[tor-commits] [flashproxy/rtmfp] Merge branch 'master' into rtmfp

dcf at torproject.org dcf at torproject.org
Fri Jun 10 13:59:55 UTC 2011

commit f2e878f6e17965b338094c0eb28106b4ae55633f
Merge: c16f7d9 dd7cfb9
Author: David Fifield <david at bamsoftware.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 10 06:41:33 2011 -0700

    Merge branch 'master' into rtmfp

 FacilitatorSocket.as             |   39 +++++------
 ProxyPair.as                     |   27 +++++----
 README                           |   16 +++--
 SQSProxyPair.as                  |   17 +----
 TCPProxyPair.as                  |   17 +----
 connector.py                     |    2 +-
 design.txt                       |   28 ++++----
 events/FacilitatorSocketEvent.as |    4 +-
 facilitator.py                   |  130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 swfcat.as                        |   30 +--------
 10 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

diff --cc FacilitatorSocket.as
index 3930fea,0000000..70325c1
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/FacilitatorSocket.as
+++ b/FacilitatorSocket.as
@@@ -1,103 -1,0 +1,100 @@@
 +    import flash.events.Event;
 +    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
 +    import flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent;
 +    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.net.URLLoader;
 +    import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
 +    import flash.net.URLRequest;
 +    import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
 +    import flash.net.URLVariables;
 +    import events.FacilitatorSocketEvent;
 +    [Event(name=FacilitatorSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, type="com.flashproxy.rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent")]
 +    [Event(name=FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_FAILED, type="com.flashproxy.rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent")]
 +    [Event(name=FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, type="com.flashproxy.rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent")]
 +    [Event(name=FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY, type="com.flashproxy.rtmfp.events.FacilitatorSocketEvent")]
 +    public class FacilitatorSocket extends EventDispatcher
 +    {
 +        private var host:String;
 +        private var port:uint;
 +        public function FacilitatorSocket(host:String, port:uint)
 +        {   
 +            this.host = host;
 +            this.port = port; 
 +        }
 +        public function get_registration():void
 +        {
 +            make_request(URLRequestMethod.GET);
 +        }
 +        public function post_registration(registration_data:String):void
 +        {    
 +            var data:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
 +            data.client = registration_data;
 +            make_request(URLRequestMethod.POST, data);
 +        }
 +        private function fail():void
 +        {
 +            dispatchEvent(new FacilitatorSocketEvent(FacilitatorSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED));
 +        }
 +        private function make_request(method:String, data:URLVariables = null):void
 +        {
-             var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url)
++            var request:URLRequest;
++            var loader:URLLoader;
++            loader = new URLLoader();
++            /* Get the x-www-form-encoded-values. */
++            loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
++            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_complete_event);
++            loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, on_security_error_event);
++            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, on_io_error_event);
++            request = new URLRequest(url);
 +            request.data = data;
 +            request.method = method;
-             var url_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
-             url_loader = new URLLoader();
-             url_loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
-             url_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_complete_event);
-             url_loader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, on_http_status_event);
-             url_loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, on_security_error_event);
-             url_loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, on_io_error_event);
-             url_loader.load(request);
++            loader.load(request);
 +        }
 +        private function on_complete_event(event:Event):void
 +        {
 +            try {
 +                var client_id:String = event.target.data.client;
-                 if (client_id == "Registration list empty") {
++                var relay_addr:String = event.target.data.relay;
++                if (client_id == "") {
 +                    dispatchEvent(new FacilitatorSocketEvent(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY));
 +                } else {
-                     dispatchEvent(new FacilitatorSocketEvent(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, client_id));
