[tor-commits] [orbot/master] updated translations from transifex

n8fr8 at torproject.org n8fr8 at torproject.org
Mon Feb 27 04:24:19 UTC 2012

commit 595cd7e383154ca06b9fdd0d56488ef182b34d3c
Author: Nathan Freitas <nathan at freitas.net>
Date:   Thu Feb 23 14:23:41 2012 -0500

    updated translations from transifex
 res/values-ar/strings.xml    |  321 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-ca/strings.xml    |  322 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-cs/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-de/strings.xml    |  327 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-el/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-es/strings.xml    |  322 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-eu/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-fa/strings.xml    |  319 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-fr/strings.xml    |  197 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-hu/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-it/strings.xml    |  198 +++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-ja/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-ko/strings.xml    |  196 ++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-mk/strings.xml    |  314 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-nb/strings.xml    |  234 ++++++++++++++++++----
 res/values-nl/strings.xml    |  333 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 res/values-pl/strings.xml    |  315 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-pt/strings.xml    |  233 ++++++++++++++++++----
 res/values-pt_BR/strings.xml |  198 +++++++++++++++++++
 res/values-ru/strings.xml    |  315 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values-sv/strings.xml    |  231 ++++++++++++++++++----
 res/values-zh/strings.xml    |  314 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 res/values/strings.xml       |  449 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 23 files changed, 4473 insertions(+), 1645 deletions(-)

diff --git a/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index 621fc3d..01a6a12 100644
--- a/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -1,137 +1,202 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">اوربوت (Orbot)</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">بدء وإيقاف تور</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">خدمة وكيل تور</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">اوربوت يبدأ...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">أنا متصل بشبكة تور</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"تم إيقاف اوربوت</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">جاري إغلاق اوربوت</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">تحذير: حركة مرورك ليست خفية الى الآن! من فضلك قم بتكوين التطبيقات الخاصة بك لإستخدام HTTP proxy أو SOCK4A أو SOKS5</string>
-<string name="menu_home">الصفحة الرئيسية</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">تصفّح</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">إعدادات</string>
-<string name="menu_log">السجل</string>
-<string name="menu_info">مساعدة</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">تطبيقات</string>
-<string name="menu_start">بدء</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">إيقاف</string>
-<string name="menu_about">حول</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">مساعدة</string>
-<string name="button_close">إغلاق</string>
-<string name="button_about">حول</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">مسح السجل</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">فحص</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">خروج</string>
-<string name="powered_by">بدعم من مشروع تور</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية (يتطلب حقوق المسؤول- Root-)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">عملية توريفاي أوتوماتيكية للتطبيقات</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">تور كل شيء</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">حركة مرور الوكيل لجميع التطبيقات عبر تور</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">تم تثبيت ثنائيات تور بنجاح!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">غير قادر على تثبيت ملفات ثنائيات تور. يرجى التحقق من السجل وإعلامنا على البريد الإلكتروني tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">خطأ في التطبيق</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">مرحبا بك في أوربوت</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">عن أوربوت</string>
-<string name="btn_next">التالي</string>
-<string name="btn_back">رجوع</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">إنهاء</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">موافق</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">إلغاء</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">بفضل أوربوت، صار ممكنا استعمال تور في أندرويد. تور هو برنامج مجاني وشبكة مفتوحة تساعد على حمايتك من مراقبة الشبكات التي تهدد الخصوصية والحرية الشخصية والعلاقات والأنشطة التجارية السرية ورقابة الدول المعروفة بإسم تحليل حركة المرور.
-*تحذير: *تثبيت أوربوت على جهازك_لن_يقوم بإخفاء تحركات حركة مرورك بشكل سحري! سوف يساعدك هذا المعالج على البدء.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">بعض التفاصيل عن أوربوت</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">أوربوت هو تطبيق مفتوح المصدر والذي يضم تور, LibEvent وPrixovy. يعمل على توفير وكيل HTTP محلي (8118) ووكيل SOCKS (9050) إلى شبكة تور. يتوفر لدى أوربوت القدرة على إرسال جميع حركات مرور الانترنت من خلال تور على الجهاز ذات حقوق المسؤول (root). </string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">تم منح الإذن</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">أذونات أوربوت</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">ممتاز! لقد وجدنا بأنه لديك أذونات حقوق المسؤول (root) لتمكين أوربوت. سوف نستخدم هذه السلطة بحكمة.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">رغم أنه ليس ضروريا، يمكن ان يصبح أوربوت أداة قوية إذا كان لدى جهازك صلاحية حقوق المسؤول (root). استخدم الزر بالأسفل لمنح أوربوت قوة أكبر!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">إذا لم يكن لديك صلاحية حقوق المسؤول (root) أو ليست لديك أدنى فكرة عما نتحدث عنه، تأكد فقط من استخدام تطبيقات تعمل مع أوربوت.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">أفهم ذلك وأود أن أستمر بدون حقوق المسؤول (root)</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">منح أوربوت حقوق المسؤول (root)</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">تكوين توريفاي</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">أوربوت يعطيك الخيار لتوجيه جميع حركات مرور التطبيقات عبر تور OR لإختيار تطبيقاتك بشكل فردي.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">توكيل جميع التطبيقات عبر تور</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اختر التطبيقات الفردية لتور</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">تطبيقات مهيئة لأوربوت</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">نشجعكم على تحميل واستخدام التطبيقات التي تعرف كيفية الاتصال مباشرة بأوربوت. اضغط على الأزرار في الأسفل للتثبيت.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (أندرويد 1.x فقط) - متصفح مصمّم للخصوصية لأوربوت </string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">إعدادات الوكيل - تعلم كيفية تكوين التطبيقات لتعمل مع أوربوت</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">إعدادات الوكيل</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اذا كان تطبيق أندرويد الذي تستخدمه يمكن ان يدعم استخدام وكيل HTTP او SOCKS , عندها يمكنك تكوينه للإتصال بأوربوت واستخدام تور.
-    اعدادات المستضيف هي او "المستضيف المحلي". بالنسبة الى HTTP, فإن ضبط المنفذ هو 8118. بالنسبة الى SOCKS, فإن الوكيل هو 9050. يجب عليك استخدام SOCKS4A او SOCKS5 اذا امكن.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">Tor بدء وإيقاف</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">...Orbot جاري تشغيل</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">أنا متصل بشبكة تور</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"تم إيقاف اوربوت</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">جاري إغلاق اوربوت</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">تشغيل برنامج تور...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">انتهاء</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">انتظار</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">تحذير: حركة مرورك ليست خفية الى الآن! من فضلك قم بتكوين التطبيقات الخاصة بك لإستخدام HTTP proxy أو SOCK4A أو SOKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">الصفحة الرئيسية</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">تصفّح</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">إعدادات</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">السجل</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">مساعدة</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">تطبيقات</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">بدء</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">إيقاف</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">حول</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">مساعدة</string>
+  <string name="button_close">إغلاق</string>
+  <string name="button_about">حول</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">مسح السجل</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">فحص</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">خروج</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">بدعم من مشروع تور</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية (يتطلب حقوق المسؤول- Root-)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">عملية توكيل غير مرئية أو ضمنية</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">عملية توريفاي أوتوماتيكية للتطبيقات</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">تور كل شيء</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">حركة مرور الوكيل لجميع التطبيقات عبر تور</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">تم تثبيت ثنائيات تور بنجاح!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">غير قادر على تثبيت ملفات ثنائيات تور. يرجى التحقق من السجل وإعلامنا على البريد الإلكتروني tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">خطأ في التطبيق</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">مرحبا بك في أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">عن أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">التالي</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">رجوع</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">إنهاء</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">موافق</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">إلغاء</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">بعض التفاصيل عن أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">أوربوت هو تطبيق مفتوح المصدر والذي يضم تور, LibEvent وPrixovy. يعمل على توفير وكيل HTTP محلي (8118) ووكيل SOCKS (9050) إلى شبكة تور. يتوفر لدى أوربوت القدرة على إرسال جميع حركات مرور الانترنت من خلال تور على الجهاز ذات حقوق المسؤول (root). </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">تم منح الإذن</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">أذونات أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">ممتاز! لقد وجدنا بأنه لديك أذونات حقوق المسؤول (root) لتمكين أوربوت. سوف نستخدم هذه السلطة بحكمة.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">رغم أنه ليس ضروريا، يمكن ان يصبح أوربوت أداة قوية إذا كان لدى جهازك صلاحية حقوق المسؤول (root). استخدم الزر بالأسفل لمنح أوربوت قوة أكبر!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">إذا لم يكن لديك صلاحية حقوق المسؤول (root) أو ليست لديك أدنى فكرة عما نتحدث عنه، تأكد فقط من استخدام تطبيقات تعمل مع أوربوت.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">أفهم ذلك وأود أن أستمر بدون حقوق المسؤول (root)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">منح أوربوت حقوق المسؤول (root)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">تكوين توريفاي</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">أوربوت يعطيك الخيار لتوجيه جميع حركات مرور التطبيقات عبر تور OR لإختيار تطبيقاتك بشكل فردي.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">توكيل جميع التطبيقات عبر تور</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اختر التطبيقات الفردية لتور</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">تطبيقات مهيئة لأوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">نشجعكم على تحميل واستخدام التطبيقات التي تعرف كيفية الاتصال مباشرة بأوربوت. اضغط على الأزرار في الأسفل للتثبيت.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">إعدادات الوكيل - تعلم كيفية تكوين التطبيقات لتعمل مع أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">إعدادات الوكيل</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اذا كان تطبيق أندرويد الذي تستخدمه يمكن ان يدعم استخدام وكيل HTTP او SOCKS , عندها يمكنك تكوينه للإتصال بأوربوت واستخدام تور.
+    اعدادات المستضيف هي او \"المستضيف المحلي\". بالنسبة الى HTTP, فإن ضبط المنفذ هو 8118. بالنسبة الى SOCKS, فإن الوكيل هو 9050. يجب عليك استخدام SOCKS4A او SOCKS5 اذا امكن.
     يمكنك معرفة المزيد عن عملية توكيل غير مرئية للأندرويد عن طريق الأسئلة المتداولة (FAQ)  في: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">أوربوت جاهز!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">مئات الآلاف من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم يستخدمون تور لأسباب عديدة: الصحفيين والمدونين، والعاملين في مجال حقوق الإنسان، والجنود والشركات والمواطنين من الأنظمة القمعية، والمواطنين العاديين ... والآن أنت مستعد لأن تستخدمه كذلك!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time"> لقد قمت بإتصال ناجح الى شبكة تور - لكن هذا لا يعني بأن جهازك في مأمن. يمكنك استخدام خيار \'تحقق\' من القائمة لإختبار المتصفح الخاص بك. 
+  <string name="wizard_final">أوربوت جاهز!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">مئات الآلاف من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم يستخدمون تور لأسباب عديدة: الصحفيين والمدونين، والعاملين في مجال حقوق الإنسان، والجنود والشركات والمواطنين من الأنظمة القمعية، والمواطنين العاديين ... والآن أنت مستعد لأن تستخدمه كذلك!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time"> لقد قمت بإتصال ناجح الى شبكة تور - لكن هذا لا يعني بأن جهازك في مأمن. يمكنك استخدام خيار \'تحقق\' من القائمة لإختبار المتصفح الخاص بك. 
  قم بزيارتنا على https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot او ارسل رسالة الكترونية الى help at guardianproject.info لمعرفة المزيد.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">سيؤدي هذا إلى فتح المتصفح الافتراضي الخاص بك على العنوان https://check.torproject.org من اجل التحقق من تكوين أوربوت بشكل صحيح وبأنك متصل بتور.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">خدمات خفية</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">سيؤدي هذا إلى فتح المتصفح الافتراضي الخاص بك على العنوان https://check.torproject.org من اجل التحقق من تكوين أوربوت بشكل صحيح وبأنك متصل بتور.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">خدمات خفية</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">أوربوت يجلب لك شبكة تور للأندرويد! تور يساعدك  للتغلب على حجب المحتوى، فحص الاتصال، و الرقابة و التجسس على الشبكات، و التي تهدد الخصوصية و العلاقات الشخصية و المعلومات السرية. سنقوم الآن بمساعدتك لضبط أوربوت و تور على جهازك.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">تحذير</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">مجرد تنزيل أوربوت لن يعطيك الخصوصية. يجب عليك أيضاً اعداد أوربوت و جهازك و البرامج المستفيدة من تور.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">الصلاحيات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">يمكنك اعطاء أوربوت صلاحية المستخدم السوبر لتشغيل المميزات المتقدمة مثل البروكسي الشفاف.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">إذا كنت تريد أن تقوم بهذا فعليك التأكد من استخدام برامج معدة لتشتغل مع أوربوت.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">لا يوجد روت أو صلاحيات خارقة على جهازك  و لذلك لتستفيد من من تور عليك استخدام برامج صممت لتعمل مع أوربوت أو التي تدعم بروكسي HTTP أو SOCKS .</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">برامج معدة لتشتغل مع أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">جيبربوت: محادثات آمنة باستخدام التشفير خارج السجل.</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (أندرويد 1.x فقط) - متصفح مصمّم للخصوصية لأوربوت </string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">بروكسي شفاف</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">هذه ستسمح للبرامج بالاتصال بشبكة تور تلقائياً دون اعداد مسبق.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">اختر هذا المربع اذا كنت لا تعلم عما نتحدث عنه هنا</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">و لا شيء</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">الربط بتور</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">اسمح بالبروكسي الشفاف للواي فاي و اليو اس بي (تحتاج لإعادة تشغيل الجهاز)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">اطلب صلاحيات المستخدم الخارق</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">اختر البرامج</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">اختر البرامح التي تريد اتصالها بشبكة تور</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">اعدادات نقطة الاتصال</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">هذه الاعدادات متقدمة و قد تقلل من خصوصيتك و اخفاء هويتك.</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">نقاط الدخول</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">بصمات، اسماء مستعارة، البلدان و العناوين لأول نقطة اتصال</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">أدخل نقاط الدخول</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">استخدم WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">استخدم مكتبة NetFilter مغلقة المصدر و المقدمة من WhisperSystems (تحتاج لتنزيل WhisperCore)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">نوع البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">البروتوكول ليستخدم مع خادم البروكسي: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">أدخل نوع البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">عنوان البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">عنوان خادم البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">أدخل عنوان البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">منفذ البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">منفذ خادم البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">أدخل منفذ البروكسي</string>
+  <string name="status">الحالة</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">يتم اعداد البروكسي كامل الشفافية</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">يتم اعداد البروكسي الشفاف الخاص بالبرامج</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">البروكسي الشفاف مفعل</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">البروكسي الشفاف جاهز للربط!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">تحذير: حصل خطأ بتشغيل البروكسي الشفاف</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">تم مسح قواعد البروكسي الشفاف</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">تعذر تشغيل تور</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy يشتغل على منفذ:</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">يتم اعداد البروكسي الشفاف حسب المنفذ</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">خطأ بجسر الاتصال</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">لتستخدم ميزة جسور الاتصال، يجب عليك ادخال عنوان انترنت لجسر واحد عالأقل.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">أرسل رسالة بريد الكتروني إلى bridges at torproject.org مع عبارة get bridges بداخل الرسالة من حساب بريد جيميل gmail.</string>
+  <string name="error">خطأ</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">اعدادات العنوان القابل للاتصال لديك تسببت بخطأ!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">اعدادات نقاط التحويل لديك تسببت بخطأ!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">نقاط الخروج</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">البصمات، الاسماء المستعارة، البلدان  و العناوين لآخر نقطة اتصال</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">أدخل نقاط الخروج</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">استثني النقاط</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">بصمات، الأسماء المستعارة، البلدان و العناوين ليتم استثنائها</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">أدخل النقاط المستثناه</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">النقاط المشددة</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">فقط استخدم هذه النقاط المحددة</string>
+  <string name="bridges">الجسور</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">استخدم الجسور</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">اسمح باستخدام نقاط دخول بديلة على شبكة تور</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">عناوين الانترنت و منافذ الجسور</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">أدخل عنوان الجسر</string>
+  <string name="relays">نقاط التحويل</string>
+  <string name="relaying">يتم التحويل</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">اسمح لجهازك ليكون منفذ تحويل غير نهائي</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">منافذ تحويل الاتصال</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">المنفذ المصغي لمنفذ تحويل تور الخاص بك</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">أدخل منفذ OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">الاسم المستعار لمنفذ التحويل</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">الاسم المستعار لمنفذ تحويل تور الخاص بك</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">أدخل اسم مستعار لنقطة تحويل</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">العناوين التي يمكن الوصول إليها</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">قم بالتشغيل كخدمة من وراء جدار ناري</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">المنافذ القابلة للاتصال</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">المنافذ القابلة للاتصال عبر الجدار الناري</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">أدخل المنافذ</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">تشغيل الخدمات المخفية</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">شغل خوادم قابلة للاتصال من داخل شبكة تور</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">أدخل منافذ localhost للخدمات المخفية</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">منافذ الخدمات المخفية</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">اسم العنوان لخدمتك المخفية (يتم انشائه تلقائياً)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">شغل سجل المعالجة debug</string>
+  <string name="project_home">الموقع الرسمي للمشروع:</string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">رخصة استخدام تور</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">برامج من جهات أخرى:</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.orgب</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">أحد البرامج يحاول تشغيل خدمة مخفية بمنفذ %S على شبكة تور. هذه الميزة آمنة فقط اذا كنت تثق بالبرنامج</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">تم العثور على برنامج تور </string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">حصل خطأ ما. افحص السجل</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">تشغيل الخدمات المخفية</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">غير قادر على قراءة اسم الخدمة المخفية</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">غير قادر على تشغيل تور</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">استخدم iptables التلقائي</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">استخدم مكونات iptables الموجودة ضمناً بالجهاز بدل النسخة المربوطة مع أوربوت</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">لم يتم تثبيت أو تحديث مكونات تور</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">ضع الأيقونة في شريط التنبيهات عندما يكون أوربوت متصلاً</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">تفعيل التنبيهات دائماً</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index e863ec9..6a63bb1 100644
--- a/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -1,138 +1,202 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">Engega o atura Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot s\'està iniciant...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Connectat a la xarxa Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">Orbot està desactivat</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot s\'està aturant</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENCIÓ : El trànsit de la teva connexió ja no es anònim! Siusplau, configura les teves aplicacions per a usar HTTP proxy, per SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 proxy</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Lloc d\'inici</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Navega</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Preferències</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Registre</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Ajut</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Aplicacions</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Inici</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Atura</string>
-<string name="menu_about">Quant a...</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Ajut</string>
-<string name="button_close">Tanca</string>
-<string name="button_about">Quant a...</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Esborra el registre</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Prova</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Surt</string>
-<string name="powered_by">Funciona gràcies al Projecte Tor</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Utilitza un proxy transparent (requereix accés)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Utilitza un proxy transparent</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatitza Tor per a les aplicacions</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Automatitza Tor per a tot</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Canalitza tot el trànsit de proxy de les aplicacions per Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Binaris de Tor instal·lats correctament!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Els fitxers binaris de Tor no s\'han pogut instalar. Per favor, comprova el registre i notifica-ho a tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">Error de l\'aplicació</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Benvingut/da a Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Quant a Orbot...</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Següent</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Enrere</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Fi</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">D\'acord</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Cancel·la</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot et porta Tor a l\'Android. Tor és programari lliure i una xarxa oberta que t\'ajuda a defensar-te d\'una vigilància a través de la xarxa, amenaçant la teva privacitat i llibertat personal, informació confidencial, activitats i relacions, i seguretat estatal coneguda com anàlisi de trànsit.
-*ALERTA:* Instal·lar Orbot _no_ convertirà la teva connexió en anònima instantàniament! Aquest assistent t\'ajudarà a començar.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalls d\'Orbot...</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot és una aplicació de codi lliure que conté Tor, LibEvent i Privoxy. Proporciona un Proxy HTTP local (8118) i un proxy SOCKS (9050) a la xarxa Tor. Orbot també té capacitat d\'enviar tot el trànsit de dades d\'internet a través de Tor.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permís concedit</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permisos d\'Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Perfecte! Hem detectat que tens els permisos matriu activats per a Orbot. Utilitzarem aquest poder sàviament.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Encara que no és imprescindible, Orbot pot esdevenir una eina molt més potent si el teu terminal té accés complet. Utilitza el botó d\'aquí sota per conferir superpoders a Orbot!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Si no tens accés complet, o no tens ni idea del què t\'estem parlant, simplement assegura\'t d\'utilitzar aplicacions fetes per a funcionar amb Orbot.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ho entenc i vull continuar sense accés complet.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Concedeix accés complet a Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Configura la connexió a Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot t\'ofereix l\'opció de conduir el trànsit de totes les aplicacions per Tor o bé escollir quines aplicacions vols utilitzar amb Tor.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Connecta totes les aplicacions per Proxy per Tor.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecciona aplicacions individuals per a funcionar amb Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicacions per a usar-se amb Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T\'animem a descarregar-te & utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat & per a Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Coniguració de Proxy - Aprèn a configurar aplicacions per a què funcionin amb Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuració de Proxy</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l\'aplicació d\'Android que estàs utilitzant admet l\'ús d\'un proxy HTTP o SOCKS, pots configurar-la per a connectar-se a Orbot i utilitzar Tor.
-La configuració de l\'amfitrió és o "localhost". Per a HTTP, el port actiu és 8118. Per a SOCKS, el proxy és 9050. Hauries d\'utlitzar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si és possible.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">Engega o atura Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot s\'està iniciant...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Connectat a la xarxa Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">Orbot està desactivat</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot s\'està aturant</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENCIÓ : El trànsit de la teva connexió ja no es anònim! Siusplau, configura les teves aplicacions per a usar HTTP proxy, per SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Lloc d\'inici</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Navega</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Preferències</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Registre</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Ajut</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplicacions</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Inici</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Atura</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Quant a...</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Ajut</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Tanca</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Quant a...</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Esborra el registre</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Prova</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Surt</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">Funciona gràcies al Projecte Tor</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Utilitza un proxy transparent (requereix accés)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Utilitza un proxy transparent</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatitza Tor per a les aplicacions</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Automatitza Tor per a tot</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Canalitza tot el trànsit de proxy de les aplicacions per Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Binaris de Tor instal·lats correctament!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Els fitxers binaris de Tor no s\'han pogut instalar. Per favor, comprova el registre i notifica-ho a tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Error de l\'aplicació</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Benvingut/da a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Quant a Orbot...</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Següent</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Enrere</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Fi</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">D\'acord</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel·la</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalls d\'Orbot...</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot és una aplicació de codi lliure que conté Tor, LibEvent i Privoxy. Proporciona un Proxy HTTP local (8118) i un proxy SOCKS (9050) a la xarxa Tor. Orbot també té capacitat d\'enviar tot el trànsit de dades d\'internet a través de Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permís concedit</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permisos d\'Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Perfecte! Hem detectat que tens els permisos matriu activats per a Orbot. Utilitzarem aquest poder sàviament.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Encara que no és imprescindible, Orbot pot esdevenir una eina molt més potent si el teu terminal té accés complet. Utilitza el botó d\'aquí sota per conferir superpoders a Orbot!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Si no tens accés complet, o no tens ni idea del què t\'estem parlant, simplement assegura\'t d\'utilitzar aplicacions fetes per a funcionar amb Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ho entenc i vull continuar sense accés complet.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Concedeix accés complet a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configura la connexió a Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot t\'ofereix l\'opció de conduir el trànsit de totes les aplicacions per Tor o bé escollir quines aplicacions vols utilitzar amb Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Connecta totes les aplicacions per Proxy per Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecciona aplicacions individuals per a funcionar amb Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicacions per a usar-se amb Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">T\'animem a descarregar-te &amp; utilitza aplicacions que sàpiguen com connectar-se directament a Orbot. Fes clic als botons de sota per instal·lar.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Coniguració de Proxy - Aprèn a configurar aplicacions per a què funcionin amb Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuració de Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l\'aplicació d\'Android que estàs utilitzant admet l\'ús d\'un proxy HTTP o SOCKS, pots configurar-la per a connectar-se a Orbot i utilitzar Tor.
