[global-south] greetings

mini mini at riseup.net
Wed Oct 25 15:44:17 UTC 2017

On 10/19/2017 03:52 PM, Vasilis wrote:
> Ola!
> Welcome on board George and Mini!
> mini:
>> On 10/18/2017 10:40 AM, George wrote:
>>> gus:
>>> Maybe it makes sense to work from the meeting notes, including for
>>> people on this list that weren't there:
>>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/TorOutsideOfFiveEyes
>>> And there's also this:
>>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/GlobalSouth
> Indeed makes sense, let's start working from the meeting notes maybe
> starting a new thread may help to find the discussion later.
> A list of relevant sessions on the last Tor meeting (please add any
> notes that you may have):
> *
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/RelaySession
> *
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/TorOutsideOfFiveEyes
> *
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/CommunityTeam/CommunityTeamMeeting
> *
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/TorRelayOperators
> *
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017Montreal/Notes/GlobalSouth
> Also added the notes taken from the last Tor meetup in Buenos Aires
> (thank Juliana) if you have any further notes please add them here:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/meetings/2017BuenosAiresMeetup
>> * I can try to promote the GS list, maybe a GS-espaƱol list?
>> * And also help with meetups in Argentina/bs as,
> That will be great, let me/us know if you need any help to prepare the
> meetups. I have a bunch of various Tor stickers that are stacked up and
> ready to be shipped to the eko.space. :)
:D Im not part of the eko.space, but  I would gladly go for some stickers :P
>> * I dont think that the language is a problem at least for running
>> relays and exit nodes, the problem we have here is more related to the
>> legal system, for example if you run an exit node in a hacklab the
>> police could come with an order and seize ALL the equipement in the lab
>> for at least 2 or 3 years, this has already happened.
> Derechos digitales in Chile may probably provide legal help.
> I remember Ilv mentioned that there is a plan of an accepted proposal
> that could support Tor relays operators in LATAM with legal help.
>> * If you need help traducing things to spanish we can help with that.
> Translating *tor resources such as documentation, relay configuration
> examples, torproject website.
> Currently the torproject website has no support for i18n, there were a
> number of talks about how we can improve this but it seems that Colin
> (CCed) may have an idea or more concrete plan on how we can translate
> the website without waiting for longer time until we have a new website
> that supports i18n.
>>> IIRC, there was a discussion about expanding the focus of this list to
>>> "Tor Poor" areas, not just the Global South.
>> tor poor and global south sounds quite peyorative, its kind of like
>> saying the colonialist north tor meeting.  :(
> I highly agree with Mini both names sound awful!
> During the Tor meeting we brainstormed a bit for a better name but it
> didn't come up with one yet.
> Finding good names is always hard! :)
>>> Our TDP stats could be useful here, particularly when looking at
>>> countries and ASs with weak or no Tor presence.
>>> https://torbsd.github.io/oostats.html
> Great website George, I guess this can be used and easily adjusted to
> people that like HTML and text only websites. ;)
> "For now we are updating the reports manually every week and only
> producing plain text. HTML output and automated updates are in the works."
> "last updated: Sun Sep 3 14:07:32 2017 UTC"
> It seems that the stats are being updated regularly (daily?), Relay
> Reports and Bridge Reports are all set with Report Date: Wed Oct 18
> 22:46:25 UTC 2017. Are the reports generated automatically now or is it
> just a coincidence?
> During the Tor meeting we played a bit with the Tor metrics data and R
> we can find the result here:
> https://github.com/arthuredelstein/metrics-playground that generated a
> some beatiful plots:
> https://github.com/arthuredelstein/metrics-playground/blob/master/Rplots.pdf
>>> More specifically, I think we were talking about a focus on .br .ar .cl
>> I can talk about Argentina,  there is a strong community here, some of
>> the members run relays or exit node  using vpn's or vps. There is an
>> event called Grog&Tor that has been going for almost 2 years, its kind
>> of like a cryptoparty but focused on tor, free software and privacy,
>> this event is done every month. 
> I wasn't aware about the Grog&Tor event
> (https://wiki.partidopirata.com.ar/GrogTor), it seems that they have
> monthly IRC meetups
> (https://wiki.partidopirata.com.ar/GrogTor#.C2.A1Quiero_ir.21) that are
> easier for us to attend.
> Do you know when is the next Grog&Tor event/meetup?
hey november 10(friday) and november 18(saturday) . Im not part of the
pirate party but they talk about the grog&Tor in the channel
irc: https://wiki.partidopirata.com.ar/IRC
>> This year there was a talk about tor
>> exit nodes and the argentinian legal system at the ekoparty[1] (I think
>> is the biggest security conference in latin america, like a global south
>> defcon).
> Is there any audio/video material or notes of the talk?
> It will be super useful to add all these events, groups, talks,
> conferences, ... to the Tor wiki as it may help people that would like
> to jump on the boat and help.
Yes! the ekoparty publish all the videos, but I dont know when, fedek
probably knows more about that.

What is already public is the presentation:

> []s,
> ~Vasilis
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