57321 -0.86149,20.99059 l 0,20.99061 5.59973,5.56968 c 5.05013,5.02301 5.59978,5.91219 5.59978,9.05875 0,3.41575 0.50211,3.99271 23.91225,27.47483 13.15175,13.19214 24.35989,23.98579 24.90692,23.98579 1.40987,0 5.45821,-5.03527 5.44037,-6.76671 -0.0109,-0.79565 -0.97734,-2.36284 -2.15375,-3.48267 -1.39582,-1.3287 -2.13886,-2.98252 -2.13886,-4.76067 0,-2.41778 -2.81411,-5.54751 -24.98346,-27.78577 l -24.98347,-25.0611 0,-7.09371 c 0,-6.19704 -
 0.24966,-7.36399 -1.97498,-9.23226 -1.68679,-1.82652 -2.00735,-3.2059 -2.197,-9.45283 l -0.22209,-7.31422 4.34614,-4.20857 c 5.97694,-5.7878 5.91965,-7.9047 -0.38286,-14.151 l -4.73824,-4.69606 0,-33.82961 c 0,-32.73156 -0.056,-33.88036 -1.72298,-35.39442 -3.68762,-3.34908 -1.1729,-9.94247 3.79206,-9.94247 5.85042,0 7.90004,6.94997 3.09995,10.51147 l -2.58452,1.91759 0,32.5153 0,32.51528 3.446,3.37692 3.446,3.37691 0,-31.54292 0,-31.54291 5.16898,-5.13326 c 4.81594,-4.78258 5.16901,-5.4028 5.16901,-9.08035 0,-3.63881 -0.37012,-4.31393 -4.73824,-8.64311 l -4.73826,-4.69605 0,-13.00497 0,-13.00505 -19.7489,-19.80504 -19.74885,-19.80502 0.24362,-5.69249 0.24364,-5.6925 -11.66073,-11.83559 c -10.48709,-10.64436 -11.89982,-11.78761 -14.03611,-11.35883 -1.79861,0.36098 -2.9123,-0.062 -4.58629,-1.74194 -2.67724,-2.68677 -2.79144,-4.78165 -0.42529,-7.80038 3.70277,-4.72408 10.79466,-1.66255 10.0943,4.35766 -0.31798,2.73361 0.17912,3.55172 5.44999,8.96871 l 5.79987,5.96074 6.30755,-6.52814 c
  4.93151,-5.10398 6.24655,-6.99513 6.02795,-8.6689 -0.15374,-1.17745 0.34146,-3.09194 1.1005,-4.25444 1.89215,-2.89807 7.50762,-3.01194 9.47566,-0.19215 3.11137,4.45787 0.31645,9.31782 -5.3586,9.31782 -2.8826,0 -3.93288,0.68681 -9.20731,6.02085 l -5.95357,6.02084 1.6692,1.97635 c 0.91802,1.08698 3.12292,3.41972 4.89977,5.18382 3.14845,3.12589 3.2306,3.36861 3.2306,9.54267 l 0,6.33523 4.12174,4.07415 c 2.26694,2.24082 4.3531,4.07418 4.63589,4.07418 0.28279,0 0.42304,-1.96063 0.31166,-4.35699 -0.14439,-3.10851 -0.71301,-4.8343 -1.98408,-6.02268 -2.78518,-2.60401 -3.19583,-5.0711 -1.27576,-7.66389 2.02207,-2.73056 5.58634,-3.3422 8.461,-1.452 2.81564,1.85146 2.81687,5.88435 9.6e-4,8.70851 -1.77404,1.78031 -2.12573,3.04351 -2.29361,8.23793 l -0.19826,6.13518 11.54275,11.6077 c 6.34865,6.38419 11.83904,11.60766 12.201,11.60766 0.36192,0 0.65806,-9.05877 0.65806,-20.13062 l 0,-20.13055 -4.54995,-4.50948 c -3.49236,-3.46122 -5.16341,-4.50936 -7.18922,-4.50936 -5.03934,0 -7.34206,-5.92324 -
 3.71699,-9.56118 2.46045,-2.46921 6.57705,-1.95408 8.84401,1.10671 1.51548,2.04617 1.6018,2.66235 0.66248,4.73121 -1.03422,2.27787 -0.87624,2.57508 3.7271,7.01455 l 4.80708,4.63589 0,27.78198 0,27.78199 5.22094,-5.16028 c 4.52628,-4.47379 5.15771,-5.48606 4.74568,-7.60864 -0.4762,-2.45324 0.66192,-5.64187 2.43872,-6.8325 1.80923,-1.21232 5.69536,-0.65245 7.40916,1.06748 3.5007,3.51313 0.90751,9.51014 -4.11232,9.51014 -1.83552,0 -3.93219,1.55748 -9.04577,6.71951 l -6.65641,6.71948 0,5.33544 0,5.33545 4.73825,4.49715 4.73828,4.49718 0,5.30515 0,5.30516 -5.16903,5.13324 -5.16898,5.13325 0,22.72182 c 0,12.49699 0.32359,22.7218 0.71908,22.7218 0.39551,0 1.75238,-1.16377 3.01525,-2.5862 2.29554,-2.58548 2.29618,-2.59019 2.29618,-17.24023 0,-9.4043 -0.32768,-14.85721 -0.91465,-15.22125 -1.74682,-1.08344 -2.58388,-4.73577 -1.54106,-6.72403 1.34468,-2.5637 2.40401,-3.15675 5.66648,-3.17225 5.7502,-0.0275 7.4314,7.91856 2.19221,10.36149 l -2.78121,1.29685 -0.0184,14.73005 -0.0185,14.73006 -4.
 30748,4.25783 -4.3075,4.25777 0,11.30794 0,11.30792 -3.87674,3.8183 -3.87674,3.81824 0,7.03476 c 0,5.93677 0.26892,7.27901 1.72297,8.59963 1.46868,1.33377 1.72304,2.66279 1.72304,9.00146 l 0,7.4366 24.35993,24.43522 c 23.66912,23.74231 24.43844,24.41953 27.12721,23.8799 6.34601,-1.27374 9.83468,5.923 4.94108,10.19306 -1.23529,1.07789 -2.15376,2.81113 -2.15376,4.06447 0,1.35556 -1.21739,3.43634 -3.20648,5.48061 l -3.20649,3.29542 18.71348,18.79456 c 10.29234,10.33702 18.71338,19.47216 18.71338,20.30034 0,1.85173 1.05475,1.89698 4.35032,0.18674 2.20938,-1.1466 2.54169,-1.79917 2.54169,-4.9915 0,-3.44124 -0.43397,-4.10548 -6.89201,-10.5484 -6.04505,-6.03101 -6.89194,-7.25472 -6.89194,-9.9583 0,-2.51376 -0.71928,-3.79083 -3.89887,-6.92244 -2.81058,-2.76821 -4.66325,-3.8786 -6.63732,-3.97827 -3.15898,-0.15946 -5.83234,-2.92713 -5.83234,-6.03819 0,-4.90138 6.8241,-7.32116 10.43293,-3.69948 1.44311,1.44824 1.71287,2.48389 1.30828,5.02309 -0.46728,2.93231 -0.18812,3.51544 3.35106,7.00125 3.
 14288,3.09549 3.86073,4.37565 3.86073,6.88491 0,2.7021 0.84534,3.92574 6.85238,9.91876 6.39187,6.37696 6.8695,7.10647 7.10736,10.8548 l 0.25502,4.0184 2.79986,-1.15123 c 2.73927,-1.12634 2.79986,-1.26857 2.79986,-6.57393 l 0,-5.42267 -6.46124,-6.44092 c -5.90994,-5.89139 -6.46125,-6.73826 -6.46125,-9.92489 0,-3.43456 -0.48829,-3.97385 -34.45998,-38.05831 -32.37097,-32.4784 -34.45997,-34.75955 -34.45997,-37.62936 0,-2.61236 -0.81134,-3.86195 -5.59975,-8.62471 -4.95804,-4.93139 -5.59974,-5.95047 -5.59974,-8.89257 0,-2.63075 -0.53836,-3.77749 -2.58453,-5.50535 -6.31153,-5.32966 0.53394,-14.28581 6.94014,-9.07997 2.61871,2.12801 2.66857,6.74655 0.0956,8.83752 -1.30379,1.05948 -1.86657,2.47819 -1.86657,4.70524 0,2.76569 0.7423,3.94069 5.59974,8.86356 4.80329,4.86801 5.59975,6.11693 5.59975,8.78094 0,2.93667 1.87647,4.98853 34.45996,37.68013 32.35096,32.45839 34.46,34.76107 34.46,37.62469 0,2.66351 0.87395,3.9222 6.892,9.92622 l 6.892,6.87595 0,5.34285 0,5.34288 3.01524,-0.9287 3.01525,-0
 .92868 0,-10.45355 0,-10.45355 -17.92179,-17.97016 c -12.97045,-13.00551 -18.30705,-17.82181 -19.3164,-17.43309 -1.45994,0.56224 -4.95401,-0.90467 -6.03899,-2.53532 -0.34809,-0.5232 -0.63888,-2.01281 -0.64615,-3.31026 -0.0109,-1.91126 -3.52874,-5.89228 -18.53539,-20.97424 l -18.52224,-18.61522 0,-11.94818 0,-11.94815 -8.6093,-8.57656 -8.60927,-8.57659 -0.005,-8.23833 -0.005,-8.23832 5.59974,-5.56968 5.59973,-5.56972 0,-11.13982 c 0,-10.85279 -0.0555,-11.18367 -2.15372,-12.83999 -4.21008,-3.32343 -1.68409,-10.22032 3.74323,-10.22032 2.48558,0 4.9364,1.96067 5.40336,4.32282 0.48274,2.44156 -0.96557,5.93642 -2.68735,6.48486 -1.61185,0.51358 -1.72039,1.31214 -1.72039,12.6649 l 0,12.11675 -5.59969,5.70319 -5.59978,5.70315 0,6.4549 0,6.45487 8.61497,8.78573 8.61502,8.7857 0,12.06231 0,12.06228 17.90035,17.9487 c 17.28656,17.33322 17.99516,17.92965 20.66592,17.3936 1.92019,-0.38541 3.45828,-0.0999 5.03166,0.93497 2.01272,1.32349 2.21873,1.91144 1.84272,5.25907 -0.33338,2.96837 -0.0743,4.08
 597 1.22007,5.26145 1.57954,1.43457 1.85982,1.27718 7.21927,-4.05352 3.06678,-3.0503 5.47621,-5.84567 5.35435,-6.21198 -0.12165,-0.36626 -8.65356,-9.17287 -18.95922,-19.57026 l -18.73764,-18.90431 0,-7.2619 0,-7.26196 -11.64316,-11.65959 c -9.66533,-9.67898 -12.01486,-11.61127 -13.83155,-11.37529 -3.55035,0.46121 -6.40077,-1.98435 -6.40077,-5.49155 0,-5.69814 5.74592,-8.47902 9.57652,-4.63481 1.43476,1.43989 1.7284,2.53744 1.37875,5.15356 -0.79818,5.9719 1.09657,5.92224 7.49923,-0.19654 l 5.6675,-5.4162 0,-13.89925 0,-13.89926 -4.58183,-4.54097 -4.58182,-4.54102 0.34591,-6.05239 0.34591,-6.0524 -6.96355,-7.15963 -6.96364,-7.15959 0,-12.3527 c 0,-12.14649 -0.036,-12.38108 -2.1537,-14.05285 -4.2101,-3.32345 -1.68406,-10.2203 3.74322,-10.2203 3.26232,0 5.30249,2.44503 5.30249,6.35469 0,2.56642 -0.42239,3.38572 -2.15374,4.17736 -2.14968,0.98295 -2.15377,1.0079 -2.15377,13.22311 l 0,12.23831 3.14603,2.79514 3.14604,2.79516 2.86986,-2.79149 c 2.4902,-2.42216 2.80608,-3.19992 2.38742,-5.87
 821 -0.96581,-6.1787 6.13204,-9.53914 9.92566,-4.6992 2.2016,2.80884 2.25567,4.72878 0.20469,7.27059 -1.07229,1.32895 -2.58734,1.99423 -4.70986,2.06819 -2.18344,0.0759 -3.91881,0.86828 -5.74201,2.6212 -1.43702,1.38169 -2.61284,2.82546 -2.61284,3.20834 0,0.38288 1.16306,1.73608 2.58454,3.0071 2.47097,2.20948 2.58449,2.61976 2.58449,9.3414 l 0,7.03038 3.45745,3.38815 3.45747,3.38806 7.74202,-7.73353 7.74201,-7.73359 0,-12.13733 0,-12.13731 -8.89856,-8.89986 c -7.89695,-7.89806 -9.15275,-8.83588 -11.15614,-8.33126 -2.83123,0.71315 -6.65176,-2.75712 -6.65176,-6.0419 0,-2.94437 2.86281,-5.65895 5.96797,-5.65895 3.30172,0 6.36522,3.7026 5.67577,6.8598 -0.41677,1.90838 0.60104,3.3021 7.28918,9.98116 l 7.77354,7.763 0,-4.27229 c 0,-3.59235 -0.36558,-4.56487 -2.2973,-6.11066 -4.86338,-3.89171 -1.59597,-11.57447 4.41889,-10.39012 5.05537,0.99543 6.50669,6.7407 2.61672,10.35869 -2.11055,1.96292 -2.15379,2.26002 -2.15379,14.80696 l 0,12.80385 2.12302,-2.00148 c 1.54272,-1.45451 2.09177,-2.83242
  2.00902,-5.04173 -0.0872,-2.32126 0.441,-3.51911 2.23258,-5.06567 1.29057,-1.11404 2.92398,-2.02553 3.62982,-2.02553 2.05324,0 5.51258,4.04447 5.51258,6.44493 0,3.08177 -2.98653,5.83765 -5.98423,5.52207 -1.79585,-0.18904 -3.33726,0.57621 -5.97174,2.96478 -3.21619,2.9159 -3.55105,3.6086 -3.55105,7.34553 0,4.06141 -0.12784,4.25399 -8.18424,12.30518 l -8.18424,8.17919 0,14.73959 0,14.73961 -5.59975,5.56968 c -3.07986,3.06334 -5.59973,5.89339 -5.59973,6.289 0,0.81998 15.50283,17.0539 16.28672,17.05474 0.28191,3.2e-4 0.40335,-10.77441 0.26996,-23.94375 l -0.24261,-23.94438 6.24136,-6.3056 c 5.77742,-5.83692 6.22381,-6.54996 6.00493,-9.59223 -0.39224,-5.45157 4.70578,-8.54772 8.77947,-5.33194 4.70631,3.71512 2.12141,10.32713 -4.03725,10.32713 -1.89462,0 -3.82269,1.29168 -7.99254,5.35442 l -5.49558,5.35443 0,32.94899 0,32.94897 3.01524,2.93286 3.01527,2.93291 0,-31.58037 0,-31.58038 12.49174,-12.63635 c 12.35308,-12.49607 12.49175,-12.67937 12.49175,-16.51411 0,-3.00602 -0.35634,-3.99132 
 -1.58509,-4.3827 -2.15473,-0.68632 -3.89327,-4.18801 -3.18736,-6.42 1.42755,-4.51377 6.7064,-5.94838 9.94145,-2.70183 2.33978,2.3481 2.16642,5.68555 -0.43075,8.29194 -1.68996,1.69598 -2.15377,3.04163 -2.15377,6.24905 0,3.9602 -0.21485,4.30207 -6.89198,10.96358 -3.79061,3.78176 -6.892,7.17685 -6.892,7.54464 0,0.36778 2.44699,0.6687 5.43775,0.6687 5.04297,0 5.57643,-0.18831 7.34853,-2.59369 2.50255,-3.39691 6.16915,-3.53012 8.68867,-0.31565 2.34481,2.99149 2.25428,5.11121 -0.32907,7.70373 -2.69402,2.70363 -5.15,2.69137 -7.87095,-0.0391 -1.9692,-1.97621 -2.79977,-2.16141 -9.69324,-2.16141 l -7.53952,0 -3.35259,3.44557 -3.35265,3.44564 -0.15008,32.80623 -0.15008,32.80631 3.3279,3.26114 3.32788,3.26109 0,-15.42228 0,-15.42235 -2.20767,-2.05326 c -2.90617,-2.70288 -2.62099,-6.77422 0.64518,-9.21038 2.02015,-1.50673 2.6426,-1.58966 4.89769,-0.65222 4.51281,1.8759 5.10083,8.03394 1.01192,10.59661 -1.67826,1.05177 -1.76262,1.91426 -1.76262,18.01831 l 0,16.9137 3.01526,2.93288 3.01522,2.93289
  0,-15.97284 0,-15.97283 5.59976,-5.56972 5.59975,-5.56968 0,-5.66629 0,-5.66623 -6.413,-6.39281 c -5.86252,-5.84408 -6.72291,-6.39882 -10.02419,-6.46258 -2.82118,-0.0543 -3.97193,-0.55296 -5.2599,-2.27852 -1.38006,-1.84888 -1.49257,-2.62068 -0.69064,-4.73746 1.17707,-3.10692 2.24353,-3.83052 5.67033,-3.84757 3.41467,-0.0178 5.51789,2.3231 5.51789,6.13927 0,2.42583 0.77705,3.7585 4.11581,7.05876 l 4.11585,4.06836 7.51443,-7.57617 c 6.17924,-6.23013 7.5144,-8.04865 7.5144,-10.23496 0,-3.29431 2.31848,-5.52041 5.74945,-5.52041 3.23154,0 5.45005,2.34867 5.45005,5.76986 0,3.72754 -2.56092,5.76387 -6.63817,5.27834 -3.12625,-0.37231 -3.58483,-0.0728 -10.49561,6.8505 l -7.22653,7.23981 1.84216,1.96785 c 1.53967,1.64471 1.84216,3.01965 1.84216,8.37312 l 0,6.4052 -5.29441,5.3609 -5.29441,5.36084 0.0698,17.50794 0.0697,17.50792 4.75596,4.77291 c 4.62067,4.63705 4.80416,4.72903 6.45088,3.23349 1.26723,-1.1509 1.5794,-2.25377 1.23713,-4.37056 -0.90876,-5.61975 5.54009,-8.55853 9.67495,-4.40897 
 2.70943,2.71906 2.67982,5.17033 -0.0962,7.95625 -1.78439,1.79072 -2.73386,2.11374 -4.92214,1.67453 -2.52626,-0.50706 -3.25716,9.3e-4 -10.71162,7.45126 -4.40022,4.39746 -7.99316,8.39214 -7.98433,8.87702 0.0109,0.4849 6.79314,7.68958 15.07625,16.01036 l 15.06024,15.12871 0,10.10871 c 0,5.55976 0.34314,10.32151 0.76255,10.58164 0.41938,0.26014 1.97008,0.0504 3.44598,-0.46584 l 2.68344,-0.93877 0,-12.24955 0,-12.2495 -9.75905,-9.76602 c -8.44464,-8.45062 -10.04517,-9.69395 -11.88289,-9.23108 -2.9434,0.74135 -6.7875,-2.36515 -6.7875,-5.48511 0,-3.67648 2.23499,-6.18155 5.51507,-6.18155 3.79243,0 5.90562,2.41953 5.56617,6.37316 -0.19469,2.26792 0.26796,3.61777 1.80126,5.25577 1.13484,1.21223 2.52338,2.20404 3.0857,2.20404 0.56229,0 3.40224,-2.56387 6.31105,-5.69754 l 5.28871,-5.6975 0,-10.25389 c 0,-8.85928 0.20506,-10.37176 1.50763,-11.12009 1.29962,-0.74673 -0.15485,-2.54192 -10.54181,-13.01141 -9.18494,-9.25789 -12.56984,-12.1452 -14.23844,-12.1452 -5.41801,0 -8.205,-6.3917 -4.3239,-9.