++                    dispatchEvent(new FacilitatorSocketEvent(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, client_id, relay_addr));
 +                }
 +            } catch (e:Error) {
 +                /* error is thrown for POST when we don't care about
 +                   the response anyways */
 +            }
 +            event.target.close()
 +        }
-         private function on_http_status_event(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void
-         {
-             /* empty for now */
-         }
 +        private function on_io_error_event(event:IOErrorEvent):void
 +        {
 +            fail();
 +        }
 +        private function on_security_error_event(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void
 +        {
 +            fail();
 +        }
 +        private function get url():String
 +        {
-             return "http://" + host + ":" + port;
++            return "http://" + encodeURIComponent(host)
++                + ":" + encodeURIComponent(port.toString()) + "/";
 +        }
 +    }
- }
diff --cc ProxyPair.as
index 75ae901,0000000..6ca60ef
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/ProxyPair.as
+++ b/ProxyPair.as
@@@ -1,273 -1,0 +1,276 @@@
 +    import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
 +    import flash.events.Event;
 +    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
 +    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
 +    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
++    import flash.events.TextEvent;
 +    import flash.net.Socket;
 +    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
 +    import flash.utils.clearTimeout;
 +    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
 +    import swfcat;
 +    public class ProxyPair extends EventDispatcher
 +    {
 +        private var ui:swfcat;
 +        protected var client_addr:Object;
 +        /* Not defined here: subclasses should define their own
 +         * protected var client_socket:Object;
 +         */
 +        private var c2r_schedule:Array;
 +        private var relay_addr:Object;
 +        private var relay_socket:Socket;
 +        private var r2c_schedule:Array;
 +        // Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
 +        private const RATE_LIMIT:Number = undefined; //10000;
 +        // Seconds.
 +        private const RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY:Number = 5.0;
 +        private var rate_limit:RateLimit;
 +        // Callback id.
 +        private var flush_id:uint;
 +        public function ProxyPair(self:ProxyPair, ui:swfcat)
 +        {
 +            if (self != this) {
 +                //only a subclass can pass a valid reference to self
 +            	throw new IllegalOperationError("ProxyPair cannot be instantiated directly.");
 +            }
 +            this.ui = ui;
 +            this.c2r_schedule = new Array();
 +            this.r2c_schedule = new Array();
 +            if (RATE_LIMIT)
 +                rate_limit = new BucketRateLimit(RATE_LIMIT * RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY, RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY);
 +            else
 +                rate_limit = new RateUnlimit();
 +            setup_relay_socket();
 +            /* client_socket setup should be taken */
 +            /* care of in the subclass constructor */
 +        }
 +        public function close():void
 +        {
 +            if (relay_socket != null && relay_socket.connected) {
 +                relay_socket.close();
 +            }
 +            /* subclasses should override to close */
 +            /* their client_socket according to impl. */
 +        }
 +        public function get connected():Boolean
 +        {
 +            return (relay_socket != null && relay_socket.connected);
 +            /* subclasses should override to check */
 +            /* connectivity of their client_socket. */
 +        }
 +        public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
 +        {
 +            /* subclasses should override to */
 +            /* connect the client_socket here */
 +        }
 +        public function set relay(relay_addr:Object):void
 +        {
 +            this.relay_addr = relay_addr;
 +            log("Relay: connecting to " + relay_addr.host + ":" + relay_addr.port + ".");
 +            relay_socket.connect(relay_addr.host, relay_addr.port);
 +        }
 +        protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
 +        {
 +            /* No-op: must be overridden by subclasses */
 +        }
++        protected function socket_error(message:String):Function
++        {
++            return function(e:Event):void {
++                if (e is TextEvent)
++                    log(message + ": " + (e as TextEvent).text + ".");
++                else
++                    log(message + ".");
++                close();
++            };
++        }
 +        private function setup_relay_socket():void
 +        {
 +            relay_socket = new Socket();
 +            relay_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
