[or-cvs] [ernie/master] Add consensus health web page.

karsten at torproject.org karsten at torproject.org
Thu Apr 15 23:08:50 UTC 2010

Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing at gmx.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:08:25 +0200
Subject: Add consensus health web page.
Commit: 7037ef309351fceed9cf9de7e74fca2795f0320f

 config                          |    4 +
 src/Configuration.java          |   11 +-
 src/ConsensusHealthChecker.java |  441 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/Main.java                   |   17 ++-
 src/RelayDescriptorParser.java  |   17 ++-
 5 files changed, 481 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ConsensusHealthChecker.java

diff --git a/config b/config
index 1581a09..967403e 100644
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@
 ## JDBC string for relay descriptor database
 #RelayDescriptorDatabaseJDBC jdbc:postgresql://localhost/tordir?user=ernie&password=password
+## Write statistics about the current consensus and votes to the
+## website
+#WriteConsensusHealth 0
 ## Write sanitized bridges to disk
 #WriteSanitizedBridges 0
diff --git a/src/Configuration.java b/src/Configuration.java
index 9bb8bb6..1db6f28 100644
--- a/src/Configuration.java
+++ b/src/Configuration.java
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ public class Configuration {
   private String geoIPDatabasesDirectory = "geoipdb/";
   private boolean downloadGeoIPDatabase = false;
   private String maxmindLicenseKey = "";
+  private boolean writeConsensusHealth = false;
   public Configuration() {
     /* Initialize logger. */
@@ -191,6 +192,9 @@ public class Configuration {
               line.split(" ")[1]) != 0;
         } else if (line.startsWith("MaxmindLicenseKey")) {
           this.maxmindLicenseKey = line.split(" ")[1];
+        } else if (line.startsWith("WriteConsensusHealth")) {
+          this.writeConsensusHealth = Integer.parseInt(
+              line.split(" ")[1]) != 0;
         } else {
           logger.severe("Configuration file contains unrecognized "
               + "configuration key in line '" + line + "'! Exiting!");
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ public class Configuration {
         !this.writeRelayDescriptorDatabase &&
         !this.writeSanitizedBridges && !this.writeConsensusStats &&
         !this.writeDirreqStats && !this.writeBridgeStats &&
-        !this.writeServerDescriptorStats) {
+        !this.writeServerDescriptorStats && !this.writeConsensusHealth) {
       logger.warning("We have not been configured to read data from any "
           + "data source or write data to any data sink. You need to "
           + "edit your config file (" + configFile.getAbsolutePath()
@@ -238,7 +242,7 @@ public class Configuration {
         !(this.writeDirectoryArchives ||
         this.writeRelayDescriptorDatabase || this.writeConsensusStats ||
         this.writeDirreqStats || this.writeBridgeStats ||
-        this.writeServerDescriptorStats)) {
+        this.writeServerDescriptorStats || this.writeConsensusHealth)) {
       logger.warning("We are configured to import/download relay "
           + "descriptors, but we don't have a single data sink to write "
           + "relay descriptors to.");
@@ -376,5 +380,8 @@ public class Configuration {
   public String getMaxmindLicenseKey() {
     return this.maxmindLicenseKey;
+  public boolean getWriteConsensusHealth() {
+    return this.writeConsensusHealth;
+  }
diff --git a/src/ConsensusHealthChecker.java b/src/ConsensusHealthChecker.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62e0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ConsensusHealthChecker.java
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+import java.io.*;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.*;
+ * TODO Possible extensions:
+ * - Include consensus signatures and tell by which Tor versions the
+ *   consensus will be accepted (and by which not)
+ */
+public class ConsensusHealthChecker {
+  private String mostRecentValidAfterTime = null;
+  private byte[] mostRecentConsensus = null;
+  private SortedMap<String, byte[]> mostRecentVotes =
+        new TreeMap<String, byte[]>();
+  public void processConsensus(String validAfterTime, byte[] data) {
+    if (this.mostRecentValidAfterTime == null ||
+        this.mostRecentValidAfterTime.compareTo(validAfterTime) < 0) {
+      this.mostRecentValidAfterTime = validAfterTime;