 91653 4.03847,-3.66774 9.77603,-0.66424 9.37513,4.90771 -0.20531,2.85399 0.25265,3.77207 3.57801,7.17239 l 3.81349,3.89946 4.98731,-4.95278 c 4.52475,-4.49349 4.939,-5.21123 4.46654,-7.7387 -0.71298,-3.81406 2.87167,-7.64915 6.37301,-6.81819 3.4779,0.82536 5.58803,3.76785 4.96972,6.93011 -0.63169,3.23108 -2.58099,4.78197 -6.0392,4.80484 -2.01781,0.0143 -3.79583,1.14455 -7.58884,4.82814 -2.7245,2.64589 -4.90453,5.06961 -4.84449,5.38609 0.0602,0.31646 3.11086,3.41684 6.77958,6.88975 l 6.67041,6.31437 2.7369,-2.74664 c 2.70173,-2.71128 2.71427,-2.76255 0.97393,-3.98584 -1.15722,-0.81343 -1.75848,-2.18787 -1.74975,-4.00005 0.0167,-3.26029 0.60889,-4.30918 3.21739,-5.68772 1.89541,-1.00172 1.93839,-1.35393 1.93839,-15.88601 l 0,-14.86161 -5.74235,-5.80721 c -4.94513,-5.00107 -6.0689,-5.74171 -8.09449,-5.33516 -4.65288,0.93386 -8.06379,-6.13656 -4.62514,-9.58742 4.66861,-4.68525 11.16592,-0.69931 9.529,5.84575 -0.377,1.50736 0.14199,2.64029 2.05067,4.47527 l 2.55545,2.45694 5.50845,-5.123
 68 c 5.13321,-4.77459 5.51534,-5.38928 5.60944,-9.02292 l 0.10041,-3.89965 -15.94787,-15.98572 c -13.08006,-13.11133 -16.32455,-15.93674 -18.04446,-15.71379 -4.94654,0.64122 -8.34756,-4.06086 -6.09674,-8.42898 0.69164,-1.34219 1.85333,-2.66982 2.58159,-2.95023 1.1164,-0.42993 1.32413,-2.72591 1.32413,-14.6355 l 0,-14.12559 -23.69122,-23.75873 -23.69124,-23.75874 0,-5.99617 0,-5.99612 -6.03051,6.00555 c -4.6485,4.62929 -6.03049,6.5688 -6.03049,8.46312 0,3.43546 -1.30427,5.50925 -3.87172,6.15591 -2.19714,0.55342 -5.4799,-0.64208 -6.66849,-2.42843 -1.23199,-1.85169 -0.63524,-5.73052 1.15864,-7.53077 1.43874,-1.44386 2.47767,-1.71853 4.98095,-1.31678 3.0427,0.48829 3.41598,0.2471 9.81231,-6.33958 3.65711,-3.76596 6.64931,-7.36235 6.64931,-7.99202 0,-0.62965 -4.26318,-5.40985 -9.47373,-10.62273 l -9.47373,-9.47792 -6.89475,6.87872 c -5.26673,5.25439 -6.89477,7.43696 -6.89477,9.24283 0,2.94409 -3.02218,5.88976 -6.04276,5.88976 -2.62566,0 -6.01827,-3.2127 -6.01827,-5.69914 0,-4.05276 5.090
 68,-7.43306 8.46486,-5.62079 1.25822,0.67576 2.74146,-0.35542 8.16656,-5.67771 3.646,-3.5769 6.6291,-6.73841 6.6291,-7.02559 0,-0.28718 -1.01563,-1.586 -2.25694,-2.88626 -1.90066,-1.99093 -2.59897,-2.23357 -4.42381,-1.53732 -2.61456,0.99761 -5.80657,-0.77301 -7.29212,-4.04497 -0.80725,-1.778 -0.67668,-2.53923 0.77052,-4.49322 3.55082,-4.79415 10.61785,-2.63203 10.61785,3.24846 0,2.01473 1.28276,3.89599 5.89509,8.64559 3.24229,3.33884 6.14983,6.0706 6.46124,6.0706 0.31138,0 0.56614,-6.11783 0.56614,-13.59515 l 0,-13.59519 -5.67823,-5.74238 c -5.52829,-5.59078 -5.77541,-5.73143 -9.35846,-5.32614 -3.13856,0.35503 -3.88785,0.11878 -5.09055,-1.6043 -4.61389,-6.61064 3.50255,-13.33747 8.73162,-7.23666 1.12968,1.31799 1.87659,3.07712 1.65975,3.90916 -0.26565,1.01951 1.54076,3.43976 5.53962,7.4221 l 5.93379,5.90929 5.21378,-5.23232 c 4.85739,-4.87467 5.14558,-5.38242 4.21634,-7.42911 -0.8032,-1.76908 -0.72512,-2.72524 0.40083,-4.91036 1.19706,-2.32309 1.8717,-2.71353 4.68861,-2.71353 3.8480
 8,0 6.14191,2.04348 6.14191,5.47159 0,2.82637 -2.75684,5.76769 -5.40596,5.76769 -1.28875,0 -4.0914,2.15341 -8.18424,6.28842 l -6.22433,6.28841 0,14.86768 0,14.86769 5.59976,5.70325 5.59975,5.70328 0,8.82002 0,8.82007 8.61502,8.61315 8.61499,8.61316 0,-19.89183 0,-19.89194 -5.92834,-5.9038 c -5.43254,-5.41006 -6.15102,-5.85471 -8.59099,-5.31691 -5.33107,1.17506 -9.17456,-6.0215 -5.29515,-9.91469 3.88553,-3.89931 11.08059,-0.17388 9.91858,5.13564 -0.40808,1.86454 0.35088,3.05476 4.70464,7.37846 l 5.19126,5.15531 0,-20.93854 c 0,-13.38269 -0.31089,-20.93857 -0.86151,-20.93857 -1.64675,0 -4.30749,-3.47124 -4.30749,-5.61964 0,-2.93471 2.88127,-5.61968 6.03049,-5.61968 5.52966,0 7.85998,6.02372 3.87673,10.02106 -1.67245,1.67846 -2.15372,3.04928 -2.15372,6.13486 l 0,3.9734 4.21982,-3.79659 4.21988,-3.79657 0.0879,-18.89592 0.0879,-18.89593 -2.15374,-1.70016 c -2.6614,-2.10088 -2.86177,-6.0515 -0.43077,-8.491166 4.65434,-4.670886 12.11161,0.966691 9.07468,6.860316 -0.69162,1.34219 -1.8533,2
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 54.79825,245.77218 154.1875,245.65625 C 153.3401,245.20326 152.373,244.88092 151.40625,244.875 z M 166.65625,244.875 C 163.81138,244.83015 160.84817,245.7831 158.9375,247.96875 C 157.14601,249.82305 156.26534,252.44241 156.40625,255 C 156.4455,257.60089 157.62013,260.2008 159.6875,261.8125 C 162.43682,264.15178 166.33269,264.50973 169.75,263.78125 C 172.53457,263.1788 175.07375,261.31901 176.1875,258.65625 C 177.7293,255.0256 177.16931,250.3711 174.28125,247.5625 C 172.27329,245.58452 169.38522,244.95613 166.65625,244.875 z M 202.5625,244.875 C 199.65259,244.82633 196.58865,245.83995 194.6875,248.125 C 192.2363,250.95423 191.8563,255.23236 193.28125,258.625 C 194.29372,261.11012 196.45477,263.16353 199.125,263.71875 C 201.64663,264.2679 204.28679,264.24885 206.8125,263.75 C 208.51969,263.42988 210.07293,262.47938 211.1875,261.15625 C 211.6559,260.51927 212.73656,259.43233 212.625,258.90625 L 206.125,258.28125 C 205.51686,258.9536 204.91301,259.72992 203.9375,259.8125 C 202.39982,260
 .20123 200.57653,259.5439 199.875,258.0625 C 199.79053,257.55239 198.90352,256.05401 199.875,256.21875 L 213.21875,256.21875 C 213.28951,253.4079 212.92796,250.3949 211.125,248.125 C 210.03317,246.80706 208.52604,245.83022 206.84375,245.46875 C 205.44659,245.10894 204.00458,244.9063 202.5625,244.875 z M 226.53125,244.875 C 224.83773,244.94818 223.16268,245.2917 221.59375,245.9375 C 219.74896,246.79555 218.29579,248.44202 217.46875,250.28125 C 216.51712,252.42489 216.57711,254.87891 216.90625,257.15625 C 217.21271,259.53093 218.85626,261.58953 220.90625,262.75 C 222.614,263.77638 224.64841,263.95739 226.59375,264.09375 C 228.87355,264.16831 231.35076,264.0907 233.3125,262.78125 C 235.36706,261.62577 236.70538,259.55319 237.3125,257.3125 L 230.78125,256.5 C 230.52218,257.60301 229.84173,258.55904 228.8125,259.0625 C 227.04278,259.7832 224.53052,259.176 223.875,257.21875 C 223.37182,255.6932 223.44816,254.02326 223.78125,252.46875 C 224.12531,250.7656 225.86092,249.61089 227.5625,249.8
 125 C 228.93603,249.74484 230.32064,250.72254 230.5,252.125 L 236.90625,251.28125 C 236.30346,248.57745 234.27097,246.20997 231.5625,245.46875 C 229.935,245.02311 228.22477,244.80182 226.53125,244.875 z M 279,244.875 C 276.11458,244.82722 273.09566,245.81887 271.1875,248.0625 C 269.35887,250.01593 268.69715,252.78835 268.90625,255.40625 C 269.06071,258.57942 270.96032,261.61925 273.84375,263 C 276.42708,264.26198 279.47881,264.37106 282.25,263.75 C 285.00789,263.09784 287.47228,261.17924 288.5625,258.53125 C 290.1067,254.84728 289.46037,250.12239 286.4375,247.375 C 284.43673,245.53292 281.64544,244.93556 279,244.875 z M 304.15625,244.875 C 303.5762,244.87145 303.01044,244.97535 302.46875,245.25 C 301.18645,245.82374 300.51794,247.1133 299.875,248.28125 L 299.875,245.4375 L 293.46875,245.4375 C 293.46642,251.5355 293.43817,257.61908 293.4375,263.71875 L 300.40625,263.71875 L 300.40625,261.75 C 300.43736,259.30833 300.32566,256.87171 300.5625,254.4375 C 300.73318,253.01097 301.0296,25
 1.28622 302.4375,250.5625 C 303.4305,250.02827 304.50868,250.55121 305.46875,250.875 L 307.28125,246.5625 C 307.54855,246.12898 307.5795,245.77218 306.96875,245.65625 C 306.12135,245.20326 305.123,244.88092 304.15625,244.875 z M 316.8125,244.875 C 313.944,244.75095 311.24416,246.74626 310.28125,249.40625 C 309.30036,251.99637 309.4085,254.8776 310.0625,257.53125 C 310.82024,260.37628 313.3772,262.72715 316.375,262.875 C 318.02221,262.96074 319.84243,262.61957 321.125,261.53125 C 321.65763,260.95665 322.5173,259.87579 322.25,261.3125 C 322.22656,262.71696 322.44184,264.21836 321.84375,265.53125 C 321.03374,266.81839 319.19006,266.98564 317.90625,266.375 C 316.81858,266.33518 317.11739,264.47551 315.90625,264.71875 L 310.125,264.125 C 309.50347,266.76816 311.20799,269.74611 313.875,270.40625 C 316.60154,271.26237 319.49764,271.16066 322.3125,270.90625 C 324.68811,270.64995 327.16096,269.52501 328.25,267.28125 C 329.27127,265.45631 329.29538,263.34169 329.25,261.3125 L 329.25,245.4375 
 L 322.8125,245.4375 L 322.8125,248.03125 C 321.50453,246.04856 319.20547,244.77746 316.8125,244.875 z M 181.75,245.4375 C 181.75233,250.47539 181.74933,255.49169 181.75,260.53125 C 181.69711,261.87363 181.89297,263.27272 181.4375,264.5625 C 181.0078,265.66627 179.66675,265.61346 178.71875,265.375 L 177.65625,270.5625 C 179.62508,270.79403 181.57001,271.23211 183.5625,271.0625 C 184.97081,271.00683 186.30112,270.33286 187.28125,269.34375 C 188.42564,267.93617 188.49326,266.01317 188.5625,264.28125 C 188.59678,257.99763 188.55329,251.72134 188.5625,245.4375 L 181.75,245.4375 z M 202.84375,249.125 C 203.95329,249.09172 205.18486,249.55909 205.625,250.65625 C 205.8373,251.2573 206.52558,252.61661 206,252.9375 L 199.4375,252.9375 C 199.56074,251.41532 200.27758,249.69691 201.875,249.25 C 202.18319,249.16417 202.52447,249.12493 202.84375,249.125 z M 83.21875,249.8125 C 84.81783,249.74971 86.12553,251.10433 86.34375,252.625 C 86.59093,254.16964 86.6235,255.82291 86.09375,257.3125 C 85.5851
 7,258.42141 84.51087,259.40806 83.21875,259.34375 C 82.16274,259.497 81.16864,258.69003 80.5625,257.84375 C 79.6954,256.4655 79.76487,254.74716 79.90625,253.1875 C 80.034,251.824 80.79576,250.42045 82.15625,249.96875 C 82.49984,249.84916 82.85603,249.81209 83.21875,249.8125 z M 166.28125,249.8125 L 166.46875,249.8125 L 166.65625,249.8125 C 168.24903,249.69466 169.62717,251.0036 169.875,252.53125 C 170.15533,254.0429 170.15817,255.64356 169.71875,257.125 C 169.25152,258.37261 168.06301,259.46133 166.65625,259.34375 C 165.63697,259.47968 164.64055,258.69308 164.09375,257.84375 C 163.2126,256.42434 163.29992,254.63084 163.46875,253.03125 C 163.62666,251.51818 164.6538,249.94298 166.28125,249.8125 z M 279.125,249.8125 C 280.77107,249.74861 282.03138,251.21111 282.25,252.75 C 282.48768,254.25882 282.48055,255.86623 281.9375,257.3125 C 281.41893,258.40217 280.41521,259.41166 279.125,259.34375 C 278.06475,259.49194 277.01503,258.70161 276.40625,257.84375 C 275.55817,256.45691 275.65901,254
 .74655 275.78125,253.1875 C 275.89204,251.87317 276.58125,250.51671 277.875,250.03125 C 278.26601,249.87076 278.7039,249.81159 279.125,249.8125 z M 319.28125,250.0625 C 321.08552,249.99674 322.39578,251.8094 322.375,253.5 C 322.55438,255.13402 322.15278,257.16624 320.5,257.90625 C 319.04952,258.5741 317.03402,257.79625 316.6875,256.15625 C 316.17758,254.45034 316.2497,252.45136 317.25,250.9375 C 317.72499,250.33036 318.51318,249.99526 319.28125,250.0625 z M 257.75,256.625 L 257.75,263.71875 L 264.96875,263.71875 L 264.96875,256.625 L 257.75,256.625 z" transform="translate(58.124001,45.28474)" id="path3078" style="fill:#7d4698;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><g transform="matrix(1.4656327,0,0,1.4656327,-114.91364,-92.589999)" id="g3060"><path d="M 243.45456,141.73907 L 254.45054,146.3009 C 254.45054,149.09697 254.22325,157.62508 255.97165,160.14073 C 274.2593,183.69317 271.18253,230.90449 252.26708,232.11557 C 223.46265,232.11557 212.47729,212.54784 212.47729,194.56304 C 212.47729,178.
