[or-cvs] r20655: {arm} Bundle of semi-low hanging fruit, including a few issues dis (in arm/trunk: . interface)

atagar at seul.org atagar at seul.org
Wed Sep 23 09:10:49 UTC 2009

Author: atagar
Date: 2009-09-23 05:10:49 -0400 (Wed, 23 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 20655

Bundle of semi-low hanging fruit, including a few issues discussed on irc.
added: showing extra parameters in connection listings if room's available
added: identifying directory server connections
change: providing an error message if running an incompatible python version (issue spotted by arma)
change: giving arm a version to help in bug reports
change: minor tweak to the wording of a faq entry (requested by Sebastian)
fix: wasn't accounting for RelayBandwidthRate/Burst in effective bandwidth (caught by hexa and arma)
fix: timing issue when shutting down (caught by arma)
fix: couple issues with connection time being tracked when paused
fix: preserving old results when netstat fails

Modified: arm/trunk/arm
--- arm/trunk/arm	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/arm	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
-python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning arm.py $*
+python versionCheck.py
+if [ $? = 0 ]
+  python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning arm.py $*

Modified: arm/trunk/arm.py
--- arm/trunk/arm.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/arm.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 from interface import controller
 from interface import logPanel
+VERSION = "1.1.1"
+LAST_MODIFIED = "Sep 23, 2009"
 DEFAULT_AUTH_COOKIE = os.path.expanduser("~/.tor/control_auth_cookie") # TODO: Check if this is valid for macs
@@ -36,6 +39,7 @@
                                     without terminal echo if not provided
   -e, --event=[EVENT FLAGS]       event types in message log  (default: %s)
+  -v, --version                   provides version information
   -h, --help                      presents this help
@@ -55,6 +59,7 @@
     self.authPassword = ""                      # authentication password
     self.loggedEvents = DEFAULT_LOGGED_EVENTS   # flags for event types in message log
     self.isValid = True                         # determines if the program should run
+    self.printVersion = False                   # prints version then quits
     self.printHelp = False                      # prints help then quits
@@ -118,6 +123,9 @@
       if args[0].startswith("-e="): self.loggedEvents = args[0][3:]
       else: self.loggedEvents = args[0][8:]
+    elif args[0] == "-v" or args[0] == "--version":
+      self.printVersion = True
+      self._parseArgs(args[1:])
     elif args[0] == "-h" or args[0] == "--help":
       self.printHelp = True
@@ -153,10 +161,13 @@
   input = Input(sys.argv[1:])
   if not input.isValid: sys.exit()
-  # if help flag's set then prints help and quits
+  # if help or version flags are set then prints and quits
   if input.printHelp:
     print HELP_TEXT
+  elif input.printVersion:
+    print "arm version %s (released %s)\n" % (VERSION, LAST_MODIFIED)
+    sys.exit()
   # validates that cookie authentication path exists
   if input.authType == COOKIE_AUTH and not os.path.exists(input.authCookieLoc):

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/bandwidthMonitor.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/bandwidthMonitor.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/bandwidthMonitor.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@
     if conn:
       self.isAccounting = conn.get_info('accounting/enabled')['accounting/enabled'] == '1'
-      # static limit stats for label
+      # static limit stats for label, uses relay stats if defined (internal behavior of tor)
       bwStats = conn.get_option(['BandwidthRate', 'BandwidthBurst'])
-      self.bwRate = util.getSizeLabel(int(bwStats[0][1]))
-      self.bwBurst = util.getSizeLabel(int(bwStats[1][1]))
+      relayStats = conn.get_option(['RelayBandwidthRate', 'RelayBandwidthBurst'])
+      self.bwRate = util.getSizeLabel(int(bwStats[0][1] if relayStats[0][1] == "0" else relayStats[0][1]))
+      self.bwBurst = util.getSizeLabel(int(bwStats[1][1] if relayStats[1][1] == "0" else relayStats[1][1]))
       self.isAccounting = False
       self.bwRate, self.bwBurst = -1, -1

