[or-cvs] r18482: {torflow} Improve SSL scanner's data storage and mechanics to reduce f (torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners)

mikeperry at seul.org mikeperry at seul.org
Tue Feb 10 23:39:29 UTC 2009

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-02-10 18:39:29 -0500 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 18482


Improve SSL scanner's data storage and mechanics to reduce
false positives.  Add referer tracking for HTML scan and fix
some cookie issues and scraping issues with yahoo. Finally,
clean up XXX's and FIXMES.

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py	2009-02-10 21:14:17 UTC (rev 18481)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py	2009-02-10 23:39:29 UTC (rev 18482)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 # Common code to soat
-import dircache
 import operator
 import os
 import pickle
@@ -43,12 +42,14 @@
 # Failed reasons
 FAILURE_EXITONLY = "FailureExitOnly"
 FAILURE_DYNAMICTAGS = "FailureDynamicTags" 
 FAILURE_DYNAMICJS = "FailureDynamicJS" 
 FAILURE_DYNAMICBINARY = "FailureDynamicBinary" 
+FAILURE_DYNAMICCERTS = "FailureDynamicCerts"
 FAILURE_COOKIEMISMATCH = "FailureCookieMismatch"
 # False positive reasons
@@ -71,7 +72,8 @@
   def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
-    pass
+    self.false_positive=True
+    self.false_positive_reason=reason
   def move_file(self, file, to_dir):
     if not file: return None
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@
       return new_file
-      plog("WARN", "Error moving "+file+" to "+dir)
+      plog("WARN", "Error moving "+file+" to "+to_dir)
       return file
   def __str__(self):
@@ -99,26 +101,52 @@
 class SSLTestResult(TestResult):
   ''' Represents the result of an openssl test '''
-  def __init__(self, exit_node, ssl_site, cert_file, status):
-    super(SSLTestResult, self).__init__(exit_node, ssl_site, status)
-    self.cert = cert_file
+  def __init__(self, exit_node, ssl_site, ssl_file, status, reason=None, 
+               exit_cert_pem=None):
+    super(SSLTestResult, self).__init__(exit_node, ssl_site, status, reason)
+    self.ssl_file = ssl_file
+    self.exit_cert = exit_cert_pem # Meh, not that much space
     self.proto = "ssl"
+  def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
+    TestResult.mark_false_positive(self, reason)
+    self.ssl_file=self.move_file(self.ssl_file, ssl_falsepositive_dir)
+  def __str__(self):
+    ret = TestResult.__str__(self)
+    ssl_file = open(self.ssl_file, 'r')
+    ssl_domain = pickle.load(ssl_file)
+    ssl_file.close()
+    ret += " Rotates: "+str(ssl_domain.cert_rotates)
+    ret += " Changed: "+str(ssl_domain.cert_changed)+"\n" 
+    if self.verbose:
+      for cert in ssl_domain.cert_map.iterkeys():
+        ret += "\nCert for "+ssl_domain.cert_map[cert]+":\n"
+        ret += cert+"\n"
+      if self.exit_cert:
+        ret += "\nExit node's cert:\n"
+        ret += self.exit_cert+"\n" 
+    return ret 
 class SSLDomain:
   def __init__(self, domain):
     self.domain = domain
-    # These two could just be sets.Set, but I was kind 
-    # of curious about the logline below.
     self.cert_map = {}
     self.ip_map = {}
+    self.cert_rotates = False
+    self.cert_changed = False
-  def add(self, cert_string, ip):
-    if self.ip_map[ip] != cert_string:
-      plog("NOTICE", self.domain+" is rotating certs for IP "+ip+". Interesting..")
+  def add_cert(self, ip, cert_string):
+    if ip in self.ip_map and self.ip_map[ip] != cert_string:
+      plog("NOTICE", self.domain+" has changed certs.")
+      self.cert_changed = True
+    elif len(self.cert_map) and cert_string not in self.cert_map:
+      plog("NOTICE", self.domain+" is rotating certs.")