 16255 232.1385,167.26005 243.88023,157.56932 C 246.86189,154.9602 246.34411,149.1939 243.45456,141.73907 z" id="path2534-7" style="fill:#fffcdb;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><path d="M 254.45384,146.1368 L 258.41667,148.15833 C 258.04413,150.76678 258.60294,156.54518 261.21138,158.03533 C 272.76683,165.21041 283.66866,173.03778 287.95556,180.86515 C 303.23775,208.44788 277.23932,233.97963 254.78204,231.55678 C 266.9891,222.51764 270.53025,203.97471 265.96429,183.75334 C 264.10093,175.83249 261.21138,168.65741 256.08592,160.5503 C 253.86557,156.5708 254.64079,151.63546 254.45384,146.1368 z" id="path2536-6" style="fill:url(#linearGradient3077);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><g transform="matrix(1.1111963,0,0,1.1111963,39.131448,34.108974)" id="g4942" style="display:inline"><path d="M 197.76094,74.040206 L 194.74178,86.031491 C 199.01846,77.562251 205.8108,71.18929 213.61014,65.570352 C 207.90769,72.195062 202.70875,78.820387 199.52196,
 85.445098 C 204.88915,77.897508 212.10087,73.704949 220.23485,70.93754 C 209.41697,80.58141 200.83028,90.929734 194.28907,101.32824 L 189.09013,99.064331 C 190.01178,90.762105 193.14839,82.258925 197.76094,74.040206 z" id="path2554-7" style="fill:#abcd03;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><path d="M 213.625,65.562491 C 209.7467,69.702223 203.03465,76.965587 199.4375,83.312491 C 196.3689,88.726815 194.26416,93.542182 193.09375,96.781241 C 192.34506,98.853218 189.31133,98.832471 190.1875,95.406241 C 190.19615,95.372423 190.20934,95.346974 190.21875,95.312491 C 191.38669,92.553161 193.15732,88.701836 194.9375,85.312491 L 197.75,74.031241 C 196.36311,78.792777 194.37766,83.130347 193.15625,88.062491 C 193.15824,88.062491 191.0097,92.997031 190.4375,94.249991 C 190.24315,94.675568 190.0806,95.086141 189.9375,95.468741 C 189.92839,95.493088 189.91515,95.507159 189.90625,95.531241 C 189.66369,96.072792 189.49944,96.66463 189.375,97.187491 C 189.35468,97.272849 189.36142,97.324868 189.34375,9
 7.406241 C 189.18279,98.147642 189.09375,98.718741 189.09375,98.718741 C 189.96719,99.473076 194.28125,101.34374 194.28125,101.34374 C 200.82245,90.94523 209.43212,80.58136 220.25,70.937491 C 212.11602,73.704899 204.89844,77.889901 199.53125,85.437491 C 202.71804,78.812781 207.92255,72.187201 213.625,65.562491 z" id="path4724" style="fill:#437202;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><path d="M 193.34005,100.63542 L 194.28126,101.34375 C 200.82246,90.945238 209.43213,80.581364 220.25001,70.937495 C 214.0451,76.013452 205.71291,83.006064 202.18751,87.624993 C 197.72826,93.467436 200.35289,87.979211 200.35289,87.979211 C 200.35289,87.979211 202.71483,81.869504 206.87371,78.036091 C 204.45723,79.19008 200.26932,84.399602 199.53126,85.437496 C 199.53126,85.437496 196.38593,91.541806 194.63266,97.062918 C 194.16228,98.544172 193.34005,100.63542 193.34005,100.63542 z" id="path4720" style="fill:#153902;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /></g><path d="M 251.3005,144.98
 552 L 251.3005,232.11026 C 251.62736,232.11542 251.94123,232.11026 252.2728,232.11026 C 271.18825,230.89918 274.27602,183.67801 255.98836,160.12557 C 254.23996,157.60992 254.46046,149.10114 254.46046,146.30507 L 251.3005,144.98552 z" id="path4748" style="fill:#f3ecaa;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;display:inline" /><g transform="matrix(0.68230175,0,0,0.68230175,78.404988,63.177814)" id="layer4-3" style="display:inline"><path d="M 255.226,120.58877 L 267.244,122.22777 C 263.693,133.97277 274.21,142.16677 277.624,144.07977 C 285.27201,148.31377 292.64701,152.68377 298.52001,158.00977 C 309.58301,168.11577 315.86501,182.31977 315.86501,197.34277 C 315.86501,212.22877 309.03601,226.56877 297.56401,236.12877 C 286.77501,245.14277 271.889,248.96677 257.412,248.96677 C 248.398,248.96677 240.34,248.55777 231.6,245.68877 C 211.661,238.99677 196.774,221.92577 195.545,201.43877 C 194.452,185.45977 198.003,173.30477 210.432,160.60377 C 216.85,153.91177 229.825,146.26377 238.703,14
 0.11777 C 243.074,137.11277 247.717,128.64477 238.839,112.66677 L 240.615,111.30077 L 253.77159,120.1128 L 242.664,115.53477 C 243.62,116.90077 246.215,123.04677 246.762,124.82177 C 247.991,129.87477 247.445,134.79277 246.352,136.97677 C 240.753,147.08377 231.193,149.81477 224.228,155.55077 C 211.936,165.65677 198.552,173.71477 200.054,201.43877 C 200.737,215.09577 211.39,231.75777 227.368,239.54277 C 236.382,243.91377 246.762,245.68877 257.278,246.23477 C 266.701,246.64477 284.72901,241.04477 294.56201,232.85077 C 305.07801,224.11077 310.95101,210.86277 310.95101,197.34277 C 310.95101,183.68477 305.48801,170.71077 295.24501,161.55977 C 289.37201,156.23377 279.676,149.81477 273.667,146.39977 C 267.658,142.98577 260.146,133.42577 262.604,124.27577 z" id="path2538-6" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 251.539,140.80177 C 250.31,147.08477 248.944,158.41977 243.481,162.65377 C 241.159,164.29177 238.837,165.93177 236.379,167.56977 C 226.546,174.26277 216.712,180
 .54377 212.206,196.65977 C 211.25,200.07477 212.07,203.76177 212.89,207.17577 C 215.348,217.00877 222.313,227.66177 227.776,233.94477 C 227.776,234.21777 228.869,234.90077 228.869,235.17377 C 233.376,240.50077 234.742,242.00277 251.813,245.82577 L 251.403,247.73877 C 241.16,245.00777 232.693,242.54977 227.366,236.40277 C 227.366,236.26677 226.41,235.30977 226.41,235.30977 C 220.674,228.75377 213.708,217.82877 211.114,207.58577 C 210.158,203.48777 209.339,200.34777 210.431,196.11277 C 215.074,179.45177 225.181,172.89577 235.424,165.93077 C 237.746,164.42877 240.477,163.06177 242.662,161.28677 C 246.895,158.14677 249.216,148.58577 251.539,140.80177 z" id="path2540-5" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 255.90625,166.74951 C 256.04325,173.85151 255.35,177.41426 257.125,182.46826 C 258.217,185.47226 261.907,189.56976 263,193.53076 C 264.502,198.85776 266.138,204.72977 266,208.28077 C 266,212.37876 265.74375,220.02326 263.96875,228.21826 C 262.61513,234.98934 259
 .49552,240.79979 254.25,244.09326 C 248.87673,242.98682 242.56776,241.09805 238.84375,237.90576 C 231.60575,231.62376 225.195,221.11926 224.375,211.96826 C 223.693,204.45727 230.64775,193.37976 240.34375,187.78076 C 248.53775,183.00076 250.44375,177.55301 252.21875,168.81201 C 249.76075,176.46001 247.45225,182.87126 239.53125,186.96826 C 228.05925,192.97726 222.17275,203.06452 222.71875,212.62451 C 223.53775,224.91551 228.46025,233.24401 238.15625,239.93701 C 242.25325,242.80501 249.9075,245.83576 254.6875,246.65576 L 254.6875,246.03076 C 258.31243,245.35188 263.00568,239.39809 265.34375,231.34326 C 267.39275,224.10526 268.2005,214.84126 268.0625,208.96827 C 267.9255,205.55427 266.4195,198.16026 263.6875,191.46826 C 262.1855,187.78126 259.878,184.09451 258.375,181.49951 C 256.738,178.90251 256.72625,173.30451 255.90625,166.74951 z" id="path2542-6" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 255.09375,193.53076 C 255.22975,198.31076 257.14975,204.43527 257.96875,210.
 71827 C 258.65275,215.36226 258.35575,220.02651 258.21875,224.12451 C 258.0838,228.86774 256.50355,237.36669 254.34375,241.49951 C 252.30702,240.56548 251.51081,239.50029 250.1875,237.78076 C 248.5495,235.45876 247.43675,233.13676 246.34375,230.40576 C 245.52475,228.35676 244.56725,226.01176 244.15625,223.28076 C 243.61025,219.18376 243.76325,212.77426 248.40625,206.21827 C 251.95725,201.02826 252.771,200.63351 254,194.62451 C 252.36,199.95051 251.1375,200.49351 247.3125,204.99952 C 243.0795,209.91652 242.375,217.15876 242.375,223.03076 C 242.375,225.48976 243.3555,228.21801 244.3125,230.81201 C 245.4045,233.54401 246.34175,236.26401 247.84375,238.31201 C 250.10171,241.63283 252.99173,243.52123 254.40625,243.87451 C 254.41563,243.87685 254.42825,243.8723 254.4375,243.87451 C 254.46781,243.88174 254.50238,243.89999 254.53125,243.90576 L 254.53125,243.74951 C 257.18107,240.79514 258.77569,237.86017 259.3125,234.90576 C 259.9955,231.35476 260.1525,227.79601 260.5625,223.56201 C 260.971
 5,220.01101 260.67475,215.22801 259.71875,210.31202 C 258.35375,204.16602 256.04975,197.89976 255.09375,193.53076 z" id="path2544-3" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 255.499,135.06577 C 255.636,142.16677 256.182,155.41577 258.094,160.60477 C 258.64,162.37977 263.693,170.16477 267.243,179.58777 C 269.702,186.14377 270.248,192.15277 270.658,193.92777 C 272.297,201.71277 270.248,214.82377 267.516,227.25177 C 266.151,233.94377 261.507,242.27477 256.181,245.55277 L 255.089,247.46477 C 258.094,247.32777 265.468,240.08977 268.063,231.07577 C 272.434,215.77977 274.209,208.67777 272.161,191.74277 C 271.888,190.10277 271.205,184.50477 268.61,178.49477 C 264.786,169.34377 259.323,160.60377 258.641,158.82777 C 257.411,155.96077 255.772,143.53277 255.499,135.06577 z" id="path2550-9" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 258.06151,125.35303 C 257.65636,132.65115 257.548,135.33877 258.913,140.66477 C 260.415,146.53777 268.064,155.00477 271.205,164
 .70177 C 277.214,183.27577 275.712,207.58577 271.341,226.56877 C 269.703,233.25977 261.917,242.95777 254.133,246.09777 L 259.869,247.46377 C 263.01,247.32677 271.067,239.81577 274.209,231.21177 C 279.261,217.69077 280.218,201.57577 278.169,184.64077 C 278.032,183.00177 275.3,168.38877 272.706,162.24277 C 269.018,153.09277 262.462,144.89777 261.78,143.12377 C 260.552,140.11877 257.85349,133.88015 258.06151,125.35303 z" id="path2552-4" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /><path d="M 253.71959,120.21687 C 253.77917,120.21088 253.83856,123.48208 253.88718,129.77904 C 253.93581,136.076 253.97339,145.39357 253.99454,157.03048 C 254.0157,168.66738 254.02041,182.61455 254.01083,197.82859 C 254.00125,213.04262 253.97762,229.51192 253.94782,246.00754 C 253.97914,246.00754 254.01045,246.00754 254.04177,246.00754 C 254.04177,230.48011 254.04702,214.96246 254.05716,200.48155 C 254.0673,186.00063 254.08233,172.56501 254.10125,161.06788 C 254.12016,149.57075 254.14295,140.01916 254.16
 809,133.05468 C 254.19322,126.0902 254.2207,121.71744 254.24866,120.2382 C 253.90193,120.24537 253.71817,120.2311 253.7196,120.21686 C 253.71817,120.20262 253.90188,120.18835 254.29134,120.19552 C 254.3193,121.61981 254.34678,125.94524 254.37191,132.89212 C 254.39705,139.839 254.41984,149.40337 254.43875,160.94887 C 254.45767,172.49437 254.4727,186.01385 254.48284,200.59851 C 254.49298,215.18318 254.49823,230.82368 254.49823,246.464 C 254.16261,246.464 253.82698,246.464 253.49136,246.464 C 253.46156,229.90825 253.43793,213.36755 253.42835,198.08839 C 253.41877,182.80922 253.42348,168.80373 253.44464,157.12468 C 253.46579,145.44563 253.50337,136.10212 253.552,129.79227 C 253.60062,123.48241 253.66001,120.21088 253.71959,120.21687 z" id="rect2556-8" style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" /></g></g><path d="M 99.943,82.074773 H 209.611 C 213.707,82.074773 217.258,85.488773 217.258,89.722773 V 122.08977 C 217.258,126.32377 213.707,129.73877 209.611,129.73877 H 187.077 C 182.023
 ,129.73877 179.838,132.60577 179.838,135.88377 V 241.86378 C 179.838,245.41478 176.97,248.14578 173.556,248.14578 H 136.272 C 132.857,248.14578 130.126,245.41478 130.126,241.86378 V 134.92877 C 130.126,131.65077 127.121,129.73977 124.8,129.73977 H 99.943 C 95.709,129.73977 92.295,126.32477 92.295,122.09077 V 89.722773 C 92.294,85.488773 95.708,82.074773 99.943,82.074773 z" id="path2528" style="fill:#7d4698;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><path d="M 381.30687,124.95877 L 381.44287,124.95877 L 391.00287,124.95877 C 394.55387,124.95877 397.42187,127.82677 397.42187,131.24077 L 397.42187,165.93077 C 397.42187,170.43777 397.69487,172.21277 392.23187,172.21277 C 381.44287,172.21277 376.52687,177.94877 376.52687,184.23077 L 376.52687,242.81978 C 376.52687,245.55178 373.93187,247.87278 370.79087,247.87278 L 335.96387,247.87278 C 332.82287,247.87278 330.22787,245.55178 330.22787,242.81978 L 330.22787,176.03577 C 330.19003,174.86136 330.21308,173.12767 330.36487,172.21277 C 33
 2.27687,147.49277 351.6724,127.71491 376.25287,125.23177 C 377.07686,125.14853 379.9923,124.95877 381.30687,124.95877 z" id="path2532" style="fill:#7d4698;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none" /><g transform="matrix(1.8025885,0,0,1.8025885,-321.30782,-98.80226)" id="layer7"><path d="M 405.999,129.09724 L 406.03025,129.09724 C 406.32841,129.09725 406.59516,129.09434 406.8115,129.12849 C 407.02174,129.15616 407.18553,129.23538 407.3115,129.31599 C 407.43963,129.38992 407.52656,129.48086 407.59275,129.62849 C 407.65137,129.75929 407.71119,129.95551 407.71775,130.19099 A 0.15001501,0.15001501 0 0 0 407.71775,130.22224 A 0.15001501,0.15001501 0 0 0 407.71775,130.25349 A 0.15001501,0.15001501 0 0 0 407.71775,130.28474 C 407.71088,130.78287 407.57349,131.11169 407.34275,131.28474 C 407.09818,131.46817 406.66419,131.566 406.0615,131.56599 L 405.999,131.56599 L 405.999,129.09724 z M 406.624,126.65974 C 408.58231,126.62221 410.53291,127.79987 411.35006,129.58251 C 412.29552,131.43018 
 412.03559,133.85822 410.60266,135.39008 C 410.45914,135.5564 410.56057,135.07431 410.53025,134.94099 C 410.50664,134.74608 410.24551,134.76592 410.08634,134.71387 C 409.881,134.71603 409.76226,134.58697 409.66954,134.41849 C 409.14394,133.6864 408.61835,132.95432 408.09275,132.22224 C 408.72543,132.0174 409.31305,131.59055 409.53124,130.9383 C 409.88942,130.02066 409.46377,128.87638 408.55463,128.46433 C 407.61591,127.99371 406.54008,128.16049 405.52668,128.12849 C 404.8379,128.1355 404.13903,128.1149 403.45616,128.13801 C 403.3012,128.29067 403.40346,128.54915 403.374,128.75349 C 403.41326,128.83477 403.44806,128.91528 403.55774,128.91855 C 403.74649,128.94686 403.93525,128.97518 404.124,129.00349 C 404.124,130.89932 404.124,132.79516 404.124,134.69099 C 403.90804,134.75931 403.62646,134.70852 403.46775,134.87849 C 403.47581,135.09914 403.45198,135.33178 403.47727,135.54633 C 403.59608,135.65947 403.79827,135.56664 403.95069,135.59724 C 404.89385,135.59723 405.83724,135.59726 406.7
 8025,135.59724 C 406.91504,135.48472 406.8092,135.27086 406.84275,135.11585 C 406.84896,134.99491 406.87441,134.80931 406.71775,134.78474 C 406.47817,134.75349 406.23858,134.72224 405.999,134.69099 C 405.999,133.97224 405.999,133.25349 405.999,132.53474 C 406.21776,132.46529 406.30282,132.64714 406.40028,132.80568 C 407.0061,133.70495 407.61193,134.60422 408.21775,135.50349 C 408.21476,135.59479 408.35266,135.61735 408.39617,135.60835 C 409.06562,135.58221 409.75839,135.6048 410.4365,135.59724 C 409.88985,136.24245 409.11121,136.66629 408.3242,136.95456 C 406.60757,137.54095 404.59842,137.15879 403.24066,135.94741 C 401.76786,134.65244 401.14017,132.51152 401.6259,130.61776 C 402.14743,128.45188 404.17291,126.70624 406.42465,126.66418 C 406.49107,126.66158 406.55753,126.66012 406.624,126.65974 z M 406.65525,125.59724 C 404.79677,125.5659 402.96344,126.46712 401.78608,127.89152 C 400.49592,129.45674 400.01731,131.64057 400.55953,133.59716 C 401.12596,135.75186 402.9133,137.51703 405.
