[tbb-commits] [tor-browser-build/master] Bug 40019: Ship our own runtime library for macOS

sysrqb at torproject.org sysrqb at torproject.org
Thu Aug 6 23:20:21 UTC 2020

commit 97b5bc037774a88bb881a4e0c7d5ff5a18889348
Author: Georg Koppen <gk at torproject.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 4 07:22:38 2020 +0000

    Bug 40019: Ship our own runtime library for macOS
 projects/firefox/build                             |   5 -
 projects/firefox/config                            |   6 -
 projects/macosx-toolchain/43909.patch              | 252 +++++++++++++++++++++
 projects/macosx-toolchain/build                    |  95 +++++++-
 .../compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch                |  15 ++
 .../macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch |  21 ++
 projects/macosx-toolchain/config                   |  29 ++-
 7 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/projects/firefox/build b/projects/firefox/build
index daedf7f..5ddd4de 100644
--- a/projects/firefox/build
+++ b/projects/firefox/build
@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ mkdir -p [% dest_dir _ '/' _ c('filename') %]
   cp /var/tmp/dist/mingw-w64/gcclibs/{libssp.a,libssp_nonshared.a} /var/tmp/dist/mingw-w64-clang/[% c("arch") %]-w64-mingw32/lib/
 [% END -%]
-[% IF c("var/osx") %]
-  mkdir -p /var/tmp/dist/macosx-toolchain/clang/lib/clang/[% pc("clang", "version") %]/lib/darwin
-  mv libclang_rt.osx.a /var/tmp/dist/macosx-toolchain/clang/lib/clang/[% pc("clang", "version") %]/lib/darwin
-[% END -%]
 tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/rust') %]
 tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/cbindgen') %]
 tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/nasm') %]
diff --git a/projects/firefox/config b/projects/firefox/config
index 2ee16e4..9876240 100644
--- a/projects/firefox/config
+++ b/projects/firefox/config
@@ -182,9 +182,3 @@ input_files:
     # TorButton patch authored by Arthur Edelstein, from https://github.com/arthuredelstein/torbutton/ branch 2.1.10-namecoin
   - filename: namecoin-etld.patch
     enable: '[% c("var/namecoin") %]'
-    # The library is extracted from Mozilla's officially used Clang, downloaded
-    # from https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/TYTqgyybSLmp0O0GcIl8Xw/artifacts/public/build/clang.tar.zst.
-    # Its SHA-256 sum is 7b0a6e60f102d3dbf618ae9e25d990d4dc72c76eb5accb5974ec70c11ff7e049.
-  - URL: https://people.torproject.org/~gk/mirrors/sources/libclang_rt.osx.a
-    sha256sum: 33541fb054e7dc372b5e9708bbcc175561d7fdbc9b00bf964e0c60b82bd8165a
-    enable: '[% c("var/osx") %]'
diff --git a/projects/macosx-toolchain/43909.patch b/projects/macosx-toolchain/43909.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d2a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/macosx-toolchain/43909.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+From c95310f2d4fd3c88241c3b5d6dbf6251d34a3256 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nikita Popov <nikita.ppv at gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 16:22:18 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Restructure caching
+Variant on D70103. The caching is switched to always use a BB to
+cache entry map, which then contains per-value caches. A separate
+set contains value handles with a deletion callback. This allows us
+to properly invalidate overdefined values.
+A possible alternative would be to always cache by value first and
+have per-BB maps/sets in the each cache entry. In that case we could
+use a ValueMap and would avoid the separate value handle set. I went
+with the BB indexing at the top level to make it easier to integrate
+D69914, but possibly that's not the right choice.
+Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D70376
+diff --git a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
+index 110c085d3f3..aa6862cb588 100644
+--- a/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
++++ b/llvm/lib/Analysis/LazyValueInfo.cpp
+@@ -133,12 +133,9 @@ namespace {
+   /// A callback value handle updates the cache when values are erased.
+   class LazyValueInfoCache;
+   struct LVIValueHandle final : public CallbackVH {
+-    // Needs to access getValPtr(), which is protected.