+La configuració de l\'amfitrió és o \"localhost\". Per a HTTP, el port actiu és 8118. Per a SOCKS, el proxy és 9050. Hauries d\'utlitzar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si és possible.
 Pots aprendre més coses sobre l\'ús dels proxys a Android al FAQ de: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot és a punt!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenars de milers de persones arreu del món utilitzen Tor per un gran ventall de raons: periodistes i blocaires, treballadors pels drets humans, agents de l\'autoritat, soldats, corporacions, ciutadans de règims opressors, i ciutadans qualssevol... I ara tu també ho pots fer!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">T\'has connectat correctament a la xarxa Tor, però això NO vol dir que el teu dispositiu sigui segur. Pots utilitzar la opció \'Comprova\' del menú per provar el teu navegador. 
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot és a punt!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenars de milers de persones arreu del món utilitzen Tor per un gran ventall de raons: periodistes i blocaires, treballadors pels drets humans, agents de l\'autoritat, soldats, corporacions, ciutadans de règims opressors, i ciutadans qualssevol... I ara tu també ho pots fer!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">T\'has connectat correctament a la xarxa Tor, però això NO vol dir que el teu dispositiu sigui segur. Pots utilitzar la opció \'Comprova\' del menú per provar el teu navegador. 
 Visita\'ns a https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envia\'ns un correu electrònic a help at guardianproject.info per a saber-ne més.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Això obrirà el teu navegador web per defecte i es connectarà a https://check.torproject.org per tal de comprovar si Orbot està configurat correctament i estàs connectat/da a Tor.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Serveis ocults</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Això obrirà el teu navegador web per defecte i es connectarà a https://check.torproject.org per tal de comprovar si Orbot està configurat correctament i estàs connectat/da a Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Serveis ocults</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Només Android 1.x) - Navegador dissenyat per la privacitat &amp; per a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027de60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">spustit a vypnout Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot se spouští...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Připojen k síti Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot je deaktivován</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot se vypíná</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">VAROVÁNÍ: Vaše komunikace ještě není anonymní! Prosím nastavte vašim aplikacím HTTP proxy nebo SOCKS4A či SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Domů</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Prohlížet</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Nastavení</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Pomoc</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplikace</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Zapnout</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Vypnout</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Průvodce</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Pomoc</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Zavřít</string>
+  <string name="button_about">About</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Vyčistit log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Ověřit</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Konec</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- podržte pro spuštění -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatické Torování aplikací</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Torovat všechno</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxynovat všechny aplikace skrz Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Záložní port pro proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">VAROVÁNÍ: Obchází časté porty (80, 443, etc). *POUŽIJTE JEN* pokud módy \'All\' nebo \'App\' nefungují.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Seznam portů</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Seznam portů co proxynovat. *POUŽIJTE JEN* pokud módy \'All\' nebo \'App\' nefungují</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Zadejte porty pro proxynování</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Vyžaduje root přístup</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Next</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-de/strings.xml b/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 2d5a566..9b75c7f 100644
--- a/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -1,138 +1,203 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">starte und beende Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Tor Proxydienst</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startet...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Verbunden mit dem Tor-Netzwerk</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot ist deaktiviert</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot wird beendet</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNUNG: Die Verbindung ist noch nicht anonymisiert! Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Programme so ein, dass sie entwederden  HTTP proxy, SOCKS4A oder SOCKS proxy nutzen.</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Home</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Durchstöbern</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Einstellungen</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Log</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Hilfe</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
-<string name="menu_about">Ãœber</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Hilfe</string>
-<string name="button_close">Schließen</string>
-<string name="button_about">Ãœber</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Log löschen</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Überprüfen</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Beenden</string>
-<string name="powered_by">ermöglicht durch das Tor Projekt</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparenter Proxy (benötigt Administratorrechte)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparenter Proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Anwendungen automatisch durch Tor leiten</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Alles durch Tor leiten</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Verbindungen aller Anwendungen durch Tor leiten</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Die Tor-Pakete wurden erfolgreich installiert!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Die Tor-Pakete konnten nicht erfolgreich installiert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie das Logfile und wenden Sie sich an tor-assistants at torproject.org.</string>
-<string name="title_error">Anwendungsfehler</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Willkommen bei Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Ãœber Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Weiter</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Zurück</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Fertigstellen</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Abbrechen</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot bringt Tor auf Android Geräte. Tor ist ein freies Programm und ein offenes Netzwerk, dass Ihnen hilft sich gegen Datenverkehrsüberwachung zu wehren, eine Form der Onlineüberwachung, die Ihre persönliche Freiheit, Privatsphäre, vertrauliche Geschäfte und Geschäftseziehungen bedroht.
-*WARNUNG:* Durch die Installation von Orbot wird _nicht_ sofort Ihr kompletter Datenverkehr anonymisiert! Hilfestellung erhalten Sie von diesem Assitenten.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Nähere Informationen zu Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot ist eine quelloffene Anwendung die Tor, LibEvent und Privoxy enthält. Es stellt einen lokalen HTTP Proxy (8118) und einen SOCKS Proxy (9050) zum Tor-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. Orbot hat auf einem System mit Administrationsrechten auch die Fähigkeit, jeglichen Internetverkehr über das Tor-Netzwerk abzuwickeln.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Erlaubnis erteilt</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Rechte</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Exzellent! Wir haben festgestellt, dass Sie Orbot Administrator-Rechte eingeräumt haben. Wir werden diese Macht weise nutzen.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Obwohl es nicht nötig ist, kann Orbot ein mächtigeres Tool werden, wenn Sie ihm Administrator-Rechte einräumen. Drücken Sie auf den Kopf unten um Orbot diese Superkräfte einzuräumen.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Falls Sie keinen Administrator-Zugang haben oder nicht wissen was das ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Anwendungen benutzen die mit Orbot kompatibel können.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ich habe verstanden und möchte ohne Administrator-Rechte weitermachen.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Orbot Administrator-Rechte einräumen</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gibt Ihnen die Wahl den Datenverkehr aller Programme durch Tor zu leiten ODER die Wahl für alle Programme einzeln zu treffen.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Den Verkehr aller Programme durch Tor leiten</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Programme einzeln wählen</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Programme, für die Orbot aktiviert ist</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Wir raten Ihnen Programme herunterzuladen & zu nutzen, die wissen, wie sie sich direkt mit Orbot verbinden. Klicken Sie zum Installieren auf den Knopf unten.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre & Orbot entworfener Browser</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy-Einstellungen - Lernen Sie Anwendungen so zu konfigurieren, dass sie mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy-Einstellungen</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Wenn das Android-Programm, das Sie benutzten die Verwendung von HTTP- oder SOCKS-Proxys unterstützt, können Sie es konfigurieren sich mit Orbot zu verbinden und Tor zu nutzen.
-Die Host-Einstellungen sind oder "localhost". Die Port-Einstellungen sind 8118 für HTTP und 9050 für SOCKS. Sie sollten versuchen SOCKS4A oder SOCKS5 zu benutzen.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">starte und beende Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Tor Proxydienst</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startet...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Verbunden mit dem Tor-Netzwerk</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot ist deaktiviert</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot wird beendet</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starte Tor-Software...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">abgeschlossen.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">warte.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNUNG: Ihr Datenverkehr ist noch nicht anonymisiert! Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Programme so ein, dass Sie entweder den HTTP Proxy oder den SOCKS4A bzw. SOCKS5 Proxy verwenden.</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Home</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Durchstöbern</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Einstellungen</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Hilfe</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Ãœber</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Hilfe</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Schließen</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Ãœber</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Log löschen</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Überprüfen</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Beenden</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">ermöglicht durch das Tor Projekt</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- Zum Starten gedrückt halten -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparenter Proxy (benötigt Administratorrechte)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparenter Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Anwendungen automatisch durch Tor leiten</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Alles durch Tor leiten</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Verbindungen aller Anwendungen durch Tor leiten</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNUNG: Umgeht öffentliche Ports (80, 443, etc). *NUR BENUTZEN*, wenn \'All\' oder \'App\' modus nicht funktioniert.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port-Liste</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Liste von Ports für Proxy. *NUR BENUTZEN* wenn \'All\' oder \'App\'-Modus nicht funktioniert</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Eingabe der Ports für Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Anfrage auf Root-Zugriff</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Anfrage auf Root-Zugriff für transparente Proxys</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Die Tor-Pakete wurden erfolgreich installiert!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Die Tor-Pakete konnten nicht erfolgreich installiert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie das Logfile und wenden Sie sich an tor-assistants at torproject.org.</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Anwendungsfehler</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Willkommen bei Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Ãœber Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Weiter</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Zurück</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Fertigstellen</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Abbrechen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Nähere Informationen zu Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot ist eine quelloffene Anwendung die Tor, LibEvent und Privoxy enthält. Es stellt einen lokalen HTTP Proxy (8118) und einen SOCKS Proxy (9050) zum Tor-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. Orbot hat auf einem System mit Administrationsrechten auch die Fähigkeit, jeglichen Internetverkehr über das Tor-Netzwerk abzuwickeln.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Berechtigung erteilt</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Rechte</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Exzellent! Wir haben festgestellt, dass Sie Orbot Administrator-Rechte eingeräumt haben. Wir werden diese Macht weise nutzen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Obwohl es nicht nötig ist, kann Orbot ein mächtigeres Tool werden, wenn Sie ihm Administrator-Rechte einräumen. Drücken Sie auf den Kopf unten, um Orbot diese Superkräfte einzuräumen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Falls Sie keinen Administrator-Zugriff haben oder nicht wissen was das ist, achten Sie darauf, dass Sie Anwendungen verwenden, die Orbot nutzen können.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ich habe verstanden und möchte ohne Administrator-Rechte weitermachen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Orbot Administrator-Rechte einräumen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Torification konfigurieren</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gibt Ihnen die Wahl, den Datenverkehr aller Apps durch Tor zu leiten ODER die Wahl für alle Apps einzeln zu treffen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Den Verkehr aller Apps durch Tor leiten</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Apps einzeln wählen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Apps, für die Orbot aktiviert ist</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Die unten aufgeführten Apps wurden für die Zusammenarbeit mit Orbot entwickelt. Klicken Sie, um das Programm jetzt zu installieren oder verwenden Sie den Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Ein sicheres Instant-Messaging Programm für Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy-Einstellungen - Lernen Sie Anwendungen so zu konfigurieren, dass sie mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy-Einstellungen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Wenn das Android-App, das Sie benutzen, die Verwendung von HTTP- oder SOCKS-Proxys unterstützt, können Sie es so konfigurieren, dass es sich mit Orbot verbindet und Tor verwendet.
+Die Host-Einstellungen sind oder \"localhost\". Die Port-Einstellungen sind 8118 für HTTP und 9050 für SOCKS. Sie sollten versuchen, SOCKS4A oder SOCKS5 zu verwenden.
 Erfahren Sie mehr über die Verwendung von Proxys unter Android in den FAQ unter http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot ist bereit!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hunderttausende Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen Tor aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen: Journalisten und Blogger, Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Soldaten, Unternehmen, Bürger repressiver Regime und ganz normale Menschen... und sind Sie ebenfalls bereit!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbunden - das bedeutet aber NICHT, dass Ihr Gerät sicher ist. Sie können die \'Überprüfen\'-Option aus dem Menü benutzen, um Ihren Browser zu testen. 
-Besuchen Sie https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an help at guardianproject.info um mehr zu erfahren.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Das wird die Seite https://check.torproject.org in Ihrem Webbrowser öffnen, so dass Sie überprüfen können, ob Orbot richtig configuriert ist und Sie mit Tor verbunden sind.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Versteckte Dienste</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot ist bereit!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hunderttausende Menschen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen Tor aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen: Journalisten und Blogger, Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Soldaten, Unternehmen, Bürger repressiver Regime und ganz normale Menschen... und jetzt können Sie das auch!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Sie haben sich erfolgreich mit dem Tor-Netzwerk verbunden - das bedeutet aber NICHT, dass Ihr Gerät sicher ist. Sie können die \'Überprüfen\'-Option aus dem Menü benutzen, um Ihren Browser zu testen. 
+Besuchen Sie https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an help at guardianproject.info um mehr darüber zu erfahren.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Durch Bestätigen mit \'OK\' wird die Seite https://check.torproject.org in Ihrem Webbrowser geöffnet, sodass Sie überprüfen können, ob Orbot richtig konfiguriert ist und Sie mit Tor verbunden sind.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Versteckte Dienste</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Allgemein</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Orbot beim Systemstart ausführen</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatisches Starten von Orbot und Verbinden von Tor beim Start des Android-Gerätes</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot sorgt dafür, dass Sie Tor mit Android nutzen können. Tor schützt vor Filterung von Inhalten, Traffic Analysen und Netzwerk-Überwachung, die Ihre Privatsphäre, vertrauliche Informationen und persönliche Verhältnisse gefährdet. Dieser Assistent wird Ihnen dabei helfen, Orbot und Tor auf Ihrem Gerät zu konfigurieren.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warnung</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Die reine Installation von Orbot wird Ihren Datenverkehr nicht anonymisieren. Tor muss korrekt konfiguriert sein, damit ihr Gerät Tor erfolgreich verwenden kann.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechte</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Sie können Orbot wahlweise \'Administrator\'-Rechte geben, um erweiterte Optionen wie die Nutzung von transparenten Proxys zu ermöglichen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Wenn Sie dies nicht möchten, dann verwenden Sie bitte Apps, die mit Orbot zusammen arbeiten können.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Ihr Gerät läuft im Standard-Modus und unterstützt keine Administrator-Rechte. In diesem Fall müssen Sie Apps verwenden, die von Haus aus mit Orbot zusammenarbeiten oder die HTTP bzw. SOCKS Proxy Einstellungen ermöglichen.
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps die Orbot unterstützt</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Sichere Chat App mit inoffizieller Verschlüsselung</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Nur Android 1.x) - Ein für Privatsphäre &amp; Orbot entworfener Browser</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Benutze transparenten Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dies ermöglicht Ihnen Apps, automatisch das Tor Netzwerk zu verwenden ohne dies konfigurieren zu müssen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Klicken Sie dieses Kästchen an wenn Sie nicht wissen wovon wir reden)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Nichts</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Anbindung</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Aktiviere transparenten Proxy für Wifi und angebunde USB-Geräte (benötigt einen Neustart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Administrator-Rechte anfordern</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Apps auswählen</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Wählen Sie die Apps die Tor benutzen sollen</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Knoten-Konfiguration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Dies sind erweiterte Einstellungen, die Ihre Anonymität beeinträchtigen können</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Eingangs-Knoten</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, Spitznamen, Land und Adressen für den ersten Punkt</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Eingangs-Knoten angeben</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Verwende WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Verwende die proprietäre NetFilter-API von WhisperSystems (benötigt ein Gerät mit installiertem WhisperCore)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy-Typ</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protokoll zur Verwendung des Proxy Servers:HTTP,HTTPS,Socks4,Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Proxy-Typ angeben</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy-Server</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Hostname des Proxys-Servers</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Proxy-Server angeben</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy-Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Port des Proxy-Servers</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Proxy-Port angeben</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Einstellen des voll transparenten Proxys...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Einstellen des Anwendungs-basierten transparenten Proxys...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparentes Proxying aktiviert</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy für Tethering aktiviert!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNUNG: Fehler beim Starten des transparenten Proxyings!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy Regeln gelöscht</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Konnte Tor-Prozess nicht starten:</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy läuft auf Port:</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Richte Port-basiertes transparentes Proxiying ein...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge-Fehler</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Um das Bridge-Feature nutzen zu können müssen Sie mindestens eine IP-Adresse eingeben.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Senden Sie von Ihrem gmail-Account ein e-Mail an bridges at torproject.org mit dem Text \"get bridges\" im Nachrichten-Feld.</string>
+  <string name="error">Fehler</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Ihre eingestellte erreichbare e-Mail Adresse hat einen Ausnahme-Fehler erzeugt.</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Ihre Relay Einstellungen haben einen Ausnahme-Fehler erzeugt.</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerabdrücke, Spitznamen, Länder und Adressen für den letzten Knoten-Punkt.</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Tragen Sie die Exit-Nodes ein.</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Nodes Ausnahmen</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerabdrücke, Spitz-Namen, Länder und Adressen die ausgenommen werden sollen.</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Geben Sie die auszunehmenden Nodes ein.</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strikte Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Benutze *ausschließlich* diese angegebenen Nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Benutze Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Benutze alternative Eingangs-Nodes in das TOR-Netzwerk</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP Adresse und Port der Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Geben Sie die Bridge_Adressen ein</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Aktivieren das Ihr Gerät ein non-exit Relay ist.</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Port auf den bei Ihrem TOR-Relay gehört werden soll</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">OR-Port eingeben</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay Spitzname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Der Spitzname für Ihren TOR-Relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Geben Sie einen selbsterstellten Relay Spitznamen an</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Erreichbare Adressen</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Als Client hinter einer Firewall mit restriktiven Regeln betreiben</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Erreichbare Ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Die Ports sind hinter einer restriktiven Firewall erreichbar</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Ports eingeben</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Versteckte Dienste aktivieren</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">Betrieben von Servern auf die vom TOR-Netzwerk aus zugegriffen werden kann.</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">TRagen Sie die lokelen Ports für die versteckten Dienste ein</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Versteckte Dienste Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">Der adressierbare Name für Ihre versteckten Dienste (werden automatisch generiert)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">Aktiviere Debug Log Ausgabe (benötigt adb oder alogcat zur Ansicht)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Heimat des Projekt(s):</string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">Die Tor Lizenz</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Drittanbieter-Software:</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Eine Anwendungen möchte den Port für versteckte Dienste %S öffnen. Dies ist sicher wenn Sie der Anwendung vertrauen.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">existierender Tor Prozess gefunden...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Etwasist schief gelaufen. Bitte Log prüfen</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">Verstckte Dienste auf:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">Kann den Namen des versteckten Dienstes nicht lesen</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Kann Tor nicht starten:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Benutze die Standard (default) Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">Benutze den mitgelieferten Iptables-Binary anstatt des mit Orbot mitgelieferten.</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Die Tor-Binarys konnten nicht installiert oder aktualisiert werden.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Behalte das Icon immer in der Benutzerleiste (Toolbar) wenn Orbot verbunden ist.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Immer-eingeschaltet Benachrichtigungen</string>
diff --git a/res/values-el/strings.xml b/res/values-el/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad6ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">εκκίνηση και διακοπή Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Το Orbot ξεκινά</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Συνδέθηκε στο δίκτυο Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Το Orbot είναι Απενεργοποιημένο</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Το Orbot θα τερματίσει</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Η κυκλοφορία σας δεν είναι ακόμη ανώνυμη! Ρυθμίστε τις εφαρμογές σας ώστε να χρησιμοποιούν ως πληρεξούσιο HTTP ή SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Αρχική</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Περιήγηση</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Ρυθμίσεις</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Καταγραφή</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Βοήθεια</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Εφαρμογές</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Εκκίνηση</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Διακοπή</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Σχετικά</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Μάγος</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Βοήθεια</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Κλείσιμο</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Σχετικά</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Διαγραφή Καταγραφής</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Έλεγχος</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Έξοδος</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">με την δύναμη το Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">-για να εκκινήσει κρατήστε το πατημένο-</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Διαφανής Πληρεξούσιος Διακομηστής (Απαιτεί διαχείριση root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Διαφανής Πληρεξούσιος Διακομηστής</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Αυτόματη Προσαρμογή Εφαρμογών στο Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Ανωνυμοποίηση Όλων</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Να γίνεται η μεταβίβαση της κυκλοφορίας όλων των εφαρμογών μέσω του Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Θύρα αναδίπλωσης του πληρεξούσιου διακομιστή</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Παρακάμπτει τις κοινές θύρες (80, 443, κλπ). *ΝΑ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΟΠΟΙΕΙΤΑΙ ΜΟΝΟΝ* όταν οι λειτουργίες \'All\' ή \'App\' δεν αποδίδουν.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Λίστα θυρών</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Λίστα θυρών πληρεξούσιου διακομιστή. *ΝΑ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΟΠΟΙΕΙΤΑΙ ΜΟΝΟΝ* όταν οι λειτουργίες \'All\' ή \'App\' δεν αποδίδουν.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Εισάγετε θύρες πληρεξούσιου διακομιστή</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Άιτημα πρόσβασης με δικαιώματα υπερχρήστη</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Άιτημα πρόσβασης με δικαιώματα υπερχρήστη για διαφανή μεταβίβαση δεδομένων μέσω πληρεξούσιου διακομιστή</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Τα δυαδικά αρχεία του Tor εγκαταστάθηκαν με επιτυχία!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Τα δυαδικά αρχεία του Tor δεν εγκαταστάθηκαν. Ελέγξτε τις καταγραφές και ειδοποιείστε στην διεύθυνση tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Σφάλμα εφαρμογής</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Σχετικά με το Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Επόμενο</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Πίσω</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Τέλος</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Άκυρο</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Μερικές λεπτομέρειες για το Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Το Orbot είναι μια εφαρμογή ανοικτού λογισμικού που περιέχει τα Tor, LibEvent και Privoxy. Διαθέτει τοπικούς πληρεξούσιους διακομιστές (proxies) HTTP (8118) και SOCKS (9050) για το δίκτυο Tor. Σε συσκευές που έχουν διαμορφωθεί για ριζική χρήση (rooted devices), το Orbot μπορεί να μεταδίδει όλη την διαδυκτιακή κυκλοφορία μέσω Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Η άδεια παραχωρήθηκε</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Άδειες Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Καλώς! Διαπιστώνουμε ότι έχετε ενεργοποιημένο τον υπερχρήστη για το Orbot. Θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε το προνόμιο αυτό με σύνεση.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Αν και δεν είναι απαραίτητο, το Orbot μπορεί να γίνει ισχυρότερο όταν η συσκευή σας έχει διαμορφωθεί για πρόσβαση υπερχρήστη. Πατήστε το πιο κάτω κουμπί για να δώσετε αυξημένα δικαιώματα στο Orbot! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Αν δεν διαθέτετε πρόσβαση υπερχήστη ή δεν καταλαβαίνετε τι εννοούμε, απλώς χρησιμοποιείτε εφαρμογές που φτιάχτηκαν για να συνεργάζονται με το Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Καταλαβαίνω και θέλω να συνεχίσω ως Υπερχρήστης</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es/strings.xml b/res/values-es/strings.xml
index c588f1c..a5d0ca8 100644
--- a/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -1,138 +1,202 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">iniciar y detener Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot está iniciando...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Conectado a la Red de Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot está desactivado</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot se está cerrando</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ADVERTENCIA: ¡Su tráfico no es anónimo aún! Por favor, configure sus aplicaciones para usar el Proxy HTTP, el SOCKS4A o el Proxy SOCKS5</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Principal</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Examinar</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Configuración</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Historial</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Ayuda</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Aplicaciones</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Detener</string>
-<string name="menu_about">Acerca de</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Ayuda</string>
-<string name="button_close">Cerrar</string>
-<string name="button_about">Acerca de</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Limpiar Historial</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Comprobar</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Salir</string>
-<string name="powered_by">potenciado por Tor Project</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy transparente (Requiere ser Administrador)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy transparente</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torificado automático de las Aplicaciones</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Pasar todo el tráfico por Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Tráfico Proxy para todas las aplicaciones mediante Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">¡Binarios de Tor instalados con éxito!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Los archivos binarios de Tor no se han podido instalar. Por favor, verifique el Historial y notifique a: tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">Error de aplicación</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Bienvenido a Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Acerca de Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Siguiente</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Atrás</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Finalizar</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot proporciona Tor a Android. Tor es un software libre y una red abierta que le ayuda a defenderse contra una forma de vigilancia que amenaza su libertad y privacidad personal, la confidencialidad en los negocios y en las relaciones, y la seguridad del Estado conocida como análisis de tráfico.