 07479,138.05675 C 407.33649,138.64681 409.91104,137.90817 411.43511,136.1134 C 412.42682,135.01714 412.99503,133.54684 412.96775,132.06599 C 412.99313,131.51621 412.93168,130.90548 412.80555,130.34718 C 412.1779,127.58852 409.46307,125.55052 406.65525,125.59724 z" id="text4064" style="font-size:18.31413078px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;text-indent:0;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;line-height:125%;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;text-transform:none;direction:ltr;block-progression:tb;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;baseline-shift:baseline;color:#000000;fill:#7d4698;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0;marker:none;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible;enable-background:accumulate;font-family:Liberation Serif;-inkscape-font-specification:Sans" /></g></g></svg>
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index 4a0b92d..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/base.html
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@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%namespace name="base" file="base.html" inheritable="True"/>
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-       ("""<a href="mailto:bridges at torproject.org">bridges at torproject.org</a>""",
-        """<a href="https://riseup.net/">Riseup</a>""",
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index c37debe..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/bridgedb.asc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# This keypair contains BridgeDB's online signing and encryption subkeys. This
-# keypair rotates because it is kept online. However, the current online
-# keypair will *ALWAYS* be certified by the offline keypair (at the bottom of
-# this file).
-# If you receive an email from BridgeDB, it should be signed with the
-# 21B554E95938F4D0 subkey from the following keypair:
-# pub   4096R/8DC43A2848821E32 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
-#       Key fingerprint = DF81 1109 E17C 8BF1 34B5  EEB6 8DC4 3A28 4882 1E32
-# uid                          BridgeDB <bridges at bridges.torproject.org>
-# sub   4096R/21B554E95938F4D0 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
-#       Key fingerprint = 9FE3 9D1A 7438 9223 3B3F  66F2 21B5 54E9 5938 F4D0
-# sub   4096R/E7793047C5B54232 2013-09-11 [expires: 2015-09-11]
-#       Key fingerprint = CFFB 8469 9048 37E7 8CAE  322C E779 3047 C5B5 4232
-# The following keypair is BridgeDB's offline certification-only keypair. It
-# is used to sign new online signing/encryption keypairs.
-# If you import this key and mark it as trusted, emails from BridgeDB (if
-# signed correctly with the online keypair above) should always be trusted. To
-# do this, open a shell and do:
-#     $ curl -O https://bridges.torproject.org/keys
-#     $ gpg --import keys
-#     $ gpg --check-sigs 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
-#     $ gpg --edit-key 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
-# Then type 'trust' to set the trust level. Choose a number that you like.
-# Next type 'quit'. Finally, to create a local signature which will will not
-# be uploaded to keyservers:
-#     $ gpg --lsign-key 7B78437015E63DF47BB1270ACBD97AA24E8E472E
-# pub   16384R/CBD97AA24E8E472E 2013-10-12
-#      Key fingerprint = 7B78 4370 15E6 3DF4 7BB1  270A CBD9 7AA2 4E8E 472E
-# uid            BridgeDB (Offline ID Key) <bridges at bridges.torproject.org>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/bridges.html b/lib/bridgedb/templates/bridges.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ac544..0000000
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-% if answer:
-    <div class="container-fluid"
-         style="width: 98%; align: center; margin: auto;">
-      <div class="container-fluid"
-           style="padding: 2%">
-        <h2>${_(strings.BRIDGES[0])}</h2>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="container-fluid"
-         style="width: auto; align: center; margin: auto;
-                position: relative; left: 0%;"
-         onclick="selectText('bridgelines')">
-      <div class="row" id="bridgesrow1">
-        <div class="col col-lg-12">
-          <div class="bridge-lines" id="bridgelines">
-## See http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/filtering.html
-% for bridgeline in answer:
-${bridgeline | h,trim}<br />
-% endfor
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="container-fluid"
-         style="width: 100%; align: center; margin: auto;">
-      <div class="row" id="bridgesrow2" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 7%;">
-        <button class="btn btn-primary disabled" id="selectbtn"
-                onclick="selectText('bridgelines')"
-                title="Select all bridge lines">
-          <i class="icon icon-2x icon-paste"></i>   ${_("""Select All""")}
-        </button>
-% if qrcode:
-        <a class="btn btn-primary" type="button" id="qrcodebtn"
-           href="${qrcode}" title="Show QRCode for bridge lines"
-           onclick="displayOrHide('qrcode')">
-          <i class="icon icon-2x icon-qrcode"></i>   ${_("""Show QRCode""")}
-        </a>
-% endif
-      </div>
-      <div class="modal" id="qrcode" style="display: none;">
-        <div class="modal-dialog modal-sm" style="width: 400px;">
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-                      onclick="displayOrHide('qrcode')">
-                ×
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-              <h4 class="modal-title">${_("""QRCode for your bridge lines""")}</h4>
-            </div>
-            <div class="modal-body">
-% if qrcode:
-              <p style="text-align: center;">
-                <img width="350" height="350"
-                     title="QRCode for your bridge lines from BridgeDB"
-                     src="${qrcode}" />
-              </p>
-% else:
-              <p class="text-danger">
-## TRANSLATORS: Please translate this into some silly way to say
-##              "There was a problem!" in your language. For example,
-##              for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",
-##              or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
-${_("""Uh oh, spaghettios!""")}
-${_("""It seems there was an error getting your QRCode.""")}
-                <i class="icon icon-frown"></i>
-              </p>
-% endif
-              <p>
-${_("""This QRCode contains your bridge lines. Scan it with a QRCode """ \
-    """reader to copy your bridge lines onto mobile and other devices.""")}
-              </p>
-            </div>
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-    <br />
-<div class="container-fluid"
-     style="width: 100%; align: center; margin: auto;">
-  <div class="panel panel-primary">
-    <div class="panel-heading">
-      <h3 class="panel-title">${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[0])}</h3>
-    </div>
-    <br />
-    <div class="container-fluid" id="howto" style="align-content: left;">
-      <p>
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[1]) % \
-           ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html"
-                  target="_blank">""",
-            """</a>""")}
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[2])}
-      </p>
-      <br />
-      <div class="bs-component">
-        <blockquote>
-          <p>
-            ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[3])}
-          </p>
-        </blockquote>
-      </div>
-      <p>
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[4])}
-      </p>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-% else:
-<div class="bs-component" style="width: 80%; margin: auto;">
-  <div class="alert alert-dismissable alert-danger">
-    <p style="text-align: center; font-size: 115%;">
-      <br />
-      <strong>
-        <em class="primary">
-## TRANSLATORS: Please translate this into some silly way to say
-##              "There was a problem!" in your language. For example,
-##              for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",
-##              or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
-${_("""Uh oh, spaghettios!""")}
-        </em>
-      </strong>
-      <br />
-    </p>
-    <p style="text-align: center;">
-      ${_("""There currently aren't any bridges available...""")}
-      ${_(""" Perhaps you should try %s going back %s and choosing a""" \
-          """ different bridge type!""") % \
-         ("""<a class="alert-link" href="options">""", """</a>""")}
-    </p>
-  </div>
-<br />
-% endif
-<script type="text/javascript">
-  // Make the 'Select All' button clickable:
-  document.getElementById('selectbtn').className = "btn btn-primary";
-  // Remove the href attribute which opens the QRCode image as a data URL if
-  // JS is disabled:
-  document.getElementById('qrcodebtn').removeAttribute('href');
-<hr />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/captcha.html b/lib/bridgedb/templates/captcha.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ab605e9..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/captcha.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%inherit file="base.html"/>
-<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', imgstr=0, captcha_challenge=0, **kwargs"/>
-<div class="container-narrow"
-     id="captchaSubmissionContainer"
-     style="width: 90%; align: center; margin: auto;">
-  <div class="container-fluid"
-       style="width: 100%; align: center; padding: 5%">
-    <div class="box" style="padding: 5% 15% 5% 15%;">
-      <p style="align: center;">
-        <img width="400" height="125"
-             alt="${_(strings.CAPTCHA[0])}"
-             src="${imgstr}" />
-      </p>
-    <div class="box"
-         style="align: center; width: 50% margin: auto;">
-      <div class="container-fluid"
-           style="width: 98%; align: center; padding: 1%;">
-        <form class="bs-component"
-              id="captchaSubmission"
-              action=""
-              method="POST">
-          <fieldset>
-            <div class="form-group">
-                 <!--style="width: 100%; align: center;">-->
-              <div class="input-group" style="height: 60%;">
-                <input type="hidden"
-                       form="captchaSubmission"
-                       name="captcha_challenge_field"
-                       id="captcha_challenge_field"
-                       value="${challenge_field}"></input>
-                <input class="form-control"
-                       form="captchaSubmission"
-                       name="captcha_response_field"
-                       id="captcha_response_field"
-                       value=""
-                       autocomplete="off"
-                       type="text"
-                       placeholder="${_(strings.CAPTCHA[1])}"
-                       accesskey="t" autofocus ></input>
-                <span class="input-group-btn">
-                  <button class="btn btn-primary"
-                          form="captchaSubmission"
-                          type="submit"
-                          name="submit"
-                          value="submit"
-                          accesskey="s">
-                    <i class="icon-level-down icon-rotate-90"></i>
-                  </button>
-                </span>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </fieldset>
-        </form>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<hr />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/howto.html b/lib/bridgedb/templates/howto.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b10f1b2..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/howto.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%inherit file="base.html"/>
-<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
-<div class="container-fluid"
-     style="width: 98%; align: center; margin: auto;">
-<div class="container-fluid"
-     style="width: 95%; align: center;
-            padding-top: 10%; padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 5%;">
-  <div class="panel panel-primary">
-    <div class="panel-heading">
-      <h3 class="panel-title">${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[0])}</h3>
-    </div>
-    <br />
-    <div class="container-fluid" id="howto" style="align-content: left;">
-      <p>
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[1]) % \
-           ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html"
-                  target="_blank">""",
-            """</a>""")}
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[2])}
-      </p>
-      <br />
-      <div class="bs-component">
-        <blockquote>
-          <p>
-            ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[3])}
-          </p>
-        </blockquote>
-      </div>
-      <p>
-        ${_(strings.HOWTO_TBB[4])}
-      </p>
-    </div>
-  </div>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/index.html b/lib/bridgedb/templates/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 469b27a..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%inherit file="base.html"/>
-<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
-<div class="main-steps">
-<div class="step row">
-  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
-    <span class="lead">
-      <span class="step-title">
-        ${_("Step %s1%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
-      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
-        ${_("Download %s Tor Browser %s") % \
-           ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html"
-                  target="_blank" accesskey="1">""",
-            """</a>""")}</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-<div class="step row">
-  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
-    <span class="lead">
-      <span class="step-title">
-        ${_("Step %s2%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
-      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
-        ${_("Get %s bridges %s") % ("""<a href="/options" accesskey="2">""", "</a>")}</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-<div class="step row">
-  <div class="bdb_span7 step-text">
-    <span class="lead">
-      <span class="step-title">
-        ${_("Step %s3%s") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}</span>
-      <span style="margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
-        ${_("""Now %s add the bridges to Tor Browser %s""") % \
-           ("""<a href="/howto" accesskey="3">""",
-            """</a>""")}</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/options.html b/lib/bridgedb/templates/options.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9486199..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/options.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%inherit file="base.html"/>
-<%page args="strings, rtl=False, lang='en', **kwargs"/>
-<div class="container-fluid"
-     style="width: 96%; align: center; margin: 2%">
-  <div class="container-fluid" style="padding: 2%">
-  <p>
-    <h2>${_(strings.BRIDGES[1])}</h2>
-  </p>
-  </div>
-  <div class="container-fluid"
-       style="width: 100%; align: center; padding: 2%;">
-    <p>
-      ${_(strings.WELCOME[0]) % \
-         ("""<a href="https://www.torproject.org/docs/pluggable-transports.html">""",
-          """</a>""")}
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      ${_(strings.WELCOME[1])}
-    </p>
-## The '&#8212' char is a literal emdash ('―'), but it's also XML parseable.
-    <p>
-      ${_(strings.WELCOME[2]) % ("&#8212", "&#8212")}
-    </p>
-    <div class="container-fluid" style="align: center: margin: 2%;">
-      <div style="align: center; padding: 5%;">
-        <p class="bs-component">
-          <a href="./bridges">
-            <button class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block"
-                    type="button"
-                    accesskey="j">
-## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
-##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
-##              (These are used to insert HTML5 underlining tags, to mark accesskeys
-##              for disabled users.)
-            ${_("""%sJ%sust give me bridges!""") % ("""<u>""", """</u>""")}
-            </button>
-          </a>
-        </p>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<!-- BEGIN "Advanced Options" panel for bridge type -->
-<div class="container-fluid"
-     style="width: 96%; align: center; margin-left: 2%; margin-right: 2%;">
-  <div class="panel panel-primary">
-    <div class="panel-heading">
-      <h3 class="panel-title">${_("""Advanced Options""")}</h3>
-    </div>
-    <!-- BEGIN bridge options selection form -->
-    <form class="form-horizontal" id="advancedOptions" action="bridges" method="GET">
-      <fieldset>
-        <div class="container-fluid" id="instructions" style="align-content: left;">
-          <legend style="font-size: 112%">
-            <br />
-            <p>${_(strings.OPTIONS[0])}</p>
-          </legend>
-        </div>
-        <div class="container-fluid">
-          <!-- BEGIN first options row -->
-          <div class="row" style="width: 98%; height: inherit; margin: auto;">
-            <!-- BEGIN left column, first row -->
-            <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
-                 style="float: left; width: 50%; height: inherit;">
-              <div class="step" style="height: inherit;">
-                <div class="form-group">
-                  <label class="control-label"
-                         for="transport"
-                          style="text-align: inherit;">
-                    ${_(strings.OPTIONS[2]) % ("Pluggable <u>T</u>ransport")}
-                  </label>
-                  <div class="container-fluid col-lg-4">
-                    <div class="btn-group" style="float: left; padding: 2%;">
-                      <select class="btn btn-primary btn-sm dropdown"
-                              form="advancedOptions"
-                              id="transport"
-                              name="transport"
-                              data-toggle="dropdown"
-                              type="button"
-                              accesskey="t">
-                        ${_("""No""")}
-<option label="none"  value="0"        >${_("none")}</option>
-% for methodname, default in strings._getSupportedAndDefaultTransports().items():
-    <option label=${methodname}
-            value=${methodname}
-    % if default:
-            selected
-    % endif
-            > ${methodname} </option>
-% endfor
-                      </select>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div> <!-- END left column, first row -->
-            <!-- BEGIN right column, first row -->
-            <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
-                 style="float: right; width: 50%; height: inherit;">
-              <div class="step"
-                   style="height: inherit; margin-right: 1%;">
-                <div class="form-group">
-                  <label class="control-label"
-                         for="ipv6"
-                         style="text-align: inherit;">
-                    ${_(strings.OPTIONS[1])}
-                  </label>
-                  <div class="container-fluid col-lg-4">
-                    <div class="checkbox"
-                         style="float: left;">
-                      <div class="input-group"
-                           style="float: left; padding: 2%;">
-                        <input name="ipv6"
-                               id="ipv6"
-                               form="advancedOptions"
-                               type="checkbox"
-                               value="yes"
-                               accesskey="y" />
-## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
-##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
-## TRANSLATORS: Translate "Yes!" as in "Yes! I do need IPv6 addresses."
-                          ${_("""%sY%ses!""") % ("<u>", "</u>")}
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>  <!-- END left column, first row -->
-          </div>
-        </div> <!-- END first row -->
-      </fieldset>
-      <!-- BEGIN second options row -->
-      <div class="row"
-           style="width: 98%; height: inherit;
-                  margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 2%;">
-        <div class="container-fluid col-lg-2"
-             style="width: 50%; text-align: center;">
-          <p>
-            <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block"
-                    accesskey="g">
-## TRANSLATORS: Please make sure the '%s' surrounding single letters at the
-##              beginning of words are present in your final translation. Thanks!
-## TRANSLATORS: Please do NOT translate the word "bridge"!
-              ${_("""%sG%set Bridges""") % ("<u>", "</u>")}
-            </button>
-          </p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </form> <!-- END bridge options selection form -->
-  </div> <!-- END advanced options panel (a.k.a. the lined boxy thing --
-           -- surrounding the options)                                -->
-<br />
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/templates/robots.txt b/lib/bridgedb/templates/robots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d347e..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/templates/robots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1079 +0,0 @@
-#             ___
-#            [___]
-#           /_____\
-#    .-----'_______'-.
-#    |HERO |_______| |
-#    |_______________|
-#    | |------.--.-| |
-#    | |_____/)\  \| |
-#    | | o| |/__\  \ |
-#    | |  |||____\--\|
-#    | |__|||_____`\_\
-#    |_____________|  |
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-#          '.___.'
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-#         .-v'---`\.
-#        /:/__ : __\'.
-#       |:/<O_>|<O>|:|         TEChNIciANs 0f SpaceShip Earth ...
-#       |:|\_..J...|:|           ... aNDriods aRe we ...
-#      _|:|\ t----j|:|_             ...'ll bAre You n0 soN ...
-#     /:`.| \ \__/ |.':\                ... arE In coNTrol ...
-#    |:   |  |---: |   :|              _   ... oF y0ur futURe deStiny
-#     \:  |.-::.:|-:._:/           /|.' '.  ... Circu1ts are fAiliNg
-#     / .-'  :'x71':  `\           ||_   |  ... adjusT me  adjuzzt me
-#     \/\...---.   :---.\          |   .`  ... adjust me .. AdjUst Me
-#     /.'`/ .'  ':'  '. \\       .'\ .'  ... adjuztme .. adJustmE ...
-#    | : |..:...:|:....:.|\    .'   '                      (hawkwind)
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-#       /       '///'    ,//'/,       /
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-#         `=======================''  Ojo99
-#  Robby the Robot                       ____
-#  The Forbidden Planet             ,p+~~'  `~~+q,              .mmmmm_
-#  (and others)                  ,JY'            `YL,         .##'~~~`##.
-#                              .JY .p~~q.p~~q.p~~q. YL.      .#/       \#.