+      self.cert_rotates = True
     self.cert_map[cert_string] = ip
     self.ip_map[ip] = cert_string
-  def matches(self, cert_string):
+  def seen_cert(self, cert_string):
     return cert_string in self.cert_map
   def seen_ip(self, ip):
@@ -140,8 +168,7 @@
     self.content_old = content_old
   def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
-    self.false_positive=True
-    self.false_positive_reason=reason
+    TestResult.mark_false_positive(self, reason)
     self.content=self.move_file(self.content, http_falsepositive_dir)
     self.content_old=self.move_file(self.content_old, http_falsepositive_dir)
@@ -184,8 +211,7 @@
     self.content_old = content_old
   def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
-    self.false_positive=True
-    self.false_positive_reason=reason
+    TestResult.mark_false_positive(self, reason)
     self.content=self.move_file(self.content, http_falsepositive_dir)
     self.content_old=self.move_file(self.content_old, http_falsepositive_dir)
@@ -235,8 +261,7 @@
     self.content_old = content_old
   def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
-    self.false_positive=True
-    self.false_positive_reason=reason
+    TestResult.mark_false_positive(self, reason)
     self.content_old=self.move_file(self.content_old, http_falsepositive_dir)
@@ -394,7 +419,7 @@
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rdir):
       for f in files:
-        if f[:-41].endswith('result'):
+        if f.endswith('.result'):
           fh = open(os.path.join(root, f))
           result = pickle.load(fh)
@@ -404,6 +429,14 @@
     fh = open(file, 'r')
     return pickle.load(fh)
+  def uniqueFilename(self, afile):
+    if not os.path.exists(afile):
+      return afile
+    i=1
+    while os.path.exists(afile+"."+str(i)):
+      i+=1
+    return afile+"."+str(i) 
   def safeFilename(self, unsafe_file):
     remove characters illegal in some systems 
@@ -435,7 +468,7 @@
     elif result.status == TEST_FAILURE:
       rdir += 'failed/'
-    return str((rdir+address+'.result.'+result.exit_node[1:]).decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
+    return str((rdir+address+'.'+result.exit_node[1:]+".result").decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
   def saveResult(self, result):
     ''' generic method for saving test results '''
@@ -602,7 +635,6 @@
 class JSDiffer:
-  # XXX: Strip html comments from these strings
   def __init__(self, js_string):
     if HAVE_PYPY: self.ast_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(js_string)
@@ -618,6 +650,7 @@
   def _count_ast_elements(self, js_string, name="global"):
     ast_cnts = {}
+      js_string = js_string.replace("\n\r","\n").replace("\r\n","\n").replace("\r","\n")
       ast = pypy.lang.js.jsparser.parse(js_string)
       JSDiffer._ast_recursive_worker(ast, ast_cnts)
     except (pypy.rlib.parsing.deterministic.LexerError, UnicodeDecodeError, pypy.rlib.parsing.parsing.ParseError), e:

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py	2009-02-10 21:14:17 UTC (rev 18481)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py	2009-02-10 23:39:29 UTC (rev 18482)
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 import sha
 import Queue
 import threading
+import pickle
 from libsoat import *
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
       opener = urllib2.build_opener(NoDNSHTTPHandler, urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar))
       reply = opener.open(request)
       if "__filename" in cookie_jar.__dict__:
-        cookie_jar.save(cookie_jar.__filename)
+        cookie_jar.save(cookie_jar.__filename, ignore_discard=True)
       new_cookies = cookie_jar.make_cookies(reply, request)
       reply = urllib2.urlopen(request)
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
     mime_type = reply.info().type
     content = decompress_response_data(reply)
   except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
-    plog('WARN', "HTTP Error during request of "+address)
+    plog('WARN', "HTTP Error during request of "+address+": "+str(e))
     return (e.code, [], "", "") 
   except (ValueError, urllib2.URLError):
@@ -146,8 +147,8 @@
     return (0, [], "", "")
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
     raise KeyboardInterrupt
-  except:
-    plog('WARN', 'An unknown HTTP error occured for '+address)
+  except e:
+    plog('WARN', 'An unknown HTTP error occured for '+address+": "+str(e))
     return (0, [], "", "")
@@ -161,8 +162,14 @@
     self.port = port
     self.mt = mt
     self.datahandler = DataHandler()
-    self.min_targets = 10
+    self.min_targets = min_targets
     self.marked_nodes = sets.Set([])
+    self.exit_fails = {}
+    self.successes = {}
+    self.exit_limit_pct = max_exit_fail_pct
+    self.results = []
+    self.dynamic_fails = {}
+    self.dynamic_limit = max_dynamic_failure
   def run_test(self): 
     raise NotImplemented()
@@ -178,6 +185,24 @@
     if len(self.targets) < self.min_targets:
       plog("NOTICE", self.proto+" scanner short on targets. Adding more")
+    if target in self.dynamic_fails: del self.dynamic_fails[target]
+    if target in self.successes: del self.successes[target]
+    if target in self.exit_fails: del self.exit_fails[target]
+    kill_results = []
+    for r in self.results:
+      if r.site == target:
+        kill_results.append(r)
+    for r in kill_results:
+      if r.status == TEST_FAILURE:
+        # Save this new result file in false positive dir 
+        # and remove old one
+        try:
+          os.unlink(self.datahandler.resultFilename(r))
+        except:
+          pass
+        r.mark_false_positive(reason)
+        self.datahandler.saveResult(r)
+      self.results.remove(r)
   def update_nodes(self):
     self.nodes = self.mt.node_manager.get_nodes_for_port(self.port)
@@ -213,6 +238,42 @@
     self.nodes_marked = 0
     self.marked_nodes = sets.Set([])
+  def register_exit_failure(self, address, exit_node):
+    if address in self.exit_fails:
+      self.exit_fails[address].add(exit_node)
+    else:
+      self.exit_fails[address] = sets.Set([exit_node])
+    # TODO: Do something if abundance of succesful tests?
