[tbb-commits] [tor-browser-spec] branch master updated: Bug 40027: Update processes/ReleaseProcess following tor-browser-build#40414

gitolite role git at cupani.torproject.org
Wed Apr 20 09:41:47 UTC 2022

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boklm pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tor-browser-spec.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 0381b27  Bug 40027: Update processes/ReleaseProcess following tor-browser-build#40414
0381b27 is described below

commit 0381b271b4f4d57a37024a2aeaf21681c59b59c5
Author: Nicolas Vigier <boklm at torproject.org>
AuthorDate: Thu Mar 24 12:47:39 2022 +0100

    Bug 40027: Update processes/ReleaseProcess following tor-browser-build#40414
 processes/ReleaseProcess | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 140 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/processes/ReleaseProcess b/processes/ReleaseProcess
index 08db508..21a3b9b 100644
--- a/processes/ReleaseProcess
+++ b/processes/ReleaseProcess
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 #  "May this part of our job one day be replaced by a small shell script"
+### Prepare build ###
 #. Tag any relevant component versions.
 #  In particular: before tagging the tor-browser tag, the final code from
 #  Torbutton needs to get included and in order to avoid unnecessary commit
@@ -24,7 +28,14 @@
    torsocks git push origin master:master
    torsocks git push origin --tags
+### Build         ###
 #. Build and generate incremental MAR files.
+   git tag -v tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
+   git checkout tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
    make && make incrementals-release # `make alpha && make incrementals-alpha`
 #. Compare the SHA256 sums of the bundles and MAR files with an independent
@@ -49,96 +60,124 @@
    # and changelog.
    # For stable releases put tails-dev at boum.org into Cc.
+### Signing and upload ###
+#. You need a `pkgstage` machine to store the bundles during the signing
+#  process. This machine should be:
+#   - secure (you will ssh to the signing machines and staticiforme
+#     from there)
+#   - with good bandwidth (you will download/upload bundles from there)
+#  All steps from the `Signing and upload` are run from the `pkgstage`
+#  machine unless mentioned otherwise.
+#  The signing scripts are located in the tor-browser-build/tools/signing
+#  directory.
+#. Checkout the tor-browser-build.git commit corresponding to the
+#  tor browser version you need to sign/publish.
+   cd tor-browser-build
+   git tag -v tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
+   git checkout tbb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-buildN
+#. Change to the tor-browser-build/tools/signing directory. All following
+#  commands are run from this directory.
+   cd tor-browser-build/tools/signing
+#. Set hosts information.
+   vim set-config.hosts
+#. Set tor browser version information. You should set tbb_version,
+#  tbb_version_build, tbb_version_type. This should match the information
+#  in rbm.conf.
+   vim set-config.tbb-version
+#. Download the tor browser build to the `pkgstage` machine from your
+#  build machine (configured in set-config.hosts).
+   ./sync-builder-unsigned-to-local-signed
 #. Codesign the macOS dmg files.
-   # setup
-   torsocks ssh mac-signer "mkdir $TORBROWSER_VERSION"
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/*.dmg mac-signer:$TORBROWSER_VERSION/
-   torsocks ssh mac-signer
-   # Unlock the keychain and then...
-   # Enable networking
-   networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate Ethernet on
-   # Sign the bundles.
-   ../gatekeeper-signing.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   # notarize and staple
-   ../notarization.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   ../stapler.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   # Check that it worked.
-   unzip -d test tb-$TORBROWSER_VERSION-osx_zh-CN-stapled.zip
-   pushd test
-   # Both should be "Tor Browser.app: Accepted" with "source=Notarized Developer ID"
-   spctl -vvvv --assess --type=exec --context context:primary-signature Tor\ Browser.app/
-   spctl -vvvv --assess --type=open --context context:primary-signature Tor\ Browser.app/
-   popd
-   rm -rf test
-   # Disable networking
-   networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Ethernet off
-   exit
-   torsocks rsync -avP mac-signer:$TORBROWSER_VERSION/tb-*-stapled.zip /path/to/builddir/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/
+#  Updload the tor browser dmg files to `macos-signer`
+   ./sync-macos-local-to-macos-signer
+#  Upload updated signing scripts to `macos-signer`. The scripts are
