[tbb-dev] Tor Browser version strategy

Mark Smith mcs at pearlcrescent.com
Wed Mar 26 18:18:06 UTC 2014

On 3/24/14, 4:10 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
> Is there a reason why we need to use their exact version numbers? What
> if we just formatted and stored existing TBB versions in the same way
> that Firefox does?

One issue is extension compatibility, e.g., if an extension is marked as 
requiring Firefox 24 or newer, then the browser will refuse to load the 
extension if we change the core browser version to 4.0.

Based on this discussion, we are going to keep the idea of a separate 
Tor Browser version for now.  The patches are small (many "one liners") 
so they should not be too difficult to maintain/reapply as Mozilla makes 
changes to the code.  We can revisit this later if we decide that the 
benefit outweighs the effort.

Mark Smith
Pearl Crescent

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