[tbb-commits] [tor-browser-build/master] Bug 40220: Improve tools/update-responses/README.md

gk at torproject.org gk at torproject.org
Thu Jan 28 20:03:36 UTC 2021

commit e511d5692568aa8b41a7c277d01216a3a2322bb4
Author: Nicolas Vigier <boklm at torproject.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 28 19:25:37 2021 +0100

    Bug 40220: Improve tools/update-responses/README.md
 tools/update-responses/README.md | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/update-responses/README.md b/tools/update-responses/README.md
index 8326983..605047a 100644
--- a/tools/update-responses/README.md
+++ b/tools/update-responses/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Tor Browser Update Responses script
-This repository contains a script to generate responses for Tor Browser
+This directory contains a script to generate xml update responses and
+incremental mar files for the Tor Browser updater.
-See ticket [#12622](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/12622)
+See ticket [#12622](https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/issues/12622)
 for details.
@@ -34,15 +34,36 @@ On Red Hat / Fedora you can install them with:
+Running the script
+We usually don't run the script directly. Instead we run one of the
+following make commands:
+ - make update_responses-alpha or make update_responses-release to
+   generate update responses files for an alpha or stable release.
+ - make incrementals-alpha or make incrementals-release to generate
+   incremental mar files for an alpha or stable release.
+ - make dmg2mar-alpha or make dmg2mar-release to generate updated mar
+   files for the macOS bundles, from their dmg files, for an alpha or
+   stable release.
+In addition to running the script, those make commands will generate
+the configuration file for the script, in tools/update-responses/config.yml,
+from a template in projects/release/update_responses_config.yml.
 URL Format
-The URL format is:
+The generated update responses files expect the following URL format:
-'build_target' is the OS for which the browser was built. The correspo
-ndance between the build target and the OS name that we use in archive
-files is defined in the config.yml file.
+'build_target' is the OS for which the browser was built. The
+correspondance between the build target and the OS name that we use in
+archive files is defined in the config.yml file.
 'tb_version' is the Tor Browser version.

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