-*ADVERTENCIA:* ¡Instalando Orbot _NO_ anonimizará mágicamente su tráfico del móvil! Este assitente le ayudará a empezar.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Algunos detalles de Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot es una aplicación de código abierto que contiene Tor, LibEvent y Privoxy. Provee un Proxy HTTP local (8118) y un Proxy SOCKS (9050) en la red Tor. Orbot también tiene la habilidad, en un dispositivo enrutador, de enviar todo el tráfico de Internet a través de Tor.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permiso Concedido</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permisos de Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">¡Excelente! Hemos detectado que usted tiene permisos administravitos activados para Orbot. Utilizaremos estos poderes sabiamente.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Mientras no sea requerido, Orbot puede convertirse en una herramienta aún más poderosa si su dispositivo tiene acceso de administrador. Utilice el botón a continuación para conceder superpoderes a Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Si no tiene acceso de admnistrador o no tiene idea de qué estamos hablando, sólo asegúrese de utilizar aplicaciones hechas para trabajar con Orbot.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Comprendo y quiero continuar sin poderes administrativos</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Conceder poderes administrativos a Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Configurar Torificación</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot le da la opción de dirigir todo el tráfico de las aplicaciones a través de Tor O de seleccionar sus aplicaciones individualmente.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Configurar Proxy para todas las aplicaciones a través de Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Seleccionar aplicaciones individualmente para Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicaciones activas en Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Le invitamos a descargar y utilizar aplicaciones que saben cómo conectarse directamente a Orbot. Haga clic en los botones a continuación para Instalar.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Sólo Android 1.x) - Navegador diseñado para la privacidad y para Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configuraciones Proxy - Aprenda cómo configurar aplicaciones para que trabajen con Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuraciones Proxy</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si la aplicación Android que está utilizando puede soportar el uso de un Proxy HTTP o SOCKS, entonces puede configurarla para conectar a Orbot y utilizar Tor.
-La configuración del dominio es o "localhost". Para HTTP, la configuración del puerto es 8118. Para SOCKS, el proxy es 9050. Puede utilizar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si es posible.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">iniciar y detener Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot está iniciando...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Conectado a la Red de Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot está desactivado</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot se está cerrando</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Lanzando cliente Tor ...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">Completado</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">En espera</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ADVERTENCIA: ¡Su tráfico no es anónimo aún! Por favor, configure sus aplicaciones para usar el Proxy HTTP, el SOCKS4A o el Proxy SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Principal</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Examinar</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Configuración</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Historial</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Ayuda</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplicaciones</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Detener</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Acerca de</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Ayuda</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Cerrar</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Acerca de</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Limpiar Historial</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Comprobar</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Salir</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">potenciado por Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy transparente (Requiere ser Administrador)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy transparente</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torificado automático de las Aplicaciones</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Pasar todo el tráfico por Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Tráfico Proxy para todas las aplicaciones mediante Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">¡Binarios de Tor instalados con éxito!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Los archivos binarios de Tor no se han podido instalar. Por favor, verifique el Historial y notifique a: tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Error de aplicación</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Bienvenido a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Acerca de Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Siguiente</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Atrás</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finalizar</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Algunos detalles de Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot es una aplicación de código abierto que contiene Tor, LibEvent y Privoxy. Provee un Proxy HTTP local (8118) y un Proxy SOCKS (9050) en la red Tor. Orbot también tiene la habilidad, en un dispositivo enrutador, de enviar todo el tráfico de Internet a través de Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permiso Concedido</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permisos de Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">¡Excelente! Hemos detectado que usted tiene permisos administravitos activados para Orbot. Utilizaremos estos poderes sabiamente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Mientras no sea requerido, Orbot puede convertirse en una herramienta aún más poderosa si su dispositivo tiene acceso de administrador. Utilice el botón a continuación para conceder superpoderes a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Si no tiene acceso de admnistrador o no tiene idea de qué estamos hablando, sólo asegúrese de utilizar aplicaciones hechas para trabajar con Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Comprendo y quiero continuar sin poderes administrativos</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Conceder poderes administrativos a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configurar Torificación</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot le da la opción de dirigir todo el tráfico de las aplicaciones a través de Tor O de seleccionar sus aplicaciones individualmente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Configurar Proxy para todas las aplicaciones a través de Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Seleccionar aplicaciones individualmente para Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplicaciones activas en Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Le invitamos a descargar y utilizar aplicaciones que saben cómo conectarse directamente a Orbot. Haga clic en los botones a continuación para Instalar.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configuraciones Proxy - Aprenda cómo configurar aplicaciones para que trabajen con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuraciones Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si la aplicación Android que está utilizando puede soportar el uso de un Proxy HTTP o SOCKS, entonces puede configurarla para conectar a Orbot y utilizar Tor.
+La configuración del dominio es o \"localhost\". Para HTTP, la configuración del puerto es 8118. Para SOCKS, el proxy es 9050. Puede utilizar SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 si es posible.
 Puede aprender más acerca de los proxys en Android a través de las Preguntas Frecuentes ubicadas en: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">¡Orbot está listo!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Cientos de miles de personas alrededor del mundo usan Tor por una amplia variedad de razones: periodistas y bloggers, trabajadores de los derechos humanos, oficiales de policía, soldados, corporaciones, ciudadanos de regímenes represivos y ciudadanos ordinarios... ¡y ahora también lo estás!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">Se ha conectado con éxito a la red Tor, pero eso NO significa que su dispositivo es seguro. Puede utilizar la opción \'Comprobar\' desde el menú para probar su navegador.
+  <string name="wizard_final">¡Orbot está listo!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Cientos de miles de personas alrededor del mundo usan Tor por una amplia variedad de razones: periodistas y bloggers, trabajadores de los derechos humanos, oficiales de policía, soldados, corporaciones, ciudadanos de regímenes represivos y ciudadanos ordinarios... ¡y ahora también lo estás!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Se ha conectado con éxito a la red Tor, pero eso NO significa que su dispositivo es seguro. Puede utilizar la opción \'Comprobar\' desde el menú para probar su navegador.
 Visítenos en https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o envíenos un correo electrónico a help at guardianproject.info para aprender más.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Esto abrirá https://check.torproject.org en su navegador predeterminado con el fin de comprobar si Orbot está configurado y si está conectado a Tor.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Servicios Ocultados</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Esto abrirá https://check.torproject.org en su navegador predeterminado con el fin de comprobar si Orbot está configurado y si está conectado a Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Servicios Ocultados</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot activa el acceso a la red Tor, en su Android! \n\nTor le ayuda a defenderse del filtrado de contenido, análisis de tráfico y la vigilancia que amenaza su privacidad, su información confidencial y sus relaciones personales. \n\nEste asistente le ayudará a configurar Orbot y Tor en su dispositivo Android.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Advertencia</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplemente instalando Orbort, no automatiza de por si, la proteccion anonima del trafico generado por su dispositivo \n\nPara anonimizar su trafico con garantias, debe configurar adecuadamente Orbot, el dispositivo y las aplicaciones que utilize en su conexion.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permisos</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Si lo desea, puede conceder acceso \'superusuario\' a Orbot para habilitar las características avanzadas de configuracion y acceso a la red Tor, tales como los proxys transparentes.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si no desea habilitar esta opcion, por favor asegúrese de utilizar aplicaciones compatibles con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Su dispositivo se esta ejecutando en modo estándar, y no admite el acceso root o \"superusuario\".\n\nPara que pueda beneficiarse de todo el potencial de Tor, tendrá que utilizar aplicaciones creadas para trabajar con Orbot, o compatibles con la configuracion proxy basada en los protocolos HTTP o SOCKS\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Aplicaciones habilitadas para utilizar con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Asegure su aplicación de chat con nuestro sistema de cifrado </string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Sólo Android 1.x) - Navegador diseñado para la privacidad y para Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">conexion proxy transparente activada </string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Esto permite que sus aplicaciones se ejecuten automáticamente a través de la red Tor sin necesidad de realizar ninguna configuración.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Si no tiene idea de lo que estamos hablando, marque esta casilla ;o)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Ninguno</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor, como pasarela de acceso</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Habilitar Tor como proxy cuando este dispositivo movil se utilize, a traves de conexiones WI-FI o USB como pasarela de acceso a internet (requiere reinicio)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Solicitud de acceso como superusuario root</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Seleccion de Aplicaciones</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Elija las Aplicaciones que utilizaran Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Configuración de nodo</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Estas son las configuraciones avanzadas que pueden reducir su anonimato</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Los nodos de entrada</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Las llaves publicas, apodos, países y direcciones para el primer salto, o nodo (primer servidor que se conectara para acceder a la red Tor)</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Introduzca los nodos de entrada</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Utilizar plataforma de seguridad WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilizar las API de NetFilter proporcionada por WhisperSystems (es necesario que su dispositivo tenga WhisperCore instalado)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo de proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolo que se utilizará para la configuracion del servidor proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Introduzca el Tipo de Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Servidor Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Nombre para el Servidor Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Introduzca el servidor anfitrion Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Puerto proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Puerto del servidor proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Introducir el puerto proxy</string>
+  <string name="status">Estado</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Configuración completa, aplicando y arrancando el proxy ...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Configurando las aplicaciones que utilizaran el proxy  ...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Servicio Proxy -- HABILITADO Y ACTIVO</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">Pasarela proxy habilitado para, los dispositivos conectados, a su dispositivo movil!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ADVERTENCIA: vaya .. hemos tenido un error al iniciar el proxy !</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Reglas de pasarela proxy, Borradas</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">ADVERTENCIA: No se pudo iniciar el proceso  Tor:</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy se está ejecutando en el puerto:</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Configuración de puerto proxy  ...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">ADVERTENCIA: Error al establecer el Bridge ( dispositivo puente )</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Para utilizar la función Brigde (dispositivo puente), se debe introducir al menos una dirección IP del Bridge.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Enviar un correo electrónico a bridges at torproject.org desde una cuenta de gmail , con el siguiente texto en el cuerpo del mensaje \"get bridges\" </string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">La configuración de ReachableAddresses (Reglas, sobre listas de rangos ip) ha producido una excepción!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">La configuración de la transmision ha producido una excepción!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Los nodos de salida</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Llaves publicas, alias, países y las direcciones para el último nodo de salto</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Introduzca los nodos de salida</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Nodos de exclusion</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Llaves publicas, alias, países y las direcciones a excluir</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Introduzca los nodos a excluir</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Nodos Obligatorios</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Usar * sólamente * los nodos especificados</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Puentes/Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Utilizar Puentes/Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Activar nodos de entrada alternativos en la red Tor</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Dirección IP y el puerto del puente/Bridge</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Introduzca la dirección del puente/Bridge</string>
+  <string name="relays">Retransmisores de trafico</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Retransmitiendo Trafico</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Desactivar su dispositivo, como repetidor de salida</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Puerto del Repetidor</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Puerto de escucha de su servidor Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Introduzca el Puerto OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Alias para referirse al Repetidor</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Alias de su servidor Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Introduzca un alias personalizado para el repetidor de trafico</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Listado de ips, accesibles</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Ejecutar como cliente, situado tras un cortafuegos con politicas restrictivas</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Puertos accesibles</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Puertos accesibles detrás de un firewall restrictivo</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Introduzca los puertos</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Activar los servicios ocultos</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">Ejecutar servidores accesibles a través de la red de Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">Introduzca los puertos locales de los servicios ocultos activados</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Ocultar puertos de servicio</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">Nombre direccionable para su servicio oculto (generado automáticamente)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">permitir  el registro de depuración de la aplicacion (debe utilizar adb o aLogCat para poder verlos)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Localizacion del proyecto: </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/Orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">Licencia de uso Tor</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Software de terceras partes</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alfa: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">Libevent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/ ~ provos / libevent /</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Una aplicación esta intentando abrir el siguiente puerto %S a la red Tor. Esto es seguro, si confía en la aplicación, que lo esta intentando abrir.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">Se ha encontrado proceso activo de Tor ...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Algo ha ocurrido con el normal funcionamiento de la aplicacion. Compruebe el log de registro del sistema Tor</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">Servicio oculto en:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">No se puede leer el nombre del servicio oculto</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">ADVERTENCIA: No Puedo iniciar la Red Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Usar Iptables por defecto</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Los binario de Tor no se pudieron instalar o actualizar</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mantener siempre el icono de Orbot en la barra de tareas cuando esté conectado</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notificaciones siempre encendidas</string>
diff --git a/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/res/values-eu/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c9865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-eu/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">Tor abiarazi eta gelditu</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot abiarazten ari da...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Tor sarera konektatuta</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot desaktibatuta dago</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot itzaltzen ari da</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Etxea</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Arakatu</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Ezarpenak</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Saioa hasi</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Laguntza</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplikazioak</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Abiarazi</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Gelditu</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Honi buruz</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Laguntzailea</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Laguntza</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Itxi</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Honi buruz</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Zerrenda Garbitu</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Egiaztatu</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Irten</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">Tor Projectek indartua</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- sakatu luze hasteko -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Portu Zerrenda</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor bitarrak zuzen instalatuta!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Aplikazio Akatsa</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orboti buruz</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Hurrengoa</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Atzera</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Amaitu</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Baimenak</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Bat ere ez</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Aplikazioak hautatu</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy mota</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Egoera</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index 466b02a..5e6ab60 100644
--- a/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -1,126 +1,197 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">اوربات</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">شروع و پایان Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">سرويس پروكسي تُر</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbat آغاز می شود..</string>
-<string name="status_activated">پیوسته به شبکه ی Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">اوربات غیرفعال شده است.</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">اوربات در حال بسته شدن است.</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">هشدار: فعالیت شما هنوز "گمنام" نیست! لطفن اپلیکیشن خود را تنظیم کنید تا از HTTP پروکسی و یا SOCKS4A و یا SOCKS5 پروکسی 127.0.01:9050 استفاده کند.</string>
-<string name="menu_home">خانه</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">جستجو</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">تنظیمات</string>
-<string name="menu_log">ورود</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Ú©Ù…Ú©</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">واژ ه نامه</string>
-<string name="menu_start">آغاز</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">ایست</string>
-<string name="menu_about">درباره</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Ú©Ù…Ú©</string>
-<string name="button_close">بسته</string>
-<string name="button_about">درباره</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">بررسی</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">خروج</string>
-<string name="powered_by">فعال شده توسط Tor Project</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">پروکسیدن شفاف (نیاز به Root دارد)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">پروکسیدن شفاف</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Tori-نمایی اتوماتیک اپلیکیشن ها</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">شامل همه</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">فعالیت همه اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor پروکسی کنید.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">دوتایی های Tor با موفقیت نصب شدند!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">نصب فایل های دوتایی Tor ممکن نبود. لطفن قطعه را وارسی کنید و به tor-assistance at torproject.org اطلاع دهید.</string>
-<string name="title_error">خطای اپلیکیشین</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">به اوربات خوش آمدید</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">درباره اوربات</string>
-<string name="btn_next">بعدی</string>
-<string name="btn_back">بازگشت</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">پایان</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">لغو</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">لغو</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">اوربات Tor را به آندرونید وارد می کند. Tor نرم افزاری رایگان و شبکه ای باز است که در مقابل تهدید شبکه های نظارتی علیه آزادی و حریم فردی، فعالیت ها و روابط محرمانه شرکت ها، و امنیت ملی، که "کاوش فعالیت" معروف است، به شما کمک می کند. *هشدار:* نصب اوربات به تنهایی قادر نیست معجزه ای صورت دهد و فعالیت آنلاین شما را مخفی کند! این ابزار تنها کمک می کند که قدم اول را بردارید.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">برخی جزئیات در مورد اوربات</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">اوربات اپلیکیشنی با متن-باز است که شامل Tor, LibEvent و Privoxy. این اپلیکیشن، HTTP پروکسی (8118) محلی و SOCKS پروکسی (9050) را در شبکه Tor در دسترس قرار می دهد. اوربات همچنین قادر است بر روی ابزار root شده، تمام ترافیک اینترنت را از Tor ارسال کند.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">مجوز صادر گردید</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">مجوزهای اوربات</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">بسیار عالی! اینطور که معلوم است شما دارای مجوز root برای فعال کردن اوربات هستید. این امکان را بخوبی مورد استفاده قرار خواهیم داد. </string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">هرچند ضرورت ندارد اما اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root باشد اوربات با ظرفیت بسیار بیشتری عمل خواهد کرد. دکمه زیر را فشار دهید تا اوربات دارای ظرفیت حداکثری بشود.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root نیست و یا اصلن چیزی از این عبارت متوجه نمی شوید، حتمن سعی کنید از اپلکیشن هایی استفاده کنید که ویژه اوربات تهیه شده اند. </string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">متوجه هستم و ترجیح می دهم بدون root ادامه بدهم.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">واگذاری root برای اوربات</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">تنظیمات تبدیل به Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">اوربات به شما امکان می دهد که تمام اپلیکشین ها را از طریق Tor  منتقل کنید و یا اپلیکیشن مورد نظر خود را شخصن انتخاب کنید.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">تمام اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor منتقل کنید.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اپلیکیشن های منفرد برای Tor انتخاب کنید.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">اپلیکیشن هایی که برای اوربات تنظیم شده اند</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">توصیه می کنیم داون لود و فعال کنید؛ اپلیکیشن هایی را استفاده کنید که مستقیم به اوربات وصل می شوند. دکمه های زیر را فشار دهید تا نصب شود. </string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (فقط آندروید 1.x) - مرورگر طراحی شده برای حفظ حریم خصوصی و افزونساز اوربات</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">تنظیمات پروکسی - یادگیری تنظیم اپلیکیشن ها برای کار با اوربات</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">تنظیمات پروکسی</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اگر اپلیکشین آندرونوید مورد استفاده شما قابلیت کار با HTTP و یا SOCKS پروکسی دارد می توانید تنظیمش کنید تا به اوربات وصل شود و از Tor استفاده کند. تنظیمات سرویس دهنده و یا "سرویس-ده محلی" است. برای HTTP تنظیمات درگاه (port) 8118 است. برای SOCKS، پروکسی مناسب، 9050 است. شما می بایست SOCKS4A  و یا  در صورت امکان از socks5 استفاده کنید. در صورت نیاز به اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد انتقالده آندروید، می توانید به FAQ (سوالهای معمول) در http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid مراجعه کنید.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final">اوربات آماده استفاده میباشد!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">صدها هزار نفر در سراسر جهان به دلایل گوناگون از Tor استفاده می کنند: روزنامه نویسها و بلاگرها، کارکنان حقوق بشر، ماموران انتظامی، سربازان، شرکتها، شهروندان دولتهای سرکوبگر، و شهروندان عادی، و حالا شما نیز آماده استفاده از آن هستید!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">اکنون با موفقیت به شبکه Tor وصل شده اید اما به آن معنا نیست که سیستم شما ایمن است. می توانید از منیو گزینه /"Check/" را برای آزمایش مرورگر انتخاب کنید. به ما در صفحه https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot مراجعه کنید و به آدرس help at guardianproject.info  ایمیلی بفرستید تا اطلاعات بیشتری دریافت کنید. </string>
-	<string name="tor_check">با این قدم پیشفرض مرورگر وب شما به صفحه   https://check.torproject.org باز می شود تا شما مشاهده کنید آیا اوربات تنظیم شده است و آیا شما به Tor وصل شده اید یا نه.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">سرويس هاي مخفي</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="app_name">اوربات</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">شروع و پایان Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">سرويس پروكسي تُر</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbat آغاز می شود..</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">پیوسته به شبکه ی Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">اوربات غیرفعال شده است.</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">اوربات در حال بسته شدن است.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">شروع کلاینت تور...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">تمام.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">در حال انتظار.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">هشدار: فعالیت شما هنوز \"گمنام\" نیست! لطفن اپلیکیشن خود را تنظیم کنید تا از HTTP پروکسی و یا SOCKS4A و یا SOCKS5 پروکسی 127.0.01:9050 استفاده کند.</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">خانه</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">جستجو</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">تنظیمات</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">ورود</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Ú©Ù…Ú©</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">واژ ه نامه</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">آغاز</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">ایست</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">درباره</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Ú©Ù…Ú©</string>
+  <string name="button_close">بسته</string>
+  <string name="button_about">درباره</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">بررسی</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">خروج</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">فعال شده توسط Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- نگهدارید برای شروع -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">پروکسیدن شفاف (نیاز به Root دارد)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">پروکسیدن شفاف</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Tori-نمایی اتوماتیک اپلیکیشن ها</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">شامل همه</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">فعالیت همه اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor پروکسی کنید.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">قطع پروکسی پورت</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">فهرست پرتها</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">فهرست پرتها به پروکسی. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">ورود پرت به پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">root  درخواست دسترسی به </string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary"> برای پروکسی کردن شفاف rootدرخواست دسترسی به  </string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">دوتایی های Tor با موفقیت نصب شدند!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">نصب فایل های دوتایی Tor ممکن نبود. لطفن قطعه را وارسی کنید و به tor-assistance at torproject.org اطلاع دهید.</string>
