[or-cvs] [metrics/master] Update R script for torperf report, too.

karsten at seul.org karsten at seul.org
Mon Oct 12 09:58:52 UTC 2009

Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing at gmx.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:52:34 +0200
Subject: Update R script for torperf report, too.
Commit: 61fc0865a913febe6629e5b5c27a49459c90fb85

 scripts/torperf/torperf.R |  121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/torperf/torperf.R b/scripts/torperf/torperf.R
index f727bf9..38f9c9b 100644
--- a/scripts/torperf/torperf.R
+++ b/scripts/torperf/torperf.R
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ parsedata <- function(filename) {
   dDComplete <- todelta(t$startsec, t$startusec, t$datacompletesec, t$datacompleteusec)
   cbWrite <- t$writebytes
   cbRead <- t$readbytes
   results <- data.frame(tStart, dSocket, dConnect,
                         dNegotiate, dRequest, dResponse,
                         dDRequest, dDResponse, dDComplete,
@@ -50,52 +50,63 @@ parsedata <- function(filename) {
-plotboxes <- function(small, medium, large, labels, title, ylim=c(NA,NA)) {
+small <- parsedata("data/torperf/gabelmoo-50kb.data")
+medium <- parsedata("data/torperf/gabelmoo-1mb.data")
+large <- parsedata("data/torperf/gabelmoo-5mb.data")
+msmall <- parsedata("data/torperf/moria-50kb.data")
+mmedium <- parsedata("data/torperf/moria-1mb.data")
+mlarge <- parsedata("data/torperf/moria-5mb.data")
+plotboxes <- function(small, medium, large, msmall, mmedium, mlarge, labels, title, ylim=c(NA,NA)) {
   range <- 1.5
   MinY <- ylim[1]
   MaxY <- ylim[2]
   ## Find how many points this will cause to be skipped
   skipped <- c()
-  labels[1] <- paste(labels[1], " (", length(na.omit(small)), ", ", length(small) - length(na.omit(small)), ", ", length(small[small > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
-  labels[2] <- paste(labels[2], " (", length(na.omit(medium)), ", ", length(medium) - length(na.omit(medium)), ", ", length(medium[medium > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
-  labels[3] <- paste(labels[3], " (", length(na.omit(large)), ", ", length(large) - length(na.omit(large)), ", ", length(large[large > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
+  #labels[1] <- paste(labels[1], " (", length(na.omit(small)), ", ", length(small) - length(na.omit(small)), ", ", length(small[small > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
+  #labels[2] <- paste(labels[2], " (", length(na.omit(medium)), ", ", length(medium) - length(na.omit(medium)), ", ", length(medium[medium > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
+  #labels[3] <- paste(labels[3], " (", length(na.omit(large)), ", ", length(large) - length(na.omit(large)), ", ", length(large[large > MaxY]), ")", sep="")
   small[small > MaxY] <- NA
   medium[medium > MaxY] <- NA
   large[large > MaxY] <- NA
+  msmall[msmall > MaxY] <- NA
+  mmedium[mmedium > MaxY] <- NA
+  mlarge[mlarge > MaxY] <- NA
   ## Plot the data
   boxplot(small, medium, large, frame.plot=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ylab="Time (s)", range=range,
-          ylim=c(MinY, MaxY), xlab="Request size (# runs, # timeouts, # points omitted)", main=title,
-          pars=list(show.names=TRUE, boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5))
+          ylim=c(MinY, MaxY), xlab="", #Request size (# runs, # timeouts, # points omitted)",
+ main="", pars=list(show.names=TRUE, boxwex = 0.4, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5), at=1:3-0.22, border="darkblue")
+  boxplot(msmall, mmedium, mlarge, add=TRUE, frame.plot=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ylab="", range=range,
+          ylim=c(MinY, MaxY), xlab="", main="", at=1:3+0.22, border="darkred",
+         pars=list(show.names=TRUE, boxwex = 0.4, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5))
   axis(1, at=1:length(labels), labels=labels, lwd=0)
   axis(2, las=1)
+  mtext("gabelmoo", at=1:3-.22, side=3, col="darkblue")
+  mtext("moria", at=1:3+.22, side=3, col="darkred")
+  title(main=title, line=2)
-small <- parsedata("data/torperf/50kb.data")
-medium <- parsedata("data/torperf/1mb.data")
-large <- parsedata("data/torperf/5mb.data")
-pdf("report/performance/connected.pdf", width=8, height=5)
-plotboxes(small[,6]/1e6, medium[,6]/1e6, large[,6]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time to connect to website", c(0,30))
+png("report/performance/connected.png", width=600, height=375)
+plotboxes(small[,6]/1e6, medium[,6]/1e6, large[,6]/1e6, msmall[,6]/1e6, mmedium[,6]/1e6, mlarge[,6]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time to connect to website", c(0,30))
-pdf("report/performance/firstbyte.pdf", width=8, height=5)
-plotboxes(small[,8]/1e6, medium[,8]/1e6, large[,8]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time until receiving first response byte", c(0,30))
+png("report/performance/firstbyte.png", width=600, height=375)
+plotboxes(small[,8]/1e6, medium[,8]/1e6, large[,8]/1e6, msmall[,8]/1e6, mmedium[,8]/1e6, mlarge[,8]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time until receiving first response byte", c(0,30))
-pdf("report/performance/download.pdf", width=8, height=5)
