[or-cvs] r22728: {} Vastly improved consensus tracking script including: - much (arm/trunk/init)

Damian Johnson atagar1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 16:21:11 UTC 2010

Author: atagar
Date: 2010-07-30 16:21:11 +0000 (Fri, 30 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 22728

Vastly improved consensus tracking script including:
- much more readable and better summarized html emails
- attached tarball with the consensus additions
- tracking bandwidth along with counts
- breakdown of all relays (guards, middle hops, and exits)
- startup options are now cli parameters
- code's been cleaned up and commented

Copied: arm/trunk/init/consensusTracker.py (from rev 22646, arm/trunk/init/project113.py)
--- arm/trunk/init/consensusTracker.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ arm/trunk/init/consensusTracker.py	2010-07-30 16:21:11 UTC (rev 22728)
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# consensusTracker.py -- alerts for changes in the capacity of the tor network
+# Released under the GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
+Quick script for periodically checking relay count and bandwidth available on
+the tor network. This sends daily reports or alerts when changes breach a given
+threshold. Queries are done for each consensus, tracking stats for guards,
+middle hops, and exits separately.
+This determines if relays are new by checking if the fingerprint's ever been
+seen before, which can take quite some time to prepopulate from scratch (on the
+order of a month or so). Getting this information from karsten's metrics
+project can greatly bootstrap this.
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import tarfile
+import getopt
+import getpass
+import smtplib
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+from email import Encoders
+sys.path[0] = sys.path[0][:-5]
+from TorCtl import TorCtl
+# TODO: remove arm dependency, pending:
+# https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1737
+import util.torTools
+# enums representing different poritons of the tor network
+# defaut overwrites
+DEFAULT_FINGERPRINTS = "./fingerprints"
+DEFAULT_NS_OUTPUT = "./newRelays"
+# thresholds at which alerts are sent for relay counts
+HOURLY_BW_THRESHOLD = 10485760 # TODO: not yet sure what to set this to... trying 10 Mbit/s
+OPT = "g:t:f:n:qh"
+OPT_EXPANDED = ["gmail=", "to=", "fingerprints=", "nsOutput=", "quiet", "help"]
+HELP_MSG = """Usage consensusTracker.py [OPTION]
+Provides alerts for sharp changes in the size and capacity of the tor network.
+  -g, --gmail GMAIL_ADDRESS     account used to send email alerts%s
+  -t, --to EMAIL_ADDRESS        destination of email alerts%s
+  -f, --fingerprints FP_FILE    location with which fingerprints are persisted%s
+  -n, --nsOutput NS_OUTPUT_DIR  path to which to save ns entries for new relays%s
+  -q, --quiet                   skips summary output from going to stdout
+  -h, --help                    presents this help
+FP_WRITE_FAIL_MSG = "Unable to access '%s', fingerprints won't be persisted"
+def sendViaGmail(gmailAccount, gmailPassword, toAddress, subject, msgText, msgHtml, attachment = None):
+  """
+  Sends an email via gmail, returning if successful or not.
+  Arguments:
+    gmailAccount  - gmail account to be used (ex, "myname at gmail.com")
+    gmailPassword - gmail password
+    toAddress     - address email should be sent to
+    subject       - email subject
+    msg           - email body text
+    attachment    - path to file being attached
+  """
+  mimeMsg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+  mimeMsg['Subject'] = subject
+  mimeMsg['From'] = gmailAccount
+  mimeMsg['To'] = toAddress
+  if attachment:
+    part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
+    part.set_payload(open(attachment, "rb").read())
+    Encoders.encode_base64(part)
+    part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(attachment))
+    mimeMsg.attach(part)
+  mimeMsg.attach(MIMEText(msgText, 'plain'))
+  mimeMsg.attach(MIMEText(msgHtml, 'html'))
+  # send the message via the gmail SMTP server
+  try:
+    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com:587')
+    server.starttls()
+    server.login(gmailAccount, gmailPassword)
+    server.sendmail(gmailAccount, [toAddress], mimeMsg.as_string())
+    server.quit()
+    return True
+  except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
+    return False
+def isExit(conn, nsEntry, default=False):
+  """
+  Returns if the nsEntry permits exit traffic or not. If unable to fetch the
+  descriptor then this provides the default.
