[or-cvs] r19086: {torctl torflow} Print out interesting ratios with a higher precision to sepa (torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl torflow/trunk torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners)

mikeperry at seul.org mikeperry at seul.org
Thu Mar 19 08:13:15 UTC 2009

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-03-19 04:13:15 -0400 (Thu, 19 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 19086


Print out interesting ratios with a higher precision to
separate file.

Modified: torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py
--- torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py	2009-03-19 04:05:41 UTC (rev 19085)
+++ torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py	2009-03-19 08:13:15 UTC (rev 19086)
@@ -243,13 +243,29 @@
     if bw == 0.0: return 0
     else: return self.bw/(1024.*bw)
-  def strm_ratio(self):
+  def strm_bw_ratio(self):
     """Return the ratio of the Router's stream capacity to the average
        stream capacity passed in as 'mean'"""
     bw = self.bwstats.mean
     if StatsRouter.global_mean == 0.0: return 0
     else: return (1.0*bw)/StatsRouter.global_mean
+  def circ_fail_ratio(self):
+    if self.circ_chosen == 0: return 0
+    return (1.0*self.circ_failed)/self.circ_chosen
+  def strm_fail_ratio(self):
+    if self.strm_chosen == 0: return 0
+    return (1.0*self.strm_failed)/self.strm_chosen
+  def circ_succeed_ratio(self):
+    if self.circ_chosen == 0: return 1
+    return (1.0*(self.circ_succeeded))/self.circ_chosen
+  def strm_succeed_ratio(self):
+    if self.strm_chosen == 0: return 1
+    return (1.0*(self.strm_succeeded))/self.strm_chosen
   def current_uptime(self):
     if self.became_active_at:
       ret = (self.total_active_uptime+(time.time()-self.became_active_at))
@@ -311,7 +327,7 @@
       +" BR="+str(round(self.bw_ratio(),1))
       +" ZR="+str(round(self.z_ratio,1))
       +" PR="+(str(round(self.prob_zr,3))[1:])
-      +" SR="+(str(round(self.strm_ratio(),1)))
+      +" SR="+(str(round(self.strm_bw_ratio(),1)))
       +" U="+str(round(self.current_uptime()/3600, 1))+"\n")
   def sanity_check(self):
@@ -411,23 +427,41 @@
     for r in rlist:
       # only print it if we've used it.
       if r.circ_chosen+r.strm_chosen > 0: f.write(str(r))
+  def write_ratios(self, filename):
+    "Write out bandwith ratio stats StatsHandler has gathered"
+    plog("DEBUG", "Writing ratios to "+filename)
+    f = file(filename, "w")
+    (avg, dev) = self.run_zbtest()
+    StatsRouter.global_mean = avg
+    strm_bw_ratio = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
+    strm_bw_ratio.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.strm_bw_ratio(), y.strm_bw_ratio()))
+    for r in strm_bw_ratio:
+      if r.circ_chosen == 0: continue
+      f.write(r.idhex+"="+r.nickname+"\n  ")
+      f.write("SR="+str(round(r.strm_bw_ratio(),4))+" BR="+str(round(r.bw_ratio(),4))+" CSR="+str(round(r.circ_succeed_ratio(),4))+" SSR="+str(round(r.strm_succeed_ratio(),4))+" CFR="+str(round(1-r.circ_fail_ratio(),4))+" SFR="+str(round(1-r.strm_fail_ratio(),4))+"\n")
+    f.close()
   def write_stats(self, filename):
     "Write out all the statistics the StatsHandler has gathered"
     # TODO: all this shit should be configurable. Some of it only makes
     # sense when scanning in certain modes.
-    plog("DEBUG", "Writing stats")
+    plog("DEBUG", "Writing stats to "+filename)
     # Sanity check routers
     for r in self.sorted_r: r.sanity_check()
     # Sanity check the router reason lists.
     for r in self.sorted_r:
       for rsn in r.reason_failed:
-        if r not in self.failed_reasons[rsn].rlist:
-          plog("ERROR", "Router missing from reason table")
+        if rsn not in self.failed_reasons:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router "+r.idhex+" w/o reason "+rsn+" in fail table")
+        elif r not in self.failed_reasons[rsn].rlist:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router "+r.idhex+" missing from fail table")
       for rsn in r.reason_suspected:
-        if r not in self.suspect_reasons[rsn].rlist:
-          plog("ERROR", "Router missing from reason table")
+        if rsn not in self.suspect_reasons:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router "+r.idhex+" w/o reason "+rsn+" in fail table") 
+        elif r not in self.suspect_reasons[rsn].rlist:
+          plog("ERROR", "Router "+r.idhex+" missing from suspect table")
     # Sanity check the lists the other way
     for rsn in self.failed_reasons.itervalues(): rsn._verify_failed()
@@ -437,11 +471,11 @@
     (avg, dev) = self.run_zbtest()
     f.write("\n\nBW stats: u="+str(round(avg,1))+" s="+str(round(dev,1))+"\n")
+    StatsRouter.global_mean = avg
     (avg, dev) = self.run_zrtest()
     f.write("BW ratio stats: u="+str(round(avg,1))+" s="+str(round(dev,1))+"\n")
-    StatsRouter.global_mean = avg
     # Circ, strm infoz
     f.write("Circ failure ratio: "+str(self.circ_failed)
@@ -466,9 +500,9 @@
     self.write_routers(f, bw_rate, "Bandwidth Ratios")
     # sort+print by bandwidth
-    strm_ratio = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
-    strm_ratio.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.strm_ratio(), y.strm_ratio()))
-    self.write_routers(f, strm_ratio, "Stream Ratios")
+    strm_bw_ratio = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
+    strm_bw_ratio.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.strm_bw_ratio(), y.strm_bw_ratio()))
+    self.write_routers(f, strm_bw_ratio, "Stream Ratios")
     failed = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
     failed.sort(lambda x, y:

