George Kadianakis writes:
Hello people,
Now setup a socat tunnel to the prop224 ircd: socat TCP4-LISTEN:4250,bind=localhost,fork,reuseaddr SOCKS4A:localhost:gff4ixq3takworeuhkubzz4xh2ulytoct4xrpazkiykhupalqlo53ryd.onion:6697,socksport=9250
Check out the onion address! It's heavy!
Bleh made an error in the above socat command; it points to the wrong socksport based on the torrc above. The right command should be:
$ socat TCP4-LISTEN:4250,bind=localhost,fork,reuseaddr SOCKS4A:localhost:gff4ixq3takworeuhkubzz4xh2ulytoct4xrpazkiykhupalqlo53ryd.onion:6697,socksport=9008
Sorry about that :)
Let me know if you find more errors!