 +                log("Relay: connected to " + relay_addr.host + ":" + relay_addr.port + ".");
 +                if (connected) {
 +                    dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
 +                }
 +            });
-             relay_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
-                 log("Relay: closed connection.");
-                 close();
-             });
-             relay_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Relay: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
-             relay_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Relay: security error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
++            relay_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Relay: closed"));
++            relay_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: I/O error"))
++            relay_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Relay: security error"))
 +            relay_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, relay_to_client);
 +        }
 +        protected function client_to_relay(e:ProgressEvent):void
 +        {
 +            c2r_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
 +            flush();
 +        }
 +        private function relay_to_client(e:ProgressEvent):void
 +        {
 +            r2c_schedule.push(e.bytesLoaded);
 +            flush();
 +        }
 +        /* Send as much data as the rate limit currently allows. */
 +        private function flush():void
 +        {
 +            if (flush_id)
 +                clearTimeout(flush_id);
 +            flush_id = undefined;
 +            if (!connected)
 +                /* Can't do anything until connected. */
 +                return;
 +            while (!rate_limit.is_limited() && (c2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2c_schedule.length > 0)) {
 +                var num_bytes:uint;
 +                if (c2r_schedule.length > 0) {
 +                    num_bytes = c2r_schedule.shift();
 +                    transfer_bytes(null, relay_socket, num_bytes);
 +                    rate_limit.update(num_bytes);
 +                }
 +                if (r2c_schedule.length > 0) {
 +                    num_bytes = r2c_schedule.shift();
 +                    transfer_bytes(relay_socket, null, num_bytes);
 +                    rate_limit.update(num_bytes);
 +                }
 +            }
 +            /* Call again when safe, if necessary. */
 +            if (c2r_schedule.length > 0 || r2c_schedule.length > 0)
 +                flush_id = setTimeout(flush, rate_limit.when() * 1000);
 +        }
 +        /* Helper function to write output to the
 +         * swfcat console. Set as protected for
 +         * subclasses */
 +        protected function log(s:String):void
 +        {
 +            ui.puts(s);
 +        }
 +    }
 +import flash.utils.getTimer;
 +class RateLimit
 +    public function RateLimit()
 +    {
 +    }
 +    public function update(n:Number):Boolean
 +    {
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    public function when():Number
 +    {
 +        return 0.0;
 +    }
 +    public function is_limited():Boolean
 +    {
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +class RateUnlimit extends RateLimit
 +    public function RateUnlimit()
 +    {
 +    }
 +    public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
 +    {
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    public override function when():Number
 +    {
 +        return 0.0;
 +    }
 +    public override function is_limited():Boolean
 +    {
 +        return false;
 +    }
 +class BucketRateLimit extends RateLimit
 +    private var amount:Number;
 +    private var capacity:Number;
 +    private var time:Number;
 +    private var last_update:uint;
 +    public function BucketRateLimit(capacity:Number, time:Number)
 +    {
 +        this.amount = 0.0;
 +        /* capacity / time is the rate we are aiming for. */
 +        this.capacity = capacity;
 +        this.time = time;
 +        this.last_update = getTimer();
 +    }
 +    private function age():void
 +    {
 +        var now:uint;
 +        var delta:Number;
 +        now = getTimer();
 +        delta = (now - last_update) / 1000.0;
 +        last_update = now;
 +        amount -= delta * capacity / time;
 +        if (amount < 0.0)
 +            amount = 0.0;
 +    }
 +    public override function update(n:Number):Boolean
 +    {
 +        age();
 +        amount += n;
 +        return amount <= capacity;
 +    }
 +    public override function when():Number
 +    {
 +        age();
 +        return (amount - capacity) / (capacity / time);
 +    }
 +    public override function is_limited():Boolean
 +    {
 +        age();
 +        return amount > capacity;
 +    }
diff --cc README
index 05cd676,b4b1d0e..0e2a0eb
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -102,26 -81,25 +102,30 @@@ changing pool of addresses
  == Design notes
- The Tor relay address is hardcoded in rtmfpcat.as. It could be any relay,
- with the caveat that the server also has to serve a crossdomain policy.