+-    friend struct DenseMapInfo<LVIValueHandle>;
+     LazyValueInfoCache *Parent;
+-    LVIValueHandle(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P)
++    LVIValueHandle(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P = nullptr)
+       : CallbackVH(V), Parent(P) { }
+     void deleted() override;
+@@ -152,89 +149,63 @@ namespace {
+   /// This is the cache kept by LazyValueInfo which
+   /// maintains information about queries across the clients' queries.
+   class LazyValueInfoCache {
+-    /// This is all of the cached block information for exactly one Value*.
+-    /// The entries are sorted by the BasicBlock* of the
+-    /// entries, allowing us to do a lookup with a binary search.
+-    /// Over-defined lattice values are recorded in OverDefinedCache to reduce
+-    /// memory overhead.
+-    struct ValueCacheEntryTy {
+-      ValueCacheEntryTy(Value *V, LazyValueInfoCache *P) : Handle(V, P) {}
+-      LVIValueHandle Handle;
+-      SmallDenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, ValueLatticeElement, 4> BlockVals;
++    /// This is all of the cached information for one basic block. It contains
++    /// the per-value lattice elements, as well as a separate set for
++    /// overdefined values to reduce memory usage.
++    struct BlockCacheEntryTy {
++      SmallDenseMap<AssertingVH<Value>, ValueLatticeElement, 4> LatticeElements;
++      SmallDenseSet<AssertingVH<Value>, 4> OverDefined;
+     };
+-    /// This tracks, on a per-block basis, the set of values that are
+-    /// over-defined at the end of that block.
+-    typedef DenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4>>
+-        OverDefinedCacheTy;
+-    /// Keep track of all blocks that we have ever seen, so we
+-    /// don't spend time removing unused blocks from our caches.
+-    DenseSet<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock> > SeenBlocks;
+-    /// This is all of the cached information for all values,
+-    /// mapped from Value* to key information.
+-    DenseMap<Value *, std::unique_ptr<ValueCacheEntryTy>> ValueCache;
+-    OverDefinedCacheTy OverDefinedCache;
++    /// Cached information per basic block.
++    DenseMap<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock>, BlockCacheEntryTy> BlockCache;
++    /// Set of value handles used to erase values from the cache on deletion.
++    DenseSet<LVIValueHandle, DenseMapInfo<Value *>> ValueHandles;
+   public:
+     void insertResult(Value *Val, BasicBlock *BB,
+                       const ValueLatticeElement &Result) {
+-      SeenBlocks.insert(BB);
++      auto &CacheEntry = BlockCache.try_emplace(BB).first->second;
+       // Insert over-defined values into their own cache to reduce memory
+       // overhead.
+       if (Result.isOverdefined())
+-        OverDefinedCache[BB].insert(Val);
+-      else {
+-        auto It = ValueCache.find_as(Val);
+-        if (It == ValueCache.end()) {
+-          ValueCache[Val] = make_unique<ValueCacheEntryTy>(Val, this);
+-          It = ValueCache.find_as(Val);
+-          assert(It != ValueCache.end() && "Val was just added to the map!");
+-        }
+-        It->second->BlockVals[BB] = Result;
+-      }
+-    }
+-    bool isOverdefined(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      auto ODI = OverDefinedCache.find(BB);
+-      if (ODI == OverDefinedCache.end())
+-        return false;
++        CacheEntry.OverDefined.insert(Val);
++      else
++        CacheEntry.LatticeElements.insert({ Val, Result });
+-      return ODI->second.count(V);
++      auto HandleIt = ValueHandles.find_as(Val);
++      if (HandleIt == ValueHandles.end())
++        ValueHandles.insert({ Val, this });
+     }
+     bool hasCachedValueInfo(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      if (isOverdefined(V, BB))
+-        return true;
+-      auto I = ValueCache.find_as(V);
+-      if (I == ValueCache.end())
++      auto It = BlockCache.find(BB);
++      if (It == BlockCache.end())
+         return false;
+-      return I->second->BlockVals.count(BB);
++      return It->second.OverDefined.count(V) ||
++             It->second.LatticeElements.count(V);
+     }
+     ValueLatticeElement getCachedValueInfo(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) const {
+-      if (isOverdefined(V, BB))
++      auto It = BlockCache.find(BB);
++      if (It == BlockCache.end())
++        return ValueLatticeElement();
++      if (It->second.OverDefined.count(V))
+         return ValueLatticeElement::getOverdefined();
+-      auto I = ValueCache.find_as(V);
+-      if (I == ValueCache.end())
++      auto LatticeIt = It->second.LatticeElements.find(V);
++      if (LatticeIt == It->second.LatticeElements.end())
+         return ValueLatticeElement();
+-      auto BBI = I->second->BlockVals.find(BB);
+-      if (BBI == I->second->BlockVals.end())
+-        return ValueLatticeElement();
+-      return BBI->second;
++      return LatticeIt->second;
+     }
+     /// clear - Empty the cache.
