[tor-commits] [torbutton/master] remove obsolete jshooks files

mikeperry at torproject.org mikeperry at torproject.org
Thu Jun 5 10:26:15 UTC 2014

commit 888fed495d12475444747b527663fefaff907753
Author: Arthur Edelstein <arthuredelstein at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 2 11:14:37 2014 -0700

    remove obsolete jshooks files
 src/chrome/content/jshooks.js   |  362 ---------------------------------------
 src/chrome/content/jshooks4.js  |  267 -----------------------------
 src/chrome/content/torbutton.js |    1 -
 3 files changed, 630 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/content/jshooks.js b/src/chrome/content/jshooks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a47cb5a..0000000
--- a/src/chrome/content/jshooks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-// Bug 1506 P0: These hooks are only relevant to FF 3.5 and below.
-window.__HookObjects = function() {
-  if (typeof(window.__tb_hooks_ran) === "boolean") {
-      return false;
-  }
-  /* For reference/debugging only:
-  if(false && window.__tb_set_uagent===true) {
-      var tmp_oscpu = window.__tb_oscpu;
-      var tmp_platform = window.__tb_platform;
-      var tmp_productSub = window.__tb_productSub;
-      try {
-          if(!(window.navigator.__proto__ == null) ||
-                  typeof(window.navigator.__defineGetter__) === "function") {
-              var cE = window.navigator.cookieEnabled;
-              var lang = window.navigator.language;
-              var uA = window.navigator.userAgent;
-              var v = window.navigator.vendor;
-              var vS = window.navigator.vendorSub;
-              var jE = window.navigator.javaEnabled;
-              var pl = new window.Array();
-              var mT = new window.Object();
-              //var pl = window.navigator.plugins;
-              //var mT = window.navigator.mimeTypes;
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("appCodeName", function() { return "Mozilla";});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("appName", function() { return "Netscape";});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("appVersion", function() { return "5.0";});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("buildID", function() { return 0;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("cookieEnabled", function() { return cE;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("language", function() { return lang;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("mimeTypes", function() { return mT;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("onLine", function() { return true;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("oscpu", function() { return tmp_oscpu;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("platform", function() { return tmp_platform;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("plugins", function() { return pl;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("product", function() { return "Gecko";});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("productSub", function() { return tmp_productSub;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("securityPolicy", function() { return "";});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("userAgent", function() { return uA;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("vendor", function() { return v;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("vendorSub", function() { return vS;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("javaEnabled", function() { return jE;});
-              window.navigator.__proto__ = null;
-          }
-      } catch(e) {
-      }
-  } */
-  /* Hrmm.. Is it possible this breaks plugin install or other weird shit
-     for non-windows OS's? */
-  if(window.__tb_set_uagent===true) {
-      var tmp_oscpu = window.__tb_oscpu;
-      var tmp_platform = window.__tb_platform;
-      var tmp_productSub = window.__tb_productSub;
-      var tmp_locale = window.__tb_locale;
-      // This is just unreasonable.. Firefox caches 
-      // window.navigator.__proto__ between same-origin loads of a document. 
-      // So this means when we null it out, we lose most of the navigator 
-      // object for subsequent loads. I tried doing the whole-object hooks 
-      // like we do for Date, screen, and history, but it seems to behave 
-      // like Date upon delete, allowing unmasking for that case. Talk about 
-      // rock+hard place. 
-      try {
-          if(!(window.navigator.__proto__ == null) ||
-             typeof(window.navigator.__defineGetter__) === "function") {
-              var tmpNav = new window.Object();
-              for(var i in window.navigator) {
-                  tmpNav[i] = window.navigator[i];
-                  // XPCNative objects are special for some reason. So far, 
-                  // all we have are "plugins" and mimeTypes, which 
-                  // are empty anyways. Disable them.
