[tor-commits] [doctor/java] Remove leading spaces to reduce HTML size

karsten at torproject.org karsten at torproject.org
Sun Apr 20 06:47:15 UTC 2014

commit 6af98a8ac813a8b34052539dbad0f71797e39908
Author: Michael Wolf <mikewolf at riseup.net>
Date:   Sat Apr 19 15:06:31 2014 -0400

    Remove leading spaces to reduce HTML size
    * Remove leading spaces (Implements part 3 of ticket #11563)
    * Improve alignment of HTML in source
 .../torproject/doctor/MetricsWebsiteReport.java    |  650 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 325 insertions(+), 325 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/org/torproject/doctor/MetricsWebsiteReport.java b/src/org/torproject/doctor/MetricsWebsiteReport.java
index 428bee2..f6f59f8 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/doctor/MetricsWebsiteReport.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/doctor/MetricsWebsiteReport.java
@@ -102,52 +102,52 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
     this.bw.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 "
           + "Transitional//EN\">\n"
         + "<html>\n"
-        + "  <head>\n"
-        + "    <title>Consensus health</title>\n"
-        + "    <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
-          + "charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n"
-        + "    <link href=\"/css/stylesheet-ltr.css\" type=\"text/css\" "
+        +   "<head>\n"
+        +     "<title>Consensus health</title>\n"
+        +     "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; "
+          +     "charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n"
+        +     "<link href=\"/css/stylesheet-ltr.css\" type=\"text/css\" "
           + "rel=\"stylesheet\">\n"
-        + "    <link href=\"/images/favicon.ico\" "
+        +     "<link href=\"/images/favicon.ico\" "
           + "type=\"image/x-icon\" rel=\"shortcut icon\">\n"
-        + "  </head>\n"
-        + "  <body>\n"
-        + "  <style>\n"
-        + "    tr:nth-child(2n) {\n"
-        + "      background-color:#eeeeee;\n"
-        + "    }\n"
-        + "    .oiv {\n"
-        + "      color:red;\n"
-        + "    }\n"
-        + "    .oic {\n"
-        + "      color:gray;\n"
-        + "      text-decoration:line-through;\n"
-        + "    }\n"
-        + "    .ic {\n"
-        + "      color:blue;\n"
-        + "    }\n"
-        + "    .tbl-hdr {\n"
-        + "      height:3em;\n"
-        + "      vertical-align:bottom;\n"
-        + "    }\n"
-        + "  </style>\n"
-        + "    <div class=\"center\">\n"
-        + "      <div class=\"main-column\">\n"
-        + "        <h2>Consensus Health</h2>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p>This page shows statistics about the current "
+        +   "</head>\n"
+        +   "<body>\n"
+        +   "<style>\n"
+        +     "tr:nth-child(2n) {\n"
+        +       "background-color:#eeeeee;\n"
+        +     "}\n"
+        +     ".oiv {\n"
+        +       "color:red;\n"
+        +     "}\n"
+        +     ".oic {\n"
+        +       "color:gray;\n"
+        +       "text-decoration:line-through;\n"
+        +     "}\n"
+        +     ".ic {\n"
+        +       "color:blue;\n"
+        +     "}\n"
+        +     ".tbl-hdr {\n"
+        +       "height:3em;\n"
+        +       "vertical-align:bottom;\n"
+        +     "}\n"
+        +   "</style>\n"
+        +     "<div class=\"center\">\n"
+        +       "<div class=\"main-column\">\n"
+        +         "<h2>Consensus Health</h2>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p>This page shows statistics about the current "
           + "consensus and votes to facilitate debugging of the "
           + "directory consensus process.</p>\n");
   /* Write the valid-after time of the downloaded consensus. */
   private void writeValidAfterTime() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"validafter\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#validafter\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"validafter\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#validafter\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Valid-after time</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p>Consensus was published ");
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p>Consensus was published ");
     if (this.downloadedConsensus.getValidAfterMillis() <
         System.currentTimeMillis() - 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
       this.bw.write("<span class=\"oiv\">"
@@ -163,59 +163,58 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
   /* Write the lists of known flags. */
   private void writeKnownFlags() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"knownflags\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#knownflags\" class=\"anchor\">Known "
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"knownflags\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#knownflags\" class=\"anchor\">Known "
           + "flags</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
-        this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-            + "            <td>known-flags");
+        this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+            +           "<td>known-flags");
         for (String knownFlag : vote.getKnownFlags()) {
           this.bw.write(" " + knownFlag);
-        this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-            + "          </tr>\n");
+        this.bw.write(  "</td>\n"
+            +         "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">known-flags");
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">known-flags");
     for (String knownFlag : this.downloadedConsensus.getKnownFlags()) {
       this.bw.write(" " + knownFlag);
-    this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-        + "          </tr>\n"
-        + "        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write(    "</td>\n"
+        +           "</tr>\n"
+        +         "</table>\n");
   /* Write the number of relays voted about. */