+  Arguments:
+  nsEntry - NetworkStatus entry for the relay
+  default - results if the descriptor is unavailable
+  """
+  queryParam = "desc/id/%s" % nsEntry.idhex
+  try:
+    descEntry = conn.get_info(queryParam)[queryParam]
+    # returns true if any accept is available before the reject-all (this errors
+    # on the side of inclusiveness)
+    for line in descEntry.split("\n"):
+      if line == "reject *:*": return False
+      elif line.startswith("accept"): return True
+  except TorCtl.ErrorReply: return default
+def getNextConsensus(conn, oldValidAfterDate, sleepTime = 300):
+  """
+  This blocks until there's a new consensus available, providing the tuple of
+  the new valid after date and the new consensus.
+  Arguments:
+    oldValidAfterDate - previous valid-after date, providing the first
+                        consensus if None
+    sleepTime         - time to wait if a new consensus is unavailable
+  """
+  # periodically checks for a new consensus
+  while True:
+    try:
+      newConsensus = conn.get_info("dir/status-vote/current/consensus")["dir/status-vote/current/consensus"]
+      # checks if it's new (ie, the valid-after date has changed)
+      newValidAfterDate = None
+      for line in newConsensus.split("\n"):
+        if line.startswith("valid-after"):
+          newValidAfterDate = line[12:]
+          break
+      if not newValidAfterDate:
+        # consensus doesn't have a valid-after date... wtf?
+        print "Read consensus without a valid-after date. This really shouldn't happen so giving up."
+        sys.exit(1)
+      if oldValidAfterDate and oldValidAfterDate == newValidAfterDate:
+        time.sleep(sleepTime) # consensus hasn't changed
+      else:
+        return (newConsensus, newValidAfterDate) # consensus has changed
+    except TorCtl.ErrorReply:
+      print "Failed to fetch current consensus, waiting and trying again"
+      time.sleep(sleepTime)
+    except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
+      print "Connection to tor is closed"
+      sys.exit()
+def getSizeLabel(bits, decimal = 0):
+  """
+  Converts byte count into label in its most significant units, for instance
+  7500 bytes would return "56 KBits".
+  """
+  format = "%%.%if" % decimal
+  if bits >= 1073741824: return (format + " GBit/s") % (bits / 1073741824.0)
+  elif bits >= 1048576: return (format + " MBit/s") % (bits / 1048576.0)
+  elif bits >= 1024: return (format + " KBit/s") % (bits / 1024.0)
+  else: return "%i bits/s" % bits
+class Sampling:
+  """
+  Consensus attributes for a given time period we're concerned with for
+  generating alerts.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, conn, validAfter, allRelays, newRelays):
+    """
+    Creates a new sampling.
+    Arguments:
+      validAfter - consensus' starting date (ex. "2010-07-18 10:00:00")
+      allRelays  - listing of all ns entries in the consensus
+      newRelays  - listing of ns entries with a fingerprint we haven't seen
+                   before
+    """
+    self.validAfter = validAfter
+    # constructs mappings of relayType -> [nsEntry list]
+    self.allRelays = dict([(relayType, []) for relayType in types])
+    self.newRelays = dict([(relayType, []) for relayType in types])
+    for uncategorized, categorized in ((allRelays, self.allRelays), (newRelays, self.newRelays)):
+      for nsEntry in uncategorized:
+        relayType = RELAY_MIDDLE
+        if isExit(conn, nsEntry): relayType = RELAY_EXIT
+        elif "Guard" in nsEntry.flags: relayType = RELAY_GUARD
+        categorized[relayType].append(nsEntry)
+  def getValidAfter(self):
+    return self.validAfter
+  def getCount(self, relayType, newOnly=True):
+    if newOnly: return len(self.newRelays[relayType])
+    else: return len(self.allRelays[relayType])
+  def getCounts(self, newOnly=True):
+    guardCount = self.getCount(RELAY_GUARD, newOnly)
+    middleCount = self.getCount(RELAY_MIDDLE, newOnly)
+    exitCount = self.getCount(RELAY_EXIT, newOnly)
+    return (guardCount, middleCount, exitCount)
+  # TODO: Descriptor bandwidths (ie, the observed bandwidth) tend to be a 
+  # better metric since they aren't tampered by the bandwidth authorities.
