July 2018 Community Team highlights
Meeting notes ================================================================== https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/CommunityTeam#Curren...
Tor Meeting ================================================================= In July we continued to plan the Mexico City meeting, with special emphasis on the open days.
Outreachy and Summer of Privacy ================================================================== Jaruga continued work on documentation (her work can be tracked here [1], and Cy continued collecting Tor user issues from around the web [2]
Library Freedom Institute ================================================================== Alison covered weeks 5-9 in LFI and made plans for our in-person meetup in NYC. You can follow our progress, too [3]. We also started working with Mozilla to bring the Glass Room Experience to North American libraries.
Tor talks and outreach ================================================================== We had a great time at the HOPE conference in NYC! Lots of people stopped by our table, we held an excellent informal workshop about running relays, and you can check out our "official" panel talk here [4].
Gus held a Tor meetup at FISL in Porto Alegre, Brasil [5]. He also began planning a few other Tor outreach/UX events -- in September he'll conduct outreach and workshops in Nairobi, Kenya, Oaxaca, Mexico, and Mexico City. He also translated the Tor training slides into pt-BR!
Relay advocacy ================================================================== Colin held a relay operator meetup at PETS in Barcelona. Around 40-50 people attended that and an onion workshop, and then everyone went to an afterparty at a local bar. He got great feedback from local operators and a few commitments to running new relays!
Colin, Jaruga, and nusenu worked on keeping the relay operator wiki updated.
Colin began work on system to collect new relay operator contact information in order to send monthly "welcome" / "thank you" emails. He also worked on updating the fallback directory list
Colin also started working with a developer on possibly reviving Tor weather. He also began initial planning for a relay operators meetup in Mexico City during the meeting, as well as a larger relay community summit.
User support and localization ================================================================== emmapeel started as localization coordinator, and Colin helped get her onboarded and hand off localization tasks.
The support portal had its "soft launch" and we worked on updating the content with some of the information Cy found in researching user issues. Gus and emmapeel worked on a localization content workflow for the portal [6].
We created new TB 8.0 content for the Tor Browser manual and started working on localization.
Other stuff ================================================================== We changed the meeting time to Mondays at 1600 UTC to be friendlier to more timezones.
[1] https://tor.dial.ga/ [2] https://ethercalc.org/fk4bgj7ntrbj [3] libraryfreedom.chat (read only) [4] https://livestream.com/internetsociety/hope/videos/178158095 [5] https://blog.torproject.org/tor-meetup-porto-alegre-brasil [6] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-community-team/2018-July/000195.h...