   private void writeNumberOfRelaysVotedAbout() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"numberofrelays\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#numberofrelays\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"numberofrelays\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#numberofrelays\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Number of relays voted about</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"320\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"320\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"320\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"320\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td><td></td>"
-            + "</tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
         int runningRelays = 0;
@@ -225,12 +224,12 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
-        this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + vote.getStatusEntries().size()
+        this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + vote.getStatusEntries().size()
               + " total</td>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + runningRelays + " Running</td>\n"
-            + "          </tr>\n");
+            +           "<td>" + runningRelays + " Running</td>\n"
+            +         "</tr>\n");
     int runningRelays = 0;
@@ -240,82 +239,82 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
-        + "            <td/>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">" + runningRelays
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
+        +             "<td/>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">" + runningRelays
           + " Running</td>\n"
-        + "          </tr>\n"
-        + "        </table>\n");
+        +           "</tr>\n"
+        +         "</table>\n");
   /* Write the supported consensus methods of directory authorities and
    * the resulting consensus method. */
   private void writeConsensusMethods() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"consensusmethods\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#consensusmethods\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"consensusmethods\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#consensusmethods\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Consensus methods</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
         List<Integer> consensusMethods = vote.getConsensusMethods();
         if (consensusMethods.contains(
             this.downloadedConsensus.getConsensusMethod())) {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-               + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-               + "            <td>consensus-methods");
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+               +          "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+               +          "<td>consensus-methods");
           for (int consensusMethod : consensusMethods) {
             this.bw.write(" " + String.valueOf(consensusMethod));
-          this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-               + "          </tr>\n");
+          this.bw.write(  "</td>\n"
+               +        "</tr>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">"
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">"
                 + vote.getNickname() + "</span></td>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">"
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">"
                 + "consensus-methods");
           for (int consensusMethod : consensusMethods) {
             this.bw.write(" " + String.valueOf(consensusMethod));
-          this.bw.write("</span></td>\n"
-            + "          </tr>\n");
+          this.bw.write(    "</span></td>\n"
+            +           "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus-method "
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus-method "
           + this.downloadedConsensus.getConsensusMethod()
-          + "</td>\n"
-        + "          </tr>\n"
-        + "        </table>\n");
+        +             "</td>\n"
+        +           "</tr>\n"
+        +         "</table>\n");
   /* Write recommended versions. */
   private void writeRecommendedVersions() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"recommendedversions\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#recommendedversions\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"recommendedversions\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#recommendedversions\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Recommended versions</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
         List<String> voteRecommendedClientVersions =
@@ -323,27 +322,28 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
         if (voteRecommendedClientVersions != null) {
           if (downloadedConsensus.getRecommendedClientVersions().equals(
               voteRecommendedClientVersions)) {
-            this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-                + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-                + "            <td>client-versions ");
+            this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+                +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+                +           "<td>client-versions ");
             int i = 0;
             for (String version : voteRecommendedClientVersions) {
               this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-            this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-                + "          </tr>\n");
+            this.bw.write(  "</td>\n"
+                +         "</tr>\n");
           } else {
-            this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-                + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">"
+            this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+                +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">"
                   + vote.getNickname()
                   + "</span></td>\n"