+    # Problem is this can still trigger for localized content
+    err_cnt = len(self.exit_fails[address])
+    if err_cnt > self.exit_limit_pct*self.total_nodes/100.0:
+      if address not in self.successes: self.successes[address] = 0
+      plog("NOTICE", "Excessive "+self.proto+" 2-way failure ("+str(err_cnt)+" vs "+str(self.successes[address])+") for "+address+". Removing.")
+      self.remove_target(address, FALSEPOSITIVE_DYNAMIC_TOR)
+    else:
+      plog("ERROR", self.proto+" 2-way failure at "+exit_node+". This makes "+str(err_cnt)+" node failures for "+address)
+  def register_dynamic_failure(self, address, exit_node):
+    if address in self.dynamic_fails:
+      self.dynamic_fails[address].add(exit_node)
+    else:
+      self.dynamic_fails[address] = sets.Set([exit_node])
+    err_cnt = len(self.dynamic_fails[address])
+    if err_cnt > self.dynamic_limit:
+      # Remove all associated data for this url.
+      # (Note, this also seems to imply we should report BadExit in bulk,
+      # after we've had a chance for these false positives to be weeded out)
+      if address not in self.successes: self.successes[address] = 0
+      plog("NOTICE", "Excessive "+self.proto+" 3-way failure ("+str(err_cnt)+" vs "+str(self.successes[address])+") for "+address+". Removing.")
+      self.remove_target(address, FALSEPOSITIVE_DYNAMIC)
+    else:
+      plog("ERROR", self.proto+" 3-way failure at "+exit_node+". This makes "+str(err_cnt)+" node failures for "+address)
 class SearchBasedTest(Test):
   def __init__(self, mt, proto, port, wordlist):
     self.wordlist = wordlist
@@ -221,7 +282,7 @@
   def _is_useable_url(self, url, valid_schemes=None, filetypes=None):
     (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
     if netloc.rfind(":") != -1:
-      # XXX: %-encoding?
+      # FIXME: %-encoding?
       port = netloc[netloc.rfind(":")+1:]
         if int(port) != self.port:
@@ -245,9 +306,9 @@
     plog('INFO', 'Searching google for relevant sites...')
-    urllist = []
+    urllist = Set([])
     for filetype in filetypes:
-      type_urls = []
+      type_urls = Set([])
       while len(type_urls) < results_per_type:
         query = random.choice(self.wordlist)
@@ -259,7 +320,6 @@
         # search google for relevant pages
         # note: google only accepts requests from idenitified browsers
-        # TODO gracefully handle the case when google doesn't want to give us result anymore
         host = search_mode["host"]
         params = urllib.urlencode({search_mode["query"] : query})
         search_path = '/search' + '?' + params
@@ -267,17 +327,16 @@
         plog("INFO", "Search url: "+search_url)
-          # XXX: This does not handle http error codes.. (like 302!)
           if search_mode["useragent"]:
             (code, new_cookies, mime_type, content) = http_request(search_url, search_cookies)
             headers = copy.copy(firefox_headers)
             del headers["User-Agent"]
-            (code, new_cookies, mime_type, content) = http_request(search_url, search_cookies, headers)[1]
+            (code, new_cookies, mime_type, content) = http_request(search_url, search_cookies, headers)
         except socket.gaierror:
           plog('ERROR', 'Scraping of http://'+host+search_path+" failed")
-          return list(Set(urllist))
+          return list(urllist)
           plog('ERROR', 'Scraping of http://'+host+search_path+" failed")
@@ -294,7 +353,13 @@
           return [protocol+"://www.eff.org", protocol+"://www.fastmail.fm", protocol+"://www.torproject.org", protocol+"://secure.wikileaks.org/"]
         # get the links and do some additional filtering
-        for link in soup.findAll('a', {'class' : search_mode["class"]}):
+        for link in soup.findAll('a'):
+          skip = True
+          for a in link.attrs:
+            if a[0] == "class" and search_mode["class"] in a[1]:
+              skip = False
+              break
+          if skip: continue
           url = link['href']
           if protocol == 'any': prot_list = None
           else: prot_list = [protocol]
@@ -303,36 +368,30 @@
           if self._is_useable_url(url, prot_list, file_list):
             if host_only:
-              # XXX: %-encoding, @'s, etc?
+              # FIXME: %-encoding, @'s, etc?
               host = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
-              type_urls.append(host)
+              type_urls.add(host)
-              type_urls.append(url)
+              type_urls.add(url)
         plog("INFO", "Have "+str(len(type_urls))+"/"+str(results_per_type)+" google urls so far..") 
       # make sure we don't get more urls than needed
-      # hrmm...