+     void clear() {
+-      SeenBlocks.clear();
+-      ValueCache.clear();
+-      OverDefinedCache.clear();
++      BlockCache.clear();
++      ValueHandles.clear();
+     }
+     /// Inform the cache that a given value has been deleted.
+@@ -248,23 +219,18 @@ namespace {
+     /// OldSucc might have (unless also overdefined in NewSucc).  This just
+     /// flushes elements from the cache and does not add any.
+     void threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,BasicBlock *NewSucc);
+-    friend struct LVIValueHandle;
+   };
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::eraseValue(Value *V) {
+-  for (auto I = OverDefinedCache.begin(), E = OverDefinedCache.end(); I != E;) {
+-    // Copy and increment the iterator immediately so we can erase behind
+-    // ourselves.
+-    auto Iter = I++;
+-    SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &ValueSet = Iter->second;
+-    ValueSet.erase(V);
+-    if (ValueSet.empty())
+-      OverDefinedCache.erase(Iter);
++  for (auto &Pair : BlockCache) {
++    Pair.second.LatticeElements.erase(V);
++    Pair.second.OverDefined.erase(V);
+   }
+-  ValueCache.erase(V);
++  auto HandleIt = ValueHandles.find_as(V);
++  if (HandleIt != ValueHandles.end())
++    ValueHandles.erase(HandleIt);
+ }
+ void LVIValueHandle::deleted() {
+@@ -274,18 +240,7 @@ void LVIValueHandle::deleted() {
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::eraseBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
+-  // Shortcut if we have never seen this block.
+-  DenseSet<PoisoningVH<BasicBlock> >::iterator I = SeenBlocks.find(BB);
+-  if (I == SeenBlocks.end())
+-    return;
+-  SeenBlocks.erase(I);
+-  auto ODI = OverDefinedCache.find(BB);
+-  if (ODI != OverDefinedCache.end())
+-    OverDefinedCache.erase(ODI);
+-  for (auto &I : ValueCache)
+-    I.second->BlockVals.erase(BB);
++  BlockCache.erase(BB);
+ }
+ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+@@ -303,10 +258,11 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+   std::vector<BasicBlock*> worklist;
+   worklist.push_back(OldSucc);
+-  auto I = OverDefinedCache.find(OldSucc);
+-  if (I == OverDefinedCache.end())
++  auto I = BlockCache.find(OldSucc);
++  if (I == BlockCache.end() || I->second.OverDefined.empty())
+     return; // Nothing to process here.
+-  SmallVector<Value *, 4> ValsToClear(I->second.begin(), I->second.end());
++  SmallVector<Value *, 4> ValsToClear(I->second.OverDefined.begin(),
++                                      I->second.OverDefined.end());
+   // Use a worklist to perform a depth-first search of OldSucc's successors.
+   // NOTE: We do not need a visited list since any blocks we have already
+@@ -320,10 +276,10 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+     if (ToUpdate == NewSucc) continue;
+     // If a value was marked overdefined in OldSucc, and is here too...
+-    auto OI = OverDefinedCache.find(ToUpdate);
+-    if (OI == OverDefinedCache.end())
++    auto OI = BlockCache.find(ToUpdate);
++    if (OI == BlockCache.end() || OI->second.OverDefined.empty())
+       continue;
+-    SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &ValueSet = OI->second;
++    auto &ValueSet = OI->second.OverDefined;
+     bool changed = false;
+     for (Value *V : ValsToClear) {
+@@ -333,11 +289,6 @@ void LazyValueInfoCache::threadEdgeImpl(BasicBlock *OldSucc,
+       // If we removed anything, then we potentially need to update
+       // blocks successors too.
