Notes for August 24 2017 meeting:
Isabela: 1) was on vacation - so catching up on all things 2) writing reports for sponsor4 deliverables that are done 3) picking up on Tor Launcher work 4) Met with Tommy to work on a proposal for OTF to pay a part-time UI designer to work with UX team for 6 months 5) wrote a self-feedback performance report to my peers/manager 6) pinged some teams/people to get meetings organized for Montreal
Alison: 1) Working on getting agenda ideas for Montreal 2) Made some more updates to the support wiki with Phoul 3) One more day for contributor guidelines proposal drafting, then vote 4) Worked out letter of inquiry template for outreach funding with Tommy 5) Did first fundraising sprint, second one is today
Georg: 1) I wanted to raise awareness of which is getting circulated 2) I've been catching up on things after being mostly away from keyboard last week
Nick: 1) Back from vacation. Too many things to pay attention to! 2) Expect to merge working next-gen hidden services in the next 7 days. 3) Trying to coordinate timeline for launcher bootstrap-progress backend stuff with catalyst, mcs, isabela, etc. Not sure I have great visibility into the status there. 4) Our triage-and-planning process is still wonky on my team, but I think we're learning
Shari: 1) lots of time working with Giant Rabbit to start end-of-year campaign 2) board meeting next week to talk about adding new members 3) talking with DRL to kick off Tor mobile grant 4) gonna send a note around about upcoming vacation (I'm out starting Tuesday of next week) 5) welcoming Tommy to his new home in Seattle; talking with him about grant strategy 6) trying to get Sukhbir as MDF tech fellow; reviewed other applicants while we wait
Steph: 1) Fixing some issues with the odp and odt templates. 2) Working on our end of year fundraising campaign, sprints yesterday and today 3) Fielding inquiries, managing social media, blog calendar. New post from OONI going up Monday, will be getting the draft today 4) Talking to 2 possible speaker trainers for a half day training in Montreal. Should be able to make a decision on Tues at next comms meeting 5) Working with UX team on Onion Browser user testing survey
Brad: 1) Ongoing work related to the financial statement and compliance audit for calendar year 2016 2) Also beginning work on preparation of Form 990 (annual tax return)
Arturo: 1) We have been discussing quite a bit the issue of securing probe orchestration (when we will deploy the run any ooniprobe test version of it). Here:, feedback from crypto/security people is appreciated. 2) Had calls with some researchers how we can better work together and they can help us solve some of the research problems we have. 3) We sent the first OONI push notification telling people to run ooniprobe in Angola to monitor the elections!