Hi Juha,
I'd just like to say great work! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I really appreciate the local advocacy and positive vibes you're spreading! Exciting stuff and a good situation to be in!
I'm sure Alison and Nima in particular will be very excited about the library stuff!
Greetings Tor Relay mailing list,I decided to write little bit about Finnish exit node situation.I am maintaining this exit node campaign in Finland:In Finland:- Running an exit node is absolutely legal- ISP may cut your connection because it is listed as malware host- The National Cyber Security Center Finland (NCSC-FI) is able to "whitelist" your IP address so the ISP does not get those automated malware detections- Sebastian Mäki got police visit because his exit node- The National Bureau of Investigation is using exonerator.torproject.org so basically they are considering this information before they rush to your home- There has been warming up phase that maybe Finnish libraries start some Tor activityI am doing a lot of local advocacy work here :)Best,Juha
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