[or-cvs] r10705: Added the recording of global-circuit building stats like av (torflow/trunk)

renner at seul.org renner at seul.org
Fri Jun 29 15:48:20 UTC 2007

Author: renner
Date: 2007-06-29 11:48:20 -0400 (Fri, 29 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 10705


  Added the recording of global-circuit building stats like average setup duration, min/max, median and total no. of timeouts occurred.

Modified: torflow/trunk/op-addon.py
--- torflow/trunk/op-addon.py	2007-06-29 13:54:56 UTC (rev 10704)
+++ torflow/trunk/op-addon.py	2007-06-29 15:48:20 UTC (rev 10705)
@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@
 from TorCtl import *
 from TorCtl.TorUtil import plog, sort_list
-# TODO: Move these to config-file
+# TODO: Move all of the configuration to a .pathrc
 control_host = ""
 control_port = 9051
 socks_host = ""
 socks_port = 9050
-# Any ideas/proposals?
+# Host and port to use for ping streams
+# Choose randomly from a set of hosts/ports to prevent from fasttracking?
 ping_dummy_host = ""
 ping_dummy_port = 100
@@ -46,34 +48,32 @@
 # Measure complete circuits
 measure_circs = True
-# Note: Tor-internal lifetime of a circuit is 10 min --> 600/sleep_interval = max-age
 # Sleep interval between working loads in sec
 initial_interval = 8
-sleep_interval = 1
+sleep_interval = 2
 # Close circ after n timeouts or avg measured slownesses
 timeout_limit = 1
 # Slow RTT := x seconds, close circs slower & create only circs faster than this
-slowness_limit = 5
+slowness_limit = 2
 slow = 1.
 # Set to True if we want to measure partial circuits
 # This also enables circuit creation from the model
-measure_partial_circs = True
+measure_partial_circs = False
 # Minimum number of proposals to choose from
-min_proposals = 10
+min_proposals = 1
 # Min ratio of traditionally created circs
 # ensures growing of the explored subnet
-min_ratio = 1./3.
+min_ratio = 1./2.
-# Testing mode: Close circuits after num_tests measures + 
-# involves a FileHandler to write collected data to a file
-testing_mode = True
-# Number of tests per circuit
+# Testing mode: Collect latencies of circuits and links in the network + global circ_stats
+# Close circuits after num_tests measures + involve FileHandlers to write data to files
+testing_mode = False
 num_tests = 5
 # Do geoip-configuration here
-# TODO: Set src_country below when setting up our location
-path_config = GeoIPSupport.GeoIPConfig(unique_countries = None,
+# Set src_country below when setting up our location
+path_config = GeoIPSupport.GeoIPConfig(unique_countries = True,
                                        entry_country = None,
 				       exit_country = None,
 				       max_crossings = 1,
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-      use_guards=True,
+      use_guards=False,
 ######################################### BEGIN: Connection         #####################
@@ -174,12 +174,19 @@
       return self.values[(len(self.values)-1)/2]
     else: return 0.0
+######################################## FileHandler              ######################
 class FileHandler:
-  """ FileHandler for appending collected data to a file """
+  """ FileHandler class for writing/appending collected data to a file """
   def __init__(self, filename):
     self.filename = filename
   def write(self, line):
+    self.filehandle = open(self.filename, 'w')
+    self.filehandle.write(line + "\n")
+    self.filehandle.close() 
+  def append(self, line):
     self.filehandle = open(self.filename, 'a')
     self.filehandle.write(line + "\n")
@@ -200,12 +207,18 @@
     self.slowness_counter = 0 	# slowness limit
     self.closed = False		# mark circuit closed
     self.rtt_created = False	# if this was created from the model
+    # List of extend-times
+    self.extend_times = []      # list of all extend-times, sum up for setup duration
   def add_rtt(self, rtt):
     """ Add a new value and refresh the stats """
     # Set current
-    self.current_rtt = rtt
-    # Add to the stats
+    if self.current_rtt == None:
+      self.current_rtt = rtt
+    else:
+      self.current_rtt = (self.current_rtt * 0.5) + (rtt * 0.5)
+      plog("DEBUG", "Computing new current RTT from " + str(rtt) + " to " + str(self.current_rtt))
+    # Add new RTT to the stats
     # Increase age
     self.age += 1
@@ -217,9 +230,9 @@
     if not self.built: s += " (not yet built)"
     else: s += " (age=" + str(self.age) + ")"
     if self.current_rtt: 
-      s += ": " "RTT (current/median/mean/dev): "
-      s += str(self.current_rtt) + "/" + str(self.stats.median) + "/"
-      s += str(self.stats.mean) + "/" + str(self.stats.dev)
+      s += ": " "RTT [current (median/mean/dev)]: "
+      s += str(self.current_rtt) + " (" + str(self.stats.median) + "/"
