[tor-commits] [bridgedb/master] Catch all parser exceptions in parse.networkstatus.parseRLine().

isis at torproject.org isis at torproject.org
Sun Jan 12 06:06:34 UTC 2014

commit aa5d17329201a9723d14b71d050c34228a3f2886
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis at torproject.org>
Date:   Fri Nov 22 00:38:01 2013 +0000

    Catch all parser exceptions in parse.networkstatus.parseRLine().
    Rather than raising exceptions during parsing, we should try to log
    appropriate messages. If the error had a known cause, i.e. one that is
    due to a badly formatted descriptor, then we should make note of the
    relevant information from the bad descriptor, and reset any affected
    variables to None.
    If the error is possibly do to a newly implemented change in the
    descriptor format in tor, we should likewise log the event, generate a
    loud warning about a possible descriptor format change, and continue as
    before. In networkstatus documents and [bridge-]server-descriptors, it
    is possible that the `ORAddress` lines may soon change (#9729):
      1. to allow more than one ORAddress line, and
      2. to allow extra IPv4 addresses in the ORAddress lines.
    Additionally, remove exception and handlers which are never raised in
      1. The catch for `IndexError`s in networkstatus.parseRLine() is
        At the beginning of `parseRLine()`, a `NetworkstatusParsingError` is
        raised if there are less than eight fields in the descriptor, so
        there is no way that an `IndexError` would ever get raised. Coverage
        branch reports also show that this `except:` block is never touched.
      2. Remove the `InvalidNetworkstatusDescriptorDigest` exception class:
        …as well as all corresponding code for raising and handling it. The
        way it was used, there is no possible way that these lines will get
        executed, because the descriptor digest will either be a str or
        None. If None, then an error is raised earlier for having too few
        fields in the 'r'-line. If a str, then `binascii.a2b_base64() will
        always produce some kind of string, and its exceptions are handled
        separate. Therefore, there is no way for the descriptor digest to be
        0, None, or False.
    In `bridgedb.parse.networkstatus.parseRLine()` function:
     * CHANGE to catch and handle all `InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity`,
       and `NetworkstatusParsingErrors`, exceptions raised during parsing.
     * REMOVE unnecessary `except IndexError` block.
     * REMOVE `InvalidNetworkstatusDescriptorDigest` exception class.
     * CHANGE logging of caught exceptions to use `exc`, not
       `exc.message`. The later has been deprecated since Python2.6.
 lib/bridgedb/parse/networkstatus.py |   81 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/parse/networkstatus.py b/lib/bridgedb/parse/networkstatus.py
index a20ddb4..294e465 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/parse/networkstatus.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/parse/networkstatus.py
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import binascii
 import logging
 import string
 import time
+import warnings
+from twisted.python.log import showwarning
 from bridgedb.parse import addr
 from bridgedb.parse import padBase64
@@ -38,9 +41,6 @@ class NetworkstatusParsingError(Exception):
 class InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(ValueError):
     """The ID field of a networkstatus document 'r'-line is invalid."""
-class InvalidNetworkstatusDescriptorDigest(ValueError):
-    """Descriptor digest of a networkstatus document 'r'-line is invalid."""
 class InvalidRouterNickname(ValueError):
     """Router nickname doesn't follow tor-spec."""
@@ -94,60 +94,55 @@ def parseRLine(line):
     (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp,
      ORaddr, ORport, dirport) = (None for x in xrange(7))
-    if not line.startswith('r '):
-        raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-            "Networkstatus parser received non 'r'-line: %r" % line)
+    try:
+        if not line.startswith('r '):
+            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
+                "Networkstatus parser received non 'r'-line: %r" % line)
-    line = line[2:] # Chop of the 'r '
+        line = line[2:] # Chop of the 'r '
+        fields = line.split()
-    fields = line.split()
-    if len(fields) != 8:
-        raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-            "Wrong number of fields in networkstatus 'r'-line: %r" % line)
+        if len(fields) != 8:
+            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
+                "Wrong number of fields in networkstatus 'r'-line: %r" % line)
-    try:
         nickname, ID = fields[:2]
         if ID.endswith('='):
             raise InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(
-                "Skipping networkstatus parsing for router with nickname %r:"\
-                "\n\tUnpadded, base64-encoded networkstatus router identity "\
+                "Skipping networkstatus parsing for router with nickname "\
+                "'%s':\n  Unpadded, base64-encoded networkstatus router identity "\
                 "string ends with '=': %r" % (nickname, ID))
-        try:
-            ID = padBase64(ID) # Add the trailing equals sign back in
-        except (AttributeError, ValueError) as error:
-            raise InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(error.message)
-        ID = binascii.a2b_base64(ID) 
-        if not ID:
+        paddedID = padBase64(ID) # Add the trailing equals sign back in
+        debasedID = binascii.a2b_base64(paddedID)
+        if not debasedID:
             raise InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(
-                "Skipping networkstatus parsing for router with nickname %r:"\
-                "\n\tBase64-encoding for networkstatus router identity string"\
-                "is invalid!\n\tLine: %r" % (nickname, line))
-    except IndexError as error:
-        logging.error(error.message)
+                "Skipping networkstatus parsing for router with nickname "\
+                "'%s':\n  Base64-encoding for networkstatus router identity "\
+                "string is invalid!\n  Line: %r" % (nickname, line))
+        ID = debasedID
+    except NetworkstatusParsingError as error:
+        logging.error(error)
+        nickname, ID = None, None
     except InvalidRouterNickname as error:
-        logging.error(error.message)
+        logging.error(error)
         nickname = None
     except InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity as error:
-        logging.error(error.message)
+        logging.error(error)
         ID = None
-    try:
-        descDigest = binascii.a2b_base64(fields[2])
-    except (AttributeError, ValueError) as error:
-        raise InvalidNetworkstatusDescriptorDigest(error.message)
-        timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(" ".join(fields[3:5]),
-                                              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
-        ORaddr = fields[5]
-        ORport = fields[6]
-        dirport = fields[7]
+    else:
+        try:
+            descDigest = binascii.a2b_base64(fields[2])
+            timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(" ".join(fields[3:5]),
+                                                  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
+            ORaddr = fields[5]
+            ORport = fields[6]
+            dirport = fields[7]
+        except (AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError) as error:
+            logging.error(error)
+            descDigest = None
         return (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp, ORaddr, ORport, dirport)

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