-      #if type_urls > results_per_type:
-      #  type_urls = random.sample(type_urls, results_per_type) 
-      urllist.extend(type_urls)
+      if len(type_urls) > results_per_type:
+        type_urls = Set(random.sample(type_urls, results_per_type))
+      urllist.union_update(type_urls)
-    return list(Set(urllist))
+    return list(urllist)
 class HTTPTest(SearchBasedTest):
   def __init__(self, mt, wordlist, filetypes=scan_filetypes):
     # FIXME: Handle http urls w/ non-80 ports..
     SearchBasedTest.__init__(self, mt, "HTTP", 80, wordlist)
-    self.fetch_targets = 5
+    self.fetch_targets = urls_per_filetype
     self.httpcode_fails = {}
-    self.exit_fails = {}
-    self.successes = {}
-    self.exit_limit = 100
-    # XXX: 3 is waaay too low. 100 is more like it.. But set for testing
-    self.httpcode_limit = 3
+    self.httpcode_limit_pct = max_exit_httpcode_pct
     self.scan_filetypes = filetypes
-    self.results = []
   def check_cookies(self):
     tor_cookies = "\n"
@@ -357,8 +416,6 @@
     # A single test should have a single cookie jar
     self.tor_cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
     self.cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
-    # XXX: Change these headers (esp accept) based on 
-    # url type
     self.headers = copy.copy(firefox_headers)
     ret_result = TEST_SUCCESS
@@ -370,7 +427,7 @@
     plog("INFO", "HTTPTest decided to fetch "+str(n_tests)+" urls of types: "+str(filetypes))
     for ftype in filetypes:
-      # XXX: Set referrer to random or none for each of these
+      # FIXME: Set referrer to random or none for each of these
       address = random.choice(self.targets[ftype])
       result = self.check_http(address)
       if result > ret_result:
@@ -380,8 +437,13 @@
       ret_result = result
     return ret_result
+  def remove_target(self, address, reason):
+    SearchBasedTest.remove_target(self, address, reason)
+    if address in self.httpcode_fails: del self.httpcode_fails[address]
   def get_targets(self):
-    raw_urls = self.get_search_urls('http', self.fetch_targets, filetypes=self.scan_filetypes)
+    raw_urls = self.get_search_urls('http', self.fetch_targets, 
+                                     filetypes=self.scan_filetypes)
     urls = {} 
     # Slow, but meh..
@@ -392,44 +454,7 @@
     return urls     
-  def remove_target(self, address, reason):
-    SearchBasedTest.remove_target(self, address, reason)
-    if address in self.httpcode_fails: del self.httpcode_fails[address]
-    if address in self.successes: del self.successes[address]
-    if address in self.exit_fails: del self.exit_fails[address]
-    kill_results = []
-    for r in self.results:
-      if r.site == address:
-        kill_results.append(r)
-    for r in kill_results:
-      if r.status == TEST_FAILURE:
-        # Save this new result file in false positive dir 
-        # and remove old one
-        try:
-          os.unlink(self.datahandler.resultFilename(r))
-        except:
-          pass
-        r.mark_false_positive(reason)
-        self.datahandler.saveResult(r)
-      self.results.remove(r)
-  def register_exit_failure(self, address, exit_node):
-    if address in self.exit_fails:
-      self.exit_fails[address].add(exit_node)
-    else:
-      self.exit_fails[address] = sets.Set([exit_node])
-    # TODO: Do something if abundance of succesful tests?
-    # Problem is this can still trigger for localized content
-    err_cnt = len(self.exit_fails[address])
-    if err_cnt > self.exit_limit:
-      if address not in self.successes: self.successes[address] = 0
-      plog("NOTICE", "Excessive HTTP 2-way failure ("+str(err_cnt)+" vs "+str(self.successes[address])+") for "+address+". Removing.")
-      self.remove_target(address, FALSEPOSITIVE_DYNAMIC_TOR)
-    else:
-      plog("ERROR", self.proto+" 2-way failure at "+exit_node+". This makes "+str(err_cnt)+" node failures for "+address)
   def register_httpcode_failure(self, address, exit_node):
     if address in self.httpcode_fails:
@@ -437,7 +462,7 @@
       self.httpcode_fails[address] = sets.Set([exit_node])
     err_cnt = len(self.httpcode_fails[address])
-    if err_cnt > self.httpcode_limit:
+    if err_cnt > self.httpcode_limit_pct*self.total_nodes/100.0:
       # Remove all associated data for this url.
       # (Note, this also seems to imply we should report BadExit in bulk,
       # after we've had a chance for these false positives to be weeded out)
@@ -477,8 +502,8 @@
       added_cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
-      added_cookie_jar.load(content_prefix+'.cookies')
-      self.cookie_jar.load(content_prefix+'.cookies')
+      added_cookie_jar.load(content_prefix+'.cookies', ignore_discard=True)
+      self.cookie_jar.load(content_prefix+'.cookies', ignore_discard=True)
       content = None 
     except IOError:
@@ -510,7 +535,7 @@
       added_cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
       for cookie in new_cookies: added_cookie_jar.set_cookie(cookie)
-        added_cookie_jar.save(content_prefix+'.cookies')
+        added_cookie_jar.save(content_prefix+'.cookies', ignore_discard=True)
         plog("WARN", "Error saving cookies in "+str(self.cookie_jar)+" to "+content_prefix+".cookies")
@@ -543,11 +568,14 @@
     if pcode - (pcode % 100) != 200:
       plog("NOTICE", exit_node+" had error "+str(pcode)+" fetching content for "+address)
+      # FIXME: Timeouts and socks errors give error code 0. Maybe
+      # break them up into more detailed reasons?