+ Any Tor relay can be used, as long as it also serves a crossdomain
+ policy.
- Client rtmfpcats register with the facilitator by sending an HTTP-like message:
 -The Tor client needs to be able to listen for an incoming connection,
 -which generally means not being behind NAT.
+ Clients register with the facilitator by sending an HTTP message:
  	POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n
 -	client=:9000
 +	client=<CIRRUS-CLIENT-ID>
 +The <CIRRUS-CLIENT-ID> is returned by Adobe's developer Cirrus server
 +as soon as the rtfmpcat can connect to it. Each rtmfpcat needs to connect
 +to a server like this to get one of these client IDs, since the Cirrus
 +server uses these to coordinate RTMFP connections (including NAT punching).
 +The need to communicate with a Cirrus server in addition to a facilitator is
 +one of the major weaknesses of this design.
- The proxy rtmfpcat gets a client id using something like HTTP:
+ The Flash proxy also gets a client address over HTTP:
  	GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n
- The server sends back an id specification (no HTTP header):
-     51ae8ed56c3705e4ad3755cdd3328c27720984778bfff71d9ec9f2647331d39b
+ The server sends back address specifications of a client and a relay in
+ an HTTP respose.
+ 	HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
+ 	Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.5.2\r\n
+ 	\r\n
 -	client=
++	client=<CIRRUS-CLIENT-ID>&relay=
  == ActionScript programming
diff --cc SQSProxyPair.as
index 54f763d,0000000..20a6a65
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/SQSProxyPair.as
+++ b/SQSProxyPair.as
@@@ -1,86 -1,0 +1,77 @@@
 +    import flash.events.Event;
 +    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
 +    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
 +    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.net.Socket;
 +    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
 +    public class SQSProxyPair extends ProxyPair
 +    {   
 +        private var client_socket:Socket;
 +        public function SQSProxyPair(ui:swfcat)
 +        {
 +            super(this, ui);
 +            log("Starting SQS proxy pair");
 +            setup_client_socket();
 +        }
 +        override public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
 +        {
 +            this.client_addr = client_addr;
 +            log("Client: connecting to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
 +            client_socket.connect(client_addr.host, client_addr.port);
 +        }
 +        override public function close():void
 +        {
 +            super.close();
 +            if (client_socket != null && client_socket.connected) {
 +                client_socket.close();
 +            }
 +            dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
 +        }
 +        override public function get connected():Boolean
 +        {
 +            return (super.connected && client_socket != null && client_socket.connected);
 +        }
 +        override protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
 +        {
 +            var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
 +            if (src == null) {
 +                src = client_socket;
 +            }
 +            if (dst == null) {
 +                dst = client_socket;
 +            }
 +            Socket(src).readBytes(bytes, 0, num_bytes);
 +            log("SQSProxyPair: transferring " + num_bytes + " bytes.");
 +            Socket(dst).writeBytes(bytes);
 +        }
 +        private function setup_client_socket():void
 +        {
 +            client_socket = new Socket();
 +            client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
 +                log("Client: connected to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
 +                if (connected) {
 +                    dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
 +                }
 +            });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
-                 log("Client: closed.");
-                 close();
-             });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Client: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Client: security error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
++            client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Client: closed"));
++            client_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Client: I/O error"));
++            client_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Client: security error"))
 +            client_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
 +        }
 +    }
- }
diff --cc TCPProxyPair.as
index b81af3e,0000000..de18dd6
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/TCPProxyPair.as
+++ b/TCPProxyPair.as
@@@ -1,86 -1,0 +1,77 @@@
 +    import flash.events.Event;
 +    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
 +    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
 +    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
 +    import flash.net.Socket;
 +    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
 +    public class TCPProxyPair extends ProxyPair
 +    {   
 +        private var client_socket:Socket;
 +        public function TCPProxyPair(ui:swfcat)