+      this.mostRecentVotes.clear();
+      this.mostRecentConsensus = data;
+    }
+  }
+  public void processVote(String validAfterTime, String dirSource,
+      byte[] data) {
+    if (this.mostRecentValidAfterTime == null ||
+        this.mostRecentValidAfterTime.compareTo(validAfterTime) < 0) {
+      this.mostRecentValidAfterTime = validAfterTime;
+      this.mostRecentVotes.clear();
+      this.mostRecentConsensus = null;
+    }
+    if (this.mostRecentValidAfterTime.equals(validAfterTime)) {
+      this.mostRecentVotes.put(dirSource, data);
+    }
+  }
+  public void writeStatusWebsite() {
+    /* If we don't have any consensus, we cannot write useful consensus
+     * health information to the website. Do not overwrite existing page
+     * with a warning, because we might just not have learned about a new
+     * consensus in this execution. */
+    if (this.mostRecentConsensus == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Prepare parsing dates. */
+    SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat =
+        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+    dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+    StringBuilder knownFlagsResults = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder consensusMethodsResults = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder versionsResults = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder paramsResults = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder authorityKeysResults = new StringBuilder();
+    StringBuilder bandwidthScannersResults = new StringBuilder();
+    /* Read consensus and parse all information that we want to compare to
+     * votes. */
+    String consensusConsensusMethod = null, consensusKnownFlags = null,
+        consensusClientVersions = null, consensusServerVersions = null,
+        consensusParams = null;
+    Scanner s = new Scanner(new String(this.mostRecentConsensus));
+    while (s.hasNextLine()) {
+      String line = s.nextLine();
+      if (line.startsWith("consensus-method ")) {
+        consensusConsensusMethod = line;
+      } else if (line.startsWith("client-versions ")) {
+        consensusClientVersions = line;
+      } else if (line.startsWith("server-versions ")) {
+        consensusServerVersions = line;
+      } else if (line.startsWith("known-flags ")) {
+        consensusKnownFlags = line;
+      } else if (line.startsWith("params ")) {
+        consensusParams = line;
+      }
+    }
+    s.close();
+    /* Read votes and parse all information to compare with the
+     * consensus. */
+    for (byte[] voteBytes : this.mostRecentVotes.values()) {
+      String voteConsensusMethods = null, voteKnownFlags = null,
+          voteClientVersions = null, voteServerVersions = null,
+          voteParams = null, voteDirSourceLine = null,
+          voteDirKeyExpires = null;
+      int voteContainsBandwidthWeights = 0;
+      s = new Scanner(new String(voteBytes));
+      while (s.hasNextLine()) {
+        String line = s.nextLine();
+        if (line.startsWith("consensus-methods ")) {
+          voteConsensusMethods = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("client-versions ")) {
+          voteClientVersions = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("server-versions ")) {
+          voteServerVersions = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("known-flags ")) {
+          voteKnownFlags = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("params ")) {
+          voteParams = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("dir-source ")) {
+          voteDirSourceLine = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("dir-key-expires ")) {
+          voteDirKeyExpires = line;
+        } else if (line.startsWith("w ")) {
+          if (line.contains(" Measured")) {
+            voteContainsBandwidthWeights++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      s.close();
+      /* Remember authority nickname. */
+      String dirSource = voteDirSourceLine.split(" ")[1];
+      /* Write known flags. */
+      knownFlagsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+          + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+          + "            <td>" + voteKnownFlags + "</td>\n"
+          + "          </tr>\n");
+      /* Write supported consensus methods. */
+      if (!voteConsensusMethods.contains(consensusConsensusMethod.