       result = HttpTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_INCONCLUSIVE,
-      self.register_httpcode_failure(address, exit_node)
+      if pcode != 0:
+        self.register_httpcode_failure(address, exit_node)
       # Restore cookie jars
       self.cookie_jar = orig_cookie_jar
       self.tor_cookie_jar = orig_tor_cookie_jar
@@ -611,7 +639,7 @@
       self.cookie_jar.set_cookie(cookie) # Update..
     os.rename(content_prefix+'.cookies', content_prefix+'.cookies-old')
-      new_cookie_jar.save(content_prefix+'.cookies')
+      new_cookie_jar.save(content_prefix+'.cookies', ignore_discard=True)
       plog("WARN", "Error saving cookies in "+str(new_cookie_jar)+" to "+content_prefix+".cookies")
@@ -627,7 +655,11 @@
       return TEST_SUCCESS
     if not content and not nocontent:
-      content_file = open(content_prefix+'.content', 'r')
+      if sha1sum.hexdigest() != sha1sum_new.hexdigest():
+        load_file = content_prefix+'.content-old'
+      else:
+        load_file = content_prefix+'.content'
+      content_file = open(load_file, 'r')
       content = content_file.read()
@@ -650,7 +682,7 @@
     # if they match, means the node has been changing the content
     if sha1sum.hexdigest() == sha1sum_new.hexdigest():
       # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.content.'+exit_node[1:], 'w')
+      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content', 'w')
@@ -665,7 +697,7 @@
       return TEST_FAILURE
     # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.dyn-content.'+exit_node[1:], 'w')
+    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content','w')
@@ -685,36 +717,34 @@
 class HTMLTest(HTTPTest):
   def __init__(self, mt, wordlist, recurse_filetypes=scan_filetypes):
-    # XXX: Change these to 10 and 20 once we exercise the fetch logic
     HTTPTest.__init__(self, mt, wordlist, recurse_filetypes)
+    self.fetch_targets = num_html_urls
     self.proto = "HTML"
-    self.min_targets = 9
     self.recurse_filetypes = recurse_filetypes
     self.fetch_queue = Queue.Queue()
-    self.dynamic_fails = {}
-    # XXX: 3 is way too low, but set for code exercise. 10 
-    # is prob reasonable
-    self.dynamic_limit = 3
   def run_test(self):
     # A single test should have a single cookie jar
     self.tor_cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
     self.cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
-    # XXX: Change these headers (esp accept) based on 
-    # url type
     self.headers = copy.copy(firefox_headers)
+    first_referer = None    
+    if random.randint(1,100) < referer_chance_pct:
+      # FIXME: Hrmm.. May want to do this a bit better..
+      first_referer = random.choice(self.targets)
+      plog("INFO", "Chose random referer "+first_referer)
     ret_result = TEST_SUCCESS
     self.tests_run += 1
-    # XXX: Set referrer to address for subsequent fetches
-    # XXX: Set referrer to random or none for initial fetch
-    # XXX: Watch for spider-traps! (ie mutually sourcing iframes)
+    # TODO: Watch for spider-traps! (ie mutually sourcing iframes)
     # Keep a trail log for this test and check for loops
     address = random.choice(self.targets)
-    self.fetch_queue.put_nowait(("html", address))
+    self.fetch_queue.put_nowait(("html", address, first_referer))
     while not self.fetch_queue.empty():
-      (test, url) = self.fetch_queue.get_nowait()
+      (test, url, referer) = self.fetch_queue.get_nowait()
+      if referer: self.headers['Referer'] = referer
       if test == "html": result = self.check_html(url)
       elif test == "http": result = self.check_http(url)
       elif test == "js": result = self.check_js(url)
@@ -731,28 +761,6 @@
   def get_targets(self):
     return self.get_search_urls('http', self.fetch_targets) 
-  def remove_target(self, address, reason):
-    HTTPTest.remove_target(self, address, reason)
-    if address in self.dynamic_fails: del self.dynamic_fails[address]
-  def register_dynamic_failure(self, address, exit_node):
-    if address in self.dynamic_fails:
-      self.dynamic_fails[address].add(exit_node)
-    else:
-      self.dynamic_fails[address] = sets.Set([exit_node])
-    err_cnt = len(self.dynamic_fails[address])
-    if err_cnt > self.dynamic_limit:
-      # Remove all associated data for this url.
-      # (Note, this also seems to imply we should report BadExit in bulk,
-      # after we've had a chance for these false positives to be weeded out)
-      if address not in self.successes: self.successes[address] = 0
-      plog("NOTICE", "Excessive HTTP 3-way failure ("+str(err_cnt)+" vs "+str(self.successes[address])+") for "+address+". Removing.")