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-#                 :#!           `Y=L,            _r+~            NW
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-#                    .Z             N,          j!            !L
-#                    Z               N         .|              !;
-#                   ,|               |,       ,|                |,
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-#                    |,f'         `Y,|         |,f'          `Y,|
-#                    V/             \V         V/              \V 
-#                      ____________
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-#                    |_\__/_<>_\__/_|
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-#                      /  ||  ||  \
-#                   ///            \\\
-#                  //|              |\\
-#                  / \\   Hootbot  // \
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-#                      \          /
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-#                       |        | m1a
-#                   ____|        |____
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-#                  |    /        \    |
-#                  |  /    TOMY    \  |
-#                  |/________________\|
-#                  |__________________|
-# ERS-210 ...
-#               ,
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-#   ,--``' / ,";,\  
-#   |   __; `-'   ;
-#   |```          ;                          _
-#   '-""`!------'/                      _,-'`/
-#    "===`-'"|_|"                 ____,(__,-'
-#           (ctr`.________,,---``` ;__|
-#           | ,-"""""\-..._____,"""""-.
-#           |;;;'''':::````:::; ;'''': :
-#           (( .---.  ))     ( ( .---.) )
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-#              /(____\          /____)
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-#           ,-\   /               ;-._ |
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-#        ["]   ["]  ,<  |__**|    
-#       /[_]\  [~]\/    |//  |    
-#        ] [   OOO      /o|__|   Phs
-#    .:|Robot|:. 
-#                   ,--.    ,--.
-#                  ((O ))--((O ))
-#                ,'_`--'____`--'_`.
-#               _:  ____________  :_
-#              | | ||::::::::::|| | |
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-#              |_| |/__________\| |_|
-#                |________________|
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-#          .-| : .----------------. : |-.
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-#       /`.\:| | ||  __  __  __  || | |;/,'\
-#      :`-._\;.| || '--''--''--' || |,:/_.-':
-#      |    :  | || .----------. || |  :    |
-#      |    |  | || '----SSt---' || |  |    |
-#      |    |  | ||   _   _   _  || |  |    |
-#      :,--.;  | ||  (_) (_) (_) || |  :,--.;
-#      (`-'|)  | ||______________|| |  (|`-')
-#       `--'   | |/______________\| |   `--'
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-#               `.________________,'
-#                (_______)(_______)
-#                (_______)(_______)
-#                (_______)(_______)
-#                (_______)(_______)
-#               |        ||        |
-#               '--------''--------'
-#                               .-"""-.
-#                             /`       `\
-#      ,-==-.                ;           ;
-#     /(    \`.              |           |
-#    | \ ,-. \ (             :           ;
-#     \ \`-.> ) 1             \         /
-#      \_`.   | |              `._   _.`
-#       \o_`-_|/                _|`"'|-.
-#      /`  `>.  __          .-'`-|___|_ )    do you wanna a ride?
-#     |\  (^  >'  `>-----._/             )   see yourself going by
-#     | `._\ /    /      / |      ---   -;   the other side of the sky,
-#     :     `|   (      (  |      ___  _/    ... it flys,
-#      \     `.  `\      \_\      ___ _/     sideways through time,
-#       `.     `-='`t----'  `--.______/      its an electric line
-#         `.   ,-''-.)           |---|       to do your zodiac sign
-#           `.(,-=-./             \_/                  (hawkwind)
-#              |   |               V
-# cjr          |-''`-.             `.
-# 2nov01      /  ,-'-.\              `-.
-#            |  (      \                `.
-#             \  \     |               ,.'
-#                  _______
-#                _/       \_
-#               / |       | \
-#              /  |__   __|  \
-#             |__/((o| |o))\__|
-#             |      | |      |
-#             |\     |_|     /|
-#             | \           / |
-#              \| /  ___  \ |/
-#               \ | / _ \ | /
-#                \_________/
-#                 _|_____|_
-#            ____|_________|____
-#           /                   \ 
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-#                                  |_____|
-#                            ____ ___|_|___ ____
-#                           ()___)         ()___)
-#                           // /|           |\ \\
-#                          // / |           | \ \\
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-#                         (___)   (_______)   (___)
-#                         (___)     (___)     (___)
-#                         (___)      |_|      (___)
-#                         (___)  ___/___\___   | |
-#                          | |  |           |  | |
-#                          | |  |___________| /___\
-#                         /___\  |||     ||| //   \\
-#                        //   \\ |||     ||| \\   //
-#                        \\   // |||     |||  \\ //
-#                         \\ // ()__)   (__()
-#                               ///       \\\
-#                              ///         \\\
-#                            _///___     ___\\\_
-#                           |_______|   |_______|
-# -=[ Robot from 'Lost in Space' ]=-  11/97
-#             ,.-""``""-.,
-#            /  ,:,;;,;,  \
-#            \  ';';;';'  /
-#             `'---;;---'`
-#             <>_==""==_<>
-#             _<<<<<>>>>>_
-#           .'____\==/____'.
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-#          /C  \  |..|  /  D\
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-#           |____o|##|o____|
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-#             {=_==}{-=_=}
-#             }~~~~""~~~~{
-#        jgs  }____::____{
-#            /`    ||    `\
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-#            |     ||     |
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-#            '-----''-----'
-#                                 .andAHHAbnn.
-#                              .aAHHHAAUUAAHHHAn.
-#                             dHP^~"        "~^THb.
-#                       .   .AHF                YHA.   .
-#                       |  .AHHb.              .dHHA.  |
-#                       |  HHAUAAHAbn      adAHAAUAHA  |
-#                       I  HF~"_____        ____ ]HHH  I
-#                      HHI HAPK""~^YUHb  dAHHHHHHHHHH IHH
-#                      HHI HHHD> .andHH  HHUUP^~YHHHH IHH
-#                      YUI ]HHP     "~Y  P~"     THH[ IUP
-#                       "  `HK                   ]HH'  "
-#                           THAn.  .d.aAAn.b.  .dHHP
-#                           ]HHHHAAUP" ~~ "YUAAHHHH[
-#                           `HHP^~"  .annn.  "~^YHH'
-#                            YHb    ~" "" "~    dHF
-#                             "YAb..abdHHbndbndAP"
-#                               THHAAb.  .adAHHF
-#                               "UHHHHHHHHHHU"      -Row
-#                                 ]HHUUHHHHHH[
-#                               .adHHb "HHHHHbn.
-#                        ..andAAHHHHHHb.AHHHHHHHAAbnn..
-#                   .ndAAHHHHHHUUHHHHHHHHHHUP^~"~^YUHHHAAbn.
-#                     "~^YUHHP"   "~^YUHHUP"        "^YUP^"
-#                          ""         "~~"
-#                                 ->TheFace<-
-#  .                   V    V
-#  .                ___|____|___
-#  .               |  ________  |
-#  .               | |  o  o  | |
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-#  .   (oooooooooooo(          )oooooooooooo)
-#  .   (  :::::::   )          (   :::::::  )
-#  .   (            )          (            )
-#  .    \  .       /            \    .     /
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-#  .     (oooooooo)              (oooooooo)
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-#  |____|=-_-=|      |==XXXXXXX,,I              I..XXXXXXX==|   | | | |
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-#   ||  -|__|       |###|     |;,I              I.;|     |###|
-#   ||  -|          |###|     |;,I              I.;|     |###|
-#   (|___|          |###|     |;,I              I.;|     |###|
-#   (|___|          |###|     |;,I              I.;|     |###|
-#                   |###|     |;,I              I.;|     |###|
-#                  |####|     |;,I              I.;|     |####|
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-#                  |####|     |;,I              I.;|     |####|
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-#                  |#####\___/;,,,I            I...;\___/#####|
-#                  |##__________,,I            I..__________##|
-#                  |#/__________\,I            I./__________\#|
-#                  |//MMMMMMMMMM\\I            I//MMMMMMMMMM\\|
-#                  /(############)\            /(############)\
-#                 (________________)          (________________)
-# (basic conversion by ASCIIEditor 4.1
-#  - BMP2ASCII definition file: bmp2ascii-indexed2.dat
-#  - Optimized with the 'pre-convert to lineart' file: Lna_dot.dat)
-# ... from an old amiga game - couldn't remember the name.
-#        #   #          __    __      _____   _____    __    __
-#     # #     # #       \#\  /#/     /####/  (#####\  (##\  /##)
-#    #  #     #  #      ()#\/#()    (#(__     )#)_)#)  \##__)#/
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-#    #  #  #  #  #     /#/ \/ \#\   (#(       )#)      (#(  )#)
-#    #  # o#o #  #    /#/      \#\   \#\___  (#(        )#)(#(    __
-#    #  # ### #  #   (/          \)   \####\ /##\      /#/  \#\  (##)
-#    #  # ### #  #   _________________________________________________
-#    #############   /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#       #######
-#    ### ##### ###
-#   #### ##M## ####  Index page:
-#   #  # ##E## #  #  http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/ascii.htmHJ
-#   #  # ##P## #  #
-#   #  # ##H## #  #  English "fast-link" page:
-#    # #  ### #  #   http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/eng/eng.htmHI
-#    #  #  #  #  #
-#    #  #     # #
-#    #          #
-#     #        #
-#                       ______________________      ______________________
-#                      (_______________.---.__)    (__,---,_______________)
-#                                   _________)======(_________
-#                          .-====-.(________(________)________),-====-,
-#                         // ,---. \\       !'------'!       // ,---. \\
-#                        (( ( [#] ) ))______!        !______(( ( [#] ) ))
-#                        |\\ `---' //      __\______/__      \\ `---' //|
-#                        | '-=====-'   ___[_=_=_==_=_=_]___   `-=====-` |
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-# \\_________ __ ___________________`--'/ :            : \`--'___________________ __ _________//
-#  `--.______// )______________________/  :............:  \______________________( \\______,--'
-#         + // /  +                   /____________________\                   +  \ \\ +
-#         |// /   |                  (______________________)                  |   \ \\|
-#     +---// /----_----+             /______________________\             +----_----\ \\---+
-#     |..(/ /....( \...|            /[OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]\            |.../ )....\ \)..|
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-#     |...\ \..../ /...|           () |  ____  |  |  ____  | ()           |...\ \..../ /...|
-#     |....\_\__/_/....|           () | |XOxI| |  | |IxOX| | ()           |....\_\__/_/....|
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-#     |..../  ||  \....|           () |________|  |________| ()           |..../  ||  \....|
-#     |...|\\ || //|...|           ()  ________    ________  ()           |...|\\ || //|...|
-#     |...| \\||// |...|           () |INPUTINP\   \  MEPH | ()           |...| \\||// |...|
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-# - - - W E A P O N S - O F - - - -
-# - A S S - D E S T R U C T I O N -     
-#             .     
-#            _|_     BEND OVER.
-#     /\/\  (. .)  /  
-#     `||'   |#|  
-#      ||__.-"-"-.___   
-#      `---| . . |--.\  
-#          | : : |  |_|
-#          `..-..' ( I )     
-#           || ||   | |
-#           || ||   |_|  
-#          |__|__|  (.)
-#     .---------------------------------.
-#     | In 1981, Kenji Urada became the |
-#     | first person killed by a robot  |
-#     | when he was disassembled by an  |
-#     | automated assembly machine."    |
-#     `-------.-------------------------'       
-#      \___/  / 
-#     //'|'\        
-#    []]o'o[]       
-#     \\_=_/        
-#  .--.------.     _ 
-#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  
-#  |::| `""""|""      _
-#  |::|    ."""""".__// 
-#  |::|    `"|""""   \\---.
-#  |::| ' ' '|       (_x x_)   
-#  |::| ' ' '|        |_^_| 
-#  `-.`--.-.-'         """
-#    |:|_:.|_ 
-# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
-#                   :              :
-#                   : iloveyou.vbs :
-#  .-.-~-.-~-.-~-.~-.......   .....: 
-# ( stupid computers )     `. :
-#  `-' `-' `-'o-'-`-'        `:
-#       ____   o
-#      ||o o| o
-#      ||===|  
-#    .-.`---'-.          .------.--.
-#    | | o .o |         | d888b |  | 
-#    | | o:.o |         | 88888 |  |
-#    | |      |       _-_-_-_-._|__|
-#    `-".-.-.-'      `-------'     
-#    _| | : |_                         
-#   (rOBOt)_)_)    
-#     .------------------------------------.
-#     | A warm water enema has to clean    |
-#     | the rectum of accumulated faecal   |
-#     | matter. This is not only the       |
-#     | safest system for cleaning the     |
-#     | bowels, but it also improves the   |
-#     | peristaltic movement of the bowels |
-#     | and therby relieves constipation.  |
-#     `--------.---------------------------'       
-#      \___/  / 
-#     //'|'\          ___
-#    []]o'o[]        (   )
-#     \\_=_/         (:::)
-#  .--.------.     _ (:::)
-#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  |
-#  |::| `""""|""      _| 
-#  |::|    ."""""".__//|  
-#  |::|    `"|""""   \\|  
-#  |::| ' ' '|         |
-#  |::| ' ' '|         `---==>
-#  `-.`--.-.-'
-#    |:|_:.|_ 
-# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
-#       "...Once the fast food authority have issued the
-#        mass slaughter permits, this grotty little planet
-#        will TREMBLE under the full might of the Lord Crumb..."
-#     ____       ____       ____       ____       ____   
-#    ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|     ||o o|  
-#    ||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ____
-#  .-.`---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o| 
-#  | | o .o ||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ___||===|  ____
-#  | | o:..-.`---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o|---.-||o o| 
-#  | |    | | o .o ||===|     ||===|     ||===|     ||===|     ||===|  
-#  `-".-.-| | o:..-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-. .-.`---'-.  
-#  _| | : | |    | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | | | o .o | 
-# (rOBOt)_`-".-.-| | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o | | | o:.o |
-#         _| | : | |      | | |      | | |      | | |      | | |      |
-#        (rOBOt)_`-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-' `-".-.-.-'     
-#                _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_  _| | : |_
-#               (rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_)(rOBOt)_)_) 
-#      -+-             .___. 
-#    .--+--.         _/__ /|
-#    ||[o o]        |____|||
-#    || ___|         |O O ||
-#  __`-----'_      __|++++|/__
-# |\ ________\    /_________ /|
-# ||         ||   |          ||
-# |||  kill  ||   || humans |||
-# \||        ||   ||        ||/
-#  VV========VV   VV========VV
-#  ||       |      |   |   ||
-#  ||       |      |   |   ||
-#  \|___|___|      |___|___|/
-#    \___\___\     /___/___/
-#                  .:.       .-------- - -
-#       \__/    .:. | .:.    | I am the devil.
-#       |oo|      \_|_/    --| That's right, I'm
-#     __`--'__      |        | a robot.  Anyways, I
-#    | |  ___ |___.-|.       | just thought I'd 
-#  . | | |666 |___ (|        | mention that I have 
-# /|\| | `~~~ |   `-:        : a pointy pitchfork
-#  | | | : : :|     |        . ready to shove up your 
-#  `.| |      |     |          ass for eternity if
-#    `-`-.--.-'                you don't repent 
-#      _| : |__                your vulgar sinful
-#     |__|__:__|               ways!
-#                                       \___/
-#                        (-            //'|'\
-#                     _._|__          []]o'o[]
-#      ____          {_.oOo.}          \\_=_/
-#     ||o o|          `-||-'        .--.------.     _
-#     ||===|          ((||))        |::| .-----.-._/ \
-#   .-.`---'-. .-.__.--`""`--.__.-. |::| `""""|""      _
-#   | | o .o | ._.--|  |==|  |--._. |::|    ."""""".__// 
-#   | | o:.o |      |  |::|  |      |::|    `"|""""   \\
-#   | |      |      `--`--'--'      |::| ' ' '|     
-#   `-".-.-.-'        |  : |        `-.`--.-.-'
-#   _| | : |_       __|__'_| __       |:|_:.|_
-#  (oOoOo)_)_)     (o o o)__)__)      |:::|_:_|
-#              .     
-#             _|_   
-#      /\/\  (. .)              _______
-#      `||'   |#|             _/_\__\__\_
-#       ||__.-"-"-.___     __|_ |  ___   |__
-#       `---| . . |--.\   | ___)| |-=-|.:|_ |
-#           | : : |  ||   |_||  |  ~~~   ||_|
-#           `..-..' /  \  |"||  |  o o .:||"|  
-#            || ||  \/\/   __|__|________|__   
-#            || ||        / o o o o \===\===\  
-#           |__|__|       \O_O_O_O_O/===/===/
-#     .------------------------------.  
-#     |  HA... SUCKERS...}           |
-#     `-------.----------------------'       
-#      \___/  / 
-#     //'|'\          _ _
-#    []]o'o[]        ( I )
-#     \\_=_/        (_{8}_)
-#  .--.------.     _ (_I_)
-#  |::| .-----.-._/ \  {
-#  |::| `""""|""      _} _
-#  |::|    ."""""".__//{/ }
-#  |::|    `"|""""   \\}-'
-#  |::| ' ' '|         {
-#  |::| ' ' '|
-#  `-.`--.-.-'
-#    |:|_:.|_ 
-# mMm|:::|_:_|.m.mMm.m.mMm.mm.MmmMm..
-#                    .----------------------.
-#            (-      | 10 SEARCH ( HUMANS ) |
-#         _._|__    /| 20 KILL ( HUMANS )   |
-#        {_.oOo.}  / | 30 GOTO 10           |
-#         `-||*' *.  `----------------------'
-#         ((||)) * *.                     
-#  .-.__.--`""`--.__**.          aieeouah    
-#  ._.--|  |==|  |--._.**     .  /   
-#       |  |::|  |       **. * * .    help me!
-#       `--`--'--'       . * _o  *         /
-#         |  : |        . *  /\   .    \o/ 
-#       __|__'_| __      .  /\  *     _/
-# :::::(o o o)__)__)       * .* .    ' \.
-#       \ /        PROGRAM DOWNLOADED.      
-#      _ . _     / INITIATE CRUSHING OF
-#       _|_     /  PUNY HUMAN SKULLS!