-                  //if(tmpNav[i].toString().indexOf("XPCNative") != -1) {
-                  if(i === "plugins" || i === "mimeTypes") {
-                      tmpNav[i] = new Array();
-                  }
-                  (function() { // crazy scope hack to preserve i
-                      var holder = i;
-                      window.navigator.__defineGetter__(i, function() { return tmpNav[holder];});
-                  })();
-              }
-              if(tmp_locale != false) {
-                  window.navigator.__defineGetter__("language", function() { return tmp_locale;});
-              }
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("oscpu", function() { return tmp_oscpu;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("productSub", function() { return tmp_productSub;});
-              window.navigator.__defineGetter__("buildID", function() { return 0;});
-              window.navigator.__proto__ = null;
-          }
-      } catch(e) {
-      }
-  }
-  // No pref for this.. Should be mostly harmless..
-  if(true) {
-      var origHeight = window.innerHeight;
-      var origWidth = window.innerWidth;
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("innerHeight", function() { return Math.round(origHeight/50.0)*50;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("innerWidth", function() { return Math.round(origWidth/50.0)*50;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("outerWidth", function() { return window.innerWidth;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("outerHeight", function() { return window.innerHeight;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("screenX", function() { return 0;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("screenY", function() { return 0;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("pageXOffset", function() { return 0;});
-      window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("pageYOffset", function() { return 0;});
-      // Wrap in anonymous function to protect scr variables just in case.
-      (function () {
-          // We can't define individual getters/setters for window.screen 
-          // for some reason. works in html but not in these hooks.. No idea why
-          var scr = new Object();
-          var origScr = window.screen;
-          scr.__defineGetter__("height", function() { return window.innerHeight; });
-          scr.__defineGetter__("width", function() { return window.innerWidth; });
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availTop", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availLeft", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("top", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("left", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availHeight", function() { return window.innerHeight;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availWidth", function() { return window.innerWidth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("colorDepth", function() { return origScr.colorDepth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("pixelDepth", function() { return origScr.pixelDepth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availTop", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availLeft", function() { return 0;});
-          window.__defineGetter__("screen", function() { return scr; });
-          window.__defineSetter__("screen", function(a) { return; });
-          window.__proto__.__defineGetter__("screen", function() { return scr; });
-          // Needed for Firefox bug 418983:
-          with(window) {
-              var screen = scr;
-          }
-      })();
-  }
-  if(window.__tb_hook_date == true) { // don't feel like indenting this
-  /* Timezone fix for http://gemal.dk/browserspy/css.html */
-  var reparseDate = function(d, str) {
-    /* Rules:
-     *   - If they specify a timezone, it is converted to local
-     *     time. All getter fucntions then convert properly to
-     *     UTC. No mod needed.
-     *   - If they specify UTC timezone, then it is converted
-     *     to local time. All getter functions then convert back.
-     *     No mod needed.
-     *   - If they specify NO timezone, it is local time. 
-     *     The UTC conversion then reveals the offset. Fix.
-     */
-    /* Step 1: Remove everything inside ()'s (they are "comments") */
-    var s = str.toLowerCase();
-    var re = new RegExp('\\(.*\\)', "gm");
-    s = s.replace(re, "");
-    /* Step 2: Look for +/-. If found, do nothing */
-    if(s.indexOf("+") == -1 && s.indexOf("-") == -1) {
-      /* Step 3: Look for timezone string from
-       * http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/js/src/jsdate.c
-       */
-      if(s.indexOf(" gmt") == -1 && s.indexOf(" ut") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" est") == -1 && s.indexOf(" edt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" cst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" cdt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" mst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" mdt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" pst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" pdt")) {
-        /* No timezone specified. Adjust. */
-        d.setTime(d.getTime()-(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
-      }
-    } 
-  } 
-  var origDate = window.Date;
-  var newDate = function() {
-    /* DO NOT make 'd' a member! EvilCode will use it! */
-    var d;
-    var a = arguments;
-    /* apply doesn't seem to work for constructors :( */
-    if(arguments.length == 0) d=new origDate();
-    if(arguments.length == 1) d=new origDate(a[0]);
-    if(arguments.length == 3) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2]);
-    if(arguments.length == 4) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
-    if(arguments.length == 5) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]);
-    if(arguments.length == 6) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]);
-    if(arguments.length == 7) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6]);
-    if(arguments.length > 7) d=new origDate();
-    if(arguments.length > 0) {
-      if((arguments.length == 1) && typeof(a[0]) == "string") {
-        reparseDate(d,a[0]);
-      } else if(arguments.length > 1) { 
-        /* Numerical value. No timezone given, adjust. */
-        d.setTime(d.getTime()-(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
-      }
-    }
-    // XXX: the native valueOf seems to sometimes return toString and 
-    // sometimes return getTime depending on context (which we can't detect)
-    // It seems as though we can't win here..