-                + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">client-versions ");
+                +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">client-versions ");
             int i = 0;
             for (String version : voteRecommendedClientVersions) {
               this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-            this.bw.write("</span></td>\n"
-                + "          </tr>\n");
+            this.bw.write(    "</span>"
+                +           "</td>\n"
+                +         "</tr>\n");
         List<String> voteRecommendedServerVersions =
@@ -351,67 +351,67 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
         if (voteRecommendedServerVersions != null) {
           if (downloadedConsensus.getRecommendedServerVersions().equals(
               voteRecommendedServerVersions)) {
-            this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-                + "            <td></td>\n"
-                + "            <td>server-versions ");
+            this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+                +           "<td></td>\n"
+                +           "<td>server-versions ");
             int i = 0;
             for (String version : voteRecommendedServerVersions) {
               this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-            this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-                + "          </tr>\n");
+            this.bw.write(  "</td>\n"
+                +         "</tr>\n");
           } else {
-            this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-                + "            <td></td>\n"
-                + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">server-versions ");
+            this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+                +           "<td></td>\n"
+                +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">server-versions ");
             int i = 0;
             for (String version : voteRecommendedServerVersions) {
               this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-                + "          </tr>\n");
+                +         "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">client-versions ");
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">client-versions ");
     int i = 0;
     for (String version :
         downloadedConsensus.getRecommendedClientVersions()) {
       this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-    this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-        + "          </tr>\n"
-        + "          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td></td>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">server-versions ");
+    this.bw.write(    "</td>\n"
+        +           "</tr>\n"
+        +           "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td></td>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">server-versions ");
     i = 0;
     for (String version :
         downloadedConsensus.getRecommendedServerVersions()) {
       this.bw.write((i++ > 0 ? "," : "") + version);
-    this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-      + "          </tr>\n"
-      + "        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write(    "</td>\n"
+      +             "</tr>\n"
+      +           "</table>\n");
   /* Write consensus parameters. */
   private void writeConsensusParameters() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"consensusparams\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#consensusparams\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"consensusparams\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#consensusparams\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Consensus parameters</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       Set<String> validParameters = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
@@ -440,81 +440,81 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
         if (conflictOrInvalid) {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">"
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">"
                 + vote.getNickname() + "</span></td>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">params");
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">params");
           for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :
               voteConsensusParams.entrySet()) {
             this.bw.write(" " + e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue());
-          this.bw.write("</span></td>\n"
-              + "          </tr>\n");
+          this.bw.write(  "</span></td>\n"
+              +         "</tr>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-              + "            <td>params");
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+              +           "<td>params");
           for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :
               voteConsensusParams.entrySet()) {
             this.bw.write(" " + e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue());
-          this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-              + "          </tr>\n");
+          this.bw.write(  "</td>\n"
+              +         "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
-        + "            <td class=\"ic\">params");
+    this.bw.write(    "<tr>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">consensus</td>\n"
+        +             "<td class=\"ic\">params");
     for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e :
         this.downloadedConsensus.getConsensusParams().entrySet()) {
       this.bw.write(" " + e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue());
-    this.bw.write("</td>\n"
-        + "          </tr>\n"
-        + "        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write(    "</td>\n"
+        +           "</tr>\n"
+        +         "</table>\n");
   /* Write authority keys and their expiration dates. */
