[tor-commits] [arm/release] Renamed graphStats to graphPanel for consistency (with cli).

atagar at torproject.org atagar at torproject.org
Sun Sep 25 21:38:20 UTC 2011

commit 2192eab911b7b521b790a5c444c17422f1714d59
Author: Kamran Riaz Khan <krkhan at inspirated.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 17 04:17:17 2011 +0500

    Renamed graphStats to graphPanel for consistency (with cli).
 src/gui/graphing/__init__.py       |    2 +-
 src/gui/graphing/bandwidthStats.py |    6 +-
 src/gui/graphing/graphPanel.py     |  142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gui/graphing/graphStats.py     |  142 ------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/graphing/__init__.py b/src/gui/graphing/__init__.py
index acc8645..06d08ea 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphing/__init__.py
+++ b/src/gui/graphing/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
-__all__ = ["graphStats", "bandwidthStats"]
+__all__ = ["graphPanel", "bandwidthStats"]
diff --git a/src/gui/graphing/bandwidthStats.py b/src/gui/graphing/bandwidthStats.py
index 04dfda8..f4aa490 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphing/bandwidthStats.py
+++ b/src/gui/graphing/bandwidthStats.py
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import gtk
 from TorCtl import TorCtl
 from starter import CONFIG
-from gui.graphing import graphStats
+from gui.graphing import graphPanel
 from util import uiTools, torTools
-class BandwidthStats(graphStats.GraphStats):
+class BandwidthStats(graphPanel.GraphPanel):
   def __init__(self, builder):
-    graphStats.GraphStats.__init__(self, builder)
+    graphPanel.GraphPanel.__init__(self, builder)
     conn = torTools.getConn()
     if not conn.isAlive():
diff --git a/src/gui/graphing/graphPanel.py b/src/gui/graphing/graphPanel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16370b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/graphing/graphPanel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Base class for implementing graphing functionality.
+import random
+import sys
+from collections import deque
+import gobject
+import gtk
+from TorCtl import TorCtl
+from util import gtkTools, uiTools, torTools
+from cagraph.ca_graph import CaGraph
+from cagraph.axis.xaxis import CaGraphXAxis
+from cagraph.axis.yaxis import CaGraphYAxis
+from cagraph.ca_graph_grid import CaGraphGrid
+from cagraph.series.area import CaGraphSeriesArea
+class GraphPanel(TorCtl.PostEventListener):
+  def __init__(self, builder):
+    TorCtl.PostEventListener.__init__(self)
+    self.builder = builder
+    self.graphs = { 'primary' : None, 'secondary' : None }
+    self.data = {
+        'primary'   : deque([0.0] * GRAPH_INTERVAL),
+        'secondary' : deque([0.0] * GRAPH_INTERVAL)}
+    self.total = {'primary': 0.0,  'secondary' : 0.0}
+    self.ticks = {'primary': 0,  'secondary' : 0}
+  def pack_widgets(self):
+    self._pack_graph_widget('primary')
+    self._pack_graph_widget('secondary')
+    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.draw_graph, 'primary')
+    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.draw_graph, 'secondary')
+    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_labels, 'primary')
+    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_labels, 'secondary')
+  def _pack_graph_widget(self, name):
+    graph = CaGraph()
+    graph.set_size_request(200, 200)
+    placeholder = self.builder.get_object('placeholder_graph_%s' % name)
+    placeholder.pack_start(graph)
+    xaxis = CaGraphXAxis(graph)
+    yaxis = CaGraphYAxis(graph)
+    xaxis.min = 0
+    xaxis.max = GRAPH_INTERVAL - 1
+    xaxis.axis_style.draw_labels = False
+    yaxis.axis_style.label_color = (0, 0, 0)
+    graph.axiss.append(xaxis)
+    graph.axiss.append(yaxis)
+    series = CaGraphSeriesArea(graph, 0, 1)
+    theme = gtkTools.Theme()
+    primaryColor = theme.colors['normal']
+    secondaryColor = theme.colors['insensitive']
+    colors = { 'primary' : (primaryColor.red_float, primaryColor.green_float, primaryColor.blue_float, 0.5),
+               'secondary' : (secondaryColor.red_float, secondaryColor.green_float, secondaryColor.blue_float, 0.5) }
+    series.style.point_radius = 0.0
+    series.style.line_color = colors[name]
+    series.style.fill_color = colors[name]
+    graph.seriess.append(series)
+    graph.grid = CaGraphGrid(graph, 0, 1)
+    self.graphs[name] = graph
+    return graph
+  def get_graph_data(self, name):
+    packed_data = []
+    for (index, value) in enumerate(self.data[name]):
+      packed_data.append((index, value))
+    return packed_data
+  def is_graph_data_zero(self, name):
+    data = self.data[name]
+    return len(data) == map(int, data).count(0)
+  def draw_graph(self, name):
+    graph = self.graphs[name]
+    data = self.get_graph_data(name)
+    graph.seriess[0].data = data
+    if not self.is_graph_data_zero(name):
+      for (index, axis) in enumerate(graph.axiss):
+        if axis.type != 'xaxis':
+          graph.auto_set_yrange(index)
+    graph.queue_draw()
+    return True
+  def update_labels(self, name):
+    avg = 0
+    try:
+      avg = self.total[name] / float(self.ticks[name])
