Hello Tor, hello world!
Below you'll find the highlights of Tor metrics team work done in December 2017.
On behalf of the Tor metrics team, Karsten
Added three new graphs [1, 2, 3] on IPv6 servers statistics to Tor Metrics.
[1] https://metrics.torproject.org/relays-ipv6.html [2] https://metrics.torproject.org/bridges-ipv6.html [3] https://metrics.torproject.org/advbw-ipv6.html
Made several improvements to Relay Search [4] (formerly known as Atlas), including aggregated search [5], map [6], and visual integration into Tor Metrics [7, 8]. More details about the recent work on Relay Search were published in a blog post [9].
[4] https://atlas.torproject.org/ [5] https://atlas.torproject.org/#aggregate [6] https://atlas.torproject.org/#map [7] https://bugs.torproject.org/23518 [8] https://bugs.torproject.org/24399 [9] https://blog.torproject.org/we-made-big-improvements-searching-relays
Changed ExoneraTor [10] to only serve completed dates, which excludes the current day and the day before that.
[10] https://exonerator.torproject.org/
Released Onionoo 5.0-1.9.0 [11] which removes $ from fingerprints in family fields.
[11] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2017-December/012718.html
Changed metrics-web and ExoneraTor from being a Tomcat web application to shipping with an embedded Jetty, and deployed these changes on all torproject.org instances for easier maintenance.
Put out internal releases of metrics-web and ExoneraTor to facilitate development for new contributors.