Hello Kathy,
Many thanks for your questions on the research - in terms of the observation, I thought I would come along to this first meeting on the 1st May and see how things go, whether people are generally comfortable with me being there and so on. If people are happy for me to do so, then I'd be interested in potentially speaking to some more people individually, or asking permission to join in on/observe other meetings etc. if that were possible (with the consent and agreement of any participants). Overall, I'm hoping for the fieldwork for this project to last until around the start of summer 2018, but in terms of how much observation would be involved, that is entirely dependent on how comfortable people are with me carrying out the research and what fits best with the community.
In terms of new people coming to the project, I think that this is definitely something important for me to take into account - I'd be very keen to make it clear each time that I'm participating in an observational capacity, provide links to verify who I am and what my research is about, and make it clear that if anyone wasn't comfortable with me being there or didn't consent to participating then they could let me know and I would end the observation immediately. I'd be really interested to hear any thoughts or comments which you had on these issues - do you think that this would be sufficient, or is there anything else you think I should take into account?
Very best,