-    window.Date.prototype.valueOf=function(){return d.getTime()};
-    window.Date.prototype.getTime=function(){return d.getTime();} /* UTC already */ 
-    window.Date.prototype.getFullYear=function(){return d.getUTCFullYear();}  
-    window.Date.prototype.getYear=function() {return d.getYear();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMonth=function(){return d.getUTCMonth();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getDate=function() {return d.getUTCDate();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getDay=function() {return d.getUTCDay();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getHours=function(){return d.getUTCHours();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMinutes=function(){return d.getUTCMinutes();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getSeconds=function(){return d.getUTCSeconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMilliseconds=function(){return d.getUTCMilliseconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset=function(){return 0;}
-    window.Date.prototype.setTime = 
-       function(x) {return d.setTime(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setFullYear=function(x){return d.setUTCFullYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setYear=function(x){return d.setYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMonth=function(x){return d.setUTCMonth(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setDate=function(x){return d.setUTCDate(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setDay=function(x){return d.setUTCDay(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setHours=function(x){return d.setUTCHours(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMinutes=function(x){return d.setUTCMinutes(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setSeconds=function(x){return d.setUTCSeconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMilliseconds=
-       function(x) {return d.setUTCMilliseconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear=function(){return d.getUTCFullYear();}  
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMonth=function(){return d.getUTCMonth();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCDate=function() {return d.getUTCDate();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCDay=function() {return d.getUTCDay();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCHours=function(){return d.getUTCHours();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes=function(){return d.getUTCMinutes();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds=function(){return d.getUTCSeconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds=
-       function(){return d.getUTCMilliseconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear=function(x){return d.setUTCFullYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMonth=function(x){return d.setUTCMonth(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCDate=function(x){return d.setUTCDate(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCDay=function(x){return d.setUTCDay(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCHours=function(x){return d.setUTCHours(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes=function(x){return d.setUTCMinutes(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds=function(x){return d.setUTCSeconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds=
-        function(x) {return d.setUTCMilliseconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.toUTCString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toGMTString=function(){return d.toGMTString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    /* Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke: */
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toDateString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toTimeString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    /* Hack to solve the problem of multiple date objects
-     * all sharing the same lexically scoped d every time a new one is
-     * created. This hack creates a fresh new prototype reference for 
-     * the next object to use with a different d binding.
-     * It doesn't break stuff because at the start of this function, 
-     * the interpreter grabbed a reference to Date.prototype. During 
-     * this function we modified Date.prototype to create the new methods
-     * with the lexically scoped d reference.
-     */
-    // valueOf gets called for implicit string conversion??