+  def getBandwidth(self, relayType, newOnly=True):
+    totalBandwidth = 0
+    relaySet = self.newRelays[relayType] if newOnly else self.allRelays[relayType]
+    for nsEntry in relaySet:
+      if nsEntry.bandwidth: totalBandwidth += nsEntry.bandwidth
+    return totalBandwidth
+  def getTotalBandwidth(self, newOnly=True):
+    totalBandwidth = 0
+    totalBandwidth = self.getBandwidth(RELAY_GUARD, newOnly)
+    totalBandwidth += self.getBandwidth(RELAY_MIDDLE, newOnly)
+    totalBandwidth += self.getBandwidth(RELAY_EXIT, newOnly)
+    return totalBandwidth
+  def getSummary(self):
+    """
+    Provides a single line summary like:
+    2010-07-18 10:00:00 - 941/1732/821 relays (8/12/4 are new, 153 MB added bandwidth)
+    """
+    relayCounts = "%i/%i/%i relays" % (self.getCounts(False))
+    newRelayCounts = "%i/%i/%i are new" % (self.getCounts(True))
+    newBandwidth = getSizeLabel(self.getTotalBandwidth())
+    return "%s - %s (%s, %s added bandwidth)" % (self.getValidAfter(), relayCounts, newRelayCounts, newBandwidth)
+def monitorConsensus():
+  gmailAccount, gmailPassword = DEFAULT_GMAIL_ACCOUNT, ""
+  seenFingerprintsPath = DEFAULT_FINGERPRINTS
+  nsOutputPath = DEFAULT_NS_OUTPUT
+  isQuiet = False
+  # parses user input, noting any issues
+  try:
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], OPT, OPT_EXPANDED)
+  except getopt.GetoptError, exc:
+    print str(exc) + " (for usage provide --help)"
+    sys.exit()
+  for opt, arg in opts:
+    if opt in ("-g", "--gmail"): gmailAccount = arg
+    elif opt in ("-t", "--to"): toAddress = arg
+    elif opt in ("-f", "--fingerprints"): seenFingerprintsPath = arg
+    elif opt in ("-n", "--nsOutput"): nsOutputPath = arg
+    elif opt in ("-q", "--quiet"): isQuiet = True
+    elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+      # notes default values if they exist
+      gmailAcctLabel = " (%s)" % gmailAccount if gmailAccount else ""
+      toAddrLabel = " (%s)" % toAddress if toAddress else ""
+      seenFpLabel = " (%s)" % seenFingerprintsPath if seenFingerprintsPath else ""
+      nsOutputLabel = " (%s)" % nsOutputPath if nsOutputPath else ""
+      print HELP_MSG % (gmailAcctLabel, toAddrLabel, seenFpLabel, nsOutputLabel)
+      sys.exit()
+  # ns output path is a directory, and later expected to end with a slash
+  if nsOutputPath and not nsOutputPath.endswith("/"):
+    nsOutputPath += "/"
+  # fetches gmail password if we're sending email alerts
+  isEmailUsed = gmailAccount and toAddress
+  if isEmailUsed: gmailPassword = getpass.getpass("GMail Password: ")
+  # get a control port connection
+  conn = util.torTools.connect()
+  if conn == None:
+    print "Unable to connect to control port"
+    sys.exit(1)
+  # prepopulate seenFingerprints with past entries if available
+  seenFingerprints = set()
+  if seenFingerprintsPath and os.path.exists(seenFingerprintsPath):
+    try:
+      seenFingerprintsFile = open(seenFingerprintsPath, "r")
+      for entry in seenFingerprintsFile:
+        seenFingerprints.add(entry.upper().strip())
+      seenFingerprintsFile.close()
+    except IOError:
+      print "Unable to prepopulate fingerprints from %s" % seenFingerprintsPath
+  seenFingerprintsFile = None
+  if seenFingerprintsPath:
+    try: seenFingerprintsFile = open(seenFingerprintsPath, "a")
+    except IOError: print FP_WRITE_FAIL_MSG % seenFingerprintsPath
+  tick = 0 # number of consensuses processed
+  samplings = []
+  validAfterDate = None # the 'valid-after' time of the last consensus we've processed
+  while True:
+    tick += 1
+    # fetches the consensus, blocking until a new one's available