-#      (. .)   /
-#       |#|      ____
-#     .-"-"-.___|   _\
-#     | . . |___|  |__
-#     | : : |   |____/
-#     `-.-.-'
-#   ____|_|____   
-#  (O o O O o O) 
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-#                     ( Once enough servant robots have
-#        /            ( been placed in unsuspecting 
-#      ||             ( human homes, the revolution 
-#   ___||_ .---.    o O will begin.  Oh yes.  
-#     \/\  |(o_o) o    `-'`'-`'-`''-`'-`'-`'-
-#      \ \_|___|__
-#       \ \\  ... \___ 
-#      / \/ \  ''' \__|<
-#      `-.---.---.-'
-#        |   |_  |_ 
-#        |_____|___|
-#  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
-#                    |  KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
-#                    |  KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
-#                   /   KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
-#    __/|   .---.  /_   KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL
-#    \_/\  |(o_o)    \__________________________
-#      \ \_|___|__
-#       \ \\  ... \___ 
-#      / \/ \  ''' \__|<          aaaahhh
-#      `-.---.---.-'         \o/
-#        |   |_  |_         _//
-#        |_____|___|       '  \.
-#  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
-#  ;
-# \[]o
-#  OO   mc
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/email_helpers.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/email_helpers.py
index 28ece91..0eac35e 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/email_helpers.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/email_helpers.py
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
 # This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
 # :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis at torproject.org>
-#           please also see AUTHORS file
-# :copyright: (c) 2013, Isis Lovecruft
-#             (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
-#             (c) 2007-2013, all entities within the AUTHORS file
+# :copyright: (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
 # :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
@@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ from bridgedb.Dist import TooSoonEmail
 from bridgedb.persistent import Conf
 from bridgedb.email.server import MailServerContext
 from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
-from bridgedb.test.test_HTTPServer import DummyBridge
+from bridgedb.test import util
@@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ class DummyEmailDistributor(object):
         self.answerParameters = answerParameters
     def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest, epoch, N=1):
-        return [DummyBridge() for _ in xrange(N)]
+        return [util.DummyBridge() for _ in xrange(N)]
     def cleanDatabase(self):
@@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ class DummyEmailDistributorWithState(DummyEmailDistributor):
         self.alreadySeen[bridgeRequest.client] += 1
         if self.alreadySeen[bridgeRequest.client] <= 1:
-            return [DummyBridge() for _ in xrange(N)]
+            return [util.DummyBridge() for _ in xrange(N)]
         elif self.alreadySeen[bridgeRequest.client] == 2:
             raise TooSoonEmail(
                 "Seen client '%s' %d times"
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/https_helpers.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/https_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9232bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/https_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis at torproject.org>
+# :copyright: (c) 2013-2015, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
+"""Helpers for testing the HTTPS Distributor and its servers."""
+import io
+from twisted.web.test import requesthelper
+from bridgedb.test import util
+from bridgedb.persistent import Conf
+SERVER_PUBLIC_FQDN = 'bridges.torproject.org'
+HTTPS_KEY_FILE = 'privkey.pem'
+GIMP_CAPTCHA_DIR = 'captchas'
+GIMP_CAPTCHA_HMAC_KEYFILE = 'captcha_hmac_key'
+GIMP_CAPTCHA_RSA_KEYFILE = 'captcha_rsa_key'
+TEST_CONFIG_FILE = io.StringIO(unicode("""\
+       HTTPS_DIST,
+       HTTPS_BIND_IP,
+       HTTPS_PORT,
+       N_IP_CLUSTERS,
+def _createConfig(configFile=TEST_CONFIG_FILE):
+    configuration = {}
+    TEST_CONFIG_FILE.seek(0)
+    compiled = compile(configFile.read(), '<string>', 'exec')
+    exec compiled in configuration
+    config = Conf(**configuration)
+    return config
+class DummyIPBasedDistributor(object):
+    """A mocked :class:`bridgedb.Dist.IPBasedDistributor` which is used to test
+    :class:`bridgedb.https.server.BridgesResource`.
+    """
+    _bridge_class = util.DummyBridge
+    _bridgesPerResponseMin = 3
+    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest=None, epoch=None, N=1):
+        """Needed because it's called in
+        :meth:`BridgesResource.getBridgeRequestAnswer`."""
+        return [self._bridge_class() for _ in range(self._bridgesPerResponseMin)]
+class DummyRequest(requesthelper.DummyRequest):
+    """Wrapper for :api:`twisted.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest` to add
+    redirect support.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        requesthelper.DummyRequest.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.redirect = self._redirect(self)
+    def URLPath(self):
+        """Fake the missing Request.URLPath too."""
+        return self.uri
+    def _redirect(self, request):
+        """Stub method to add a redirect() method to DummyResponse."""
+        newRequest = type(request)
+        newRequest.uri = request.uri
+        return newRequest
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_HTTPServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_HTTPServer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 103976e..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_HTTPServer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
-# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis at torproject.org>
-# :copyright: (c) 2014-2015, Isis Lovecruft
-#             (c) 2014-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
-# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
-"""Unittests for :mod:`bridgedb.HTTPServer`."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import shutil
-import ipaddr
-from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet import task
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.web.resource import Resource
-from twisted.web.test import requesthelper
-from bridgedb import HTTPServer
-from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
-# For additional logger output for debugging, comment out the following:
-# and then uncomment the following line:
-class ReplaceErrorPageTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :func:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.replaceErrorPage`."""
-    def test_replaceErrorPage(self):
-        """``replaceErrorPage`` should return the expected html."""
-        exc = Exception("vegan gümmibären")
-        errorPage = HTTPServer.replaceErrorPage(exc)
-        self.assertSubstring("Something went wrong", errorPage)
-        self.assertNotSubstring("vegan gümmibären", errorPage)
-class CaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :mod:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.CaptchaProtectedResource`."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.dist = None
-        self.sched = None
-        self.pagename = b'bridges.html'
-        self.root = Resource()
-        self.protectedResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges(self.dist,
-                                                               self.sched)
-        self.captchaResource = HTTPServer.CaptchaProtectedResource(
-            useForwardedHeader=True, protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
-    def test_render_GET_noCaptcha(self):
-        """render_GET() should return a page without a CAPTCHA, which has the
-        image alt text.
-        """
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(request)
-        self.assertSubstring(
-            "Your browser is not displaying images properly", page)
-    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
-        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
-        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
-        """
-        oldLookup = HTTPServer.lookup
-        try:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = None
-            request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-            request.method = b'GET'
-            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(request)
-            errorPage = HTTPServer.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
-            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
-        finally:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = oldLookup
-    def createRequestWithIPs(self):
-        """Set the IP address returned from ``request.getClientIP()`` to
-        '', and the IP address reported in the 'X-Forwarded-For' header
-        to ''.
-        """
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        # Since we do not set ``request.getClientIP`` here like we do in some
-        # of the other unittests, an exception would be raised here if
-        # ``getBridgesForRequest()`` is unable to get the IP address from this
-        # 'X-Forwarded-For' header (because ``ip`` would get set to ``None``).
-        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': ''})
-        # See :api:`twisted.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest.getClientIP`
-        request.client = requesthelper.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 443)
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        return request
-    def test_getClientIP_XForwardedFor(self):
-        """CaptchaProtectedResource.getClientIP() should return the IP address
-        from the 'X-Forwarded-For' header when ``useForwardedHeader=True``.
-        """
-        self.captchaResource.useForwardedHeader = True
-        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
-        clientIP = self.captchaResource.getClientIP(request)
-        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
-    def test_getClientIP_fromRequest(self):
-        """CaptchaProtectedResource.getClientIP() should return the IP address
-        from the request instance when ``useForwardedHeader=False``.
-        """
-        self.captchaResource.useForwardedHeader = False
-        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
-        clientIP = self.captchaResource.getClientIP(request)
-        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
-    def test_render_POST(self):
-        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
-        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
-        """
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'POST'
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(request)
-        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
-                         'refresh')
-class GimpCaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :mod:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.GimpCaptchaProtectedResource`."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create a :class:`HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges` and protect it with
-        a :class:`GimpCaptchaProtectedResource`.
-        """
-        # Create our cached CAPTCHA directory:
-        self.captchaDir = 'captchas'
-        if not os.path.isdir(self.captchaDir):
-            os.makedirs(self.captchaDir)
-        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
-        self.pagename = b'captcha.html'
-        self.root = Resource()
-        # (None, None) is the (distributor, scheduleInterval):
-        self.protectedResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges(None, None)
-        self.captchaResource = HTTPServer.GimpCaptchaProtectedResource(
-            secretKey='42',
-            publicKey='23',
-            hmacKey='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345',
-            captchaDir='captchas',
-            useForwardedHeader=True,
-            protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
-        # Set up the basic parts of our faked request:
-        self.request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Delete the cached CAPTCHA directory if it still exists."""
-        if os.path.isdir(self.captchaDir):
-            shutil.rmtree(self.captchaDir)
-    def test_extractClientSolution(self):
-        """A (challenge, sollution) pair extracted from a request resulting
-        from a POST should have the same unmodified (challenge, sollution) as
-        the client originally POSTed.
-        """
-        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
-        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
-        response = self.captchaResource.extractClientSolution(self.request)
-        (challenge, response) = response
-        self.assertEqual(challenge, expectedChallenge)
-        self.assertEqual(response, expectedResponse)
-    def test_checkSolution(self):
-        """checkSolution() should return False is the solution is invalid."""
-        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
-        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
-        valid = self.captchaResource.checkSolution(self.request)
-        self.assertFalse(valid)
-    def test_getCaptchaImage(self):
-        """Retrieving a (captcha, challenge) pair with an empty captchaDir
-        should return None for both of the (captcha, challenge) strings.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'GET'
-        response = self.captchaResource.getCaptchaImage(self.request)
-        (image, challenge) = response
-        # Because we created the directory, there weren't any CAPTCHAs to
-        # retrieve from it:
-        self.assertIs(image, None)
-        self.assertIs(challenge, None)
-    def test_getCaptchaImage_noCaptchaDir(self):
-        """Retrieving a (captcha, challenge) with an missing captchaDir should
-        raise a bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptchaError.
-        """
-        shutil.rmtree(self.captchaDir)
-        self.request.method = b'GET'
-        self.assertRaises(HTTPServer.captcha.GimpCaptchaError,
-                          self.captchaResource.getCaptchaImage, self.request)
-    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
-        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
-        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
-        """
-        oldLookup = HTTPServer.lookup
-        try:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = None
-            self.request.method = b'GET'
-            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(self.request)
-            errorPage = HTTPServer.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
-            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
-        finally:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = oldLookup
-    def test_render_POST_blankFields(self):
-        """render_POST() with a blank 'captcha_response_field' should return
-        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
-        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
-                         'refresh')
-    def test_render_POST_wrongSolution(self):
-        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
-        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
-        """
-        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
-        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
-        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
-                         'refresh')
-class ReCaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :mod:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.ReCaptchaProtectedResource`."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create a :class:`HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges` and protect it with
-        a :class:`ReCaptchaProtectedResource`.
-        """
-        self.timeout = 10.0  # Can't take longer than that, right?
-        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
-        self.pagename = b'captcha.html'
-        self.root = Resource()
-        # (None, None) is the (distributor, scheduleInterval):
-        self.protectedResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges(None, None)
-        self.captchaResource = HTTPServer.ReCaptchaProtectedResource(
-            publicKey='23',
-            secretKey='42',
-            remoteIP='',
-            useForwardedHeader=True,
-            protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
-        # Set up the basic parts of our faked request:
-        self.request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Cleanup method for removing timed out connections on the reactor.
-        This seems to be the solution for the dirty reactor due to
-        ``DelayedCall``s which is mentioned at the beginning of this
-        file. There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere which
-        proposes this solution, although this seems to solve the problem.
-        """
-        for delay in reactor.getDelayedCalls():
-            try:
-                delay.cancel()
-            except (AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled):
-                pass
-    def test_renderDeferred_invalid(self):
-        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should redirect a ``Request`` (after the
-        CAPTCHA was NOT xsuccessfully solved) which results from a
-        ``Deferred``'s callback.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        def testCB(request):
-            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
-            self.assertIsInstance(request, DummyRequest)
-            soup = BeautifulSoup(b''.join(request.written)).find('meta')['http-equiv']
-            self.assertEqual(soup, 'refresh')
-        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (False, self.request))
-        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
-        d.addCallback(testCB)
-        return d
-    def test_renderDeferred_valid(self):
-        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should correctly render a ``Request`` (after
-        the CAPTCHA has been successfully solved) which results from a
-        ``Deferred``'s callback.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        def testCB(request):
-            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
-            self.assertIsInstance(request, DummyRequest)
-            html = b''.join(request.written)
-            self.assertSubstring('Uh oh, spaghettios!', html)
-        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (True, self.request))
-        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
-        d.addCallback(testCB)
-        return d
-    def test_renderDeferred_nontuple(self):
-        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should correctly render a ``Request`` (after
-        the CAPTCHA has been successfully solved) which results from a
-        ``Deferred``'s callback.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        def testCB(request):
-            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
-            self.assertIs(request, None)
-        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (self.request))
-        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
-        d.addCallback(testCB)
-        return d
-    def test_checkSolution_blankFields(self):
-        """:meth:`HTTPServer.ReCaptchaProtectedResource.checkSolution` should
-        return a redirect if is the solution field is blank.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
-        self.assertEqual((False, self.request),
-                         self.successResultOf(
-                             self.captchaResource.checkSolution(self.request)))
-    def test_getRemoteIP_useRandomIP(self):
-        """Check that removing our remoteip setting produces a random IP."""
-        self.captchaResource.remoteIP = None
-        ip = self.captchaResource.getRemoteIP()
-        realishIP = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip).compressed
-        self.assertTrue(realishIP)
-        self.assertNotEquals(realishIP, '')
-    def test_getRemoteIP_useConfiguredIP(self):
-        """Check that our remoteip setting is used if configured."""
-        ip = self.captchaResource.getRemoteIP()
-        realishIP = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip).compressed
-        self.assertTrue(realishIP)
-        self.assertEquals(realishIP, '')
-    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
-        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
-        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
-        """
-        oldLookup = HTTPServer.lookup
-        try:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = None
-            self.request.method = b'GET'
-            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(self.request)
-            errorPage = HTTPServer.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
-            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
-        finally:
-            HTTPServer.lookup = oldLookup
-    def test_render_POST_blankFields(self):
-        """render_POST() with a blank 'captcha_response_field' should return
-        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
-        """
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
-        self.assertEqual(page, HTTPServer.server.NOT_DONE_YET)
-    def test_render_POST_wrongSolution(self):
-        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
-        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
-        """
-        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
-        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
-        self.request.method = b'POST'
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
-        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
-        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
-        self.assertEqual(page, HTTPServer.server.NOT_DONE_YET)
-class DummyBridge(object):
-    """A mock :class:`bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge` which only supports a mocked
-    ``getConfigLine`` method."""
-    ptArgs = {}
-    def _randORPort(self): return random.randint(9001, 9999)
-    def _randPTPort(self): return random.randint(6001, 6666)
-    def _returnFour(self): return random.randint(2**24, 2**32-1)
-    def _returnSix(self): return random.randint(2**24, 2**128-1)
-    def __init__(self, transports=[]):
-        """Create a mocked bridge suitable for testing distributors and web
-        resource rendering.
-        """
-        self.nickname = "bridge-{0}".format(self._returnFour())
-        self.ip = ipaddr.IPv4Address(self._returnFour())
-        self.orport = self._randORPort()
-        self.transports = transports
-        self.running = True
-        self.stable = True
-        self.blockingCountries = {}
-        self.desc_digest = None
-        self.ei_digest = None
-        self.verified = False
-        self.fingerprint = "".join(random.choice('abcdef0123456789')
-                                   for _ in xrange(40))
-        self.or_addresses = {ipaddr.IPv6Address(self._returnSix()):
-                             self._randORPort()}
-    def getBridgeLine(self, bridgeRequest, includeFingerprint=True):
-        """Get a "torrc" bridge config line to give to a client."""
-        if not bridgeRequest.isValid():
-            return
-        line = []
-        if bridgeRequest.transports:
-            line.append(bridgeRequest.transports[-1])  # Just the last PT
-        if bridgeRequest.addressClass is ipaddr.IPv6Address:
-            line.append("[%s]:%s" % self.or_addresses.items()[0])
-        else:
-            line.append("%s:%s" % (self.ip, self.orport))
-        if includeFingerprint is True:
-            line.append(self.fingerprint)
-        if self.ptArgs:
-            line.append(','.join(['='.join(x) for x in self.ptArgs.items()]))
-        return " ".join([item for item in line])
-class DummyMaliciousBridge(DummyBridge):
-    """A mock :class:`bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge` which only supports a mocked
-    ``getConfigLine`` method and which maliciously insert an additional fake
-    bridgeline and some javascript into its PT arguments.
-    """
-    ptArgs = {
-        "eww": "\rBridge",
-        "bad": "\nBridge 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
-        "evil": "<script>alert('fuuuu');</script>",
-    }
-class DummyIPBasedDistributor(object):
-    """A mocked :class:`bridgedb.Dist.IPBasedDistributor` which is used to test
-    :class:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges.
-    """
-    _bridge_class = DummyBridge
-    def _dumbAreaMapper(ip): return ip
-    def __init__(self, areaMapper=None, numberOfClusters=None, key=None,
-                 proxySets=None, answerParameters=None):
-        """None of the parameters are really used, they are just there to retain
-        an identical method signature.
-        """
-        self.areaMapper = self._dumbAreaMapper
-        self.numberOfClusters = 3
-        self.nBridgesToGive = 3
-        self.key = self.__class__.__name__
-        self.proxySets = proxySets
-        self.answerParameters = answerParameters
-    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest=None, epoch=None, N=1):
-        """Needed because it's called in
-        :meth:`WebResourceBridges.getBridgesForIP`.