-    window.Date.prototype = window.eval(window.Object.prototype.toSource());
-    return d.toUTCString();
-  }
-  // Need to do this madness so that we use the window's notion of Function
-  // for the constructor. If this is not done, then changes to Function
-  // and Object in the real window are not propogated to Date (for example,
-  // to extend the Date class with extra functions via a generic inheritance 
-  // framework added onto Object - this is done by livejournal and others)
-  var newWrappedDate = window.eval("function() { return newDate(); }");
-  newWrappedDate.parse=function(s) {
-    var d = new origDate(s);
-    if(typeof(s) == "string") reparseDate(d, s);
-    return d.getTime();    
-  }
-  newWrappedDate.now=function(){return origDate.now();}
-  newWrappedDate.UTC=function(){return origDate.apply(origDate, arguments); }
-  // d = new Date();
-  // d.__proto__ === Date.prototype
-  // d.constructor === Date
-  // d.__proto__ === d.constructor.prototype
-  // Date.prototype.__proto__  ===  Date.prototype.constructor.prototype 
-  // window.__proto__ === Window.prototypea
-  // XXX: This is still not enough.. But at least we get to claim the 
-  // unmasking is violating ECMA-262 by allowing the deletion of var's 
-  // (FF Bug 419598)
-  with(window) {
-    var Date = newWrappedDate;
-  }
-  } // window.__tb_hook_date == true
-  with(window) {
-      XPCNativeWrapper = function(a) { return a; };
-  }
-  with(window.__proto__) {
-      XPCNativeWrapper = function(a) { return a; };
-  }
-  // Gain access to the implict global object (which interestingly claims
-  // to be a 'Window' but is not the same class as 'window'...) and 
-  // hide XPCNativeWrapper there.
-  // This seems no longer necessary in FF2.0.0.13+, and may break FF3?
-  //with(window.valueOf.call().__proto__) {
-  //    XPCNativeWrapper = function(a) { return a; };
-  //}
-  // FIXME: Commenting this may open us to unmasking, but allows the hooks to
-  // work on FF4. Since we lost the bulletproof resolution masking battle to
-  // CSS3 anyways, let's just do what we can.
-  //window.__proto__ = null; // Prevent delete from unmasking our properties.
-  return true;
-if (typeof(window.__HookObjects) != "undefined") {
-    var res = 23;
-    if(!window.__HookObjects()) {
-        res = 13;
-    }
-    window.__HookObjects = undefined;
-    delete window['__HookObjects'];
-    delete window['__CheckFlag'];
-    delete window['__tb_set_uagent'];
-    delete window['__tb_oscpu'];
-    delete window['__tb_platform'];
-    delete window['__tb_productSub'];
-    window.__tb_hooks_ran = true;
-    res; // Secret result code.
-} else {
-    42;
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/jshooks4.js b/src/chrome/content/jshooks4.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c15e5c5..0000000
--- a/src/chrome/content/jshooks4.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-// Bug 1506 P1: We're almost certainly going to replace this stuff with direct
-// patches of the JS VM. 
-window.__HookObjects = function() {
-  if (typeof(window.__tb_hooks_ran) === "boolean") {
-      return false;
-  }
-  // No pref for this.. Should be mostly harmless..
-  if(true) {
-      // Wrap in anonymous function to protect scr variables just in case.
-      (function () {
-          var origHeight = window.innerHeight;
-          var origWidth = window.innerWidth;
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "innerWidth",
-                          {get: function() { return Math.round(origWidth/50.0)*50;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "innerHeight",
-                          {get: function() { return Math.round(origHeight/50.0)*50;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "outerWidth",
-                          {get: function() { return Math.round(origWidth/50.0)*50;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "outerHeight",
-                          {get: function() { return Math.round(origHeight/50.0)*50;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "screenX",
-                          {get: function() { return 0;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "screenY",
-                          {get: function() { return 0;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(MouseEvent.prototype, "screenX",
-                          {get: function() { return this.clientX;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          Object.defineProperty(MouseEvent.prototype, "screenY",
-                          {get: function() { return this.clientY;},
-                          configurable: false});
-          // We can't define individual getters/setters for window.screen 
-          // for some reason. works in html but not in these hooks.. No idea why
-          var scr = new Object();
-          var origScr = window.screen;
-          scr.__defineGetter__("height", function() { return window.innerHeight; });
-          scr.__defineGetter__("width", function() { return window.innerWidth; });
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availTop", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availLeft", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("top", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("left", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availHeight", function() { return window.innerHeight;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availWidth", function() { return window.innerWidth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("colorDepth", function() { return origScr.colorDepth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("pixelDepth", function() { return origScr.pixelDepth;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availTop", function() { return 0;});
-          scr.__defineGetter__("availLeft", function() { return 0;});
-          Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "screen",
-                      {get: function() { return scr;},
-                      configurable: false});
-      })();
-  }
-  if(window.__tb_hook_date == true) { // don't feel like indenting this
-  // XXX: events should not have timeStamp, unless they are of type MozBeforePaint?