+  <string name="title_error">خطای اپلیکیشین</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">به اوربات خوش آمدید</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">درباره اوربات</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">بعدی</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">بازگشت</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">پایان</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">لغو</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">لغو</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">برخی جزئیات در مورد اوربات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">اوربات اپلیکیشنی با متن-باز است که شامل Tor, LibEvent و Privoxy. این اپلیکیشن، HTTP پروکسی (8118) محلی و SOCKS پروکسی (9050) را در شبکه Tor در دسترس قرار می دهد. اوربات همچنین قادر است بر روی ابزار root شده، تمام ترافیک اینترنت را از Tor ارسال کند.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">مجوز صادر گردید</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">مجوزهای اوربات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">بسیار عالی! اینطور که معلوم است شما دارای مجوز root برای فعال کردن اوربات هستید. این امکان را بخوبی مورد استفاده قرار خواهیم داد.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">هرچند ضرورت ندارد اما اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root باشد اوربات با ظرفیت بسیار بیشتری عمل خواهد کرد. دکمه زیر را فشار دهید تا اوربات دارای ظرفیت حداکثری بشود.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">اگر سیستم شما دارای دسترسی root نیست و یا اصلن چیزی از این عبارت متوجه نمی شوید، حتمن سعی کنید از اپلکیشن هایی استفاده کنید که ویژه اوربات تهیه شده اند.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">متوجه هستم و ترجیح می دهم بدون root ادامه بدهم.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">واگذاری root برای اوربات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">تنظیمات تبدیل به Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">اوربات به شما امکان می دهد که تمام اپلیکشین ها را از طریق Tor  منتقل کنید و یا اپلیکیشن مورد نظر خود را شخصن انتخاب کنید.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">تمام اپلیکیشن ها را از طریق Tor منتقل کنید.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">اپلیکیشن های منفرد برای Tor انتخاب کنید.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">اپلیکیشن هایی که برای اوربات تنظیم شده اند</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">توصیه می کنیم داون لود و فعال کنید؛ اپلیکیشن هایی را استفاده کنید که مستقیم به اوربات وصل می شوند. دکمه های زیر را فشار دهید تا نصب شود.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">تنظیمات پروکسی - یادگیری تنظیم اپلیکیشن ها برای کار با اوربات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">تنظیمات پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">اگر اپلیکشین آندرونوید مورد استفاده شما قابلیت کار با HTTP و یا SOCKS پروکسی دارد می توانید تنظیمش کنید تا به اوربات وصل شود و از Tor استفاده کند. تنظیمات سرویس دهنده و یا \"سرویس-ده محلی\" است. برای HTTP تنظیمات درگاه (port) 8118 است. برای SOCKS، پروکسی مناسب، 9050 است. شما می بایست SOCKS4A  و یا  در صورت امکان از socks5 استفاده کنید. در صورت نیاز به اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد انتقالده آندروید، می توانید به FAQ (سوالهای معمول) در http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid مراجعه کنید.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">اوربات آماده استفاده میباشد!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">صدها هزار نفر در سراسر جهان به دلایل گوناگون از Tor استفاده می کنند: روزنامه نویسها و بلاگرها، کارکنان حقوق بشر، ماموران انتظامی، سربازان، شرکتها، شهروندان دولتهای سرکوبگر، و شهروندان عادی، و حالا شما نیز آماده استفاده از آن هستید!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">اکنون با موفقیت به شبکه Tor وصل شده اید اما به آن معنا نیست که سیستم شما ایمن است. می توانید از منیو گزینه /\"Check/\" را برای آزمایش مرورگر انتخاب کنید. به ما در صفحه https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot مراجعه کنید و به آدرس help at guardianproject.info  ایمیلی بفرستید تا اطلاعات بیشتری دریافت کنید.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">با این قدم پیشفرض مرورگر وب شما به صفحه   https://check.torproject.org باز می شود تا شما مشاهده کنید آیا اوربات تنظیم شده است و آیا شما به Tor وصل شده اید یا نه.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">سرويس هاي مخفي</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">! را به اندروید می آورد  tor  قدرت  orbot 
+ به شما کمک میکند تا در مقابل سانسور مطالب، آنالیز ترافیک و نظارت بر شبکه که حریم خصوصی افراد، اطلاعات محرمانه و روابط خصوصیتان را تهدید می کند از خود دفاع کنید.  Tor
+را بر روی دستگاه خودتان انجام دهید Tor و orbot  این راهنما به شما کمک میکند تا تنظیمات</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">هشدار</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg"> را نصب کنید بطور خودکار نمی تواند جریان اطلاعات موبایل شما را بصورت گمنام درآورد
+Orbot  اگر فقط 
+باید آنرا به درستی تنظیم کنید، همچنین تنظیمات را بر روی دستگاه خودتان و دیگر برنامه هایی که از  استفاده کنیدTor اینترنت استفاده میکنند انجام دهید تا بتوانید با موفقیت از </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">دسترسی‌ها</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">اجازه دسترسی بدهید تا ویژگیهای پیشرفته  مانند پروکسی شفاف را فعال کند Orbot  اگر بخواهید میتوانید به سوپر یوزر </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">اگر نمیخواهید این کار را انجام دهید ، لطفا مطمئن شوید که از اپلیکیشنهایی استفاده می کنید که با اوربات کار می کنند</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title"> روی آنها فعال استOrbot لیکیشنهایی که </string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (فقط آندروید 1.x) - مرورگر طراحی شده برای حفظ حریم خصوصی و افزونساز اوربات</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">پروکسی کردن شفاف</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(اگر هیچ ایده‌ای ندارید که راجع به چه چیزی حرف میزنیم این گزینه را انتخاب کنید)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">هیـچ</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor تترینگ از طریق </string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary"> - از طریق یو اس بی Tethering  برای دستگاه های وای فای و Tor فعال کردن پروکسی شفاف 
+(به ری استارت نیاز دارند)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">درخواست دسترسی برای سوپریوزر</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">انتخاب برنامه ها</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Tor انتخاب اپلیکیشن برای مسیریابی از طریق </string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">تنظیمات گره</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">گره های ورودی</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">گره های ورودی را وارد کنید</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">WhisperCore استفاده از </string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">نوع پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">نوع پروکسی را وارد کنید</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">میزبان پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">نام سرور میزبان پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">نام میزبان پروکسی را وارد کنید</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">پورت پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">پورت سرور پروکسی</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">پورت پروکسی را وارد کنید</string>
+  <string name="status">وضعیت</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی کاملن شفاف...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی شفاف مبتنی بر برنامه...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">پروکسی شفاف فعال است</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">هشدار: خطا در هنگام راه اندازی پروکسی شفاف!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">: را آغاز کنمTor نتوانستم فرایند </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">پروکسی، روی پورت مقابل درحال اجراست:</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">نصب پروکسی شفاف مبتنی بر پورت...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">خطای پل</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">برای استفاده از ویژگی پل، باید حداقل آدرس IP یک پل را وارد کنید.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">خطا</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">!تنظیمات شما برای آدرس قابل دسترسی باعث ایجاد خطا شده اند </string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">!تنظیمات رله شما موجب خطا شده اند</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">گره های خروجی</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">hop اثر انگشتها ، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسها برای آخرین </string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes"> وارد کردن گره های خروجی</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">مستثنا کردن گره ها</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">اثر انگشتها، اسامی مستعار ، کشورها و آدرسها بمنظور مستثنی شدن</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">وارد کردن گره های مستثنی</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">گره های محدود</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">فقط * از این گره های مشخص شده استفاده کنید* </string>
+  <string name="bridges">پل ها</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">بازپخش کننده ها</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">نام مستعار بازپخش کننده شما</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">آدرس های قابل دسترس</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">پورت‌های قابل دسترس</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">پورت‌های قابل دسترس پشت یک فایروال محدودکننده</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">پورت‌ها را وارد کنید</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">سرویس‌های مخفی را فعال کن</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">پورت‌های سرویس مخفی</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">اتفاق بدی افتاد. وقایع ثبت شده را چک کنید</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">سرویس مخفی روی:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">ناتوان در خواندن نام سرویس مخفی</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">ناتوان در راه اندازی تور:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">از Iptables پیشفرض استفاده کن</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee3d796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">démarrer et arrêter Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot démarre...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Connecté au réseau Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot est désactivé</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot s\'arrête</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Lancement du client Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">Terminé</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">Attente...</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">AVERTISSEMENT: Votre traffic n\'est pas encore anonyme ! Veuillez configurer vos applications pour qu\'elles utilisent le proxy HTTP à ou le proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 à</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Accueil</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Parcourir</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Paramètres</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Journal</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Aide</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Applications</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Démarrer</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Arrêter</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">À propos</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Assistant</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Aide</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Fermer</string>
+  <string name="button_about">À propos</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Effacer le journal</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Vérifier</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Sortie</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">propulsé par le Projet Tor </string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- appuyez longtemps pour démarrer -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy transparent (accès privilégié requis) </string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy transparent</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torifaction automatique des applications</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tout passer par Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Passer le trafic de toutes les applications par Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Mode proxy de secours</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">ATTENTION : Contourne les ports communs (80, 443, etc). *À N\'UTILISER QUE* si les modes \'Tout \' ou \'Application\' ne fonctionnent pas.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Liste des ports</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Liste des ports vers le proxy. *À N\'UTILISER QUE* si les modes \'Tout \' ou \'Application\' ne fonctionnent pas.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Entrez les ports vers le proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Demander un accès privilégié</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Demande un accès privilégié pour le proxy transparent</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor a été installé avec succès !</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Tor n\'a pas pu installé. S\'il vous plaît, vérifiez le fichier journal et contactez tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Erreur de l\'application</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Bienvenue dans Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">À propos de Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Suivant</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Précédent</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Fin</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Valider</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Annuler</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Quelques détails sur Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot est une application logicielle libre qui contient Tor, LibEvent et Privoxy. Il fournit un proxy local HTTP (8118) et un proxy SOCKS (9050) dans le réseau Tor. Orbot a aussi la capacité, avec les droits administrateurs, d\'envoyer tout le trafic Internet à travers Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission accordée</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permissions d\'Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent ! Nous avons détecté que vous avez donné les droits privilégiés pour Orbot. Nous utiliserions ces droits avec sagesse.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Bien que cela ne soit pas nécessaire, Orbot peut devenir un outil bien plus utile si vous lui donnez un accès privilégié. Utilisez le bouton ci-dessous pour donner à Orbot de grands pouvoirs ! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Si vous n\'avez pas d\'accès privilégié ou n\'avez pas idée de ce que cela est, vérifiez bien que vous utilisez des applications conçues pour fonctionner avec Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Je comprends et je souhaite continuer sans les droits privilégiés</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Donner les droits privilégiés à Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configurer la Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot vous donne le choix entre faire passer le trafic de toutes les applications à travers Tor OU de choisir pour chaque application</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Toutes les applications par Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Choisir les applications utilisant Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Applications avec Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Nous vous encouragons à télécharger &amp; utiliser les applications conçues pour se connecter directement à Orbot. Cliquez sur les boutons ci-dessous pour installer.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Client de messagerie instantanée pour Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configuration du proxy - Apprendre comment configurer les applications pour qu\'elles fonctionnent avec Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configuration du proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Si l\'application Android que vous utilisez peut supporter un proxy HTTP ou un proxy SOCKS, vous pouvez la configurer pour se connecter à Orbot et utiliser Tor./n/n
+    La configuration de l\'hôte est ou \"localhost\". Pour le HTTP, le port utilisé est le 8118. Pour SOCKS, le port utilisé est 9050. Vous devriez, si possible, utiliser SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5.
+    /n/n
+    Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur la configuration de proxy sous Android sur la FAQ à : http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot est prêt!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Des milliers de personnes dans le monde utilisent Tor pour une grande variétés de raisons : journalistes et bloggers, défenseurs des droits de l\'homme, policiers, soldats, entreprises, les citoyens de régimes répressifs, et aussi de simples citoyens ... et maintenant vous êtes prêts aussi !</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time"> Vous êtes connectés avec succès au réseau Tor - mais cela ne signifie PAS que votre appareil est sécurisé. Vous pouvez utiliser l\'option \'Vérifier\'  du menu pour vérifier avec votre navigateur. \n\nAllez à la page https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot ou envoyez un courriel à help at guardianproject.info pour en savoir plus.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Ceci va ouvrir la page https://check.torproject.org avec le navigateur web par défaut pour vérifier si Orbot est suffisamment configuré pour vous connecter à Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Services cachés</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Général</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Exécuter Orbot automatiquement</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Démarrer automatiquement Orbot et se connecter à Tor quand votre périphérique Android démarre</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot, c\'est Tor sur Android !\n\n Tor vous aide à vous protéger du filtrage de contenu, de l\'analyse de trafic et de la surveillance des réseaux qui menacent la vie privée, les informations confidentielles et les relations interpersonnelles.\n\nCe assistant vous aidera à configurer Orbot et Tor sur votre appareil.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attention</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Installer Orbot ne suffit pas à anonymiser automatiquement le trafic de votre mobile.\n\nVous devez configurer correctement Orbot, votre appareil et d\'autres applications pour utiliser adéquatement Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Vous pouvez aussi, optionnellement donner l\'accès \"Super Utilisateur\" à Orbot pour activer les options avancées, comme le Proxy Transparent</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Si vous ne voulez pas faire ça, merci de vous assurer que les applications que vous utilisez ont été faites pour fonctionner avec Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Votre appareil est en mode standard et ne supporte pas l\'accès root ou «super-utilisateur».\n\nPour bénéficier de Tor, vous avez besoin d\'utiliser des applications conçues pour fonctionner avec Orbot ou permettant de définir un proxy de type HTTP ou SOCKS.\n\n
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Applications Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: application de clavardage sécurisé avec chiffrement Off-the-Record</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Android 1.x seulement) - navigateur créé pour protéger votre vie privée &amp; pour Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy transparent</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Cela permet à vos applications d\'utiliser automatiquement le réseau Tor sans aucune configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Cochez cette case si vous n\'avez aucune idée de ce dont nous parlons)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Rien</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tethering Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Activer le proxy transparent pour Wifi et les périphériques USB Tethered (redémarrage nécessaire)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Demande d\'accès superutilisateur</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Choisir les applications</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choisir les applications à diriger vers Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Configuration de nœud </string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Ce sont des paramètres avancés qui peuvent réduire votre anonymat</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nœuds d\'entrée</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Empreintes, pseudos, pays et adresses pour le premier saut</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Entrez les nœuds d\'entrée</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Utilisez WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilisez les API propriétaires fournis par Netfilter WhisperSystems (dispositif nécessaire avec WhisperCore installé)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Type de proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocole à utiliser pour le serveur proxy : HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Entrez le type de proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Hôte du proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Nom d\'hîte du serveur proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Entrez le nom d\'hôte du proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Port du proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Port du serveur proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Entrez le port du proxy</string>
+  <string name="status">Statut</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Configuration du proxy transparent global...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Configuration du proxy transparent par application...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Proxy transparent ACTIVÉ</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">Transproxy activé pour Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ATTENTION : erreur au démarrage du proxy transparent !</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Règles transproxy effacées</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">L\'application n\'a pas pu démarrer le processus \"Tor\" : </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy fonctionne sur le port : </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Configuration du proxy transparent par port...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Erreur de passerelle</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Avant de pouvoir utiliser les passerelles, vous devez entrer au moins l\'adresse IP d\'une passerelle</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Envoyez un e-mail à bridges at torproject.org avec \"get bridges\" dans le corps de l\'e-mail - fonctionne si le mail est envoyé d\'une adresse Gmail</string>
+  <string name="error">Erreur</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Les paramètres pour ReachableAddresses ont provoqué une erreur !</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Vos paramètres de relais ont provoqué une erreur !</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">NÅ“uds de sortie</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Empreintes, pseudos, pays et adresses pour le dernier saut</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Saisissez les noeuds de sortie</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclure des nœuds</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Empreintes, pseudos, pays et adresses à exclure</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Entrez les nœuds à exclure</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">NÅ“uds stricts</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Utiliser * uniquement * les nœuds spécifiés</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Ponts</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Utiliser des ponts</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Activer des nœuds alternatifs d\'entrée dans le réseau Tor</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Adresse IP et port des ponts</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Entrez les adresses de passerelle</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relais</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relayage</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Configurer votre appareil pour ne pas être un relais de sortie</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Port du relais</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Port d\'écoute pour votre relais Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Entrez le port OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Pseudo du relais</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Le pseudo de votre relais Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Entrez un pseudo personalisé pour le relais</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Adresses accessibles</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Exécuter en tant que client derrière un pare-feu avec les politiques restrictives</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Ports accessibles</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports accessibles derrière un pare-feu restrictif</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Entrez les ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Activer les services cachés</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">Exécuter des serveurs accessibles via le réseau Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">entrer dans les ports localhost pour les services cachés</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Ports des services cachés</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">le nom adressable pour votre service caché (généré automatiquement)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">permettre le débogage vers la console (vous devez utiliser adb  ou aLogCat pour le visualiser)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Page(s) d\'accueil du projet :</string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">La licence de Tor</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Logiciels tierce-partie :</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">Libevent v1.4.13 : http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12 : http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7 : http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Une application veut ouvrir le port %S du serveur caché sur le réseau Tor. C\'est sécuritaire si vous faites confiance à l\'application.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">trouvé un processus existant de Tor ...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Quelque chose d\'incorrect s\'est passé. Vérifiez le journal</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">service caché sur :</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">impossible de lire le nom du service caché</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Impossible de démarrer Tor :</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Utiliser Iptables par défaut</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">Utiliser le binaire iptables intégré à la place du binaire embarqué avec Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Les fichiers binaires de Tor n\'ont pas pu être installé ou mis à jour.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Toujours conserver l\'icône dans la barre des tâches quand Orbot est connecté.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Toujours activé les Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0579883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">a Tor indítása, leállítása</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Az Orbot indul...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Csatlakozva a Tor hálózathoz</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot deaktiválva</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Az Orbot leállítás alatt</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">A Tor kliens indítása...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">kész.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">várakozik.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">FIGYELEM: A forgalma még nem névtelen! Állítsa be alkalmazásait, hogy HTTP proxy használjanak a címen vagy SOCKS4A vagy SOCKS5 proxy-t a címen</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Kezdőlap</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Tallóz</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Beállítások</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Súgó</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Alkalmazások</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Indítás</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Leállítás</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Névjegy</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Varázsló</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Súgó</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Bezár</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Névjegy</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Log ürítése</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Ellenőrzés</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Kilépés</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">a Tor Project által gondozva</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- hosszan nyomja az indítást -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Átlátszó Proxy használat (Root-olás szükséges)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Átlátszó Proxy használat</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Alkalmazások automatikus Tor-izálása</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor-oljon Mindent</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Minden forgalom átproxyzása a Tor-on</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy visszacsatolás</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">FIGYELEM: Átirányítja az népszerű portokat ports (80, 443, stb). *CSAK AKKOR HASZNÁLJA* ha a \'Minden\' vagy \'Alkalmazás\' mód nem működik.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port Lista</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">A proxyzandó portok. *CSAK AKKOR HASZNÁLJA* ha a \'Minden\' vagy \'Alkalmazás\' mód nem működik.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Adja meg a proxyzandó protokat</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Root hozzáférés szükséges</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Root hozzáférés szükséges az átlátszó proxyzáshoz</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">A Tor sikeresen telepítve lett!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">A Tor bináris állományok telepítése sikertelen. Ellenőrizze a log üzeneteket, és jelezze a tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Alkalmazás hiba</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Köszöntjük az Orbot-ban</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Az Orbot-ról</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Tovább</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Vissza</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Befejezés</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Mégsem</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Néhány Orbot Tudnivaló</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Az Orbot egy nyílt forrás alkalmazás, ami a Tor, a LibEvent és Privoxy csomagot tartalmazza. Szolgáltatása egy helyi  HTTP proxy (8118) és egy SOCKS proxy (9050) a Tor hálózat felé. Az Orbot további tulajdonsága, hogy rootolt készülék esetén képes a teljes internet forgalom Tor hálózaton keresztül küldésére.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Jogosultság megadva</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Jogosultságok</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Csodálatos! Úgy észleltük, hogy root joggot engedélyezett az Orbot számára. Ezt az erőt bölcsen fogjuk használni.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Habár nem szükséges, az Orbot sokkal hatékonyabb eszköz lehet, ha a készüléknek van root hozzáférése. Használja az alábbi gombot, hogy szupererőt az Orbot-nak! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Ha nincs root hozzáférése, vagy lövése sincs miről beszélünk, csak legyen biztos abban,hogy olyan alkalmazást használ, amelyek képesek együttműködni az Orbot-tal.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Értettem és root jog nélkül folytatnám tovább</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Root jog megadása az Orbot részére</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Tor-izálás beállítása</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Az Orbot lehetővé teszi, hogy az összes alkalmazás forgalmát VAGY az egyesével kiválasztott alkalmazások forgalmát keresztül küldje a Tor-on.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Minden alkalmazás keresztülproxyzása a Tor-on</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Alkalmazások kiválasztása a Tor-hoz</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-engedélyezett alkalmazások</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Javasoljuk, hogy töltsön le és használjon olyan alkalmazásokat, amelyek tudják, hogyna kell közvetlenül kapcsolódni az Orbot-hoz. Kattintson az gombokra alább a telepítéshez.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Biztonságos azonnali üzenetküldő kliens Android-ra</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy beállítások - Tanulja meg, hogyan állíthatja be alkalmazásait, hogy együttműködjenek az Orbot-tal</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy beállítások</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ha az Android alkalmazás, amit használ képes a HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy-k használatára, akkor be tudja állítani, hogy csatlakozzon az Orbot-hoz és használj a Tor-t.\n\n
+    A host beállítás vagy \"localhost\". A HTTP-hez a  port értéke 8118. A SOCKS esetében a proxy port értéke 9050. SOCKS4A vagy SOCKS5 proxy javasolt használnia, ha lehetséges.