+      s += str(self.stats.mean) + "/" + str(self.stats.dev) + ")"
     if self.rtt_created: s += "*"
     return s
@@ -227,8 +240,24 @@
   """ Stream class extended to hop """
   def __init__(self, sid, host, port, kind):
     PathSupport.Stream.__init__(self, sid, host, port, kind)
-    self.hop = None		# save hop if this is a ping, hop=None means complete circ
+    self.hop = None	# save hop if this is a ping, hop=None means complete circ
+######################################### BEGIN: CircuitStats      #####################
+class CircuitBuildingStats(Stats):
+  """ Create an instance of this and gather overall circuit stats """
+  def __init__(self):
+    Stats.__init__(self)
+    self.timeouts = 0        # count occurrences of timeouts
+  def to_string(self):
+    """ Create a string for writing to a file """
+    s = "Circuit buildups: "
+    s += str(len(self.values)) + " records, median=" + str(self.median) + " sec, avg=" + str(self.mean) + " sec" 
+    s += ", dev=" + str(self.dev) + " sec (min=" + str(self.min) + " sec, max=" + str(self.max) + " sec)\n"
+    s += "Total number of timeouts: " + str(self.timeouts)
+    return s
 ######################################### BEGIN: NetworkModel      #####################
 class LinkInfo:
@@ -239,14 +268,16 @@
     self.src = src
     self.dest = dest
     # The current value
-    self.current_rtt = 0.0
-    # Setup the stats and record the first RTT
-    self.stats = Stats()
+    self.current_rtt = None
+    # Set the RTT
   def add_rtt(self, rtt):
-    self.current_rtt = rtt
-    self.stats.add_value(rtt)
+    # Compute new current value from the last
+    if self.current_rtt == None: self.current_rtt = rtt
+    else: 
+      self.current_rtt = (self.current_rtt * 0.5) + (rtt * 0.5)
+      plog("DEBUG", "Computing new current RTT from " + str(rtt) + " to " + str(self.current_rtt))
 class PathProposal:
   """ Instances of this class are path-proposals found in the model """
@@ -257,7 +288,12 @@
     self.path = path[1:len(path)]
     # Compute the expected RTT (from current value?)
     self.rtt = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y.current_rtt, self.links, 0.0)
+  # TODO: Call before actually creating a circuit
+  def will_exit_to(self, host, port):
+    """ Check for the last router in the path """
+    return self.path(len(self.path)-1).will_exit_to(host, port)
   def to_string(self):
     """ Create a string for printing out information """
     s = ""
@@ -345,9 +381,9 @@
   def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circuits):
     # Init the PathBuilder
     PathSupport.PathBuilder.__init__(self, c, selmgr, GeoIPSupport.GeoIPRouter)
-    self.num_circuits = num_circuits    # size of the circuit pool
-    self.check_circuit_pool()	        # bring up the pool of circs
-    self.sorted_circs = None		# attribute to hold a sorted list of the circuits
+    self.num_circuits = num_circuits            # size of the circuit pool
+    self.check_circuit_pool()	                # bring up the pool of circs
+    self.circ_stats = CircuitBuildingStats()    # record buildup-times, no. of timeouts
   def check_circuit_pool(self):
     """ Init or check the status of our pool of circuits """
@@ -413,6 +449,11 @@
     if c.status == "EXTENDED":
+      # Compute elapsed time
+      extend_time = c.arrived_at - self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at
+      # Add to the list
+      self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times.append(extend_time)
+      plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " extended in " + str(extend_time) + " sec")
       self.circuits[c.circ_id].last_extended_at = c.arrived_at
@@ -432,6 +473,11 @@
     # BUILT
     elif c.status == "BUILT":
       self.circuits[c.circ_id].built = True
+      # Compute duration by summing up extend_times
+      duration = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, self.circuits[c.circ_id].extend_times, 0.0)
+      plog("DEBUG", "Circuit " + str(c.circ_id) + " needed " + str(duration) + " seconds to be built")
+      # Add duration to circ_stats
+      self.circ_stats.add_value(duration)
         for stream in self.circuits[c.circ_id].pending_streams:
           self.c.attach_stream(stream.strm_id, c.circ_id)
@@ -453,7 +499,8 @@
   def __init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs):    
     # Call constructor of superclass
     CircuitHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs)
+    self.sorted_circs = None		# attribute to hold a sorted list of the circuits
   def clear_dns_cache(self):
     """ Send signal CLEARDNSCACHE """
     lines = self.c.sendAndRecv("SIGNAL CLEARDNSCACHE\r\n")
@@ -553,7 +600,7 @@
       # Detect timeouts on user streams
       if s.reason == "TIMEOUT":
-	# TODO: Increase a timeout counter on the stream?