+       changed = true;
+-      if (ValueSet.empty()) {
+-        OverDefinedCache.erase(OI);
+-        break;
+-      }
+     }
+     if (!changed) continue;
diff --git a/projects/macosx-toolchain/build b/projects/macosx-toolchain/build
index cd19c1d..0f67c38 100644
--- a/projects/macosx-toolchain/build
+++ b/projects/macosx-toolchain/build
@@ -1,17 +1,100 @@
 [% c("var/set_default_env") -%]
+mkdir $builddir
 distdir="/var/tmp/dist/[% project %]"
 mkdir -p "$distdir"
-tar xjf [% c('input_files_by_name/SDK') %]
-mv MacOSX10.11.sdk "$distdir/"
-tar xf [% c('input_files_by_name/clang') %]
-mv clang "$distdir/clang"
+tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/cmake') %]
+tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/ninja') %]
+tar -C /var/tmp/dist -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/clang_compiler') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/llvm') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/clang') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/libcxx') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/libcxxabi') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/lld') %]
+tar -C $builddir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/compiler-rt') %]
+tar -C $distdir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/SDK') %]
 tar -C $distdir -xf [% c('input_files_by_name/cctools') %]
-cd $distdir/cctools/bin
+# We still need to put the cctoolsdir on the path. That's because of `lipo`. See
+# the respective comment in the cctools build script.
+export PATH="/var/tmp/dist/ninja:/var/tmp/dist/cmake/bin:$cctoolsdir:$PATH"
+export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=[% c("var/macosx_deployment_target") %]
+cd $builddir
+mv llvm-* llvm
+# LLVM has reproducibility issues when optimizing bitcode, which we need to
+# patch. See: #32053 for more details.
+patch -p1 < $rootdir/43909.patch
+mv clang-* llvm/tools/clang
+mv libcxx-* llvm/projects/libcxx
+mv libcxxabi-* llvm/projects/libcxxabi
+mv lld-* llvm/tools/lld
+mv compiler-rt-* compiler-rt
+patch -p1 < $rootdir/compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch
+patch -p1 < $rootdir/compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch
+mv compiler-rt llvm/projects
+mkdir build
+cd build
+# We follow quite closely Mozilla's build/build-clang/build-clang.py with the
+# clang-macosx64.json flavor. This currently implies disabling Xray as it
+# requires an OSX 10.12 SDK (see: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38959).
+cmake -GNinja \
+      -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$clangdir/clang \
+      -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$clangdir/clang++ \
+      -DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER=$clangdir/clang \
+      -DCMAKE_LINKER=$clangdir/clang \
+      -DCMAKE_AR=$cctoolsdir/x86_64-apple-darwin-ar \
+      -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="[% c('var/FLAGS') %] -I$sysrootdir/usr/include -iframework $sysrootdir/System/Library/Frameworks" \
+      -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ [% c('var/FLAGS') %] -I$sysrootdir/usr/include -iframework $sysrootdir/System/Library/Frameworks" \
+      -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS="[% c('var/FLAGS') %] -I$sysrootdir/usr/include -iframework $sysrootdir/System/Library/Frameworks" \
+      -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="[% c('var/LDFLAGS') %]" \
+      -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="[% c('var/LDFLAGS') %]" \
+      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$distdir/clang \
+      -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86;ARM;AArch64" \
+      -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2.7 \
+      -DCMAKE_RANLIB=$cctoolsdir/x86_64-apple-darwin-ranlib \
+      -DCMAKE_LIBTOOL=$cctoolsdir/x86_64-apple-darwin-libtool \
+      -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin \
+      -DLIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES=$builddir/llvm/projects/libcxx/include \
+      -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=$sysrootdir \
+      -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=$sysrootdir \
+      -DDARWIN_osx_ARCHS=x86_64 \
+      -DDARWIN_osx_SYSROOT=$sysrootdir \
+      -DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-apple-darwin $builddir/llvm
+ninja install -v
+# We now have a native macosx64 toolchain.