+    \n\n
+    További információkat talál a proxyzásról Android készülékne a FAQ szekcióban az alábbi oldalon: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Az Orbot kész!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Több száezren használják szerte a világon a Tor-t különböző okokból: újságírók, bloggerek, emberi jogi aktivisták, rendvédelmi szervek dolgozói, katonák, vállalatok, elnyomó rezsimek polgárai, vagy csak egyszerű polgárok... és most készen áll erre Ön is!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time"> Sikeresen csatlakozott a Tor hálózathoz - de ez NEM azt jelenti, hogy a készüléke biztonságos. Ellenőrizze az \'Ellenőrzés\' opcióval a menüből a böngészőjét.\n\nLátogassa meg a https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot oldalt vagy küldjön emailt a help at guardianproject.info címre a további információkért.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Ez megnyitja az alapértelmezett böngészőt, és elnavigálja a https://check.torproject.orgoldalra, hogy ellenőrizze, hogy az Orbot helyesen konfigurált-e, és hogy csatlakozott-e a Tor hálózathoz.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Rejtett szolgáltatások</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Általános</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Az Orbot indítása bekapcsoláskor</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatikusan elindítja az Orbot-ot, és csatlakozik a hálózathoz, amikor az Android eszköz elindul</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Az Orbot elhozta a Tor-t Androidra!\n\n\A Tor megvédi a tartalomszűréstől, forgalomelemzéstől és hálózatanalízistól, amely a sértheti magánéletét, titkos üzleti információt vagy személyes kapcsolatait.\n\nEz a varázsló segít az Orbot és a Tor bekonfigurálásában az eszközén.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Figyelem</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Az Orbot telepítése nem fogja automatikusan névtelenné tenni a mobil forgalmát.\n\nMegfelelően konfigurálnia kell az Orbot-ot az eszközt és az alkalmazásokat a sikeres Tor használathoz.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Jogosultságok</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opcionálisan adhat az Orbot részére \'Superuser\' hozzáférést, amellyel bekapcsolhatja az olyan speciális szolgáltatásokat, mint például az Átlátszó Proxyzás.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Ha nem szeretné ezt, akkor legen biztos abban, hogy olyan alkalmazásokat használ, amiket az Orbot-tal együttműködésre terveztek.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Az eszköze alap módban fut, nem támogatja a root vagy \'Superuser\' hozzáférést.\n\nAhhoz, hogy részesüljön a Tor előnyeiből, olyan alkalmazást kell használnia, amely úgy készült, hogy együtt használható legyen az Orbot-tal, vagy legyen lehetőség HTTP vagy SOCKS proxy beállítására.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-engedélyezett Alkalmazások</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Biztonságos csevegő alkalmazás Off-the-Record titkosítással</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (csak Android 1.x) - Böngésző, kifejezetten adatvédelemre és az Orbot-hoz</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Átlátszó proxyzás</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Ez lehetővé teszi az alkalmazások számára a Tor-on keresztül kommunikálást, bármilyen konfiguráció nélkül.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Jelölje ezt négyzetet, ha halvány lila fogalma sincs miről van itt szó.)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Nincs</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">A Tor Átlátszó Proxy-zás engedélyezése a Wifi és az USB Tether eszközök felé (újraindítást igényel)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Superuser hozzáférés kérése</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Alkalmazások kiválasztása</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Válassza ki a Tor-on keresztül route-olandó alkalmazásokat</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Csomópont konfiguráció</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Ezek speciális beállítások, amelyek csökkenthetik az anonimitását.</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Belépő csomópontok</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Ujjlenyomatok, becenevek, országok és címek az első ugráshoz</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Belépő csomópontok megadása</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">WhisperCore használata</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Az eredeti NetFilter API használata amit a WhisperSystems biztosít (olyan eszköz szükséges, amire WhisperCore van telepítve)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy típus</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">A Proxy szerver által használandó protokoll: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Adja meg a Proxy típust</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy címe</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy szerver neve</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Adja meg a Proxy gép nevét</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy szerver port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Adja meg a Proxy portját</string>
+  <string name="status">Állapot</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">A teljes körű Átlátszó proxyzás beállítása...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Alkalmazásszintű Átlátszó proxyzás beállítása...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Átlátszó proxyzás ENGEDÉLYEZVE</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy engedélyezve tetheringre!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">FIGYELMEZTETÉS: probléma az átlátszó proxyzás indításakor!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy szabályok létrehozva</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Nem indítható el a Tor process:</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">A Privoxy a következő porton fut:</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">A port alapú átlátszó proxyzás beállítása...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Híd hiba</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">A híd szolgáltatás használatához legalább egy híd IP címét meg kell adnia.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Küldjön egy emailt a bridges at torproject.org címre a \"get bridges\" (hidak beszerzése) sorral a levél törzsében egy gmail címről.</string>
+  <string name="error">Hiba</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Az Elérhető címek beállításai kivételt okoztak!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Az Elosztó beállításai kivételt okoztak.</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Kilépési csomópontok</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Ujjlenyomatok, becenevek, országok és címek az utolsó ugráshoz</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Kilépési csomópontok megadása</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Csomópontok kizárása</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Kizárandó ujjlenyomatok, becenevek, országok és címek</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Adja meg a kizárandó csomópontokat</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Szigorú csomópontok</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">*Csak * a megadott csomópontok használata</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Hidak</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Hidak használata</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Alternatív belépési pontok engedélyezése a Tor hálózatba</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">A Hidek IP címe és portja</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Adja meg a híd címet</string>
+  <string name="relays">Elosztók</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Elosztás</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Az eszköze NEM Kilépő Elosztó-ként engedélyezése</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Elosztó port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">A Tor Elosztója által használt port</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter VAGY port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Elosztó becenév</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">A Tor Elosztója beceneve</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Adjon meg egy egyedi becenevet</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Elérhető címek</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Futtatás kliensként egy tűzfal mögül, korlátozó beállításokkal</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Elérhető portok</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">A tűzfal mögött elérhető portok</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Adja meg a portokat</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Rejtett szolgáltatások engedélyezése</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">a Tor hálózaton keresztül elérhető szerverek futtatása</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">adja meg a helyi gép portokat a rejtett szolgáltatásokhoz</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Rejtett szolgáltatás portok</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">a címezhető neve a rejtett szolgáltatásnak (automatikusan generált)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">a hibakeresés log engedélyezése a kimenetre (adb vagy aLogCat szükséges a megtekintéshez)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Projekt honlap(ok):</string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">A Tor Licensz</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Külső szoftverek: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Egy alkalmazás a %S rejtett szerver portot próbálja megnyitni. Ez biztonságos, ha megbízik az alkalmazásban.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">létező Tor folyamat találva...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Valami rossz történt. Nézze meg a log fájlt.</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">rejtett szolgáltatás itt:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">nem olvasható a rejtett szolgáltatás neve</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Sikertelen a Tor elindítása:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Alapértelmezett Iptables használata</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">a beépített iptables bináris használata az Orbot-tal együtt szállított helyett</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">A Tor binárisok nem telepíthetők, vagy frissíthetők.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mindig legyen látható az ikon az eszköztáron, ha az Orbot csatlakozott állapotú.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Mindig bekapcsolt értesítések</string>
diff --git a/res/values-it/strings.xml b/res/values-it/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e50aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">avvia e ferma Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot è in esecuzione...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Connesso alla rete Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot è disattivato</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot si sta spegnendo</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Avvio client Tor...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">completa.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">attesa.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATTENZIONE: Il traffico non è ancora anonimo! Configura le applicazioni per utilizzare il proxy HTTP,  SOCKS4A o proxy SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Home</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Sfoglia</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Impostazioni</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Aiuto</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">App</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Avvio</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Ferma</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Aiuto</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Chiudi</string>
+  <string name="button_about">About</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Cancella log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Controlla</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Esci</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">-pressione prolungata per avviare-</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxying trasparente (Richiede root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxying trasparente</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Torifying automatico delle app</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor ovunqe</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Traffico proxy di tutte le app attraverso Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Fallback porte proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">ATTENZIONE: Aggira le porte comuni (80, 443, ecc). *USARE SOLO* se le modalità \'All\' o \'App\' non funzionano.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Elenco porte</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lista di porte per cui fare proxy. *USARE SOLO* se le modalità \'All\' o \'App\' non funzionano.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Inserisci porte da proxare</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Richiesto accesso root</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Richiede il root per il proxying trasparente</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">I binari di Tor sono stati installati con successo!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">I file binari di Tor non possono essere installati. Controlla i log e notifica l\'accaduto su tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Errore applicazione</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Benvenuti in Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Avanti</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Indietro</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Fine</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Annulla</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Alcuni dettagli su Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot è un\' applicazione open-source che contiene Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. Fornisce un proxy HTTP locale (8118) e un proxy SOCKS (9050) verso la rete Tor. Orbot ha anche la capacità, su dispositivi con root, di far passare tutto il traffico internet attraverso Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permesso concesso</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permessi Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Eccellente! Abbiamo rilevato la presenza dei permessi di root attivati per Orbot. Useremo questi poteri con saggezza.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Anche se non è richiesto, Orbot può diventare uno strumento ancora più potente se il dispositivo ha accesso come root. Utilizza il pulsante qui sotto per concedere i superpoteri a Orbot!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Se non hai i permessi root o non hai idea di cosa siano, tanto per essere sicuro di utilizzare le applicazioni fatte per lavorare con Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ho capito e desidero continuare senza il root</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Concedi permessi root a Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configura Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot dà la possibilità di instradare tutto il traffico delle applicazioni tramite Tor o scegliere le applicazioni singolarmente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Usa Tor come proxy per tutte le applicazioni.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Seleziona singole app per Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">App abilitate per Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Ti invitiamo a scaricare &amp; usare app che possono connettersi direttamente a Orbot. Fai click sui pulsanti qui sotto per installare.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Client sicuro di instant messaging per Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Impostazioni proxy - Ulteriori informazioni su come configurare le app per funzionare con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Impostazioni proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se la versione di Android che stai utilizzando supporta l\'utilizzo di un proxy HTTP o SOCKS allora puoi utilizzarla per connetterti a Orbot e utilizzare Tor.\n\n
+L\'impostazione dell\' host è o \"localhost\". La porta HTTP è 8118. Per i SOCKS, il proxy è 9050. Si dovrebbe utilizzare SOCKS4A o SOCKS5 se possibile.
+Ulteriori informazioni sul proxying per Android nelle FAQ all\' indirizzo: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot è pronto!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centinaia di migliaia di persone nel mondo usano Tor per una varietà di motivi: giornalisti e bloggers, lavoratori per i diritti umani, ufficiali delle forze dell\'ordine, soldati, aziende, cittadini di paesi repressivi, e anche cittadini qualunque... e ora sei pronto a farlo anche tu!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Ti sei collegato correttamente alla rete Tor - ma questo NON significa che il dispositivo è sicuro. È possibile utilizzare l\'opzione \'Controlla\' dal menù per testare il browser. \n\n
+Visita il nostro sito web https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot o invia una mail a help at guardianproject.info per saperne di più.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Si aprirà il browser web predefinito per https://check.torproject.org per controllare se Orbot probabilmente è configurato e si è connessi a Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Servizi nascosti</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Generale</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Avvia Orbot al boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Avvia automaticamente Orbot e connetti Tor quando il dispositivo Android viene avviato</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot porta Tor su Android!\n\nTor ti aiuta a difenderti da filtraggio di contenuti, analisi del traffico e sorveglianza della rete che minacciano la privacy, informazioni personali e relazioni personali.\n\nQuesta procedura guidata ti aiuterà a configurare Orbot e Tor sul tuo dispositivo.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Attenzione</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">La semplice installazione di Orbot non renderà anonimo il tuo traffico di rete mobile.\n\nDevi configurare correttamente Orbot, il tuo dispositivo e le altre applicazioni per usare Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permessi</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Opzionalmente, è possibile concedere ad Orbot l\'accesso da superutente per abilitare funzionalità avanzate come il proxying trasparente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se non si vuole intraprendere questa scelta, ci si assicuri di utilizzare applicazioni fatte per funzionare con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Il vostro dispositivo non sembra essere rooted o fornire accesso da superutente.\n\nAl fine di beneficiare dell\'uso di Tor, sarà necessario utilizzare applicazioni costruite per funzionare con Orbot, o che supportino configurazioni proxy HTTP o SOCKS.\n\n
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-App abilitate</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: un applicazione per chat sicura con crittografia Off-the-Record</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Solo Android 1.x) - Browser progettato per la privacy e Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxying trasparente</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Questo permette alle tue applicazioni di passare automaticamente attraverso la rete Tor senza necessità di ulteriore configurazione.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Seleziona questa casella se non hai idea di quello di cui stiamo parlando)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Nessuno</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Per il tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Abilita il proxying trasparente di Tor per i dispositivi connessi in tethering via WiFi e USB (necessita di riavvio)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Richiede accesso superuser</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Seleziona app</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Scegli le applicazioni da utilizzare attraverso Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Configurazione nodo</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Questi sono parametri di configurazione avanzati che possono ridurre il vostro anonimato</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nodi di entrata</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Identificativi, nicknames, paesi ed indirizzi del primo hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Inserisci nodi di entrata</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Usa WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Utilizza le API proprietarie NetFilter fornite da WhisperSystems (è richiesto che sul dispositivo sia installato WhisperCore)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolli da utilizzare per i server proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Inserisci tipo proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Host proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Hostname server proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Inserire l\'host del proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Porta proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Porta del server proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Inserire la porta del proxy</string>
+  <string name="status">Stato</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Configurazione del proxying completamente trasparente...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Configurazione del proxying trasparente basato su applicazione...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">proxying trasparente ABILITATO</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">Proxying trasparente abilitato per il tethering</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">AVVERTIMENTO: errore nell\'avvio del TransProxy!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Regole del TransProxy cancellate</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Impossibile avviare il processo Tor:</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy è in esecuzione sulla porta: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Configurazione del proxying trasparente basato su porta...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Errore bridge</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Al fine di utilizzare la funzionalità bridge, è necessario inserire almeno l\'indirizzo IP di un bridge.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Si consiglia di inviare una email a bridges at torproject.org con la linea \"get bridges\" da sola nel corpo del messaggio da un account gmail.</string>
+  <string name="error">Errore</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">La tua configurazione dell\'indirizzo raggiungibile ha causato un\'eccezione!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">La configurazione del tuo relay ha causato un\'eccezione!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Nodi di uscita</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Identificatori, nicknames, paesi ed indirizzi per l\'ultimo hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Inserire i nodi d\'uscita</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Escludere i nodi</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Identificatori, nicknames, paesi ed indirizzi da escludere</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Inserire i nodi da escludere</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Nodi specifici</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Utilizza *solo* i nodi specificati</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Ponti</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Utilizza i bridge</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Abilita nodi alternati in entrata nella rete Tor</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Indirizzo IP e porta dei bridge</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Inserire gli indirizzi dei bridge</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Abilita il tuo dispositivo per essere un relay non di uscita</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Porta del relay</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Porta in ascolto per il proprio Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Inserire la porta OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Nickname del relay</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Il nickname per il proprio relay Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Inserire un nickname personalizzato per il relay</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Indirizzo raggiungibile</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Esegui ome un client dietro un firewall con politiche restrittive</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Porte raggiungibili</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Porte raggiungibili dietro un firewall restrittivo</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Inserisci porte</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Abilita servizi nascosti</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">esegui server accessibili attraverso la rete Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">inserire la porta per l\'host locale per i servizi nascosti</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Porta per i servizi nascosti</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">il nome di indirizzamento per i propri servizi nascosti (generato automaticamente)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">abilita i log di debug in output (richiede l\'uso di adb o aLogCat per esser visualizzato)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Home progetto:</string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">Licenza Tor</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Software di terze parti:</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Un applicazione ha richiesto di aprire la porta per servizi nascosti %S alla rete Tor. Questo è sicuro se ci si fida dell\'applicazione.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">trovato un processo Tor esistente...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">E\' accaduto un evento indesiderato. Controllare i log.</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">servizio nascosto attivo:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">Impossibile leggere il nome del servizio nascosto.</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Impossibile avviare Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Utilizza Iptables di default</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">utilizza il binario di iptables installato invece di quello fornito con Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Non è stato possibile installare o aggiornare i binari di Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Mantieni sempre l\'icona nella barra degli strumenti quando Orbot è connesso.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notifiche sempre attive</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6d746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Torプロクシサービス</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbotが開始されています...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Torネットワークに接続しています</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbotが解除されました</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbotが終了しています</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Torクライエントを開始しています...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">完了</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">ホーム</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">閲覧</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">設定</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">履歴</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">ヘルプ</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">スタート</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">停止</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">ウィザード</string>
+  <string name="button_help">ヘルプ</string>
+  <string name="button_close">閉じる</string>
+  <string name="button_about">について</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">ログを削除する</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">ルートアクセスの許可を要求します</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Torバイナリインストールが成功しました</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Torバイナリファイルがインストールできませんでした。ログを調べて、通知をtor-assistants at torproject.orgに送信してください。</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Orbotについて</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">次</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">終了</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">キャンセル</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Orbot詳細</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Torをソフトウェアに使用する設定</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">プロキシ設定</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">起動時にOrbotを実行する</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">注意</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">許可</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">管理許可アクセスを要求します</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">アプリケーションを選択します</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">ノード設定</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">ご注意、先進設定が匿名レベルを縮小します</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Torを実行できませんでした</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..144db09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot is Deactivated</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Home</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Help</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Help</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Close</string>
+  <string name="button_about">About</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Next</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-mk/strings.xml b/res/values-mk/strings.xml
index c4bf305..6b38f9b 100644
--- a/res/values-mk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-mk/strings.xml
@@ -1,130 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Орбот</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">вклучи и исклучи го Тор</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Орбот се вклучува...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Поврзан на мрежата Тор</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Орбот е дезактивиран</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Орбот се исклучува</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ: Вашиот сообраќај сеуште не е анонимен! Треба да ги конфигурирате Вашите апликации да го користат проксито за HTTP,, или проксито за SOCKS4A или SOCKS5,</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Дома</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Прелистување</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Подесувања</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Лог</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Помош</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Апликации</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Вклучи</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Исклучи</string>
-<string name="menu_about">За</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Помош</string>
-<string name="button_close">Затвори</string>
-<string name="button_about">За</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Избриши лог</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Провери</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Излез</string>
-<string name="powered_by">напојувано од проектот Тор</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Транспарентно прокси (бара root пристап)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Транспарентно прокси</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматско торифицирање на апликациите</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Целосно торифицирање</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Проксирај го сообраќајот на сите апликации низ Тор</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Извршните програми за Тор се успешно инсталирани!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Извршните фајлови на Тор не можеа да се инсталираат. Видете го логот и известете нè за ова на tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">Апликациска грешка</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Добредојдовте во Орбот</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">За Орбот</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Напред</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Назад</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Крај</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">Во ред</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Откажи се</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Орбот овозможува работа со Тор на Андроид. Тор е слободен софтвер и отворена мрежа којашто Ви помага да се заштитите од одреден вид мрежно прислушкување, познат како анализа на сообраќај (traffic analysis), кој претставуваат закана за личната слобода и приватност, за стопанските дејности и односи од доверлив карактер, како и за државната безбедност.\n\n*ВНИМАНИЕ:*Самиот факт што сте го инсталирале Орбот _нема_ автоматски да го направи Вашиот мобилен сообраќај анонимен! Но, овој прозор ќе Ви помогне да се иницирате.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Некои детали за Орбот</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Орбот е апликација со отворен код којашто го содржи Тор, LibEvent и Privoxy. Таа Ви нуди локални проксиња за HTTP (порт 8118) и SOCKS (порт 9050) за поврзување со мрежата Тор. Орбот исто така нуди можност, на уреди со root пристап, целиот сообраќај да се пренасочи преку Тор.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Дозволата е издадена</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Дозволи на орбот</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Одлично! Детектиравме дека сте овозможиле root пристап за Орбот. Внимателно ќе се користиме со таа можност.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Иако тоа не е задолжително, Орбот може да стане помоќна алатка доколку вашиот уред има root пристап. Со копчето подолу можете на Орбот да му дадете таква супер-моќ.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Ако немате root пристап или ако не разбирате за што зборуваме, единствено осигурајте се дека користите апликации кои што работат со Орбот.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Разбирам и сакам да продолжам без root пристап</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дозволи root за Орбот</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Подесување на торифицињето</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Орбот ви овозможува, или да го рутирате сиот сообраќај на сите апликации низ Тор, или поединечно да ги избирате апликациите.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Проксирај ги сите апликации низ Тор</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Избери поединечно апликации за Тор</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Орбот-вклучени апликации</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Ви препорачуваме да презимате и користите апликации кои што знаат како директно да се поврзат со Орбот. Притиснете на копчињата подолу за инсталирање.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (само Андроид 1.x) - Браусер дизајниран за приватност и за Орбот</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Подесувања на прокси - Научете како да ги конфигурирате апликациите да работат со Орбот</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Подесувања на прокси</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ако апликацијата за Андроид што ја користите поддржува употреба на прокси за HTTP или SOCKS, тогаш може да ја конфигурирате да се поврзе со Орбот и да користи Тор. \n\n
+  <string name="app_name">Орбот</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">вклучи и исклучи го Тор</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Орбот се вклучува...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Поврзан на мрежата Тор</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Орбот е дезактивиран</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Орбот се исклучува</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ: Вашиот сообраќај сеуште не е анонимен! Треба да ги конфигурирате Вашите апликации да го користат проксито за HTTP,, или проксито за SOCKS4A или SOCKS5,</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Дома</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Прелистување</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Подесувања</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Лог</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Помош</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Апликации</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Вклучи</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Исклучи</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">За</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Помош</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Затвори</string>
+  <string name="button_about">За</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Избриши лог</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Провери</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Излез</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">напојувано од проектот Тор</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Транспарентно прокси (бара root пристап)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Транспарентно прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматско торифицирање на апликациите</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Целосно торифицирање</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Проксирај го сообраќајот на сите апликации низ Тор</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Извршните програми за Тор се успешно инсталирани!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Извршните фајлови на Тор не можеа да се инсталираат. Видете го логот и известете нè за ова на tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Апликациска грешка</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Добредојдовте во Орбот</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">За Орбот</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Напред</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Назад</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Крај</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Во ред</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Откажи се</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Некои детали за Орбот</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Орбот е апликација со отворен код којашто го содржи Тор, LibEvent и Privoxy. Таа Ви нуди локални проксиња за HTTP (порт 8118) и SOCKS (порт 9050) за поврзување со мрежата Тор. Орбот исто така нуди можност, на уреди со root пристап, целиот сообраќај да се пренасочи преку Тор.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Дозволата е издадена</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Дозволи на орбот</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Одлично! Детектиравме дека сте овозможиле root пристап за Орбот. Внимателно ќе се користиме со таа можност.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Иако тоа не е задолжително, Орбот може да стане помоќна алатка доколку вашиот уред има root пристап. Со копчето подолу можете на Орбот да му дадете таква супер-моќ.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Ако немате root пристап или ако не разбирате за што зборуваме, единствено осигурајте се дека користите апликации кои што работат со Орбот.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Разбирам и сакам да продолжам без root пристап</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дозволи root за Орбот</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Подесување на торифицињето</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Орбот ви овозможува, или да го рутирате сиот сообраќај на сите апликации низ Тор, или поединечно да ги избирате апликациите.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Проксирај ги сите апликации низ Тор</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Избери поединечно апликации за Тор</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Орбот-вклучени апликации</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Ви препорачуваме да презимате и користите апликации кои што знаат како директно да се поврзат со Орбот. Притиснете на копчињата подолу за инсталирање.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Подесувања на прокси - Научете како да ги конфигурирате апликациите да работат со Орбот</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Подесувања на прокси</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Ако апликацијата за Андроид што ја користите поддржува употреба на прокси за HTTP или SOCKS, тогаш може да ја конфигурирате да се поврзе со Орбот и да користи Тор. \n\n
     Подесувањето за хост е или „localhost“. За HTTP, подесувањето на порт е 8118. За SOCKS, портот е 9050. Доколку можете, користете SOCKS4A или SOCKS5.
     Можете да научите повеќе за проксирањето на Андроид преку ЧПП на: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Орбот е спремен!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Стотици илјади луѓе низ целиот Свет го користат Тор од многу различни причини: новинари и блогери, борци за човекови права, полицајци, војници, корпорации, граѓани на репресивни режими, и обични граѓани... а сега и Вие сте спремин да го користите!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time"> Успешно се поврзавте на мрежата Тор - но ова НЕ значи дека важиот уред е сигурен. За да го проверите Вашиот браусер, изберете ја опцијата „Провери“ во менито. \n\nПосетете нѐ на https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или испратете порака на help at guardianproject.info за повеќе информации.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Ова ќе ја отвори страницата https://check.torproject.org во Вашиот веб браусер за да видите дали Орбот е правилно конфигуриран и дали сте поврзани на Тор.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Скриени сервиси </string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Орбот е спремен!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Стотици илјади луѓе низ целиот Свет го користат Тор од многу различни причини: новинари и блогери, борци за човекови права, полицајци, војници, корпорации, граѓани на репресивни режими, и обични граѓани... а сега и Вие сте спремин да го користите!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time"> Успешно се поврзавте на мрежата Тор - но ова НЕ значи дека важиот уред е сигурен. За да го проверите Вашиот браусер, изберете ја опцијата „Провери“ во менито. \n\nПосетете нѐ на https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или испратете порака на help at guardianproject.info за повеќе информации.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Ова ќе ја отвори страницата https://check.torproject.org во Вашиот веб браусер за да видите дали Орбот е правилно конфигуриран и дали сте поврзани на Тор.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Скриени сервиси </string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (само Андроид 1.x) - Браусер дизајниран за приватност и за Орбот</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
index 5059bf7..d4ccc40 100644
--- a/res/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -1,42 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">start og stopp Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot starter...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Tilkoblet Tor-nettverket</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot er deaktivert</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot skrur seg av</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ADVARSEL: Trafikken din er ikke anonym helt enda! Vær vennlig og konfigurer applikasjonene dine til å bruke HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A eller SOCKS5 proxy</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Hjem</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">GÃ¥ til</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Innstillinger</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Logg</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Hjelp</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Applikasjoner</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stopp</string>
-<string name="menu_about">About</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="button_help">Hjelp</string>
-<string name="button_close">Avslutt</string>
-<string name="button_about">Om</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start og stopp Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot starter...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Tilkoblet Tor-nettverket</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot er deaktivert</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot skrur seg av</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ADVARSEL: Trafikken din er ikke anonym helt enda! Vær vennlig og konfigurer applikasjonene dine til å bruke HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A eller SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Hjem</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">GÃ¥ til</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Innstillinger</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Logg</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Hjelp</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Applikasjoner</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stopp</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Hjelp</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Avslutt</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Om</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Next</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 28b27fe..9daf30a 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -1,137 +1,202 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">start en stop Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxydienst</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is aan het starten...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Aangesloten op het Tor netwerk</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">Orbot is uitgeschakeld</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is aan het afsluiten</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">WAARSCHUWING: Uw verkeer is nog niet anononiem! Stel uw programma\'s alstublieft in dat ze gebruik maken van HTTP proxy of SOCKS4A of SOCKS5 proxy</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Thuis</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Bladeren</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Instellingen</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Logboek</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Hulp</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Applicaties</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
-<string name="menu_about">Over</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Hulp</string>
-<string name="button_close">Afsluiten</string>
-<string name="button_about">Over</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Wis logboek</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Controleer</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Verlaten</string>
-<string name="powered_by">aangedreven door het Tor Project</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparant Proxyen (Vereist Root)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparant Proxyen</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatisch Tor forceren van aplicaties</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Alles</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy verkeer voor alle toepasingen door Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Tor\'s binaire bestanden succesvol geïnstalleerd</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">The binaire bestanden konden niet worden geïnstalleerd. Gelieve het log te raadplegen en tor-assistants at torproject.org op de hoogte te stellen</string>
-<string name="title_error">Toepassingsfout</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Welkom bij Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Over Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Volgende</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Terug</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Einde</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Annuleren</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot brengt Tor naar de Android. Tor is vrije software en een open netwerk dat u helpt te verdedigen tegen netwerk toezicht welke aanvallen zijn op uw vrijheid en privacy, geheime zakelijke documenten en zaken relaties.