   private void writeAuthorityKeys() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"authoritykeys\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#authoritykeys\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"authoritykeys\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#authoritykeys\" class=\"anchor\">"
           + "Authority keys</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
         long voteDirKeyExpiresMillis = vote.getDirKeyExpiresMillis();
         if (voteDirKeyExpiresMillis - 14L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L <
             System.currentTimeMillis()) {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">"
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">"
                 + vote.getNickname() + "</span></td>\n"
-              + "            <td><span class=\"oiv\">dir-key-expires "
+              +           "<td><span class=\"oiv\">dir-key-expires "
                 + dateTimeFormat.format(voteDirKeyExpiresMillis)
                 + "</span></td>\n"
-              + "          </tr>\n");
+              +         "</tr>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-              + "            <td>dir-key-expires "
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+              +           "<td>dir-key-expires "
                 + dateTimeFormat.format(voteDirKeyExpiresMillis)
                 + "</td>\n"
-              + "          </tr>\n");
+              +         "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("        </table>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p><i>Note that expiration dates of legacy keys are "
+    this.bw.write("</table>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p><i>Note that expiration dates of legacy keys are "
           + "not included in votes and therefore not listed here!</i>"
           + "</p>\n");
@@ -522,19 +522,19 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
   /* Write the status of bandwidth scanners and results being contained
    * in votes. */
   private void writeBandwidthScannerStatus() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-         + "        <a name=\"bwauthstatus\">\n"
-         + "        <h3><a href=\"#bwauthstatus\" class=\"anchor\">"
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+         +        "<a name=\"bwauthstatus\">\n"
+         +        "<h3><a href=\"#bwauthstatus\" class=\"anchor\">"
            + "Bandwidth scanner status</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n");
     if (this.downloadedVotes.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
+      this.bw.write("<tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td></td></tr>\n");
     } else {
       for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
         int bandwidthWeights = 0;
@@ -544,24 +544,24 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
         if (bandwidthWeights > 0) {
-          this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-              + "            <td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
-              + "            <td>" + bandwidthWeights
+          this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+              +           "<td>" + vote.getNickname() + "</td>\n"
+              +           "<td>" + bandwidthWeights
                 + " Measured values in w lines</td>\n"
-              + "          </tr>\n");
+              +         "</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write("</table>\n");
   /* Write directory authority versions. */
   private void writeAuthorityVersions() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-         + "        <a name=\"authorityversions\">\n"
-         + "        <h3><a href=\"#authorityversions\" class=\"anchor\">"
-           + "Authority versions</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n");
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"authorityversions\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#authorityversions\" class=\"anchor\">"
+          + "Authority versions</a></h3>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n");
     SortedMap<String, String> authorityVersions =
         new TreeMap<String, String>();
     for (NetworkStatusEntry entry :
@@ -571,26 +571,26 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
     if (authorityVersions.size() < 1) {
-      this.bw.write("          <p>(No relays with Authority flag found.)"
+      this.bw.write("<p>(No relays with Authority flag found.)"
             + "</p>\n");
     } else {
-      this.bw.write("        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+      this.bw.write("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
             + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-          + "          <colgroup>\n"
-          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
-          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+          +           "<colgroup>\n"
+          +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+          +             "<col width=\"640\">\n"
+          +           "</colgroup>\n");
       for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : authorityVersions.entrySet()) {
         String nickname = e.getKey();
         String versionString = e.getValue();
-        this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + nickname + "</td>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + versionString + "</td>\n"
-            + "          </tr>\n");
+        this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + nickname + "</td>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + versionString + "</td>\n"
+            +         "</tr>\n");
-      this.bw.write("        </table>\n"
-          + "        <br>\n"
-          + "        <p><i>Note that this list of relays with the "
+      this.bw.write("</table>\n"
+          +         "<br>\n"
+          +         "<p><i>Note that this list of relays with the "
             + "Authority flag may be different from the list of v3 "
             + "directory authorities!</i></p>\n");
@@ -604,26 +604,26 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