 +        {
 +            super(this, ui);
 +            log("Starting TCP proxy pair");
 +            setup_client_socket();
 +        }
 +        override public function set client(client_addr:Object):void
 +        {
 +            this.client_addr = client_addr;
 +            log("Client: connecting to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
 +            client_socket.connect(client_addr.host, client_addr.port);
 +        }
 +        override public function close():void
 +        {
 +            super.close();
 +            if (client_socket != null && client_socket.connected) {
 +                client_socket.close();
 +            }
 +            dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
 +        }
 +        override public function get connected():Boolean
 +        {
 +            return (super.connected && client_socket != null && client_socket.connected);
 +        }
 +        override protected function transfer_bytes(src:Object, dst:Object, num_bytes:uint):void
 +        {
 +            var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
 +            if (src == null) {
 +                src = client_socket;
 +            }
 +            if (dst == null) {
 +                dst = client_socket;
 +            }
 +            Socket(src).readBytes(bytes, 0, num_bytes);
 +            log("TCPProxyPair: transferring " + num_bytes + " bytes.");
 +            Socket(dst).writeBytes(bytes);
 +        }
 +        private function setup_client_socket():void
 +        {
 +            client_socket = new Socket();
 +            client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
 +                log("Client: connected to " + client_addr.host + ":" + client_addr.port + ".");
 +                if (connected) {
 +                    dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
 +                }
 +            });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
-                 log("Client: closed.");
-                 close();
-             });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Client: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
-             client_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
-                 log("Client: security error: " + e.text + ".");
-                 close();
-             });
++            client_socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, socket_error("Client: closed"));
++            client_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, socket_error("Client: I/O error"));
++            client_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, socket_error("Client: security error"))
 +            client_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, client_to_relay);
 +        }
 +    }
- }
diff --cc events/FacilitatorSocketEvent.as
index 9fc478b,0000000..5787309
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/events/FacilitatorSocketEvent.as
+++ b/events/FacilitatorSocketEvent.as
@@@ -1,22 -1,0 +1,24 @@@
 +package events
 +    import flash.events.Event;
 +    public class FacilitatorSocketEvent extends Event
 +    {
 +        public static const CONNECT_CLOSED:String        = "connectClosed";
 +        public static const CONNECT_FAILED:String        = "connectFailed";
 +        public static const CONNECT_SUCCESS:String       = "connectSuccess";
 +        public static const REGISTRATION_RECEIVED:String = "registrationReceived";
 +        public static const REGISTRATION_FAILED:String   = "registrationFailed";
 +        public static const REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY:String   = "registrationsEmpty";
 +        public var client:String;
++        public var relay:String;
-         public function FacilitatorSocketEvent(type:String, client:String = null, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false)
++        public function FacilitatorSocketEvent(type:String, client:String = null, relay:String = null, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false)
 +        {
 +            super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
 +            this.client = client;
++            this.relay = relay;
 +        }
 +    }
diff --cc swfcat.as
index 1bb2ff5,4aa430b..dd2396d
--- a/swfcat.as
+++ b/swfcat.as
@@@ -5,64 -5,33 +5,56 @@@ packag
      import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
      import flash.text.TextField;
      import flash.text.TextFormat;
 -    import flash.net.Socket;
 -    import flash.net.URLLoader;
 -    import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
 -    import flash.net.URLRequest;
      import flash.events.Event;
 -    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
 -    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
 -    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
 -    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
      import flash.utils.setTimeout;
 +    import FacilitatorSocket;
 +    import events.FacilitatorSocketEvent;
 +    import ProxyPair;
 +    import RTMFPProxyPair;
 +    import SQSProxyPair;
 +    import TCPProxyPair;
 +    import rtmfp.CirrusSocket;
 +    import rtmfp.events.CirrusSocketEvent;
      public class swfcat extends Sprite
 +        /* Adobe's Cirrus server for RTMFP connections.