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py	2009-03-19 04:05:41 UTC (rev 19085)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/speedracer.py	2009-03-19 08:13:15 UTC (rev 19086)
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
         if (successful % save_every) == 0:
           meta.send_command_and_check('SAVESTATS '+os.getcwd()+'/data/speedraces/stats-'+str(skip)+':'+str(pct)+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time)
+          meta.send_command_and_check('SAVERATIOS '+os.getcwd()+'/data/speedraces/ratios-'+str(skip)+':'+str(pct)+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time)
     plog('INFO', str(skip) + '-' + str(pct) + '% ' + str(count) + ' fetches took ' + str(attempt) + ' tries.')
@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@
           plog('DEBUG', 'speedroced')
           meta.send_command_and_check('SAVESTATS '+os.getcwd()+'/data/speedraces/stats-'+str(pct) + ':' + str(pct + pct_step)+"-"+str(count)+"-"+strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
+          meta.send_command_and_check('SAVERATIOS '+os.getcwd()+'/data/speedraces/ratios-'+str(pct) + ':' + str(pct + pct_step)+"-"+str(count)+"-"+strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
           plog('DEBUG', 'Wrote stats')
           pct += pct_step

Modified: torflow/trunk/metatroller.py
--- torflow/trunk/metatroller.py	2009-03-19 04:05:41 UTC (rev 19085)
+++ torflow/trunk/metatroller.py	2009-03-19 08:13:15 UTC (rev 19086)
@@ -204,7 +204,17 @@
         s.write("510 Argument expected\r\n")
     elif command == "GUARDNODES":
-      s.write("250 OK\r\n")
+      try:
+        if arg:
+          use_guards = bool(int(arg))
+          plog("DEBUG", "Got Setexit: "+str(use_guards))
+          def notlambda(sm): 
+            plog("DEBUG", "Job for setexit: "+str(use_guards))
+            sm.use_guards = use_guards
+          h.schedule_selmgr(notlambda)
+        s.write("250 OK\r\n")
+      except ValueError:
+        s.write("510 Integer expected\r\n")
     elif command == "CLOSEALLCIRCS":
       def notlambda(this): this.close_all_circuits()
@@ -215,6 +225,12 @@
       def notlambda(this): this.write_stats(filename)
       s.write("250 OK\r\n")
+    elif command == "SAVERATIOS":
+      if arg: rfilename = arg
+      else: rfilename="./data/stats/ratios-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
+      def notlambda(this): this.write_ratios(rfilename)
+      h.schedule_low_prio(notlambda)
+      s.write("250 OK\r\n")
     elif command == "RESETSTATS":
       plog("DEBUG", "Got resetstats")
       def notlambda(this): this.reset_stats()

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