Hi everyone!
This is my report #5 for the unMessage GSoC project.
# Updates
Since the last report I continued working on #21 [0] and #33 [1]:
- Stopped using queues and threads to check for incoming transmissions (that's when the other user starts an action)
- Removed disk dependency to run tests without saving any files
- Added integration tests to make sure things do not break when making low level changes for the unit tests
# What's next
Now that I have more confidence to make changes, I am going to start working on the unit tests. I also expect to review with my mentors what has been done for #21 and declare it done.
More details on these tasks can be followed in the respective tickets [0, 1], branches [2, 3] and the latest PR [4].
Thanks, -Felipe
[0]: https://github.com/AnemoneLabs/unmessage/issues/21 [1]: https://github.com/AnemoneLabs/unmessage/issues/33 [2]: https://github.com/felipedau/unmessage/tree/21/deferreds [3]: https://github.com/felipedau/unmessage/tree/33/feature/test-suite [4]: https://github.com/AnemoneLabs/unmessage/pull/72