+#  located in the `signing-release` or `signing-alpha` directory on
+#  `macos-signer`.
+   ./sync-scripts-to-macos-signer
+#  Run proxy for `macos-signer`. You may need to kill an old proxy
+#  process on `macos-signer` if it was still running.
+   ./macos-signer-proxy
-   cp -rT tor-browser-build/projects/tor-browser/Bundle-Data/mac-applications.dmg dmg
+#  Sign the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
+#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
+   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-gatekeeper-signing
+#  Notarize the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
+#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
+   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-notarization
+#  Staple the bundles. On `macos-signer`.
+#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
+   macos-signer$ ~/signing-release/macos-signer-stapler
+#  Download the stapled bundles to `pkgstage`.
+   ./sync-macos-signer-stapled-to-macos-local-stapled
+#. Regenerate macOS DMG files from stapled zip files.
+   ./gatekeeper-bundling.sh
 #. Regenerate macOS MAR files from code signed dmg files.
-   # XXX Go to your directory prepared for recreating the .dmg files and containing
-   # the uploaded .zip files.
-   ./gatekeeper-bundling.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   rsync -avP ../$TORBROWSER_VERSION-signed/*.dmg $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/
-   cd tor-browser-build
-   mv $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/ release/signed/ (or alpha)
-   # The code signed dmg files should be in the $TORBROWSER_VERSION directory
-   # Install a recent p7zip version (see ../tools/dmg2mar for instructions)
-   make dmg2mar-release # or `make dmg2mar-alpha`
-#. Sign the MAR files
-   # First, copy the tor-browser-bundle tree to the signing machine. XXX: This
-   # still uses part of the old Gitian related infrastructure.
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/../../../ signing-machine
-   torsocks ssh signing-machine "mkdir tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION"
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/*.mar signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/
-   torsocks ssh signing-machine
-   cd tor-browser-bundle/gitian
-   # XXX Modify the signmars.sh script to comment out the eval call.
-   export NSS_DB_DIR=/path/to/nssdb
-   # Only needed if you are not owner of the marsigner cert
-   export NSS_CERTNAME=your_certname
-   make signmars
-   exit
-   torsocks rsync -avP signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/*.mar $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/
-#. Sign individual bundle files.
-   # Authenticode signing first
-   torsocks ssh windows-signing-machine "mkdir tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION"
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/*.exe windows-signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/
-   torsocks ssh windows-signing-machine
-   cd tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   /path/to/authenticode-signing.sh
-   exit
-   torsocks rsync -avP window-signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/*.exe $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/
-   # Authenticode timestamping next
-   export OSSLSIGNCODE=/path/to/osslsigncode
-   /path/to/authenticode-timestamping.sh
-   # Hashes of the signed bundles
-   ../../../tools/hash_signed_bundles.sh
-   # All the GPG signatures at last
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/* signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/
-   cd tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
-   /path/to/tbb-signing.sh
-   exit
-   torsocks rsync -avP signing-machine:tor-browser-bundle/gitian/$TORBROWSER_VERSION/ $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR
-   # Fetch signatures on unsigned sha256sums from other builds
-#. Sync to people.torproject.org
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR/ people.torproject.org:public_html/builds/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR
-   torsocks ssh people.torproject.org "mv public_html/$TORBROWSER_BUILDDIR public_html/$TORBROWSER_VERSION"
+   ./dmg2mar
+#. Sync bundles to `linux-signer`.
+   ./sync-local-to-linux-signer
+#. Upload updated signing scripts to `linux-signer`. The scripts are
+#  located in the `signing-release` or `signing-alpha` directory on
+#  `linux-signer`.
+   ./sync-scripts-to-linux-signer
+#. Sign the MAR files. On `linux-signer`.
+#  (replace signing-release with signing-alpha for an alpha release)
+   linux-signer$ ~/signing-release/linux-signer-signmars
-#. Transfer builds to staticiforme
+#. Authenticode signing of exe files. On `linux-signer`.