+          split(" ")[1])) {
+        consensusMethodsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">" + dirSource
+              + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">"
+              + voteConsensusMethods + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        consensusMethodsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+               + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+               + "            <td>" + voteConsensusMethods + "</td>\n"
+               + "          </tr>\n");
+      }
+      /* Write recommended versions. */
+      if (voteClientVersions == null) {
+        /* Not a versioning authority. */
+      } else if (!voteClientVersions.equals(consensusClientVersions)) {
+        versionsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">" + dirSource
+              + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">"
+              + voteClientVersions + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        versionsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + voteClientVersions + "</td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      }
+      if (voteServerVersions == null) {
+        /* Not a versioning authority. */
+      } else if (!voteServerVersions.equals(consensusServerVersions)) {
+        versionsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td/>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">"
+              + voteClientVersions + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        versionsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td/>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + voteServerVersions + "</td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      }
+      /* Write consensus parameters. */
+      if (voteParams == null) {
+        /* Authority doesn't set consensus parameters. */
+      } else if (!voteParams.equals(consensusParams)) {
+        paramsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">" + dirSource
+              + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "            <td><font color=\"red\">"
+              + voteParams + "</font></td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        paramsResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + voteParams + "</td>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      }
+      /* Write authority key expiration date. */
+      if (voteDirKeyExpires != null) {
+        boolean expiresIn14Days = false;
+        try {
+          expiresIn14Days = (System.currentTimeMillis()
+              + 14L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L >
+              dateTimeFormat.parse(voteDirKeyExpires.substring(
+              "dir-key-expires ".length())).getTime());
+        } catch (ParseException e) {
+          /* Can't parse the timestamp? Whatever. */
+        }
+        if (expiresIn14Days) {
+          authorityKeysResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+              + "            <td><font color=\"red\">" + dirSource
+                + "</font></td>\n"
+              + "            <td><font color=\"red\">"
+                + voteDirKeyExpires + "</font></td>\n"
+              + "          </tr>\n");
+        } else {
+          authorityKeysResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+              + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+              + "            <td>" + voteDirKeyExpires + "</td>\n"
+              + "          </tr>\n");
+        }
+      }
+      /* Write results for bandwidth scanner status. */
+      if (voteContainsBandwidthWeights > 0) {
+        bandwidthScannersResults.append("          <tr>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + dirSource + "</td>\n"
+            + "            <td>" + voteContainsBandwidthWeights
+              + " Measured values in w lines<td/>\n"
+            + "          </tr>\n");
+      }
+    }
+    try {
+      /* Start writing web page. */
+      BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(
+          new FileWriter("website/consensus-health.html"));
+      bw.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 "
+            + "Transitional//EN\">\n"
+          + "<html>\n"
+          + "  <head>\n"
+          + "    <title>Tor Metrics Portal: Consensus health</title>\n"
+          + "    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; "
+            + "charset=iso-8859-1\">\n"
+          + "    <link href=\"http://www.torproject.org/stylesheet-"
+          + "ltr.css\" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>\n"
+          + "    <link href=\"http://www.torproject.org/favicon.ico\""
+            + " type=image/x-icon rel=\"shortcut icon\">\n"
+          + "  </head>\n"
+          + "  <body>\n"
+          + "    <div class=\"center\">\n"
+          + "      <table class=\"banner\" border=\"0\" "
+            + "cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "        <tr>\n"
+          + "          <td class=\"banner-left\"><a href=\"https://"
+            + "www.torproject.org/\"><img src=\"http://www.torproject"
+            + ".org/images/top-left.png\" alt=\"Click to go to home "
+            + "page\" width=\"193\" height=\"79\"></a></td>\n"
+          + "          <td class=\"banner-middle\">\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"/\">Home</a>\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"graphs.html\">Graphs</a>\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"reports.html\">Reports</a>\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"papers.html\">Papers</a>\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"data.html\">Data</a>\n"
+          + "            <a href=\"tools.html\">Tools</a>\n"
+          + "          </td>\n"
+          + "          <td class=\"banner-right\"></td>\n"
+          + "        </tr>\n"
+          + "      </table>\n"
