[tor-bugs] #7642 [Ooni]: Secure download of python package dependencies

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Wed Dec 5 11:46:58 UTC 2012

#7642: Secure download of python package dependencies
 Reporter:  hellais      |          Owner:  hellais
     Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal       |      Milestone:         
Component:  Ooni         |        Version:         
 Keywords:  ooni_build,  |         Parent:         
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:         

Comment(by hellais):

 from #nottor:

 06:37 < d1b> best solution for now - is git+https://$repo  / git+ssh /
 06:37 < d1b> in requirements.txt imho
 06:39 < hellais> d1b: though that would not work with packages that don't
 have a git repo, right?
 06:40 < hellais> I mean we would have to mirror to a git repo all the
 packages we are interested in?
 06:40 < d1b> hellais: yeah
 06:40 < hellais> ugh
 06:40 < d1b> also it works for hg, but hg needs to have https certificates
 pointed as well
 06:40 < hellais> that seems like a pain
 06:40 < d1b> it is only a pain to start with
 06:40 < hellais> anyways it's a good idea worth considering
 06:43 < hellais> d1b: well it's also a pain to keep it all in sync and up
 to date
 06:43 < d1b> hmm?
 06:43 < d1b> just point it at master ;)
 06:43 < hellais> d1b: no, you want to point it to the latest release
 06:44 < hellais> but not all depedencies have tags or use the same tags
 06:44 < hellais> when a package updates you need to point it to a new tag
 06:44 < d1b> yep
 06:44 < d1b> or just point it at master - for those who like breakage :-)
 06:44 < hellais> and you need to have some update automation scripts that
 do that
 06:45 < hellais> I don't like breakage
 06:45 < hellais> :P
 06:45 < d1b> :-)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7642#comment:3>
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