 +           The Cirrus key is defined at compile time by
 +           reading from the CIRRUS_KEY environment var. */
 +        private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_ADDR:String = "rtmfp://p2p.rtmfp.net";
 +        private const DEFAULT_CIRRUS_KEY:String = RTMFP::CIRRUS_KEY;
-         /* David's facilitator. */
          private const DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR:Object = {
-             host: "",
+             host: "tor-facilitator.bamsoftware.com",
              port: 9002
 -        private const MAX_NUM_PROXY_PAIRS:uint = 1;
 -        // Milliseconds.
 -        private const FACILITATOR_POLL_INTERVAL:int = 10000;
 -        // Bytes per second. Set to undefined to disable limit.
 -        public const RATE_LIMIT:Number = undefined;
 -        // Seconds.
 -        private const RATE_LIMIT_HISTORY:Number = 5.0;
 +        /* Default Tor client to use in case of RTMFP connection */
 +        private const DEFAULT_TOR_CLIENT_ADDR:Object = {
 +            host: "",
 +            port: 9002
 +        };
-         /* David's relay (nickname 3VXRyxz67OeRoqHn) that also serves a
-            crossdomain policy. */
-         private const DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR:Object = {
-             host: "",
-             port: 9001
-         };
 +        /* Poll facilitator every 10 sec */
 +        private const DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL:uint = 10000;
 +        // Socket to Cirrus server
 +        private var s_c:CirrusSocket;
 +        // Socket to facilitator.
 +        private var s_f:FacilitatorSocket;
 +        // Handle local-remote traffic
 +        private var p_p:ProxyPair;
 +        private var client_id:String;
 +        private var proxy_pair_factory:Function;
 +        private var proxy_pairs:Array;
 +        private var debug_mode:Boolean;
 +        private var proxy_mode:Boolean;
          /* TextField for debug output. */
          private var output_text:TextField;
@@@ -97,57 -133,24 +89,39 @@@
          private function loaderinfo_complete(e:Event):void
              var fac_spec:String;
 +            var relay_spec:String;
 -            puts("Parameters loaded.");
 -            if (this.loaderInfo.parameters["debug"])
 +            debug_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["debug"] != null)
 +            proxy_mode = (this.loaderInfo.parameters["proxy"] != null);
 +            if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode) {
 +                badge = new InternetFreedomBadge(this);
 +                badge.display();
 +            } else {
 +                output_text = new TextField();
 +                output_text.width = stage.stageWidth;
 +                output_text.height = stage.stageHeight;
 +                output_text.background = true;
 +                output_text.backgroundColor = 0x001f0f;
 +                output_text.textColor = 0x44cc44;
 -            else {
 -                addChild(new BadgeImage());
 -                /* Tried unsuccessfully to add counter to badge. */
 -                /* For now, need two addChilds :( */
 -                addChild(tot_client_count_tf);
 -                addChild(cur_client_count_tf);
 -            fac_addr = get_param_addr("facilitator", DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR);
 -            if (!fac_addr) {
 -                puts("Error: Facilitator spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
 -                return;
 +            puts("Starting: parameters loaded.");
 +            /* TODO: use this to have multiple proxies going at once */
 +            proxy_pairs = new Array();
 +            fac_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["facilitator"];
 +            if (fac_spec) {
 +                puts("Facilitator spec: \"" + fac_spec + "\"");
 +                fac_addr = parse_addr_spec(fac_spec);
 +                if (!fac_addr) {
 +                    puts("Error: Facilitator spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
 +                    return;
 +                }
 +            } else {
 +                fac_addr = DEFAULT_FACILITATOR_ADDR;
-             /* TODO: modify this for the client so that it can specify
-                a relay for the proxy to use */
-             relay_spec = this.loaderInfo.parameters["relay"];
-             if (relay_spec) {
-                 puts("Relay spec: \"" + relay_spec + "\"");
-                 relay_addr = parse_addr_spec(relay_spec);
-                 if (!relay_addr) {
-                     puts("Error: Relay spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
-                     return;