+	# TODO: Count timeouts on the stream?
 	#self.streams[s.strm_id].timeout_counter += 1
 	plog("DEBUG", "User stream timed out on circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
       # Stream was pending
@@ -625,9 +672,11 @@
     if self.partial_circs:
       self.router = router			# this object represents this OR
       self.model = NetworkModel(self.router)	# model for recording link-RTTs
+    # For saving stats about circuit building
+    self.circ_filehandler = FileHandler("data/circ_stats")
     # Handle testing_mode
     if testing_mode:
-      self.filehandler = FileHandler("data/circuits")
+      self.latency_filehandler = FileHandler("data/mean_latencies")
     # Init the StreamHandler
     StreamHandler.__init__(self, c, selmgr, num_circs)    
     # Start the Pinger that triggers the connections
@@ -638,8 +687,12 @@
     self.sorted_circs = []		# list of circs sorted by mean RTT
   def refresh_sorted_list(self):
-    """ Sort the list for their mean RTTs or something else? """
-    self.sorted_circs = sort_list(self.circuits.values(), lambda x: x.stats.mean)
+    """ Sort the list for their current RTTs """
+    def notlambda(x): 
+      # If not measured yet, return a max value
+      if x.current_rtt == None: return 10
+      else: return x.current_rtt
+    self.sorted_circs = sort_list(self.circuits.values(), notlambda)
     plog("DEBUG", "Refreshed sorted list of circuits")
   def enqueue_pings(self):
@@ -651,7 +704,7 @@
         # Get id of c
       	id = c.circ_id
         if self.partial_circs:
-	  # If partial measures wanted: get length
+	  # If partial measurings wanted: get length
 	  path_len = len(c.path)
 	  for i in xrange(1, path_len):
             self.ping_queue.put((id, i))
@@ -659,57 +712,67 @@
 	# And for the whole circuit ...
         self.ping_queue.put((id, None))
         plog("DEBUG", "Enqueued circuit " + str(id) + " hop None")
-  def compute_link_RTTs(self):
-    """ Get the circs and check if we can compute RTTs of single links and store these in the model """    
+  # XXX: Not used
+  def compute_all_RTTs(self):
+    """ Get the circs and compute everything """    
     circs = self.circuits.values()
     # Measure also the duration
     start = time.time()
     for c in circs:
-      # Get the length
-      path_len = len(c.path)
-      # Go through the path
-      for i in xrange(1,path_len):
-        if i in c.part_rtts:
-          # First hop --> add Link from Root to 1
-          if i == 1:
-	    link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i]
-	    self.model.add_link(self.router, c.path[i-1], link_rtt)
-	  # Handle i -- (i+1)
-          if i+1 in c.part_rtts:
-            link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i+1] - c.part_rtts[i]
-	    if link_rtt > 0:          
-	      plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT: " + str(link_rtt))
-	      # Save to NetworkModel
-	      self.model.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
-	    else:
-	      plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT: " + str(link_rtt))
-	  # Handle (n-1) -- n
-	  elif None in c.part_rtts:
-            # We have a total value
-	    link_rtt = c.part_rtts[None] - c.part_rtts[i]
-	    if link_rtt > 0:          
-	      plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT: " + str(link_rtt))
-	      # Save to NetworkModel
-	      self.model.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
-	    else:
-	      plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT: " + str(link_rtt))
+      self.compute_link_RTTs(c)
     plog("DEBUG", "Computation of link-RTTs took us " + str(time.time()-start) + " seconds")
     # Print out the model
+  def compute_link_RTTs(self, c):
+    """ Check if we can compute RTTs of single links for circuit c and store these in the model """
+    # Get the length
+    path_len = len(c.path)
+    # Go through the path
