I have been running a middle relay for one year in a few days.
I would expect the relay to push more traffic than it does.
What is the reason for it not handling more traffic?
The Internet connection is 250 Mbit/s downstream and 100 Mbit/s upstream.
There is nothing else using this connection.
The "server" is a Banana Pro:
The Banana is running Bananian Linux:
I know that the Banana Pro is not that powerful, but still I think that it is able to handle more traffic than it seems to do.
According to top the CPU hovers around 10-20% most of the time.
I have also been running nload and tload in order to see the load over a longer time.
Does anyone have an idea of why I'm not seeing more traffic?
Could it be that it is due to the quite slow hardware, even though I know that it is able to push more traffic?
What kind of relay speeds can you expect from a Raspberry Pi for example?