-*WAARSCHUWING:* Door het installeren van Orbot word uw verkeer _niet_ automatisch geproxyt! Deze wizard helpt u hier mee.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Enkele Orbot Details</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is een open-source applicatie waarin Tor, LibEvent en Privoxy zich bevinden. Het creeërt een lokale HTTP proxy (8118) en een SOCKS proxy (9050) naar het Tor netwerk. Orbot heeft ook de mogelijkheid om al het internet verkeer over het Tor netwerk te sturen.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Toelating toegestaan</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Rechten</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Uitstekend! We hebben gedetecteerd dat je root rechten hebt aangezet voor Orbot. We gebruiken deze kracht met verstand.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Alhoewel het niet verplicht is kan Orbot ook nog krachtiger worden. Als u root rechten heeft kunt u op de knop onderaan Orbot super krachten toewijzen.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Als u niet over root toegang beschikt en geen idee hebt waar u mee bezig bent zult u zeker moeten zijn dat de applicaties die u gebruikt geschikt voor Orbot zijn.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ik begrijp dit en wil verdergaan zonder root</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Root toestaan voor Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Torificatie Configureren</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot geeft u de mogelijkheid om induvidueel te bepalen welk van uw applicaties over het Tor netwerk gaan.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy alle toepasingen door Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecteer individuele toepasingen voor Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-beschikbare Apps</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">We raden u aan om te apps te downloaden welke zich zich automatisch verbinden met Orbot. Klik op de buttons hier beneden om te installeren.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy & voor Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Instellingen - Leer hoe u uw apps kunt configureren voor Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Instellingen</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Als de Android app welke u gebruikt beschikt over een HTTP of SOCKS proxy instelling, dan kunt u het configureren zodat het via Orbot over het Tor netwerk gaat.
-De host instelling is of "localhost". De poort voor SOCS is 9050 en voor HTTP 8118. Gebruik SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 indien nodig.
-U kunt meer leren over het proxyen op Android door naar de FAQ op http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid te gaan
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start en stop Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is bezig met starten...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Verbonden met het Tor netwerk</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">Orbot is uitgeschakeld</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is bezig met afsluiten</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Bezig met Tor client starten...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">klaar.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">bezig met wachten.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WAARSCHUWING: Je verkeer is nog niet anononiem! Stel je programma\'s in om gebruik te maken van HTTP proxy of SOCKS4A of SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Thuis</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Bladeren</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Instellingen</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Logboek</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Help</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Over</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Help</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Afsluiten</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Over</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Wis logboek</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Controleer</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Sluiten</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">mogelijk gemaakt door het Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- Lang indrukken om te starten -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparant Proxy-en (Vereist Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparant Proxy-en</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatisch Torificeren van apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Alles</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy verkeer van alle apps door Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Poort Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WAARSCHUWING: Omzeil veel voorkomende poorten (80, 443, etc). *GEBRUIK ALLEEN* als \'Alles\' of \'Applicaties\' mode niet werkt.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Poort Lijst</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lijst van poorten om te proxy-en. *GEBRUIK ALLEEN* als \'Alles\' of \'Applicaties\' mode niet werkt</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Voer poorten in voor proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Vraag Root toegang aan</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Vraag Root toegang aan voor transparant proxy-en</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor\'s binaire bestanden succesvol geïnstalleerd!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">De binaire bestanden konden niet worden geïnstalleerd. Gelieve de log te raadplegen en tor-assistants at torproject.org op de hoogte te stellen</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Toepassingsfout</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Welkom bij Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Over Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Volgende</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Vorige</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Einde</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Annuleren</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Enkele Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is een open-source applicatie die Tor, LibEvent en Privoxy bevat. Het creëert een lokale HTTP proxy (8118) en een SOCKS proxy (9050) naar het Tor netwerk. Orbot heeft ook de mogelijkheid om al het internet verkeer over het Tor netwerk te sturen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Rechten toegewezen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Rechten</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Uitstekend! We hebben gedetecteerd dat je root rechten hebt aangezet voor Orbot. We gebruiken deze kracht met verstand.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Hoewel het niet verplicht is kan Orbot ook nog krachtiger worden als je apparaat root rechten heeft. Gebruik de knop onderaan om Orbot superkrachten te geven.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Als je niet over root toegang beschikt en geen idee hebt waar je mee bezig bent zul je zeker moeten zijn dat de apps die je gebruikt geschikt zijn voor Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Ik begrijp dit en wil verdergaan zonder root</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Root toestaan voor Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Torificatie Instellen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot geeft je de mogelijkheid om al het verkeer via Tor te laten gaan OF om individueel je applicaties te kiezen.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy alle apps door Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecteer individuele apps voor Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-geschikte Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">We raden je aan om apps te downloaden die zich automatisch verbinden met Orbot. Klik op de knoppen hieronder om te installeren.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Veilige instant messaging client voor Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Instellingen - Leer hoe je apps te configureren voor Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Instellingen</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Als de Android app die je gebruikt beschikt over een HTTP of SOCKS proxy instelling, dan kun je het configureren zodat het via Orbot over het Tor netwerk gaat.
+De host instelling is of \"localhost\". De poort voor SOCKS is 9050 en voor HTTP 8118. Gebruik SOCKS4A of SOCKS5 indien mogelijk.
+Je kunt meer leren over het proxy-en op Android door naar de FAQ op http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid te gaan
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is klaar!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Honderdduizenden verschillende mensen over de wereld gebruiken Tor, zoals: journalisten, bloggers, mensen rechten medewerkers, soldaten, bedrijven, burgers met onderdrukte religies, en natuurlijk normale mensen... En nu bent u ook klaar om te gaan!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">U bent succesvol verbonden met het Tor netwerk, maar dit betekent NIET dat u apparaat volledig veilig is. Gebruik te \'Check\' optie vanuit het menu om u browser te testen.
-Bezoek onze website op https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot of stuuf een email naar help at guardianproject.info voor vragen.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Dit opent uw standaard browser naar https://check.torproject.org om te controleren of Orbot succesvol is geconfigureerd om te verbinden met het Tor netwerk.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Verborgen diensten</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is klaar!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Honderdduizenden verschillende mensen over de wereld gebruiken Tor, voor verschillende redenen. Zoals: journalisten, bloggers, mensen rechten medewerkers, soldaten, bedrijven, burgers met onderdrukte religies, en natuurlijk normale mensen... En nu ben jij er ook klaar voor!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Je bent succesvol verbonden met het Tor netwerk, maar dit betekent NIET dat je apparaat volledig veilig is. Gebruik te \'Check\' optie vanuit het menu om je browser te testen.
+Bezoek onze website op https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot of stuur een email naar help at guardianproject.info voor vragen.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Dit opent je standaard browser naar https://check.torproject.org om te controleren of Orbot succesvol is geconfigureerd om te verbinden met het Tor netwerk.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Verborgen diensten</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Algemeen</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot bij boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Start Orbot automatisch en verbind metTor wanneer je Android apparaat opstart.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brengt Tor naar Android!\n\nTor helpt je verdedigen tegen filtering, verkeersanalyse en netwerktoezicht dat privacy, vertrouwelijke informatie en persoonlijke relaties bedreigt.\n\n Deze wizard helpt je met configureren van Orbot en Tor op jouw apparaat.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Waarschuwing</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Alleen Orbot installeren zal niet automatisch alle je mobiele verkeer anonimiseren.\n\nJe moet Orbot, je apparaat en andere apps juist instellen om succesvol Tor te gebruiken.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Rechten</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Je kan optioneeel Orbot \'superuser\' toegang geven om geavanceerde functies beschikbaar te stellen, zoals Tranparante Proxy.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Als je dit niet wilt doen, zorg er dan voor dat je apps gebruikt die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Je apparaat draait in standaard modus en ondersteunt geen root of \'superuser\' toegang.\n\nOm voordeel te hebben van Tor moet je gebruik maken van apps die gemaakt zijn om te werken met Tor, of die HTTP of SOCKS proxy instellingen ondersteunen.\n\n
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot geschikte Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Veilige chat app met Off-the-Record encryptie</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Alleen Android 1.x) - Browser gemaakt voor privacy &amp; voor Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Tranparante Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Dit maakt het mogelijk voor jouw apps om automatisch via het Tor netwerk te draaien zonder enige configuratie.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Vink dit aan al je geen idee hebt waar we het over hebben)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Geen</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Schakel Tor Transparante Proxy voor WiFi en USB-getheterde apparaten in. (vereist herstart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Verzoek Superuser toegang</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Selecteer Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Kies Apps om via Tor te draaien</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node configuratie</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Dit zijn geavanceerde instellingen die je anonimiteit kunnen verminderen</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Toegangsnodes.</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, landen en adressen voor de eerste hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Voer Toegangsnode in</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Gebruik WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Gebruik de propriëtaire NetFilter APIs aangeboden door WhisperSystems (vereist een apparaat met WhisperCore geïnstaleerd)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol om te gebruiken voor proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Voer proxy type in</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxyserver hostnaam</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Voer proxy host in</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy poort</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server poort</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Voer proxy poort in</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Bezig met opzetten van volledig transparante proxy...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Bezig met opzetten van per-app transparante proxy...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparante proxy ingeschakeld</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">Transparante Proxy ingeschakeld voor tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WAARSCHUWING: fout tijdens starten van transparante proxy!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Transparante Proxy regels geleegd</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Kan Tor proces niet starten: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy draait op poort: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Bezig met opzetten van per-poort transparante proxy</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge-fout</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Om de bridge functie te gebruiken moet je tenminste één bridge IP-adres invoeren.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Stuur een email via een gmail account naar bridges at torproject.org met alleen de regel \"get bridges\" in de body van de e-mail.</string>
+  <string name="error">Fout</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Je ReachableAddresses instellingen veroorzaakte een fout!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Je relay instellingen veroorzaakte een fout!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, landen en adressen van de laatste hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Voer Exit node in</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Uitgesloten nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, landen en adressen om uit te sluiten</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Voer uitgesloten nodes in</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strikte nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Gebruik *alleen* deze nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Gebruik bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Gebruik alternatieve toegangsnodes naar het Tor Netwerk</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP-adres en poort van bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Voer bridge adres in</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relay-en</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Stel je apparaat in staat om een non-exit relay te zijn.</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay poort</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Luisterpoort van jouw Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Voer OR poort in</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay bijnaam</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">De bijnaam voor jouw Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Voer een eigen relay bijnaam in</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Bereikbare adressen</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Draai als een client achter een firewall met beperkend beleid</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Bereikbare poorten</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Poorten bereikbaar achter een beperkende firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Voer poorten in</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Schakel hidden services in</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">draai servers toegankelijk via het Tor netwerk</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">Voer localhost poorten in voor hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service poort</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">De adresseerbare naam (automatisch gegenereerd)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">Schakel debug log naar uitvoer in (moet adb of aLogCat gebruiken om te bekijken)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project homepage(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">De Tor licentie</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Software van derden: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.7-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Een app wil hidden service poort %S openen naar het Tor netwerk. Dit is veilig als je de app vertrouwd.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">bestaand Tor proces gevonden...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Er is iets slechts gebeurt. Controleer de log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service op:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">Kan hidden service naam niet lezen.</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Kan Tor niet starten:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Gebruik standaard iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">gebruik de ingebouwde iptables binary in plaats van de in Orbot geïntegreerde.</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">De Tor binaries konden niet worden geïnstalleerd of geüpgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Houd icoon in toolbar zolang Orbot verbonden is</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Meldingen altijd aan</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 5925f29..4d3c429 100644
--- a/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -1,129 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">włącz i wyłącz Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startuje...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Podłączony do sieci Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">Orbot wyłączony</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot wyłącza się</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">UWAGA: Twoja komunikacja nie jest jeszcze anonimowa! Proszę skonfiguruj aplikacje aby używały serwera proxy HTTP lub SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">PrzeglÄ…daj</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Ustawienia</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Logi</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Pomoc</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Aplikacje</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
-<string name="menu_about">O programie</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Pomoc</string>
-<string name="button_close">Zamknij</string>
-<string name="button_about">O programie</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Czyść dziennik</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Sprawdź</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Wyjście</string>
-<string name="powered_by">napędzane oprogramowaniem Projektu Tor</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Przekierowanie przezroczyste (Wymaga uprawnień administratora)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Przekierowanie przezroczyste</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatyczne toryfikowanie aplikacji</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Przepuść wszystko przez Tora</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Przekierowanie ruchu wszystkich aplikacji przez Tora</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Binarki Tora pomyslnie zainstalowane!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Nie można zainstalować plików binarnych Tora. Zajrzyj do dziennika i powiadom tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">BÅ‚Ä…d Aplikacji</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Witamy w Orbocie</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">O Orbocie</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Dalej</string>
-<string name="btn_back">wstecz</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Koniec</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Anuluj</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot daje Tora Androidowi. Tor jest otwartym oprogramowaniem i otwartą siecią, która pomaga bronić się przed podsłuchem sieci znanym jako analiza ruchu, który zagraża wolności osobistej i prywatności, poufnym działaniom biznesowym i relacjami oraz bezpieczeństwu państwa.\n\n*UWAGA:* Sama instalacja Orbota _nie_ zanonimizuje magicznie Twojego ruchu! Ten kreator pozwoli Ci w pierwszych krokach.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Niektóre szczegóły o Orbocie</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot jest otwartą aplikacją zawierającą Tora, LibEvent i Privoxy. Dostarcza lokalnego pośrednika HTTP (8118) i SOCKS (9050) do sieci Tora. Orbot ma możliwość, na urządzeniu uruchomionym z prawami administratora, wysyłać cały ruch internetowy przez Tora.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Dostęp zezwolony</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Prawa dostepu Orbota</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Doskonale! Odkryliśmy, że masz uprawnienia administratora włączone dla Orbota. Będziemy mądrze korzystać z tej władzy.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Podczas gdy nie jest to wymagane, Orbot może stać się znacznie potężniejszym narzędziem, gdy masz prawa administratora na swoim urządzeniu. Użyj przycisku poniżej, by dać Orbotowi duży uprawnienia.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Jeśli nie masz uprawnień administratora lub nie masz pojęcia, o czym mówimy, używaj aplikacji skonfigurowanych do pracy z Orbotem.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Rozumiem i chcę kontynuować bez uprawnień administratora</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Daj uprawnienia administratora Orbotowi</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Skonfiguruj ToryfikacjÄ™</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot daje Ci możliwość przekierowania całego ruchu aplikacji przez Tora ALBO wybrania aplikacji pojedynczo.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Przekierowuj wszystkie aplikacje przez Tora</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Wybierz poszczególne aplikacje dla Tora</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplikacje skonfigurowane dla Orbota</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Zachęcamy do pobierania i używania aplikacji, które wiedzą, jak łączyć się bezpośrednio z Orbotem. Kliknij na poniższe przyciski, by zainstalować.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (tylko Android 1.x) - Przeglądarka zaprojektowana do prywatności i dla Orbota</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Ustawienia Proxy - NDowiedz się, jak konfiguroać aplikacje do współpracy z Orbotem</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Ustawienia Proxy</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Jeśli aplikacja na Androida, której używasz ma obsługę proxy HTTP lub SOCKS, możesz skonfigurować ją do łączenia się z Orbotem i używania Tora.\n\n
-    Ustawienie hosta to lub "localhost". Dla HTTP, numer portu to 8118. Dla SOCKS pośrednik to 9050. Powinno się używać SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5, jeśli to możliwe.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">włącz i wyłącz Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startuje...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Podłączony do sieci Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">Orbot wyłączony</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot wyłącza się</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">gotowe.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">UWAGA: Twoja komunikacja nie jest jeszcze anonimowa! Proszę skonfiguruj aplikacje aby używały serwera proxy HTTP lub SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">PrzeglÄ…daj</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Ustawienia</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Logi</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Pomoc</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplikacje</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">O programie</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Kreator</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Pomoc</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Zamknij</string>
+  <string name="button_about">O programie</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Czyść dziennik</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Sprawdź</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Wyjście</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">napędzane oprogramowaniem Projektu Tor</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- wciśnij na dłużej, by uruchomić -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Przekierowanie przezroczyste (Wymaga uprawnień administratora)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Przekierowanie przezroczyste</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatyczne toryfikowanie aplikacji</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Przepuść wszystko przez Tora</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Przekierowanie ruchu wszystkich aplikacji przez Tora</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Zapasowy Port Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">UWAGA: Unika powszechnych portów (80, 443, etc). *UŻYWAĆ TYLKO* gdy \'All\' lub tryb \'App\' nie działa.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista Portów</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lista portów, które przechwytywać. *UŻYWAĆ TYLKO* gdy \'All\' lub tryb \'App\' nie działa.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Wpisz porty do przechwytywania</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Żądaj dostępu administratora</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Żądaj dostępu administratora dla przezroczystego przekierowania</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Binarki Tora pomyslnie zainstalowane!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Nie można zainstalować plików binarnych Tora. Zajrzyj do dziennika i powiadom tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">BÅ‚Ä…d Aplikacji</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Witamy w Orbocie</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">O Orbocie</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Dalej</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">wstecz</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Koniec</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">OK</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Anuluj</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Niektóre szczegóły o Orbocie</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot jest otwartą aplikacją zawierającą Tora, LibEvent i Privoxy. Dostarcza lokalnego pośrednika HTTP (8118) i SOCKS (9050) do sieci Tora. Orbot ma możliwość, na urządzeniu uruchomionym z prawami administratora, wysyłać cały ruch internetowy przez Tora.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Dostęp zezwolony</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Prawa dostepu Orbota</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Doskonale! Odkryliśmy, że masz uprawnienia administratora włączone dla Orbota. Będziemy mądrze korzystać z tej władzy.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Podczas gdy nie jest to wymagane, Orbot może stać się znacznie potężniejszym narzędziem, gdy masz prawa administratora na swoim urządzeniu. Użyj przycisku poniżej, by dać Orbotowi duży uprawnienia.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Jeśli nie masz uprawnień administratora lub nie masz pojęcia, o czym mówimy, używaj aplikacji skonfigurowanych do pracy z Orbotem.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Rozumiem i chcę kontynuować bez uprawnień administratora</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Daj uprawnienia administratora Orbotowi</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Skonfiguruj ToryfikacjÄ™</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot daje Ci możliwość przekierowania całego ruchu aplikacji przez Tora ALBO wybrania aplikacji pojedynczo.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Przekierowuj wszystkie aplikacje przez Tora</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Wybierz poszczególne aplikacje dla Tora</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Aplikacje skonfigurowane dla Orbota</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Zachęcamy do pobierania i używania aplikacji, które wiedzą, jak łączyć się bezpośrednio z Orbotem. Kliknij na poniższe przyciski, by zainstalować.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Bezpieczny komunikator dla Androida</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Ustawienia Proxy - NDowiedz się, jak konfiguroać aplikacje do współpracy z Orbotem</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Ustawienia Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Jeśli aplikacja na Androida, której używasz ma obsługę proxy HTTP lub SOCKS, możesz skonfigurować ją do łączenia się z Orbotem i używania Tora.\n\n
+    Ustawienie hosta to lub \"localhost\". Dla HTTP, numer portu to 8118. Dla SOCKS pośrednik to 9050. Powinno się używać SOCKS4A lub SOCKS5, jeśli to możliwe.