     if (knownAuthorities.isEmpty()) {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-         + "        <a name=\"downloadstats\">\n"
-         + "        <h3><a href=\"#downloadstats\" class=\"anchor\">"
-           + "Consensus download statistics</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p>The following table contains statistics on "
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"downloadstats\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#downloadstats\" class=\"anchor\">"
+          + "Consensus download statistics</a></h3>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p>The following table contains statistics on "
           + "consensus download times in milliseconds over the last 7 "
           + "days:</p>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
-        + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"100\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n"
-        + "          <tr><th>Authority</th>"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"100\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n"
+        +           "<tr><th>Authority</th>"
           + "<th>Minimum</th>"
           + "<th>1st Quartile</th>"
           + "<th>Median</th>"
@@ -631,62 +631,62 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
           + "<th>Maximum</th>"
           + "<th>Timeouts</th></tr>\n");
     for (String authority : knownAuthorities) {
-      this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-          + "            <td>" + authority + "</td>\n"
-          + "            <td>"
+      this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+          +           "<td>" + authority + "</td>\n"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getPercentile(authority, 0) + "</td>"
-          + "            <td>"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getPercentile(authority, 25) + "</td>"
-          + "            <td>"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getPercentile(authority, 50) + "</td>"
-          + "            <td>"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getPercentile(authority, 75) + "</td>"
-          + "            <td>"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getPercentile(authority, 100) + "</td>"
-          + "            <td>"
+          +           "<td>"
             + this.statistics.getNAs(authority) + "</td></tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write("</table>\n");
   /* Write the (huge) table containing relay flags contained in votes and
    * the consensus for each relay. */
   private void writeRelayFlagsTable() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"relayflags\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#relayflags\" class=\"anchor\">Relay "
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"relayflags\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#relayflags\" class=\"anchor\">Relay "
           + "flags</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p>The semantics of flags written in the table is "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p>The semantics of flags written in the table is "
           + "similar to the table above:</p>\n"
-        + "        <ul>\n"
-        + "          <li><b>In vote and consensus:</b> Flag in vote "
+        +         "<ul>\n"
+        +           "<li><b>In vote and consensus:</b> Flag in vote "
           + "matches flag in consensus, or relay is not listed in "
           + "consensus (because it doesn't have the Running "
           + "flag)</li>\n"
-        + "          <li><b><span class=\"oiv\">Only in "
+        +           "<li><b><span class=\"oiv\">Only in "
           + "vote:</span></b> Flag in vote, but missing in the "
           + "consensus, because there was no majority for the flag or "
           + "the flag was invalidated (e.g., Named gets invalidated by "
           + "Unnamed)</li>\n"
-        + "          <li><b><span class=\"oic\">Only in "
+        +           "<li><b><span class=\"oic\">Only in "
           + "consensus:</span></b> Flag in consensus, but missing "
           + "in a vote of a directory authority voting on this "
           + "flag</li>\n"
-        + "          <li><b><span class=\"ic\">In "
+        +           "<li><b><span class=\"ic\">In "
           + "consensus:</span></b> Flag in consensus</li>\n"
-        + "        </ul>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+        +         "</ul>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
         + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"120\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"80\">\n");
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"120\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"80\">\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < this.downloadedVotes.size(); i++) {
-      this.bw.write("            <col width=\""
+      this.bw.write(  "<col width=\""
           + (640 / this.downloadedVotes.size()) + "\">\n");
-    this.bw.write("          </colgroup>\n");
+    this.bw.write(  "</colgroup>\n");
     SortedMap<String, String> allRelays = new TreeMap<String, String>();
     for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
       for (NetworkStatusEntry statusEntry :
@@ -709,37 +709,37 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
       String nickname = e.getValue();
       this.writeRelayFlagsTableRow(fingerprint, nickname);
-    this.bw.write("        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write("</table>\n");
   /* Write the table header that is repeated every ten relays and that
    * contains the directory authority names. */
   private void writeRelayFlagsTableHeader() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("          <tr class=\"tbl-hdr\"><th>Fingerprint</th>"
-        + "<th>Nickname</th>\n");
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr class=\"tbl-hdr\"><th>Fingerprint</th>"
+        +             "<th>Nickname</th>\n");
     for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
       String shortDirName = vote.getNickname().length() > 6 ?
