Notes for August 23 2018 meeting:
Georg: 1) Tor Browser 8.0a10 got out; got good feedback and good bug reports 2) The first Tor Browser for Mobile alpha is about to get out 3) We scrambling to our feet to fix all the things we need to have fixed for Tor Browser 8.0; tentative release candidate build start next Wed/Thu; code freeze next Wed; the release date is 9/5
isabela: 1) Interviewing Grant Manager and Grant Writer candidates 2) Meeting with Mozilla on research about Tor brand perception and convincing points 3) Reviewing lots of copies! Tor Browser desktop and mobile alpha releases, newsletter banner and other docs folks needed me to review related to campaigns 4) Still working on sponsors reports and invoices - got some out, still behind on a couple of them 5) Prep-work for week of sept 10th in Seattle meeting w/ finance and fundraising teams 6) Board meeting last Monday (8.20) my first one :) finally 7) Continue to work whenever I can on PMs onboarding (they should start mid Sept so I have some time) 8) Plan on sending Alison some session ideas this week (sorry I'm behind on this)
Steph: 1) TBA and website copy 2) blog editing 3) someone we met at def con has offered to make a badge for us! talking through options — is there someone with electronics design or firmware experience to talk through some options? 4) talking over email list optimization, newsletter signup banners
Sarah: 1) Working on MDF report and will finish first draft by tomorrow. 2) Completed update of Giant Rabbit should make this live today. 3) Working with Steph to better track upcoming conferences and speaking engagements. I'd ideally like to start building in major donor luncheons and other visits to existing travel. 4) Optimizing email list creation and clarifying usage in Civi as well as making the subscribe/unsubscribe process easier for the user. 5) Collecting and organizing past YE campaign materials and results to begin putting together this year's plan.
Mike: 1) Will review Roger's updated Sponsor2 report today (just saw the mail). 2) Still pondering research developer position. I might work on a draft JD to see what people here think? [Sounds good to me, GeKo]
Alison: 1) I'm working on LFI curriculum changes for next year and starting to think about end of year recruitment. 2) Organizing MX agenda emails into an initial draft schedule, will be sharing with everyone very soon and then folks can edit as they wish. 3) Gus is getting everything ready for his Kenya trip. 4) He is also working on some outreach efforts for Mexico (Oaxaca, Mexico City) 5) Outreachy has ended, but we're encouraging our two interns to stick around. 6) Colin is working on a plan for regular relay operator meetings. He will pilot it with two a month to address different timezones. 7) Jaruga, Colin, Tommy, and Gus are working with emmapeel to add more languages to the TB manual.
Karsten: 1) Started cleaning up all five major metrics codebases based on static code analysis. 2) Rebased a two-years old ExoneraTor branch with major improvements to the database schema that will hopefully not only reduce database size but also minimize variance of query response times.
Nick: 1) Mostly hacking 2) We're focused on sponsor8 deliverables for our sep15 merge deadline; other stuff may be slowed in Tor. 3) I hope to have another 0.3.4 out by the end of the month -- maybe a release, but that depends on bugs and the complexity for fixing them.