+   linux-signer$ chgrp -R yubihsm ~/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
+   linux-signer$ chmod -R g+w ~/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
+   linux-signer$ sudo su - yubihsm
+   linux-signer$ cd ~user/$TORBROWSER_VERSION
+   linux-signer$ /path/to/authenticode-signing.sh
+#. Authenticode timestamping.
+   ./sync-linux-signer-to-local
+   ./authenticode-timestamping.sh
+#. Create sha256sums-signed-build files
+   ./hash_signed_bundles.sh
+#. Upload sha256sums-signed-build and updated exe files to `linux-signer`.
+   ./sync-local-to-linux-signer
+#. Gpg signing.
+   ./linux-signer-gpg-sign
+#. Fetch signatures on unsigned sha256sums from other builds
+   ./download-unsigned-sha256sums-gpg-signatures-from-people-tpo
+#. Remove old builds on `staticiforme`
    # IMPORTANT: Remove the oldest version in a series in case there is more
    # than 1 available on dist.torproject.org before proceeding
    # XXX: TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST needs to be set
-   rm -rf /srv/dist-master.torproject.org/htdocs/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
-   static-update-component dist.torproject.org
+   staticiforme$ rm -rf /srv/dist-master.torproject.org/htdocs/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
+   staticiforme$ static-update-component dist.torproject.org
+#. Upload new build to `staticiforme`
+   ./sync-local-to-staticiforme
 #. Check diskspace available on cdn.tpo
 #  We currently have enough disk space to host two alpha and stable
@@ -150,14 +189,15 @@
 #  web-fsn-01.torproject.org, and cdn-backend-sunet-01.torproject.org
 #. Remove the oldest *.mar files from cdn.tpo to save space
-   rm -rf /srv/cdn-master.torproject.org/htdocs/aus1/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
-   static-update-component cdn.torproject.org
+   staticiforme$ rm -rf /srv/cdn-master.torproject.org/htdocs/aus1/torbrowser/$TORBROWSER_VERSION_OLDEST
+   staticiforme$ static-update-component cdn.torproject.org
 #. Sync files to dist.tpo and cdn.tpo mirrored web servers
-   # Obtain publish_version.sh from the tor-browser-build repo under tools/update/.
+   # Obtain publish_version.sh from the tor-browser-build repo under
+   # tools/update/ to run it on staticiforme.
    # $PREV_TORBROWSER_VERSION is one of the previously published versions remaining
    # on staticiforme from where the .htaccess is copied.
-   ./publish_version.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION $PREV_TORBROWSER_VERSION release # or alpha
+   staticiforme$ ./publish_version.sh $TORBROWSER_VERSION $PREV_TORBROWSER_VERSION
 #. Make sure we really built from the proper Mozilla build tag by consulting
    # the respective ESR release branch (for a good overview for ESR78 see
@@ -193,9 +233,10 @@
    cd ..
 #. Create blog post from changelog
-   # See https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-352-released for now
-   # Don't forget to link to Mozilla's security advisories if this is a security
-   # update.
+#  Edit set-config.blog to set you local blog directory.
+#  Don't forget to link to Mozilla's security advisories if this is a security
+#  update.
+  ./create-blog-post
 #. Check whether the .exe files got properly signed and timestamped
    # Point OSSLSIGNCODE to your osslsigncode binary
@@ -215,19 +256,16 @@
-#. Update and upload new update responses for the updater
-   # IMPORTANT: Copy the signed MAR files back before creating the update
-   # responses!
-   export TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL=release # or alpha / nightly
-   make update_responses-$TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL
-   cd $TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL/update-responses
-   chmod 664 ${TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL}/.htaccess
-   torsocks rsync -avP $TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL staticiforme.torproject.org:/srv/aus1-master.torproject.org/htdocs/torbrowser/update_3/
-   torsocks ssh staticiforme.torproject.org "chown -R :torwww /srv/aus1-master.torproject.org/htdocs/torbrowser/update_3/${TORBROWSER_UPDATE_CHANNEL}"
-   torsocks ssh staticiforme.torproject.org "static-update-component aus1.torproject.org"
+#. Generate and upload update_responses to staticiforme
+   ./upload-update_responses-to-staticiforme
+#. Enable update. On `staticiforme`.
+#  (for alpha release, use deploy_update_responses-alpha.sh instead)
+   staticiforme$ ~/deploy_update_responses-release.sh
+#. Clean linux-signer and macos-signer
+   ./finished-signing-clean-linux-signer
+   ./finished-signing-clean-macos-signer
 #  Upload APKs to Google Play
    Log into https://play.google.com/apps/publish

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