+    for i in xrange(1,path_len):
+      if i in c.part_rtts:
+        # First hop --> add Link from Root to 1
+        if i == 1:
+	  link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i]
+	  self.model.add_link(self.router, c.path[i-1], link_rtt)
+	# Handle i -- (i+1)
+        if i+1 in c.part_rtts:
+          link_rtt = c.part_rtts[i+1] - c.part_rtts[i]
+	  if link_rtt > 0:          
+	    plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
+	    # Save to NetworkModel
+	    self.model.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
+	  else:
+	    plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
+	# Handle (n-1) -- n
+	elif None in c.part_rtts:
+          # We have a total value
+	  link_rtt = c.part_rtts[None] - c.part_rtts[i]
+	  if link_rtt > 0:          
+	    plog("INFO", "Computed link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
+	    # Save to NetworkModel
+	    self.model.add_link(c.path[i-1], c.path[i], link_rtt)
+	  else:
+	    plog("WARN", "Negative link-RTT " + str(i) + ": " + str(link_rtt))
   def attach_ping(self, stream):
     """ Attach a ping stream to its circuit """
     if self.ping_queue.empty():
       # This round has finished
-      plog("INFO", "Queue is empty --> no circuits to test, closing stream " + str(stream.strm_id))
+      plog("INFO", "Queue is empty --> round has finished, closing stream " + str(stream.strm_id))
       self.close_stream(stream.strm_id, 5)
       # Call the rest from here?
       if self.partial_circs:
-        self.compute_link_RTTs()
+        # Print out the model
+        self.model.print_graph()
+        self.model.find_circuits()
+      # Enqueue again all circs
+      # Write circ_stats to a file every round
+      self.circ_filehandler.write(self.circ_stats.to_string()) 
       # Get the info and extract
@@ -759,15 +822,15 @@
           # Save stats to a file for generating plots etc.
           if self.partial_circs:
 	    if self.circuits[s.circ_id].rtt_created:
-	      # TODO: Do we have to check if this circuit is _really_ new?
-              self.filehandler.write(str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].stats.mean))
+	      # TODO: Do we want to check if this circuit is _really_ new?
+              self.latency_filehandler.append(str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].stats.mean))
-	    self.filehandler.write(str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].stats.mean))
+	    self.latency_filehandler.append(str(self.circuits[s.circ_id].stats.mean))
 	  # Close the circuit
-      # Close if slow-max is reached on mean RTT
-      if self.circuits[s.circ_id].stats.mean >= slow:
+      # Close if slow-max is reached on current RTTs
+      if self.circuits[s.circ_id].current_rtt >= slow:
         self.circuits[s.circ_id].slowness_counter += 1
         if self.circuits[s.circ_id].slowness_counter >= slowness_limit and not self.circuits[s.circ_id].closed:
           plog("DEBUG", "Slow-max (" + str(slowness_limit) + ") is reached --> closing circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
@@ -775,6 +838,9 @@
       # Resort only if this is for the complete circ
+      if self.partial_circs == True:
+        self.compute_link_RTTs(self.circuits[s.circ_id])
   def stream_status_event(self, s):
     """ Separate pings from regular streams directly """
     if not (s.target_host == ping_dummy_host and s.target_port == ping_dummy_port):
@@ -808,6 +874,8 @@
         if self.circuits[s.circ_id].timeout_counter >= timeout_limit and not self.circuits[s.circ_id].closed:
           # Close the circuit
           plog("DEBUG", "Reached limit on timeouts --> closing circuit " + str(s.circ_id))
+          # Increase total counter for timeouts
+          self.circ_stats.timeouts += 1
         # Set RTT for this circ to None
         self.circuits[s.circ_id].current_rtt = None

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