[metrics-team] onionperf deployments

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Tue Nov 14 11:57:00 UTC 2017

Silvia [Hiro]:
> Hi,
> I wanted to give you a heads up that all three onionperf deployments
> will be managed via salt (https://saltstack.com/). This will be a great
> improvement for managing these VMs.
> It is possible that during the setup (end of this week) we might have a
> few hours gap in  the measurements. Please let me know if you have any
> questions or concerns.
> Will update again once everything is finished.

thank you for the heads up, could you add that event with exact outage
timestamps to the metrics timeline so we know what might have caused
certain changes on the graphs?


twitter: @nusenu_

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