-  /* Timezone fix for http://gemal.dk/browserspy/css.html */
-  var reparseDate = function(d, str) {
-    /* Rules:
-     *   - If they specify a timezone, it is converted to local
-     *     time. All getter fucntions then convert properly to
-     *     UTC. No mod needed.
-     *   - If they specify UTC timezone, then it is converted
-     *     to local time. All getter functions then convert back.
-     *     No mod needed.
-     *   - If they specify NO timezone, it is local time. 
-     *     The UTC conversion then reveals the offset. Fix.
-     */
-    /* Step 1: Remove everything inside ()'s (they are "comments") */
-    var s = str.toLowerCase();
-    var re = new RegExp('\\(.*\\)', "gm");
-    s = s.replace(re, "");
-    /* Step 2: Look for +/-. If found, do nothing */
-    if(s.indexOf("+") == -1 && s.indexOf("-") == -1) {
-      /* Step 3: Look for timezone string from
-       * http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/js/src/jsdate.c
-       */
-      if(s.indexOf(" gmt") == -1 && s.indexOf(" ut") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" est") == -1 && s.indexOf(" edt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" cst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" cdt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" mst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" mdt") == -1 &&
-         s.indexOf(" pst") == -1 && s.indexOf(" pdt")) {
-        /* No timezone specified. Adjust. */
-        d.setTime(d.getTime()-(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
-      }
-    } 
-  } 
-  // XXX: Each origin should have its own unique offset from the real date
-  // XXX: Subsequent calls to the ms timer should be monotonically increasing, but randomized
-  var origDate = window.Date;
-  var newDate = function() {
-    /* DO NOT make 'd' a member! EvilCode will use it! */
-    var d;
-    var a = arguments;
-    /* apply doesn't seem to work for constructors :( */
-    if(arguments.length == 0) d=new origDate();
-    if(arguments.length == 1) d=new origDate(a[0]);
-    if(arguments.length == 3) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2]);
-    if(arguments.length == 4) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
-    if(arguments.length == 5) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]);
-    if(arguments.length == 6) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5]);
-    if(arguments.length == 7) d=new origDate(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6]);
-    if(arguments.length > 7) d=new origDate();
-    if(arguments.length > 0) {
-      if((arguments.length == 1) && typeof(a[0]) == "string") {
-        reparseDate(d,a[0]);
-      } else if(arguments.length > 1) { 
-        /* Numerical value. No timezone given, adjust. */
-        d.setTime(d.getTime()-(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
-      }
-    }
-    // XXX: the native valueOf seems to sometimes return toString and 
-    // sometimes return getTime depending on context (which we can't detect)
-    // It seems as though we can't win here..
