[or-cvs] [ernie/master] Reduce graph generation time from 5.2 to 3.4 seconds.

karsten at torproject.org karsten at torproject.org
Mon Jun 7 16:19:07 UTC 2010

Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing at gmx.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 18:13:48 +0200
Subject: Reduce graph generation time from 5.2 to 3.4 seconds.
Commit: 594228a0b2bb76f9f61736abe462b1eb7c86a618

ggsave() is known to be slow. Use the traditional png() and dev.off() to
store a graph to disk. This doesn't work inside functions, so get rid of
 R/consensus.R |   59 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/consensus.R b/R/consensus.R
index e07ffb3..6b57dc8 100755
--- a/R/consensus.R
+++ b/R/consensus.R
@@ -2,47 +2,28 @@ options(warn = -1)
 args <- commandArgs()
 days <- args[4]
 fname <- args[5]
-consensuses <- read.csv("/tmp/consensus-stats", header = TRUE,
+c <- read.csv("/tmp/consensus-stats", header = TRUE,
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
-consensuses <- consensuses[1:length(consensuses$date)-1,]
-plot_consensus <- function(directory, filename, title, limits, rows, breaks,
-    labels) {
-  c <- melt(consensuses[rows], id = "date")
-  ggplot(c, aes(x = as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d"), y = value,
-    colour = variable)) + geom_line() +
-    scale_x_date(name = "", limits = limits) +
-    scale_y_continuous(name = "",
-    limits = c(0, max(c$value, na.rm = TRUE))) +
-    scale_colour_hue("", breaks = breaks, labels = labels) +
-    opts(title = title)
-  ggsave(filename = filename,
-    width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 72)
-plot_pastdays <- function(directory, filenamePart, titlePart, days, rows,
-    breaks, labels) {
-  for (day in days) {
-    end <- Sys.Date()
-    start <- seq(from = end, length = 2, by = paste("-", day, " days",
-      sep = ""))[2]
-    plot_consensus(directory, filenamePart,
-      paste(titlePart, "(past", day, "days)\n"), c(start, end),
-      rows, breaks, labels)
-  }
-plot_current <- function(directory, filenamePart, titlePart, rows, breaks,
-    labels) {
-  plot_pastdays(directory, filenamePart, titlePart, as.numeric(days), rows,
-    breaks, labels)
-plot_current("", fname,
-  "Number of relays and bridges", c(1, 5, 7),
-  c("running", "brunning"), c("Relays", "Bridges"))
+c <- c[1:length(c$date)-1,c("date", "running", "brunning")]
+c <- melt(c, id = "date")
+day <- as.numeric(days)
+end <- Sys.Date()
+start <- seq(from = end, length = 2, by = paste("-", day, " days",
+    sep = ""))[2]
+limits <- c(start, end)
+png(filename = fname, unit = "in", width = 8, height = 5, res = 72)
+ggplot(c, aes(x = as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d"), y = value,
+  colour = variable)) + geom_line() +
+  scale_x_date(name = "", limits = limits) +
+  scale_y_continuous(name = "",
+  limits = c(0, max(c$value, na.rm = TRUE))) +
+  scale_colour_hue("", breaks = c("running", "brunning"),
+      labels = c("Relays", "Bridges")) +
+  opts(title = paste("Number of relays and bridges (past", day,
+      "days)\n"))

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