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/connCountMonitor.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/connCountMonitor.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/connCountMonitor.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     if self.connectionPanel.lastUpdate + 1 >= time.time():
       # reuses netstat results if recent enough
       counts = self.connectionPanel.connectionCount
-      self._processEvent(counts[0], counts[1] + counts[2])
+      self._processEvent(counts[0], counts[1] + counts[2] + counts[3])
       # cached results stale - requery netstat
       inbound, outbound, control = 0, 0, 0

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/connPanel.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/connPanel.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/connPanel.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -12,17 +12,29 @@
 import hostnameResolver
 import util
+# directory servers (IP, port) for tor version
+DIR_SERVERS = [("", "80"),         # tor26
+               ("", "9031"),       # moria1
+               ("", "9030"),   # ides
+               ("", "80"),      # gabelmoo
+               ("", "80"),     # dizum
+               ("", "80"),        # dannenberg
+               ("", "443")]      # urras
 # enums for listing types
 LIST_LABEL = {LIST_IP: "IP Address", LIST_HOSTNAME: "Hostname", LIST_FINGERPRINT: "Fingerprint", LIST_NICKNAME: "Nickname"}
 # attributes for connection types
-TYPE_COLORS = {"inbound": "green", "outbound": "blue", "client": "cyan", "control": "red", "localhost": "yellow"}
-TYPE_WEIGHTS = {"inbound": 0, "outbound": 1, "client": 2, "control": 3, "localhost": 4} # defines ordering
+TYPE_COLORS = {"inbound": "green", "outbound": "blue", "client": "cyan", "directory": "magenta", "control": "red", "localhost": "yellow"}
+TYPE_WEIGHTS = {"inbound": 0, "outbound": 1, "client": 2, "directory": 3, "control": 4, "localhost": 5} # defines ordering
 # enums for indexes of ConnPanel 'connections' fields
+# labels associated to 'connectionCount' 
+CONN_COUNT_LABELS = ["inbound", "outbound", "client", "directory", "control"]
 # enums for sorting types (note: ordering corresponds to SORT_TYPES for easy lookup)
 # TODO: add ORD_BANDWIDTH -> (ORD_BANDWIDTH, "Bandwidth", lambda x, y: ???)
@@ -100,7 +112,6 @@
     self.lastUpdate = -1            # time last stats was retrived
     self.localhostEntry = None      # special connection - tuple with (entry for this node, fingerprint)
-    self.isPaused = False
     self.resolver = hostnameResolver.HostnameResolver()
     self.fingerprintLookupCache = {}                              # chache of (ip, port) -> fingerprint
     self.nicknameLookupCache = {}                                 # chache of (ip, port) -> nickname
@@ -116,6 +127,11 @@
     self.cursorSelection = None
     self.cursorLoc = 0              # fallback cursor location if selection disappears
+    # parameters used for pausing
+    self.isPaused = False
+    self.pauseTime = 0              # time when paused
+    self.connectionsBuffer = []     # location where connections are stored while paused
     # uses ports to identify type of connections
     self.orPort = self.conn.get_option("ORPort")[0][1]
     self.dirPort = self.conn.get_option("DirPort")[0][1]
@@ -126,8 +142,8 @@
     self.connections = []
     self.connectionsLock = RLock()    # limits modifications of connections
-    # count of total inbound, outbound, client, and control connections
-    self.connectionCount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+    # count of total inbound, outbound, client, directory, and control connections
+    self.connectionCount = [0] * 5
@@ -159,7 +175,7 @@
       # gets consensus data for the new description
       try: nsData = self.conn.get_network_status("id/%s" % fingerprint)
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply: return
+      except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed): return
       if len(nsData) > 1:
         # multiple records for fingerprint (shouldn't happen)
@@ -189,24 +205,27 @@
     Reloads netstat results.
-    if self.isPaused or not self.pid: return
+    if not self.pid: return
+    # temporary variables for connections and count
+    connectionsTmp = []
+    connectionCountTmp = [0] * 5
-      if self.clientConnectionCache == None:
+      if self.clientConnectionCache == None and not self.isPaused:
         # client connection cache was invalidated
         self.clientConnectionCache = _getClientConnections(self.conn)
       connTimes = {} # mapping of ip/port to connection time
-      for entry in self.connections:
+      for entry in (self.connections if not self.isPaused else self.connectionsBuffer):
         connTimes[(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])] = entry[CONN_TIME]
-      self.connections = []
-      self.connectionCount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
       # looks at netstat for tor with stderr redirected to /dev/null, options are:
       # n = prevents dns lookups, p = include process (say if it's tor), t = tcp only
       netstatCall = os.popen("netstat -npt 2> /dev/null | grep %s/tor 2> /dev/null" % self.pid)
         results = netstatCall.readlines()
@@ -219,10 +238,10 @@
           if localPort in (self.orPort, self.dirPort):
             type = "inbound"
-            self.connectionCount[0] += 1
+            connectionCountTmp[0] += 1
           elif localPort == self.controlPort:
             type = "control"
-            self.connectionCount[3] += 1
+            connectionCountTmp[4] += 1
             fingerprint = self.getFingerprint(foreignIP, foreignPort)
             nickname = self.getNickname(foreignIP, foreignPort)
@@ -235,15 +254,18 @@
             if isClient:
               type = "client"
-              self.connectionCount[2] += 1
+              connectionCountTmp[2] += 1
+            elif (foreignIP, foreignPort) in DIR_SERVERS:
+              type = "directory"
+              connectionCountTmp[3] += 1
               type = "outbound"
-              self.connectionCount[1] += 1
+              connectionCountTmp[1] += 1
             countryCodeQuery = "ip-to-country/%s" % foreign[:foreign.find(":")]
