Hello everyone!
Here are my updates from January 2023. In total, I resolved 1275 tickets across our email, telegram and signal user support channels. Most of my work last month has been around helping users in regions where Tor is censored. There has been another massive uptick in user requests from China. I have been working with users to get feedback, help them use pluggable transports and troubleshoot Tor.
On Tor Browser front, we had one major stable release and with that some post-release user support work. I received a few reports of users on Apple Silicon-based Macs unable to fetch Tor Browser updates[1] since Tor Browser 12. The issue is resolved in the latest update i.e. 12.0.2. I also made a small update to the documentation about our GetTor distributor in the Tor Browser Manual[2].
Now, a quick overview of our user support channels:
Timeline: 01 - 31 January 2023
# Frontdesk
tickets created: 816 tickets resolved: 1461
Most frequent tickets by numbers:
1. 308 RT Tickets - Private Bridge requests from China
2. 96 RT Tickets - How to use a Tor Bridge in Russia
3. 59 RT Tickets - Circumventing censorship with Tor in Iran
4. 9 RT Tickets - Unable to update to 12.0.1 on Apple Silicon-based Mac[1]
# Telegram and Signal Support channel (cdr.link)
tickets resolved: 650
The most frequent tickets we received have been about:
1. 195 tickets: Circumventing censorship in Russia
2. 166 tickets: Circumventing censorship in Iran
3. 92 tickets: Circumventing censorship in Turkmenistan
4. 19 tickets - Circumventing censorship in China
# Tor Forum
Most popular topics in the Support category (in terms of number of views):
1. "Changing operating system changes browser fingerprints?" [3]
2. "Wanted to run something like tor network in china"[4]
3. "Road from restricted to unrestircted!"[5]
4. "Do Snowflake Proxies Reveal Tor Traffic to ISP?"[6]
5. "Snowflake standalone proxy in Docker: How to make NAT unrestricted?"[7]
-- Joydeep
[1]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/issues/40... [2]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/manual/-/issues/138 [3]: https://forum.torproject.net/t/changing-operating-system-changes-browser-fin... [4]: https://forum.torproject.net/t/wanted-to-run-something-like-tor-network-in-c... [5]: https://forum.torproject.net/t/road-from-restricted-to-unrestircted/6409/ [6]: https://forum.torproject.net/t/do-snowflake-proxies-reveal-tor-traffic-to-is... [7]: https://forum.torproject.net/t/snowflake-standalone-proxy-in-docker-how-to-m...