Hello Tor!
Here is some updates from the UX team for the month of November.
First of all! We now have Antonela as part of our team working on Design o/ Hiro is also working with us on some projects like the website redesign. And I am now leading the UX team :) (besides project managing stuff as I always do).
We reviewed and gave feedback to the Metrics team new 'timeline of events' project (which is pretty cool). Our feedback can be found as comments at the 24260 ticket. [1]
We are also in touch with OONI to review their revamp of mobile experience.
And we helped the Tor Browser team by doing QA on the Tor Launcher new UI project, you can see the bugs we found and other feedback under 24371. [2]
Another big effort we worked on during November is the Website Redesign project!
So, for those catching up just now with it, the website redesign [3] is a big project that aims to not only redesign 'torproject.org' but create 3 other portals to better organize the content that is now hosted at 'torproject.org'. Those other 3 portals are: community.torproject.org, dev.torproject.org and support.torproject.org
Before November we had mocks for all of these sites done and their cotent organized as well. After montreal we decided to build the support site first, so we started to work on it.
Each project follows the same list of steps to get it done:
0) content architecture - map current content related to the portal and organize it 1) whiteboard draw organization of the content into pages 2) wireframe these pages 3) create design for these pages [these include design reviews till we are happy with what we have] 4) start organizing content for the pages (with the design already done we will be working with that) 5) update high definition mockups with real content 6) guerrilla user testing #1 7) start coding the pages 8) once content is finished we upload them on transifex for translation to start 9) Once coding is done we can start QA by language (as translations gets complete)
Right now we are working on 4 and 5 of those steps for support.tpo, but we have done 0-2 for all portals.
If you would like to check out the design for support you can find it under the main ticket tracking all the work to build that site 24129. [4]
Another work we are doing that is part of this big effort is the creation of 'styleguide@torproject.org'. If you were at the Seattle dev meeting (Q4 2016) you might remember that we were working on a design style guideline for Tor Project [5]
What we did was to apply that to some components of 'bootstrap' and have a fork version of it where people can easily build sites using the css/templates from styleguide.torproject.org
We are still working on that in December but should be done soon. This work will definetly speed up the process of building sites within the Tor Project ecosystem.
But a site is not only done with 'frontend' or better saying html and css hehe We still had to decide what framework to use to build those.
So that was another work we did in November, based on the requirements we had we decided to test a framework called Lektor 24275 [6], we also got stakeholders who will be editing the site to test it and everyone liked it. So this will be the framework we will use.
If you have any questions about any of the projects the UX team is working please reach out to us! If you would like our help with any project you are working on, reach too!
Our roadmap [7] is public and you can check what we have planed for December in there o/
Cheers, isabela
[1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24260 [2] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24371 [3] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21222 [4] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24129 [5] https://media.torproject.org/image/Tor%20Style%20Guide%20v1.3.pdf [6] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24275 [7] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ELMvnIksL-m_r0vJt_rwpIkcjyzZpCyYiQJO...