-    window.Date.prototype.valueOf=function(){return d.getTime()};
-    window.Date.prototype.getTime=function(){return d.getTime();} /* UTC already */ 
-    window.Date.prototype.getFullYear=function(){return d.getUTCFullYear();}  
-    window.Date.prototype.getYear=function() {return d.getYear();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMonth=function(){return d.getUTCMonth();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getDate=function() {return d.getUTCDate();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getDay=function() {return d.getUTCDay();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getHours=function(){return d.getUTCHours();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMinutes=function(){return d.getUTCMinutes();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getSeconds=function(){return d.getUTCSeconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getMilliseconds=function(){return d.getUTCMilliseconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset=function(){return 0;}
-    window.Date.prototype.setTime = 
-       function(x) {return d.setTime(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setFullYear=function(x){return d.setUTCFullYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setYear=function(x){return d.setYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMonth=function(x){return d.setUTCMonth(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setDate=function(x){return d.setUTCDate(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setDay=function(x){return d.setUTCDay(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setHours=function(x){return d.setUTCHours(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMinutes=function(x){return d.setUTCMinutes(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setSeconds=function(x){return d.setUTCSeconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setMilliseconds=
-       function(x) {return d.setUTCMilliseconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear=function(){return d.getUTCFullYear();}  
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMonth=function(){return d.getUTCMonth();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCDate=function() {return d.getUTCDate();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCDay=function() {return d.getUTCDay();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCHours=function(){return d.getUTCHours();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes=function(){return d.getUTCMinutes();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds=function(){return d.getUTCSeconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds=
-       function(){return d.getUTCMilliseconds();}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear=function(x){return d.setUTCFullYear(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMonth=function(x){return d.setUTCMonth(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCDate=function(x){return d.setUTCDate(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCDay=function(x){return d.setUTCDay(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCHours=function(x){return d.setUTCHours(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes=function(x){return d.setUTCMinutes(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds=function(x){return d.setUTCSeconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds=
-        function(x) {return d.setUTCMilliseconds(x);}
-    window.Date.prototype.toUTCString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toGMTString=function(){return d.toGMTString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    /* Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke: */
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toDateString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    window.Date.prototype.toTimeString=function(){return d.toUTCString();}
-    /* Hack to solve the problem of multiple date objects
-     * all sharing the same lexically scoped d every time a new one is
-     * created. This hack creates a fresh new prototype reference for 
-     * the next object to use with a different d binding.
-     * It doesn't break stuff because at the start of this function, 
-     * the interpreter grabbed a reference to Date.prototype. During 
-     * this function we modified Date.prototype to create the new methods
-     * with the lexically scoped d reference.
-     */
-    // valueOf gets called for implicit string conversion??
-    window.Date.prototype = window.eval(window.Object.prototype.toSource());
-    return d.toUTCString();
-  }
-  // Need to do this madness so that we use the window's notion of Function
-  // for the constructor. If this is not done, then changes to Function
-  // and Object in the real window are not propogated to Date (for example,
-  // to extend the Date class with extra functions via a generic inheritance 
-  // framework added onto Object - this is done by livejournal and others)
-  var newWrappedDate = window.eval("function() { return newDate(); }");
-  newWrappedDate.parse=function(s) {
-    var d = new origDate(s);
-    if(typeof(s) == "string") reparseDate(d, s);
-    return d.getTime();    
-  }
-  newWrappedDate.now=function(){return origDate.now();}
-  newWrappedDate.UTC=function(){return origDate.apply(origDate, arguments); }
-  // d = new Date();
-  // d.__proto__ === Date.prototype
-  // d.constructor === Date
-  // d.__proto__ === d.constructor.prototype
-  // Date.prototype.__proto__  ===  Date.prototype.constructor.prototype 
-  // window.__proto__ === Window.prototypea
-  Object.defineProperty(window.__proto__, "Date",
-                      {get: function() { return newWrappedDate;},
-                      configurable: false});
-  } // window.__tb_hook_date == true
-  //Object.defineProperty(window.Components.__proto__, "lookupMethod",
-  //        {get: function() { return function (a,b) { return function() { return a[b]; }; };},
-  //         configurable: false});
-  return true;
-if (typeof(window.__HookObjects) != "undefined") {
-    var res = 23;
-    if(!window.__HookObjects()) {
-        res = 13;
-    }
-    window.__HookObjects = undefined;
-    delete window['__HookObjects'];
-    delete window['__CheckFlag'];
-    delete window['__tb_set_uagent'];
-    delete window['__tb_oscpu'];
-    delete window['__tb_platform'];
-    delete window['__tb_productSub'];
-    window.__tb_hooks_ran = true;
-    res; // Secret result code.
-} else {
-    42;
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index ee49ae4..589e7c5 100644
--- a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ const k_tb_tor_check_failed_topic = "Torbutton:TorCheckFailed";
 // status
 var m_tb_wasinited = false;
 var m_tb_prefs = false;
-var m_tb_jshooks = false;
 var m_tb_plugin_string = false;
 var m_tb_is_main_window = false;
 var m_tb_hidden_browser = false;

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