             countryCode = self.conn.get_info(countryCodeQuery)[countryCodeQuery]
-          except socket.error:
+          except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply):
             countryCode = "??"
             if not self.providedGeoipWarning:
               self.logger.monitor_event("WARN", "Tor geoip database is unavailable.")
@@ -252,10 +274,11 @@
           if (foreignIP, foreignPort) in connTimes: connTime = connTimes[(foreignIP, foreignPort)]
           else: connTime = time.time()
-          self.connections.append((type, localIP, localPort, foreignIP, foreignPort, countryCode, connTime))
+          connectionsTmp.append((type, localIP, localPort, foreignIP, foreignPort, countryCode, connTime))
       except IOError:
         # netstat call failed
         self.logger.monitor_event("WARN", "Unable to query netstat for new connections")
+        return
       # appends localhost connection to allow user to look up their own consensus entry
       selfAddress, selfPort, selfFingerprint = None, None, None
@@ -263,30 +286,35 @@
         selfAddress = self.conn.get_info("address")["address"]
         selfPort = self.conn.get_option("ORPort")[0][1]
         selfFingerprint = self.conn.get_info("fingerprint")["fingerprint"]
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply: pass
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: pass
-      except socket.error: pass
+      except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, socket.error): pass
       if selfAddress and selfPort and selfFingerprint:
           countryCodeQuery = "ip-to-country/%s" % selfAddress
           selfCountryCode = self.conn.get_info(countryCodeQuery)[countryCodeQuery]
-        except socket.error:
+        except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply):
           selfCountryCode = "??"
         if (selfAddress, selfPort) in connTimes: connTime = connTimes[(selfAddress, selfPort)]
         else: connTime = time.time()
         self.localhostEntry = (("localhost", selfAddress, selfPort, selfAddress, selfPort, selfCountryCode, connTime), selfFingerprint)
-        self.connections.append(self.localhostEntry[0])
+        connectionsTmp.append(self.localhostEntry[0])
         self.localhostEntry = None
       self.lastUpdate = time.time()
-      # hostnames are sorted at redraw - otherwise now's a good time
-      if self.listingType != LIST_HOSTNAME: self.sortConnections()
+      # assigns results
+      if self.isPaused:
+        self.connectionsBuffer = connectionsTmp
+      else:
+        self.connections = connectionsTmp
+        self.connectionCount = connectionCountTmp
+        # hostnames are sorted at redraw - otherwise now's a good time
+        if self.listingType != LIST_HOSTNAME: self.sortConnections()
@@ -339,12 +367,17 @@
         if self.listingType == LIST_HOSTNAME: self.sortConnections()
-        clientCountLabel = "" if self.connectionCount[2] == 0 else "%i client, " % self.connectionCount[2]
-        if self.showLabel: self.addstr(0, 0, "Connections (%i inbound, %i outbound, %s%i control):" % (self.connectionCount[0], self.connectionCount[1], clientCountLabel, self.connectionCount[3]), util.LABEL_ATTR)
+        if self.showLabel:
+          # notes the number of connections for each type if above zero
+          countLabel = ""
+          for i in range(len(self.connectionCount)):
+            if self.connectionCount[i] > 0: countLabel += "%i %s, " % (self.connectionCount[i], CONN_COUNT_LABELS[i])
+          if countLabel: countLabel = " (%s)" % countLabel[:-2] # strips ending ", " and encases in parentheses
+          self.addstr(0, 0, "Connections%s:" % countLabel, util.LABEL_ATTR)
         if self.connections:
           listingHeight = self.maxY - 1
-          currentTime = time.time()
+          currentTime = time.time() if not self.isPaused else self.pauseTime
           if self.showingDetails:
             listingHeight -= 8
@@ -373,33 +406,104 @@
               type = entry[CONN_TYPE]
               color = TYPE_COLORS[type]
+              # adjustments to measurements for 'xOffset' are to account for scroll bar
               if self.listingType == LIST_IP:
+                # base data requires 73 characters
                 src = "%s:%s" % (entry[CONN_L_IP], entry[CONN_L_PORT])
                 dst = "%s:%s %s" % (entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT], "" if type == "control" else "(%s)" % entry[CONN_COUNTRY])
-                src, dst = "%-26s" % src, "%-26s" % dst
+                src, dst = "%-21s" % src, "%-26s" % dst
+                etc = ""
+                if self.maxX > 115 + xOffset:
+                  # show fingerprint (column width: 42 characters)
+                  etc += "%-40s  " % self.getFingerprint(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                if self.maxX > 127 + xOffset:
+                  # show nickname (column width: remainder)
+                  nickname = self.getNickname(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                  nicknameSpace = self.maxX - 118 - xOffset
+                  # truncates if too long
+                  if len(nickname) > nicknameSpace: nickname = "%s..." % nickname[:nicknameSpace - 3]
+                  etc += ("%%-%is  " % nicknameSpace) % nickname
               elif self.listingType == LIST_HOSTNAME:
+                # base data requires 80 characters
                 src = "localhost:%-5s" % entry[CONN_L_PORT]
+                # space available for foreign hostname (stretched to claim any free space)
+                foreignHostnameSpace = self.maxX - len(self.nickname) - 38
+                etc = ""
+                if self.maxX > 102 + xOffset:
+                  # shows ip/locale (column width: 22 characters)
+                  foreignHostnameSpace -= 22
+                  etc += "%-20s  " % ("%s %s" % (entry[CONN_F_IP], "" if type == "control" else "(%s)" % entry[CONN_COUNTRY]))
+                if self.maxX > 134 + xOffset:
+                  # show fingerprint (column width: 42 characters)
+                  foreignHostnameSpace -= 42
