The DEMO day for this month will happen on March 23rd at 1600 UTC. I will send the link for the BBB room a few hours before the event.
What is a Demo Day? -------------------
An hour long session at Tir Project's all hands meeting where different people present 5 minutes ideas, tools, hacking or anything that they think it may be interesting for the Tor community.
Presenters will have 5 to 8 minutes and people can ask questions via text in the pad for 3 minutes.
For this month we will have:
- Guardian Project: with Orbot for iOS https://orbot.app
- Anarcat: Undertime - Dealing with the nightmare of timezone and time changes on the commandline in Python.
- Shelikhoo: V2Ray - V2Ray is one of the external proxies one can use to connect to Tor network. It can help user bypass some of the most restrictive censorship here on this planet. Combined with Tor it help user to browse Internet freely, speedy and anonymously. Here is short demo of V2Ray and how to use it to connect to Tor.
- Hiro: Metrics Dashboard.
- Rhatto: Onionprobe
- Jim: Using Shadow @ Tor - To test and tune tor's new congestion control algorithm, we've been using the [shadow] simulator to evaluate the performance of proposed changes. I'll begin by showing how to set up and run a tiny simulation with a web server and a client, and then show how we incrementally build up from there to push-button realistic Tor simulations run in Gitlab CI. [shadow]: https://shadow.github.io/
- PieroV: New censorship circumvention in about:connect in the Tor Browser.
- Richard: update about Blueprint work on Gosling and show off some very hello world functionality.
On 3/23/22 4:53 AM, Gaba wrote:
The room that we will have the demo day in is