     Możesz dowiedzieć się więcej o przekierowaniu ruchu na Androidzie z FAQ pod adresem: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot jest gotowy!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Setki tysięcy ludzi na całym świecie używają Tora z różnych powodów: dziennikarze i blogerzy, działacze na rzecz praw człowieka, stróże prawa, żołnierze, korporacje, obywatele represyjnych reżimów i zwykli obywatele... teraz Ty też możesz!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">Pomyślnie połaczono z siecią Tora - ale to NIE oznacza, że Twoje urządzenie jest bezpieczne. Możesz użyć opcji \'Sprawdź\' w menu, aby przetestować swoją przeglądarkę. \n\nOdwiedź nas na https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot lub wyślij email na help at guardianproject.info, by dowiedzieć się więcej.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">To otworzy Twoją domyślną przeglądarkę na adresie https://check.torproject.org w celu sprawdzenia, czy Orbot jest skonfigurowany i jest poąłczenie z Torem.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Usługi ukryte</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot jest gotowy!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Setki tysięcy ludzi na całym świecie używają Tora z różnych powodów: dziennikarze i blogerzy, działacze na rzecz praw człowieka, stróże prawa, żołnierze, korporacje, obywatele represyjnych reżimów i zwykli obywatele... teraz Ty też możesz!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Pomyślnie połaczono z siecią Tora - ale to NIE oznacza, że Twoje urządzenie jest bezpieczne. Możesz użyć opcji \'Sprawdź\' w menu, aby przetestować swoją przeglądarkę. \n\nOdwiedź nas na https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot lub wyślij email na help at guardianproject.info, by dowiedzieć się więcej.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">To otworzy Twoją domyślną przeglądarkę na adresie https://check.torproject.org w celu sprawdzenia, czy Orbot jest skonfigurowany i jest poąłczenie z Torem.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Usługi ukryte</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Ogólne</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Uruchamiaj Orbota przy starcie</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatycznie uruchamiaj Orbota i Å‚Ä…cz siÄ™ z Torem, gdy Twoje urzÄ…dzenie z Androidem siÄ™ uruchomi</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (tylko Android 1.x) - Przeglądarka zaprojektowana do prywatności i dla Orbota</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Typ Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Wpis Typ Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10-alpha: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Nie można wystartować aplikacji Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index d82dac3..60ec1ee 100644
--- a/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -1,41 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">iniciar e parar Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">O Orbot está a iniciar...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Ligação estabelecida à rede Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot está Desactivado</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot a encerrar</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENÇÃO: A sua ligação ainda não é anónima! Por favor configure as suas aplicações para utilizarem o proxy HTTP ou o proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Início</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Explorar</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Definições</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Relatório</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Ajuda</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Aplicações</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Parar</string>
-<string name="menu_about">About</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Ajuda</string>
-<string name="button_close">Encerrar</string>
-<string name="button_about">Sobre</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">iniciar e parar Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">O Orbot está a iniciar...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Ligação estabelecida à rede Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot está Desactivado</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot a encerrar</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ATENÇÃO: A sua ligação ainda não é anónima! Por favor configure as suas aplicações para utilizarem o proxy HTTP ou o proxy SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Início</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Explorar</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Definições</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Relatório</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Ajuda</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Aplicações</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Parar</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Ajuda</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Encerrar</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Sobre</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Limpar relatório</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- aguentar pressionado para iniciar - </string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxy Transparente (necessita de root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxy Transparente</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor em Tudo</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Passar todo o tráfego das apps pelo Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista de Portos</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Introduza portos para proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Binários do Tor instalados com sucesso!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Erro de Aplicação</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Sobre o Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Próximo</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pt_BR/strings.xml b/res/values-pt_BR/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c6c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-pt_BR/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">iniciar e parar o Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot está iniciando...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Conectado à rede Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">Orbot está Desativado</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot está sendo desligado</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Iniciando cliente Tor...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">completo.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">esperando.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">AVISO: Seu tráfego não é anônimo ainda! Por favor, configure suas aplicações para usar proxy HTTP ou SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Início</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Procurar</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Configurações</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Ajuda</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Iniciar</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Parar</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">Sobre</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Assistente</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Ajuda</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Fechar</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Sobre</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Limpar Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Checar</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Sair</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- longo clique para iniciar -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Proxying Transparente (Requer Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Proxying Transparente</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automaticamente Torificar Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Tudo</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Tráfego proxy para todos apps através do Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Porta do Proxy Reserva</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">AVISO: evite as portas comuns (80,443, etc). *USE SOMENTE* se o modo \'Todos\' ou \'App\' não funcionou.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Lista de Portas</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">Lista de portas para proxy. *USE SOMENTE* se o modo \'Todos\' ou \'App\' não funcionou</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Insira as portas para proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Requer Acesso Root</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Requer acesso root para proxy transparente</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Binário do Tor instalados com sucesso!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Os arquivos binários do Tor estão inaptos à serem instalados. Por favor, cheque o log e notifique tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Erro de Aplicação</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Sobre Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Próximo</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Voltar</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Terminar</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancelar</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Alguns detalher do Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot é uma aplicação de código aberto que contém o Tor, LibEvent e Privoxy. Ela provê um proxy HTTP local (8118) e um proxy SOCKS (9050) dentro da rede Tor. Orbot também tem a habilidade, num dispositivo roteado, enviar todo o tráfego da Internet através do Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permissão Concedida</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Permissões do Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excelent! Detectamos que você deu permissão root para Orbot. Nós usaremos este poder com sabedoria.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> Enquanto não é requerido, o Orbot pode se tornar uma ferramenta mais poderosa se seu dispositivo tivesse acesso root. Use o botão abaixo para conceder superpoderes ao Orbot! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Se você não tem acesso root ou não tem idéia sobre o que estamos falando, só tenha a certeza de usar apps feitas para trabalhar com o Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Eu entendo e gostaria de continuar sem o Superusuário</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Conceder acesso Root ao Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configurar Torificação</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot dá a você a opção de rotear todo o tráfego de aplicação através do Tor OU para escolher suas aplicações individualmente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Usar Proxy para Todas Apps Através do Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Selecionar Apps Individuais para o Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Apps habilitadas para Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">As apps abaixo foram desenvolvidas para trabalhar com Orbot. Clique em cada botão para instalar agora, ou você pode encontrá-las posteriormente no Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Cliente de mensagem instantânea seguro para Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Configurações de Proxy - Aprenda como configurar apps para trabalhar com Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Configurações de Proxy</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Se a app Android que você está usando puder suportar o uso de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS, então você pode configurar para conectar ao Orbot e usar o Tor.\n\n
+    As configurações de host são ou \"localhost\". Para HTTP, a porta configurada é 8118. Para SOCKS, o proxy é 9050. Você deve usar SOCKS4A ou SOCKS5 se possível.
+    \n\n
+    Você pode aprender mais sobre proxy no Android através do FAQ em: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot está pronto!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Centenas de milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo usam o Tor por uma enorme variedade de razões.\n\nJornalistas e bloggers, defensores dos direitos humanos, oficiais da lei, soldados, corporações, cidadãos em regimes repressivos, e somente cidadãos comuns... e agora você está pronto para usar, também! </string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">Você se conectou à rede Tor com sucesso - mas isto NÃO significa que seu dispositivo é seguro. Você pode usar a opção \'Checar\' no menu para testar seu navegador.\n\nVisite-nos em https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot ou envie um e-mail para help at guardianproject.info para saber mais.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Isto irá abrir seu navegador web em https://check.torproject.org com o intuito de ver se o Orbot está provavelmente configurado e você está conectado ao Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Serviços Ocultos</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">Geral</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Iniciar Orbot no Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automaticamente iniciar o Orbot e conectar o Tor quando seu Android bootar.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot trouxe Tor para Android!!\n\nTor ajuda você a se defender contra filtro de conteúdo, análises de tráfego e vigilância de rede que ameaçam sua privacidade, informação confidencial e relacionamentos pessoais.\n\nEste assistente irá ajudá-lo a configurar o Orbot e Tor no seu dispositivo.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Aviso</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simplesmente instalando o Orbot não irá automaticamente anonimizar seu tráfego móvel.\n\nVocê deve configurar apropriadamente o Orbot, seu dispositivo e outras apps para usar o Tor com sucesso.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissões</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Você pode opcionalmente garantir ao Orbot acesso de \'Superusuário\' para habilitar recursos avançados, como um proxy transparente.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Se você não quiser fazer isto, tenha certeza de usar apps feitas para trabalhar com o Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Seu dispositivo não parece ser roteado ou prover um acesso \'Superusuário\'.\n\nDe maneira a você se beneficiar do Tor, você precisará usar apps criadas para trabalhar com o Orbot, ou que suportem configurações de proxy HTTP ou SOCKS.
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Apps Orbot Habilitadas</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: App segura para chat com encriptação sem gravação </string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Navegador de reforço de privacidade que trabalha através do Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Proxy Transparente</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Isto permite à suas apps automaticamente rodarem através da rede Tor sem nenhuma configuração.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Selecione esta caixa se você não souber do que estamos falando)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Nenhum</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Habilitar Proxy Transparente para Tor Dispositivos de Toque Wifi e Usb (requer reinicialização)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Acesso Superusuário Requerido</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Selecionar Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Escolha as Apps para Rotearem Através do Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Configuração de Nó</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Aqui estão as configurações avançadas que podem reduzir seu anonimato.</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Nós de Entrada</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Impressões digitais, apelidos, países e endereços para a primeira etapa</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Insira os Nós de Entrada</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Usar WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Usar as NetFilter APIs proprietárias providas por WhisperSystems (requerido dispositivo com WhisperCore instalado)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Tipo de Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocolo para usar no servidor proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Insira o Tipo de Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Hostname do servidor Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Insira o Host do Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Porta do Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Porta do servidor Proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Insira a porta do Proxy</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Configurando proxy com total transparência...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Configurando apps baseadas em transparência de proxy...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Proxy Transparente HABILITADO</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy habilitado para Toque!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">AVISO: erro ao iniciar o proxy transparente!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Regras TransProxy limpas</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Não foi possível iniciar o processo Tor: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy está rodando na porta: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Configurando proxy transparente baseado em porta...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Erro na Ponte</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Como condição para usar o recurso de ponte, você deve inserir pelo menos um endereço IP de ponte.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Envie um email para bridges at torproject.org com a linha \"get bridges\" sozinha no corpo do e-mail, a partir de uma conta do gmail</string>
+  <string name="error">Erro</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Suas configurações de Endereços Acessíveis causou uma exceção!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Suas configurações de retransmissão causaram uma exceção!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Nós de Saída</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Impressões digitais, apelidos, países e endereços para a última etapa.</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Insira os Nós de Saída</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Nós Excluídos</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Impressões digitais, apelidos, países e endereços para excluir</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Insira Nós Excluídos</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Nós Estritos</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *somente* estes nós específicos</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Pontes</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Usar pontes</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Habilitar nós de entrada alternativos dentro da rede Tor</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">Endereço IP e porta das pontes</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Insira os Endereços das Pontes</string>
+  <string name="relays">Retransmissores</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Retransmitindo</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Habilitar seu dispositivo para não ser um retransmissor de saída</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Porta Retransmissora</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Ouvindo porta do seu retransmissor Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Insira porta OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Apelido do Retransmissor</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">O apelido para seu retransmissor Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Insira um apelido de retransmissor customizado</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Endereços Atingíveis</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Rodar como um cliente atrás de um firewall com políticas restritivas.</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Portas Atingíveis</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Portas atingíveis atrás de um firewall restritivo</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Insira as portas</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Habilitar Serviços Ocultos</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">rodar servidores acessíveis via rede Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">insira as portas local para serviços ocultos</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Portas de Serviço Oculto</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">o nome enderessável para seu serviço oculto (gerado automaticamente)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">habilitar debug log para saída (deve usar adb ou aLogCat para ver)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Home(s) do Projeto: </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">A Licença Tor</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Software de Terceiros</string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Uma app quer abrir a porta %S oculta do servidor para a rede Tor. Isto é seguro se você confia na app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">procurando processos Tor existentes...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Algo ruim aconteceu. Cheque o lo</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">serviço oculto em:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">habilitar ler o nome do serviço oculto</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Habilitar iniciar o Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Usar tabelas de IP padrão:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">usar as tabelas ip binárias embutidas ao invés das tabelas do pacote Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Os binários Tor não estão disponíveis para serem instalados ou atualizados.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Sempre manter o ícone na barra de tarefas quando o Orbot está conectado</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Notificações Sempre Ligadas</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index 67057b5..ea44987 100644
--- a/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -1,130 +1,197 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">запуск и остановка Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Запуск Orbot...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Подключен к сети Tor</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot Отключен</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot выключается</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ! Ваш поток данных еще не анонимен! Пожалуйста, настройте свои приложения на использование HTTP прокси или SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 прокси</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Домашняя страница</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Просмотр</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Параметры</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Журнал</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Справка</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Приложения</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Запустить</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Остановить</string>
-<string name="menu_about">О программе</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Справка</string>
-<string name="button_close">Закрыть</string>
-<string name="button_about">О программе</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Очистить журнал</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Проверка</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Выход</string>
-<string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Прозрачный прокси (Требуются привилегии root)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Прозрачный прокси</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматическая торификация приложений</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Направлять все через Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Трафик всех приложений будет проходить через Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Программа Tor успешно установлена!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Не удалось установить программу Tor. Пожалуйста, проверьте системный журнал и сообщите нам: tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">Ошибка приложения</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Добро пожаловать в Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Об Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Вперед</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Назад</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Завершить</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">Ok</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Отмена</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot, и Tor на Android. Tor - это бесплатное программное обеспечение и открытая сеть, которая позволяет вам сберечься от прослушивания в сети, которое угрожает вашей свободе и конфиденциальности в бизнесе, отношениях, Tor позволяет защититься от анализа трафика.\n\n*ВНИМАНИЕ:* Установка Orbot не может магическим образом анонимизировать весь ваш мобильный трафик! Этот мастер поможет вам начать.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">Некоторые сведенья о программе Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot - это приложение с открытым кодом, которое содержит Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. Она обеспечивает работу локального HTTP прокси (8118) и SOCKS прокси (9050) в сети Tor. Orbot также позволяет, из корня устройсва, пересылать весь интернет трафик через Tor.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Разрешение получено</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Разрешения Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Отлично! Мы определили, что доступ к корневому каталогу  в Orbot разрешен. Мы будем использовать это с умом.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Хотя это не требуется, Orbot может быть более мощным инструментом, если доступ к корневому каталогу устройства разрешен. Нажимите на кнопку ниже и дайте Orbot суперсилу!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Если у вас нет доступа к корневому каталогу или вы понятия не имеете о чем мы говорим, просто убедитесь, что используете приложения, разработанные для Orbot.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Я все понял, продолжу без доступа к корню</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дать доступ к корю программе Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Настроить Торификацию</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Программа Orbot дает вам возможность маршрутизировать трафик всех приложений через Tor ИЛИ выбрать приложения для маршрутизации самостоятельно.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Маршрутизировать все приложения через Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Выберите приложения для маршрутизации через Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-задействованные приложения</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Мы советуем вам скачать и использовать приложения, которые умеют работать напрямую через Orbot. Нажмите на кнопки ниже, чтобы запустить процесс установки.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Только для версии Android 1.x) - Браузер, разработанный для обеспечения безопасности и для Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Настройки прокси - узнайте как настроить приложения для работы с Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Настройки Прокси</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Если используемое вами приложение для Android поддерживает HTTP или SOCKS, то вы можете настоить его на подключение к Orbot и использование Tor.\n\n
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">запуск и остановка Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Запуск Orbot...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Подключен к сети Tor</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot Отключен</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot выключается</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Запускается клиент Tor...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">завершено.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">ожидание.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">ВНИМАНИЕ! Ваш поток данных еще не анонимен! Пожалуйста, настройте свои приложения на использование HTTP прокси или SOCKS4A или SOCKS5 прокси</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Домашняя страница</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Просмотр</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Параметры</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Журнал</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Справка</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Приложения</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Запустить</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Остановить</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">О программе</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Справка</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Закрыть</string>
+  <string name="button_about">О программе</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Очистить журнал</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Проверка</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Выход</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Прозрачный прокси (Требуются привилегии root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Прозрачный прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Автоматическая торификация приложений</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Направлять все через Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Трафик всех приложений будет проходить через Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Программа Tor успешно установлена!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Не удалось установить программу Tor. Пожалуйста, проверьте системный журнал и сообщите нам: tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Ошибка приложения</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Добро пожаловать в Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">Об Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Вперед</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Назад</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Завершить</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Ok</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Отмена</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Некоторые сведенья о программе Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot - это приложение с открытым кодом, которое содержит Tor, LibEvent и Privoxy. Она обеспечивает работу локального HTTP прокси (8118) и SOCKS прокси (9050) в сети Tor. Orbot также позволяет, из корня устройсва, пересылать весь интернет трафик через Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Разрешение получено</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Разрешения Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Отлично! Мы определили, что доступ к корневому каталогу  в Orbot разрешен. Мы будем использовать это с умом.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">Хотя это не требуется, Orbot может быть более мощным инструментом, если доступ к корневому каталогу устройства разрешен. Нажимите на кнопку ниже и дайте Orbot суперсилу!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">Если у вас нет доступа к корневому каталогу или вы понятия не имеете о чем мы говорим, просто убедитесь, что используете приложения, разработанные для Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">Я все понял, продолжу без доступа к корню</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Дать доступ к корю программе Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Настроить Торификацию</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Программа Orbot дает вам возможность маршрутизировать трафик всех приложений через Tor ИЛИ выбрать приложения для маршрутизации самостоятельно.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Маршрутизировать все приложения через Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Выберите приложения для маршрутизации через Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-задействованные приложения</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">Мы советуем вам скачать и использовать приложения, которые умеют работать напрямую через Orbot. Нажмите на кнопки ниже, чтобы запустить процесс установки.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Настройки прокси - узнайте как настроить приложения для работы с Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Настройки Прокси</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">Если используемое вами приложение для Android поддерживает HTTP или SOCKS, то вы можете настоить его на подключение к Orbot и использование Tor.\n\n
     Настройки хоста (или localhost) - Для HTTP, номер порта - 8118. Для SOCKS прокси - 9050. По возможности используйте SOCKS4A или SOCKS5.
     Вы можете узнать больше о работе через прокси на Android, прочитав этот FAQ: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Программа Orbot готова к использованию!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Сотни тысяч людей по всему миру используют Tor по различным причинам: журналисты и блоггеры, активисты организаций, выступающих в защиту прав человека, судебные исполнители, солдаты, корпорации, граждане стран с репрессивным режимом, и простые люди... а теперь готовы и вы!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time"> Вы успешно подключились к сети Tor, но это НЕ значит, что ваше устройство безопасно. Вы можете воспользоваться функцией \'Проверки\' из меню, чтобы потестировать ваш браузер. \n\nПосетите наш сайт: https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или отправьте нам письмо на адрес: help at guardianproject.info, чтобы узнать больше.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">Это приведет к запуску веб-браузера, выбранного на вашем компьютере по-умолчанию, и подключению к сайту https://check.torproject.org, с целью проверки правильности работы Orbot и определения, подключены ли вы к сети Tor.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Скрытые сервисы</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Программа Orbot готова к использованию!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Сотни тысяч людей по всему миру используют Tor по различным причинам: журналисты и блоггеры, активисты организаций, выступающих в защиту прав человека, судебные исполнители, солдаты, корпорации, граждане стран с репрессивным режимом, и простые люди... а теперь готовы и вы!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time"> Вы успешно подключились к сети Tor, но это НЕ значит, что ваше устройство безопасно. Вы можете воспользоваться функцией \'Проверки\' из меню, чтобы потестировать ваш браузер. \n\nПосетите наш сайт: https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot или отправьте нам письмо на адрес: help at guardianproject.info, чтобы узнать больше.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">Это приведет к запуску веб-браузера, выбранного на вашем компьютере по-умолчанию, и подключению к сайту https://check.torproject.org, с целью проверки правильности работы Orbot и определения, подключены ли вы к сети Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Скрытые сервисы</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot позволяет использовать Tor в Android!\n\nTor позволяет вам защититься от фильтрации контента, анализа трафика и наблюдения за сетью, что ставит под угрозу приватность, конфиденциальную информацию и личные отношения.\n\nЭтот мастер поможет вам настроить Orbot и Tor на вашем устройстве.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Предупреждение</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Просто установка Orbot не будет автоматически анонимировать ваш мобильный трафик.\n\nВы должны правильно настроить Orbot, ваше устройство и другие приложения, что бы успешно использовать Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Разрешения</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">Вы так же можете по желанию дать Orbot права \'Суперпользователь\' для доступа к продвинутым возможностям, типа Прозрачная Проксификация.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">Если вы не хотите делать это, пожалуйста, удостоверьтесь, что используете приложения созданные для работы с Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Похоже ваше устройство не имеет root прав и не предоставляет доступ \'Суперпользователь\'.\n\nЧто бы использовать Tor, вам надо использовать приложения построенные для работы с Orbot или те, которые поддерживают настройку HTTP или SOCKS прокси.\n\n
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Приложения, работающие с Orbot:</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: приложение для безопасной переписки с конфиденциальным шифрованием</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (Только для версии Android 1.x) - Браузер, разработанный для обеспечения безопасности и для Orbot</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Прозрачное Проксирование</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">Это позволяет вашим приложениям автоматически работать по сети Tor без какого-либо конфигурирования.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Отметьте данный пункт, если вы не знаете о чем идет речь)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">Нет</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Тетеринг Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Включить Прозрачную Проксификацию Tor для устройств с тетерингом по Wi-Fi и USB (требует перезапуска)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Запросить Доступ Суперпользователя</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Выбранные приложения</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Выбрать приложения для направления через Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Конфигурация узла</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">Это дополнительные настройки, которые могут снизить вашу анонимность</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Входные узлы</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Отпечатки, ники, страны и адреса для первого прыжка</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Введите входные узлы</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Использовать WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Использовать проприетарный NetFilter APIs предоставленный WhisperSystems (требует устройство с установленным WhisperCore)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Тип Прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Протокол для использования прокси-сервером: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Введите Тип Прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Хост Прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Имя хоста прокси-сервера</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Введите Хост Прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Порт Прокси</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Порт прокси-сервера</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Введите порт Прокси</string>
+  <string name="status">Статус</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Установка общей прозрачной проксификации...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Установка основанной на приложениях прозрачной проксификации...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Прозрачная проксификация ВКЛЮЧЕНА</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy поддерживает Тетеринг!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">ВНИМАНИЕ: ошибка запуска прозрачной проксификации!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">Правила TransProxy удалены</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Невозможно запустить Tor: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy запущено на порту: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Установка основанной на портах прозрачной проксификации...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Ошибка Моста</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">Для использования моста, необходимо задать IP адрес как минимум одного моста.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Отправьте email на адрес bridges at torproject.org со строкой \"get bridges\" в теле сообщения из учетной записи gmail.</string>
+  <string name="error">Ошибка</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Ваши настройки Доступных Адресов вызвали исключение!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Настройки вашего ретранслятора вызвали исключение!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Выходные Узлы</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Отпечатки, ники, страны и адреса для последнего прыжка</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Введите Выходные Узлы</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Исключенные Узлы</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Отпечатки, ники, страны и адреса на исключение</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Введите Исключенные Узлы</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Точные Узлы</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Использовать *только* эти заданные узлы</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Мосты</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Использовать Мосты</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Включить альтернативные входные узлы в сеть Tor</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP адреса и порты мостов</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Введите Адреса Мостов</string>
