[tor-commits] [stem/master] Dropping unused descriptor helpers

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sat Oct 13 18:35:45 UTC 2012

commit 60868f5f161dc0db59f4c19019b75c29f417b37c
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar at torproject.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 7 18:53:18 2012 -0700

    Dropping unused descriptor helpers
    Removing the helper functions for the prior parsers of network status
 stem/descriptor/__init__.py      |   73 --------------------------------------
 stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py |   13 +++----
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/stem/descriptor/__init__.py b/stem/descriptor/__init__.py
index ef3d558..28aeed1 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/__init__.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/__init__.py
@@ -169,72 +169,6 @@ class Descriptor(object):
   def __str__(self):
     return self._raw_contents
-def _peek_line(descriptor_file):
-  """
-  Returns the line at the current offset of descriptor_file.
-  :param file descriptor_file: file with the descriptor content
-  :returns: line at the current offset of descriptor_file
-  """
-  last_position = descriptor_file.tell()
-  line = descriptor_file.readline()
-  descriptor_file.seek(last_position)
-  return line
-def _peek_keyword(descriptor_file):
-  """
-  Returns the keyword at the current offset of descriptor_file. Respects the
-  "opt" keyword and returns the next keyword instead.
-  :param file descriptor_file: file with the descriptor content
-  :returns: keyword at the current offset of descriptor_file
-  """
-  line = _peek_line(descriptor_file)
-  if line.startswith("opt "):
-    line = line[4:]
-  if not line: return None
-  return line.split(" ", 1)[0].rstrip("\n")
-def _read_keyword_line(keyword, descriptor_file, validate = True, optional = False):
-  """
-  Returns the rest of the line if the first keyword matches the given keyword. If
-  it doesn't, a ValueError is raised if optional and validate are True, if
-  not, None is returned.
-  Respects the opt keyword and returns the next keyword if the first is "opt".
-  :param str keyword: keyword the line must begin with
-  :param bool descriptor_file: file/file-like object containing descriptor data
-  :param bool validate: validation is enabled
-  :param bool optional: if the current line must begin with the given keyword
-  :returns: the text after the keyword if the keyword matches the one provided, otherwise returns None or raises an exception
-  :raises: ValueError if a non-optional keyword doesn't match when validation is enabled
-  """
-  line = _peek_line(descriptor_file)
-  if not line:
-    if not optional and validate:
-      raise ValueError("Unexpected end of document")
-    return None
-  if line.startswith("opt "):
-    line = line[4:]
-  if re.match("^" + re.escape(keyword) + "($| )", line):
-    descriptor_file.readline()
-    return line[len(keyword):].strip()
-  elif not optional and validate:
-    raise ValueError("Error parsing network status document: Expected %s, received: %s" % (keyword, line))
-  else: return None
 def _read_until_keywords(keywords, descriptor_file, inclusive = False, ignore_first = False, skip = False, end_position = None):
   Reads from the descriptor file until we get to one of the given keywords or reach the
@@ -399,10 +333,3 @@ def _get_descriptor_components(raw_contents, validate, extra_keywords = ()):
   return entries, first_keyword, last_keyword, extra_entries
-def _strptime(string, validate = True, optional = False):
-  try:
-    return datetime.datetime.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-  except ValueError, exc:
-    if validate or not optional: raise exc
-    else: return None
diff --git a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
index d9aab4f..dea16f4 100644
--- a/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
+++ b/stem/descriptor/networkstatus.py
@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ import stem.version
 import stem.exit_policy
 import stem.util.tor_tools
-from stem.descriptor import _read_until_keywords, _peek_keyword, _strptime
-from stem.descriptor import _read_keyword_line, _get_pseudo_pgp_block, _peek_line
 # Network status document are either a 'vote' or 'consensus', with different
 # mandatory fields for each. Both though require that their fields appear in a
 # specific order. This is an ordered listing of the following...
@@ -146,10 +143,10 @@ def parse_file(document_file, validate = True, is_microdescriptor = False):
   # getting the document without the routers section
-  header = _read_until_keywords((ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START), document_file)
+  header = stem.descriptor._read_until_keywords((ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START), document_file)
   routers_start = document_file.tell()
-  _read_until_keywords(FOOTER_START, document_file, skip = True)
+  stem.descriptor._read_until_keywords(FOOTER_START, document_file, skip = True)
   routers_end = document_file.tell()
   footer = document_file.readlines()
@@ -203,14 +200,14 @@ def _get_entries(document_file, validate, entry_class, entry_keyword, start_posi
   if end_position is None:
     if section_end_keywords:
-      _read_until_keywords(section_end_keywords, document_file, skip = True)
+      stem.descriptor._read_until_keywords(section_end_keywords, document_file, skip = True)
       end_position = document_file.tell()
       raise ValueError("Either a end_position or section_end_keywords must be provided")
   while document_file.tell() < end_position:
-    desc_content = "".join(_read_until_keywords(entry_keyword, document_file, ignore_first = True, end_position = end_position))
+    desc_content = "".join(stem.descriptor._read_until_keywords(entry_keyword, document_file, ignore_first = True, end_position = end_position))
     yield entry_class(desc_content, validate, *extra_args)
 class NetworkStatusDocument(stem.descriptor.Descriptor):
@@ -347,7 +344,7 @@ class _DocumentHeader(object):
     self._unrecognized_lines = []
-    content = "".join(_read_until_keywords((AUTH_START, ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START), document_file))
+    content = "".join(stem.descriptor._read_until_keywords((AUTH_START, ROUTERS_START, FOOTER_START), document_file))
     entries = stem.descriptor._get_descriptor_components(content, validate)[0]
     self._parse(entries, validate)

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