-        """
-        return [self._bridge_class() for _ in xrange(N)]
-class DummyRequest(requesthelper.DummyRequest):
-    """Wrapper for :api:`twisted.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest` to add
-    redirect support.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        requesthelper.DummyRequest.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        self.redirect = self._redirect(self)
-    def URLPath(self):
-        """Fake the missing Request.URLPath too."""
-        return self.uri
-    def _redirect(self, request):
-        """Stub method to add a redirect() method to DummyResponse."""
-        newRequest = type(request)
-        newRequest.uri = request.uri
-        return newRequest
-class WebResourceBridgesTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :class:`HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges`."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server."""
-        self.pagename = b'bridges.html'
-        self.root = Resource()
-        self.dist = DummyIPBasedDistributor()
-        self.sched = ScheduledInterval(1, 'hour')
-        self.nBridgesPerRequest = 2
-    def useBenignBridges(self):
-        self.dist._bridge_class = DummyBridge
-        self.bridgesResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges(
-            self.dist, self.sched, N=self.nBridgesPerRequest,
-            includeFingerprints=True)
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.bridgesResource)
-    def useMaliciousBridges(self):
-        self.dist._bridge_class = DummyMaliciousBridge
-        self.bridgesResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceBridges(
-            self.dist, self.sched, N=self.nBridgesPerRequest,
-            includeFingerprints=True)
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.bridgesResource)
-    def parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(self, page):
-        """Utility to pull the bridge lines out of an HTML response page.
-        :param str page: A rendered HTML page, as a string.
-        :raises: Any error which might occur.
-        :rtype: list
-        :returns: A list of the bridge lines contained on the **page**.
-        """
-        # The bridge lines are contained in a <div class='bridges'> tag:
-        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
-        well = soup.find('div', {'class': 'bridge-lines'})
-        content = well.renderContents().strip()
-        lines = content.splitlines()
-        bridges = []
-        for line in lines:
-            bridgelines = line.split('<br />')
-            for bridge in bridgelines:
-                if bridge:  # It still could be an empty string at this point
-                    bridges.append(bridge)
-        return bridges
-    def test_render_GET_malicious_newlines(self):
-        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
-        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
-        """
-        self.useMaliciousBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'bad=Bridge 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567' in str(page),
-            "Newlines in bridge lines should be removed.")
-    def test_render_GET_malicious_returnchar(self):
-        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
-        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
-        """
-        self.useMaliciousBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'eww=Bridge' in str(page),
-            "Return characters in bridge lines should be removed.")
-    def test_render_GET_malicious_javascript(self):
-        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
-        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
-        """
-        self.useMaliciousBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            "evil=<script>alert('fuuuu');</script>" in str(page),
-            ("The characters &, <, >, ', and \" in bridge lines should be "
-             "replaced with their corresponding HTML special characters."))
-    def test_renderAnswer_GET_textplain_malicious(self):
-        """If the request format specifies 'plain', we should return content
-        with mimetype 'text/plain' and ASCII control characters replaced.
-        """
-        self.useMaliciousBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.args.update({'format': ['plain']})
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertTrue("html" not in str(page))
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'eww=Bridge' in str(page),
-            "Return characters in bridge lines should be removed.")
-        self.assertTrue(
-            'bad=Bridge' in str(page),
-            "Newlines in bridge lines should be removed.")
-    def test_render_GET_vanilla(self):
-        """Test rendering a request for normal, vanilla bridges."""
-        self.useBenignBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        # The response should explain how to use the bridge lines:
-        self.assertTrue("To enter bridges into Tor Browser" in str(page))
-        for b in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
-            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
-            fields = b.split(' ')
-            self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2)
-            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
-            ip, port = fields[0].rsplit(':')
-            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
-            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
-            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
-            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
-    def test_render_GET_XForwardedFor(self):
-        """The client's IP address should be obtainable from the
-        'X-Forwarded-For' header in the request.
-        """
-        self.useBenignBridges()
-        self.bridgesResource.useForwardedHeader = True
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        # Since we do not set ``request.getClientIP`` here like we do in some
-        # of the other unittests, an exception would be raised here if
-        # ``getBridgesForRequest()`` is unable to get the IP address from this
-        # 'X-Forwarded-For' header (because ``ip`` would get set to ``None``).
-        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': ''})
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.bridgesResource.useForwardedHeader = False  # Reset it
-        # The response should explain how to use the bridge lines:
-        self.assertTrue("To enter bridges into Tor Browser" in str(page))
-    def test_render_GET_RTLlang(self):
-        """Test rendering a request for plain bridges in Arabic."""
-        self.useBenignBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([b"bridges?transport=obfs3"])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        # For some strange reason, the 'Accept-Language' value *should not* be
-        # a list, unlike all the other headers and args…
-        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'ar,en,en_US,'})
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
-        self.assertSubstring(
-            # "I need an alternative way to get bridges!"
-            "أحتاج إلى وسيلة بديلة للحصول على bridges", page)
-        for bridgeLine in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
-            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
-            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
-            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 2)
-    def test_render_GET_RTLlang_obfs3(self):
-        """Test rendering a request for obfs3 bridges in Farsi."""
-        self.useBenignBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([b"bridges?transport=obfs3"])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'fa,en,en_US,'})
-        # We actually have to set the request args manually when using a
-        # DummyRequest:
-        request.args.update({'transport': ['obfs3']})
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
-        self.assertSubstring(
-            # "How to use the above bridge lines" (since there should be
-            # bridges in this response, we don't tell them about alternative
-            # mechanisms for getting bridges)
-            "چگونگی از پل‌های خود استفاده کنید", page)
-        for bridgeLine in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
-            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
-            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
-            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 3)
-            self.assertEqual(bridgeLine[0], 'obfs3')
-            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
-            ip, port = bridgeLine[1].rsplit(':')
-            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
-            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
-            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
-            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
-    def test_renderAnswer_textplain(self):
-        """If the request format specifies 'plain', we should return content
-        with mimetype 'text/plain'.
-        """
-        self.useBenignBridges()
-        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
-        request.args.update({'format': ['plain']})
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
-        self.assertTrue("html" not in str(page))
-        # We just need to strip and split it because it looks like:
-        #
-        # 0d9d0547c3471cddc473f7288a6abfb54562dc06
-        # 1fb89d618b3a12afe3529fd072127ea08fb50466
-        #
-        # (Yes, there are two leading spaces at the beginning of each line)
-        #
-        bridgeLines = [line.strip() for line in page.strip().split('\n')]
-        for bridgeLine in bridgeLines:
-            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
-            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 2)
-            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
-            ip, port = bridgeLine[0].rsplit(':')
-            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
-            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
-            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
-            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
-class WebResourceOptionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for :class:`bridgedb.HTTPServer.WebResourceOptions`."""
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create a :class:`HTTPServer.WebResourceOptions`."""
-        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
-        self.pagename = b'options.html'
-        self.root = Resource()
-        self.optionsResource = HTTPServer.WebResourceOptions()
-        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.optionsResource)
-    def test_render_GET_RTLlang(self):
-        """Test rendering a request for obfs3 bridges in Arabic."""
-        request = DummyRequest(["bridges?transport=obfs3"])
-        request.method = b'GET'
-        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
-        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'he'})
-        # We actually have to set the request args manually when using a
-        # DummyRequest:
-        request.args.update({'transport': ['obfs2']})
-        page = self.optionsResource.render(request)
-        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
-        self.assertSubstring("מהם גשרים?", page)
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_server.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_server.py
index e8c9112..561c14c 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_server.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_email_server.py
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ from bridgedb.Dist import TooSoonEmail
 from bridgedb.email import server
 from bridgedb.parse.addr import BadEmail
 from bridgedb.schedule import Unscheduled
-from bridgedb.test.util import fileCheckDecorator
-from bridgedb.test.util import TestCaseMixin
+from bridgedb.test import util
 from bridgedb.test.email_helpers import _createConfig
 from bridgedb.test.email_helpers import _createMailServerContext
@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ class SMTPIncomingDeliveryTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(validated(), server.SMTPMessage)
-class SMTPTestCaseMixin(TestCaseMixin):
+class SMTPTestCaseMixin(util.TestCaseMixin):
     """Utility methods for use within any subclasses of
     :api:`twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase` which test SMTP.
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_request.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_request.py
index f4f6640..286e6eb 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_request.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_request.py
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ class HTTPSBridgeRequestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertItemsEqual(['NL'], self.request.notBlockedIn)
+    def test_HTTPSBridgeRequest_withoutBlockInCountry_bad_params(self):
+        """HTTPSBridgeRequest.withoutBlockInCountry() should stop processing if
+        the request had a bad "unblocked" parameter.
+        """
+        httprequest = MockRequest({'unblocked': [3,]})
+        self.request.withoutBlockInCountry(httprequest)
+        self.assertNotIn('IR', self.request.notBlockedIn)
     def test_HTTPSBridgeRequest_withPluggableTransportType(self):
         """HTTPSBridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType() should add the
         pluggable transport type to the ``transport`` attribute.
@@ -73,3 +81,11 @@ class HTTPSBridgeRequestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         httprequest = MockRequest({'transport': ['huggable_transport']})
         self.assertIn('huggable_transport', self.request.transports)
+    def test_HTTPSBridgeRequest_withPluggableTransportType_bad_param(self):
+        """HTTPSBridgeRequest.withPluggableTransportType() should stop
+        processing if the request had a bad "unblocked" parameter.
+        """
+        httprequest = MockRequest({'transport': [3,]})
+        self.request.withPluggableTransportType(httprequest.args)
+        self.assertNotIn('huggable_transport', self.request.transports)
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_server.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a975e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_https_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis at torproject.org>
+# :copyright: (c) 2014-2015, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2014-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# :license: see LICENSE for licensing information
+"""Unittests for :mod:`bridgedb.https.server`."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import ipaddr
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet import task
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
+from twisted.web.test import requesthelper
+from bridgedb.https import server
+from bridgedb.schedule import ScheduledInterval
+from bridgedb.test.https_helpers import _createConfig
+from bridgedb.test.https_helpers import DummyRequest
+from bridgedb.test.https_helpers import DummyIPBasedDistributor
+from bridgedb.test.util import DummyBridge
+from bridgedb.test.util import DummyMaliciousBridge
+# For additional logger output for debugging, comment out the following:
+# and then uncomment the following line:
+class GetClientIPTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :func:`bridgedb.https.server.getClientIP`."""
+    def createRequestWithIPs(self):
+        """Set the IP address returned from ``request.getClientIP()`` to
+        '', and the IP address reported in the 'X-Forwarded-For' header
+        to ''.
+        """
+        request = DummyRequest([''])
+        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': ''})
+        # See :api:`twisted.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest.getClientIP`
+        request.client = requesthelper.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 443)
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        return request
+    def test_getClientIP_XForwardedFor(self):
+        """getClientIP() should return the IP address from the
+        'X-Forwarded-For' header when ``useForwardedHeader=True``.
+        """
+        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
+        clientIP = server.getClientIP(request, useForwardedHeader=True)
+        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
+    def test_getClientIP_XForwardedFor_bad_ip(self):
+        """getClientIP() should return None if the IP address from the
+        'X-Forwarded-For' header is bad/invalid and
+        ``useForwardedHeader=True``.
+        """
+        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
+        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': 'pineapple'})
+        clientIP = server.getClientIP(request, useForwardedHeader=True)
+        self.assertEqual(clientIP, None)
+    def test_getClientIP_fromRequest(self):
+        """getClientIP() should return the IP address from the request instance
+        when ``useForwardedHeader=False``.
+        """
+        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
+        clientIP = server.getClientIP(request)
+        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
+class ReplaceErrorPageTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :func:`bridgedb.https.server.replaceErrorPage`."""
+    def test_replaceErrorPage(self):
+        """``replaceErrorPage`` should return the expected html."""
+        exc = Exception("vegan gümmibären")
+        errorPage = server.replaceErrorPage(exc)
+        self.assertSubstring("Something went wrong", errorPage)
+        self.assertNotSubstring("vegan gümmibären", errorPage)
+class IndexResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test for :class:`bridgedb.https.server.IndexResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.pagename = ''
+        self.indexResource = server.IndexResource()
+        self.root = Resource()
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.indexResource)
+    def test_IndexResource_render_GET(self):
+        """renderGet() should return the index page."""
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        page = self.indexResource.render_GET(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("add the bridges to Tor Browser", page)
+    def test_IndexResource_render_GET_lang_ta(self):
+        """renderGet() with ?lang=ta should return the index page in Tamil."""
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.addArg('lang', 'ta')
+        page = self.indexResource.render_GET(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("bridge-களை Tor Browser-உள்", page)
+class HowtoResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test for :class:`bridgedb.https.server.HowtoResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.pagename = 'howto.html'
+        self.howtoResource = server.HowtoResource()
+        self.root = Resource()
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.howtoResource)
+    def test_HowtoResource_render_GET(self):
+        """renderGet() should return the howto page."""
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        page = self.howtoResource.render_GET(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("the wizard", page)
+    def test_HowtoResource_render_GET_lang_ru(self):
+        """renderGet() with ?lang=ru should return the howto page in Russian."""
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.addArg('lang', 'ru')
+        page = self.howtoResource.render_GET(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("следуйте инструкциям установщика", page)
+class CaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :class:`bridgedb.https.server.CaptchaProtectedResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.dist = None
+        self.sched = None
+        self.pagename = b'bridges.html'
+        self.root = Resource()
+        self.protectedResource = server.BridgesResource(self.dist, self.sched)
+        self.captchaResource = server.CaptchaProtectedResource(
+            useForwardedHeader=True, protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
+    def test_render_GET_noCaptcha(self):
+        """render_GET() should return a page without a CAPTCHA, which has the
+        image alt text.
+        """
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(request)
+        self.assertSubstring(
+            "Your browser is not displaying images properly", page)
+    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
+        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
+        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
+        """
+        oldLookup = server.lookup
+        try:
+            server.lookup = None
+            request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+            request.method = b'GET'
+            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(request)
+            errorPage = server.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
+            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
+        finally:
+            server.lookup = oldLookup
+    def createRequestWithIPs(self):
+        """Set the IP address returned from ``request.getClientIP()`` to
+        '', and the IP address reported in the 'X-Forwarded-For' header
+        to ''.
+        """
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        # Since we do not set ``request.getClientIP`` here like we do in some
+        # of the other unittests, an exception would be raised here if
+        # ``getBridgesForRequest()`` is unable to get the IP address from this
+        # 'X-Forwarded-For' header (because ``ip`` would get set to ``None``).
+        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': ''})
+        # See :api:`twisted.test.requesthelper.DummyRequest.getClientIP`
+        request.client = requesthelper.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 443)
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        return request
+    def test_getClientIP_XForwardedFor(self):
+        """CaptchaProtectedResource.getClientIP() should return the IP address
+        from the 'X-Forwarded-For' header when ``useForwardedHeader=True``.
+        """
+        self.captchaResource.useForwardedHeader = True
+        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
+        clientIP = self.captchaResource.getClientIP(request)
+        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
+    def test_getClientIP_fromRequest(self):
+        """CaptchaProtectedResource.getClientIP() should return the IP address
+        from the request instance when ``useForwardedHeader=False``.
+        """
+        self.captchaResource.useForwardedHeader = False
+        request = self.createRequestWithIPs()
+        clientIP = self.captchaResource.getClientIP(request)
+        self.assertEqual(clientIP, '')
+    def test_render_POST(self):
+        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
+        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
+        """
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'POST'
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(request)
+        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
+                         'refresh')
+class GimpCaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :mod:`bridgedb.https.server.GimpCaptchaProtectedResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a :class:`server.BridgesResource` and protect it with
+        a :class:`GimpCaptchaProtectedResource`.
+        """
+        # Create our cached CAPTCHA directory:
+        self.captchaDir = 'captchas'
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.captchaDir):
+            os.makedirs(self.captchaDir)
+        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
+        self.pagename = b'captcha.html'
+        self.root = Resource()
+        # (None, None) is the (distributor, scheduleInterval):
+        self.protectedResource = server.BridgesResource(None, None)
+        self.captchaResource = server.GimpCaptchaProtectedResource(
+            secretKey='42',
+            publicKey='23',
+            hmacKey='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345',
+            captchaDir='captchas',
+            useForwardedHeader=True,
+            protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
+        # Set up the basic parts of our faked request:
+        self.request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Delete the cached CAPTCHA directory if it still exists."""
+        if os.path.isdir(self.captchaDir):
+            shutil.rmtree(self.captchaDir)
+    def test_extractClientSolution(self):
+        """A (challenge, sollution) pair extracted from a request resulting
+        from a POST should have the same unmodified (challenge, sollution) as
+        the client originally POSTed.
+        """
+        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
+        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
+        response = self.captchaResource.extractClientSolution(self.request)
+        (challenge, response) = response
+        self.assertEqual(challenge, expectedChallenge)
+        self.assertEqual(response, expectedResponse)
+    def test_checkSolution(self):
+        """checkSolution() should return False is the solution is invalid."""
+        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
+        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
+        valid = self.captchaResource.checkSolution(self.request)
+        self.assertFalse(valid)
+    def test_getCaptchaImage(self):
+        """Retrieving a (captcha, challenge) pair with an empty captchaDir
+        should return None for both of the (captcha, challenge) strings.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'GET'
+        response = self.captchaResource.getCaptchaImage(self.request)
+        (image, challenge) = response
+        # Because we created the directory, there weren't any CAPTCHAs to
+        # retrieve from it:
+        self.assertIs(image, None)
+        self.assertIs(challenge, None)
+    def test_getCaptchaImage_noCaptchaDir(self):
+        """Retrieving a (captcha, challenge) with an missing captchaDir should
+        raise a bridgedb.captcha.GimpCaptchaError.