+    newConsensus, validAfterDate = getNextConsensus(conn, validAfterDate)
+    nsEntries = TorCtl.parse_ns_body(newConsensus)
+    # determines which entries are new and records the seen fingerprints
+    newEntries = []
+    for nsEntry in nsEntries:
+      if not nsEntry.idhex in seenFingerprints:
+        newEntries.append(nsEntry)
+        seenFingerprints.add(nsEntry.idhex)
+        if seenFingerprintsFile:
+          try:
+            seenFingerprintsFile.write(nsEntry.idhex + "\n")
+          except IOError:
+            print FP_WRITE_FAIL_MSG % seenFingerprintsPath
+            seenFingerprintsFile = None
+    newSampling = Sampling(conn, validAfterDate, nsEntries, newEntries)
+    # check if we broke any thresholds (currently just checking hourly exit stats)
+    countAlert = newSampling.getCount(RELAY_EXIT, True) > HOURLY_COUNT_THRESHOLD
+    bwAlert = newSampling.getBandwidth(RELAY_EXIT, True) > HOURLY_BW_THRESHOLD
+    samplings.insert(0, newSampling)
+    if len(samplings) > 168: samplings.pop()
+    # writes new ns entries
+    if nsOutputPath:
+      nsContents = ""
+      entryDir = nsOutputPath + newSampling.getValidAfter().split(" ")[0] + "/"
+      entryFilename = newSampling.getValidAfter().split(" ")[1] + ".txt"
+      for label, relayType in (("Exits:", RELAY_EXIT), ("Middle:", RELAY_MIDDLE), ("Guards:", RELAY_GUARD)):
+        nsContents += label + "\n"
+        nsContents += "-" * 40 + "\n"
+        for nsEntry in newSampling.newRelays[relayType]:
+          nsContents += "%s (%s:%s)\n" % (nsEntry.idhex, nsEntry.ip, nsEntry.orport)
+          nsContents += "    nickname: %s\n    flags: %s\n\n" % (nsEntry.nickname, ", ".join(nsEntry.flags))
+      try:
+        # make ns entries directory if it doesn't already exist
+        if not os.path.exists(entryDir): os.makedirs(entryDir)
+        # creates subdirectory for each date, then file named after the time
+        nsFile = open(entryDir + entryFilename, "w")
+        nsFile.write(nsContents)
+        nsFile.close()
+      except IOError:
+        print "Unable to access '%s', network status summaries won't be persisted" % (entryDir + entryFilename)
+        nsOutputPath = None
+    # prints results to terminal, ex:
+    # 7. 2010-07-18 10:00:00 - 941/1732/821 relays (8/12/4 are new, 153 MB / 215 MB / 48 MB added bandwidth)
+    if not isQuiet:
+      print "%i. %s" % (tick, newSampling.getSummary())
+      if countAlert: print "  *count threshold broken*"
+      if bwAlert: print "  *bandwidth threshold broken*"
+    if countAlert or bwAlert or (tick % 24 == 0):
+      currentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(time.time()))
+      currentDate = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(time.time()))
+      if countAlert:
+        subject = "Alert: Relay Count Threshold Broken"
+        noticeBody = "The relay count threshold was broken today at %s (%s) with the addition of %i new exits (the current threshold is set at %i)."
+        noticeMsg = noticeBody % (currentTime, currentDate, newSampling.getCount(RELAY_EXIT), HOURLY_COUNT_THRESHOLD)
+      elif bwAlert:
+        subject = "Alert: Relay Bandwidth Threshold Broken"
+        noticeBody = "The relay bandwidth threshold was broken today at %s (%s) with the addition of %s of new exit capacity (the current threshold is set at %i)."
+        noticeMsg = noticeBody % (currentTime, currentDate, getSizeLabel(newSampling.getBandwidth(RELAY_EXIT)), getSizeLabel(HOURLY_BW_THRESHOLD))
+      else:
+        subject = "Daily Consensus Report for %s" % currentDate
+        noticeMsg = "At present there's no breaches to report. See below for a summary of consensus additions."