+                  etc += "%-40s  " % self.getFingerprint(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                if self.maxX > 151 + xOffset:
+                  # show nickname (column width: min 17 characters, uses half of the remainder)
+                  nickname = self.getNickname(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                  nicknameSpace = 15 + (self.maxX - 151) / 2
+                  foreignHostnameSpace -= (nicknameSpace + 2)
+                  if len(nickname) > nicknameSpace: nickname = "%s..." % nickname[:nicknameSpace - 3]
+                  etc += ("%%-%is  " % nicknameSpace) % nickname
                 hostname = self.resolver.resolve(entry[CONN_F_IP])
                 # truncates long hostnames
                 portDigits = len(str(entry[CONN_F_PORT]))
-                if hostname and (len(hostname) + portDigits) > 36: hostname = hostname[:(33 - portDigits)] + "..."
+                if hostname and (len(hostname) + portDigits) > foreignHostnameSpace - 1:
+                  hostname = hostname[:(foreignHostnameSpace - portDigits - 4)] + "..."
                 dst = "%s:%s" % (hostname if hostname else entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
-                dst = "%-37s" % dst
+                dst = ("%%-%is" % foreignHostnameSpace) % dst
               elif self.listingType == LIST_FINGERPRINT:
-                src = "localhost  "
+                # base data requires 75 characters
+                src = "localhost"
                 if entry[CONN_TYPE] == "control": dst = "localhost"
                 else: dst = self.getFingerprint(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
-                dst = "%-41s" % dst
+                dst = "%-40s" % dst
+                etc = ""
+                if self.maxX > 92 + xOffset:
+                  # show nickname (column width: min 17 characters, uses remainder if extra room's available)
+                  nickname = self.getNickname(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                  nicknameSpace = self.maxX - 78 - xOffset if self.maxX < 126 else self.maxX - 106 - xOffset
+                  if len(nickname) > nicknameSpace: nickname = "%s..." % nickname[:nicknameSpace - 3]
+                  etc += ("%%-%is  " % nicknameSpace) % nickname
+                if self.maxX > 125 + xOffset:
+                  # shows ip/port/locale (column width: 28 characters)
+                  etc += "%-26s  " % ("%s:%s %s" % (entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT], "" if type == "control" else "(%s)" % entry[CONN_COUNTRY]))
-                src = "%-26s" % self.nickname
+                # base data uses whatever extra room's available (using minimun of 50 characters)
+                src = self.nickname
                 if entry[CONN_TYPE] == "control": dst = self.nickname
                 else: dst = self.getNickname(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
-                dst = "%-26s" % dst
+                # space available for foreign nickname
+                foreignNicknameSpace = self.maxX - len(self.nickname) - 27
+                etc = ""
+                if self.maxX > 92 + xOffset:
+                  # show fingerprint (column width: 42 characters)
+                  foreignNicknameSpace -= 42
+                  etc += "%-40s  " % self.getFingerprint(entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT])
+                if self.maxX > 120 + xOffset:
+                  # shows ip/port/locale (column width: 28 characters)
+                  foreignNicknameSpace -= 28
+                  etc += "%-26s  " % ("%s:%s %s" % (entry[CONN_F_IP], entry[CONN_F_PORT], "" if type == "control" else "(%s)" % entry[CONN_COUNTRY]))
+                dst = ("%%-%is" % foreignNicknameSpace) % dst
               if type == "inbound": src, dst = dst, src
-              lineEntry = "<%s>%s -->  %s %5s (<b>%s</b>)</%s>" % (color, src, dst, util.getTimeLabel(currentTime - entry[CONN_TIME], 1), type.upper(), color)
+              lineEntry = "<%s>%s  -->  %s  %s%5s (<b>%s</b>)%s</%s>" % (color, src, dst, etc, util.getTimeLabel(currentTime - entry[CONN_TIME], 1), type.upper(), " " * (9 - len(type)), color)
               if self.isCursorEnabled and entry == self.cursorSelection:
                 lineEntry = "<h>%s</h>" % lineEntry
@@ -443,8 +547,7 @@
           for entry in self.conn.get_info("orconn-status")["orconn-status"].split():
             if isOdd: self.orconnStatusCache.append(entry)
             isOdd = not isOdd
-        except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: self.orconnStatusCache = None
-        except TorCtl.ErrorReply: self.orconnStatusCache = None
+        except (TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, TorCtl.ErrorReply): self.orconnStatusCache = None
       if ipAddr in self.fingerprintMappings.keys():
         potentialMatches = self.fingerprintMappings[ipAddr]
@@ -513,7 +616,13 @@
     If true, prevents connection listing from being updated.
+    if isPause == self.isPaused: return
     self.isPaused = isPause
+    if isPause:
+      self.pauseTime = time.time()
+      self.connectionsBuffer = list(self.connections)
+    else: self.connections = list(self.connectionsBuffer)
   def sortConnections(self):
@@ -573,8 +682,8 @@
   if not nsList:
     try: nsList = conn.get_network_status()
-    except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: nsList = []
-    except TorCtl.ErrorReply: nsList = []
+    except (TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, TorCtl.ErrorReply): nsList = []
+    except TypeError: nsList = [] # TODO: temporary workaround for a TorCtl bug, remove when fixed
   for entry in nsList:
     if entry.ip in ipToFingerprint.keys(): ipToFingerprint[entry.ip].append((entry.orport, entry.idhex, entry.nickname))
@@ -591,9 +700,7 @@
     for line in conn.get_info("circuit-status")["circuit-status"].split("\n"):
       components = line.split()
       if len(components) > 3: clients += [components[2].split(",")[0]]
-  except TorCtl.ErrorReply: pass
-  except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: pass
-  except socket.error: pass
+  except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, socket.error): pass
   return clients