-      self.remove_target(address, FALSEPOSITIVE_DYNAMIC)
-    else:
-      plog("ERROR", self.proto+" 3-way failure at "+exit_node+". This makes "+str(err_cnt)+" node failures for "+address)
   def _add_recursive_targets(self, soup, orig_addr):
     # Only pull at most one filetype from the list of 'a' links
     targets = []
@@ -786,14 +794,18 @@
     for i in sets.Set(targets):
       if self._is_useable_url(i[1], html_schemes):
         plog("NOTICE", "Adding "+i[0]+" target: "+i[1])
-        self.fetch_queue.put_nowait(i)
+        self.fetch_queue.put_nowait((i[0], i[1], orig_addr))
         plog("NOTICE", "Skipping "+i[0]+" target: "+i[1])
   def check_js(self, address):
     plog('INFO', 'Conducting a js test with destination ' + address)
+    orig_accept = self.headers['Accept']
+    self.headers['Accept'] = "*/*"
     ret = self.check_http_nodynamic(address)
+    self.headers['Accept'] = orig_accept
     if type(ret) == int:
       return ret
     (tor_js, tsha, orig_js, osha, new_js, nsha, exit_node) = ret
@@ -815,7 +827,8 @@
       failed_prefix = http_failed_dir+address_file
       # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.dyn-content.'+exit_node[1:], 'w')
+      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content',
+                                'w')
@@ -879,7 +892,7 @@
     # if they match, means the node has been changing the content
     if str(orig_soup) == str(new_soup):
       # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.content.'+exit_node[1:], 'w')
+      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content', 'w')
@@ -934,7 +947,7 @@
       return TEST_SUCCESS
     # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.dyn-content.'+exit_node[1:], 'w')
+    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content','w')
@@ -951,7 +964,7 @@
 class SSLTest(SearchBasedTest):
   def __init__(self, mt, wordlist):
-    self.test_hosts = 10
+    self.test_hosts = num_ssl_hosts
     SearchBasedTest.__init__(self, mt, "SSL", 443, wordlist)
   def run_test(self):
@@ -966,32 +979,31 @@
     address=str(address) # Unicode hostnames not supported..
     # specify the context
-    ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
+    ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
     # ready the certificate request
     request = crypto.X509Req()
     # open an ssl connection
+    # FIXME: Hrmmm. handshake considerations
     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     c = SSL.Connection(ctx, s)
-    # FIXME: Change this whole test to store pickled SSLDomains
       c.connect((address, 443)) # XXX: Verify TorDNS here too..
     except socket.error, e:
-      plog('WARN','An error occured while opening an ssl connection to ' + address)
-      plog('WARN', e)
+      plog('WARN','An error occured while opening an ssl connection to '+address+": "+str(e))
       return 0
-    except (IndexError, TypeError):
-      plog('WARN', 'An error occured while negotiating socks5 with Tor (timeout?)')
+    except (IndexError, TypeError, socks.Socks5Error), e:
+      plog('WARN', 'An error occured while negotiating socks5 for '+address+': '+str(e))
       return 0
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
       raise KeyboardInterrupt
-    except:
-      plog('WARN', 'An unknown SSL error occured for '+address)
+    except e:
+      plog('WARN', 'An unknown SSL error occured for '+address+': '+str(e))
       return 0
@@ -1008,15 +1020,81 @@
         ret = m.to_name
     return ret
+  def _update_cert_list(self, ssl_domain, check_ips):
+    changed = False
+    for ip in check_ips:
+      if not ssl_domain.seen_ip(ip):
+        plog('INFO', 'Ssl connection to new ip '+ip+" for "+ssl_domain.domain)
+        raw_cert = self.ssl_request(ip)
+        if not raw_cert:
+          plog('WARN', 'Error getting the correct cert for '+ssl_domain.domain+":"+ip)
+          continue
+        ssl_domain.add_cert(ip,
+               crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, raw_cert))
+        changed = True
+    return changed
   def check_openssl(self, address):
     ''' check whether an https connection to a given address is molested '''
     plog('INFO', 'Conducting an ssl test with destination ' + address)
     # an address representation acceptable for a filename 
     address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[8:])
+    ssl_file_name = ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.ssl'
+    # load the original cert and compare
+    # if we don't have the original cert yet, get it
+    try:
+      ssl_file = open(ssl_file_name, 'r')
+      ssl_domain = pickle.load(ssl_file)
+      ssl_file.close()
+    except IOError:
+      ssl_domain = SSLDomain(address)
+    check_ips = []
+    resolved = socket.getaddrinfo(address, 443)
+    for res in resolved:
+      if res[0] == socket.AF_INET and res[2] == socket.IPPROTO_TCP:
+        check_ips.append(res[4][0])
+    try:
+      if self._update_cert_list(ssl_domain, check_ips):
+        ssl_file = open(ssl_file_name, 'w')
+        pickle.dump(ssl_domain, ssl_file)
+        ssl_file.close()
+    except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
+      plog('WARN', 'Crypto error.')