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+      pass
+    msg = "avg: %s/s, total: %s" % (uiTools.getSizeLabel(avg, 2, isBytes=False),
+                                    uiTools.getSizeLabel(self.total[name], 2))
+    label = self.builder.get_object('label_graph_%s_bottom' % name)
+    label.set_text(msg)
+    return True
+  def update_header(self, name, msg):
+    label = self.builder.get_object('label_graph_%s_top' % name)
+    label.set_text(msg)
+  def _processEvent(self, primary, secondary):
+    values = {'primary' : primary, 'secondary' : secondary}
+    for name in ('primary', 'secondary'):
+      # right shift and store kbytes in left-most location
+      self.data[name].rotate(1)
+      self.data[name][0] = values[name] / 1024
+      self.total[name] = self.total[name] + values[name]
+      if values[name] > 0:
+        self.ticks[name] = self.ticks[name] + 1
diff --git a/src/gui/graphing/graphStats.py b/src/gui/graphing/graphStats.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d24bb..0000000
--- a/src/gui/graphing/graphStats.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-Base class for implementing graphing functionality.
-import random
-import sys
-from collections import deque
-import gobject
-import gtk
-from TorCtl import TorCtl
-from util import gtkTools, uiTools, torTools
-from cagraph.ca_graph import CaGraph
-from cagraph.axis.xaxis import CaGraphXAxis
-from cagraph.axis.yaxis import CaGraphYAxis
-from cagraph.ca_graph_grid import CaGraphGrid
-from cagraph.series.area import CaGraphSeriesArea
-class GraphStats(TorCtl.PostEventListener):
-  def __init__(self, builder):
-    TorCtl.PostEventListener.__init__(self)
-    self.builder = builder
-    self.graphs = { 'primary' : None, 'secondary' : None }
-    self.data = {
-        'primary'   : deque([0.0] * GRAPH_INTERVAL),
-        'secondary' : deque([0.0] * GRAPH_INTERVAL)}
-    self.total = {'primary': 0.0,  'secondary' : 0.0}
-    self.ticks = {'primary': 0,  'secondary' : 0}
-  def pack_widgets(self):
-    self._pack_graph_widget('primary')
-    self._pack_graph_widget('secondary')
-    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.draw_graph, 'primary')
-    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.draw_graph, 'secondary')
-    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_labels, 'primary')
-    gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_labels, 'secondary')
-  def _pack_graph_widget(self, name):
-    graph = CaGraph()
-    graph.set_size_request(200, 200)
-    placeholder = self.builder.get_object('placeholder_graph_%s' % name)
-    placeholder.pack_start(graph)
-    xaxis = CaGraphXAxis(graph)
-    yaxis = CaGraphYAxis(graph)
-    xaxis.min = 0
-    xaxis.max = GRAPH_INTERVAL - 1
-    xaxis.axis_style.draw_labels = False
-    yaxis.axis_style.label_color = (0, 0, 0)
-    graph.axiss.append(xaxis)
-    graph.axiss.append(yaxis)
-    series = CaGraphSeriesArea(graph, 0, 1)
-    theme = gtkTools.Theme()
-    primaryColor = theme.colors['normal']
-    secondaryColor = theme.colors['insensitive']
-    colors = { 'primary' : (primaryColor.red_float, primaryColor.green_float, primaryColor.blue_float, 0.5),
-               'secondary' : (secondaryColor.red_float, secondaryColor.green_float, secondaryColor.blue_float, 0.5) }
-    series.style.point_radius = 0.0
-    series.style.line_color = colors[name]
-    series.style.fill_color = colors[name]
-    graph.seriess.append(series)
-    graph.grid = CaGraphGrid(graph, 0, 1)
-    self.graphs[name] = graph
-    return graph
-  def get_graph_data(self, name):
-    packed_data = []
-    for (index, value) in enumerate(self.data[name]):
-      packed_data.append((index, value))
-    return packed_data
-  def is_graph_data_zero(self, name):
-    data = self.data[name]
-    return len(data) == map(int, data).count(0)
-  def draw_graph(self, name):
-    graph = self.graphs[name]
-    data = self.get_graph_data(name)
-    graph.seriess[0].data = data
-    if not self.is_graph_data_zero(name):
-      for (index, axis) in enumerate(graph.axiss):
-        if axis.type != 'xaxis':
-          graph.auto_set_yrange(index)
-    graph.queue_draw()
-    return True
-  def update_labels(self, name):
-    avg = 0
-    try:
-      avg = self.total[name] / float(self.ticks[name])
-    except ZeroDivisionError:
-      pass
-    msg = "avg: %s/s, total: %s" % (uiTools.getSizeLabel(avg, 2, isBytes=False),
-                                    uiTools.getSizeLabel(self.total[name], 2))
-    label = self.builder.get_object('label_graph_%s_bottom' % name)
-    label.set_text(msg)
-    return True
-  def update_header(self, name, msg):
-    label = self.builder.get_object('label_graph_%s_top' % name)
-    label.set_text(msg)
-  def _processEvent(self, primary, secondary):
-    values = {'primary' : primary, 'secondary' : secondary}
-    for name in ('primary', 'secondary'):
-      # right shift and store kbytes in left-most location
-      self.data[name].rotate(1)
-      self.data[name][0] = values[name] / 1024
-      self.total[name] = self.total[name] + values[name]
-      if values[name] > 0:
-        self.ticks[name] = self.ticks[name] + 1

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