           vote.getNickname().substring(0, 5) + "." :
-      this.bw.write("<th>" + shortDirName + "</th>");
+      this.bw.write(  "<th>" + shortDirName + "</th>");
-    this.bw.write("<th>consensus</th></tr>\n");
+    this.bw.write(    "<th>consensus</th></tr>\n");
   /* Write a single row in the table of relay flags. */
   private void writeRelayFlagsTableRow(String fingerprint,
       String nickname) throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("          <tr>\n");
+    this.bw.write(  "<tr>\n");
     if (this.downloadedConsensus.containsStatusEntry(fingerprint) &&
         contains("Named") && !Character.isDigit(nickname.charAt(0))) {
-      this.bw.write("            <td id=\"" + nickname + "\">"
+      this.bw.write(  "<td id=\"" + nickname + "\">"
           + fingerprint.substring(0, 8) + "</td>\n");
     } else {
-      this.bw.write("            <td>"
+      this.bw.write(  "<td>"
           + fingerprint.substring(0, 8) + "</td>\n");
-    this.bw.write("            <td>" + nickname + "</td>\n");
+    this.bw.write(    "<td>" + nickname + "</td>\n");
     SortedSet<String> relevantFlags = new TreeSet<String>();
     for (RelayNetworkStatusVote vote : this.downloadedVotes.values()) {
       if (vote.containsStatusEntry(fingerprint)) {
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
       if (vote.containsStatusEntry(fingerprint)) {
         SortedSet<String> flags = vote.getStatusEntry(fingerprint).
-        this.bw.write("            <td>");
+        this.bw.write("<td>");
         int flagsWritten = 0;
         for (String flag : relevantFlags) {
           this.bw.write(flagsWritten++ > 0 ? "<br>" : "");
@@ -770,17 +770,17 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
           } else if (consensusFlags != null &&
               vote.getKnownFlags().contains(flag) &&
               consensusFlags.contains(flag)) {
-            this.bw.write("<span class=\"oic\">" + flag
+            this.bw.write(  "<span class=\"oic\">" + flag
                 + "</span>");
       } else {
-        this.bw.write("            <td></td>\n");
+        this.bw.write("<td></td>\n");
     if (consensusFlags != null) {
-      this.bw.write("            <td class=\"ic\">");
+      this.bw.write(  "<td class=\"ic\">");
       int flagsWritten = 0;
       for (String flag : relevantFlags) {
         this.bw.write(flagsWritten++ > 0 ? "<br>" : "");
@@ -788,46 +788,46 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
-      this.bw.write("</td>\n");
+      this.bw.write(  "</td>\n");
     } else {
-      this.bw.write("            <td></td>\n");
+      this.bw.write(  "<td></td>\n");
-    this.bw.write("          </tr>\n");
+    this.bw.write(  "</tr>\n");
   /* Write the relay flag summary. */
   private void writeRelayFlagsSummary() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("        <br>\n"
-        + "        <a name=\"overlap\">\n"
-        + "        <h3><a href=\"#overlap\" class=\"anchor\">Overlap "
+    this.bw.write("<br>\n"
+        +         "<a name=\"overlap\">\n"
+        +         "<h3><a href=\"#overlap\" class=\"anchor\">Overlap "
           + "between votes and consensus</a></h3>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <p>The semantics of columns is as follows:</p>\n"
-        + "        <ul>\n"
-        + "          <li><b>In vote and consensus:</b> Flag in vote "
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<p>The semantics of columns is as follows:</p>\n"
+        +         "<ul>\n"
+        +           "<li><b>In vote and consensus:</b> Flag in vote "
           + "matches flag in consensus, or relay is not listed in "
           + "consensus (because it doesn't have the Running "
           + "flag)</li>\n"
-        + "          <li><b><span class=\"oiv\">Only in "
+        +           "<li><b><span class=\"oiv\">Only in "
           + "vote:</span></b> Flag in vote, but missing in the "
           + "consensus, because there was no majority for the flag or "
           + "the flag was invalidated (e.g., Named gets invalidated by "
           + "Unnamed)</li>\n"
-        + "          <li><b><span class=\"oic\">Only in "