+      traceback.print_exc()
+    if not ssl_domain.cert_map:
+      plog('WARN', 'Error getting the correct cert for ' + address)
+    if ssl_domain.cert_changed:
+      ssl_domain = SSLDomain(address)
+      plog('INFO', 'Fetching all new certs for '+address)
+      try:
+        if self._update_cert_list(ssl_domain, check_ips):
+          ssl_file = open(ssl_file_name, 'w')
+          pickle.dump(ssl_domain, ssl_file)
+          ssl_file.close()
+      except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
+        plog('WARN', 'Crypto error.')
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        return TEST_INCONCLUSIVE
+      if ssl_domain.cert_changed:
+        plog("NOTICE", "Fully dynamic certificate host "+address)
+        result = SSLTestResult("NoExit", address, ssl_file_name, 
+                               TEST_INCONCLUSIVE,
+                               INCONCLUSIVE_DYNAMICSSL)
+        self.datahandler.saveResult(result)
+        self.results.append(result)
+        self.remove_target(address, FALSEPOSITIVE_DYNAMIC)
+        return TEST_INCONCLUSIVE
     # get the cert via tor
     defaultsocket = socket.socket
     socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, tor_host, tor_port)
     socket.socket = socks.socksocket
@@ -1027,107 +1105,44 @@
     socket.socket = defaultsocket
     exit_node = self.mt.get_exit_node()
-    if exit_node == 0 or exit_node == '0' or not exit_node:
+    if not exit_node or exit_node == '0':
       plog('WARN', 'We had no exit node to test, skipping to the next test.')
       return TEST_FAILURE
     # if we got no cert, there was an ssl error
     if cert == 0:
-      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, 0, TEST_INCONCLUSIVE)
+      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, ssl_file_name, 
+                             TEST_INCONCLUSIVE,
+                             INCONCLUSIVE_NOEXITCONTENT)
+      self.results.append(result)
-    # load the original cert and compare
-    # if we don't have the original cert yet, get it
-    original_cert = 0
-    try:
-      # XXX: Use pickle with IP:cert string
-      cert_file = open(ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.pem', 'r')
-      cert_string = cert_file.read()
-      original_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_string)
-    except IOError:
-      plog('INFO', 'Opening a direct ssl connection to ' + address)
-      # XXX: Connect to specific IP used via Non-Tor
-      original_cert = self.ssl_request(address)
-      if not original_cert:
-        plog('WARN', 'Error getting the correct cert for ' + address)
-        return TEST_INCONCLUSIVE
-      if original_cert.has_expired():
-        plog('WARN', 'The ssl cert for '+address+' seems to have expired. Skipping to the next test...')
-        return TEST_INCONCLUSIVE
-      cert_file = open(ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.pem', 'w')
-      cert_file.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, original_cert))
-      cert_file.close()
-    except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
-      plog('NOTICE', 'There are non-related files in ' + ssl_certs_dir + '. You should probably clean it.')
-    if not original_cert:
-      plog('WARN', 'Error getting the correct cert for ' + address)
     # get an easily comparable representation of the certs
     cert_pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
-    original_cert_pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, original_cert)
     # if certs match, everything is ok
-    if cert_pem == original_cert_pem:
-      cert_file = ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.pem'
-      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, cert_file, TEST_SUCCESS)
-      self.datahandler.saveResult(result)
+    if ssl_domain.seen_cert(cert_pem):
+      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, ssl_file_name, TEST_SUCCESS)
+      #self.datahandler.saveResult(result)
       return TEST_SUCCESS
-    # if certs dont match, open up a direct connection and update the cert
-    plog('INFO', 'Opening a direct ssl connection to ' + address)
-    original_cert_new = self.ssl_request(address)
-    if original_cert_new == 0:
-      plog('WARN', 'Error getting the correct cert for ' + address)
-      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, 0, TEST_INCONCLUSIVE)
-      self.datahandler.saveResult(result)
-    original_cert_new_pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, original_cert_new)
-    # compare the old and new cert
-    # if certs match, means the exit node has been messing with the cert
-    if original_cert_pem == original_cert_new_pem:
-      plog('ERROR', 'Exit node ' + exit_node + ' seems to be meddling with certificates. (' + address + ')')
-      cert_file_name = ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '_' + exit_node[1:] + '.pem'
-      cert_file = open(cert_file_name, 'w')
-      cert_file.write(cert_pem)
-      cert_file.close()
-      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, cert_file_name, TEST_FAILURE)
+    # False positive case.. Can't help it if the cert rotates AND we have a
+    # failure... Need to prune all results for this cert and give up.
