On 21/03/19 2:13 AM, Kate Krauss wrote:
Hi all,
I recently decided to rejoin IRC, and it was complicated and glitchy. It took weeks of troubleshooting and a manual re-set from pastly, who was working with someone at OFTC. Many thanks to phoul and pastly for their kindness and help. I know that it takes one minute or less for a very experienced person to start and troubleshoot a new account on IRC, and I am not that person.
I have written a short guide for people who have never used--and maybe never heard of--IRC before. You can forward this email (or whatever final version is developed) to friends who want to volunteer for Tor but are daunted by IRC. The persona I'm focusing on:
**A person who has not used IRC before and may or may not be technical.** (I’m starting with English, but other languages are needed as well.)
The goal is to get new people up and running, talking on IRC to Tor people, in real time, with as little frustration as possible. There are also cultural aspects to IRC that require explanation to prevent frustration, so below I have linked to a couple websites that can help. Moving people from webchat to a special client is a project for another time.
Please send your input, focused on this hapless individual who has never used IRC before but wants to help Tor. I wonder if there are better docs on IRC culture? Apologies in advance for anything that is annoyingly inaccurate. Can fix!
This is a nice introduction.
In our online (IRC) based summer training, we are using the following guide for introduction to IRC.