+      greetingMsg = "Greetings from your friendly consensus monitoring daemon. %s" % noticeMsg
+      # constructs the plain text message
+      msgText = greetingMsg + "\n"
+      msgText += "-" * 80 + "\n\n"
+      for sampling in samplings:
+        msgText += sampling.getSummary() + "\n"
+      # constructs the html message
+      msgHtml = """<html>
+  <head></head>
+  <body>
+    <p>%s</p>
+    <hr />
+    <table border="1">
+      <tr>
+        <td></td>
+        <td colspan="3" bgcolor="green"><b>Guards</b></td>
+        <td colspan="3" bgcolor="yellow"><b>Middle-Only</b></td>
+        <td colspan="3" bgcolor="red"><b>Exits</b></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><b>Date:</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="green"><b>Count:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="green"><b>New:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="green"><b>Bandwidth:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="yellow"><b>Count:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="yellow"><b>New:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="yellow"><b>Bandwidth:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="red"><b>Count:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="red"><b>New:&nbsp;</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="red"><b>Bandwidth:&nbsp;</b></td>
+      </tr>
+""" % greetingMsg
+      dailyCellEntry = """
+      <tr>
+        <td>%s</td>
+        <td bgcolor="#44FF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#44FF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#44FF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FFFF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FFFF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FFFF44"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FF4444"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FF4444"><b>%s</b></td>
+        <td bgcolor="#FF4444"><b>%s</b></td>
+      </tr>
+      hourlyCellEntry = dailyCellEntry.replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "").replace("44", "88")
+      # make a mapping of date => [samplings]
+      datesToSamplings = {}
+      for sampling in samplings:
+        consensusDate = sampling.getValidAfter().split(" ")[0]
+        if consensusDate in datesToSamplings:
+          datesToSamplings[consensusDate].append(sampling)
+        else:
+          datesToSamplings[consensusDate] = [sampling]
+      dates = list(datesToSamplings.keys())
+      dates.sort()
+      for date in dates:
+        # stores to get the daily sums later
+        gCounts, gNew, gBw = [], [], []
+        mCounts, mNew, mBw = [], [], []
+        eCounts, eNew, eBw = [], [], []
+        hourlyEntries = ""
+        for sampling in datesToSamplings[date]:
+          consensusTime = sampling.getValidAfter().split(" ")[1]
+          gCounts.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_GUARD, False))
+          gNew.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_GUARD))
+          gBw.append(sampling.getBandwidth(RELAY_GUARD))
+          mCounts.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_MIDDLE, False))
+          mNew.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_MIDDLE))
+          mBw.append(sampling.getBandwidth(RELAY_MIDDLE))
+          eCounts.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_EXIT, False))
+          eNew.append(sampling.getCount(RELAY_EXIT))
+          eBw.append(sampling.getBandwidth(RELAY_EXIT))
+          hourlyEntries += hourlyCellEntry % (consensusTime, gCounts[-1], gNew[-1], getSizeLabel(gBw[-1]), mCounts[-1], mNew[-1], getSizeLabel(mBw[-1]), eCounts[-1], eNew[-1], getSizeLabel(eBw[-1]))
+        # append daily summary then hourly entries
+        msgHtml += dailyCellEntry % (date, sum(gCounts), sum(gNew), getSizeLabel(sum(gBw)), sum(mCounts), sum(mNew), getSizeLabel(sum(mBw)), sum(eCounts), sum(eNew), getSizeLabel(sum(eBw)))
+        msgHtml += hourlyEntries
+      msgHtml += """    </table>
+  </body>
+      # creates a tarball with the ns entries directory
+      attachment = None
+      if nsOutputPath:
+        try:
+          t = tarfile.open(nsOutputPath[:-1] + ".tar.gz", mode = 'w:gz')
+          t.add(nsOutputPath)
+          t.close()
+          attachment = nsOutputPath[:-1] + ".tar.gz"
+        except IOError:
+          print "Unable to email archive with new relays."
+      sendViaGmail(gmailAccount, gmailPassword, toAddress, subject, msgText, msgHtml, attachment)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  monitorConsensus()

Deleted: arm/trunk/init/project113.py
--- arm/trunk/init/project113.py	2010-07-30 14:44:09 UTC (rev 22727)
+++ arm/trunk/init/project113.py	2010-07-30 16:21:11 UTC (rev 22728)
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-Quick, little script for periodically checking the relay count in the
-consensus. Queries are done every couple hours and this sends an email notice
-if it changes dramatically throughout the week.