+    if ssl_domain.cert_rotates:
+      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, ssl_file_name, TEST_FAILURE, 
+                             FAILURE_DYNAMICCERTS, cert_pem)
+      self.results.append(result)
+      self.register_dynamic_failure(address, exit_node)
       return TEST_FAILURE
-    # if comparsion fails, replace the old cert with the new one
-    # XXX: Hrmm, probably should store as a seperate IP file in this case
-    # so we don't keep alternating on sites that have round robin
-    # DNS and different certs for each IP.. 
-    cert_file = open(ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.pem', 'w')
-    cert_file.write(original_cert_new_pem)
-    cert_file.close()
-    # compare the new cert and the node cert
-    # if certs match, everything is ok
-    if cert_pem == original_cert_new_pem:
-      cert_file = ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.pem'
-      result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, cert_file, TEST_SUCCESS)
-      self.datahandler.saveResult(result)
-      return TEST_SUCCESS
     # if certs dont match, means the exit node has been messing with the cert
-    plog('ERROR', 'Exit node ' + exit_node + ' seems to be meddling with certificates. (' + address + ')')
-    cert_file_name = ssl_certs_dir + address + '_' + exit_node[1:] + '.pem'
-    cert_file = open(cert_file_name, 'w')
-    cert_file.write(cert_pem)
-    cert_file.close()
-    result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, cert_file_name, TEST_FAILURE)
+    result = SSLTestResult(exit_node, address, ssl_file_name, TEST_FAILURE,
+                           FAILURE_EXITONLY, cert_pem)
+    self.results.append(result)
+    self.register_exit_failure(address, exit_node)
     return TEST_FAILURE
 class POP3STest(Test):
@@ -1139,7 +1154,7 @@
     return self.check_pop(random.choice(self.targets))
   def get_targets(self):
-    return [] # XXX
+    return [] 
   def check_pop(self, address, port=''):
@@ -1310,7 +1325,6 @@
         tls_started != tls_started_d or tls_succeeded != tls_succeeded_d):
       result = POPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_FAILURE)
-      # XXX: Log?
       return TEST_FAILURE
     result = POPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_SUCCESS)
@@ -1410,7 +1424,6 @@
     if ehlo1_reply != ehlo1_reply_d or has_starttls != has_starttls_d or ehlo2_reply != ehlo2_reply_d:
       result = SMTPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_FAILURE)
-      # XXX: Log?
       return TEST_FAILURE
     result = SMTPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_SUCCESS)
@@ -1578,7 +1591,6 @@
       tls_started != tls_started_d or tls_succeeded != tls_succeeded_d):
       result = IMAPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_FAILURE)
-      # XXX: log?
       return TEST_FAILURE
     result = IMAPTestResult(exit_node, address, TEST_SUCCESS)
@@ -1589,7 +1601,7 @@
   def check_dns(self, address):
     ''' A basic comparison DNS test. Rather unreliable. '''
     # TODO Spawns a lot of false positives (for ex. doesn't work for google.com). 
-    # XXX: This should be done passive like the DNSRebind test (possibly as
+    # TODO: This should be done passive like the DNSRebind test (possibly as
     # part of it)
     plog('INFO', 'Conducting a basic dns test for destination ' + address)
@@ -1861,7 +1873,7 @@
     # self.__contol.set_option('AuthDirBadExit', exit) ?
-  # XXX: Hrmm is this in the right place?
+  # FIXME: Hrmm is this in the right place?
   def check_all_exits_port_consistency(self):
     an independent test that finds nodes that allow connections over a common protocol
@@ -1898,7 +1910,7 @@
       plog('INFO', 'Exits with ' + common_protocol + ' / ' + secure_protocol + ' problem: ' + `len(specific_bad_exits[i])` + ' (~' + `(len(specific_bad_exits[i]) * 100 / len(routers))` + '%)')
     plog('INFO', 'Total bad exits: ' + `len(bad_exits)` + ' (~' + `(len(bad_exits) * 100 / len(routers))` + '%)')
-  # XXX: Hrmm is this in the right place?
+  # FIXME: Hrmm is this in the right place?
   def check_dns_rebind(self):
     A DNS-rebind attack test that runs in the background and monitors REMAP events
@@ -1960,11 +1972,12 @@
   if not tot_len:
     tot_len = "0"
-  start = time.time()
+  start = 0
   data = ""
   while True:
     data_read = response.read(500) # Cells are 495 bytes..
-    # XXX: if this doesn't work, check stream observer for 
+    if not start: start = time.time()
+    # TODO: if this doesn't work, check stream observer for 
     # lack of progress.. or for a sign we should read..
     len_read = len(data)
     now = time.time()
@@ -2070,12 +2083,11 @@
   global search_cookies
   search_cookies = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
   if os.path.isfile(search_cookie_file):
-    search_cookies.load(search_cookie_file)
+    search_cookies.load(search_cookie_file, ignore_discard=True)
   search_cookies.__filename = search_cookie_file
   tests = {}
-  # FIXME: Create an event handler that updates these lists
   if do_ssl:
       tests["SSL"] = SSLTest(mt, load_wordlist(ssl_wordlist_file))

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