[anti-censorship-team] Significant ?? country users of snowflake-01 in August 2024

David Fifield david at bamsoftware.com
Thu Sep 5 19:05:01 UTC 2024

Making some graphs for the August 2024 Snowflake bridge report, there
are a couple of weird things to comment on.

On August 22–23, there was a drop in users across both bridges that
later almost evened out. (See first attachment.) It affected both

>From August 16–31, the ?? country broke into the top 5 countries by user
count, on the snowflake-01 bridge only. (See third attachment.) Because
the country code comes from the proxy, which reports the remote IP
address of the client, a country code of ?? means that either the proxy
did not report an IP address (no client_ip WebSocket URL parameter), or
the IP address was not found in a geolocation lookup. Here's a past case
where a bug in the WebExtension was resulting in ?? countries:

The snowflake server logs daily the fraction N/D of connections that had
client_ip set. In the case before, N decreased while D remained
constant. In this case, it looks like N is remaining constant while D is
greatly increasing. See in the listing below how N/D suddenly drops from
99% to 41% on 2024-08-13. In the last couple of days, ⅔ to ¾ of
connections have been missing the client_ip parameter. The
client_ip-less connections must not represent very many user-hours,
otherwise they would completely dominate the user graphs.

Did something happen on 2024-08-13? Is this a new source of proxies with
an implementation bug? Some kind of attack? (Against the bridge?)

$ grep 'connections had client_ip$' /var/log/snowflake-server/snowflake-server.log | perl -ane '$F[7] =~ m#^(.*)/(.*)$#; printf("%s %s %8d/%-8d %6.2f%%\n", $F[0], $F[1], $1, $2, 100 * ($2 == 0 ? 0.0 : $1/$2));'
2024/08/06 08:57:22   463234/464597    99.71%
2024/08/07 08:57:22   462398/463581    99.74%
2024/08/08 08:57:22   453003/454165    99.74%
2024/08/09 08:57:22   450344/451707    99.70%
2024/08/10 08:57:22   450057/452228    99.52%
2024/08/11 08:57:22   449782/452296    99.44%
2024/08/12 08:57:22   452387/475006    95.24%
2024/08/13 08:57:22   450993/1089806   41.38%
2024/08/14 08:57:22   455701/828402    55.01%
2024/08/15 08:57:22   449159/886577    50.66%
2024/08/16 08:57:22   430698/1061690   40.57%
2024/08/17 08:57:22   426891/1240861   34.40%
2024/08/18 08:57:22   428010/1139078   37.58%
2024/08/19 08:57:22   425667/1363289   31.22%
2024/08/20 08:57:22   427042/1181316   36.15%
2024/08/21 08:57:22   422347/1407363   30.01%
2024/08/22 08:57:22   418760/1437024   29.14%
2024/08/23 08:57:22   271142/1217897   22.26%
2024/08/24 08:57:22   353388/1291375   27.37%
2024/08/25 08:57:22   366323/1117172   32.79%
2024/08/26 08:57:22   382452/1107561   34.53%
2024/08/27 08:57:22   416759/1451520   28.71%
2024/08/28 08:57:22   413329/1445703   28.59%
2024/08/29 08:57:22   403754/1490629   27.09%
2024/08/30 08:57:22   388147/1490993   26.03%
2024/08/31 08:57:22   395311/1377168   28.70%
2024/09/01 08:57:22   389361/1344726   28.95%
2024/09/02 08:57:22   377702/1169902   32.28%
2024/09/03 08:57:22   369956/1272026   29.08%
2024/09/04 08:57:22   368266/1330355   27.68%
2024/09/05 08:57:22   371429/1260571   29.47%
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