[ooni-dev] Working with OONI reports; or, how we used OONI to find discrimination against Tor exits

David Fifield david at bamsoftware.com
Sun Sep 27 02:15:58 UTC 2015

I am working on a project with Sheharbano Khattak, Sadia Afroz, Mobin
Javed, Srikanth Sundaresan, Vern Paxson, Steven Murdoch, and Damon McCoy
to measure how often web sites treat Tor users differently (by serving
them a block page or a captcha, for example). We used OONI reports for
part of the project. This post is about running our code and some
general tips about working with OONI data. I hope it can be of some use
to the ADINA15 participants :)

The source code I'm talking about is here:
	git clone https://www.bamsoftware.com/git/ooni-tor-blocks.git

One of its outputs is here, a big poster showing the web sites with the
highest blocking rates against Tor users:

I am attaching the README of our code. One of OONI's tests does URL
downloads with Tor and without Tor. The code processes OONI reports,
compares the Tor and non-Tor HTTP responses, and notes whenever Tor
appears to be blocked while non-Tor appears to be unblocked.

Our code is focused on the task of finding Tor blocks, but parts of it
are generic and will be useful to others who are working with OONI data.
The ooni-report-urls program gives you the URLs of every OONI report
published at api.ooni.io. The ooni.py Python module provides an iterator
over OONI YAML files that deals with encoding errors and compression.
The classify.py Python module is able to identify many common types of
block pages (e.g. CloudFlare, Akamai).

Now some notes and lessons learned about working with OONI data.

The repository of all OONI reports is here:
The web site doesn't make it obvious, but there is a JSON index of all
reports, so you can download many of them in bulk (thanks to Arturo for
pointing this out). Our source code contains a program called
ooni-report-urls that extracts the URLs from the JSON file so you can
pipe them to Wget or whatever. (Check before you start downloading,
because there are a lot of files and some of them are big!)
	wget -O ooni-reports.json http://api.ooni.io/api/reports
	./ooni-report-urls ooni-reports.json | sort | uniq > ooni-report-urls.txt

The choice of a YAML parser really really matters, like 30× performance
difference matters. See here:
yaml.safe_load_all(f) function is slow.
yaml.load_all(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) is what you want to use
instead. yaml.CSafeLoader differs slightly in its handling of certain
invalid Unicode escapes that can appear in OONI's representation of HTTP
bodies, for example separately encoded UTF-16 surrogates:
"\uD83D\uDD07". ooni.py has a way to skip over records like that (there
aren't very many of them). With yaml.CSafeLoader, findblocks takes about
2 hours to process 2.5 years of http_requests reports (about 33 GB

There are some inconsistencies and format differences in some OONI
reports, particularly very early ones. For example, the test_name field
of reports is not always the same for the same test. We were looking for
http_requests tests, and we had to match all of the following
	HTTP Requests Test
In addition, the YAML format is occasionally different. In http_requests
reports, for example, the way of indicating that Tor is in use for a
request can be any of:
	tor: true
	tor: {is_tor: true}
	tor: {exit_ip:, exit_name: hessel2, is_tor: true}
And even in some requests, the special URL scheme "shttp" indicates a
Tor request; e.g. "shttp://example.com/". The ooni.py script fixes up
some of these issues, but only for the http_requests test. You'll have
to figure it out on your own for other tests.

A very early version of this processing code appeared here:
-------------- next part --------------
These programs are for mining historical network tests of the Open
Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) to find instances of
discrimination against Tor exit relays by web servers. It uses the OONI
http_requests test, which requests a variety of URLs both with and
without Tor. We are looking for cases where the Tor request receives a
block page (for example a 403), and the non-Tor request does not.

There is sample output in the file findblocks.csv.xz and in the graphs

Contact David Fifield <david at bamsoftware.com> regarding this code. All
code is in the public domain.

== Usage summary

Download the index of OONI reports.
	wget -O ooni-reports.json http://api.ooni.io/api/reports

Extract a list of report URLs using the included ooni-report-urls
program. We are only interested in the http_requests report type.
	./ooni-report-urls -t http_requests ooni-reports.json | sort | uniq > ooni-report-urls.txt

Download the reports. There are a lot of them and they are pretty big
(3084 reports weighing over 30 GB altogether as of 2015-08-27). You
might want to start with just a subset (the most recent 100 reports, for
	wget -P reports -c -i ooni-report-urls.txt

Run the findblocks program on the downloaded reports. For each URL in
each report, findblocks outputs a CSV line that includes the
classification (block/nonblock) of the Tor and non-Tor request. It
additionally saves pages it considers to be block pages to a directory
so you can inspect and manually classify them.
	./findblocks --save-blocks blocks reports/*.yaml.gz | tee findblocks.csv

As an example of what you can do with findblocks.csv, make some graphs:
	Rscript graphs.R
	Rscript poster.R