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/controller.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/controller.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/controller.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -707,8 +707,7 @@
               # ns lookup fails, can happen with localhost lookups if relay's having problems (orport not reachable)
               try: nsData = conn.get_network_status("id/%s" % fingerprint)
-              except TorCtl.ErrorReply: lookupErrored = True
-              except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: lookupErrored = True
+              except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed): lookupErrored = True
               if not lookupErrored:
                 if len(nsData) > 1:
@@ -887,9 +886,7 @@
       clientCircuits = None
         clientCircuits = conn.get_info("circuit-status")["circuit-status"].split("\n")
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply: pass
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: pass
-      except socket.error: pass
+      except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, socket.error): pass
       maxEntryLength = 0
       if clientCircuits:

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/descriptorPopup.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/descriptorPopup.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/descriptorPopup.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -50,19 +50,15 @@
         nsCommand = "ns/id/%s" % fingerprint
         self.text = self.text + self.conn.get_info(nsCommand)[nsCommand].split("\n")
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply:
+      except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed):
         self.text = self.text + [ERROR_MSG, ""]
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
-        self.text = self.text + [ERROR_MSG, ""]
         descCommand = "desc/id/%s" % fingerprint
         self.text = self.text + self.conn.get_info(descCommand)[descCommand].split("\n")
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply:
+      except (TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed):
         self.text = self.text + [ERROR_MSG]
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
-        self.text = self.text + [ERROR_MSG]
   def handleKey(self, key, height):
     if key == curses.KEY_UP: self.scroll = max(self.scroll - 1, 0)