-                 }
-             } else {
-                 if (proxy_mode) {
-                     relay_addr = DEFAULT_TOR_RELAY_ADDR;
-                 } else {
-                     relay_addr = DEFAULT_TOR_CLIENT_ADDR;
-                 }
-             }
@@@ -155,132 -158,98 +129,134 @@@
          /* The main logic begins here, after start-up issues are taken care of. */
          private function main():void
 -            var fac_url:String;
 -            var loader:URLLoader;
 -            if (num_proxy_pairs >= MAX_NUM_PROXY_PAIRS) {
 -                setTimeout(main, FACILITATOR_POLL_INTERVAL);
 -                return;
 +            if (proxy_mode) {
 +                establish_facilitator_connection();
 +            } else {
 +                establish_cirrus_connection();
 +        }
 -            loader = new URLLoader();
 -            /* Get the x-www-form-urlencoded values. */
 -            loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
 -            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fac_complete);
 -            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (e:IOErrorEvent):void {
 -                puts("Facilitator: I/O error: " + e.text + ".");
 +        private function establish_cirrus_connection():void
 +        {
 +            s_c = new CirrusSocket();
 +            s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_SUCCESS, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
 +                puts("Cirrus: connected with id " + s_c.id + ".");
 +                if (proxy_mode) {
 +                    start_proxy_pair();
 +                    s_c.send_hello(client_id);
 +                } else {
 +                    establish_facilitator_connection();
 +                }
 -            loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function (e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
 -                puts("Facilitator: security error: " + e.text + ".");
 +            s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
 +                puts("Error: failed to connect to Cirrus.");
 -            fac_url = "http://" + encodeURIComponent(fac_addr.host)
 -                + ":" + encodeURIComponent(fac_addr.port) + "/";
 -            puts("Facilitator: connecting to " + fac_url + ".");
 -            loader.load(new URLRequest(fac_url));
 +            s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.CONNECT_CLOSED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
 +                puts("Cirrus: closed connection.");
 +            });
 +            s_c.addEventListener(CirrusSocketEvent.HELLO_RECEIVED, function (e:CirrusSocketEvent):void {
 +                puts("Cirrus: received hello from peer " + e.peer);
 +                /* don't bother if we already have a proxy going */
 +                if (p_p != null && p_p.connected) {
 +                    return;
 +                }
 +                /* if we're in proxy mode, we should have already set
 +                   up a proxy pair */
 +                if (!proxy_mode) {
++                    relay_addr = DEFAULT_TOR_CLIENT_ADDR;
 +                    proxy_pair_factory = rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory;
 +                    start_proxy_pair();
 +                    s_c.send_hello(e.peer);
 +                } else if (!debug_mode && badge != null) {
 +                    badge.total_proxy_pairs++;
 +                    badge.num_proxy_pairs++;
 +                }
 +                p_p.client = {peer: e.peer, stream: e.stream};
 +            });
 +            s_c.connect(DEFAULT_CIRRUS_ADDR, DEFAULT_CIRRUS_KEY);
 -        private function fac_complete(e:Event):void
 +        private function establish_facilitator_connection():void
 -            var loader:URLLoader;
 -            var client_spec:String;
 -            var client_addr:Object;
 -            var relay_spec:String;
 -            var relay_addr:Object;
 -            var proxy_pair:Object;
 -            setTimeout(main, FACILITATOR_POLL_INTERVAL);
 -            loader = e.target as URLLoader;
 -            client_spec = loader.data.client;
 -            if (client_spec == "") {
 -                puts("No clients.");
 -                return;
 -            } else if (!client_spec) {
 -                puts("Error: missing \"client\" in response.");
 -                return;
 -            }
 -            relay_spec = loader.data.relay;
 -            if (!relay_spec) {
 -                puts("Error: missing \"relay\" in response.");
 -                return;
 -            }
 -            puts("Facilitator: got client:\"" + client_spec + "\" "