+          + "      <div class=\"main-column\">\n"
+          + "        <h2>Tor Metrics Portal: Consensus Health</h2>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <p>This page shows statistics about the current "
+            + "consensus and votes to facilitate debugging of the "
+            + "directory consensus process.</p>\n");
+      /* Write valid-after time. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Valid-after time</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <p>Consensus was published ");
+      boolean consensusIsStale = false;
+      try {
+        consensusIsStale = System.currentTimeMillis()
+            - 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L >
+            dateTimeFormat.parse(this.mostRecentValidAfterTime).getTime();
+      } catch (ParseException e) {
+        /* Can't parse the timestamp? Whatever. */
+      }
+      if (consensusIsStale) {
+        bw.write("<font color=\"red\">" + this.mostRecentValidAfterTime
+            + "</font>");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(this.mostRecentValidAfterTime);
+      }
+      bw.write(". <i>Note that it takes "
+            + "15 to 30 minutes for the metrics portal to learn about "
+            + "new consensus and votes and process them.</i></p>\n");
+      /* Write known flags. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Known flags</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (knownFlagsResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(knownFlagsResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("          <td><font color=\"blue\">consensus</font>"
+            + "</td>\n"
+          + "            <td><font color=\"blue\">"
+            + consensusKnownFlags + "</font></td>\n"
+          + "          </tr>\n");
+      bw.write("        </table>\n");
+      /* Write consensus methods. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Consensus methods</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (consensusMethodsResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(consensusMethodsResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("          <td><font color=\"blue\">consensus</font>"
+            + "</td>\n"
+          + "            <td><font color=\"blue\">"
+            + consensusConsensusMethod + "</font></td>\n"
+          + "          </tr>\n");
+      bw.write("        </table>\n");
+      /* Write recommended versions. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Recommended versions</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (versionsResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(versionsResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("          <td><font color=\"blue\">consensus</font>"
+          + "</td>\n"
+          + "            <td><font color=\"blue\">"
+            + consensusClientVersions + "</font></td>\n"
+          + "          </tr>\n");
+      bw.write("          <td/>\n"
+          + "            <td><font color=\"blue\">"
+          + consensusServerVersions + "</font></td>\n"
+        + "          </tr>\n");
+      bw.write("        </table>\n");
+      /* Write consensus parameters. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Consensus parameters</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (paramsResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(paramsResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("          <td><font color=\"blue\">consensus</font>"
+          + "</td>\n"
+        + "            <td><font color=\"blue\">"
+          + consensusParams + "</font></td>\n"
+        + "          </tr>\n");
+      bw.write("        </table>\n");
+      /* Write authority keys. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <h3>Authority keys</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (authorityKeysResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(authorityKeysResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("        </table>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <p><i>Note that expiration dates of legacy keys are "
+            + "not included in votes and therefore not listed here!</i>"
+            + "</p>\n");
+      /* Write bandwidth scanner status. */
+      bw.write("        <br/>\n"
+           + "        <h3>Bandwidth scanner status</h3>\n"
+          + "        <br/>\n"
+          + "        <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" "
+          + "cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"\">\n"
+          + "          <colgroup>\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"160\">\n"
+          + "            <col width=\"640\">\n"
+          + "          </colgroup>\n");
+      if (bandwidthScannersResults.length() < 1) {
+        bw.write("          <tr><td>(No votes.)</td><td/></tr>\n");
+      } else {
+        bw.write(bandwidthScannersResults.toString());
+      }
+      bw.write("        </table>\n");
+      /* Finish writing. */
+      bw.write("      </div>\n"
+          + "    </div>\n"
+          + "    <div class=\"bottom\" id=\"bottom\">\n"
+          + "      <p>\"Tor\" and the \"Onion Logo\" are <a "
+            + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/trademark-faq.html"
+            + ".en\">"
+          + "registered trademarks</a> of The Tor Project, "
+            + "Inc.</p>\n"
+          + "    </div>\n"
+          + "  </body>\n"
+          + "</html>");
+      bw.close();
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/Main.java b/src/Main.java
index 7be5643..e7adcb5 100644
--- a/src/Main.java
+++ b/src/Main.java
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ public class Main {
         new ServerDescriptorStatsFileHandler(config.getRelayVersions(),
         config.getRelayPlatforms()) : null;
+    // Prepare consensus health checker
+    ConsensusHealthChecker chc = config.getWriteConsensusHealth() ?