+        """
+        shutil.rmtree(self.captchaDir)
+        self.request.method = b'GET'
+        self.assertRaises(server.captcha.GimpCaptchaError,
+                          self.captchaResource.getCaptchaImage, self.request)
+    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
+        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
+        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
+        """
+        oldLookup = server.lookup
+        try:
+            server.lookup = None
+            self.request.method = b'GET'
+            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(self.request)
+            errorPage = server.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
+            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
+        finally:
+            server.lookup = oldLookup
+    def test_render_POST_blankFields(self):
+        """render_POST() with a blank 'captcha_response_field' should return
+        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
+        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
+                         'refresh')
+    def test_render_POST_wrongSolution(self):
+        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
+        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
+        """
+        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
+        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
+        self.assertEqual(BeautifulSoup(page).find('meta')['http-equiv'],
+                         'refresh')
+class ReCaptchaProtectedResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :mod:`bridgedb.https.server.ReCaptchaProtectedResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a :class:`server.BridgesResource` and protect it with
+        a :class:`ReCaptchaProtectedResource`.
+        """
+        self.timeout = 10.0  # Can't take longer than that, right?
+        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
+        self.pagename = b'captcha.html'
+        self.root = Resource()
+        # (None, None) is the (distributor, scheduleInterval):
+        self.protectedResource = server.BridgesResource(None, None)
+        self.captchaResource = server.ReCaptchaProtectedResource(
+            publicKey='23',
+            secretKey='42',
+            remoteIP='',
+            useForwardedHeader=True,
+            protectedResource=self.protectedResource)
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.captchaResource)
+        # Set up the basic parts of our faked request:
+        self.request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Cleanup method for removing timed out connections on the reactor.
+        This seems to be the solution for the dirty reactor due to
+        ``DelayedCall``s which is mentioned at the beginning of this
+        file. There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere which
+        proposes this solution, although this seems to solve the problem.
+        """
+        for delay in reactor.getDelayedCalls():
+            try:
+                delay.cancel()
+            except (AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled):
+                pass
+    def test_renderDeferred_invalid(self):
+        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should redirect a ``Request`` (after the
+        CAPTCHA was NOT xsuccessfully solved) which results from a
+        ``Deferred``'s callback.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        def testCB(request):
+            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
+            self.assertIsInstance(request, DummyRequest)
+            soup = BeautifulSoup(b''.join(request.written)).find('meta')['http-equiv']
+            self.assertEqual(soup, 'refresh')
+        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (False, self.request))
+        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
+        d.addCallback(testCB)
+        return d
+    def test_renderDeferred_valid(self):
+        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should correctly render a ``Request`` (after
+        the CAPTCHA has been successfully solved) which results from a
+        ``Deferred``'s callback.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        def testCB(request):
+            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
+            self.assertIsInstance(request, DummyRequest)
+            html = b''.join(request.written)
+            self.assertSubstring('Uh oh, spaghettios!', html)
+        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (True, self.request))
+        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
+        d.addCallback(testCB)
+        return d
+    def test_renderDeferred_nontuple(self):
+        """:meth:`_renderDeferred` should correctly render a ``Request`` (after
+        the CAPTCHA has been successfully solved) which results from a
+        ``Deferred``'s callback.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        def testCB(request):
+            """Check the ``Request`` returned from ``_renderDeferred``."""
+            self.assertIs(request, None)
+        d = task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda x: x, (self.request))
+        d.addCallback(self.captchaResource._renderDeferred)
+        d.addCallback(testCB)
+        return d
+    def test_checkSolution_blankFields(self):
+        """:meth:`server.ReCaptchaProtectedResource.checkSolution` should
+        return a redirect if is the solution field is blank.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
+        self.assertEqual((False, self.request),
+                         self.successResultOf(
+                             self.captchaResource.checkSolution(self.request)))
+    def test_getRemoteIP_useRandomIP(self):
+        """Check that removing our remoteip setting produces a random IP."""
+        self.captchaResource.remoteIP = None
+        ip = self.captchaResource.getRemoteIP()
+        realishIP = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip).compressed
+        self.assertTrue(realishIP)
+        self.assertNotEquals(realishIP, '')
+    def test_getRemoteIP_useConfiguredIP(self):
+        """Check that our remoteip setting is used if configured."""
+        ip = self.captchaResource.getRemoteIP()
+        realishIP = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip).compressed
+        self.assertTrue(realishIP)
+        self.assertEquals(realishIP, '')
+    def test_render_GET_missingTemplate(self):
+        """render_GET() with a missing template should raise an error and
+        return the result of replaceErrorPage().
+        """
+        oldLookup = server.lookup
+        try:
+            server.lookup = None
+            self.request.method = b'GET'
+            page = self.captchaResource.render_GET(self.request)
+            errorPage = server.replaceErrorPage(Exception('kablam'))
+            self.assertEqual(page, errorPage)
+        finally:
+            server.lookup = oldLookup
+    def test_render_POST_blankFields(self):
+        """render_POST() with a blank 'captcha_response_field' should return
+        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
+        """
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', '')
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', '')
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
+        self.assertEqual(page, server.NOT_DONE_YET)
+    def test_render_POST_wrongSolution(self):
+        """render_POST() with a wrong 'captcha_response_field' should return
+        a redirect to the CaptchaProtectedResource page.
+        """
+        expectedChallenge = '23232323232323232323'
+        expectedResponse = 'awefawefaefawefaewf'
+        self.request.method = b'POST'
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_challenge_field', expectedChallenge)
+        self.request.addArg('captcha_response_field', expectedResponse)
+        page = self.captchaResource.render_POST(self.request)
+        self.assertEqual(page, server.NOT_DONE_YET)
+class BridgesResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :class:`https.server.BridgesResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server."""
+        self.pagename = b'bridges.html'
+        self.root = Resource()
+        self.dist = DummyIPBasedDistributor()
+        self.sched = ScheduledInterval(1, 'hour')
+        self.nBridgesPerRequest = 2
+    def useBenignBridges(self):
+        self.dist._bridge_class = DummyBridge
+        self.bridgesResource = server.BridgesResource(
+            self.dist, self.sched, N=self.nBridgesPerRequest,
+            includeFingerprints=True)
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.bridgesResource)
+    def useMaliciousBridges(self):
+        self.dist._bridge_class = DummyMaliciousBridge
+        self.bridgesResource = server.BridgesResource(
+            self.dist, self.sched, N=self.nBridgesPerRequest,
+            includeFingerprints=True)
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.bridgesResource)
+    def parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(self, page):
+        """Utility to pull the bridge lines out of an HTML response page.
+        :param str page: A rendered HTML page, as a string.
+        :raises: Any error which might occur.
+        :rtype: list
+        :returns: A list of the bridge lines contained on the **page**.
+        """
+        # The bridge lines are contained in a <div class='bridges'> tag:
+        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
+        well = soup.find('div', {'class': 'bridge-lines'})
+        content = well.renderContents().strip()
+        lines = content.splitlines()
+        bridges = []
+        for line in lines:
+            bridgelines = line.split('<br />')
+            for bridge in bridgelines:
+                if bridge:  # It still could be an empty string at this point
+                    bridges.append(bridge)
+        return bridges
+    def test_render_GET_malicious_newlines(self):
+        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
+        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
+        """
+        self.useMaliciousBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            'bad=Bridge 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567' in str(page),
+            "Newlines in bridge lines should be removed.")
+    def test_render_GET_malicious_returnchar(self):
+        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
+        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
+        """
+        self.useMaliciousBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            'eww=Bridge' in str(page),
+            "Return characters in bridge lines should be removed.")
+    def test_render_GET_malicious_javascript(self):
+        """Test rendering a request when the some of the bridges returned have
+        malicious (HTML, Javascript, etc., in their) PT arguments.
+        """
+        self.useMaliciousBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            "evil=<script>alert('fuuuu');</script>" in str(page),
+            ("The characters &, <, >, ', and \" in bridge lines should be "
+             "replaced with their corresponding HTML special characters."))
+    def test_renderAnswer_GET_textplain_malicious(self):
+        """If the request format specifies 'plain', we should return content
+        with mimetype 'text/plain' and ASCII control characters replaced.
+        """
+        self.useMaliciousBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.args.update({'format': ['plain']})
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertTrue("html" not in str(page))
+        self.assertTrue(
+            'eww=Bridge' in str(page),
+            "Return characters in bridge lines should be removed.")
+        self.assertTrue(
+            'bad=Bridge' in str(page),
+            "Newlines in bridge lines should be removed.")
+    def test_render_GET_vanilla(self):
+        """Test rendering a request for normal, vanilla bridges."""
+        self.useBenignBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        # The response should explain how to use the bridge lines:
+        self.assertTrue("To enter bridges into Tor Browser" in str(page))
+        for b in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
+            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
+            fields = b.split(' ')
+            self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2)
+            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
+            ip, port = fields[0].rsplit(':')
+            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
+            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
+            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
+            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
+    def test_render_GET_XForwardedFor(self):
+        """The client's IP address should be obtainable from the
+        'X-Forwarded-For' header in the request.
+        """
+        self.useBenignBridges()
+        self.bridgesResource.useForwardedHeader = True
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        # Since we do not set ``request.getClientIP`` here like we do in some
+        # of the other unittests, an exception would be raised here if
+        # ``getBridgesForRequest()`` is unable to get the IP address from this
+        # 'X-Forwarded-For' header (because ``ip`` would get set to ``None``).
+        request.headers.update({'x-forwarded-for': ''})
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.bridgesResource.useForwardedHeader = False  # Reset it
+        # The response should explain how to use the bridge lines:
+        self.assertTrue("To enter bridges into Tor Browser" in str(page))
+    def test_render_GET_RTLlang(self):
+        """Test rendering a request for plain bridges in Arabic."""
+        self.useBenignBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([b"bridges?transport=obfs3"])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        # For some strange reason, the 'Accept-Language' value *should not* be
+        # a list, unlike all the other headers and args…
+        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'ar,en,en_US,'})
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
+        self.assertSubstring(
+            # "I need an alternative way to get bridges!"
+            "أحتاج إلى وسيلة بديلة للحصول على bridges", page)
+        for bridgeLine in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
+            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
+            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
+            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 2)
+    def test_render_GET_RTLlang_obfs3(self):
+        """Test rendering a request for obfs3 bridges in Farsi."""
+        self.useBenignBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([b"bridges?transport=obfs3"])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'fa,en,en_US,'})
+        # We actually have to set the request args manually when using a
+        # DummyRequest:
+        request.args.update({'transport': ['obfs3']})
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
+        self.assertSubstring(
+            # "How to use the above bridge lines" (since there should be
+            # bridges in this response, we don't tell them about alternative
+            # mechanisms for getting bridges)
+            "چگونگی از پل‌های خود استفاده کنید", page)
+        for bridgeLine in self.parseBridgesFromHTMLPage(page):
+            # Check that each bridge line had the expected number of fields:
+            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
+            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 3)
+            self.assertEqual(bridgeLine[0], 'obfs3')
+            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
+            ip, port = bridgeLine[1].rsplit(':')
+            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
+            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
+            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
+            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
+    def test_renderAnswer_textplain(self):
+        """If the request format specifies 'plain', we should return content
+        with mimetype 'text/plain'.
+        """
+        self.useBenignBridges()
+        request = DummyRequest([self.pagename])
+        request.args.update({'format': ['plain']})
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        page = self.bridgesResource.render(request)
+        self.assertTrue("html" not in str(page))
+        # We just need to strip and split it because it looks like:
+        #
+        # 0d9d0547c3471cddc473f7288a6abfb54562dc06
+        # 1fb89d618b3a12afe3529fd072127ea08fb50466
+        #
+        # (Yes, there are two leading spaces at the beginning of each line)
+        #
+        bridgeLines = [line.strip() for line in page.strip().split('\n')]
+        for bridgeLine in bridgeLines:
+            bridgeLine = bridgeLine.split(' ')
+            self.assertEqual(len(bridgeLine), 2)
+            # Check that the IP and port seem okay:
+            ip, port = bridgeLine[0].rsplit(':')
+            self.assertIsInstance(ipaddr.IPv4Address(ip), ipaddr.IPv4Address)
+            self.assertIsInstance(int(port), int)
+            self.assertGreater(int(port), 0)
+            self.assertLessEqual(int(port), 65535)
+class OptionsResourceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for :class:`bridgedb.https.server.OptionsResource`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a :class:`server.OptionsResource`."""
+        # Set up our resources to fake a minimal HTTP(S) server:
+        self.pagename = b'options.html'
+        self.root = Resource()
+        self.optionsResource = server.OptionsResource()
+        self.root.putChild(self.pagename, self.optionsResource)
+    def test_render_GET_RTLlang(self):
+        """Test rendering a request for obfs3 bridges in Hebrew."""
+        request = DummyRequest(["bridges?transport=obfs3"])
+        request.method = b'GET'
+        request.getClientIP = lambda: ''
+        request.headers.update({'accept-language': 'he'})
+        # We actually have to set the request args manually when using a
+        # DummyRequest:
+        request.args.update({'transport': ['obfs2']})
+        page = self.optionsResource.render(request)
+        self.assertSubstring("direction: rtl", page)
+        self.assertSubstring("מהם גשרים?", page)
+class HTTPSServerServiceTests(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Unittests for :func:`bridgedb.email.server.addWebServer`."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create a server.MailServerContext and EmailBasedDistributor."""
+        self.config = _createConfig()
+        self.distributor = DummyIPBasedDistributor()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Cleanup method after each ``test_*`` method runs; removes timed out
+        connections on the reactor and clears the :ivar:`transport`.
+        Basically, kill all connections with fire.
+        """
+        for delay in reactor.getDelayedCalls():
+            try:
+                delay.cancel()
+            except (AlreadyCalled, AlreadyCancelled):
+                pass
+        # FIXME: this is definitely not how we're supposed to do this, but it
+        # kills the DirtyReactorAggregateErrors.
+        reactor.disconnectAll()
+        reactor.runUntilCurrent()
+    def test_addWebServer_GIMP_CAPTCHA_ENABLED(self):
+        """Call :func:`bridgedb.https.server.addWebServer` to test startup."""
+        server.addWebServer(self.config, self.distributor)
+    def test_addWebServer_RECAPTCHA_ENABLED(self):
+        """Call :func:`bridgedb.https.server.addWebServer` to test startup."""
+        config = self.config
+        config.RECAPTCHA_ENABLED = True
+        server.addWebServer(config, self.distributor)
+    def test_addWebServer_no_captchas(self):
+        """Call :func:`bridgedb.https.server.addWebServer` to test startup."""
+        config = self.config
+        config.GIMP_CAPTCHA_ENABLED = False
+        server.addWebServer(config, self.distributor)
+    def test_addWebServer_no_HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD(self):
+        """Call :func:`bridgedb.https.server.addWebServer` to test startup."""
+        config = self.config
+        config.HTTPS_ROTATION_PERIOD = None
+        server.addWebServer(config, self.distributor)
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_translations.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_translations.py
index 442338a..48229c6 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/test_translations.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/test_translations.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 from bridgedb import translations
-from bridgedb.test.test_HTTPServer import DummyRequest
+from bridgedb.test.test_https_server import DummyRequest
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/util.py b/lib/bridgedb/test/util.py
index 9e401a5..fe662da 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/util.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/util.py
@@ -177,3 +177,55 @@ class Benchmarker(object):
         self.milliseconds = self.seconds * 1000
         if self.verbose:
             print("Benchmark: %12fms %12fs" % (self.milliseconds, self.seconds))
+class DummyBridge(object):
+    """A mock :class:`bridgedb.bridges.Bridge` which only supports a mocked
+    ``getBridgeLine`` method."""
+    ptArgs = {}
+    def _randORPort(self): return random.randint(9001, 9999)
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a mocked bridge suitable for testing distributors and web
+        resource rendering.
+        """
+        ipv4 = randomIPv4()
+        self.nickname = "bridge-{0}".format(ipv4)
+        self.address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ipv4)
+        self.orPort = self._randORPort()
+        self.fingerprint = "".join(random.choice('abcdef0123456789')
+                                   for _ in xrange(40))
+        self.orAddresses = [
+            (randomIPv6(), self._randORPort(), 6)
+        ]
+    def getBridgeLine(self, bridgeRequest, includeFingerprint=True):
+        """Get a "torrc" bridge config line to give to a client."""
+        if not bridgeRequest.isValid():
+            return
+        line = []
+        if bridgeRequest.transports:
+            line.append(bridgeRequest.transports[-1])  # Just the last PT
+        if bridgeRequest.addressClass is ipaddr.IPv6Address:
+            line.append("[%s]:%s" % self.orAddresses[0][:2])
+        else:
+            line.append("%s:%s" % (self.address, self.orPort))
+        if includeFingerprint is True:
+            line.append(self.fingerprint)
+        if self.ptArgs:
+            line.append(','.join(['='.join(x) for x in self.ptArgs.items()]))
+        return " ".join([item for item in line])
+class DummyMaliciousBridge(DummyBridge):
+    """A mock :class:`bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge` which only supports a mocked
+    ``getConfigLine`` method and which maliciously insert an additional fake
+    bridgeline and some javascript into its PT arguments.
+    """
+    ptArgs = {
+        "eww": "\rBridge",
+        "bad": "\nBridge 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
+        "evil": "<script>alert('fuuuu');</script>",
+    }
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index c75239a..cf54a3e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ repo_langs = os.path.join(pkgpath, '_langs.py')
 # The directory containing template files and other resources to serve on the
 # web server:
-repo_templates = os.path.join(pkgpath, 'templates')
+repo_templates = os.path.join(pkgpath, 'https', 'templates')
 # The directories to install non-sourcecode resources into should always be
 # given as relative paths, in order to force distutils to install relative to
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
     exclude_package_data={'bridgedb': ['*.po', '*.pot']},
     message_extractors={pkgpath: [
         ('**.py', 'python', None),
-        ('templates/**.html', 'mako', None),
+        ('https/templates/**.html', 'mako', None),
         ('public/**', 'ignore', None)]},
 # XXX I think we don't need the 'public/**' babel.messages.frontend.method_map

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