[OONI-operators] OONI on Next Thing Co's C.H.I.P

Vasilis andz at torproject.org
Sat Jul 1 12:57:00 UTC 2017

Hi Snehan,

Snehan Kekre:
> Hello excellent ooni people,
> I've written a blog post (https://snehankekre.github.io/anti-censorCHIP)
> about installing ooniprobe on a $9 computer called CHIP that runs a flavor
> of Debian. 

Thank you for your good words and publishing a blog post about
installing ooniprobe on CHIP.

> I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or comments. I'll
> use them to make necessary changes to reflect accurate delivery. I've used
> some images and a lot of lines from the ooni website.

The 4th step in the install section of the blog post
is not needed since Step 3 will get all the available dependencies.
However given that are a number of bugs
in the Debian ooniprobe packages, I will suggest you instead to install
ooniprobe with pip and use the following install guide:

Usually ooniprobe is more useful when it performs regular (scheduled)
network measurements, I will suggest you to add the following steps to
the install guide:

1. Configure ooniprobe
either via the GUI (setup wizard) or from the shell (ooniprobe initialize)

2. Add ooniprobe system service

> Is there a standard format to provide credit to ooni devs?

Everything published on the website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0).

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Pubkey: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5FBF70B1D1260162

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