+        +           "<li><b><span class=\"oic\">Only in "
           + "consensus:</span></b> Flag in consensus, but missing "
           + "in a vote of a directory authority voting on this "
           + "flag</li>\n"
-        + "        </ul>\n"
-        + "        <br>\n"
-        + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
-        + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
-        + "          <colgroup>\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"210\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"210\">\n"
-        + "            <col width=\"210\">\n"
-        + "          </colgroup>\n"
-        + "          <tr><td></td><td><b>Only in vote</b></td>"
+        +         "</ul>\n"
+        +         "<br>\n"
+        +         "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+        +           "<colgroup>\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"160\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"210\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"210\">\n"
+        +             "<col width=\"210\">\n"
+        +           "</colgroup>\n"
+        +           "<tr><td></td><td><b>Only in vote</b></td>"
           + "<td><b>In vote and consensus</b></td>"
           + "<td><b>Only in consensus</b></td>\n");
     Set<String> allFingerprints = new HashSet<String>();
@@ -885,51 +885,51 @@ public class MetricsWebsiteReport {
       String dir = vote.getNickname();
       int i = 0;
       for (String flag : vote.getKnownFlags()) {
-        this.bw.write("          <tr>\n"
-            + "            <td>" + (i++ == 0 ? dir : "")
+        this.bw.write("<tr>\n"
+            +           "<td>" + (i++ == 0 ? dir : "")
               + "</td>\n");
         if (flagsLost.containsKey(dir) &&
             flagsLost.get(dir).containsKey(flag)) {
-          this.bw.write("            <td><span class=\"oiv\"> "
+          this.bw.write("<td><span class=\"oiv\"> "
                 + flagsLost.get(dir).get(flag) + " " + flag
                 + "</span></td>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("            <td></td>\n");
+          this.bw.write("<td></td>\n");
         if (flagsAgree.containsKey(dir) &&
             flagsAgree.get(dir).containsKey(flag)) {
-          this.bw.write("            <td>" + flagsAgree.get(dir).get(flag)
+          this.bw.write("<td>" + flagsAgree.get(dir).get(flag)
                 + " " + flag + "</td>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("            <td></td>\n");
+          this.bw.write("<td></td>\n");
         if (flagsMissing.containsKey(dir) &&
             flagsMissing.get(dir).containsKey(flag)) {
-          this.bw.write("            <td><span class=\"oic\">"
+          this.bw.write("<td><span class=\"oic\">"
                 + flagsMissing.get(dir).get(flag) + " " + flag
                 + "</span></td>\n");
         } else {
-          this.bw.write("            <td></td>\n");
+          this.bw.write("<td></td>\n");
-        this.bw.write("          </tr>\n");
+        this.bw.write("</tr>\n");
-    this.bw.write("        </table>\n");
+    this.bw.write("</table>\n");
   /* Write the footer of the HTML page containing the blurb that is on
    * every page of the metrics website. */
   private void writePageFooter() throws IOException {
-    this.bw.write("      </div>\n"
-        + "    </div>\n"
-        + "    <div class=\"bottom\" id=\"bottom\">\n"
-        + "      <p>\"Tor\" and the \"Onion Logo\" are <a "
+    this.bw.write("</div>\n"
+        +     "</div>\n"
+        +     "<div class=\"bottom\" id=\"bottom\">\n"
+        +       "<p>\"Tor\" and the \"Onion Logo\" are <a "
           + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/trademark-faq.html"
           + ".en\">"
-        + "registered trademarks</a> of The Tor Project, "
+          + "registered trademarks</a> of The Tor Project, "
           + "Inc.</p>\n"
-        + "    </div>\n"
-        + "  </body>\n"
+        +     "</div>\n"
+        +   "</body>\n"
         + "</html>");

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