[anti-censorship-team] Fwd: Clear, 10min_cpu_usage (was warning for 5 hours and 32 minutes), on snowflake-01

Linus Nordberg linus at torproject.org
Fri Aug 2 20:01:49 UTC 2024


snowflake-01 has lately been seeing more traffic than usual and yesterday 
was really odd.

Since the beginning of July this year CPU utilisation has usually been 
exceeding 85% for between one and two hours, ending about midnight CEST. 
Yesterday we saw that for five and a half hours ending around 18:00 CEST.

Any idea why this is happening? I did see something about snowflake-02 
moving somewhere. Can this be related? Is the move done? How did it go?

2 Aug 2024 18:05:53 netdata at snowflake-01.torproject.net:

snowflake-01 recovered

10min cpu usage (was warning for 5 hours and 32 minutes) average CPU 
utilization over the last 10 minutes (excluding iowait, nice and steal)
(was warning for 5 hours and 32 minutes)

Chart   : system.cpu
Family  : cpu
Severity: Recovered from WARNING
URL     : 
Source  : 4@/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/health.d/cpu.conf
Date    : 2024-08-02T15:50:50+0000
Notification generated on snowflake-01

Evaluated Expression :  $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (75) : (85))
Expression Variables :  [ $this = 74.9016704 ] [ $status = 1 ] [ $WARNING 
= 3 ]

The host has 0 WARNING and 0 CRITICAL alarm(s) raised.

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