[metrics-alerts] Cron <exonerator at materculae> cd /srv/exonerator.torproject.org/exonerator/ && ~exonerator/bin/run-exonerator

Cron Daemon root at materculae.torproject.org
Thu Nov 23 17:27:28 UTC 2023

2023-11-23 17:27:28,435 WARN o.t.m.e.ExoneraTorDatabaseImporter:291 Found 1 descriptors in /srv/exonerator.torproject.org/exonerator/exonerator-import to be unparseable and skipped them. Check the debug-level logs and/or descriptor files for details. If this happened due to a bug in the parsing code, manually delete the parse history file /srv/exonerator.torproject.org/exonerator/stats/exonerator-import-history and run the database importer again. Continuing.

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