-plotboxes(small[,9]/1e6, medium[,9]/1e6, large[,9]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time to complete request", c(0,300))
+png("report/performance/download.png", width=600, height=375)
+plotboxes(small[,9]/1e6, medium[,9]/1e6, large[,9]/1e6, msmall[,9]/1e6, mmedium[,9]/1e6, mlarge[,9]/1e6, c("50 KiB", "1 MiB", "5 MiB"), "Time to complete request", c(0,300))
-smoothened <- function(plotdata, data, size) {
-  windowsize <- 251
+smoothened <- function(plotdata, data, size, node, shift, windowsize, colmed, colquart) {
   halfwindow <- (windowsize-1)/2
-  medians <- c()
-  q1s <- c()
-  q3s <- c()
+  medians <- rep(NA, shift)
+  q1s <- rep(NA, shift)
+  q3s <- rep(NA, shift)
   for (i in 1:halfwindow) {
     medians <- c(medians, NA);
     q1s <- c(q1s, NA);
@@ -111,42 +122,54 @@ smoothened <- function(plotdata, data, size) {
     q1s <- c(q1s, NA);
     q3s <- c(q3s, NA)
-  title <- paste("Time to complete request (", size, sep="")
+  title <- paste("Time to complete ", size, " request on ", node, sep="")
   t <- length(data$dDComplete[is.na(data$dDComplete)])
   d <- na.omit(plotdata)
-  if (t>1)
-    title <- paste(title, ", ", length(d), " completed runs, ", t, " timeouts)", sep="")
-  else
-    title <- paste(title, ", ", length(d), " completed runs)", sep="")
-  plot(medians/1e6, ylim=c(min(na.omit(q1s/1e6)),max(na.omit(q3s/1e6))), lty=1, type="l", main=title, axes=FALSE, ylab="Time (s)", xlab="Date")
-  lines(q1s/1e6, lty=2)
-  lines(q3s/1e6, lty=2)
-  mtext("Q1", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(q1s), n=1)/1e6)
-  mtext("median", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(medians), n=1)/1e6)
-  mtext("Q3", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(q3s), n=1)/1e6)
-  ticks <- 1
-  for (i in 2:length(data$tStart))
-    if (!is.na(data$tStart[i]) && data$tStart[i] > (data$tStart[1] + length(ticks) * 7*24*60*60*1e6))
+#  if (t>1)
+#    title <- paste(title, "\n(", length(d), " completed runs, ", t, " timeouts)", sep="")
+#  else
+#    title <- paste(title, "\n(", length(d), " completed runs)", sep="")
+  plot(medians/1e6, ylim=c(min(na.omit(q1s/1e6)),max(na.omit(q3s/1e6))), type="l", main=title, axes=FALSE, ylab="Time (s)", xlab="", col=colmed)
+  lines(q1s/1e6, col=colquart)
+  lines(q3s/1e6, col=colquart)
+  mtext("Q1", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(q1s), n=1)/1e6, col=colquart)
+  mtext("median", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(medians), n=1)/1e6, col=colmed)
+  mtext("Q3", side=4, line=1, las=1, at=tail(na.omit(q3s), n=1)/1e6, col=colquart)
+  ticks <- c()
+  lasttick <- 7*24*60*60*1e6 * round(data$tStart[1] / (7*24*60*60*1e6), digits=0)
+  for (i in 2:length(data$tStart)) {
+    if (!is.na(data$tStart[i]) && data$tStart[i] > lasttick + 7*24*60*60*1e6) {
       ticks <- c(ticks, i)
-  axis(1, at=c(ticks, length(data$tStart)), labels=c(format(as.POSIXct(data$tStart[ticks]/1e6, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), "%B %d"),
-  format(as.POSIXct(data$tStart[length(data$tStart)]/1e6, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), "%B %d, %Y")))
+      lasttick <- data$tStart[i]
+    }
+  }
+#  ticks <- ticks[2:length(ticks)]
+  #axis(1, at=c(ticks, length(data$tStart))+shift, labels=c(format(as.POSIXct(data$tStart[ticks]/1e6, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), "%B %d"), format(as.POSIXct(data$tStart[length(data$tStart)]/1e6, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), "%B %d, %Y")), lwd.ticks=1, lwd=0)
+  axis(1, at=ticks+shift, labels=format(as.POSIXct(data$tStart[ticks]/1e6, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), "%b %d"), lwd.ticks=1, lwd=0, cex.axis=.75)
+  axis(1, at=c(1, length(data$tStart))+shift, labels=FALSE, lwd.ticks=0)
   axis(2, las=1)
-pdf("report/performance/small-smoothed.pdf", width=8, height=5)
+png("report/performance/small-smoothed.png", width=600, height=675)
+par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
-smoothened(small$dDComplete, small, "50 KiB")
+smoothened(small$dDComplete, small, "50 KiB", "gabelmoo", 0, 577, "darkblue", "blue")
+smoothened(msmall$dDComplete, msmall, "50 KiB", "moria", length(small$tStart) - length(msmall$tStart), 577, "darkred", "red")
-pdf("report/performance/medium-smoothed.pdf", width=8, height=5)
+png("report/performance/medium-smoothed.png", width=600, height=675)
+par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
-smoothened(medium$dDComplete, medium, "1 MiB")
+smoothened(medium$dDComplete, medium, "1 MiB", "gabelmoo", 0, 97, "darkblue", "blue")
+smoothened(mmedium$dDComplete, mmedium, "1 MiB", "moria", length(medium$tStart) - length(mmedium$tStart), 97, "darkred", "red")
-pdf("report/performance/large-smoothed.pdf", width=8, height=5)
+png("report/performance/large-smoothed.png", width=600, height=675)
+par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
-smoothened(large$dDComplete, large, "5 MiB")
+smoothened(large$dDComplete, large, "5 MiB", "gabelmoo", 0, 49, "darkblue", "blue")
+smoothened(mlarge$dDComplete, mlarge, "5 MiB", "moria", length(large$tStart) - length(mlarge$tStart), 49, "darkred", "red")

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