+  <string name="relays">Ретрансляторы</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Ретрансляция</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Разрешить вашему устройству быть невыходным ретранслятором</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Порт ретранслятора</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Слушающий порт для вашего ретранслятора Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Введите порт OR</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Имя ретранслятора</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">Имя для вашего ретранслятора Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Введите пользовательское имя ретранслятора</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Доступные Адреса</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Запускать как клиент за брандмауэром с ограничивающими политиками</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Доступные порты</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Порты доступные из-за ограничительного брандмауэра</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Введите порты</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Включить Скрытые Службы</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">запустить сервера доступные через сеть Tor</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">введите локальные порты для скрытых служб</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Порты Скрытой Службы</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">адресуемое имя для вашей скрытой службы (сгенерирован автоматически)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">включить вывод лога отладки (требует использовать adb или aLogCat для просмотра)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Домашняя страниц(-а/-ы) проекта: </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">Лицензия Tor</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">Программы сторонних разработчиков: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">Приложение хочет открыть скрытый порт сервера %S сети Tor. Это безопасно, если вы доверяете этому приложению.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">найден существующий процесс Tor...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Произошла какая-то ошибка. Проверьте лог</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">скрытая служба на:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">невозможно прочесть имя скрытой службы</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Невозможно запустить Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Использовать Iptables по умолчанию</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">использовать встроенный бинарник iptables вместо поставляемого с Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">Бинарные файлы Tor не смогли установиться или обновится.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Всегда отображать иконку в панели задач когда Orbot подключен</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Уведомления о постоянной работе</string>
diff --git a/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index 97b6925..c01c197 100644
--- a/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -1,39 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startar...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Uppkopplad till Tor nätverket</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot är inaktiverad</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot avslutas</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">VARNING: Din trafik är inte anonym än! Vänligen konfigurera dina apps att använda HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A/5 proxy</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Hem</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Browse</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Inställningar</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Logg</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Hjälp</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stopp</string>
-<string name="menu_about">About</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">>Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="button_help">Hjälp</string>
-<string name="button_close">Stäng</string>
-<string name="button_about">Om</string>
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot startar...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Uppkopplad till Tor nätverket</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot är inaktiverad</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot avslutas</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">VARNING: Din trafik är inte anonym än! Vänligen konfigurera dina apps att använda HTTP proxy eller SOCKS4A/5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Hem</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Inställningar</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Logg</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Hjälp</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stopp</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Hjälp</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Stäng</string>
+  <string name="button_about">Om</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Rensa logg</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">drivs av Tor-projektet</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">&gt;Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Next</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+    \n\n
+    You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
+    </string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values-zh/strings.xml b/res/values-zh/strings.xml
index ebf38ad..8d55b45 100644
--- a/res/values-zh/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh/strings.xml
@@ -1,129 +1,195 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">启动和停止 Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Tor 代理服务</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot 正在启动...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">已连接到 Tor 网络</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">Orbot 已停用</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot 正在关闭</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">警告: 您的通讯还不是匿名的! 请设置您的应用程序使用代理服务器 或者 SOCKS4A 或者 SOCKS5 代理服务器</string>
-<string name="menu_home">首页</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">浏览</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">设置</string>
-<string name="menu_log">日志</string>
-<string name="menu_info">帮助</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">应用</string>
-<string name="menu_start">启动</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">停止</string>
-<string name="menu_about">关于</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">帮助</string>
-<string name="button_close">关闭</string>
-<string name="button_about">关于</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">检查</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">退出</string>
-<string name="powered_by">由 Tor 项目强力驱动</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">透明代理(需要 root)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">透明代理</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">自动对应用程序使用 Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">对所有应用使用 Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">使用 Tor 代理所有程序的流量</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Tor 二进制程序安装成功!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">Tor 二进制程序无法安装。请查看日志 tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">应用程序错误</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">欢迎使用 Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">关于 Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">下一步</string>
-<string name="btn_back">上一步</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">完成</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">确定</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">取消</string>
-<!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_welcome_msg">Orbot 将 Tor 带到 Android 之上。Tor 是自由软件,致力于构建开放网络,帮助保护网络访问的自由和隐私,可以抵御秘密的商业活动、关系以及已知的流量分析技术。\n\n*警告:*仅仅安装 Orbot 不会自动使您的移动流量匿名化!这个向导将带您入门。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details">一些 Orbot 详情</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot 是包含 Tor、LibEvent 和 Privoxy 的开源软件。它包含了一个本地 HTTP 代理(8118)和 SOCKS 代理(9050),使您接入 Tor 网络。Orbot 在可以获得 root 权限的设备上接管所有流量经由 Tor 网络。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">已赋予权限</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot 权限</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">非常好!我们检测到您已经为 Orbot 配置了 root 权限。我们会聪明地使用这个特权。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">虽然并非必须,如果你的设备有 root 权限,Orbot 可以表现得更为强大。使用以下按钮来赋予 Orbot 超级能力!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">如果你没有 root 权限,或不明白上面说的是什么,那么只需使用可与 Orbot 工作的应用程序。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">我明白并会以非 root 继续</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">为 Orbot 赋予 root 权限</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">配置 Tor 使用</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot 给予您路由所有应用程序流量通过 Tor 或者为单个程序设置选择的选项。</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">通过 Tor 代理全部应用程序</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">选择使用 Tor 的单个应用程序</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">可用 Orbot 的应用程序</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">我们建议您下载和使用能直接连接到 Orbot 的应用程序。点击以下按钮安装。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (仅 Android 1.x) - 着重隐私设计的浏览器</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">代理设置 - 学习如何配置应用程序使用 Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">代理设置</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">如果您正在使用的 Android 应用程序支持使用 HTTP 或 SOCKS 代理,您可以配置它连接到 Orbot 并使用 Tor。\n\n
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">启动和停止 Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">Tor 代理服务</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot 正在启动...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">已连接到 Tor 网络</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">Orbot 已停用</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot 正在关闭</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">开启Tor客户端...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">完成。</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">等待。</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">警告: 您的通讯还不是匿名的! 请设置您的应用程序使用代理服务器 或者 SOCKS4A 或者 SOCKS5 代理服务器</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">首页</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">浏览</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">设置</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">日志</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">帮助</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">应用</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">启动</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">停止</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">关于</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">帮助</string>
+  <string name="button_close">关闭</string>
+  <string name="button_about">关于</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">检查</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">退出</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">由 Tor 项目强力驱动</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- 长按以启动 -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">透明代理(需要 root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">透明代理</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">自动对应用程序使用 Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">对所有应用使用 Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">使用 Tor 代理所有程序的流量</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">端口列表</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor 二进制程序安装成功!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">Tor 二进制程序无法安装。请查看日志 tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">应用程序错误</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">欢迎使用 Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">关于 Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">下一步</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">上一步</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">完成</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">确定</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">取消</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">一些 Orbot 详情</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot 是包含 Tor、LibEvent 和 Privoxy 的开源软件。它包含了一个本地 HTTP 代理(8118)和 SOCKS 代理(9050),使您接入 Tor 网络。Orbot 在可以获得 root 权限的设备上接管所有流量经由 Tor 网络。</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">已赋予权限</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot 权限</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">非常好!我们检测到您已经为 Orbot 配置了 root 权限。我们会聪明地使用这个特权。</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock">虽然并非必须,如果你的设备有 root 权限,Orbot 可以表现得更为强大。使用以下按钮来赋予 Orbot 超级能力!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">如果你没有 root 权限,或不明白上面说的是什么,那么只需使用可与 Orbot 工作的应用程序。</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">我明白并会以非 root 继续</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">为 Orbot 赋予 root 权限</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">配置 Tor 使用</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot 给予您路由所有应用程序流量通过 Tor 或者为单个程序设置选择的选项。</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">通过 Tor 代理全部应用程序</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">选择使用 Tor 的单个应用程序</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">可用 Orbot 的应用程序</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">我们建议您下载和使用能直接连接到 Orbot 的应用程序。点击以下按钮安装。</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">代理设置 - 学习如何配置应用程序使用 Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">代理设置</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">如果您正在使用的 Android 应用程序支持使用 HTTP 或 SOCKS 代理,您可以配置它连接到 Orbot 并使用 Tor。\n\n
     主机设置为 或 localhost。对于 HTTP,端口为 8118,对于 SOCKS 端口为 9050。如果可能,应当使用 SOCKS4A 或 SOCKS5。
     您可以通过 http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid 了解更多 Android 上使用代理的知识。</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot 已就绪!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">数以万计的各国人们因为各种原因使用 Tor:记者、人权工作者、法律工作者、士兵、公司、迫于实际情况使用的市民,当然也有普通的市民。现在你也即将成为其中的一员!</string>
-    <string name="otrchat_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-    <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
-<!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">您已成功连接至 Tor 网络 - 但这并不意味着您的设备安全。您可以使用“检查”选项测试您的浏览器。\n\n访问 https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot 或发送邮件到 help at guardianproject.info 以了解更多信息。</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">这将启动默认浏览器并访问 https://check.torproject.org 以测试是否正确配置了 Orbot 并确认您是否已经连接到 Tor。</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">隐藏服务</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot 已就绪!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">数以万计的各国人们因为各种原因使用 Tor:记者、人权工作者、法律工作者、士兵、公司、迫于实际情况使用的市民,当然也有普通的市民。现在你也即将成为其中的一员!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">您已成功连接至 Tor 网络 - 但这并不意味着您的设备安全。您可以使用“检查”选项测试您的浏览器。\n\n访问 https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot 或发送邮件到 help at guardianproject.info 以了解更多信息。</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">这将启动默认浏览器并访问 https://check.torproject.org 以测试是否正确配置了 Orbot 并确认您是否已经连接到 Tor。</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">隐藏服务</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">开机启动Orbot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">当您的 Android 设备开机时自动启动 Orbot 并连接至 Tor 网络</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">警告</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">允许</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">ORWEB (仅 Android 1.x) - 着重隐私设计的浏览器</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">market://search?q=pname:nfo.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">状态</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">网桥错误</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">错误</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">网桥</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">使用网桥</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">网桥的IP地址和端口</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">Tor许可证</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index f519a91..144db09 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -1,263 +1,196 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
-    <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
-    <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
-    <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
-    <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
-    <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
-<string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string>
-<string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string>
-<string name="status_disabled">"Orbot is Deactivated</string>
-<string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string>
-<string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
-<string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
-<string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
-<string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string>
-<string name="menu_home">Home</string>
-<string name="menu_browse">Browse</string>
-<string name="menu_settings">Settings</string>
-<string name="menu_log">Log</string>
-<string name="menu_info">Help</string>
-<string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
-<string name="menu_start">Start</string>
-<string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
-<string name="menu_about">About</string>
-<string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
-<string name="button_help">Help</string>
-<string name="button_close">Close</string>
-<string name="button_about">About</string>
-<string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
-<string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
-<string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
-<string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
-<string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
-<string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
-<string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
-<string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
-<string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
-<string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
-<string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
-<string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
-<string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
-<string name="btn_next">Next</string>
-<string name="btn_back">Back</string>
-<string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
-<string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
-<string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
- <!-- Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-    <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
-    <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
-    <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
-    <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string> 
-    <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
-    <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
-    <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
-    The host settings is or "localhost". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
+  <string name="app_name">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="internal_web_url">http://orbot/</string>
+  <string name="default_web_url">http://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="secure_default_web_url">https://check.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="tor_check_api_url">https://check.torproject.org/?TorButton=true</string>
+  <string name="control_permission_label">start and stop Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_proxy_service_process">torproxyservice</string>
+  <string name="status_starting_up">Orbot is starting...</string>
+  <string name="status_activated">Connected to the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="status_disabled">\"Orbot is Deactivated</string>
+  <string name="status_shutting_down">Orbot is shutting down</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_starting">Starting Tor client...</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_complete">complete.</string>
+  <string name="tor_process_waiting">waiting.</string>
+  <string name="not_anonymous_yet">WARNING: Your traffic is not anonymous yet! Please configure your applications to use HTTP proxy or SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 proxy</string>
+  <string name="menu_home">Home</string>
+  <string name="menu_browse">Browse</string>
+  <string name="menu_settings">Settings</string>
+  <string name="menu_log">Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_info">Help</string>
+  <string name="menu_apps">Apps</string>
+  <string name="menu_start">Start</string>
+  <string name="menu_stop">Stop</string>
+  <string name="menu_about">About</string>
+  <string name="menu_wizard">Wizard</string>
+  <string name="button_help">Help</string>
+  <string name="button_close">Close</string>
+  <string name="button_about">About</string>
+  <string name="button_clear_log">Clear Log</string>
+  <string name="menu_verify">Check</string>
+  <string name="menu_exit">Exit</string>
+  <string name="powered_by">powered by the Tor Project</string>
+  <string name="press_to_start">- long press to start -</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_group">Transparent Proxying (Requires Root)</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="pref_trans_proxy_summary">Automatic Torifying of Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_title">Tor Everything</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_all_summary">Proxy traffic for all apps through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_title">Port Proxy Fallback</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_fallback_summary">WARNING: Circumvents common ports (80, 443, etc). *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work.</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_title">Port List</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_summary">List of ports to proxy. *USE ONLY* if \'All\' or \'App\' mode doesn\'t work</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_port_dialog">Enter ports to proxy</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root">Request Root Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_has_root_summary">Request root access for transparent proxying</string>
+  <string name="status_install_success">Tor binaries successfully installed!</string>
+  <string name="status_install_fail">The Tor binary files were unable to be installed. Please check the log and notify tor-assistants at torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="title_error">Application Error</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title">Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_btn_tell_me_more">About Orbot</string>
+  <string name="btn_next">Next</string>
+  <string name="btn_back">Back</string>
+  <string name="btn_finish">Finish</string>
+  <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string>
+  <string name="btn_cancel">Cancel</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details">Some Orbot Details</string>
+  <string name="wizard_details_msg">Orbot is an open-source application that contains Tor, LibEvent and Privoxy. It provides a local HTTP proxy (8118) and a SOCKS proxy (9050) into the Tor network. Orbot also has the ability, on rooted device, to send all internet traffic through Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root">Permission Granted</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_stock">Orbot Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_premissions_msg_root">Excellent! We\'ve detected that you have root permissions enabled for Orbot. We will use this power wisely.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_msg_stock"> While it is not required, Orbot can become a more powerful tool if your device has root access. Use the button below to grant Orbot superpowers! </string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root">If you don\'t have root access or have no idea what we\'re talking about, just be sure to use apps made to work with Orbot.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_consent">I understand and would like to continue without Superuser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permission_enable_root">Grant Root for Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure">Configure Torification</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_msg">Orbot gives you the option to route all application traffic through Tor OR to choose your applications individually.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_all">Proxy All Apps Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_configure_select_apps">Select Individual Apps for Tor</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_tricks">Orbot-enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_msg">The apps below were developed to work with Orbot. Click each button to install now, or you can find them later in the Android Market.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_otrchat">Gibberbot - Secure instant messaging client for Android</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_proxy">Proxy Settings - Learn how to configure apps to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_info">Proxy Settings</string>
+  <string name="wizard_proxy_help_msg">If the Android app you are using can support the use of an HTTP or SOCKS proxy, then you can configure it to connect to Orbot and use Tor.\n\n
+    The host settings is or \"localhost\". For HTTP, the port setting is 8118. For SOCKS, the proxy is 9050. You should use SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 if possible.
     You can learn more about proxying on Android via the FAQ at: http://tinyurl.com/proxyandroid
-    <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
-    <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
- <!-- END Welcome Wizard strings (DJH) -->
-	<string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
-	<string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
-    <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
-    <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
-    <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
- <!--  New Wizard Strings -->
-	<!-- Title Screen -->
-	<string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
-	<!-- Warning screen -->
-	<string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
-	<string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
-	<!-- Permissions screen -->
-	<string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
-	<string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
-	<string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
-	<string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
-	<!-- TipsAndTricks screen -->
-	<string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
-	<string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
-	<string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
-	<string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
-	<string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
-	<string name="wizard_tips_firefox">Firefox - Android browser - To be used along with ProxyMob Add-on </string>
-	<string name="wizard_tips_proxymob">ProxyMob - Simple Firefox Add-on for setting HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings</string>
-    <string name="firefox_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox</string>
-    <string name="proxymob_url">https://addons.mozilla.org/mobile/downloads/latest/251558/type:attachment/addon-251558-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail</string>
-  -->
-    <!-- Transparent Proxy screen -->
-    <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
-    <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
-    <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
-    <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
- <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
-	<string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
-<string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
-<string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
-<string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
-<string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
-<string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
-<string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
-<string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
-<string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
-<string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
-<string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
-<string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
-<string name="status">Status</string>
-<string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
-<string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
-<string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
-<string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
-<string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
-<string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
-<string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">"Couldn't start Tor process: "</string>
-<string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
-<string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
-<string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
-<string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
-<string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
-<string name="error">Error</string>
-<string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
-<string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
-<string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
-<string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
-<string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
-<string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
-<string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
-<string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
-<string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
-<string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
-<string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
-<string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
-<string name="bridges_obfuscated">Obfuscated Bridges</string>
-<string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
-<string name="enable_if_configured_bridges_are_obfuscated_bridges">Enable if configured bridges are obfuscated bridges</string>
-<string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
-<string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
-<string name="relays">Relays</string>
-<string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
-<string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
-<string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
-<string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
-<string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
-<string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
-<string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
-<string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
-<string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
-<string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
-<string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
-<string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
-<string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
-<string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
-<string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
-<string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
-<string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
-<string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
-<string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
-<string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
-<string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
-<string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
-<string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
-<string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
-<string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
-<string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
-<string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
-<string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
-<string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
-<string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
-<string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
-<string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
-<string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
-<string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
-<string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
-<string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
-<string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
-<string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
-<string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
-<string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>
-<string name="notification_using_bridges">Bridges enabled!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final">Orbot is ready!</string>
+  <string name="wizard_final_msg">Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons.\n\nJournalists and bloggers, human rights defenders, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens... and now you are ready to, as well!</string>
+  <string name="connect_first_time">You\'ve successfully connected to the Tor network - but this does NOT mean your device is secure. You can use the \'Check\' option from the menu to test your browser. \n\nVisit us at https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot or send an email to help at guardianproject.info to learn more.</string>
+  <string name="tor_check">This will open your web browser to https://check.torproject.org in order to see if Orbot is probably configured and you are connected to Tor.</string>
+  <string name="pref_hs_group">Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="pref_general_group">General</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_title">Start Orbot on Boot</string>
+  <string name="pref_start_boot_summary">Automatically start Orbot and connect Tor when your Android device boots</string>
+  <string name="wizard_title_msg">Orbot brings Tor to Android!\n\nTor helps you defend against content filtering, traffic analysis and network surveillance that threatens privacy, confidential information and personal relationships.\n\nThis wizard will help you configure Orbot and Tor on your device.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_title">Warning</string>
+  <string name="wizard_warning_msg">Simply installing Orbot will not automatically anonymize your mobile traffic.\n\nYou must properly configure Orbot, your device and other apps to successfully use Tor.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_title">Permissions</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg1">You can optionally grant Orbot \'Superuser\' access to enable advanced features, such as Transparent Proxying.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_root_msg2">If you do not want to do this, please make sure to use apps made to work with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="wizard_permissions_no_root_msg">Your device does not appear to be rooted or provide \'Superuser\' access.\n\nIn order to you to benefit from Tor, you will need to use apps built to work with Orbot, or that support HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings.\n\n</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_title">Orbot-Enabled Apps</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_gibberbot">Gibberbot: Secure chat app with Off-the-Record Encryption</string>
+  <string name="gibberbot_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.otr.app.im</string>
+  <string name="wizard_tips_orweb">Orweb: Privacy-enhanced browser that works through Tor</string>
+  <string name="orweb_apk_url">https://market.android.com/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_title">Transparent Proxying</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_msg">This allows your apps to automatically run through the Tor network without any configuration.</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_hint">(Check this box if you have no idea what we are talking about)</string>
+  <string name="wizard_transproxy_none">None</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_title">Tor Tethering</string>
+  <string name="pref_transparent_tethering_summary">Enable Tor Transparent Proxying for Wifi and USB Tethered Devices (requires restart)</string>
+  <string name="button_grant_superuser">Request Superuser Access</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps">Select Apps</string>
+  <string name="pref_select_apps_summary">Choose Apps to Route Through Tor</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration">Node Configuration</string>
+  <string name="pref_node_configuration_summary">These are advanced settings that can reduce your anonymity</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node">Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_summary">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the first hop</string>
+  <string name="pref_entrance_node_dialog">Enter Entrance Nodes</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore">Use WhisperCore</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_whispercore_summary">Use the proprietary NetFilter APIs provided by WhisperSystems (required device with WhisperCore installed)</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_title">Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_summary">Protocol to use for proxy server: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_type_dialog">Enter Proxy Type</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_title">Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_summary">Proxy server hostname</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_host_dialog">Enter Proxy Host</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_title">Proxy Port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_summary">Proxy server port</string>
+  <string name="pref_proxy_port_dialog">Enter Proxy port</string>
+  <string name="status">Status</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_full_transparent_proxying_">Setting up full transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="setting_up_app_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up app-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="transparent_proxying_enabled">Transparent proxying ENABLED</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_enabled_for_tethering_">TransProxy enabled for Tethering!</string>
+  <string name="warning_error_starting_transparent_proxying_">WARNING: error starting transparent proxying!</string>
+  <string name="transproxy_rules_cleared">TransProxy rules cleared</string>
+  <string name="couldn_t_start_tor_process_">Couldn\'t start Tor process: </string>
+  <string name="privoxy_is_running_on_port_">Privoxy is running on port: </string>
+  <string name="setting_up_port_based_transparent_proxying_">Setting up port-based transparent proxying...</string>
+  <string name="bridge_error">Bridge Error</string>
+  <string name="bridge_requires_ip">In order to use the bridge feature, you must enter at least one bridge IP address.</string>
+  <string name="send_email_for_bridges">Send an email to bridges at torproject.org with the line \"get bridges\" by itself in the body of the mail from a gmail account.</string>
+  <string name="error">Error</string>
+  <string name="your_reachableaddresses_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your ReachableAddresses settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="your_relay_settings_caused_an_exception_">Your relay settings caused an exception!</string>
+  <string name="exit_nodes">Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_for_the_last_hop">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses for the last hop</string>
+  <string name="enter_exit_nodes">Enter Exit Nodes</string>
+  <string name="exclude_nodes">Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="fingerprints_nicks_countries_and_addresses_to_exclude">Fingerprints, nicks, countries and addresses to exclude</string>
+  <string name="enter_exclude_nodes">Enter Exclude Nodes</string>
+  <string name="strict_nodes">Strict Nodes</string>
+  <string name="use_only_these_specified_nodes">Use *only* these specified nodes</string>
+  <string name="bridges">Bridges</string>
+  <string name="use_bridges">Use Bridges</string>
+  <string name="enable_alternate_entrance_nodes_into_the_tor_network">Enable alternate entrance nodes into the Tor Network</string>
+  <string name="ip_address_and_port_of_bridges">IP address and port of bridges</string>
+  <string name="enter_bridge_addresses">Enter Bridge Addresses</string>
+  <string name="relays">Relays</string>
+  <string name="relaying">Relaying</string>
+  <string name="enable_your_device_to_be_a_non_exit_relay">Enable your device to be a non-exit relay</string>
+  <string name="relay_port">Relay Port</string>
+  <string name="listening_port_for_your_tor_relay">Listening port for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_or_port">Enter OR port</string>
+  <string name="relay_nickname">Relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="the_nickname_for_your_tor_relay">The nickname for your Tor relay</string>
+  <string name="enter_a_custom_relay_nickname">Enter a custom relay nickname</string>
+  <string name="reachable_addresses">Reachable Addresses</string>
+  <string name="run_as_a_client_behind_a_firewall_with_restrictive_policies">Run as a client behind a firewall with restrictive policies</string>
+  <string name="reachable_ports">Reachable ports</string>
+  <string name="ports_reachable_behind_a_restrictive_firewall">Ports reachable behind a restrictive firewall</string>
+  <string name="enter_ports">Enter ports</string>
+  <string name="enable_hidden_services">Enable Hidden Services</string>
+  <string name="run_servers_accessible_via_the_tor_network">run servers accessible via the Tor network</string>
+  <string name="enter_localhost_ports_for_hidden_services">enter localhost ports for hidden services</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_ports">Hidden Service Ports</string>
+  <string name="the_addressable_name_for_your_hidden_service_generated_automatically_">the addressable name for your hidden service (generated automatically)</string>
+  <string name="enable_debug_log_to_output_must_use_adb_or_alogcat_to_view_">enable debug log to output (must use adb or aLogCat to view)</string>
+  <string name="project_home">Project Home(s): </string>
+  <string name="project_urls">https://www.torproject.org/docs/android\nhttps://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/</string>
+  <string name="the_tor_license">The Tor License</string>
+  <string name="https_torproject_org">https://torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="third_party_software">3rd-Party-Software: </string>
+  <string name="tor_version">Tor v0.2.3.10: https://www.torproject.org</string>
+  <string name="libevent_version">LibEvent v1.4.13: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/</string>
+  <string name="privoxy_version">Privoxy v3.0.12: http://www.privoxy.org</string>
+  <string name="iptables_version">Iptables v1.4.7: http://www.netfilter.org</string>
+  <string name="openssl_version">OpenSSL v1.0.0f: http://www.openssl.org</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_request">An app wants to open hidden server port %S to the Tor network. This is safe if you trust the app.</string>
+  <string name="found_existing_tor_process">found existing Tor process...</string>
+  <string name="something_bad_happened">Something bad happened. Check the log</string>
+  <string name="hidden_service_on">hidden service on:</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_read_hidden_service_name">unable to read hidden service name</string>
+  <string name="unable_to_start_tor">Unable to start Tor:</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_title">Use Default Iptables</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_sys_iptables_summary">use the built-in iptables binary instead of the one bundled with Orbot</string>
+  <string name="error_installing_binares">The Tor binaries were not able to be installed or upgraded.</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications">Always keep the icon in toolbar when Orbot is connected</string>
+  <string name="pref_use_persistent_notifications_title">Always-On Notifications</string>

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