+# What we want is a native linux64 toolchain which can target macosx64.
+# Overlay the linux64 toolchain that we used for this build. Note: we don't do
+# any ASan builds for macOS (yet). Once we do we need to preserve at least
+# `llvm-symbolizer` as that one seems to get shipped with sanitizer builds (at
+# least that's what Mozilla claims).
+cd $distdir
+cp --remove-destination -lr /var/tmp/dist/clang/* clang/
+cd cctools/bin
 ln -s ../../clang/bin/clang x86_64-apple-darwin-clang
 ln -s ../../clang/bin/clang++ x86_64-apple-darwin-clang++
-cd "/var/tmp/dist"
+cd /var/tmp/dist
 [% c('tar', {
    tar_src => [ project ],
    tar_args => '-czf ' _ dest_dir _ '/' _ c('filename'),
diff --git a/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch b/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab2495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Add `-target x86_64-apple-darwin' to the compiler-rt overridden CFLAGS
+diff --git a/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/CompilerRTDarwinUtils.cmake b/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/CompilerRTDarwinUtils.cmake
+index 28d398672..aac68bf36 100644
+--- a/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/CompilerRTDarwinUtils.cmake
++++ b/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/CompilerRTDarwinUtils.cmake
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ endfunction()
+ macro(darwin_add_builtin_libraries)
+-  set(CFLAGS "-fPIC -O3 -fvisibility=hidden -DVISIBILITY_HIDDEN -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer")
++  set(CFLAGS "-fPIC -O3 -fvisibility=hidden -DVISIBILITY_HIDDEN -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -target x86_64-apple-darwin -isysroot ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT} -I${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}/usr/include")
+   set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "")
+   set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "")
+   set(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "")
diff --git a/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch b/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d3f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/macosx-toolchain/compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Disable codesign for macosx cross-compile toolchain. Codesign only works on OSX.
+Index: cmake/Modules/AddCompilerRT.cmake
+--- a/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/AddCompilerRT.cmake
++++ b/compiler-rt/cmake/Modules/AddCompilerRT.cmake
+@@ -321,14 +321,6 @@
+         set_target_properties(${libname} PROPERTIES IMPORT_PREFIX "")
+         set_target_properties(${libname} PROPERTIES IMPORT_SUFFIX ".lib")
+       endif()
+-      if(APPLE)
+-        # Ad-hoc sign the dylibs
+-        add_custom_command(TARGET ${libname}
+-          POST_BUILD  
+-          COMMAND codesign --sign - $<TARGET_FILE:${libname}>
+-        )
+-      endif()
+     endif()
+     set(parent_target_arg)
diff --git a/projects/macosx-toolchain/config b/projects/macosx-toolchain/config
index 29f7c4b..937478b 100644
--- a/projects/macosx-toolchain/config
+++ b/projects/macosx-toolchain/config
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # vim: filetype=yaml sw=2
 filename: '[% project %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %].tar.gz'
 version: 10.11-1
+gpg_keyring: clang.gpg
+sig_ext: sig
     use_container: 1
@@ -18,12 +20,37 @@ var:
   - project: container-image
-  - name: clang
+  - name: clang_compiler
     project: clang
   - name: cctools
     project: cctools
+  - name: cmake
+    project: cmake
+  - name: ninja
+    project: ninja
   # Instructions on how to create the SDK tarball can be found at:
   # build/macosx/cross-mozconfig.common
   - name: SDK
     URL: https://people.torproject.org/~gk/mirrors/sources/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.bz2
     sha256sum: d11e410d757d023be66d2fe7eaa85a1d232da3ac04f177eff3d8b8275cd9ffca
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/llvm-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: llvm
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/clang-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: clang
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/libcxx-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: libcxx
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/libcxxabi-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: libcxxabi
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/lld-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: lld
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - URL: 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-[% pc("clang", "version") %]/compiler-rt-[% pc("clang", "version") %].src.tar.xz'
+    name: compiler-rt
+    file_gpg_id: 1
+  - filename: compiler-rt-cross-compile.patch
+  - filename: compiler-rt-no-codesign.patch
+  - filename: 43909.patch

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