On 16/11/16 14:58, Tom Ritter wrote:
I don't think this should count for much, but when I added graphs to Consensus Health, I chose D3 because that's what Atlas used, and I thought it would be beneficial to minimize the variety of third party libraries we use as a project. (It uses Javascript to render SVG graphs, nothing fancy.)
D3 is extremely powerful, and therefore complicated as heck.
Good point. By the way, Atlas uses D3, because I rewrote the earlier graphs that were using flot for the exact same reason.
The advantage of Shiny, for example, is that we can keep using our R code and expertise and the powerful ggplot2 graphing library.
And maybe there are other great frameworks out there that we haven't looked at yet.
The good thing is that we don't have to decide on a framework today, we should just talk about reasons for or against picking any of them, because none of them seems to work without JavaScript.
And we really shouldn't write our own.
All the best, Karsten