== Details

The OONI reports are gzip-compressed YAML files (.yaml.gz). Each file
contains a sequence of YAML documents. The Python module ooni.py deals
with processing these files. The function ooni_open_file handles gzip
decompression and returns an iterator over individual YAML documents. A
few documents have invalid Unicode sequences (separately encoded UTF-16
surrogates), like this example:
	title=\"Volume control\">\uD83D\uDD07</a> <div class=\"bar volumebar\"> <div
These cause the YAML decoder to raise an exception. ooni_open_file makes
a best-effort attempt to skip over such documents and continue
processing (see the function yaml_load_sloppy). ooni_open_file also
applies a few fixes to work around various format changes in OONI
documents over the years (see the function fixup_entry).

The first YAML document in a file has record_type=="header"; the last
has record_type=="footer"; and those in between have
record_type=="entry". The "entry" ones contain the actual network test
results. Here's a short skeleton of a processing script:
	import sys
	from ooni import ooni_open_file
	for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
	    for doc in ooni_open_file(filename):
		if doc["record_type"] == "header":
		    # do header stuff
		elif doc["record_type"] == "entry":
		    # do entry stuff
		elif doc["record_type"] == "footer":
		    # do footer stuff

The findblocks script iterates over all its inputs, which are OONI
reports of the http_requests test. The http_requests test makes two HTTP
requests per URL, one using Tor and one without Tor. findblocks
classifies the two HTTP responses as to whether they represent block
pages, and who the blocker is if the page matches a known pattern. It
outputs a CSV for each Tor/non-Tor pair of HTTP requests. Here are some
	2015-07-19 02:26:56,2015-07-19 03:23:38,2015-07-19vpnknsfxgutzdjmdilwrhvwbtwtubfbrgjwzehxi,ES,F,200,200,,F,200,200,,,NCC1701,http://www.chinatimes.com
	2015-07-20 00:00:12,2015-07-20 00:17:34,2015-07-20ajmqxtqqkrrfttgtbsllbzlntxfdsegomahzcwow,DE,F,200,200,,T,403,403-AKAMAI,,,DFRI0,http://www.walmart.com
The first example (url=http://www.chinatimes.com) is an unblocked pair
of requests. The string "F,200,200" means that the request was not
blocked, the status code was 200, and the classification was also 200
(we use the status code as the classification whenever we don't have
something more specific). ",NCC1701" indicates the Tor
exit being used. The second example (url=http://www.walmart.com) is
accessible without Tor ("F,200,200"), but blocked with Tor
("T,403,403-AKAMAI"). "403-AKAMAI" means that findblocks identified the
block page as being an Akamai page. ",DFRI0" is the Tor

The file classify.py contains the logic for classifying HTTP responses
as to whether they are block pages, and who the operator of the block
page is. The overall idea is pretty simple: any response with a status
code of 400 or greater is considered a block. However there are a few
exceptions, like responses with status 200 that nevertheless are block
pages, and status codes like 408 and 504 that probably do not indicate
deliberate blocking. Classification of block pages is handled with a
long chain of regular expression matches. For example, the string
"<title>Attention Required! | CloudFlare</title>" indicates a CloudFlare
block page that would get the classification string "403-CLOUDFLARE".
For details on the known block page classifications, see the file

findblocks can optionally save all the responses it thinks are blocks
(use the --save-blocks option). We originally did this so we could
analyze all the block pages and look for patterns for classification. If
you look in the saved blocks directory, you'll see subdirectories named
like these:
The "OTHER" directories contain all the pages that weren't recognized by
classify.py. The saved files are named after the OONI report ID and the
URL, for example:
The files contain the reconstructed header and body of the original
response. The OONI reports don't contain all the available information;
for example we substitute "xxx" for the status message in the first
line because OONI doesn't record it. The conversion from OONI's Unicode
strings back to bytes is not necessarily lossless either.

== Files

This program processes a JSON index of OONI report filenames and turns
them into a list of URLs. You can limit the reports to a specific type
or specific countries.

This program processes http_requests reports and writes a CSV file that
summarizes the blocked/non-blocked status of each download.

This program dumps all the responses from an http_requests report. It is
like "findblocks --save-blocks" but it also saves nonblocks.

A Python module that classifies HTTP responses.

A Python module for reading OONI YAML files.

These programs process the output of findblocks (findblocks.csv) and
make some graphs. Run them with "Rscript graphs.R" or "Rscript poster.R".

These are the input files that were used in building the sample graphs.

These are sample outputs.

These are examples of pages that classify.py considers to be block
pages. The file sample-blocks/README has further details and
justification for all the block page classification (in case you wonder
what 501-CONVIO means, for example).

These are pages with 400- or 500-series status codes that nevertheless
should not be considered block pages.

This test program verifies what classify.py gets the correct
classification for all the sample pages in sample-blocks and

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