 -                + "relay:\"" + relay_spec + "\".");
 -            client_addr = parse_addr_spec(client_spec);
 -            if (!client_addr) {
 -                puts("Error: Client spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
 -                return;
 -            }
 -            relay_addr = parse_addr_spec(relay_spec);
 -            if (!client_addr) {
 -                puts("Error: Relay spec must be in the form \"host:port\".");
 -                return;
 +            s_f = new FacilitatorSocket(fac_addr.host, fac_addr.port);
 +            s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.CONNECT_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
 +                puts("Facilitator: connect failed.");
 +                setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
 +            });
 +            if (proxy_mode) {
 +                s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, function (e:FacilitatorSocketEvent):void {
 +                    var client_addr:Object = parse_addr_spec(e.client);
++                    relay_addr = parse_addr_spec(e.relay);
 +                    if (client_addr == null) {
 +                        puts("Facilitator: got registration " + e.client);
 +                        proxy_pair_factory = rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory;
 +                        if (s_c == null || !s_c.connected) {
 +                            client_id = e.client;
 +                            establish_cirrus_connection();
 +                        } else {
 +                            start_proxy_pair();
 +                            s_c.send_hello(e.client);
 +                        }
 +                    } else {
 +                        proxy_pair_factory = tcp_proxy_pair_factory;
 +                        start_proxy_pair();
 +                        p_p.client = client_addr;
 +                    }
 +                });
 +                s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATIONS_EMPTY, function (e:Event):void {
 +                    puts("Facilitator: no registrations available.");
 +                    setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
 +                });
 +                puts("Facilitator: getting registration.");
 +                s_f.get_registration();
 +            } else {
 +                s_f.addEventListener(FacilitatorSocketEvent.REGISTRATION_FAILED, function (e:Event):void {
 +                    puts("Facilitator: registration failed.");
 +                    setTimeout(establish_facilitator_connection, DEFAULT_FAC_POLL_INTERVAL);
 +                });
 +                puts("Facilitator: posting registration.");
 +                s_f.post_registration(s_c.id);
 -            num_proxy_pairs++;
 -            total_proxy_pairs++;
 -            /* Update the client count on the badge. */
 -            update_client_count();
 -            proxy_pair = new ProxyPair(this, client_addr, relay_addr);
 -            proxy_pair.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {
 -                proxy_pair.log("Complete.");
 -                num_proxy_pairs--;
 -                /* Update the client count on the badge. */
 -                update_client_count();
 +        }
 +        private function start_proxy_pair():void
 +        {
 +            p_p = proxy_pair_factory();
 +            p_p.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function (e:Event):void {
 +                puts("ProxyPair: connected!");
 -            proxy_pair.connect();
 +            p_p.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function (e:Event):void {
 +                puts("ProxyPair: connection closed.");
 +                p_p = null;
 +                if (proxy_mode && !debug_mode && badge != null) {
 +                    badge.num_proxy_pairs--;
 +                }
 +                establish_facilitator_connection();
 +            });
 +            p_p.relay = relay_addr;
 +        }
 +        private function rtmfp_proxy_pair_factory():ProxyPair
 +        {
 +            return new RTMFPProxyPair(this, s_c, s_c.local_stream_name);
 +        }
 +        // currently is the same as TCPProxyPair
 +        // could be interesting to see how this works
 +        // can't imagine it will work terribly well...
 +        private function sqs_proxy_pair_factory():ProxyPair
 +        {
 +            return new SQSProxyPair(this);
 +        }
 +        private function tcp_proxy_pair_factory():ProxyPair
 +        {
 +            return new TCPProxyPair(this);
          /* Parse an address in the form "host:port". Returns an Object with

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