[ooni-dev] Bugs in Lepidopter install guide

Vasilis andz at torproject.org
Fri Oct 28 04:09:00 UTC 2016


David Fifield:
> I followed the instructions at https://ooni.torproject.org/install/lepidopter
> and found a few errors.
> It tells you how to gpg-verify the image, but not how to download the
> .asc signature itself.
> The xz command has a .zip filename, not .xz:
> 	xz --decompress --verbose --no-sparse lepidopter-alpha-armel.img.zip
> It says the login credentials are lepidopter/lepidopter, but doesn't say
> what to do with them. I guess there should be a hint at the bottom that
> the next thing to do is go to http://lepidopter.local/

> The README.md file at https://github.com/TheTorProject/lepidopter also
> has a little bug, an extra "of=" in the bmaptool command:
> 	bmaptool copy --nobmap lepidopter-alpha-armel.img.xz of=/dev/diskX

Thank you for reporting this, I will update the documentation accordingly!

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