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/headerPanel.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -178,20 +178,15 @@
     for param in infoFields:
       try: self.vals.update(self.conn.get_info(param))
       except TorCtl.ErrorReply: self.vals[param] = "Unknown"
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
-        # Tor shut down - keep last known values
+      except (TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, socket.error):
+        # Tor shut down or crashed - keep last known values
         if not self.vals[param]: self.vals[param] = "Unknown"
-      except socket.error:
-        # Can be caused if tor crashed
-        if not self.vals[param]: self.vals[param] = "Unknown"
     # flags held by relay
     self.vals["flags"] = []
     if self.vals["fingerprint"] != "Unknown":
       try: self.vals["flags"] = self.conn.get_network_status("id/%s" % self.vals["fingerprint"])[0].flags
-      except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed: pass
-      except TorCtl.ErrorReply: pass
-      except socket.error: pass
+      except (TorCtl.TorCtlClosed, TorCtl.ErrorReply, socket.error): pass
     psParams = ["%cpu", "rss", "%mem", "etime"]
     if self.vals["pid"]:

Modified: arm/trunk/readme.txt
--- arm/trunk/readme.txt	2009-09-23 09:04:19 UTC (rev 20654)
+++ arm/trunk/readme.txt	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@
 can disable lookups entirely with 'r' - see the page's help for the current 
-That said, this is a non-issue. ISPs and anyone sniffing your connection 
-already has this data - the only difference is that instead of saying "I am 
-talking to x" you're saying "I'm talking to x. who's x?"
+That said, this is not a terribly big whoop. ISPs and anyone sniffing your 
+connection already has this data - the only difference is that instead of 
+saying "I am talking to x" you're saying "I'm talking to x, who's x?", meaning 
+the resolver's also aware of who they are.
 > When arm starts it gives "Unable to resolve tor pid, abandoning connection 
 listing"... why?

Added: arm/trunk/versionCheck.py
--- arm/trunk/versionCheck.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ arm/trunk/versionCheck.py	2009-09-23 09:10:49 UTC (rev 20655)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# versionCheck.py -- Provides a warning and error code if python version isn't compatible.
+# Released under the GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
+import sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  majorVersion = sys.version_info[0]
+  minorVersion = sys.version_info[1]
+  if majorVersion > 2:
+    print("arm isn't compatible beyond the python 2.x series\n")
+    sys.exit(1)
+  elif majorVersion < 2 or minorVersion < 5:
+    print("arm requires python version 2.5 or greater\n")
+    sys.exit(1)

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