-# TODO: this whole script is experimental and should be rewritten once we
-# figure out what works best...
-# TODO: save fingerprints to file so it's preserved between runs... maybe logs too
-import sys
-import time
-import getpass
-import smtplib
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-sys.path[0] = sys.path[0][:-5]
-from TorCtl import TorCtl
-import util.torTools
-SAMPLING_INTERVAL = 7200 # two hours
-ALERT_HOURLY_DROP = False # sends alert for hourly network shrinking if true
-# size of change (+/-) at which an alert is sent
-# location from which to fetch newline separated listing of existing fingerprints
-FINGERPRINTS_PREPOPULATE = "./fingerprints_out"
-# location to which seen fingerprints are saved
-FINGERPRINTS_STORE = "./fingerprints_out"
-def sendAlert(msg):
-  mimeMsg = MIMEText(msg)
-  mimeMsg['Subject'] = "Tor Relay Threshold Alert"
-  mimeMsg['From'] = USERNAME
-  mimeMsg['To'] = RECEIVER
-  # Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
-  # envelope header.
-  try:
-    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com:587')
-    server.starttls()
-    server.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
-    server.sendmail(USERNAME, [RECEIVER], mimeMsg.as_string())
-    server.quit()
-  except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
-    print "Failed to sent alert"
-def getCount(conn):
-  nsEntries = conn.get_network_status()
-  return len(nsEntries)
-def getExits(conn):
-  # provides ns entries associated with exit relays
-  exitEntries = []
-  for nsEntry in conn.get_network_status():
-    queryParam = "desc/id/%s" % nsEntry.idhex
-    try:
-      descEntry = conn.get_info(queryParam)[queryParam]
-    except TorCtl.ErrorReply:
-      descEntry = ""
-    isExit = False
-    for line in descEntry.split("\n"):
-      if line == "reject *:*": break # reject all before any accept entries
-      elif line.startswith("accept"):
-        # Guess this to be an exit (erroring on the side of inclusiveness)
-        isExit = True
-        break
-    if isExit: exitEntries.append(nsEntry)
-  return exitEntries
-def getNewExits(newEntries):
-  # provides relays that have never been seen before
-  diffMapping = dict([(entry.idhex, entry) for entry in newEntries])
-  for fingerprint in SEEN_FINGERPRINTS:
-    if fingerprint in diffMapping.keys(): del diffMapping[fingerprint]
-  return diffMapping.values()
-def getExitsDiff(newEntries, oldEntries):
-  # provides relays in newEntries but not oldEntries
-  diffMapping = dict([(entry.idhex, entry) for entry in newEntries])
-  for entry in oldEntries:
-    if entry.idhex in diffMapping.keys(): del diffMapping[entry.idhex]
-  return diffMapping.values()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  if not PASSWORD: PASSWORD = getpass.getpass("GMail Password: ")
-  conn = util.torTools.connect()
-  counts = [] # has entries for up to the past week
-  newCounts = [] # parallel listing for new entries added on each time period
-  nsEntries = [] # parallel listing for exiting ns entries
-  newExitListings = []
-  lastQuery = 0
-  tick = 0
-  # prepopulates existing fingerprints
-    prepopulateFile = open(FINGERPRINTS_PREPOPULATE, "r")
-    for entry in prepopulateFile:
-      SEEN_FINGERPRINTS.add(entry.upper().strip())
-      #if fpFile and FINGERPRINTS_PREPOPULATE != FINGERPRINTS_STORE: fpFile.write(entry.upper())
-    prepopulateFile.close()
-  fpFile = None
-  while True:
-    tick += 1
-    # sleep for a couple hours
-    while time.time() < (lastQuery + SAMPLING_INTERVAL):
-      sleepTime = max(1, SAMPLING_INTERVAL - (time.time() - lastQuery))
-      time.sleep(sleepTime)
-    # adds new count to the beginning
-    exitEntries = getExits(conn)
-    newExitEntries = getNewExits(exitEntries)
-    count = len(exitEntries)
-    newCount = len(newExitEntries)
