[OONI-operators] Reports from UK are currently not being processed

Arturo Filastò art at torproject.org
Mon Jun 6 15:51:44 UTC 2016

Dear Oonitarians,

Due to the large volume of reports coming in from the UK, we have as a temporary workaround stopped
processing them through our pipeline since 2016-04-28.

This is due to the fact that some OONI user in the UK instead of using the standard way of supplying
a list of URLs to test (by means of an input file with the -f command line option).
Instead they appear to have scripted ooniprobe to run one instance of ooniprobe per URL with
(for x in URLS;do ooniprobe blocking/http_requests —url $x;done).
In doing so we are receiving about 4k reports a day from the UK.

If you are running ooniprobe in this way, could you please adjust your configuration to instead of
running one instance of it per URL, use the -f option?

This does not mean that the reports from the UK are not being collected, but it does mean that they
will not show up on either the explorer or the measurements page until we implement a proper fix
for handling such large number of reports.

We apologise for the inconvenience and will be working towards having a better fix
for this issue in the future.

~ Arturo

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