No, it was in a datacenter. Here the case
Sorry, only German.
Am 16.04.2020 um 12:45 schrieb Mario Costa <>:
Where you running an exit from home? It’s really discouraged because of what happened to you. -mIl giorno 16 apr 2020, alle ore 04:50, Kolja Sagorski <> ha scritto:
I had a police house search for my exit...
I hate the stupid German police.
Am 15.04.2020 um 22:53 schrieb "" <>:
my Family¹ has had an exit for 2 weeks and today the first abuse mail has arrived.
First of all, thanks for the templates:
I linked these two from the Tor-project:
- Common Boilerplate (Tor Intro)
- SSH Bruteforce Attempts
and wrote the following myself:
Another good option that we use ourselves is: fail2ban
And report to blacklists, which can then be loaded into the router firewalls:
Hope this helps!
I actually wanted to add that the SSH login attempts can be limited. (3-6)
Because the logs from the abuse mail showed 100 attempts pro IP. ;-)
_Are such notes useful or do such instructions cause even more problems?_
╰_╯ Ciao Marco!
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