[global-south] Soft launch of support.torproject.org [call for translation help!]

isabela isabela at torproject.org
Tue Jun 26 14:52:01 UTC 2018

Hello Tor community!

We are very happy to say we now have a support website[1]! This is a
soft-launch because the site is not yet full translated. That is why we
are not doing a big announcement yet (eg blog post). We would like to do
a soft-lauch of the site so the community knows about it and we can get
some help translating it to at least our tier 1 languages [2].

At the moment our site is only translated to Spanish and French. If you
would like to help us with translation please check out our wiki page
explaining the necessary steps to do so [3]. If you encounter any issues
please let us know. Soon (in July!) we will have our new Localization
Project Coordinator and they will be a person fully dedicated to help
our translators community help us! But till then asking for help here on
this list might be the best way for us to help you :)

This is the first site we are launching as part of our 'website
redesign' project[4] and we are looking forward to have it fully
translated so we can share it with the world!

Thank you in advance!

ps: if you have feedback about the site please use one of these methods
to let us
know: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/community/HowToReportBugFeedback

[1] https://support.torproject.org/
[2] Tier 1 languages are:
* English - EN
* Farsi - FA
* Spanish - ES
* Russian - RU
* Simplified Chinese - zh-CN
* Portuguese - PT-BR
* French - FR
* German - DE
* Korean - KO
* Turkish - TR
* Italian - IT
* Arabic - AR
More about it
here: https://storm.torproject.org/shared/3aNRznZVvHBq3w4EhQRo3-H7lNHEPhNgo0x-9WLEVHq
[3] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/translation/Introduction#Fortranslators
[4] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21222

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