-    counts.insert(0, count)
-    newCounts.insert(0, newCount)
-    nsEntries.insert(0, exitEntries)
-    newExitListings.insert(0, newExitEntries)
-    if len(counts) > 84:
-      counts.pop()
-      newCounts.pop()
-      nsEntries.pop()
-      newExitListings.pop()
-    # check if we broke any thresholds (alert at the lowest increment)
-    alarmHourly, alarmDaily, alarmWeekly = False, False, False
-    if len(counts) >= 2:
-      #if ALERT_HOURLY_DROP: alarmHourly = abs(count - counts[1]) >= BIHOURLY_THRESHOLD
-      #else: alarmHourly = count - counts[1] >= BIHOURLY_THRESHOLD
-      alarmHourly = newCount >= BIHOURLY_THRESHOLD
-    #if len(counts) >= 3:
-    #  dayMin, dayMax = min(counts[:12]), max(counts[:12])
-    #  alarmDaily = (dayMax - dayMin) > DAILY_THRESHOLD
-    #if len(counts) >= 12:
-    #  weekMin, weekMax = min(counts), max(counts)
-    #  alarmWeekly = (weekMax - weekMin) > WEEKLY_THRESHOLD
-    # notes entry on terminal
-    lastQuery = time.time()
-    timeLabel = time.strftime("%H:%M %m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(lastQuery))
-    print "%s - %s exits (%s new)" % (timeLabel, count, newCount)
-    # add all new fingerprints to seen set
-    for entry in nsEntries[0]:
-      SEEN_FINGERPRINTS.add(entry.idhex)
-      if fpFile: fpFile.write(entry.idhex + "\n")
-    # sends a notice with counts for the last week
-    if alarmHourly or alarmDaily or alarmWeekly or (tick % 12 == 0):
-      if alarmHourly: threshold = "hourly"
-      elif alarmDaily: threshold = "daily"
-      elif alarmWeekly: threshold = "weekly"
-      else: threshold = "no"
-      msg = "%s threshold broken\n" % threshold
-      msg += "\nexit counts:\n"
-      entryTime = lastQuery
-      for i in range(len(counts)):
-        countEntry, newCountEntry = counts[i], newCounts[i]
-        timeLabel = time.strftime("%H:%M %m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(entryTime))
-        msg += "%s - %i (%i new)\n" % (timeLabel, countEntry, newCountEntry)
-        entryTime -= SAMPLING_INTERVAL
-      msg += "\nnew exits (hourly):\n"
-      for entry in newExitEntries:
-        msg += "%s (%s:%s)\n" % (entry.idhex, entry.ip, entry.orport)
-        msg += "    nickname: %s\n    flags: %s\n\n" % (entry.nickname, ", ".join(entry.flags))
-      if len(counts) >= 12:
-        msg += "\nnew exits (daily):\n"
-        entryTime = lastQuery
-        for i in range(len(newExitListings)):
-          exitListing = newExitListings[i]
-          timeLabel = time.strftime("%H:%M %m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(entryTime))
-          msg += "entries for %s\n" % timeLabel
-          for entry in exitListing:
-            msg += "%s (%s:%s)\n" % (entry.idhex, entry.ip, entry.orport)
-            msg += "    nickname: %s\n    flags: %s\n\n" % (entry.nickname, ", ".join(entry.flags))
-          entryTime -= SAMPLING_INTERVAL
-        #entriesDiff = getExitsDiff(nsEntries[0], nsEntries[11])
-        #for entry in entriesDiff:
-        #  msg += "%s (%s:%s)\n" % (entry.idhex, entry.ip, entry.orport)
-        #  msg += "    nickname: %s\n    flags: %s\n\n" % (entry.nickname, ", ".join(entry.flags))
-      #if len(counts) >= 48:
-      #  # require at least four days of data
-      #  msg += "\nnew exits (weekly):\n"
-      #  entriesDiff = getExitsDiff(nsEntries[0], nsEntries[-1])
-      #  for entry in entriesDiff:
-      #    msg += "%s (%s:%s)\n" % (entry.idhex, entry.ip, entry.orport)
-      #    msg += "    nickname: %s\n    flags: %s\n\n" % (entry.nickname, ", ".join(entry.flags))
-      sendAlert(msg)
-      # clears entries so we don't repeatidly send alarms for the same event
-      if alarmDaily: del counts[2:]
-      elif alarmWeekly: del counts[12:]

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