Am Fr., 17. Apr. 2020 um 10:20 Uhr schrieb NOC <>:

I said most not 100%. My exits were in a Datacenter yet they showed up at my home. Actually it depends who it is. The local police here was very friendly and send me a invitation to visit them in cases with computer fraud that were made over the exits, the BKA just gave zero fucks and showed up at 06:00 at my home. And took anything looking like tech.

The exits had as reverse dns and displayed on port 80 what tor is, how it works and why i don't have any usefull data for them. So if they would have done any kind of more than asking the provider who pays for that IP they could have get a hint that they won't find anything useful for their case at my home or on the servers....

Could you give us more info about it?

How long ago was it?
Was it your own hardware in the datacenter?
Which provider was it?

Was there anything in the news about it?