+        new ConsensusHealthChecker() : null;
     // Prepare writing relay descriptor archive to disk
     ArchiveWriter aw = config.getWriteDirectoryArchives() ?
         new ArchiveWriter(config.getDirectoryArchivesOutputDirectory())
@@ -58,8 +62,9 @@ public class Main {
         config.getWriteBridgeStats() || config.getWriteDirreqStats() ||
         config.getWriteServerDescriptorStats() ||
         config.getWriteDirectoryArchives() ||
-        config.getWriteRelayDescriptorDatabase() ?
-        new RelayDescriptorParser(csfh, bsfh, dsfh, sdsfh, aw, rddi,
+        config.getWriteRelayDescriptorDatabase() ||
+        config.getWriteConsensusHealth() ?
+        new RelayDescriptorParser(csfh, bsfh, dsfh, sdsfh, aw, rddi, chc,
             countries, directories) : null;
     // Import/download relay descriptors from the various sources
@@ -69,8 +74,8 @@ public class Main {
         List<String> dirSources =
         boolean downloadCurrentConsensus = aw != null || csfh != null ||
-            bsfh != null || sdsfh != null || rddi != null;
-        boolean downloadCurrentVotes = aw != null;
+            bsfh != null || sdsfh != null || rddi != null || chc != null;
+        boolean downloadCurrentVotes = aw != null || chc != null;
         boolean downloadAllServerDescriptors = aw != null ||
             sdsfh != null || rddi != null;
         boolean downloadAllExtraInfos = aw != null;
@@ -109,6 +114,10 @@ public class Main {
     // Write output to disk that only depends on relay descriptors
+    if (chc != null) {
+      chc.writeStatusWebsite();
+      chc = null;
+    }
     if (aw != null) {
       aw = null;
diff --git a/src/RelayDescriptorParser.java b/src/RelayDescriptorParser.java
index 26435ef..ff708d6 100644
--- a/src/RelayDescriptorParser.java
+++ b/src/RelayDescriptorParser.java
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ public class RelayDescriptorParser {
   private RelayDescriptorDatabaseImporter rddi;
+  private ConsensusHealthChecker chc;
    * Countries that we care about for directory request and bridge
    * statistics.
@@ -76,14 +78,15 @@ public class RelayDescriptorParser {
   public RelayDescriptorParser(ConsensusStatsFileHandler csfh,
       BridgeStatsFileHandler bsfh, DirreqStatsFileHandler dsfh,
       ServerDescriptorStatsFileHandler sdsfh, ArchiveWriter aw,
-      RelayDescriptorDatabaseImporter rddi, SortedSet<String> countries,
-      SortedSet<String> directories) {
+      RelayDescriptorDatabaseImporter rddi, ConsensusHealthChecker chc,
+      SortedSet<String> countries, SortedSet<String> directories) {
     this.csfh = csfh;
     this.bsfh = bsfh;
     this.dsfh = dsfh;
     this.sdsfh = sdsfh;
     this.aw = aw;
     this.rddi = rddi;
+    this.chc = chc;
     this.countries = countries;
     this.directories = directories;
@@ -192,6 +195,9 @@ public class RelayDescriptorParser {
           if (this.aw != null) {
             this.aw.storeConsensus(data, validAfter);
+          if (this.chc != null) {
+            this.chc.processConsensus(validAfterTime, data);
+          }
         } else {
           if (this.rdd != null) {
             this.rdd.haveParsedVote(validAfterTime, fingerprint,
@@ -208,9 +214,14 @@ public class RelayDescriptorParser {
               byte[] forDigest = new byte[sig - start];
               System.arraycopy(data, start, forDigest, 0, sig - start);
               String digest = DigestUtils.shaHex(forDigest).toUpperCase();
-              this.aw.storeVote(data, validAfter, dirSource, digest);
+              if (this.aw != null) {
+                this.aw.storeVote(data, validAfter, dirSource, digest);
+              }
+          if (this.chc != null) {
+            this.chc.processVote(validAfterTime, dirSource, data);
+          }
       } else if (line.startsWith("router ")) {
         String platformLine = null, publishedLine = null,

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